Out of Jail; in Again

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Out of Jail; in Again BANE I.sued Weekly, Entered s« Becoqd-Oluis Matter at the Foit- VOLUME XLVI, NO, 47. ollko at Bed Bonk, N. J-. under tho Act of March 3d, 1879. RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY/MAY 14, 1924. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 12; OUT OF JAIL; IN AGAIN. SAID THEY SOLD LIQUOR. A MASONIC CELEBRATION. DISPUTED TURKEY BILL. MRS. MARY THOM'S WILL. A MUSICAL AFTERNOON)N . Fifth Annual Ladies' Niglit Held *t Music at tho Woman's Club - FIRE COMPANY FORMED.!TWO SISTERS ENGAGED. Hiflh School Last Friday. n Fri- , PONALD C. WILCOX AGAIN THREE MEN PLEAD GUILTY TO MIDDLETOWN'S COMMITTEE FAIR HAVEN WOMAN'S ESTATE day ~I_o»i< Exhibition, Next Week. Tlio auditorium of the high ORGANIZED LAST WEEK AT HARMONY GIRLS WILL PUT BEHIND BARS. THIS OFFENCE. BALKS AT PAYING $309. GOES TO A DAUGHTER. Mrs. William I). Suyre, Mrs. Carl' school was comfortably filled last Schwencker, Mrs. Frunk Price, Miss FAIRFIELD GARDENS. COME BRIDES SOON. William H. Brighton of Avon, Hi: John O'Kcefe and Three Otherl Friday night nt the fifth annual The Bill is from Mrs. Gracs E. Many CoiK Bequests Left by Mitt Katharine Vandervoer and Mrs. Company Has Been Named j Lilian C. Hcndrickson Engaged td Bondsman, Surrendered Him L< Were Al.o Indicted (or thi> Of- ladies' night celebration of Mystic Langler o£ Riverside Drive for Cecelia T. Stephens of, Keyport Arthur V. Gregory will be lm.stes.ies Middletown Township Fire Com- C. C. Moury of Nutloy anil the Law LM' Friday—Wilcox fence, but They Said They Wero Brotherhood lodge of Masons of Sixteen Turlteys and 174 Turltoy Unusuul. Features in the Will of at the meeting of Iho Itrvl Hank pany No. 1—A Firehouse to be Louijo W. Hcnilrickspn Engaged Wore Detcctivo Budf|o into Cull. Not Guilty—Other Court Ca»o». Red Bank. An entertaining pro- Eggs Destroyed by Dogs. Albert Embley of Long Branch. Woman's club on Friday. The music gram was furnished by the Lap- Built by the Company. to a Newark Man. D.onnlfJ C. Wikox of Hod Hank AH tlio remaining persons who Action was taken by the Middle- Mrs. Mary Thorn of. Fair Haven, department will have charge of the. had been indicted by tho May itino-Sand concert company and A lire company has been organ- 'lh" ciigagemi-nl is announced, of •was put hack in the county jnil I''ri- town township committee last who died H short time ago, left a meeting and the program will in- grand jury at their last sitting was well received by the audience. ized in Middlutuwn township which Mi.-.H Lilian Crannior Hendrickaon, <lay. ilo wan arrested on the. previ- Thursday night on three hills for will which :,hr. made last October. clude two numbers by the club were arraigned at Freehold last The artists furnishing the program 1 of members who live at, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. l);miel T, ous Snturi'lny en charges of attempt- poultry,killed by <Iogs. One bill chorus, flute, solo by francos Rials- ,.- ard ,,s and the adjacent Wednesday and Thursday. Four were Francis J. Lapitino, Albert .She left, all of her estate to her nirfield O e JlendricKson of Harmony, in Mid«' ing; to blackmail fives Polish resi- was for ,J8 and was from C. Albert daughter, Mrs. Ida Wilber, wife of dell, contralto solos by Mrs. Minor dents of Middlctown ti>\viiHlii|i, anil (iL-i-uuns were charged with selling Barono nnd Anthony Luizzi, ,com- locality. While the company is a dlelmvii township, ami Jiev. Culvijj Mount of Loeurt Point for six chick- Edwin II. Wilber, with whom Mrs. Brown and Miss Newman, soprano volunteer company it has been in- alter spending two days in jull lie liquor. These persona wcro John prising the Venetian trio; Harry C. ens killed by dogs. The bill was ap- snlo by Miss LaBrocque, solo with '•hrisiian Mi-ury, past.u- of tho Ke. J. O'Keefe of Red Bank, John Leslie Leroy Kelly Thorn iiad made her home for many I" corporated under the laws of the •was released) in $4,000 bail, with Sand te proved and Mr. Mount was notified uto fonm.-d church ill Nllfley. No data Backus ami Peter Bovo of Long years. The witnesses to tho In liy Evelyn Kirk and , state and it has received a state William II. Brighton of Avon as his reader and Harry Sinister piunist that the money would bo paid later Fra nc cs has een set for the wedding. Branch, and Antonio Ratti, a bar- Following the program dancing was wen- Tunis V. V. Kendrick of I.'airj . , Blaisdell, a number by the charter. The fire company has bond&rnan. Lust Friday Mr. Bright- in the. year. The. appraisers of the a{iics tr o£ l ln cluh allJ :.? IJeml ber of Eatontown. They will have enjoyed to music furnished by the Haven and Charles E. Hendrickson i' ' '° ' * humor- on decided that lie did not want to poultry wera William Bocckel and ous taken tho name of "Middletown | the "highest honors from tbo Mid. their trials n*xt month. Three Serenaders. The concert program of Red Bank. reading by Harriet McPhair. bo on Wileox's hail any longer and Jacob Strykcr, Jr. The art lie notified Constable; Leon Dennett other persons pleaded guilty to sell- was as follows: Cecelia T. Stephens of Keyport department of the club The papers of incorporation were ; L William 11. Gibson had a bill for wl11 hold loan exhibit of hanrfi- Ran* of Ked LSank to tins ell'eet. Con- ing liquor. They were Philip Tal- •KKIIUO" left a long will and two codicils, the | Garni $30 for twelve Rhode Island Rsd work BtiUile Bennett took Wilcox into cus- erico of Ealontown and Silas Nash Adoration" . Gn:il codicils being due to the fact that I . paintings and antiq tody and locked him up in the coun- and John Konkliotis of Long Venetian Triri hens which were killed by dogs. The some of thu legatees had died duru|- j »rtern_oons and evenings of Tues- "Would Coil I Wcrp n Tender Appje Blr>« appraisers were William Golden and ing the intervals between the i:iy ty j nil at Freehold. Brunch. They will be sentenced Bom" * Fisher ak-1 ' < Wednesday and Thursday June 4lh. Carnutn Genovese. of William Boeckel. The committee ing of the will and the making ofj!1 The admission fee will When Wiloox wag first arrested, "The Blind I'lniwhman" Clark Middletown township was sent to Hurry Smut thought the bill was too large and the. codicil;.. The will provided that entertainment and ve- Percy Wolcott became WilcoxVs the. county jail for ten days fcr "BerceuHe" .,. ; Godnnl they sent word to Mr. Gibson that the funeral expenses should not ex- The ctiib members bondsman for $300 i'or tho appear- "Serenade" MoHr.kowiiki ing the present meeting place of the stealing two automobile tires from they would approve it if he would ceed JfL'OO and that the burial ance of. Wilcox before Justice Wain Walter Lnnkanau. Mamie Harris reduce it to $30. made in St. Mary's cemetery wright. The justice held Wilcux Violin Ohliiiatei—Allirrt Hnrone to loan articles for any of the at the meeting and he conducted the of Asbury Park was fined $25 and Vr-nrlinu Trio Mrs. Grace K. Langler of River- for the action o£ the grand jury and Staten Island. The burial plot was paroled for one year for carrying "Fantasia ltnlioiuic" ....Air. by LnpHiiv side drive sent a bill for $309 for bequeathed to a nephew, Michael fixed no bail. After the hei'i. concealed weapons. Joseph Gilmore Medley of Oiil Time Ki.iur.i sixteen 'turkeys killed by dogs and while WilcQX was at the. tovur li "(Hiirp Solo) Raffcrty. One hundred dollars was will be sentenced tomorrow for for 174 turkey eggs destroyed by Frank Caprio, wlio ruius u. detective i Franc i.t Lnpitino left to the pastor of St. Joseph's enticing, a colored girl from ClilT- "At a Baseball (jBinir" Har dogs. The eggs were setting eggs. agency at* Ked Bank known as the Roman Catholic church of Keyport wood to New York. Leslie Krlly The appraisers were W. Gill Wyli"3, Imiteti titjilca detective agency, piu "Oh. Promise Me" DcKovoi to be used for masses for the re- in an appeurane'e. Wilcox was em- "Serenude" Drieo Jr., and Harry C. Bryant. The tur- pose of Miss Stephcns's soul. The Thomas Pellit of Middlotown keys wero fancy stock and thoy ployed by Caprio an a detective ami township was indicted for bigamy. Venetiuu Trio sum of three thousand^ dollars was "Heart of Gold" Mnnney were appraised in the bill at prices gers culleirc and of the theological at the hearing Wih'ox wore a detec- It wus charged that ho married left to a niece, Cecelia Conwell, for HANDWORK EXHIBIT. Foreman—Georep \V. Hrowc*. "Wishes Thrw" Gnrtlawl ranging from $10 to $35. Clerk Firist assistant foreman—Thorns Cm seminary of the Reformed church tive badge almost i.s large as a tea- Irene II. Glass last year when his "Colcen Aroon'- Strlcklan.l caring for her aunt during her life- Howard VV. Roberts was directed to Work Done by Shrewsbury Pupils norn. of New Hrunswick. lie has ro« cup. The words "United Statt wife Annabel was living. His trial ' Hurry Hiinil time and to this bequest was added notify Mrs. Langler that the com- Judged (or Prizes. •Second assistant foreman ohn Cali.i- ceived the degrees of A.
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