No Change in Charter for Bolton
to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, May 1, 1989 CARS CARS I CAMPERS/ MOTORCYCLES/ FOR SALE FOR SALE TRAILERS MOPEOS Declaration Rainy win A S p c c i o l i PLYMOUTH Reliant, DODGE Caravan, 1985, YELLOWSTONE, 1970, MOTORCYCLE Insu- Confusion 1983, excellent condi rance. Same day cov- • front wheel drive, 21' bunkhouse, sleeps f tion. four door, air 2.2/four cylinder, 46K, six, good condition, eroge, competitive Election rules conditioning. 47K. needs some body work. $1,200. 875-6927.0 rates on full range of Manchester pulls into tie motercvcies. Call Questions arise $2,000 or best offer. $4,500. 643-4177._______ TRAVEL Trailer Cit CLEANINS CARPENTRY/ PAINTING/ 649-4256. Crockett Agency, Inc. debated In 8th /3 MISCELLANEOUS ation, 32' 1983, clean, for the lead in CCC East / I I SERVICES REM0DELIN6 PAPERING CHEVY Malibu Classic, 643-1577._____________ on fusion claim /15 SERVICES 1977. New V-8 engine In excellent condition, stero, automatic wln- HARLEY Davidson, 86. RELA X now In your 1981. $250. or best otter. iicLaniey HeaM Cxtoriar Paladag A terlzer, 22'awnlng, FXR super glade. 1,700 golden age. I'll clean Call 643-6830after 5pm. laigravemeats Stalalag Daae. KAWKES TREE SERVICE double doors, sleeps miles. Show room for you. Call Lin 643- CHRYSLER LeBaron 82. A Free eatimatea Houses, garages, decks 6 Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump six, come see It any stock, flawless. $5,950. 6229. SCHALLER 79K, power steering, •Oecka fences. Exterior porches A removal. Frae estimates. ACURA QUALITY tim e .$10,500 negotla- Call 569-4976. •RooSng a i r conditioning, steps rebuilt.
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