WJFF Board of Trustees August 19, 2015 Minutes - DRAFT 6:30 PM Town of Callicoon Town Hall Trustee Present: John Nordstrom, Jim Lomax, John Bachman, Barb Demarest, Pat Pomeroy, Anne Larsen, Midge Maroni, Ken Hilton, Larry Grosberg, Kit Hulit, Martin Springhetti, Tasa Faronii-Butler, Thane Peterson, Kevin Gref (7:12)

Trustees Absent: None

Other Attendees: Adam Weinreich (General Manager), Judy Heinle (CAB), members of the public

Call to order

1. Approval of Minutes - July 15, 2015

Minutes were approved with revisions. Motion by Jim Lomax, seconded Midge Maroni. All in favor except John Bachman opposed.

2. Revisions to the agenda  Tower committee report moved to Executive session at the end of the meeting.  Grant Application added as item 8B  Code of Conduct (item 7D) and Monticello Translator (item 7E) were deferred to the September meeting  Motion on follow up on Board motions and decisions made by Midge Maroni and seconded by Anne Larsen was made and withdrawn. o Motion made by Anne Larsen: The Nominating and Governance Committee is charged with making a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on how best to track and follow up on its decisions. Seconded by Ken Hilton. Approved unanimously. 3. Public Comment - none 4. GM Report – Attachment A

Based upon the General Manager’s request, a motion was made by Anne Larsen: The Development and Community Outreach Committee is charged with making a recommendation to the Board of Trustees regarding guidelines for reimbursements and honoraria paid to performers at WJFF events. Seconded by Ken Hilton. Approved unanimously. 5. Treasurer’s Report

Ken Hilton referred to the reports from the WJFF Bookkeeping system distributed in advance of the meeting to the Board of Trustees: P&L Budget v Actual YTD, P&L Current v Prior Year YTD, and Balance Sheet and answered questions from the Trustees.

Follow up items are:

 What is booked in Members – Other  How credit card fees differ for one-time versus sound supporter gifts  How to create a P&L by fundraising event  An analysis of net profit/loss YTD 2015 versus 2014. 6. Committee Reports : a) Tower o Pat Pomeroy reviewed the grant application submitted on the tower project b) Gala o Jim Lomax and Adam Weinreich reviewed preparations for gala o Trustees were asked to commit to ticket purchases. Trustees John Nordstrom, Jim Lomax, John Bachman, Barb Demarest, Pat Pomeroy, Ken Hilton, Larry Grosberg, Kit Hulit, Martin Springhetti, Tasa Faronii-Butler, Thane Peterson committed to a total of 70 tickets. Anne Larsen will be away. c) Executive o Pat Pomeroy reported that the Auditor, Liz Loarca attended Executive Committee meeting and reviewed the Audit and Tax filings. o Pat will follow up on question from Anne regarding whether any additional actions are required in regard to overtime pay in excess of 40 hours for the part-time employee. 7. Old Business: a) Kit Hulit’s motion re: Office Manager position o Kit reintroduced the motion she made at the July BOT meeting. The motion was seconded by Larry Grosberg

WHEREAS, the current staffing level of 2 full-time and 1 half-time positions is less than what the station has had in the past, and WHEREAS, the tasks of the Volunteer Coordinator and Membership Coordinator include handling sensitive matters and fiscal responsibilities that should not be delegated to a volunteer, and WHEREAS, many of the duties described in past and current job descriptions fall outside the parameters of coordinating volunteers and membership, and WHEREAS, changing the staffing level to 3 full-time employees can be accomplished within current budget constraints, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the current part-time position of Volunteer Coordinator / Membership Coordinator be made a full-time position to be renamed "Office Manager", and the job description for office manager prepared by the General Manager be adopted and attached to this resolution.

o Ken Hilton reviewed analysis of the financial impact of creating a full time Office Manager in lieu of part time Volunteer Coordinator/Membership Coordinator. (Attachment B) Reference was made to the job descriptions included in the General Manager’s July report. o The matter was discussed by trustees o Motion was approved 10 to 4. Yes: Ken Hilton, Larry Grosberg, Kit Hulit, Martin Springhetti, Thane Peterson, John Nordstrom, Jim Lomax, John Bachman, Barb Demarest, Pat Pomeroy. No: Anne Larsen, Tasa Faronii-Butler, Midge Maroni, Kevin Gref. b) John Nordstrom’s motion re: enhanced/unenhanced underwriting o Tasa Faronii-Butler reviewed the work of the Underwriting workgroup (Attachment C) o John Nordstrom introduced a reworded motion on Underwriting seconded by Martin Springhetti.

Motion: WJFF adopts a policy of enhanced underwriting, except when such enhancements present a possible conflict with the FCC’s restrictions concerning underwriting language, and except when the underwriter’s activities run counter to WJFF’s broadcast mission. These decisions, as well as those of pricing, frequency, and duration are left to the discretion of the General Manager.

o Motion was approved 9 to 5. Yes: Ken Hilton, Larry Grosberg, Kit Hulit, Martin Springhetti, Thane Peterson, John Nordstrom, Jim Lomax, Barb Demarest, Pat Pomeroy. No: Anne Larsen, Tasa Faronii-Butler, Midge Maroni, John Bachman, Kevin Gref c) Meeting Calendar / dates /place/time adjustments o Midge Maroni introduced a set of meeting calendar revisions at the July meeting. No decision was made regarding the overall calendar for 2015/2016, however it was agreed that the September meeting would be held on the 4th Thursday of September, 2015 (Sept 23). d) Code of Conduct - Held until September meeting e) Monticello Translator frequency change – Held until September Meeting

Public Comment

o A member of the public spoke on the following topics: 1) Email among trustees and the danger of violating open meeting rules, 2) Having missed the Auditor’s report since it was made at the Executive Committee Meeting, 3) Importance of posting committee reports, 4) Problem of public not receiving the follow-ups done by trustees after meetings, 5) Posting of policies for public comment. o Anne Larsen introduced a motion seconded by Midge Maroni. The General Manager will post the board’s approved motion on underwriting to the WJFF website and publicize it in a manner similar to the Employee Handbook with a 30 day deadline for public response in conformity to the station’s Policy on Policies. The motion was unanimously approved.

New Business:

a) Committee Appointments 2015/2016 (Attachment D) o A motion was made by Barb Demarest seconded by John Nordstrom. The Board of Trustees appoints its members to committees in conformity with the assignments distributed to the Trustees in advance of the meeting. Each committee will select its chair and secretary and report those selections to the Secretary before the September Board of Trustees meeting. Board officers will arrange the initial meeting time for the committees on which they serve. The motion was unanimously approved.

N & G – Annual meeting agenda format – Not discussed.

Executive Session

Ken Hilton made motion to go in to Executive Session to discuss legal matters related to real estate acquisition and potential legal liability. Seconded by Kit Hulit. Approved unanimously. The motion to come out of executive session was made by Ken Hilton and seconded by Thane Peterson.


The meeting was adjourned upon a motion by Thane Peterson at 10:25.

Attachment A General Manager’s Report for August 19, 2015

Pledge Drive Goal reached at 5:30pm on Day 11. Initial totals: Tally: $55,040 Total mail: 126 Total calls: 325 of which.. New/Increased Sound Supporters: 127 Most popular link: Town Tally Community Check-Ins: 20 Top Towns: NYC, Jeffersonville, Livingston Manor, Damascus Full analysis and report should be ready by next BoT meeting.

Jeffersonville Studio Overhaul Earle to finish Phase 1 within the coming week. Construction phase begins shortly after. Goal of mid-October completion.

Gala Brunch Already confirmed 3 tables, several silent auction gifts. Promotion plan implemented, includes huge variety of on and off-air promotion, both within and outside our existing circles. Heavy reliance on volunteers to spread the word. Request each trustee commit to selling a certain number of seats or tables. Signup sheet will be passed at meeting.

Meeting Minutes Substantial number of minutes are being submitted and will be uploaded to station website. Highly recommend the BoT establish guidelines for consistency in minutes across multiple groups.

CPB News FSR (Financial statement) submitted to CPB with assistance from bookkeeper and accountant. NFFS increased 13.2% over last year to $248,373. Included in-kind contributions booked in accordance with CPB’s specifications.

Request: Honorarium/Reimbursement policy for performers during station events. Prefer some amount of wiggle room depending on the anticipated income from the event, or perhaps key the honorarium to the total anticipated income, with a minimum amount specified for non-fundraising events.

Attachment B August 2015 Transitioning from a Part Time Hourly Volunteer Coordinator’s Position to a Full Time Salaried Office Manager Position: Can WJFF Afford this Change? What are the actual costs of the proposal? On the left side of this chart are the employment costs of maintaining our present arrangement – having a PT Volunteer Coordinator, earning an hourly wage of $15.75, plus two FT salaried positions. On the right side of the chart are the costs of transitioning from a PT Volunteer Coordinator to a FT, salaried Office Manager, beginning on September 1, 2015, earning a salary of $29,000, plus continuing the two existing FT salaried positions. Three assumptions are built into the analysis: * A 3% wage/salary increase beginning on the date of each employee’s hiring in 2016 * The Vol Coord working the same number of hours in 2016 as in 2015 * A 10% increase in health care premiums beginning July 1, 2016

2 FT Salaried + PT Volunteer Coord 2 FT Salaried + FT Office Manager 2015 Wages/Salaries $120,100 $120,567 2015 FICA and Medicare 9,188 9,223 2015 Health Insurance 14,117 15,921 2015 Total $143,405 $145,711 $2306 more

2016 Wages/Salaries $121,676 $122,080 2016 FICA and Medicare 9,308 9,339 2016 Health Insurance 11,365 17,048 2016 Total $142,349 $148,467 $6118 more


Transitioning from a PT Volunteer Coordinator to a FT Office Manager: What is the impact on the WJFF Budget?

Our 2015 budget: $123,000 gross payroll (salaries) $ 9,000 “company expense” – FICA and Medicare $ 2,200 NYSUI (unemployment insurance)* $ 1,500 Worker’s Comp* $ 14,000 Health Insurance $149,700 Total *Because NYSUI and Worker’s Comp costs will be unaffected by the job change, they’re omitted from the analysis. $146,000 Total (Absent SUI and Worker’s Comp)

Present 2015 Salaries: Our General Manager and Program Director are full time salaried. Their salaries are listed below. Our Volunteer Coordinator is a part time employee who is paid $15.75 per hour. Here are their 2015 earnings: Gen Man (full year) $50,000 Prog Man (full year) $41,500 Vol Coor (Jan-June) $14,800 (includes $1000 in overtime pay) $106,300 ($16,700 remaining in the salary budget line as of July 1, 2015)

3 Transitioning to a FT Office Manager: Budget Impact If we transition to a FT Office Manager on Sept. 1, 2015: *2015 Salaries Gen Man $50,000 Prog Dir $41,500 Vol Coor $14,800 Jan – June $ 4,600 estimated, July-August Off Manager $ 9,667 Sept-Dec. $120,567 ($2,433 less than our 2015 salary budget)

*2015 FICA and Medicare contributions by WJFF would increase by approximately $30, rising from approximately $9,188 to $9223. This is $223 over our 2015 budget. *2015 Health Care costs would increase. As of July 1, 2015, our annual single-coverage premium cost is $5412. Prior to July 1, 2015 it was $8705. Thus, for the total year 2015, with only two covered employees, the cost to the station would be $14,117, $117 over our 2015 budget ceiling. If we create and staff the FT Office Manager position on Sept.1, we will be paying an additional one-third of a full premium (for four months) - $1804. So our total health insurance premium costs for 2015 would total $15,921, $1,921 over the 2015 budget. Transitioning to a FT Office Manager on Sept. 1,2015: Comparing the 2015 Budget to Actual Costs. 2015 Budget 2015 Actual Costs Salaries $123,000 $120,567 FICA/Mcare 9,000 9,223 Health Ins 14,000 15,921 $146,000 $145,711 ($289 less than 2015 Budget)

4 But what about the 2016 Budget. How would it be affected? If we transition to a FT Office Manager position on Sept. 1, 2015: 2016 Salaries: Based upon an assumption that we raise salaries by 3% on the first day of the month each employee was initially hired, we would see the following 2016 salary costs: Projected 2016 Salaries o Gen Man (June) $50,875 o Prog Dir (Sept) $41,915 o Office Manager (Sept) $29,290

$122,080 2016 FICA and Mcare costs for WJFF would total $9,339. 2016 Health Insurance. In the unlikely event that our premiums don’t change next year, our costs for three FT employees would total $16,236. It would, however, be prudent to plan for a 10% increase, beginning July 1, the date of our policy renewal. That would result in a total cost of health insurance of $17,047. But if we do what virtually all businesses do -- ask our employees to contribute to the cost of their health insurance – we could offset significant costs to the station. For instance, if starting in January 2016, our three employees paid 15% of the premium cost, it would cut WJFF’s 2016 premium payments by $2,557, lowering the station’s costs to $14,490. This would require an increase in our health insurance budget line from 2015 to 2016 of $490, a raise of 3%. If our three employees paid 10% of premium costs, or $1,705, it would require an increase in the station’s health insurance budget line from 2015 to 2016 of $1342, a 9.5% increase. Using the first of these examples (employees paying 15% of health insurance premiums), we would see the following employee costs for 2016 (SUI and Worker’s comp omitted): $122,080 salaries 9,339 FICA and Medicare $ 14,490 Health Insurance $145,909 Total ($91 less than our 2015 budget)

Attachment C

Report on Underwriting to

WJFF Board of Trustees

Part 2

In October 2014

A motion was made by John Bachman to form a fact-finding group, made up of Kevin Gref, Midge Maroni, Sonja Hedlund, Tasa Faronii-Butler, and Anne Larsen to research and present to the Board information regarding the Underwriting Policy, as well as historical data on underwriting and underwriting rates. 7 trustees voted in favor; 3 opposed; 1 abstained; 1 vote was either miscounted or did not vote. Motion carried

Part 1 of this Report on Underwriting provided:

 FCC underwriting rules & regulations  Definition of enhanced/unenhanced  Historical income data and philosophy on WJFF underwriting  Remarks from WJFF general manager, program director, & former station manager

To complete Part 2 of the Report on Underwriting, each member of the UW workgroup listened to several hours of NPR station’s underwriting from across the United States. The workgroup selected stations in the northeast in order to determine how these radio stations addressed enhanced/unenhanced underwriting.

Part 2 of the Report on Underwriting contains samplings of the underwriting sound broadcasted on WGXC, WERU, WSKG, WQLN, WAMC, and WDIY. We have provided these stations’ location, the budget, and whenever possible, UW rates and revenue. URL web addresses are also included.

In the Google Drive Folder: Underwriting Report Part 2 you will find audio examples of UW and UW guidelines.

 WGXC http://tunein.com/radio/WGXC-907-s100290/

Greene/Colunbia County

Budget 442,000

 WERU https://weru.org/contact

Blue Hill, ME Budget 599,000

Underwriting 98,400

 WSKG www.wskg.org/ Vestal, NY Budget 5,244,000 Underwriting 656,700

 WAMC .org/listen-live-wamc Albany, NY Budget 7,128,000 Underwriting not broken out

 WDIY http://wdiy.org/ Bethlehem, PA Budget 520,700 Underwriting 173,900

We trust this information will aid

Links to stations providing useful examples of ways to describe and promote underwriting:

WSLU: North Country Public Radio

General Intro to Underwriting, reasons why: http://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/support/under1.html

Guidelines: http://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/support/uwguidelines.html

Rates: http://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/support/uwrates.html

KBOO (Portland, Oregon))

Basic Info/Guidleines/Rates http://kboo.fm/underwriting

KKCR (Hanalei, Hawaii) General http://www.kkcr.org/underwrite.html

Rates: http://www.kkcr.org/docs/UnderwritingPackage2015.pdf

WSKG (Binghamton, NY)

Guidelines: http://www.wskg.org/support/wskg-underwriting-guidelines


Basic Info, Guidelines https://weru.org/support/program-underwriting

Rates: https://weru.org/sites/default/files/2013%20WERU%20Underwriting%20Rates.pdf


In summary, the UW workgroup has carefully examined the FCC guidelines on the importance of value neutral underwriting. Underwriting was originally intended to give businesses, individuals and organizations the opportunity to support rather than promote a service or a product. In 1984, provisions were made in the FCC guidelines that permitted enhancement of underwriting with a location and identifying phrase. In recent years, enhancement of underwriting spots on NPR has increased, with many stations following suit and also increasing enhancement.

After listening to several hours of underwriting from NPR stations in Arizona, Illinois, Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, California, Kentucky, Florida, and Pennsylvania the work group found that most NPR stations use enhanced underwriting within 8 seconds spots. We have also found that most post station guidelines concerning underwriting content, underwriting rates, and PR materials describing benefits to underwriting on their websites. Links to some examples of this are provided above. We found that many stations included “spots” from underwriters describing why they underwrite, the improved relationship with their community this brings, and benefits to their business. Stations also highlight their underwriters on their website, and other publications, and the role underwriting plays in improving the businesses’ relationship with the community.

At WJFF, we have found that in 2008 Station Manager D’Antonio outlined a detailed plan for developing a larger market for underwriting without undermining the historical non-commercial sound and culture of the station. We have not found that the recommendations in that report provided to the WJFF Board, have been implemented. We have found that underwriting spots at WJFF since 2008 have become longer, have included more detailed information about the business, and routinely exceed WJFF policy of a lightly enhanced, non-commercial spots. This underwriting policy, culture and sound D’Antonio stated were still in effect in 2008. We have found no Board action or vote since 2008 to change the original policy.

In 2015, the WJFF Program Director and the WJFF General Manager have provided two different views and recommendations concerning underwriting. The Program Director recommends, “de-enhancing” and returning to WJFF’s original brand of non-commercial sound; the General Manager recommends continuing on the path of increased enhancement. The Community Advisory Board is making its own UW Report and has not yet given recommendations to the Board about underwriting. There has been no survey of the WJFF listening community. Underwriting was scheduled to be included in the Strategic Plan activities.

Respectfully submitted to Board of Trustees August 11, 2015 by Tasa Faronii-Butler, Chairperson Underwriting Workgroup

Attachment D – Committee Assignments

Financ Nom & Personne Audi *DCO *Facilitie ^Strat ^Transmitte ^Endo Exec e Gov l t C s Plan r w Bachman x x x Demarest x x x Faronii-Butler x x Gref x x Grosberg x Hilton x x x x Hulit x x x Larsen x x Lomax x x x Maroni x x x Nordstrom x x x Peterson x x x Pomeroy x x x x Springhetti x x x * Advisory Committees ^ Work groups

Chair PP KH Secretary BD

4:05 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through August 17, 2015

Jan 1 - Aug 17, 15 Jan 1 - Aug 17, 14 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Benefit Income 25th Anniversary Brunch 181.00 0.00 Butterfield/Hern Concert 0.00 1,358.35 Foodstock 0.00 5,908.00 Holiday Show 311.00 0.00 Jazz Concert 8,668.90 0.00 Music Sale 0.00 100.00 Peter Seeger Concert 0.00 1,360.00 Wonderful Things Auction 7,190.20 0.00 Yardstock 0.00 275.00

Total Benefit Income 16,351.10 9,001.35

Benefit Underwriting 2,411.00 0.00 Business Underwriting 13,102.21 13,476.11

Car Talk Donations 3,095.47 6,202.65 Contribution 550.00 0.00 Donated Services and Materials 657.00 0.00 Foundation Grants 6,500.00 0.00 Government Grants County 0.00 1,600.00 CPB Restricted 0.00 6,354.00 CPB - Other 0.00 11,749.00

Total CPB 0.00 18,103.00

Total Government Grants 0.00 19,703.00

Grants - Matching 1,079.00 0.00 In-Kind Income 4,028.50 0.00 Interest 2,275.95 5,735.00 King Fisher Project 438.25 0.00 Match 0.00 107.50 Members CPB Penalty Fund 0.00 1,130.00 End of Year 2013 0.00 11,311.00 End of Year 2014 7,310.00 0.00 Member - Renewed membership 0.00 4,858.00 Member(Sound Supporters) 11,352.50 6,715.25 Membership Other 65.00 0.00 Pledge Drive 1 39,997.50 38,343.00 Pledge Drive 2 10,861.00 28,968.25 Pledge Drive 3 1,615.00 10.00 Soundings 190.00 0.00

Page 1 4:05 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through August 17, 2015

Jan 1 - Aug 17, 15 Jan 1 - Aug 17, 14 Members - Other 8,729.57 2,334.68

Total Members 80,120.57 93,670.18

Merchandise Sale of T-Shirts etc. 2,235.00 1,836.00

Total Merchandise 2,235.00 1,836.00

Miscellaneous Printer Can 0.00 36.00 Miscellaneous - Other 340.00 100.00

Total Miscellaneous 340.00 136.00

Paid PSA 1,000.00 200.00 Returned items 1,000.00 0.00 Trade discounts 0.00 3,885.00

Total Income 135,184.05 153,952.79

Gross Profit 135,184.05 153,952.79

Expense Bank Charges Credit Card Fees 2,368.00 2,369.32 Bank Charges - Other 37.86 65.00

Total Bank Charges 2,405.86 2,434.32

Benefit expenses 25th Anni. Open House 889.01 0.00 Butterfield/Hern Concert 0.00 551.00 Foodstock Expense 0.00 300.00 Holiday Show 0.00 582.56 Jazz Concert 6,453.01 0.00 Messiah Community 300.00 0.00 Open House 104.77 63.50 Pete Seeger Benefit Concert 0.00 410.00 Wondedrful Things Auction 308.36 211.02 Benefit expenses - Other 0.00 0.00

Total Benefit expenses 8,055.15 2,118.08

Board Training 0.00 590.76 Broadcast Cable 4,453.16 4,432.13 Broadcast Equipment (durable) 11,981.96 1,780.20 Broadcast Supplies (consumable) 998.98 374.41 Conference - Registratration 210.00 819.20 Conference - Travel 122.22 0.00

Page 2 4:05 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through August 17, 2015

Jan 1 - Aug 17, 15 Jan 1 - Aug 17, 14 Dues & Publications 285.00 100.00

Dues / Fees Programming African-American P R C 450.00 450.00 APM Fees 9,057.81 7,274.20 FAIR 135.00 125.00 Ken Mills Agency 250.00 750.00 NPR Dues 14,754.75 14,326.51 Pacifica 3,107.25 4,143.00 PRI Dues 3,281.84 1,616.67 PRI Fees 877.00 2,176.00

Total Dues / Fees Programming 31,913.65 30,861.38

Engineering Services 4,573.30 0.00 Fundraising/Membership Dr 1,222.39 3,312.76 Honesdale Studio Electricity 1,400.00 2,625.00 Rent 2,450.00 2,450.00 Honesdale Studio - Other 559.60 563.60

Total Honesdale Studio 4,409.60 5,638.60

Household Supplies 121.06 459.18 Independent Contractors Accounting & Bookkeeping 3,422.05 2,598.75 Architect 2,445.00 0.00 Auditor 8,250.00 8,250.00 Engineering 600.00 0.00

News Reporting 4,375.00 3,000.00 Professional Announcer 0.00 100.00 Public Relations 0.00 3,075.00 Underwriting 1,099.20 1,563.80 Youth Radio 0.00 4,084.25

Total Independent Contractors 20,191.25 22,671.80

Insurance Health 9,608.60 7,242.58 Liability 4,029.75 6,710.75

Total Insurance 13,638.35 13,953.33

Interest & Finance Charges 0.00 83.92 Internet 4,179.29 3,266.24 Jeff Hydro Tax Reimbursement 1,062.66 1,059.54 Legal & Professional Fees 7,425.00 14,199.92 Membership Premium Exp

Page 3 4:05 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through August 17, 2015

Jan 1 - Aug 17, 15 Jan 1 - Aug 17, 14 T-Shirts & Mugs 250.00 3,131.15

Total Membership Premium Exp 250.00 3,131.15

Office Equipment 5,598.33 1,192.29 Office Supplies & Expenses 3,114.17 3,711.20 Payroll Company expense 6,022.65 4,342.92 Disability Insurance 24.00 0.00 Gross 78,729.96 50,456.04 NYSUI 771.61 924.04 Workers Compensation 1,240.53 1,452.50

Total Payroll 86,788.75 57,175.50

Postage & Shipping 1,764.67 5,961.35 Program Fees 10.00 0.00 Promotion & Publicity King Fisher Project 164.34 0.00 Promotion & Publicity - Other 3,810.49 1,348.43

Total Promotion & Publicity 3,974.83 1,348.43

RE Taxes 1,617.33 1,598.53 Refund to contributor 210.00 5.00 Repairs & Maintenance Green House 389.23 95.04 Repairs & Maintenance - Other 2,157.37 8.62 Repairs & Maintenance - Other 2,536.74 4,333.21

Total Repairs & Maintenance 5,083.34 4,436.87

Sewer Tax 500.00 502.30 Soundings -146.04 0.00 Telephone 2,260.53 2,140.76 Travel Travel - Entertainment 93.34 443.30 Travel - Other 207.10 19.69

Total Travel 300.44 462.99

Uncategorized expenses 98.57 0.00 Utilities Electricity Green House 300.63 252.40 Hydro 2,243.55 1,323.56 Monticello 1,544.21 1,218.67 Tower 8,243.26 5,871.43

Page 4 4:05 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through August 17, 2015

Jan 1 - Aug 17, 15 Jan 1 - Aug 17, 14 Total Electricity 12,331.65 8,666.06

Fuel - Green House 957.70 1,076.50 Gas 3,017.34 4,174.34 Water Green House 297.90 120.00 Water - Other 0.00 253.74

Total Water 297.90 373.74

Total Utilities 16,604.59 14,290.64

Volunteer Appreciation 86.37 1,250.86

Total Expense 245,364.76 205,363.64

Net Ordinary Income -110,180.71 -51,410.85

Other Income/Expense Other Income Interest Income 0.00 66.59

Total Other Income 0.00 66.59

Net Other Income 0.00 66.59

Net Income -110,180.71 -51,344.26

Page 5 4:04 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Accrual Basis January through December 2015

Jan - Dec 15 Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income Benefit Income 25th Anniversary Brunch 181.00 Holiday Show 311.00 Jazz Concert 8,668.90 Wonderful Things Auction 7,190.20 Benefit Income - Other 0.00 32,500.00

Total Benefit Income 16,351.10 32,500.00

Benefit Underwriting 2,411.00 2,000.00 Business Underwriting 13,102.21 25,000.00

Car Talk Donations 3,095.47 6,000.00 Contribution 550.00 Corporate Grants 0.00 2,000.00 Donated Services and Materials 657.00 Draw from Savings 0.00 26,200.00 Foundation Grants 6,500.00 10,000.00 Government Grants 0.00 80,000.00

Grant-YR Grant/Sullivan 0.00 2,000.00 Grants - Matching 1,079.00 10,000.00 In-Kind Income 4,028.50 Interest 2,275.95 5,000.00 King Fisher Project 438.25 Match 0.00 1,000.00 Members End of Year 2014 7,310.00 Member(Sound Supporters) 11,352.50 15,000.00 Membership Other 65.00 Pledge Drive 1 39,997.50 Pledge Drive 2 10,861.00 Pledge Drive 3 1,615.00 Soundings 190.00 Members - Other 8,729.57 150,000.00

Total Members 80,120.57 165,000.00

Merchandise Sale of T-Shirts etc. 2,235.00 Merchandise - Other 0.00 2,000.00

Total Merchandise 2,235.00 2,000.00

Miscellaneous 340.00 250.00

Paid PSA 1,000.00 2,000.00

Page 1 4:04 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Accrual Basis January through December 2015

Jan - Dec 15 Budget Returned items 1,000.00

Total Income 135,184.05 370,950.00

Gross Profit 135,184.05 370,950.00

Expense Bank Charges Credit Card Fees 2,368.00 Bank Charges - Other 37.86 3,300.00

Total Bank Charges 2,405.86 3,300.00

Benefit expenses 25th Anni. Open House 889.01 Jazz Concert 6,453.01 Messiah Community 300.00 Open House 104.77 Wondedrful Things Auction 308.36 Benefit expenses - Other 0.00 6,500.00

Total Benefit expenses 8,055.15 6,500.00

Board Training 0.00 2,000.00 Bonus YE Cleaning & Sanitation 0.00 300.00 Broadcast Cable 4,453.16 Broadcast Equipment (durable) 11,981.96 15,000.00 Broadcast Fiber Optic Cable 0.00 7,000.00 Broadcast Supplies (consumable) 998.98 2,000.00 Conference - Registratration 210.00 1,000.00 Conference - Travel 122.22 1,500.00 Donation 0.00 250.00 Donor Appreciation 0.00 1,000.00 Dues & Publications 285.00 1,500.00

Dues / Fees Programming African-American P R C 450.00 APM Fees 9,057.81 FAIR 135.00 Ken Mills Agency 250.00 NPR Dues 14,754.75 Pacifica 3,107.25 PRI Dues 3,281.84 PRI Fees 877.00 Dues / Fees Programming - Other 0.00 48,000.00

Total Dues / Fees Programming 31,913.65 48,000.00

Engineering Services 4,573.30 5,000.00 Fundraising/Membership Dr 1,222.39 3,000.00 Page 2 4:04 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Accrual Basis January through December 2015

Jan - Dec 15 Budget Honesdale Studio Electricity 1,400.00 Rent 2,450.00 Honesdale Studio - Other 559.60 7,000.00

Total Honesdale Studio 4,409.60 7,000.00

Household Supplies 121.06 1,000.00 Independent Contractors Accounting & Bookkeeping 3,422.05 5,000.00 Architect 2,445.00 Auditor 8,250.00 8,000.00 Engineering 600.00 2,500.00

News Reporting 4,375.00 6,500.00 Underwriting 1,099.20 2,000.00 Youth Radio 0.00 2,000.00

Total Independent Contractors 20,191.25 26,000.00

Insurance Health 9,608.60 14,000.00 Liability 4,029.75 7,000.00 Other insurance 0.00 1,100.00

Total Insurance 13,638.35 22,100.00

Internet 4,179.29 5,000.00 Jeff Hydro Tax Reimbursement 1,062.66 1,100.00 Legal & Professional Fees 7,425.00 10,000.00 Membership Premium Exp T-Shirts & Mugs 250.00 Membership Premium Exp - Other 0.00 2,000.00

Total Membership Premium Exp 250.00 2,000.00

Office Equipment 5,598.33 2,000.00 Office Supplies & Expenses 3,114.17 2,000.00 Payroll Company expense 6,022.65 9,000.00 Disability Insurance 24.00 Gross 78,729.96 123,000.00 NYSUI 771.61 2,200.00 Workers Compensation 1,240.53 1,500.00

Total Payroll 86,788.75 135,700.00

Pension expense 0.00 4,700.00 Postage & Shipping 1,764.67 1,500.00 Program Fees 10.00 Page 3 4:04 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Accrual Basis January through December 2015

Jan - Dec 15 Budget Promotion & Publicity King Fisher Project 164.34 Promotion & Publicity - Other 3,810.49 2,000.00

Total Promotion & Publicity 3,974.83 2,000.00

RE Taxes 1,617.33 3,000.00 Refund to contributor 210.00 Repairs & Maintenance Green House 389.23 Repairs & Maintenance - Other 2,157.37 Repairs & Maintenance - Other 2,536.74 10,000.00

Total Repairs & Maintenance 5,083.34 10,000.00

Sewer Tax 500.00 1,000.00 Software 0.00 3,000.00 Soundings -146.04 5,000.00 Sunshine 0.00 250.00 Technical Training 0.00 1,000.00 Telephone 2,260.53 3,000.00 Travel Mileage 0.00 1,000.00 Travel - Entertainment 93.34 1,000.00 Travel - Other 207.10

Total Travel 300.44 2,000.00

Uncategorized expenses 98.57 Utilities Electricity Green House 300.63 Hydro 2,243.55 Monticello 1,544.21 Tower 8,243.26

Total Electricity 12,331.65

Fuel - Green House 957.70 Gas 3,017.34 Water Green House 297.90 Water - Other 0.00 250.00

Total Water 297.90 250.00

Utilities - Other 0.00 21,000.00

Total Utilities 16,604.59 21,250.00

Page 4 4:04 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Accrual Basis January through December 2015

Jan - Dec 15 Budget Volunteer Appreciation 86.37 2,000.00

Total Expense 245,364.76 370,950.00

Net Ordinary Income -110,180.71 0.00

Net Income -110,180.71 0.00

Page 5 4:02 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Balance Sheet Accrual Basis As of August 17, 2015

Aug 17, 15 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 101 · Checking 23,299.87

Total Checking/Savings 23,299.87

Accounts Receivable 1200 · Accounts Receivable 9,626.72

Total Accounts Receivable 9,626.72

Other Current Assets 110 · CD Wayne Bank 2 12,189.37 135 · CD Jeff 111 54,641.50 154 · Vanguard Mutual Fund 130,518.13

Total Other Current Assets 197,349.00

Total Current Assets 230,275.59

Fixed Assets 149 Prepaid Expense 350.00 145 · Broadcast Equip 174,824.84 151 · Buildings Krieger House 67,367.45 151 · Buildings - Other 39,444.26

Total 151 · Buildings 106,811.71

152 · Equipment 308,787.31 153 · Improvements 37,505.38 159 · Accumulated Depreciation -444,724.66

Total Fixed Assets 183,554.58

Other Assets 112 · Pledges Receivable 8,204.97 113 · Grants Receivable 900.00

Total Other Assets 9,104.97

TOTAL ASSETS 422,935.14

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 201 · Accounts Payable 11,620.96 211 · Payroll-Fica 518.14 212 · Payroll-Fica-Co 517.14 Page 1 4:02 PM Radio Catskill, Inc.

08/17/15 Balance Sheet Accrual Basis As of August 17, 2015

Aug 17, 15 213 · Payroll-FWT 1,603.77 214 · Payroll-Mcare -247.69 215 · Payroll-Mcare-Co -463.65 216 · Payroll-SWT 216.01 · Payroll-SUI -2,256.73 216 · Payroll-SWT - Other 722.70

Total 216 · Payroll-SWT -1,534.03

Total Other Current Liabilities 12,014.64

Total Current Liabilities 12,014.64

Total Liabilities 12,014.64

Equity 300.1 · Net Assets - Fixed Assets 256,392.16 300.2 · Net Assets - Unrestricted 165,525.71 300.3 · Net Assets - Temp Restricted 9,629.12 3900 · Retained Earnings 89,554.22 Net Income -110,180.71

Total Equity 410,920.50


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