
(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization I International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2013/163744 Al 7 November 2013 (07.11.2013) P O P C T

(51) International Patent Classification: AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, A61K 38/17 (2006.01) A61K 36/00 (2006.01) BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, A61K 35/20 (2006.01) A61P 3/02 (2006.01) DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, A61K 35/64 (2006.01) HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, (21) International Application Number: ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, PCT/CA20 13/000440 NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, (22) International Filing Date: RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, 3 May 20 13 (03.05.2013) TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (25) Filing Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (26) Publication Language: English kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, (30) Priority Data: GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, 61/642,988 4 May 2012 (04.05.2012) US UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, (72) Inventors; and EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, ΓΓ, LT, LU, LV, (71) Applicants : DO, Paul, Phuong [CA/CA]; 119 Village MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, Gate Drive, Markham, Ontario L6C 1V5 (CA). HARRIS¬ TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ON, Sherri-Ann [CA/CA]; 48 Twin Streams Rd, Whitby, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Ontario LIP 1N9 (CA). Published: (74) Agent: LOBE, Corrinne; Innovate LLP, MaRS Centre, — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) Heritage Bldg, 101 College St, Suite 120E, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L7 (CA). — before the expiration of the time limit for amending the claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every amendments (Rule 48.2(h)) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,

(54) Title: NUTRITION FORMULATION AND PRODUCT PRODUCED THEREFROM COMPRISING WHEY PROTEIN. (57) Abstract: A nutritional composition is provided herein for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise, comprising: a) about 18% to about 23% by weight, e.g. about 19% to about 21%), of whey protein, e.g. whey protein isolate; b) about 65% to about 70% by weight, e.g. about 67% to about 69%, of a superfruit blend, a concentrated fruit juice and a sweetener, e.g., honey; and c) about 10% to about 15% by weight, e.g., about 11% to about 13 %, of a vegetable oil, e.g., olive oil, e,g., extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, cold pressed olive oil. TITLE

Nutrition formulation and product produced therefrom comprising whey protein.

(a) Field of the Invention

This invention relates to a nutrition formulation and in one preferred embodiment to a pre-workout and post-workout protein bar to provide nutrition. The present invention also relates to a nutritional composition for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

(b) Background of the Invention

The popularity of nutrition bars has grown rapidly in recent years. Nutrition bars are convenient vehicles for snacks intended to boost energy.

Food supplements for enhancing an athlete's muscle size and strength have become popular substitutes for steroids and other drugs in various sports and body building regimes. However, as athletes continually strive for improved performance, there is a continuing need for non-steroid containing aids for increasing lean mass, muscle size and strength.

Some meal replacement bars for use in conjunction with very low calorie formula diets have been proposed, but generally they do not meet objectives of supplying protein without an excess of carbohydrate. High protein/low carbohydrate baked or compressed products are known. However, known bars made by a confectionery process have a poor taste and provide a substitute for one or more meals in a very low calorie dietary regimen which is much less palatable than the liquid formula diet itself. (c) Objects of the invention

Despite the many previous efforts to formulate bars with proteins and especially whey proteins, there is still a need for a good tasting nutrition bar having optimum levels of whey protein. None of the prior art patents disclose optimum, practical nutritional formulations in various physical forms for enhancing endurance before exercise and for optimizing muscle recovery following exercise.

Thus, what is needed is a portable food product that has improved nutritional characteristics.

Accordingly, it is an object of one aspect of the present invention to provide a nutritional formulation for enhancing endurance before exercise, for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell recovery following the cessation of exercise.

An object of another aspect of the present invention is to provide a nutritional formulation that can be provided in many forms, e.g., as a "Smoothie", as a liquid beverage, as a nutrition bar, as a baked product , e.g., muffins, cakesAoafs, cookies, brownies, and flat bread etc. that is pleasant tasting, nutrient dense, and can be readily and conveniently available to the consumer.

(d) Generalized Description of the Invention

An essential component of the present invention is non-soy, non-hydrolyzed whey protein.

As is generally well known, whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production. Whey is left over when milk coagulates and contains everything that is soluble from milk. It is usually a 5% solution of lactose in water, and also contains some minerals and lactalbumin It is removed after cheese is processed. The fat is removed and the whey protein is then processed for human foods. Processing can be done by simple drying, or the protein content can be increased by removing lipids and other non-protein materials. For example, spray drying after membrane filtration separates the proteins from whey.

Whey protein is the collection of globular proteins isolated from whey. Whey protein is typically a mixture of beta-lactoglobulin (about 65%), alpha-lactoglobulin (about 25%), and serum albumin (about 8%), which are soluble in their native forms, independent of pH. The protein fraction in whey (about 10% of the total dry solids within whey) comprises four maj or protein fractions and six minor protein fractions. The major protein fractions in whey are, as noted above, beta-Iactogtobulin, alpha-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin and immunoglobulims .

Whey protein generally may be provided in four major forms: 1) Concentrate: Concentrates have typically a low (but still significant) level of fat and cholesterol but, in general, have higher levels of bioactive compounds, and carbohydrates in the form of lactose. They are about 29% to about 89% protein by weight and are mild to slightly milky in taste:

2) Isolate: Isolates are processed to remove the fat, and lactase, but are usually lower in bio-activated compounds as well. They are about 90% or more protein by weight, and are mild to slightly milky in taste. (Whey isolates are the prefered whey protiens for use in aspects of the present invention); and

3) Hydrolysate: Hydrolysates are whey proteins that are predigested and partially hydolyzed for the purpose of easier metabolizing.

4)Instantized: Instantized whey protein concentrate or instantized whey isolate includes "soy lecithin" that is bonded to the powder, i.e. it is a mixture of whey protein and soy lecithin. (e) Statements of invention

A broad aspect of one aspect of the present invention provides a nutritional composition for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise, comprising: a ) about 18% to about 23% by weight, e.g. about 19 to about 21%, of whey protein, e g whey protein isolate; b) about 65% to about 70% e.g., about 67% to about 69%, by weight of a the total of a superfruit blend, a concentrated fruit juice and a sweetener e.g., honey; and c) about 10% to about 15% e.g., about 11% to about 13 % of a vegetable oil, e.g., olive oil, e,g, extra virgin olive oil, the balance being non-essential, optional or filler ingredients.

A broad aspect of another aspect of the present invention provides a nutritional composition for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise, comprising: a) about 34% to about 39% by weight, e.g. about 35% to about 37% of whey protein, e.g whey protein isolate; and egg whites. b) about 40% to about 45% by weight, e.g., about 42% to about 44%, by weight of the total of a superfruit blend, sweet potato; and c) about 10% to about 15% by weight e.g., of fats about 12% to about 14 % of avocado, and chia seeds; and d) about 7% to about 12% inclusions e.g., coconut, pumpkin seeds, baking soda and baking powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin ; the balance being non-essential, optional or filler ingredients.

All other variants and variations of this invention are particularized in the claims which follow, namely claims 2 to 16 and 17 to 25.

The foregoing summarizes the principal features of the invention and some of its optional aspects. The invention may be further understood by the description in the following examples EXAMPLES

EXAMPLE 1 Pre-Workout "Barz" and Post-Workout "Barz"

These "Work-out Barz" are nutrient dense and contains 25 g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice. They contain 5 g of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil. They contain 10 g of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate. They contain 12 g of "Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit.

In the case of the Pre-workout Barz, these pre-workout energy launch Barz also contain pure from 100% Brazilian beans. They provide physical energy and mental alertness, although without fatigue. They deliver essential calories allowing for the excessive burn of calories and fats and the inevitable muscle breakdown. The energy thus supplied enables boosting workout and optimizing performance.

In the case of the Post-workout Barz, these post-workout rapid recovery Barz are made with 100% freeze dried powders which provide pure fruit fibre, and provide the essential carbohydrates required to stimulate insulin release. The carbohydrates and amino acids from protein thus provided enables the body to rebuild muscle and energy sources.

The pre-workout "Barz" contains the following primary ingredients, namely, honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, extra virgin olive oil, apple juice concentrate , coffee, banana flakes, apple flakes, cocoa powder, freeze-dried mango powder , freeze-dried pineapple powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin. The post-workout "Barz" contains the following primary ingredients, namely, honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, apple juice concentrate, extra virgin olive oil, banana flakes, apple flakes, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder, as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18% to about 23%; about 19% to about 21%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 10% to about 15%; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65% to about 70%; about 67% to about 69%

The benefits of these primary ingredients may be summarized as follows.

Honey. Honey is carbohydrate-rich and provides high octane fuel for all workout muscles.

Organic & isolated New Zealand whey protein. This whey is derived from cattle whose feed is devoid of growth -inducing hormones and antibiotics and in fields devoid of pesticides. It is a complete protein containing all 20 amino acids and all 9 essential amino acids in amounts proportional to the needs of the human body.

Extra virgin olive oil. It controls levels of low density lipoproteins while increasing levels of high density lipoproteins It contains a large amount of oleic acid.

Apple juice concentrate. Apple juice is rich in pectin and has a high content of the minerals, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium as well as lesser amounts of the metals iron, manganese, copper, and zinc. It is a powerful anti-oxidant anti¬ inflammatory and anti-histamine agent Coffee beans. Coffee contains the alleged anti-cancer compound methylpyridinium which is formed during the roasting of the raw coffee beans.

Banana. Bananas are rich in potassium an electrolyte necessary for proper working of body cells. Potassium regulates the heart beat and the function of the muscles.

Dark cocoa powder. Cocoa contains a large concentration of anti-oxidants.

Apple flakes. Apples contain a high concentration of soluble fibre which minimizes blood sugar swings.

Mango. Mangos contain a high concentration of vitamin C, which can strengthen the immune system of the human body.

Pineapple. Pineapples contain a high concentration of manganese which is needed to build bone and connective tissue.

Blackberry. Blackberries are a source of lycopene and ellagic acid that are alleged to prevent cell damage they also contain vitamin E.

Blueberry. Blueberries also contain ellagic acid.

Cranberry. Cranberries maintain urinary tract health.

Pomegranate: Pomegranates contain phytochemicals, lutein for good vision and vitamin C.

Silicone dioxide. Silicone dioxide is a wefl-known anti-caking agent (Less than 2.5% of the Freeze Dried Fruit Powders). The other minor secondary ingredients are ones which were used in the processing of the why protein isolate, namely milk containing less than about 0.5% lactose and less than 2% of soya lecithin.

EXAMPLE 2 "WORKOUT Smoothie Superfruit" Powder

The " WORKOUT Smoothie Superfruit" powder is an antioxidant rich organic and isolated protein blend that mixes easily with juice, water or any other liquid. The Superfruit powder supplies dietary fibre directly from freeze dried fruit powders. The combination of natural carbohydrates, fruits and honey provide an insulin spike post workout to stop muscle burning and to allow the protein better to be used for the synthesis of new muscle.

The " WORKOUT Smoothie Superfruit" powder contains the following primary ingredients, namely, New Zealand whey protein isolate, freeze-dried backberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, banana flakes, freeze-dried blueberry powder, apple flakes, freeze-dried pomegranate powder, and honey; following amino acids alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, histadine, isoleucine, leucine, lycine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine; the following "protein fractions, namely, alpha-lactoglobulin, beta-lactoglobulin, glyco-macropeptides, bovine serum albumin, immunoglobulin G and protease peptone 5, as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 68 % to about 72%; about 70 % to about 71%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 25 % to about 30 %; about 27 % to about 29 %. It is preferred, however, to add the New Zealand whey isolate, the "Superfruit" blend and the honey in the form of a 70% New Zealand Whey ISOLATE and 25% "Superfruit" blend and 5% solid honey granuais ( i.e.pure solid honey without any artificial flavorings and natural or artificial sweeteners or stevia)

EXAMPLE 3 Espressoberry Barz

Espresso Berry Barz are smooth, decadent and a fulfilling espresso experience. A dark cocoa and berry experience with natural espresso that is equivalent to one cup of coffee in content. This provides healthy energy without experiencing jitters or a dramatic sugar. "Espresso in a Barz" .

The Espressoberry "Barz" contains the following primary ingredients, namely, honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, extra virgin olive oil, apple juice concentrate , coffee, banana flakes, apple flakes, cocoa powder, freeze-dried mango powder . freeze-dried pineapple powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin.

Thus the "Superfruit" blend is a mixture of banana, apple, mango, pineapple blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, and pomegranate.

The Espressoberry "Barz" is nutrient dense and contains 24 g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; 5 g of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil; 10 g of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate; 8 g of "Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit; and natural caffeine from Brazilian coffee beans.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18% to about 23%; about 19% to about 21%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 10% to about 15%; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65% to about 70%; about 67% to about 69% EXAMPLE 4 Smoothie Berry "Barz"

The Smoothie Berry "Barz" combines all the traditional smoothie ingredients to make an effortless nutritious snack. New Zealand whey protein isolate keeps blood sugar balanced The Smoothie Berry "Barz" may be used before or after a workout, or for a mid-day snack. "Smoothie in a Barz".

The Smoothie Berry "Barz" is nutrient dense nutrient dense and contains 25 g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; 6 g of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil; 10 g of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate; and 15 g of "Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit.

Thus the "Superfruit" blend is a mixture of banana, apple, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, and pomegranate.

The Smoothie Berry "Barz" contains the following primary ingredients, namely, honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, apple juice concentrate, extra virgin olive oil, banana flakes, apple flakes, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder, as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18% to about 23%, about 19% to about 2 1%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 10% to about 15%; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65% to about 70%; about 67% to about 69% EXAMPLE 5

The FTT ANYTIME ENERGY "BARZ" are the most nutritious and best tasting energy products. They are naturally better than energy drinks, and better than energy shots. The FTT ANYTIME ENERGY "BARZ" contain highest quality whey protein, superfruit berries natural sweeteners and natural caffeine from coffee to deliver sustained energy and alertness The FTT ANYTIME ENERGY "BARZ" may be use before or after activity or as a nutritious snack or meal.

The FTT ANYTIME ENERGY "BARZ"contains the following contains the following primary ingredients, namely, honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, extra virgin olive oil, apple juice concentrate , coffee, banana flakes, apple flakes, cocoa powder, freeze-dried mango powder , freeze-dried pineapple powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin.

FTT ANYTIME ENERGY "BARZ" is nutrient dense nutrient dense and contains 24 g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; 5 g of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil; 10 g of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate; 8 g of "Superfruit blend" consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit; and natural caffeine from Brazilian coffee beans, freeze-dried mango powder, freeze-dried pineapple powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18 % to about 23%; about 19 ¼ to about 21%;

Extra virgin olive oil: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65 % to about 70 %; about 67 % to about 69 %


The PROTEIN BERRY "CHEWZ" are healthy options for snacking and have high levels of essential nutrients, lower amounts of fat, low in sodium and sweeteners from the "Superfruit " blend of honey, apple juice concentrate

The PROTEIN BERRY "CHEWZ" is nutrient dense nutrient dense and contains about 4g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; about lg of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil; about 2g of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate; and about lg of "Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit

The ingredients of Proteinberry Chewz are: Honey, New Zealand whey protein; Apple juice concentrate; Extra Virgin olive oil; Banana flakes; Apple flakes; Freeze dried cranberry powder; Freeze dried blueberry powder; Freeze dried Blackberry powder; Freeze dried pomegranate powder; Silicone dioxide; Milk; and Lecithin.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18 % to about 23%; about 19 % to about 21%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65 % to about 70 %; about 67 % to about 69 %


The ESPRESSO BERRY "CHEWZ" are smooth, decadent and a fulfilling espresso experience in a bite-sized chewz. A dark cocoa and berry experience with natural espresso that is equivalent to 1/3 cup of coffee in caffeine content. This provides healthy energy without experiencing jitters or a dramatic sugar, perfect for a mid day boost, and pre athletic endurance.

The ESPRESSO BERRY "CHEWZ" is nutrient dense nutrient dense and contains about 4g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; about lg of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil; about 2g of organic isolated protein consisting of -New Zealand whey protein isolate; and about l g of "Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit

The ingredients of Espressoberry Chewz are: honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, extra virgin olive oil, apple juice concentrate , coffee, banana flakes, apple flakes, cocoa powder, freeze-dried mango powder , freeze-dried pineapple powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18 % to about 23%; about 19 % to about 21%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65 % to about 70 %; about 67 % to about 69 %


MULTI-VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZAND/OR BARZ" provide macronutrients that are nutrient rich, The ingredients are proteins ( which provide tissue repair, immune system function, hormone and enzyme production for lean muscle mass an tone); carbohydrates (provide primary energy source for the brain and are a source of calories to maintain body weight); fats (for the most energy-efficient form of food). The macronutrients are the transportation for the micronutrients and vitamins. These nutrients are almost immediately absorbed and used by the body. It also is a good source of multi vitamins

The ingredients of MULTI-VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZAND/OR BARZ ": Honey; New Zealand whey protein; Apple juice concentrate; Extra Virgin olive oil; Banana flakes; Apple flakes; Freeze dried blueberry powder; Freeze dried cranberry powder; Freeze dried blackberry powder; Freeze dried pomegranate powder; Silicone dioxide; Milk; and soya Lecithin.

In addition MULTI-VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZ and/or BARZ" contains the following vitamins and minerals, namely Vit A, Vit D3, VitE, Biotin, Folic Acid, Vit B5, Vit Bl, Vit B12, Vit B2, Vit B6, Vit C, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Choline, Inositol.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 11 % to about 16%; about 12 % to about 14%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 12 % to about 17 %; about 13% to about 15%, and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 70 % to about 75 %; about 72 % to about 74 %

MULTI-VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZ" is nutrient dense nutrient dense and contains 5g to 25g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; Ig to 6g of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil, lg to 1Og of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate; and 2g to 15g of ''Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit.

EXAMPLE 9 VITAMIN J> SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZ and/or BARZ" WITH ZINC AND SEA BUCKTHORN VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZ AND/OR BARZ" WITH ZINC AND SEA BUCKTHORN provide macronutrients that are nutrient rich, The ingredients are proteins (which provide tissue repair, immune system function, hormone and enzyme production for lean muscle mass an tone); carbohydrates (provide primary energy source for the brain and are a source of calories to maintain body weight); fats (for the most energy-efficient form of food). The macronutrients are the transportation for the micronutriertts and vitamins. These nutrients are almost immediately absorbed and used by the body. It also is a good source of multi-vitamins.

Sea buckthorn contains more than 190 compounds in the seeds, pulp and juice. These compounds include vitamins A,K, E, C Bl, and B2, 42 lipids, organic acids, amino acids, folic acid, tocopherols, flavenoids, phenols, terpenes and tannins. It also contains 20 mineral elements.

The ingredients of VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZ AND/OR BARZ" WITH ZINC AND SEA BUCKTHORN: Honey; New Zealand whey protein; Apple juice concentrate; Extra Virgin olive oil; Banana flakes; Apple flakes; Freeze dried Mango Powder; Freeze dried blueberry powder; Freeze dried cranberry powder; Freeze dried pineapple powder; Freeze dried blackberry powder; Freeze dried pomegranate powder; Silicone dioxide: Milk; and Lecithin.

In addition VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZ and/or BARZ " WITH ZINC AND SEA BUCKTHORN contains the following vitamins and minerals, namely Vit D3, Zinc, Sea Buckthorn.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 20 % to about 25%; about 2 1 % to about 23%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 60 % to about 65 %; about 62 % to about 64 %. VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENT "CHEWZ and/or BARZ" WITH ZINC AND SEA BUCKTHORN is nutrient dense and contains 4g to 25 g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze-dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; l g to 6g of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil; 2g to lOg of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate; and 2g to 15g of "Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit.


CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM WITH VITAMIN D "CHEWZ AND/OR BARZ" provide macronutrients that are nutrient rich, The ingredients are proteins ( which provide tissue repair, immune system function, hormone and enzyme production for lean muscle mass an tone); carbohydrates (provide primary energy source for the brain and are a source of calories to maintain body weight); fats (for the most energy-efficient form of food). The macronutrients are the transportation for the micronutrients and vitamins. These nutrients are almost immediately absorbed and used by the body. It also is a good source of multi-vitamins. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body; essential for the formation and repair of bone and teeth and other metabolic activities as well. Magnesium is a mineral necessary for energy metabolism, aids in bone growth and binding of calcium to teeth, etc. Both minerals require each other for their absorption and maximum utilization and Vitamin D aids in the direct absorption of Calcium.

The ingredients of CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM WITH VITAMIN D "CHEWZ AND/OR BARZ": Honey; New Zealand whey protein; Apple juice concentrate; Extra Virgin olive oil; Banana flakes; Apple flakes; Freeze dried blueberry powder, Freeze dried cranberry powder, Freeze dried blackberry powder; Freeze dried pomegranate powder; Silicone dioxide; Milk; and soya Lecithin. In addition CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM WITH VITAMIN D "CHEWZ AND/OR BARZ" contains the following vitamins and minerals, namely Calcium, Magnesium, and Vit D3.

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 11% to about 16%; about 12% to about 14%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 12% to about 17%; about 13% to about 15%, and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 70 % to about 75%; about 72% to about 74%.

CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM WITH VITAMIN D "CHEWZ AND/OR BARZ" is nutrient dense and contains 5g to 25g of natural carbohydrates consisting of 100% freeze- dried fruit powders, honey and fruit juice; lg to 6g of omega 9 rich fat consisting of extra virgin olive oil; l g to lOg of organic isolated protein consisting of New Zealand whey protein isolate; and 2g to 15g of "Superfruit blend " consisting of exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality fruit.

The broad range and optimum range of non-essential, optional or filler ingredients for the "Barz" and "Chewz" are about 2 to about 8 % ; about 3 to about 6 %.

The flavourings namely, the following: non-essential, optional or filler ingredients which are either pure alcoholic extracts or spray dried natural and Kosher powders of one or more of the following: pure allspice (pimento) extract pure almond extract, amaretto natural flavor blend, pure anise extract, apple natural flavor blend, apricot natural flavor blend, banana natural flavor blend, pure basil extract, pure bergamot extract, blackberry natural flavor blend, blueberry natural flavor blend,, bourbon extract natural flavor blend, brandy extract natural flavor blend, bubble gum natural flavor blend,, butter natural flavor blend,, butter run natural flavor blend, butter scotch natural flavor blend, natural flavor blend,, caramel natural flavor blend, pure cardamom extract, Caribbean spice extract, Chia natural extract, Champagne extract natural flavor blend, cherry natural flavor blend,, chocolate natural flavor blend, white chocolate natural flavor blend., pure cinnamon extract, pure clove extract, coconut natural flavor blend,, robust coffee flavor, cranberry natural flavor blend, creme de menthe natural flavor blend,, black currant (cassis natural flavor blend,, pure "fiori di Sicilia" extract, sauteed natural garlic flavor, Grand Marnier natural flavor blend,, Concord grape natural flavor blend, Highlander Grog natural flavor blend,, Irish Cream natural flavor blend,, pure jasmine extract, pure lavender extract, pure lemon extrct, pure key lime extract, pure Mandarin orange natural flavor blend,, maple natural flavor blend,, pure mint extract, Mocha natural flavor blend,, sauteed onion natural flavor blend,, pure orange extract, pure orange blossom extract, pure osmanthus extract, Passion fruit natural flavor blend, peach natural flavor blend, pear natural flavor blend, pure pomegranate extract, Pina Colada natural flavor blend, pineapple natural flavor blend,, pistachio natural flavor blend,, pomegranate natural flavor blend,, Pound cake natural flavor blend,, pumpkin pie natural flavor blend, raspberry natural flavor blend,, pure red pepper extract, red velvet natural flavor blend,, pure rose extract, rose water, rum v, pure spearmint extract, strawberry natural flavor blend,, pure tangerine extract, natural black tea flavor, natural green tea flavor, English toffee natural flavor blend,, black walnut natural flavor blend, water mellon natural flavor blend,, pure wintergreen extract


The WORKOUT VEGGIE & FRUIT GLUTEN FREE "MUFFINZ" are wholesome and natural with real food ingredients. It is "NOTA muffinz". The ingredients are sweei potatoes (which are anti-oxidant agents, anti-inflammatory agents, anti-arthrittc agents, and are alleged to prevent stomach ulcers, and lymphysema and aids in digestion) avocado (which provides oleic acid, which is alleged to lower cholesterol), dates (which provides sweet dietary fibre) chia seeds (which provide omega-3 and antioxidants; unsweetened shredded coconut; pumpkin seeds and egg whites (which provide 20 amino acids to help build and repair cells). The WORKOUT VEGGIE & FRUIT GLUTEN FREE "MUFFTNZ" contain no sugar, no added fat, no wheat and no flour. It does contain 7g of protein from New Zealand whey protein isolate and 2g of fibre.

The WORKOUT VEGGIE & FRUIT GLUTEN FREE "MUFFINZ" contains the following primary ingredients, namely, Sweet Potato, Egg Whites, Avocado, Dates, New Zealand Whey Protein Isolate, Freeze Dried BlackBerry Powder, Freeze Dried CranBerry Powder, Banana Flakes, Freeze Dried BlueBerry Powder, Apple Flakes, Freeze Dried Pomegranate Powder, Chia Seeds, Coconut, Pumpkin Seeds, Natural Flavour, Baking Soda, Baking Powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin.

The benefit of ingredients in the WORKOUT VEGGIE & FRUIT GLUTEN FREE "MUFFINZ"

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are a source of antioxidants (vitamins A and C) ; a source of anti-inflammatory compounds (vitamins C and B6, beta-carotene, and manganese to help maintain collagen and reduce the risk of developing certain forms of arthritis and to soothe pain and inflammation of ulcers); carotenes ( to assist in responding to insulin and stabilize blood sugar); high content of soluble fibre aids in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol); chlorogenic acid ( to decrease insulin resistance); B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene and calcium ( help in healing of stomach ulcers); and fibre (helps prevent constipation and acidity).

Egg Whites Egg whites have proteins which are almost immediately absorbed into the body. They are an excellent source of energy allowing gthe burning of fat while building muscle. They are low in calories. Date Fruit date fruit contains several nutrients including calcium, fibre, amino acids, sulfur, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and potassium as well as fats, dietary fibre and vitamins Al, Bl, B2, B3 and B5.

Avocados. Avocados contains such nutrients as vitamin K, dietary fibre, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and copper. They contain oleic acid a monounsaturated fat that may help power cholesterol.

Unsweetened coconut Coconut is rich in lauric acid which is known to be anti-viral, ant- bacterial, and anti-fungal while boosting the immune system.

Chia seeds. Chia seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids they help keep blood pressure low and blood sugar under control.

Pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, and copper. They contain vitamin K and proteins they also contaim L-tryptiphane which is a naturally effective protection against osteoporosis they are effective in reducing inflammation without the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs,

The broad range and optimum range of ingredients for the WORKOUT VTiGGIE & FRUIT GLUTEN FREE "MUFFINZ" are: Protein - New Zealand whey protein isolate + Egg whites: about 34% to about 39%; about 35 % to about 37 %; Carbohydrates = (Superfruit blend, i.e., banana, apple, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, pomegranate) + fresh sweet potatoes : about 40 % to about 45 % : about 42% to about 44%

Fat = fresh avocado + chia seeds: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 12 % to about 14 % . Non-essential, optional or filler ingredients : pumpkin seeds +/- coconut +/- cinnamon +/- dates: about 7 % to about 12 %, about 8% to about 10 %. The non-essential, optional or filler ingredients for the WORKOUT VEGGIE & FRUIT GLUTEN FREE "MUFFINZ" include nuts, e.g., almond, brazil nut, cashew, coconut, filbert, pecan, hazelnut, macademia, and walnut; seeds including pumpkin, watermelon , sunflower, flax, chai, squash, pomegranate, grape, poppy and sesame; as well as, dates, figs, apricots, raisins, cranberries, mango, pineapple, carrot, zucchini, apple, banana, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, passion fruit, star fruit, pomegranate, citrus rind, and cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, ail spice, and black pepper.


A typical method to prepare the "Barz" & "Chewz" is as follows;

1. Heat honey in a kettle to 80C. 2. Add all liquids and mix thoroughly. 3. Add all dry materials and mix thoroughly. 4. Place in mixer and blend for 30min.

5. Extrude and sheet. 6. Cut to size. 7. Apply dusting via a static sprayer. 8. Package.

A typical method to prepare the "Smoothie" Blend

1. Mix all dry materials together. 2. Blend for lOmin. 3. Package.

A typical method to prepare the Muffinz

1. Add egg whites, sweet potato, and avocado, mix thoroughly. 2. Add inclusions and New Zealand whey protein, "Superfruit blend and chia seed, and mix thoroughly. 3. Add baki ng powder and baking soda, and mix thoroughly. 4 . Pour into muffin pans and bake for about 20 to about 22 minutes. 5. Let cool for 2 about hours. 6. Package.

The foregoing has constituted a description of specific embodiments showing how the invention may be applied and put into use. These embodiments are only intended to be exemplary. The invention in its broadest and more specific aspects is further described and defined in the claims which follow;

These claims and the language used therein are to be understood in terms of the variants of the invention which have been described. They are not to be restricted to such variants, but are to be read as covering the full scope of the invention as is implicit within the invention and the disclosure which has been provided herein; CLAIMS

1. A nutritional composition for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise, comprising:

a) about 18% to about 23% by weight, e.g. about 19% to about 21%, of whey protein, e.g. whey protein isolate; b) about 65% to about 70% by weight, e.g. about 67% to about 69%, of a superfruit blend, a concentrated fruit juice and a sweetener, e.g., honey; and c) about 10% to about 15% by weight, e.g., about 11% to about 13 %, of a vegetable oil, e.g., olive oil, e,g., extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, cold pressed olive oil.

2. The nutritional composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the New Zealand whey isolate, the "Superfruit" blend and the honey are provided in the form of a 70% New Zealand whey isolate, 25% "Superfruit" blend and 5% solid honey granuals (i.e.pure solid honey without any artificial flavorings and natural or artificial sweeteners or stevia).

3. The nutritional composition as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2, wherein the "Superfruit" blend is a blend of banana, apple, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, pomegranate, mango, pineapple, watermelon, quince, kiwi, gooseberry, loganberry, peach, persimmon, rhubarb, cherry, papaya, strawberry, elderberry, grape, plum, raspberry, huckleberry, pear, Saskatoon berry, fig, lime, orange, cloudberry, canteloupe, honeydew, muskmellon, apricot, black currant, red currant, grapefruit, acai, sea buckthorn, and boysenberry.

4 . The nutritional composition as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2 or claim 3,wherein the vegetable oil is extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, palm oil, peanut oil canola, saffJower oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, almond oil, beech nut oil, cashew oil, hazelnut oil, pecan oil pine nut oil. pistachio oil, walnut oil, grape seed oil, pumpkin seed oil and watermelon seed oil.

5. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein the fruit juice concentrate is of banana, apple, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, pomegranate, mango, pineapple, watermelon, quince, kiwi, gooseberry, loganberry, peach, persimmon, rhubarb, cherry, papaya, strawberry, elderberry, grape, plum, raspberry, huckleberry, pear, Saskatoon berry, fig, lime, orange, cloudberry, canteloupe, honeydew, muskmellon, apricot, black currant, red currant, grapefruit, acai, sea buckthorn, and boysenberry.

6 . The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein the natural sweeteners are honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, stevia, brown rice syrup, agave sugar, evaporated cane juice, maltodextrose, sucratose, invert com sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, unconverted dextrines, glucose, Ievulose and maltose.

7. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims including at least one of the following: non-essential, optional or filler ingredients which are either pure alcoholic extracts or spray dried natural and Kosher powders of the following pure allspice (pimento) extract, pure almond extract, amaretto natural flavor blend, pure anise extract, apple natural flavor blend, apricot natural flavor blend, banana natural flavor blend, pure basil extract, purebergamot extract, blackberry natural flavor blend, blueberry natural flavor blend,, bourbon extract natural flavor blend, brandy extract natural flavor blend, bubble gum natural flavor blend,, butter natural flavor blend,, butter run natural flavor blend, butter scotch natural flavor blend, cappuccino natural flavor blend,, caramel natural flavor blend, pure cardamom extract, Caribbean spice extract, Chia natural extract, Champagne extract natural flavor blend, cherry natural flavor blend, chocolate natural flavor blend, white chocolate natural flavor blend,, pure cinnamon extract, pure clove extract, coconut natural flavor blend,, robust coffee flavor, cranberry natural flavor blend, creme de menthe natural flavor blend,, black currant (cassis natural flavor blend, pure "fiori di Sicilia" extract, sauteed natural garlic flavor, Grand Marnier natural flavor blend. Concord grape natural flavor blend, Highlander Grog natural flavor blend, Irish Cream natural flavor blend, purejasmine extract, pure lavender extract, pure lemon extract, pure key lime extract, pure Mandarin orange natural flavor blend, maple natural flavor blend, pure mint extract, Mocha natural flavor blend, sauteed onion natural flavor blend,, pure orange extract, pure orange blossom extract, pure osmanthus extract, Passion fruit natural flavor blend, peach natural flavor blend, pear natural flavor blend, pure pomegranate extract, Pina Colada natural flavor blend, pineapple natural flavor blend,, pistachio natural flavor blend, pomegranate natural flavor blend, Pound cake natural flavor blend, pumpkin pie natural flavor blend, raspberry natural flavor blend, pure red pepper extract, red velvet natural flavor blend, pure rose extract, rose water, rum v, pure spearmint extract, strawberry natural flavor blend, pure tangerine extract, natural black tea flavor, natural green tea flavor, English toffee natural flavor blend, black walnut natural flavor blend, watermelon natural flavor blend, pure wintergreen extract

8. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims comprising the following primary ingredients, namely, honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, extra virgin olive oil, apple juice concentrate , coffee, banana flakes, apple flakes, cocoa powder, freeze-dried mango powder, freeze-dried pineapple powder, freeze- dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin, and wherein the broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18 % to about 23%; about 19 % to about 2 1%; extra virgin olive oil:

about 10 % to about 15 %; about 11% to about 13%; and total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65 % to about 70 %; about 67 % to about 69 %

9. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims comprising the following primary ingredients, namely, honey, New Zealand whey protein isolate, apple juice concentrate, extra virgin olive oil, banana flakes, apple flakes, freeze-dried cranberry powder, freeze-dried blueberry powder, freeze-dried blackberry powder, freeze-dried pomegranate powder, as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin, and wherein the broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 18% to about 23%; about 19% to about 21%; extra virgin olive oil: about 10 % to about 15%; about 11% to about 13%; and total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 65% to about 70%; about 67% to about 69%

10. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims comprising the following primary ingredients, namely, New Zealand whey protein isolate, freeze-dried backberry powder, freeze-dried cranberry powder, banana flakes, freeze- dried blueberry powder, apple flakes, freeze-dried pomegranate powder, and honey; following amino acids alanine, argmine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid glycine, histadine isoleucine, leucine, lycine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine; the following "protein fractions, namely, alpha-lactoglobulin, beta-lactoglobulin, glyco-macropeptides, bovine serum albumin, immunoglobulin G and protease peptone 5; as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin; and wherein the broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 68 % to about 72%; about 70 % to about 71%;and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 25 % to about 30 %; about 27 % to about 29 % .

11. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims comprising the following primary ingredients, namely, Honey; New Zealand whey protein; Apple juice concentrate; Extra Virgin olive oil; Banana flakes; Apple flakes; Freeze dried blueberry powder, Freeze dried cranberry powder; Freeze dried blackberry powder, Freeze dried pomegranate powder; Silicone dioxide; Milk; and soya Lecithin; and contains the following vitamins and minerals, namely Vit A, VitD3, Vit E, Biotin, Folic Acid, VitB5, VitBl, Vit B 12, Vit B2, Vit B6, VitC, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Choline, Inositol. The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 11 % to about 16%; about 12 % to about 14%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 12 % to about 17 %; about 13% to about 15%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 70 % to about 75 %; about 72 % to about 74 % .

12. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, comprising the following primary ingredients: honey, apple juice concentrate, extra virgin olive oil, New Zealand whey protein isolate, natural flavors, banana flakes, apple flakes, freeze dried blueberry powder, freeze dried cranberry powder, freeze dried blackberry powder, freeze dried pomegranate powder, silicone dioxide, milk soya lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin C, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, choline and inositol.

13. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims comprising the following primary ingredients, namely, Honey; New Zealand whey protein; Apple juice concentrate; Extra Virgin olive oil; Banana flakes; Apple flakes; Freeze dried Mango Powder, Freeze dried blueberry powder; Freeze dried cranberry powder, Freeze dried pineappl e powder; Freeze dried blackberry powder; Freeze dried pomegranate powder; Silicone dioxide; Milk; and Lecithin; and contains the following vitamins and minerals, namely Vit D3, Zinc, Sea Buckthorn. The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein isolate; about 20% to about 25%; about 2 1%to about 23%; Extra virgin olive oil: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 11% to about 13%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 60 % to about 65 %; about 62 % to about 64 %.

14. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims comprising the following primary ingredients, namely, Honey; New Zealand whey protein; Apple juice concentrate, Extra Virgin olive oil; Banana flakes; Apple flakes; Freeze dried blueberry powder; Freeze dried cranberry powder; Freeze dried blackberry powder; Freeze dried pomegranate powder; Silicone dioxide; Milk; and soya Lecithin; and contains the following vitamins and minerals, namely Calcium, Magnesium, and Vit D3 The broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: New Zealand whey protein

isolate; about 11 % to about 16%; about 12 % to about 14%;Extra virgin olive oil: about 12 % to about 17 %; about 13% to about 15%; and Total amounts of the other primary ingredients: about 70 % to about 75 %; about 72 % to about 74 % .

15. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims in a liquid drink form for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

16. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims in an energy bar, protein bar, or cereal bar form for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

17. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims in a gelatin form for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

18. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims in a "Smoothie powder" form for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

19 The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of the preceding claims in a frozen treat/snack form for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recover}' following the cessation of exercise.

20. A nutritional composition for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise, comprising: following primary ingredients, namely, Sweet Potato, Egg Whites, Avocado, Dates, New Zealand Whey Protein Isolate, Freeze Dried BlackBerry Powder, Freeze Dried CranBerry Powder, Banana Flakes, Freeze Dried BlueBerry Powder, Apple Flakes, Freeze Dried Pomegranate Powder, Chia Seeds, Coconut. Pumpkin Seeds, Natural Flavour, Baking Soda, Baking Powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin.

21. The nutritional composition as claimed in claim 20, wherein the broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: Protein = New Zealand whey protein isolate + Egg whites: about 34% to about 39%; about 35 % to about 37 %; Carbohydrates = Superfruit blend, i.e., banana, apple, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, pomegranate) + fresh sweet potatoes : about 40 % to about 45 %: about 42% to about 44% Fat = fresh

avocado + chia seeds: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 12 % to about 14 %. N on essential, optional or filler ingredients : pumpkin seeds +/- coconut +/- cinnamon +/- dates: about 7 % to about 12 %; about 8% to about 10 %.

22. The nutritional composition as claimed in claim 20 or claim 2 1 including non¬ essential optional or filler ingredients which include nuts, e.g., almond, brazil nut, cashew, coconut, filbert, pecan, hazelnut, macademia, and walnut; seeds including pumpkin, watermelon , sunflower, flax, chai, squash, pomegranate, grape, poppy and sesame; as well as, dates, figs, apricots, raisins, cranberries, mango, pineapple, carrot, zucchini, apple, banana, blueberries, blackberries, strawberri es raspberries, cherries, passion fruit, star fruit, pomegranate, citrus rind, and cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, all spice, and black pepper.

23. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of claims 20 to 22 inclusive comprising the following primary ingredients, namely, Sweet Potato, Egg Whites, Avocado, Dates, New Zealand Whey Protein Isolate, Freeze Dried BlackBerry Powder, Freeze Dried CranBerry Powder, Banana Flakes, Freeze Dried BlueBerry Powder, Apple Flakes, Freeze Dried Pomegranate Powder, Chia Seeds, Coconut, Pumpkin Seeds, Natural Flavour, Baking Soda, Baking Powder as well as very minor amounts of such secondary ingredients as silicone dioxide, milk and soy lecithin. The Broad range and optimum range of ingredients are: Protein = New Zealand whey protein isolate + Egg whites: about 34% to about 39%; about 35 % to about 37 %; Carbohydrates = Superfruit blend, i.e., banana, apple, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, pomegranate) + fresh sweet potatoes : about 40 % to about 45 %: about 42% to about 44% Fat = fresh avocado + chia seeds: about 10 % to about 15 %; about 12 % to about 14 %. Non-essential, optional or filler ingredients : pumpkin seeds +/- coconut +/- cinnamon +/- dates: about 7 % to about 12 %; about 8% to about 10 %.

24. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of claims 20 to 23 inclusive in the form of a muffin for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

25. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of claims 20 to 23 inclusive in the form of a cake/loaf for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

26. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of claims 20 to 23 inclusive in the form of a cookie for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

27. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of claims 20 to 23 inclusive in the form of a brownie for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

28. The nutritional composition as claimed in any one of claims 20 to 23 inclusive in the form of a flat bread for optimizing muscle performance during exercise and for enhancing muscle cell repair and recovery following the cessation of exercise.

INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. Information on patent family members PCT/CA20 13/000440

Patent Document Publication Patent Family Publication Cited in Search Report Date Member(s) Date

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WO2006058758A1 08 June 2006 (08-06-2006) AR05 1691A1 31 January 2007 (3 1-01-2007) AU20053 11457A1 08 June 2006 (08-06-2006) CA2589368A1 08 June 2006 (08-06-2006) CN101 111163A 23 January 2008 (23-01-2008) EP1814410A1 08 August 2007 (08-08-2007) MX2007006398A 22 June 2007 (22-06-2007) US20061 15554A1 0 1 June 2006 (01-06-2006)

Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex ) (July 2009) Page 3 of 3