A report submitted to Caltrans Contract No. 04A0400-A01 Task Order No. 02-01 Caltrans Project Coordinators: David W. Yam, Senior Landscape Architect, No. 1949 and Dragomir Bogdanic, P.E., Senior Transportation Engineer. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Lester McKee, PhD – Hydrology/Water Quality Sarah Pearce, MS - Geology/Geomorphology Chuck Striplen, BA – Biology/Environmental Studies 7770 Pardee Lane, 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA 94621 (510) 746-7334 Fax (510) 746-7300 http://www.sfei.org California State University, Fresno Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences: Roland Brady, PhD - Professor of Engineering Geology; CA Registered Geologist #5121 Shay Overton, BS - Geology 2345 E. San Ramon Ave. M/S MH 24 Fresno, CA 93740-8031 (559) 278-2391 Fax (559) 278-5980 email
[email protected] The San Gregorio Environmental Resource Center: PO Box 49 San Gregorio, CA 94074 (650) 726-2499 This report should be referenced as: Brady, R. H. III, S. Pearce, L. McKee, S. Overton, and C. Striplen, 2004. Fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, and riparian habitat of La Honda Creek along the Highway 84 transportation corridor, San Mateo County, California. A technical report of the Watershed Program, San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI), Oakland, California. SFEI contribution no. 78. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance and council of the following persons and organizations: Kris Vyverberg – Engineering Geologist, California Department of Fish and Game Glenn DeCou – Chief, Office of State Highway Drainage Design, Caltrans