Birds: a Study Guide for the Fourth Grade.Alaska Sea Week Curriculum Series

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Birds: a Study Guide for the Fourth Grade.Alaska Sea Week Curriculum Series DOCUMENT RESUME ED 206 469 SE 055 510 AUTHOR' King, James G.: King, Mary Lou TITLE Birds: A Study Guide for the Fourth Grade.Alaska Sea Week Curriculum Series. Draft. INSTITUTION Alaska Univ., Fairbanks. Alaska Sea GrantProgram. SPONS AGENCY National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC1, Rockville; Md. National Sea GrantPrpgram. PUB DATE Jun 80 VANE . YOAA-NA79AA-D400138 NOTE 152p.: For related documents, see SE 035506-512. Contains occasional light and broken type. EDPS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Animals: *Ecology: Elementary Education;*Elementary School Science: *Environmental Education; 3rade4; *Marine Otology; Outdoor Education: *Science Educ tionC*Vocabulary Skills: waterResources IDENi/FIERS *Bir s: Estuaries '1 ABSTRACT Southeast Alaska's birds And wetlands are thesubject of 'his elementary school teacher'sguide and student workbook. Included are classroom activities andfield investigations which address: (11 bird identification, habitats, adaptation, and conservation: and (21the, inhabitants, ecology and value of estuaries. Workbook tivities involve the development ofvocabulary and reading skills ing,birds andiwetlands as subject matter. Alist of reSource materia and a guide for organizing field trips are included. (WW- 14. ********* F- 411g*Ilr t ****** ** ***** *************** made * , ,ReprodUctionssupplied by EDRS are the best that can be * , trom the original document. * . i OS V S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTiTUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCALOSAL Rt.' OURCPS "FORMATION 1 CO.ITEFtqvCI . )4, Th 5 ckr ,..-r, the? Infl rfj,,,q1 J Aaska. rvVOC f r, fl, V ` V, V r,-Jon 2 r9 n-pr Au, rr. r.E., Ft, no, du* LI.L Pr ram- ^Poi d,nr, vr.VN rre*1dN E , ALASKA SEA WEEK CURRICULUMSERIES FOURTH GRADE 0N 2 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL. HAS BEEN GRANTED BY firyncla. Melfec9 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Sr LIME/ RSIT1 OF AL A:,'A DRAFT V. BIRDS A Study Guide forthe Fourth Grade The materialS in this\section were.originally written by:, James G. King Mary -Lou King Illustrated by: Claudia' Kelsey and -Laurie Wojeck Supporting materials developed by: Juneau teachers and the South Ea Recfiaial ResoVree Center editedby: Jill Thayer Alaska Sea Grant Progralt, Universityof Alaska ALASKA SEA WEEK CURRICULUM SEFIZS A ( 3 Field-test edition March 19;30 First tepriat June 1980 ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S Wal,kadpean in the early 19701s in Juneau,Alaska. \ Under the loadersip of Mary Lou King, parents, teachers rand gency-personnel started taking elementary school students ,do to the sea every spring. Soon, Sea Week was an annual' vent with someof4he junior high and high, schoolitudents assisting the younger pupils on their field trips to beaches, wetlands, forests and glaciers. In 1978, a K-6 Sea Week curriculum was written with the assistance ofJUneati teachers, scientists, fisherwen, parents, and government employees - a ' true community effort. In 1979, the Southeast Regional Resource Center revised the material,, adding worksheets andgraphiCa_and reworking certain aotivities.. rn 1980,endofsed as "The Year of the Coast" by, President Carter, it seems very fitting that,the Alaska Sea Grant Program is initiating aprogram to. spread Sea 1 Week, statewide. This first Statewide edition is a product ofJune$C- its _people and environment. We would like to express our d appreciation to the many foresighted people who contributed to Sea Week and especially to all the students who are the reason and impetus behind its success. Specidq. thanks to Mary Lou King, Nancy Barr, Janie Cesar, Carol Koski, Dick and Betty Marriot, Virginia Eggert, Claudia Kelsey, Kathy Hanna, James G. King, Lynn Szepanski, Karen Gunstrom, Mary Beth Parsons, Dan Hopsop, Yristi Kantola, Pat Thrasher:Tamara Smid, Judy Maier, JerryHavdf Marty Early, Jan Conne , Mark Hansen, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Al ska CoastalManagement Program, the Aited States Forest Service, the Alaska Departmentof Environmental Conservation; the United States Fish and WildlifeService, and the South East Regional Resquice Center. Revision td publication of the Alaska Sea Week Curriculum, Series is sponsoreq(by the Aldska Sea Grant Program,cooperativel! supported by NOAA, National Sea Grant College Program, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, under grant number NA77AA-D-00138, and bythe University of Alaska with funds appropriated by the Stateof Alaska. This reprinting is supported in part by 'Federal Coastal Zone Management Program Development funds (P.L. 92-583, Sec. 306) grantdd to the State of Alaska by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) U.S. Dept. of Commerce. A 7 Ec Tabld'of Contents ; . Page Preface Introduction Alaska's Birds-and Wetlands Goals Estuaries andTheir,Inhabitants 7. Worksheets . 25 Birds in Alaska's South Coastal Environment EstUaries Bird Study Appendix) Steps to Organizing a Sea Week ,a in Your Community A-1 A-? AppendixII Suggested Field Trips What to do on the Bus A-3 Appendix A-4 Appendixry Conservatipn A-6 V Check List Appendix A-8 AppendixVI Suggested On-site Organiation A-9 AppendixVII. Look t the Reach A-I3 AppendixVIII Tides AppendixIx .Brbliogxaphy ofHelpful. References A-14 Evaluation Sheet f a PREFACE 4 . The Alaska Sea Week Curriculum Series (K-6) emphasizes one or mor.aspects of the marine environment at each grade level. Kindergarten materials, for instance, are intended'to Introduce students to the exciting and curious world of the 'sea and shore. At the Other end of the series; materials for sixth graders stress malt's interactions with the marine environment. While the subject matter at each grade level is unique, as a whole the grade level. gaides will yield a broad u standing of the marine environment and its Importance to Alaskans. The purpose of this curriculum series is to help the teacher in interpreting the marine environment for elementary school student g, However, what is included here is just a place to begin. As you read the following materials, you will rind factual information about many aspdcts of the marine environment, and suggestions for presenting hese concepts to students through multi-disciplinary activitieabdth in the classroom and at field sites. Materials are organized into units, each4covering a single idea or subpeCt. From these you, the teacher, may select the units and activities which are best suited to your class, community and resources. "Sea Week" originate n Juneau, and thesecurriculum . materials are most app,li able to southeast and southcentral Alaska. However, the Al ska Sea Grant Program has funded a three year pilot project to expand Juneau's successful program. lop statewide. As Sea Week is piloted in 14 communities around the state the Curriculum Series will be expanded to meiipt the needs of western, interior, and northern Alaska. Send us your comments and suggestions. The strength of the f]Fnal edition willdepend not only on those of us staffing the project - but on you - your ideas and comments. After fbuive tried some of these activities - fill out and send in the evaluation sheet at the back of this book. Thanks so much! Jill Thayer7Belle Mickelson, Coordinators Mary Lou King/Nancy Barr, Consultants Alaska Sea Grant Program University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99701 47g-7631/7086 . 4 INTRODUCTION Alaska has more than-33,000 miles ofsho'reline; the earth's circumference is only about 25,000 miles. Much of Alaska's complex and intricate shoreline is accounted for bythe bays; inlets) headlands, islands of Southpast Alaska. Here, in- Alaskan communities large and small we live in close contact 1 with-the marine world. Some of us make o.ur livings by fisnin'g o,;..working for the Coast Guard, the State's marine4Oranspor- tation system, or. marine shipping companies. Most of us spend at least some of our time sport fishing, digging clams, beachcombing, or just gazing out atth incredible scenery of , snowcapped mountaias and eNYerchanging waters. The dynamic marine environment of which 'iriLe\are a our herit4ge, our trust. It is only fitting that our children know that world intimately so that they can grow up in an understanding of its complexities, it subleties, its 'importance. This is of particular urgency now thatAlaska is.facing in- 0 creasing pressures to make decisions that vall!effectthe use of her lands and seas for generations to come. We, a'nd cur children, must have a part in the decision makingprocesses ind the more knowledgeable we are, the more effective our .participation will be. Teaching,children about the world in which theyfiveis it- portant and perhaps it has never been mop-importian't than it is in Alaska today. Teaching facts and concepts about the marine world is important butperhaps most important of all is the teaching of attitudes. It is hoped that-through the. study ofmail*or life, students may.gaan thp following: I. An increased interest intheir'environm,ent. 2. A greater awareness, appreciation, respect forthe natural world that is so close about t em here in . Alaska. 3. The sheer delight, pleasure,happeness that tan dome from observing and understa.74ing nature olose up. 4. A sensitivity to therelationiftTp....between themselves and their environment. If that can be accomplished, all our lives will be better because of it '1 , a INTRODUCTION FOURTH GRADE The fourth gradematerials in this series provides information for the study of birds and their environment.' The student booklet Birds in Alaska's South Coastal Environment has activities covering: = Kinds of birds fi maiieup of a bird . how. birds live where birds live . con4ervation " .birds in your area The brrd unit presents general information about birds and includes specifics to assist students in their, identification of birds un- known to them. A second unit: Estuaries, presents study materials on the plantsand animals living in this environment, Included is the value of the \ wetlands as they relate to birds and to the sea. Estuary field trip) activities and studies are outlined to round out this.
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