FRIDAY March 30, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS Chamber approves real estate appraisal BY JAMES SWIFT Chamber CEO Cindy Williams. think the Chamber should be think- where we might could go.”
[email protected] “Downtown has seen exceptional ing about, strategically, if they Williams said there’s no growth over the last many years, so want to improve downtown maybe timetable for how early the prop- The Cartersville-Bartow County because our property is one of the there’s a better spot for the Cham- erty could be up for sale. Chamber of Commerce approved a largest pieces of property in down- ber.” “That’s going to take our local measure to appraise the organiza- town, there has been in the past Williams said no official offers team going through that, of course, tion’s real estate tract at Wednes- some conversation about other pos- have been made by developers to and seeing if anybody is really even day’s board of directors meeting. sibilities for commercial develop- purchase the property, but she said interested in that,” she said. “We The board voted to allocate up to ment.” the Chamber would like to be bet- know we have prime real estate in $3,000 to assess the value of the Those rumblings are nothing ter prepared for discussions with downtown, where we are currently, Chamber’s property along 122 new to County Administrator Peter potential buyers in the upcoming so who knows what the possibili- West Main St., which includes a lot Olson. years.