Architecture. Art. Engineering
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Focus. Passion. WHO WE ARE | WHAT WE DO Discipline. Excellence. ARCHITECTURE. For generations, aspiring architects, artists and engineers ART. have gravitated to New York City. And for good reason: all three THE COOPER UNION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART disciplines thrive on the kind of energy and challenges only a city ENGINEERING. as complex and stimulating as New York can offer. The city demonstrates in tangible ways how architecture, art and engineering can dramatically influence an environment and its inhabitants. Inside the classroom and out, Cooper students engage in debates that are critical to our time: the potential of new technology; the role of public spaces in civic life; the possible responses to environmental changes; and the relationship between theory and aesthetic practice. All of these are central questions that, in addition to course work in their areas of study, prepare students for professional practice. Our Schools of Architecture, Art and Engineering have achieved international prominence. In a hands-on, collaborative environment, our faculty and students propose ways to reimagine our world. For over 150 years, New York City has inspired and THE COOPER UNION thrived on the contributions of The Cooper Union community. FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART Scholarship. OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS 30 COOPER SQUARE | NEW YORK, NY 10003 All admitted students receive a half-tuition (212) 353 4120 | [email protected] scholarship valued at approximately $20,000 per COOPER.EDU/ADMISSIONS school year. Admissions decisions are made entirely on @COOPER _ ADMISS merit. Additional aid may be available based on financial need. @COOPER _ ADMISS FACEBOOK.COM/COOPERUNION Focus. Passion. WHO WE ARE | WHAT WE DO Discipline. Excellence. ARCHITECTURE. For generations, aspiring architects, artists and engineers ART. have gravitated to New York City. And for good reason: all three THE COOPER UNION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART disciplines thrive on the kind of energy and challenges only a city ENGINEERING. as complex and stimulating as New York can offer. The city demonstrates in tangible ways how architecture, art and engineering can dramatically influence an environment and its inhabitants. Inside the classroom and out, Cooper students engage in debates that are critical to our time: the potential of new technology; the role of public spaces in civic life; the possible responses to environmental changes; and the relationship between theory and aesthetic practice. All of these are central questions that, in addition to course work in their areas of study, prepare students for professional practice. Our Schools of Architecture, Art and Engineering have achieved international prominence. In a hands-on, collaborative environment, our faculty and students propose ways to reimagine our world. For over 150 years, New York City has inspired and THE COOPER UNION thrived on the contributions of The Cooper Union community. FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART Scholarship. OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS 30 COOPER SQUARE | NEW YORK, NY 10003 All admitted students receive a half-tuition (212) 353 4120 | [email protected] scholarship valued at approximately $20,000 per COOPER.EDU/ADMISSIONS school year. Admissions decisions are made entirely on @COOPER _ ADMISS merit. Additional aid may be available based on financial need. @COOPER _ ADMISS FACEBOOK.COM/COOPERUNION Focus. Passion. WHO WE ARE | WHAT WE DO Discipline. Excellence. ARCHITECTURE. For generations, aspiring architects, artists and engineers ART. have gravitated to New York City. And for good reason: all three THE COOPER UNION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART disciplines thrive on the kind of energy and challenges only a city ENGINEERING. as complex and stimulating as New York can offer. The city demonstrates in tangible ways how architecture, art and engineering can dramatically influence an environment and its inhabitants. Inside the classroom and out, Cooper students engage in debates that are critical to our time: the potential of new technology; the role of public spaces in civic life; the possible responses to environmental changes; and the relationship between theory and aesthetic practice. All of these are central questions that, in addition to course work in their areas of study, prepare students for professional practice. Our Schools of Architecture, Art and Engineering have achieved international prominence. In a hands-on, collaborative environment, our faculty and students propose ways to reimagine our world. For over 150 years, New York City has inspired and THE COOPER UNION thrived on the contributions of The Cooper Union community. FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART Scholarship. OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS 30 COOPER SQUARE | NEW YORK, NY 10003 All admitted students receive a half-tuition (212) 353 4120 | [email protected] scholarship valued at approximately $20,000 per COOPER.EDU/ADMISSIONS school year. Admissions decisions are made entirely on @COOPER _ ADMISS merit. Additional aid may be available based on financial need. @COOPER _ ADMISS FACEBOOK.COM/COOPERUNION The city is our campus. With every cultural and professional opportunity at their fingertips, Cooper students are classroom smart and city-savvy. ARCHITECTURE. WhileaCoopereducationisdistinguishedbyarigorousgroundinginthefundamentalsof eachdiscipline,itisundeniablymoldedbythecreativecultureofthecity.Therelationship betweenCooperstudentsandNewYorkbeginsinourownneighborhood,theEastVillage. Here,studentsfindawealthofculturalresourcesaswellasopportunitiestoengageas Learn to be a professional—and a leader. observers,volunteersandemergingprofessionals. Application Requirements: Likewise,CooperUnion’srichheritageofachievementhashelpeddefineNewYorkCity The Cooper Union provides TheFacultyofHumanitiesandSocialSciences asacrucibleofinvention,creativity,daringandresilience.CooperUniongraduateshave The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture every enrolled student (HSS)offersseminarsthatfocusoncritical imprintedtheirgeniusonNewYorkCity’sbridgesandtunnels,skylineandstreetscapes. OfficialhighschooltranscriptorGEDcertificate reading,historicalperspective,socialanalysis Theirpaintings,sculptures,books,films,playsandperformanceshaveenrichedtheculture with a foundation in the . Officialcollegetranscripts,ifapplicable andglobalquestions.Anemphasisonwritten ofthecityandbeyond. liberal arts to enhance . OfficialSATIorACTscores workandoralpresentationsbuildsleadership their professional degrees. skillsforaprofession–andforalifetime. Longthehomeofartistsandarchitects,theneighborhoodisbecomingahubofhigh-tech . Recommendationletters(stronglyencouraged) innovationaswell,recentlydubbed“SiliconAlley.”TheVillageishometoagrowingnumber . Completedstudiotest(willbeemailedinJanuarywithdetailedinstructions) TheHSScore—afour-semestersequenceofcoursesinthehumanitiesandsocial ofmediaandinformationfirms—especiallyinternet-basedenterprises—thathavestrong . Transferstudentsmustsubmitportfoliomaterial. Note:First-yearapplicantsshouldnotsendadditionalportfoliomaterial. sciences—isacentralcomponentofaCoopereducation,providinganopportunity potentialforgrowthintheyearsahead.Adjacenttoourcampusarethenewheadquarters ART. forstudentsfromthethreedifferentschoolstostudyandlearnsidebyside.After forIBM’sWatsoncognitivecomputingprojectandforFacebook.Businessesthrivinginthe completingthecore,studentsselectfromabroadrangeofelectives,including areaincludearchitecture,engineeringanddesignfirms;advertising,marketingandmarket School of Art ethics,microeconomics,worldreligion,thepsychologyofvisualperception,Darwin, researchfirms;andlaw,managementconsultingandcomputerservicefirms.Agrowing . OfficialhighschooltranscriptorGEDcertificate Shakespeare,contemporaryfiction,publicpolicyandarthistory. artsandentertainmentsectorincludesindependentfilmandvideoproduction. Officialcollegetranscripts,ifapplicable . OfficialSATIorACTscores CooperstudentsareencouragedtoexploreNewYork’srichprofessionalopportunities . Recommendationletter(1) throughtheProfessionalInternshipProgram.UsingtheCenterforCareerDevelopment, . Completedhometestincludingportfoliomaterial(willbeemailedinDecember studentsfindinternshipsthatarespecificallytailoredtoenhancetheirdevelopmentand forEarlyDecisionandinJanuaryforRegularDecision) provideasolidfoundationforachievinglong-termcareergoals.Ourstudentsalsohaveaccess toadistinguishednetworkofalumniandfacultyastheyseekemploymentandgraduatestudy. Academic Resources: Albert Nerken School of Engineering • The Center for Writing helps students acquire the tools they need to create polished analytical and Leadershipopportunitiesareavailablethroughover125on-campusorganizationsthat . OfficialhighschooltranscriptorGEDcertificate critical writing. Students may work on any aspect of reading, writing or speaking for course work, includeacademicandreligiousclubs,performancegroups,Greeklife,professionaland . Officialcollegetranscripts,ifapplicable grants and fellowships, graduate school applications and job applications. Students may sign up for honorsocieties,recreationalsports,ethnicandphilanthropicorganizationsandactivities . OfficialSATIorACTscores single or ongoing sessions. committees.Student-athletesparticipateinmen’sandwomen’svarsitysoccer,basketball, . TwoSATIIscores:oneinMath(either1or2)andoneineitherPhysicsorChemistry tennis,volleyballandcrosscountry. ENGINEERING. • The Cooper Union Library reflects and supports the course of study in HSS and the three schools. The . Recommendationletters(2-3) physical collection is especially strong