Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, July 19, 2018 OUR 128th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 29-2018 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] ONE DOLLAR Asm. Bramnick Seeks Change In Affordable-Housing Laws By CHRISTINA M. HINKE Garwood, Scotch Plains, Mountain- required the municipality to build Specially Written for The Westfield Leader side and Fanwood, residents are see- hundreds of units, and the township CRANFORD — Assemblyman Jon ing large-scale apartment buildings currently is working to fulfill its law- Bramnick (R-21st, Westfield), Re- being erected with what is called suits’ obligation that is to be met by publican Assembly Minority Leader, inclusionary housing, meaning de- the end of the year; it still has yet to held a town-hall-style meeting at velopers build high-density housing reach a third-round affordable-hous- Kilkenny House July 9 to discuss his that sets aside, typically, 15 to 20 ing agreement. ideas on how to change state laws that percent for affordable housing, and Westfield settled with the courts require municipalities to provide a the municipalities will include that in last year, and most recently a new certain number of affordable-hous- their affordable-housing allotment apartment complex on South and ing units. that the court imposes upon them. Central Avenues was built with Mr. Bramnick asserted that he is For instance, Scotch Plains is ex- inclusionary housing. The town also not against providing affordable hous- pected to have 3,000 new apartments has earmarked commercial proper- ing, but rather he is against the high- built, with about 15 percent of those ties such as Westfield Lumber and density housing that goes along with earmarked as affordable housing, af- Williams Nursery as spaces that could including affordable housing within a ter the township settled its affordable potentially become residential with development and the courts being in housing with the court earlier this inclusionary housing.