The Genus Microcorycia Cockerell, 1911 (Testacealobo- Sia, Rhizopoda, Protozoa)
©Erik Mauch Verlag, Dinkelscherben, Deutschland,Ill Download unter Lauterbornia 50: 111-146, D-86424 Dinkelscherben, 2004-09-30 Dedicated, to Dr. Wilfried Schönborn, protozoologist, Jena, on the occasion o f his 7Cfh birthday The genus Microcorycia Cockerell, 1911 (Testacealobo- sia, Rhizopoda, Protozoa). A critical monograph of the genus including a first description of a new species:Mi crocorycia scutella n. sp. Hans-Joachim Badewitz* With 24 figures and 3 tables Keywords: Microcorycia, Testacealobosia, Rhizopoda, morphology, taxonomy, nomenclature, first description, identification, ecology, habitat, distribution, faunistics Schlagwörter: Microcorycia, Testacealobosia, Rhizopoda, Morphologie, Taxonomie Nomenklatur, Bestimmung, Erstbeschreibung, Ökologie, Habitat, Verbreitung, Faunistik The genus M icrocorycia now comprises 13 species including the first description of M. scutella done in this paper. A general review of these species with additional morphological data is given, and their status is critically assessed. 10 species of the genus may be considered secure: M. aculeata, flava, husvikensis, penardi, physalis, radiata, spiculata, suctorifera tessellataand the new species scu tella; tathe state of M. bartosi and spinosa is questionable, M. bryophila will be withdrawn. Five of the 12 species formerly described have not been rediscovered since their first description. 1 Introduction The genus Microcorycia was established by Cockerell in 1911. It is, however, lit tle known even to experts in the field of testate amoebae (Testacea). This is pre sumably the reason why Microcorycia species are often overlooked. In addition, there is only little work on species of this genus and publications are widely scattered, which stands in the way of a wider knowledge of this genus. The no menclature is somewhat confused.
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