

This publication represents the views and expert opinions of an IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, which met in Lyon, 24–31 May 2016


4.1 Toxicokinetic data in a randomized, double-blind, single-dose, placebo-controlled, study of pharmaco- 4.1.1 Humans kinetics in 8 men and 5 women characterized (a) Absorption as regular coffee and cola consumers (1 smoker) (Liguori et al., 1997). (i) Caffeine Studies in humans given caffeine added to Table 4.1 (web only; available at: http:// decaffeinated instant coffeeGelal ( et al., 2003) publications.iarc.fr/566) summarizes pharmaco- or caffeine as a capsule or gum Kaplan( et al., kinetics parameters maximum plasma concen- 1997; Kamimori et al., 2002; Skinner et al., 2014) tration (Cmax), time to peak concentration (Tmax), reported rapid, dose-dependent absorption. and the area under the curve (AUC) of caffeine An in vitro study using human skin from studies in humans. membrane [of less relevance to pharmacokinetics Several studies in humans have shown rapid of caffeine from coffee] demonstrated absorption and dose-dependent absorption of caffeine in of caffeine (100 µg/m2) with time to maximum subjects administered coffee. Coffee consump- rate of 1.2 ± 0.2 hour to 5.2 ± 1.2 hour (van de tion significantly increased caffeine in plasma Sandt et al., 2004). in a single-blind, three-stage clinical trial of 11 (ii) Phenolic acids men and 36 women, all regular coffee consumers (4.0 ± 1.7 cups/day) who had abstained from coffee Table 4.2 (web only; available at: http:// consumption for 1 month (Kempf et al., 2010). publications.iarc.fr/566) is a summary of pharm- [Two smokers were included in the analysis. acokinetics parameters Cmax, Tmax, and AUC of There were no data on caffeine content in coffee phenolic acids from studies in humans. used in the study.] Caffeine was rapidly absorbed, Hydroxycinnamic acids are rapidly absorbed after coffee consumption. Peak absorption reaching Cmax 1.2 h after consumption, in a study of healthy non-smokers (7 men, 5 women) who of (CA) was reached 1 hour after ingested a single dose of 70 mg caffeine as a green/ giving 200 mL of to 10 healthy roasted coffee blend dissolved in water Martínez-( men who were non-smoking moderate coffee López et al., 2014). [The 70 mg dose was selected to drinkers (2–4 cups/day of coffee Nardini( et al., avoid possible saturation processes and nonlinear 2002). 5-Caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA) was the kinetics reported with higher caffeine doses.] A major hydroxycinnamic acid present in plasma, caffeine mean peak level of 9.7 ± 1.2 µg/mL and contributing 40.7% of AUC in 6 non-smoking time to peak of 42 ± 5 minutes was reported in healthy volunteers (2 men, 4 women) given subjects administered coffee (400 mg caffeine) 190 mL of decaffeinated brewed coffeeMonteiro ( et al., 2007). Two plasma concentration peaks

355 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 were observed in all subjects for all hydroxy- acids ingested as a single 200 mL dose of instant cinnamic acids. [Biphasic concentration peaks coffee drink was recovered in the form of parent could be attributed to either enterohepatic circu- compound and its metabolites in ileostomy lation or to colonic metabolism.] Stalmach et al. effluentStalmach ( et al., 2010). In two studies, (2009) identified 12 different compounds related 5 women with ileostomies were given a single to chlorogenic acid (CGA) in 11 non-smoking dose of decaffeinated coffee containing either subjects (8 men, 3 women) who followed a hydroxycinnamic acids (4525 µmol, 2219 µmol, polyphenol-free diet for 48 hour before admin- or 1053 µmol) (Erk et al., 2012) or CQAs (746 µmol) istration of 200 mL of . Themax T (Erk et al., 2014b). For hydroxycinnamic acids, of up to 1 hour was indicative of small intestine 68.8 ± 9.0% and 77.4 ± 4.3% of the high and low absorption. ingested dose, respectively, were recovered in In the study of Kempf et al. (2010) reported the ileal fluid [suggesting that one third of the above, significant increases were seen in ingested amount is absorbed in the small intes- coffee-derived compounds including CA, tine]. For CQAs, the recovery rate was 76.2%. ferulic acid (FA), and isoferulic acid (iFA) after In a further study of 10 non-smoking healthy daily consumption. In two reports (Renouf volunteers (5 men, 5 women) given 170 mg of et al., 2010a, b), CA, FA, and iFA reached Cmax hydroxycinnamic acids via decaffeinated green approximately 1 hour after administration of coffee extract in a capsule in plasma Farah( et 4 g of instant coffee in 9 healthy non-smoking al., 2008), apparent bioavailability of chloro- coffee consumers (4 men, 5 women). [Plasma was genic acids varied considerably over the range sampled up to 12 hours after coffee consumption; 7.8–72.1% (mean: 33 ± 23%) [no data on regular data on certain late-appearing phenolic acids was coffee consumption were provided.] therefore lacking.] In a study using instant coffee in vitro Farrell( In a similar randomized, crossover study of et al., 2011), rapid and time-dependent membrane 10 healthy non-smoking coffee consumers permeation of dimethoxycinnamic acid was (4 men, 6 women) (Renouf et al., 2014), phenolic seen in Caco-2 cells. Paracellular diffusion was acids appeared rapidly in the plasma, but the the main transport mechanisms of hydroxycin- overall level of hydroxycinnamic acids remained namic acids, and the monocarboxylic acid trans- low (AUC < 10 µM min, Cmax < 100 nM). The porter was a mediator of CA disposition (Konishi hydroxycinnamic acid AUC values increased & Kobayashi, 2004). during dose escalation. [The exclusion criterion (iii) Other compounds for smoking was > 5 cigarettes/day.] In a study of 9 healthy volunteers (4 men, After a single dose (350 mL) of filtered coffee 5 women) who consumed a single dose of 400 mL given to healthy non-smoking regular coffee instant coffee, dimethoxycinnamic acid was consumers who had abstained from caffeine found in plasma exclusively as a free aglycone, for 10 days, a higher maximum concentration of was reached later in women with a Cmax of 496 ± 110 nM reached 30 minutes after dosing Farrell( et al., 2012). [Smoking status (n = 6, Cmax = 6547 nmol/L, Tmax = 3.17 hours) as of the subjects was not assessed.] compared with men (n = 7, Cmax = 5479 nmol/L, Several studies investigated absorption of Tmax = 2.29 hours) (Lang et al., 2010). No differ- hydroxycinnamic acids after coffee administra- ence was observed for N-. tion in individuals with an ileostomy (Stalmach De Roos et al. (1998) reported dose-dependent et al., 2010; Erk et al., 2012, 2014b). In 3 men absorption of diterpenes in 9 healthy volunteers and 2 women, 71 ± 7% of hydroxycinnamic (4 men, 5 women) with an ileostomy after coffee

356 Drinking coffee consumption. [No data on smoking and regular (ii) Phenolic acids coffee consumption were available.] A general schematic of chlorogenic acids (b) Distribution metabolism is presented in Fig. 4.2. In the study of Farah et al. (2008) described A high volume of distribution was reported in Section 4.1.1 (a) (ii) above, the hydroxycin- in a study of healthy non-smoking regular coffee namic acids metabolites CA, FA, and iFA and drinkers (7 men and 6 women) who ingested p-coumaric acids contributed about 20.3% of a single 350 mL dose of coffee after a 10-day the total phenolics detected in plasma. On the washout period (Lang et al., 2010). The volume other hand, sinapic, gallic, p-hydroxybenzoic, of distribution (i.e., the theoretic-al volume that and dihydrocaffeic (DHCA) acids were the major would be necessary to contain the total amount phenolic compounds found in urine (approxi- of an administered dose) was 123 L and mately 82%). [Plasma was not sampled 8 hours 148 L for trigonelline and 211 L and 214 L for after dosing, when concentrations of hydroxy- N-methylpyridinium, for women and men, cinnamic acids in some of the subjects were still respectively. high. No data on regular coffee consumption were available.] (c) Metabolism In the study of Erk et al. (2012) described (i) Caffeine in Section 4.1.1 (a) (ii) above, sulfation was the A general schematic of caffeine metabolism is dominant form of conjugation and significant presented in Fig. 4.1. inter-individual variation in metabolism of In the study of Martínez-López et al. (2014) hydroxycinnamic acids was observed. [Only described in Section 4.1.1 (a) (i) above, paraxan- women were included in the study. Most of the thine (PX) was the major metabolite followed by observed inter-individual differences came from 1-methyluric acid (1-MU) and 1-methylxanthine a single outlier.] (1-MX). All detected metabolites were present in In two studies conducted by Renouf et al. plasma from the first sampling time (30 minutes (Renouf et al., 2010a, b), DHCA and dihydro- after coffee consumption). [Data on regular coffee ferulic acid (DHFA) reached maximum plasma consumption were not provided.] concentration (approximately 200 nM and In 9 (7 men, 2 women) healthy non-smoking 550 nM, respectively) 10 hours after ingestion. regular coffee drinkers (≥ 4 cups per day) admin- [Plasma was sampled up to 12 hours after the istered caffeine (0, 4.2, or 12 mg/kg per day in coffee consumption; the complete kinetics of decaffeinated coffee in three randomized treat- certain late-appearing phenolic acids was there- ment blocks of 5 days each), the higher caffeine fore lacking.] dose resulted in plasma AUC values for all evalu- Fumeaux et al. (2010) identified and charac- ated metabolites that were at least 3.3-fold higher terized several hydroxycinnamic acids for the (Denaro et al., 1990). The metabolism of caffeine first time in the plasma and urine of 11 healthy under long-term dosing conditions decreased in volunteers given a single dose of hydroxycin- a dose-dependent manner, leading to the accu- namic acids of 412 µmol consumed as instant mulation of methylxanthines. coffee. Four were identified in plasma (CA and Additional studies on the modulating effect DHCA 3′-sulfate, and FA and DHFA 4′-sulfate), of coffee on metabolizing enzymes can be found and ten in urine (CA 3′- and 4′-sulfates, DHCA in Section 4.1.3 of this monograph. 3′-O-glucuronide and 3′-sulfate, FA 4′-sulfate, iFA 3′-sulfate, DHFA 4′-O-glucuronide and


Fig. 4.1 Important metabolic pathways for caffeine and its metabolites

A, F: CYP1A2; B, D: CYP1A2, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2E1, CYP3A4; C: CYP1A2, CYP2E1, E: NAT2; G: CYP1A2, CYP2A6; H: methylxanthine N1 demethylase; I: methylxanthine N3 demethylase; J, K: xanthine oxidase Compiled by the Working Group

4′-sulfate, FA and dihydroisoferulic acid 3′-O- including 19 newly identified substances such glucuronides). [Sex, smoking status, and regular as feruloylquinic acid lactone (FQA), sulfated coffee consumption of study subjects were not and glucuronidated forms of FQA lactone, and reported.] sulfated forms of coumaric acid. Several previously unidentified coffee metab- olites were detected by Redeuil et al. (2011) in (d) Elimination the plasma of 9 healthy non-smoking regular (i) Caffeine coffee consumers (4 men and 5 women) after Martínez-López et al. (2014) detected the administration of a single 400 mL dose of 11 caffeine metabolites in urine after a single instant coffee. A total of 22 phenolic acid deriv- dose of green/roasted coffee, with 1-methyluric atives and 12 CGA derivatives were detected, acid as the major compound representing 67.7%

358 Drinking coffee

Fig. 4.2 Metabolism of chlorogenic acids after the ingestion of coffee in humans

5-O-CQA and 5-O-FQA are illustrated structures, but their respective 3- and 4-isomers would be metabolized in a similar manner, and likewise for 4- and 3-O-CQAL. COMT, catechol-O-methyltransferase; ET, esterase; RA, reductase; GT, UDP-glucuronyltransferase; ST, sulfuryl-O- transferase; Co-A, co-enzyme A. Bold arrows indicate major routes, dotted arrows minor pathways. Steps blocked in subjects with an ileostomy and hence occurring in the colon are indicated. From Stalmach et al. (2010), with permission from Elsevier of the total urinary metabolites. Unmetabolized 0.069 ± 0.018 L/h/kg, and 0.054 0.019 L/h/kg caffeine represented about 2.7% of the total for placebo, low caffeine dose, and high caffeine amount of urinary metabolites, with a urinary dose, respectively) and a consequent increase

Tmax of 6.00 ± 2.71 hours. [Data on regular coffee in the half-life of caffeine (4.0 ± 1.4 hours, consumption were not reported.] 6.1 ± 1.6 hours, and 8.7 ± 2.3 hours for placebo, In the study of Denaro et al. (1990) reported low caffeine dose, and high caffeine dose, in Section 4.1.1 (c) (i) above, elimination of respectively). caffeine was dose-dependent; a higher caffeine Förster et al. (2005) showed increased urinary dose was associated with a progressive decrease levels of free pentosidine (from 3.9 ± 1.2 µg/day in caffeine clearance (0.118 ± 0.049 L/h/kg, to 10.2 ± 2.9 µg/day) in 18 healthy volunteers


(7 men, 11 women) given coffee. On the contrary, caffeic, vanillic, and gallic acids Duarte( & Farah, the elimination of free pyrraline was not affected 2011). by coffee consumption. [No data were available (iii) Other compounds on smoking and coffee consumption habits.] Other studies in which caffeine was admin- In 13 healthy non-smokers (7 men, 6 women) istered as a capsule or gum demonstrated given a single 350 mL oral dose of coffee, urinary elimination of caffeine and its metabo- the plasma half-life (t1/2) of trigonelline and lites (Kaplan et al., 1997; Kamimori et al., 2002; N-methylpyridinium was 4.65 hours versus Gelal et al., 2003; Skinner et al., 2014). 5.5 hours and 2.35 hours versus 2.15 hours in men compared with women, respectively (Lang (ii) Phenolic acids et al., 2010). Differences between the sexes were In the study of Farah et al. (2008) described also observed in terms of the extent of elimina- in Section 4.1.1 (a) (ii) above, the only intact tion, the 8-hour urinary excretion being slightly hydroxycinnamic acids identified in urine were less in women than in men. 5-CQA and 4-CQA. DHCA, sinapic, gallic, and Habitual coffee consumption did not alter p-hydroxybenzoic acids were the major (85%) the concentration of two trigonelline metabo- phenolic compounds. lites, N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide and In 5 non-smokers (men) who consumed 4 g of N1-methyl-4-pyridone-5-carboxamide, in urine instant coffee powder dissolved in water, signifi- samples of healthy volunteers 4 hours after cant urinary elimination of FA, iFA, DHFA, and consumption of a cup of coffee Wong( et al., vanillic acid was observed (Rechner et al., 2001). 2002). In the study of Monteiro et al. (2007) In 9 ileostomists (4 men, 5 women) consuming described in Section 4.1.1 (a) (ii) above, the only French-press coffee, only free and intact CGA identified in urine was 5-CQA. Gallic were found in 14-hour ileostomy effluent and dihydrocaffeic acid represented the most (De Roos et al., 1998). Both diterpenes were abundant phenolic acids in urine, comprising present in 24-hour urine in either glucuroni- about 56% of the total urinary concentration dated or sulfated form. of all detected compounds. [No data on regular coffee consumption were provided.] 4.1.2 Experimental systems After ingestion of 200 mL of instant coffee (a) Absorption by 11 non-smokers (8 men, 3 women), the major urinary CGA-related compound was DHCA-3- (i) In vivo O-sulfate (Stalmach et al., 2009). In the study In Wistar rats given coffee or coffee and milk described above by the same group (Stalmach for 3 weeks, the absorption of CQA was found et al., 2010) in 5 ileostomy volunteers (3 men, to be weak and not disrupted by the addition of 2 women), sulfated FA, CA, and DHCA and milk, regardless of the fat content (Dupas et al., glucuronidated iFA were the main compounds 2006). [Only skimmed and semi-skimmed milk in the 24-h ileostomy effluent after a single dose was used in the study.] of instant coffee. Several studies evaluated absorption in rats In 5 non-smoking volunteers (2 men, 3 women) treated with phenolic acids. Almost all ingested given instant coffee in water or milk, the main CGA (98.6%) remained intact in the small intes- coffee compounds identified in urine were tine 6 hours after administration in Wistar rats, hippuric, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic, dihydro- suggesting poor absorption from the gastro- intestinal tract (Azuma et al., 2000). In rats given

360 Drinking coffee

CGA, intact CGA was detected in urine samples, (b) Distribution indicating that it was absorbed in its native form In C57BL/6J mice given a single dose of cafestol (Gonthier et al., 2003). In rats given CA, the major (1.5 mg dose of 3H-labelled compound), almost all compounds in both urine and plasma were CGA radioactivity was found in small intestines and metabolites of microbial origin (m-coumaric acid liver; trace amounts were detected in kidneys and and derivatives of phenylpropionic, benzoic, and none in other organs (van Cruchten et al., 2010). hippuric acids), accounting for 57.4% (mol/mol) of the CGA intake. In Sprague-Dawley rats, CA (c) Metabolism was rapidly absorbed with a peak plasma concen- (i) In vivo tration (Cmax) of 7870 ± 2480 ng/mL achieved In Wistar rats given hydroxycinnamic acids, 0.33 ± 0.13 hours after the oral administration of CA, or quinic acid (250 µmol/day) in the diet for a 20 mg/kg dose (Wang et al., 2015). 8 days, the major compounds in both urine and In C57BL/6J mice treated with a single dose of plasma were CGA metabolites of microbial origin 3 cafestol (1.5 mg dose of [ H]-labelled compound), (m-coumaric acid and derivatives of phenylpropi- cafestol was efficiently absorbed into the portal onic, benzoic, and hippuric acids), accounting for vein as the parent compound, a glucuronide, 57.4% (mol/mol) of the CGA intake (Gonthier et and an unidentified metabolite Cruchten( et al., al., 2003). 2010). In mice given cafestol via the portal vein, (ii) In vitro and ex vivo epoxy-glutathione, glutathione, and glucuronide In an ex vivo experiment with pig jejunal conjugates were identified van( Cruchten et al., 3 mucosa, hydroxycinnamic acids (at concentra- 2010). With H-labelled cafestol intravenously tions achievable in the gut lumen, 0.02–3.5 mM) injected to mice (van Cruchten et al., 2010), the were absorbed by passive diffusion in the most abundant cafestol metabolites in bile (41%) jejunum with active efflux transport, mediated was the glucuronide conjugate. The same meta- by MDR1 and MDR2 (Erk et al., 2014a). Using bolite was also detected in portal blood 18 minutes an in vitro Dunkin-Hartley guinea-pig stomach after administration. cell model, FQA and diCQA (dicaffeoylquinic (ii) In vitro acid) permeated across the gastric barrier as In a study of the metabolism of caffeine intact compounds with a relative permeability (100 mM) in vitro using rat P450s and liver micro- coefficient app(P ) of approximately 0.2 cm/s and somes, CYP1A2 was the most important enzyme 2–10 cm/s, respectively (Farrell et al., 2011). overall (Kot & Daniel, 2008a). The main oxidation The net absorption of CGA and CA accounted pathway (70%) was 8-hydroxylation, with CYP1A2 for 8% and 19.5% of their respective perfused and CYP3A2 catalysing 72% and 15% of the reac- flux using an in situ intestinal perfusion model tion, respectively. derived from rat (ileum/jejunum) (Lafay et al., Hydrolysis of CGA was shown to take place in 2006). In a model of digestion model in vitro, the gut mucosa, using an in situ intestinal perfu- the most abundant compound detected after sion model derived from rat (ileum/jejunum) digestion of coffee was caffeine (94%), followed (Lafay et al., 2006). by 5-CQA, 4-CQA, and 3-CQA (87.9−92.0%) CA was shown to be methylated by (Cha et al., 2012). catechol-O-methyltransferase in gastric cells, with iFA as the major metabolite, using a Dunkin- Hartley guinea-pig stomach cell model (Farrell et al., 2011).


(d) Elimination metabolism in Koreans as compared with Swedes When given as a single dose to Sprague- (P < 0.0001). Increased caffeine metabolism was detected in cigarette smokers and carriers of Dawley rats, CA was rapidly eliminated with t1/2 values of about 1 hour after intravenous (1 mg/kg) −163C > A CYP1A2 polymorphism (P ≤ 0.0007), or oral (20 mg/kg) administration (Wang et al., while sex-specific effects were not observed. 2015). The effect of coffee on phase II metabolizing In C57BL/6J mice, 20% of the administered enzymes was also reported. In 10 healthy volun- radiolabelled cafestol dose was detected in bile teers who consumed 1 L/day of filtered or unfil- 5 hours after intravenous administration van( tered coffee over a period of 5 days, a significant Cruchten et al., 2010). Within 48 hours after oral increase in glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzy- administration, all radiolabel was eliminated. matic activity and immunoassays for GSTA and GSTP isozymes revealed that the induction can 4.1.3 Modulation of metabolic enzymes be assigned exclusively to the latter (Steinkellner et al., 2005). The same inductive effect was (a) Humans observed with both filtered and unfiltered coffee (i) In vivo preparations [suggesting that coffee diterpenes kahweol and cafestol, known to be removed from Several studies investigated the effect of coffee by paper filtration, are not responsible for coffee consumption on cytochrome P4501A2 the GST induction]. In contrast, colorectal GST (CYP1A2) activity. An increase of almost 2-fold activity was not affected by coffee consumption (6.26 vs 3.94, P = 0.01) in CYP1A2 activity was in 64 healthy regular coffee consumers drinking seen in regular coffee consumers (1–10 cups/day) 1 L/day of unfiltered coffee for two intervention compared with non-consumers (< 1 cup/day) in a periods of 2 weeks (Grubben et al., 2000). case–control study involving 43 adenocarcinoma patients and 47 controls matched by sex, age, and (ii) In vitro ethnicity (Le Marchand et al., 1997). In a study of In an assay in vitro using cultured lympho- 100 Serbian and 149 Swedish healthy volunteers, cytes from 239 healthy Japanese volunteers, daily consumption of at least 3 cups of coffee was regular coffee consumption increased the expres- associated with significantly increased caffeine sion of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) metabolism and CYP1A2 enzyme activity (Kiyohara & Hirohata, 1997). (Djordjevic et al., 2008). Additional genotyping In human colon carcinoma Caco-2 cells, of subjects for CYP1A2 revealed that a significant coffee inhibited sulfotransferase (SULT) activity association between heavy coffee consumption in a dose-dependent manner, an inhibitory effect and high CYP1A2 enzyme activity exists only in that could not be attributed to caffeine Okamura( carriers of −163 A/A genotype, suggesting that et al., 2005). Neither coffee nor caffeine affected the −163A allele (rs762551) is a recessive factor glucuronidation, that is, UDP-glucuronosyl necessary for the CYP1A2 induction (Djordjevic transferase (UGT) activity. Exposure of Caco-2 et al., 2010). The effect of the single nucleotide cells to 5% coffee resulted in an 81.4% decrease in polymorphism (SNP) −163C > A on CYP1A2 SULT activity (Saruwatari et al., 2008). Likewise, inducibility persisted after adjusting for smoking Isshiki et al. (2013) also reported a 60% and 25% and oral contraceptive use in women (P ≤ 0.022). reduction of the expression of SULT1E1 gene In a similar study with 194 Swedish and 150 and SULT activity, respectively, in Caco-2 cells Korean healthy volunteers, Ghotbi et al. (2007) treated with 2.5% coffee for 24 hours. reported a significantly lower rate of caffeine

362 Drinking coffee

Filtered coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and respectively), and UGT (2-fold). Similarly, instant coffee induced UGT1A expression in Abraham et al. (1998) showed that coffee caused HepG2 and Caco-2 cells (Kalthoff et al., 2010), a modest increase in GST activity in Swiss albino indicating that the observed upregulation is inde- mice. pendent of caffeine, kahweol, or cafestol content. Coffee significantly increased enzyme Kahweol and cafestol slightly increased expression in different organs of humanized overall GST activity and significantly increased UGT transgenic mice, ranging from 10-fold for the level of GST-mu protein in transformed liver UGT1A1 to 11-fold and 14-fold for stomach liver epithelial cell lines (THLE) (Cavin et al., UGT1A1 and UGT1A6, respectively (Kalthoff 2001). Similarly, kahweol and cafestol decreased et al., 2010). Several studies (Huber et al., 2003, sulfotransferase SULT1A1 by 38%, while GST 2004, 2008) have demonstrated that coffee given and UGT activity increased by 1.4- and 1.2-fold, to rats for 10–20 days induced hepatic GST and respectively, in human HepG2 cells (Majer et al., UGT activities (up to 30% and approximately 2005). 2-fold, respectively), as well as hepatic CYP1A1, In human lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs), CYP1A2, CYP2B1, and CYP2B2 (ranging from caffeine caused a significant downregulation in 2-fold for CYP2B2 to 6-fold for CYP1A2). CYP1A1 levels (by 1.29-fold), but had no effect on In male Fischer 344 rats, caffeine (0.04%) CYP1A2 (Amin et al., 2012). Likewise, caffeine significantly increased the CYP1A2 protein did not alter the expression of the CYP1A2 in level by 3.8-fold (Chen et al., 1996). Similarly, primary human hepatocytes (Vaynshteyn & caffeine (20 mg/kg) given to Swiss albino mice Jeong, 2012). for 8 weeks increased the level of CYP1A2 in the brain (Singh et al., 2009). Kahweol/cafestol (47% (b) Experimental systems kahweol, 47% cafestol, 5% isomeric derivatives) (i) In vivo increased GST and UGT activity in rat liver and In wildtype mice, coffee (3% and 6%) kidney (Huber et al., 2002). increased hepatic levels of GSTA1 (5-fold and (ii) In vitro 6-fold, respectively), GSTA4 (3-fold and 4-fold, In rat primary hepatocytes, caffeine (50 μM respectively), and CYP1A2 (3-fold in the 6% for 72 hours) resulted in an increase of 9-fold in coffee group), while GSTA3 and UGT1A6 were Cyp1a2 expression (Vaynshteyn & Jeong, 2012). unaffected Higgins( et al., 2008). On the contrary, A mixture of kahweol and cafestol (52.5:47.5) in Nrf2 null mice, both the normal constitutive for 48 hours inhibited CYP3A2 and activated expression of enzymes and the alteration in their GST in a dose-dependent manner in primary rat level and activity in the liver was diminished; hepatocytes (Cavin et al., 2001). only the UGT1A6 level was increased by 4-fold CA significantly inhibited both human Uwai( −/− in nrf2 mice fed 6% coffee. In the small intes- et al., 2011) and rat (Uwai et al., 2013) organic tine of the wildtype mice, induction followed the anion transporters (OATs) expressed in Xenopus same Nrf2-dependent pattern. laevis oocytes. CGA significantly inhibited only In Fischer rats fed a coffee-containing diet hOAT3, while quinic acid was without effect on (0%, 1%, or 5% w/w) for 2 weeks, there was a strong, the transporters. concentration-dependent induction of CYP1A2 (by up to 16-fold) (Turesky et al., 2003). In addi- tion, coffee (5%) (but not caffeine) increased rGSTA1 and rGSTA3 (by 1.4- and 2.6-fold,


4.2 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis drinking 1–6 times per week was associated with an additional chromosome 18 (Jurewicz et al., 4.2.1 Genetic and related effects 2014). (a) Humans In splenectomized individuals, consumption of caffeinated (but not decaffeinated) coffee was The results of investigations on the effect associated with an approximately 2-fold higher of coffee drinking by exposed humans and in frequency of micronuclei (MN) in reticulocytes human cells in vitro are listed in Table 4.3 and and erythrocytes (Smith et al., 1990). In an Table 4.4, respectively. Italian lifestyle study described by Barale et al. (i) Exposed humans (1998), no increase of MN formation was found See Table 4.3. in coffee drinkers compared with non-drinkers. Several studies that reported on the rela- DNA damage tionship between coffee consumption and A protective effect on DNA damage in sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) in lymphocytes lymphocytes was found in studies conducted focused on a variety of lifestyle factors rather with coffee containing increased amounts of than primarily on the effects of coffee. [The chlorogenic acids (green extract) Working Group noted shortcomings regarding and N-methylpyridinium (Bakuradze et al., the study design.] Reidy et al. (1988) reported a 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016). positive linear relationship between SCE) and While several other studies found no protec- coffee consumption that was similar for male tive effect on DNA damage in unexposed smokers (n = 30) and non-smokers (n = 30). lymphocytes, it was demonstrated that lympho- [The Working Group noted a lack of details on cytes isolated from coffee consumers exhibited coffee consumption.] Similarly, coffee intake was reduced DNA damage after in vitro exposure to associated with a significant increase in SCE DNA-damaging agents (Steinkellner et al., 2005; in a study of women of the Republic of Korea Bichler et al., 2007). In contrast to the protec- (Shim et al., 1989). However, a follow-up report tive effects seen in peripheral lymphocytes, from the same group found no effect of coffee non-smoking, coffee-consuming men had an consumption on SCE in male smokers (Shim et approximately 20% higher percentage tail DNA al., 1995). A borderline increase in SCE frequen- under neutral, but not alkaline, conditions cies with coffee drinking was reported byBarale compared with men who consumed no caffeine et al. (1998), and no difference in spontaneous (Schmid et al., 2007). SCE between coffee drinkers and non-drinkers Oxidative and other DNA damage end-points was reported in another study in Italy (Sbrana et reported in studies of oxidative stress markers al., 1995). Finally, reporting on a cross-sectional are discussed in Section 4.2.2. study of twins, Hirsch et al. (1992) found that Cytogenetic effects individuals who consumed at least 5 cups/day of coffee had half the number of SCE/cell (after One study reported a significant increase adjusting for smoking) compared with those in lymphocyte chromosomal aberrations with who drank < 5 cups/day. coffee intake, independent of smoking status or folate levels (Chen et al., 1989). In sperm cells, a Gene mutations statistically significant positive association was Several studies from one research group (Porta found between drinking coffee daily and the et al., 1999, 2009; Morales et al., 2007) reported lack of chromosome X or Y. In addition, coffee an association between coffee consumption and

364 Drinking coffee et al. et al. Reference Bakuradze et al. (2011) Bakuradze (2014) Bakuradze et al. (2015) Bakuradze et al. (2016) Steinkellner (2005) Bichler et al. (2007) Schmid et al. (2007) Chen et al. (1989) Jurewicz et al. (2014) Smith et al. (1990) Barale et al. (1998) Reidy et al. (1988) = 0.0001) or Trp-P-2 or Trp-P-2 2 P O 2 < 0.05) < 0.01) P P Comments Reduction in DNA damage induced by BPDE ( Reduction in DNA damage induced by H ( neutral,+ for but not alkaline, assay effectNo with decaffeinated coffee Linear increase with cups coffee of intake ( < 0.001 P < 0.019) P < 0.001) < 0.001) = 0.0002) = 0.005) = 0.05), = 0.03) = 0.0006) P P P P P P P – SC (PE) Response (PE) ( (PE) ( (PE) ( (PE) – (PE) + coffee drinkers vs non-drinkers ( + ( + + reticulocytes ( erythrocytes ( – + Coffee intake vs abstinence ( 8 healthy men and 600 mL/day women; (400 mLcoffee paper- and 200 mLmetal- filtered) 5 daysfor Description exposure of and controls male33 non-smoking subjects consumed 750 mL/day coffee of 4 for wk 84 non-smoking subjects consumed 750 mL/day coffee of 4 for wk 84 male non-smoking subjects; 42 consumed 750 mL/day coffee of and 42 controls consumed water only 4 wk for male13 non-smoking subjects; sampling every 2 h before and after coffee drinking; 200 mL every 2 h (total 800 mL) healthy10 subjects men, 7 women) (3 consumed unfiltered of 1 L/day coffee for 5 days 80 healthy male non-smokers: 58 coffee drinkers vs 22 non-drinkers 25 subjects who consumed of > 4 cups/day coffee vs 34 subjectsof < 4 coffeecups/day healthy212 men 44 splenectomized subjects men, 18 (26 drank 29 coffee, of cups/day 10 women); 1–2 drank decaffeinated12 (< 1cup/day), coffee drank tea 564 female coffee drinkersnon- 165 vs drinkers; male coffee 414 drinkers107 vs non-drinkers 30 smoking and 30 non-smoking men Comet assay Test system Test Comet assay Comet assay Comet assay Comet assay Comet assay Comet assay Chromosomal aberration Chromosomal aberration, aneuploidy (FISH) Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation Sister-chromatid exchange DNA damage End-point DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Lymphocytes Table 4.3 GeneticTable and related effects of drinkingcoffee in exposed humans Cell type Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Sperm Lymphocytes Sperm Reticulocytes erythrocytes and Lymphocytes Lymphocytes

365 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 Reference Shim et al. (1989) Shim et al. (1995) Barale et al. (1998) Sbrana et al. (1995) Hirsch et al. (1992) Sbrana et al. (1995) Porta et al. (1999) Morales et al. (2007) Porta et al. (2009) = 0.038) P < 0.001) P Comments Few coffee consumers Few coffee consumers Linear increase with cups of coffee ( Increase with cups coffeeof consumed, notbut duration Increase with cups coffeeof ( Increase with cups coffeeof consumed < 0.01) < 0.001) = 0.018) = 0.026) < 0.015) P P P P P Response + ( – – – + ( – + ( + ( + ( mutation RAS ]indole-acetate; vs, wk, versus week(s); b Description exposure of and controls coffee-drinking11 women vs cups/day) (1–2 women41 non-drinkers male smokers14 who drank (> 2–3 coffee male vs non-drinking 14 6 mo) for cups/day smokers 564 coffee-drinkingnon- 165 women vs drinkers; coffee drinker 414 107 men vs non-drinkers 86 coffee drinkersversus non-drinkers22 In a study twins, of coffee 29 drinkers who consumed consuming vs ≥ 5 cups/day 195 < 5 cups/day 86 coffee drinkersversus non-drinkers22 patients121 with pancreatic cancer men (70 women) and 51 pancreatic107 cancer patients with (83 cases) without or cases) (24 K- pancreatic103 ductal adenocarcinoma patients ]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide; FISH, fluorescence in situhybridization; h, hour; PCR, polymerase chain reaction;PE, protective a Test system Test Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange DNA analysis, PCR DNA analysis, PCR DNA analysis, PCR

RAS RAS RAS End-point Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage K- mutation K- mutation K- mutation Table 4.3 (continued) Table Cell type Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Tumour Tumour Tumour +, positive;+, –, negative; BPDE, (±)-anti-benzo[ effect; SC, standard conditions;Trp-P-2, amine 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-

366 Drinking coffee Reference Glei et al. (2006) Bichler et al. (2007) Bravo et al. (2013) Hossain et al. (2013) Cavin et al. (2001) Cavin et al. (2008) Aeschbacher et al. (1985) et al.Tucker (1989) Majer et al. (2005) -induced -induced -induced 2 2 2 O O O 2 2 2 Comments Reduction in H DNA damage Coffee increased damageDNA and reduced H DNA damage Reduction in H DNA damage Reduction in AFB1- adductsDNA formation Reduction in AFB1- adductDNA formation Lower in the presence of S9 Inhibited MN induced PhIP by or NDMA

] b Concentration (LEC HIC) or 6 µg/mL 50 µL/mL 333 µg/mL 1:20 1 µg/mL µg/mL 200 2.5 mg/mL 0.2 mg/mL µg/mL 0.3 With metabolic activation NT NT NT NT NT NT + NT NT Results Without activation – (PE) + (PE) – (PE) + (PE) (PE) + + – (PE) , hydrogen peroxide; HIC, highest ineffective concentration; LEC, lowest effective concentration; MN, 2 O 2 Test DNA strand break, comet assay DNA strand break, comet assay DNA strand break, comet assay activationp53 assay adductDNA adductsDNA Chromosomal aberration Sister- chromatid exchange MN formation End-point DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage ; C+K, cafestol; C+K, and kahweol; H 1 -nitrosodimethlyamine; not tested; NT, PE, protective effect; 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-PhIP, N Coffee type and preparation coffeeGreen extract Metal filtered coffee, method coffee Spent grounds Brewed (regular and decaffeinated) Coffee diterpenes: and cafestol kahweol Coffee (caffeinated and decaffeinated) Instant coffee (caffeinated and decaffeinated) coffee Brewed Coffee diterpenes: and cafestol kahweol (C+K)

TP53 +, positive;+, – negative; aflatoxin AFB1, B micronucleus; NDMA, Tissue, cell line HT29 and HepG2 cells Peripheral lymphocytes cells HeLa cells p53R (colorectal cell line expressing reporter gene) Transformed liver epithelial cell lines CYP expressing 1A2, and 2B6 3A4, Primary hepatocytes Lymphocytes Peripheral lymphocytes Liver HepG2 cell line Table 4.4 Genetic and relatedTable effectscoffee of in human cells in vitro


K-RAS mutations in ductal adenocarcinoma of pyridine (PhIP) and N-nitrosodimethylamine the pancreas. Mutations in K-RAS on codon 12 (NDMA) (Majer et al., 2005). were found in tumours from 94 of 121 patients In human lymphocytes, coffee induced (77.7%), and were more common among regular chromosomal aberrations in the absence of a coffee drinkers than non-regular coffee drinkers metabolic activation system (S9), but S9 reduced (82.0% vs 55.6%, P = 0.018, n = 107, adjusted the clastogenic properties (Aeschbacher et al., for smoking and alcohol drinking) (Porta et 1985). Tucker et al. (1989) reported a significant al., 1999). Similar results were obtained in two increase in SCE with brewed coffee, an effect follow-up studies that also adjusted for other reduced by bisulfite addition. [The Working lifestyle factors and exposures to organochlorine Group noted that this suggested that bicarbo- chemicals (Morales et al., 2007; Porta et al., 2009). nyls (which are complexed by bisulfite) may have Mutagenicity of urine accounted for this effect.] Aeschbacher & Chappuis (1981) found no (b) Experimental systems evidence of mutagenicity in Salmonella strains (i) Non-human mammals in vivo TA98 and TA100 of polar and non-polar frac- tions with urine samples from 6 coffee drinkers See Table 4.5. and 6 non-drinkers. However, chromosomal Several in vivo studies tested coffee in combi- damage in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells nation with genotoxic agents. Turesky et al. (2003) was induced by fractions prepared from urine of found evidence for coffee-associated reduction of coffee drinkers Dunn( & Curtis, 1985). PhIP-induced DNA adducts in the liver of rats. Ferk et al. (2014) found a significant reduction (ii) Human cells in vitro of DNA damage induced by aflatoxin 1B in the See Table 4.4. liver of rats with paper- and metal-filtered coffee Coffee increased DNA damage by comet assay brews, whereas a decaffeinated coffee brew had a in one study (Bichler et al. 2007) and reduced lesser effect. the DNA damage induced by H2O2 in several A significant dose-dependent increase in studies using different cell types Bichler( et al. 8-OHdG levels, as well as an increase in the 2007; Bravo et al., 2013), as did a green coffee concentrations of CGA in the urine, was found in extract (Glei et al., 2006). Coffee increased TP53 Wistar rats given freeze-dried coffee Sakamoto( activation, via a stably transfected luciferase et al., 2003). Salomone et al. (2014) showed that reporter, in a human colorectal cell line (Hossain coffee reduced the hepatic levels of 8-OHdG et al., 2013). Although reportedly confirmed in and other markers of oxidative stress in rats fed comet and histone γH2AX phosphorylation a high-fat diet. A study in ICR mouse by Morii experiments, the latter results were not shown. et al. (2009) reported no effect of instant coffee [The Working Group noted that this study is consumption (0.1% w/v) on DNA oxidation, on difficult to interpret.] the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), or Coffee protected against aflatoxin-induced on 8-OHdG repair-associated gene expression DNA adducts in transformed human liver epithe- (Ogg1). lial cells (Cavin et al., 2001), as did two diterpenes A protective effect of coffee on the induction (cafestol and kahweol) in human primary hepato- of MN in mouse bone marrow was reported by cytes (Cavin et al., 2008). Similar protection by Abraham and co-workers. A significant inhibi- the diterpenes was seen against MN induced tion of MN formation by coffee was observed after by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] co-treatment with dimethylbenz[a]anthracene,

368 Drinking coffee

Reference Turesky et al. (2003) Ferk et al. (2014) Sakamoto et al. (2003) Salomone et al. (2014) Morii et al. (2009) Abraham (1989) Abraham (1995) Abraham et al. (1998) < 0.01; PhIP < 0.01; Comments P detected mg/kg (0.75 bw); adductsDNA in liver, colon, pancreas; liver adducts decreased by coffee50%; 1% against protects PhIP in 5% liver, in pancreas effect Protective in embryos and dams Coffee increased GST Route, duration, dosing regiment samplingDiet, 14 day, 24 h afterPhIP treatment Orally, 8 day, sampling 4 h after (2 mg/kgAFB1 bw) Orally in diet, 130 d Orally as solution, 12 wk Orally as solution, up to 8 mo Gavage, sampled 1×, after 25–28 h Gavage; sampled 1×, after or 22 28 h Gavage, sampled 1×, after or 24 48 h

Dose (LED HID) or lyophilized1% coffee Metal-filtered coffee:9.65 g/day; paper-filtered coffee decaffeinatedor coffee: 19.3 g/day 0.62% (125 mg/day) freeze-dried coffee 1.5 mL/animal Paper-filtered decaffeinated coffee instant w/v 0.1% coffee 500 mg/kg bw coffee/instant coffee mg/kg350 bw during gestation (15–16 days) 125 mg/kg bw filtered coffee Results against (PE) PhIP against (PE) AFB1 + (PE), high-fat diet – against– (PE) MMC, CP, PCZ not but adriamycin against (PE) NEU and CP, MMC against– (PE) urethane Test DNA adducts DNA strand breaks, comet assay 8-OHdG 8-OHdG 8-OHdG MN formation MN formation MN formation End-point DNA damage damageDNA Oxidized DNA damage Oxidized DNA damage Oxidized DNA damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Tissue Liver, colon, pancreas Liver Urine Liver Liver Bone marrow Fetal liver, blood, maternal bone marrow Bone marrow Table 4.5 GeneticTable and related effectscoffee of in non-human mammalian cells in vivo Species, strain, sex Rat, Fischer-344, male Rat, Him- OFA, male Rat, Wistar, male Rat, Wistar, male Mouse, ICR, male Mouse, Swiss, male/ female Mouse, Swiss, female Swiss Mouse, albino, male

369 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 Reference Abraham (1991) Abraham & (1999) Singh Aeschbacher & Jaccaud (1990) Aeschbacher et al. (1984) Aeschbacher et al. (1984) Comments Same result with 2 g/100 mL oral against PE No MNU Route, duration, dosing regiment Gavage, h, 20 h 2× (2 before i.p. carcinogen treatment), sampled 24 h 48 h or after last dose Gavage, 1×/10 d, sampled 24 h 48 h or after dose Orally, sampled 1×, 24 h after dose Gavage, 1×/5 days, sampled 6 h after dose Gavage, sampled 1×, 25–26 h after dose ]pyrene; body bw, weight; ; CP, DMBA, dimethylbenz[α]anthracene; a

Dose (LED HID) or 250 mg/kg bw instant coffee bw mg/kg 140 decaffeinated, caffeinated instant coffee mg/kg 150–1000 instant coffee bw bw mg/kg 3000 instant coffee 2500 mg/kg bw instant coffee -ethylurea; PCZ, procarbazine; PE, protective effect; 2-amino-1-methyl-6-PhIP, N ]P, benzo[ a

2 ]P, ; B[ 1 a -nitroso- N ]P, UR, CP ]P, a Results against (PE) DMBA, AFB1, B[ against– (PE) DMBA, B[ MMC UR, CP, against– (PE) MU + NaNO – – , sodium nitrite; NEU, 2 Test MN formation MN formation MN formation MN formation Sister- chromatid exchange -deoxyguanosine; aflatoxin AFB1, B ′ End-point Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage ]pyridine; UR, urethane; wk, week(s) b -transferase; HID, h, highest hour(s); ineffective dose; i.p., intraperitoneally; LED, lowest effective dose;MMC, mitomycin C; MN, micronucleus; mo, month(s); Tissue Bone marrow Bone marrow Bone marrow Bone marrow Bone marrow S -methylnitrosourea; MU, methyl urea; NaNO N Table 4.5 (continued) Table Species, strain, sex Mouse, Swiss, male Mouse, Swiss, male Mouse, MS/ Ae Mouse, Swiss, OF-1, male Chinese hamster, male +, positive;+, –, negative; 8-OHdG, 8-hydroxy-2 glutathioneGST, MNU, phenylimidazo[4,5-

370 Drinking coffee

aflatoxin 1B , benzo[a]pyrene, cyclophosphamide, with caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee (brewed mitomycin, procarbazine, and urethane, but not and instant), although decaffeinated coffee was adriamycin (Abraham, 1989, 1991; Abraham et less potent and only positive in the absence of S9 al., 1998). Oral administration of coffee to preg- (Santa-Maria et al., 2001). No increase was seen nant mice before administration of cyclophos- with green coffee prepared from unroasted beans phamide, N-nitroso-N-ethyl urea, or mitomycin (with and without S9). C reduced the formation of MN in the fetal In Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells, a muta- liver and blood and in maternal bone marrow genic effect of instant coffee was suppressed (Abraham, 1995). Coffee was also protective by sodium bisulfite, a scavenger of carbonyls against urethane-mediated reduction in the (Nakasato et al., 1984). activity of the detoxifying enzyme glutathione Protection by coffee against PhIP as meas- S-transferase (Abraham et al., 1998). In a compar- ured by the single-cell gel electrophoresis assay ative study of caffeinated and decaffeinated was seen in the Chinese hamster fibroblast V79 brews, both displayed similar protective effects cell line expressing CYP1A2 and sulfotransferase against chemically-induced MN (Abraham & SULT1C1 (Edenharder et al., 2002). Singh, 1999). Notably, several of these studies Caffeine-containing instant coffee protected included coffee-only control groups; no evidence against DNA damage and MN induced by for induction of MN by coffee itself was detected. different genotoxic chemicals, such as N-methyl- Coffee administered in a dose equivalent to N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), mito- the consumption of 5 cups of coffee had a protec- mycin C, methyl methanesulfonate, and tive effect on nitrosourea-induced MN in bone γ-radiation in mouse lymphoma cells (Abraham marrow cells in mice (Aeschbacher & Jaccaud, et al. (2004). No difference in the protective 1990). In addition, no prevention of MN induced properties of caffeinated and decaffeinated by exogenous N-methylnitrosourea was found, brews against MNNG was detected (Abraham suggesting that the protective effect of coffee & Stopper, 2004). Coffee itself was devoid of may be through prevention of endogenous nitro- genotoxic activity, and no reduction of MN was sation (Aeschbacher & Jaccaud, 1990). The same detected when cells were exposed to the mutagen group reported that instant coffee had no effect before coffee. on MN and SCE in mice or in Chinese hamsters (iii) Non-mammalian experimental systems (Aeschbacher et al., 1984). See Table 4.7. (ii) Non-human mammalian cells in vitro No clear effects were found in germ cell assays See Table 4.6. in Drosophila melanogaster, but moderate activ- Overall, experiments with coffee or its ities were detected regarding the induction of constituents in mammalian cells fall into two mosaic spots in the wings in repair-proficient and categories: the first group concerns the effect of also repair-deficient cells Graf( & Würgler, 1986). coffee per se on damage of the genetic material, Coffee had a protective effect when administered and the second group deals with the protective in combination with a variety of genotoxins such effects towards chemical carcinogen-associated as urethane, cyclophosphamide, mitomycin damage. C, and diethylnitrosamine (Abraham, 1994; In a CHO cell line (AUXB1), coffee induced Abraham & Graf, 1996). SCE; this was reduced by bisulfite addition but not The majority of studies with Salmonella typh- by catalase and peroxidase (Tucker et al., 1989). imurium and other bacterial tester strains were In CHO-K1 cells, SCE frequencies were increased published before 1990 and were reviewed by the

371 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 ; Abraham et al. ; Reference et al.Tucker (1989) Santa-Maria et al. (2001) Santa-Maria et al. (2001) Santa-Maria et al. (2001) Edenharder et al. (2002) Abraham & Stopper (2004) (2004) Abraham et al. (2004) Abraham & Stopper (2004) Abraham et al. (2004) Abraham & Stopper (2004) Abraham & Stopper (2004) Abraham et al. (2004)

]pyridine b Concentration (LEC HIC) or mg/mL; brewed coffee0.1–1.2 mg/mL;10 instant or blend coffee mg/mL;10 roasted, green coffee mg/mL;10 instant or blend decaffeinated coffee v/v;(not coffee2% specified) µg/mL;125 caffeinated instant coffee µg/mL;125 caffeinated instant coffee 250 µg/mL; caffeinated instant coffee µg/mL;125 caffeinated instant coffee or filtered and unfiltered instant coffee 60 μg/mL boiled coffee caffeinated, µg/mL; 60–250 decaffeinated, filtered, unfiltered instant coffee, and boiled coffee µg/mL;125 caffeinated instant coffee With metabolic activation NT + – – NT NT NT NT NT NT NT Results Without metabolic activation + + – + against– (PE) PhIP against– (PE) MNNG and MMS against– (PE) MNNG – – against– (PE) MNNG against– (PE) MNNG; MMS; MMC; γ- radiation. locus ± Test system Test Sister- chromatid exchange Sister- chromatid exchange Sister- chromatid exchange Sister- chromatid exchange Comet assay Comet assay Tk MN formation MN formation MN formation MN formation End-point Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage Chromosomal damage DNA damage DNA damage Gene mutation Chromosomal aberration Chromosomal aberration Chromosomal aberration Chromosomal aberration -nitrosoguanidine; not tested; NT, PE, protective effect; 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-PhIP, N Cell model CHO (AUXBI) CHO-K1 CHO-K1 CHO-K1 Lung fibroblasts V79- rCYP1A2- rSULT1C1 Lymphoma L5178Y Lymphoma L5178Y Lymphoma L5178Y Lymphoma L5178Y Lymphoma L5178Y Lymphoma L5178Y -nitro- N -methyl- Table 4.6 Genetic and relatedTable effectscoffee of in non-human mammalian cells in vitro Species Chinese hamster Chinese hamster Chinese hamster Chinese hamster Chinese hamster Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse +, positive;+, –, negative; HIC, highest ineffective concentration; LEC, lowest effective concentration;MMC, mitomycin C; MMS, methyl methanesulfonate;N MN, micronucleus; MNNG,

372 Drinking coffee

Working Group in a previous IARC Monograph as furans, heterocycles, and sulfur-containing on coffee IARC,( 1991). compounds (Aeschbacher et al., 1989). Another The first description of an investigation of coffee constituent that may be involved in the the effects of coffee on Salmonella typhimurium bacterial mutagenesis is trigonelline (Wu et al., strains was published by Nagao et al. (1979). 1997). In contrast to coffee, however, trigonel- Regular, instant, and decaffeinated instant line compounds were highly active in TA98 and coffee were mutagenic in strain TA100 but not its derivative strains (YG1024) in the presence TA98, and only without metabolic activation. of S9 mix. One investigation (Johansson et al., Similar results were reported by Aeschbacher & 1995) of instant coffee found some evidence of Würzner (1980), with positive results in TA100 mutagenicity in TA98 with S9, which may be but not in other tester strains (TA98, TA1535, due to trigonelline reaction products. The muta- TA1537, TA1538). Subsequent host-mediated genic activity of instant coffee was seen in TA98, assays in which bacterial indicator cells were YG1024, and YG1029 with S9 (the latter strains injected into host animals (mice received instant overexpress N-acetyltransferase, which catalyses coffee at 6 /kg bw) and subsequently recovered the activation of heterocyclic aromatic amines) from the liver yielded consistently negative (Johansson et al., 1995). results. The mutagenic activity of instant coffee in Many subsequent studies attempted to discern strain TA100 increased significantly after nitro- the components accounting for mutagenicity in sation, and involved compounds such as chloro- the Ames assay, determining that the addition of genic acid, cathechol, and caffeic acid Duarte( glutathione reduced mutagenicity (Kosugi et al., et al., 2000). However, whereas coffee and coffee 1983; Friederich et al., 1985). The first evidence components inhibit the nitrosation of methylurea that methylglyoxal accounts for the bacterial under in vitro conditions, the reduced formation mutagenicity of coffee beverages was provided by of N-nitroso compounds was observed in vivo the studies of Kasai et al. (1982) and Fujita et al. (Stich et al., 1982, 1984). (1985a). Later studies confirmed this assumption; Evidence for the genotoxic properties of that is, it was shown that the addition of glyox- coffee was also found in several other bacterial alase reduced the mutagenicity of methylglyoxal test systems, for example in assays for phage and also the mutagenic activity of coffee brews by induction with Escherichia coli (Suwa et al., 1982; up to 80% (Friederich et al., 1985). [The Working Kosugi et al., 1983) and in experiments with Group noted that the compounds accounting for Escherichia coli WP2 uvrA and Escherichia coli the induction of bacterial mutagenesis may be WP2 uvrA/pKM101 (Kosugi et al., 1983). Based inactivated under in vivo conditions in humans.] on a comparison of coffee components using Apart from methylglyoxal, other dicarbo- the L-arabinose resistance assay, methylglyoxal, nyls (in particular glyoxal and ethylglyoxal) are glyoxal, caffeic acid, and caffeine contributed also present in coffee brews Nagao( et al., 1986). little, if at all, to the bacterial mutagenicity of These compounds are less mutagenic in TA100 coffee, whereas hydrogen peroxide content could than methylglyoxal itself and are present in lower explain 40–60% of the genotoxic activity of the quantities; nevertheless, they may contribute to a brews (Dorado et al., 1987). These findings are certain extent to the overall effects of coffee. in contrast to results obtained with Ames tester A systematic comparison of the effects of a strains, which are more responsive to methylg- broad variety of components indicated that the lyoxal (Ariza et al., 1988). The assumption that effects (in TA100 and TA102) were mainly caused the peroxide accounts for the effects of coffee by dicarbonyls and not by other constituents such in the L-arabinose resistance test was further

373 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 ; Reference Graf & Würgler (1986) Graf & Würgler (1986) Graf & Würgler (1986) Abraham (1994) Abraham & Graf (1996) Nagao et al. (1979) Nagao et al. (1979) Aeschbacher & Würzner (1980) Aeschbacher & Würzner (1980) Comments effectModerate

Concentration (LEC HIC) or 4% 3% 4% 3% 20% 2% mg/plate 4.7–21 mg/plate 1 5–35 mg/plate 35 mg/plate mg/plate 5–15 Type of coffee of Type Instant coffee Home-brew coffee Instant coffee Home-brew coffee Decaffeinated Instant coffee Coffee from roasted beans Instant caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee Coffee from roasted beans, instant caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee instant coffee Brewed, instant coffee Brewed, With metabolic activation NA NA NA NA – – – – – Results Without activation – – + + – – (PE) against DEN, MMC, UR, CP + + – – + a Test Sex-linked recessive lethals Dominant lethal sex chromosome loss SMART SMART Reverse mutation Reverse mutation Reverse mutation Reverse mutation End- point Germ cells mutation Somatic mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Germ cells mutation Somatic mutation Gene mutation

TA100 TA98, TA100 TA98 Table 4.7 Genetic 4.7 related and effectscoffeein non-mammalian of experimentalTable systems Experimental system Species, strain Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila melanogaster Salmonella typhimurium Salmonella typhimurium Salmonella typhimurium TA1535, TA1537, TA1538 Salmonella typhimurium

374 Drinking coffee et al. Reference Suwa et al. (1982) Suwa et al. (1982) Kosugi et al. (1983) Kosugi et al. (1983) Kosugi (1983) Friederich et al. (1985) Fujita et al. (1985a)

Comments Suppression of the mutagenic properties of all brews by scavenging of 1,2-dicarbonyl diacetyl and glyoxal L-ascorbic acid increased the effectof coffee effectsNo of green coffee effectsNo of green coffee effectsNo of green coffee Reduction of mutagenic effect by glutathione Methylglyoxal in coffee caused only a moderate effect. Reduction of the coffee effects catalase by

Concentration (LEC HIC) or 10 mg/plate 10 mg/plate 7.5 mg/plate 5 20 mg/plate mg/plate 15 20–30 mg/plate 60 mg/plate 40 mg/plate mg/plate 75 mg/plate 7 mg/plate 10 mg/plate 10 mg/plate 10 NR NR NR Type of coffee of Type coffee Brewed Instant coffee Instant decaffeinated Instant coffee, decaffeinated instant Coffee from roasted beans Coffee from roasted beans Coffee from green beans Coffee from roasted beans Coffee from green beans Instant coffee Instant coffee Instant coffee Instant coffee Instant coffee Instant coffee Instant coffee With metabolic activation NT NT NT NT NT NT NT – (TA100) – (TA102) NT – (TA100) + (TA102) – (TA104) – (YG1024) Results Without activation + + + + + + – + – + (TA100) + (TA102) + + (TA100) + (TA102) – (TA104) – (YG1024) a Test Reverse mutation Plaque formation Reverse mutation Plaque formation Reverse mutation Reverse mutation Reverse mutation Gene mutation Prophage induction End- point Gene mutation Prophage induction Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation

K12 K12

TA100 TA100 TA100, TA100 A/pKM101 uvr Table 4.7 (continued) 4.7 Table Experimental system Species, strain Salmonella typhimurium Escherichia coli Salmonella typhimurium Escherichia coli Escherichia coli WP2 Salmonella typhimurium TA102 Salmonella typhimurium

375 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 (1989) Reference Aeschbacher et al. Kato et al. (1994) Johansson et al. (1995) & Ruiz-Laguna Pueyo (1999) Dorado et al. (1987) Dorado et al. (1987) Ariza et al. (1988) Ariza & Pueyo (1991) ) 2 O 2 Comments Higher sensitivity in withYG1024 S9 mix Similar spectrum of mutations vs H (coffee Instant coffee was active more ground than coffee Caffeine was not mutagenic Only one tested;dose reduction of mutagenicity by addition of catalase

Concentration (LEC HIC) or 10 mg/plate 10 20 mg/plate Fractions from 250 mg/mL gEq/plate 0.75 0.2 gEq/plate NR 0.75 gEq/plate 0.2 gEq/plate NR mg/plate 4 (UC1218); mg/plate 15 (UC1217) mg/plate 5 mg/plate 5 mg/plate 1 mg/plate 1 0.5 mg/plate 0.5 mg/plate 0.5 mg/plate 0.5 mg/plate 2.5 mg/plate Type of coffee of Type Instant coffee Instant coffee instant of Fractions coffee Extracts of grain-based coffee Extracts of instant coffee Instant coffee Paper-filtered coffees Coffee beans Ground coffee Instant coffee Ground coffee static Ground coffee agitated agitated Instant coffee Instant coffee With metabolic activation NT NT NT NT + (TA98) + (YG1024) + (YG1029) + (TA98) + (YG1024) + (YG1029) NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT – Results Without activation + (TA100) + (TA102) + (TA98) – (TA100) NT NT NT NT NT NT + + (TA102) + (TA104) + (BA13) + (BA13) + (B13) + + + + a I Test Test Reverse mutation Reverse mutation Reverse mutation Lac Reverse mutation Forward mutation Forward mutation Forward mutation End- point Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation Gene mutation

K12 TA102, TA100, TA98, TA98,

Table 4.7 (continued) 4.7 Table Experimental system Species, strain Salmonella typhimurium TA102 Salmonella typhimurium TA100 Salmonella typhimurium YG1024, YG1029 Escherichia coli (catalase proficient and catalaseUC1217 deficientUC1218) Salmonella typhimurium TA104 Salmonella typhimurium (L-Arabinose resistant) BA1, BA3, BA9, BA13 Salmonella typhimurium (L-Arabinose resistant) BA13 Salmonella typhimurium (L-Arabinose resistant) BA13

376 Drinking coffee Reference Kato et al. (1994) Kato et al. (1994) Hiramoto et al. (1998) Comments

Concentration (LEC HIC) or 0.8 mg/assay Fractions from mg/mL 100 Fractions from mg/mL 100 Type of coffee of Type Instant coffee instant of Fractions coffee instant of Fractions coffee With metabolic activation NT NT NT Results Without activation – + + a Test DNA strand breaks DNA strand breaks DNA strand breaks End- point DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage

Unless otherwise indicated, the experiments were plate incorporation assays

Table 4.7 (continued) 4.7 Table Experimental system Species, strain Plasmid pBR322 DNA Plasmid pBR322 DNA Plasmid pBR322 DNA a positive+, results; –, negative results; cat. def., catalase deficient; cat.pro., catalaseproficient;CP, cyclophosphamide; DEN, diethylnitrosamine;ineffective concentration; gEq, gram LEC,equivalent; lowest effectiveHIC, concentration; highest MMC, mitomycin C; NA, none applicable; NR, not reported;NT, not tested; PE, protectivemutation effect; and recombinant somatic SMART, test; UR, urethane

377 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 confirmed by experiments showing that the (a) Exposed humans addition of catalase attenuates the activity of See Table 4.8. the beverage (Ariza et al., 1988; Ariza & Pueyo, 1991). Ruiz-Laguna & Pueyo (1999) compared (i) Cross-sectional studies mutation spectra induced by coffee and H2O2 in Several cross-sectional studies investigated the LacI gene in catalase-deficient and -proficient the effects of coffee consumption on oxidative E. coli strains. Coffee caused a similar spectrum DNA damage. Coffee drinking (0 to > 4 cups/ of mutational events as H2O2, which was in turn day) was inversely associated with DNA damage different from the spontaneous spectrum. as measured by 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (iv) Acellular systems (8-OHdG) (van Zeeland et al., 1999; Hori et al., 2014). Hori et al. (2014) adjusted for smoking Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, pyrogallol, status. In the latter study, the association was and hydroquinone cause a pH-dependent attenuated in women after adjusting for ferritin. degradation of deoxyribose (Kato et al., 1994; [Coffee is known to inhibit iron absorption and Duarte et al., 1999). In isolated bacteriophage therefore might decrease iron-induced oxida- (PM2) DNA treated with Maillard products tive damage.] In another study, coffee and tea 2+ (isolated from coffee extracts) and a Fe cata- consumption significantly decreased DNA lysed Fenton reaction, DNA single-strand damage as measured by 8-oxodeoxyguanosine breaks were detected (Wijewickreme & Kitts, (8-OxodG), another marker for DNA damage 1998). Hydroxyhydroquinone was identified as (Lodovici et al., 2005). However, the effects of the active component of coffee inducing DNA coffee and tea were not separately studied. Coffee damage (Hiramoto et al., 1998). drinking was associated with decreased deriva- tives of reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROM), 4.2.2 Oxidative stress and antioxidant status a measure of lipid peroxidation, in men only in This section describes the effects of coffee a large cross-sectional study of 9877 Japanese on oxidative stress and on antioxidant status. subjects (Ishizaka et al., 2013). The highest quar- In contrast to potentially enhancing oxidative tile of coffee consumption (≥ 5 cups/day) had stress, coffee also has antioxidant properties a significantly lower d-ROM than the lowest that might reduce oxidative stress. The antioxi- quartile. d-ROM was increased in male current dant properties of coffee and its constituents, for smokers compared with male never-smokers. example chlorogenic acids, have been demon- Antioxidant status was not affected by coffee in strated using various assays including ferric either men or women, but was decreased in male ion-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), total smokers compared with male never-smokers peroxyl radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (Ishizaka et al., 2013). (TRAP), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), (ii) Randomized controlled trials 2,2′-azino-bis 3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) acid (ABTS), and oxygen radical antioxidant studied the effects of coffee drinking on various capacity (ORAC) (reviewed in Liang & Kitts, markers of DNA damage and lipid peroxidation. 2014). In cell- and animal-based studies, coffee Consumption of filtered coffee (800 mL/day) for is also able to induce mRNA and protein expres- 5 days significantly decreased DNA damage as sion of antioxidant enzymes via the Nrf2/ARE measured by the comet assay (Mišík et al., 2010). (antioxidant response element) pathway, thus Another study using 800 mL of instant coffee enhancing endogenous defence mechanisms. enriched with CGA did not find significant effects

378 Drinking coffee with this assay (Hoelzl et al., 2010). Mišík et al. (iii) Interventions (≥ 7 days) (2010) also measured a range of oxidative stress No effects on lipid peroxidation and antioxi- markers, such as nitrotyrosine (3-NT), oxidized dant enzymes were seen in a study comparing the low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), thiobarbituric consumption of 0, 3, or 6 cups of filtered coffee acid-reactive substances (TBARS), 8-epi-prosta- (Mursu et al., 2005). Yukawa et al. (2004) found glandin F2α (PGF2α), and reactive oxygen species that coffee drinking (150 mL daily for 7 days) (ROS), but none of these changed significantly. In reduced lipid peroxidation in plasma in 11 partic- the study of Hoelzl et al. (2010), plasma 3-NT and ipants; the lag time of LDL oxidation increased urinary PGF2α decreased significantly. Coffee substantially, whereas TBARS decreased. significantly decreased 8-OHdG in a crossover The effects of light- and dark-roast coffee trial comparing coffee drinking (4 cups/day) (500 mL daily for 4 weeks) on antioxidant and abstinence in 37 patients with chronic hepa- enzymes and antioxidants in erythrocytes were titis (Cardin et al., 2013). However, advanced studied by Kotyczka et al. (2011). Dark-roast protein oxidation products (AOPP) did not coffee decreased SOD and GPx activity, but change. Coffee with reduced hydroxyhydroqui- increased CAT activity and tGSH and tocoph- none (HHQ), a roasting product of coffee beans, erol. Light-roast coffee increased SOD, GPx, decreased lipid peroxidation (F2-isoprostanes) and CAT activity, but did not change tGSH and (Ochiai et al., 2009). In contrast, roasting did not tocopherol. Light- and dark-roast coffee (500 mL) appear to affect PGF2α and oxLDL as there were did not significantly increase the expression of no differences between light- and medium-roast transcription factor Nrf2 and the antioxidant coffee (each 480 mL) Corrêa( et al., 2012). enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 Markers of antioxidant status were studied in (NQO1) regulated by Nrf2 (Boettler et al., 2011). several randomized controlled trials with coffee. However, a later study (Boettler et al., 2012) A significant increase in glutathione (GSH) was reported that the consumption of 750 mL/day of reported by Ochiai et al. (2009), which is in line coffee for 4 weeks increased expression of Nrf2 in with the simultaneous decrease in lipid perox- peripheral blood lymphocytes in male volunteers idation mentioned in the paragraph above. In (n = 18). Similar findings were reported by Volz another study, a range of markers of the antioxi- et al. (2012) in a pilot intervention study. Daily dant status did not change, such as total antiox- consumption of 750 mL of coffee for 4 weeks by idant capacity (TAC), total glutathione (tGSH), healthy male volunteers (n = 29) increased NRF2 and the activities of the antioxidant enzymes SOD transcription in peripheral blood lymphocytes. and glutathione peroxisidase (GPx) (Mišík et al., (iv) Acute interventions 2010). This is consistent with the lack of effect on oxidative stress markers (see paragraph above), In several studies, the concentration of H2O2 although DNA damage decreased significantly. in urine increased 3–10-fold 1–2 hours after Light- and medium-roast coffee both increased consumption of coffee Long( & Halliwell, 2000; markers of antioxidant status, including SOD, Hiramoto et al., 2002; Ziobro & Bartosz, 2003; GPx, and catalase (CAT), total antioxidant status Halliwell et al., 2004). [This may suggest that (TAS), and oxygen radical absorbance capacity H2O2 is absorbed from coffee, enters the circu- (ORAC) (Corrêa et al., 2012). In a crossover trial lation, and may reach tissues.] In subjects who of 64 healthy subjects, coffee (1 L/day) did not drank green tea and instant coffee containing change the activity of GST in the mucosa, but the same concentrations of H2O2, Halliwell et increased GSH in mucosa and plasma (Grubben al. (2004) found that, in contrast to coffee, none et al., 2000). of the subjects showed a rise in urinary H2O2

379 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 Reference Lodovici et al. (2005) van Zeeland et al. (1999) Hori et al. (2014) Ishizaka et al. (2013) Cardin et al. (2013) Mišík et al. (2010) Comments and coffee Tea not separated No placebo No placebo < 0.001] P < 0.001] while < 0.001] < 0.05]; < 0.05];

< 0.0001] P P / b P < 0.001 trend] for with was AOPP but < 0.05] significant no < 0.05]; P P P Response significance Coffee and tea consumption decreased 8-OxodG [ 8-OxodG higher in smokers than non- smokers [ Coffee and smoking inversely associated with 8-OHdG Coffee inversely associated with 8-OHdG in women but < 0.05] [P-trend adjustment for ferritin attenuated the association Decrease in d-ROM [ coffee intake only;menin in male current smokers vs never smokers, d-ROM increased [ BAP decreased [ Coffee no vs coffee 8-OHdG decreased [ not changed Coffee vs water decreased damageDNA (+FPG) [ change: oxLDL, 3-NT, TBARS, PGF2α, ROS, tGSH, GPx SOD, TAC, and a Description exposure of controls Cross-sectional; men 87 30 smokers,(18–60 yr): non- 29 smokers, 28 secondary smokers Cross-sectional; M, 51 (51 102 healthyF) Italians (24–45 yr); 0 to > 4 cups/day Cross-sectional, M, 507 (298 209 1, healthy < 1, F) (21–67 yr); ≥ 4 cups/day) 2–3, Cross-sectional, 9877 (7633, 5006 F, 2627 Japanese M) subjects yr); (mean, 59 ± 10 quartiles coffee of intake(0, 3–4,1–2, ≥ 5 cups/day) M, 8 F) (29 RCT crossover, 37 patients with chronic hepatitis 4 cups/day C (58 ± 11 yr); unfiltered coffee, abstinence; 30 days M, RCT crossover, 38 (14 24 F) healthy non-smokers filtered(28 ± 8 yr); coffee 5 days,(800 mL); washout 5 wk Test 8-OxodG 8-OHdG 8-OHdG d-ROM, BAP 8-OHdG, AOPP Comet assay, various ROS measures End-points DNA damage DNA damage DNA damage Redox status DNA damage damage,DNA redox status Cell type Lymphocytes Leukocytes – – Leukocytes Lymphocytes Table 4.8 EffectsTable of drinkingcoffee oxidative stress on in markers exposed humans Tissue studies Cross-sectional Blood Blood Urine Plasma Randomized controlled trials Blood Blood, urine plasma,

380 Drinking coffee (2000) Reference Hoelzl et al. (2010) Ochiai et al. (2009) Corrêa et al. (2012) Grubben et al. Mursu et al. (2005) et Yukawa al. (2004) Comments No placebo Coffee with reduced HHQ No placebo No placebo Subjects not randomized across three treatment groups

< 0.05] < 0.01], < 0.01], P P < 0.02) < 0.02) < 0.05] and P P = 0.01) and = 0.01) P

/ < 0.005]; both < 0.005]; = 0.003) b P P < 0.01], and CAT < 0.01], P < 0.02); no change no < 0.02); in < 0.01], ORAC < 0.01], [ SOD < 0.01], < 0.01]; PGF2α and < 0.01]; and decreased < 0.001] P P P P P Response significance Coffee vs water decreased plasma 3-NT ( and urinary PGF2α ( damageDNA (+FPG) decreased Coffee isoprostanes [ increased tGSH [ Coffee increasedTAS [ [ GPx [ [ oxLDL changed not were Coffee no vs coffee not GSH but content GST activity increased in mucosa ( plasma ( changeNo in lipid peroxidation or antioxidant enzyme activity Coffee increased LDL oxidation lag time [ [ TBARS returned to baseline after washout and a Description exposure of controls M, 16 F) RCT crossover, 36 (13 healthy non-smoking subjects 800 mL(27 yr); unfiltered coffee, 800 mL water; 5 days, washout 5 wk placebo, double-blind,RCT, parallel; (184 mL), coffee 9 on 8 wk placebo on 12 (184 mL); RCT crossover; M, 14 F) 20 (6 healthy non-smoking (20– 480 mL65 yr); paper-filtered coffee light roast 4 wk,for 480 mL paper-filtered coffee medium roast 4 wk, for no in between washout RCT crossover, 64 (31 M, 33 F) M, 33 F) RCT crossover, 64 (31 healthy subjects (43 ± 11 yr); unfiltered1 L/day coffee,no coffee; 2 wk, washout 8 wk parallel,Intervention, 43 healthy non-smoking men 6 cups 0, or 3, (26 ± 6 yr); filtered coffee, 3 wk; acute intervention the of 35 (in 2 cupssubjects) or 0, filtered 1, coffee healthy11 male students wash-in (water, (20–31 yr); (150 mL, coffee 7 days); 7 days); 7 days) washout (water, Test Comet assay, PGF2α, 3-NT F2-isoprostanes, tGSH TAS, ORAC, oxLDL, PGF2α, activity SOD, GPx, CAT GST activity, GSH F2-isoprostanes, hydroxy fatty LDL- acids, conjugated dienes, activity GPx and PON Lag time LDL oxidation, TBARS End-points DNA damage, lipid peroxidation, protein nitrosation Lipid peroxidation, antioxidants Redox status Glutathione status Lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes Lipid peroxidation Cell type Lymphocytes – Erythrocytes Mucosa – – Table 4.8 (continued) Table Tissue Blood, urine plasma, urine Plasma, Plasma Colorectal tissue, plasma Interventions (≥ 7 days) Plasma, serum Plasma

381 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 Long & Halliwell (2000) Hiramoto et al. (2002) Ziobro & Bartosz (2003) Halliwell et al. (2004) Natella et al. (2007) Natella et al. (2002) Reference Kotyczka et al. (2011) Boettler et al. (2011) Comments Tocepherol not defined No control No control ; 2 2 2 2

O O O O 2 2 2 2

/ b < 0.05] < 0.005] and TRAP ascorbic not but < 0.05] < 0.05]; no change no < 0.05]; in change: no < 0.05]; MDA P P P Increased urinary H Increased urinary H no change in antioxidants Increased urinary H Coffee increased LDL oxidation lag time [ Coffee increased uric acid [ [ acid total or SH Response significance Light roast increased GPx,SOD, and [all CAT P andtGSH, MDA Toc, Dark roast decreased SOD and GPx activity, and increased CAT, tGSH (total GSH), (tocopherol) and Toc concentrations [all P changeNo in Nrf2, NQO1 Increased urinary H and a Description exposure of controls 30 healthy subjects; 2 wk washout, 4 wk 500 mL light- roast filtered coffee 2 wk daily, washout, 4 wk dark-roast filtered coffee daily healthy27 non-smoking subjects 2 wk (26 ± 1 yr); washout, 4 wk 500 mL light- roast filtered coffee, 2 wk washout, 4 wk dark-roast filtered coffee healthy 8 M) (2 F, subjects10 canned 187 mL (20–70 yr); coffee;1–4 h 8 healthy subjects; 200 mL instant coffee; 0, 60 min 9 subjects; 200 mL instant coffee;1, 3, 4 h 0, 2, healthy 5 M) (24–35 yr); (5 F, 10 200 mL filtered coffee; 0, 30, 60 min Acute intervention, healthy 10 non-smoking NR; (age 200 mL coffee;1, 2 h 0, 4 subjects (26–49 yr); 1 cup instant coffee;100 0, 50, min 2 2 2 2 O O O O 2 2 2 2 H H H Lag time LDL oxidation TRAP, SH groups, crocin test, ascorbic acid Test GPx,SOD, activity;CAT erythrocyte GSH, tocopherol, MDA RT–PCR H Oxidative stress Oxidative stress, antioxidants Oxidative stress Lipid peroxidation Antioxidants End-points Antioxidant enzymes, antioxidants mRNA, NQO1, and Nrf2 Oxidative stress – – – – – Cell type Erythrocytes Peripheral blood lymphocytes – Urine Urine Urine Plasma Plasma Table 4.8 (continued) Table Tissue Blood Blood Acute interventions Urine

382 Drinking coffee Reference Moura- Nunes et al. (2009) Comments

/ b < 0.05] but did but < 0.05] P Response significance Coffee increased FRAP and TRAP [both not change ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol, or γ-tocopherol and -glycosylase; FRAP, ferric-reducing antioxidant parameter; GPx, glutathione a N Description exposure of controls intervention, Acute randomized (7 F, crossover, 10 healthy3 M) subjects (22– 200 mL57 yr); instant coffee, 200 mL water; 0, 90 min; 7 days washout Test FRAP, TRAP, ascorbic acid, tocopherols (α, γ), albumin, bilirubin, uric acid -transferase; h, hour; HHQ, hydroxyhydroquinone; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; M, male; MDA, malondialdehyde; min, minute; mo, S End-points Antioxidants Cell type – , negative; differences: coffee vs control – +, positive; +, Unless otherwise specified, the term coffee is used to mean brewed, caffeinated coffee

Table 4.8 (continued) Table Tissue Plasma/ serum a b 3-nitrotyrosine;3-NT, 8-OHdG, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine; 8-OxodG, 8-oxodeoxyguanosine; advanced oxidation AOPP, protein products; biological BAP, catalase; antioxidant derivatives d-ROM, potential; of reactive CAT, oxygen metabolites; female; F, FPG, formamidopyrimidine-DNA peroxidase; GSH, glutathione; glutathione GST, NAD(P)H:quinone NQO1, oxidoreductasemonth(s); Nrf2, 1; nuclear factor-erythroid-2-related factor; ORAC, oxygen radical absorbance capacity; oxLDL, oxidizedprostaglandin LDL; PGF2α, F2α; 8-epi- PON, paraoxonase; randomized RCT, controlled trial; ROS, reactive oxygen species; real RT–PCR, time polymerasedismutase; chain total TAC, reaction; antioxidant SH, sulfhydryl; capacity; superoxideSOD, TAS, total antioxidant status; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances;trapping antioxidant tGSH, total parameter; glutathione; tocopherol; vs, Toc, versus; TRAP, total yr, year(s) wk, week(s); radical-

383 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 after green tea. [The Working Group took note Treatment of human hepatoma (HepG2), of Halliwell’s hypothesis that H2O2 of coffee is colon carcinoma (Caco-2), and oesophagus carci- not excreted into urine, but very likely origi- noma (KYSE70) cells with regular and decaffein- nates from the hydroxyhydroquinone present in ated coffee for 24 hours significantly increased coffee, which is subsequently oxidized in urine to expression of NRF2 (Kalthoff et al., 2010). Similar produce H2O2.] findings were reported in several other studies The lag time of LDL oxidation increased by (Paur et al., 2010; Boettler et al., 2011; Volz et al., 1 hour after consumption of 200 mL of coffee 2012; Sauer et al., 2013). In particular, Paur et al. (Natella et al., 2007). Regarding measures of anti- (2010) demonstrated that treatment of hepatoma oxidant status, uric acid and TRAP in plasma HepG2 cells with dark-roast coffee extract for increased, whereas ascorbic acid and total sulf- 17 hours significantly increased expression of hydryl groups did not change 2 hours after coffee NRF2. consumption (Natella et al., 2002). The antioxi- A coffee extract enriched by N-methyl- dant capacity (TRAP and FRAP) of plasma also and CGAs, each known as a potent increased 90 minutes after coffee consumption, activator of the Nrf2/ARE pathway, increased but individual antioxidants including ascorbic nuclear Nrf2 translocation and enhanced the acid and tocopherols did not change significantly transcription of ARE-dependent genes NAD(P) (Moura-Nunes et al., 2009). H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) and GSTA1 in HT29 human colon carcinoma cells (Volz et (b) Human cells in vitro al., 2012). Colon-derived HT-29 and CaCo-2 cells (c) Non-human mammals in vivo exposed to coffee and coffee extracts showed protection against induced ROS (Bakuradze (i) Rat et al., 2010). Light-roasted coffee induced elec- See Table 4.9 (web only; available at: http:// trophile response element (EpRE)-dependent publications.iarc.fr/566). antioxidant enzymes γ-glutamylcysteine ligase Biomarkers of DNA damage (8-OHdG) (γ-GCL), NQO1, and GSR (Bakuradze et al., 2010). and lipid peroxidation (F2-isoprostanes) in rat Roasted coffee extracts increased the expression urine after long-term exposure (up to 130 days) of GPx in CaCo-2 cells by more than 10-fold of a coffee dose equivalent to 9 and 20 cups/ (Yazheng & Kitts, 2012). Roasted coffee induced day were determined (Sakamoto et al., 2003). other antioxidant enzymes such as sulfiredoxin, Only 8-OHdG increased, and the increase was thioredoxin reductase, and peroxiredoxin. dependent upon dose. In another subchronic Exposure of hepatocytes (HepG2) to an unfil- study, Morakinyo et al. (2013) reported no signif- tered dark-roast coffee extract induced EpRE by icant effects on TBARS. more than 10-fold, but the filtered extract had In several experiments in rats, the effects of a slightly lesser effect Paur( et al., 2010). [The coffee were studied after induction of oxidative Working Group noted that coffee components first stress using a variety of stressors: a high-fat diet have to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, (Vitaglione et al., 2010; Salomone et al., 2014); and are very likely metabolized upon absorption exercise (Viana et al., 2012); carbon tetrachlo- before they reach lymphocytes and hepatocytes. ride (CCl4) (Ozercan et al., 2006; Poyrazoglu Some coffee components, for example pheno- et al., 2008); and dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) lics, will be extensively metabolized during their (Shin et al. 2010). For instance, a high-fat diet passage through the gastrointestinal tract and increased F2-isoprostanes and 8-OHdG, both of upon their subsequent absorption.]

384 Drinking coffee which were suppressed by coffee Salomone( et al., Coffee did not significantly impact the 2014). Exercise increased carbonyls, a measure expression of a range of antioxidant enzymes in of protein oxidation, and TBARS (Viana et al., the liver (Morii et al., 2009). In another study, 2012). Coffee partly normalized the effects of both regular (caffeinated) and decaffeinated exercise on carbonyls and TBARS, but decaffein- coffee significantly increased the content of ated coffee had no effect. Carbon tetrachloride sulfhydryls and the activity of GST in the liver.

(CCl4) increased TBARS in plasma and liver, and However, a dose–response relation could not be unfiltered coffee was able to partly suppress the demonstrated (Abraham & Singh, 1999). effect of CCl4 on lipid peroxidation (Poyrazoglu et al., 2008). Coffee normalized the DMN-induced 4.2.3 Chronic inflammation and effects on TBARS Shin( et al. 2010). immunosuppression Regarding antioxidant status, Morakinyo et al. (2013) found no effects of coffee on tGSH and (a) Chronic inflammation SOD after 12 weeks of coffee. In an acute study, (i) Exposed humans Vicente et al. (2011) showed that the activity of GPx, SOD, and CAT in liver increased signifi- Cross-sectional studies cantly after only 1 hour, and returned to basal See Table 4.10 (web only; available at: http:// levels > 4 hours later. ORAC did not change. publications.iarc.fr/566). Decaffeinated coffee increased GSH and C-reactive protein (CRP) as a single biomarker glutathione disulfide (GSSG) Vitaglione( et al., of inflammation has been studied in cross-sec- 2010). Coffee normalized the DMN-induced tional studies of coffee consumption, ranging reduction of tGSH and SOD (Shin et al., 2010). from large studies of thousands of subjects (Maki In male Wistar rats, 2.0 mL/day of regular coffee et al., 2010; Pham et al., 2011) to studies involving for 28 days increased the expression of Nrf2 in about 100 subjects (Kotani et al., 2010). In a the liver by 2.3-fold Vicente et al. (2014). healthy Japanese population of 10 325 subjects, (ii) Mouse the men (4407) in the highest quintiles of coffee consumption (> 7 cups/day) had 20% lower levels See Table 4.9 (web only; available at: http:// of high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) compared with publications.iarc.fr/566). men in the lowest quintile (0 cups/day) (Maki et No significant changes in 8-OHdG levels al., 2010; Pham et al., 2011). In 7574 healthy men were observed in the livers of coffee-fed mice and women of the Republic of Korea, there was (Morii et al., 2009). no difference in serum CRP levels between the Activation of the EpRE by coffee was studied in highest and the lowest quartile of coffee intake transgenic EpRE/luciferase mice after induction (Lee et al., 2014). In a multiple regression model, by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Coffee increased Rebello et al. (2011) found that coffee drinking whole-body luminescence, especially that of the had no effect on hsCRP levels in 4139 healthy liver (Paur et al., 2010). A related experiment Asian men and women. Arsenault et al. (2009) studied Nrf2 transcription by comparing the found lower hsCRP values in the highest quar- +/+ −/− effects of coffee innrf2 and nrf2 mice (Higgins tile of coffee intake in 344 healthy women. In +/+ et al., 2008). In nrf2 mice, coffee significantly 114 healthy Japanese, coffee drinkers had lower increased the mRNA and protein expression of hsCRP values than non-drinkers of coffee GST and NQO1. Moreover, patterns of GST and (Kotani et al., 2010). NQO1 expression in the liver, colon, and small In a European population of 3042 healthy intestine were different Higgins( et al., 2008). men and women (M/F: 50/50), levels of

385 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 inflammatory biomarkers (C-reactive protein, cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, included CRP; interleukin-6, IL-6; tumour necrosis factor 125 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma and alpha, TNF-α; and serum amyloid-A, SAA) were 250 controls (Aleksandrova et al., 2015). The higher in the highest quartile of coffee intake multivariable-adjusted relative risk (RR) for compared with the lowest quartile for both men subjects drinking ≥ 4 cups/day compared with and women (Zampelas et al., 2004). Leukocyte < 2 cups/day was 0.25 (95% CI, 0.11–0.62) counts were also higher in the highest quartile. (P for trend = 0.006). Additionally, coffee drinking In a cross-sectional study of 1393 women of the was inversely associated with IL-6, and that IL-6 US Nurses’ Health Study I cohort, caffeinated and attenuated the association of coffee with hepato- decaffeinated coffee consumption was inversely cellular carcinoma. related to a range of inflammatory biomarkers Randomized controlled clinical trials (Lopez-Garcia et al., 2006). In drinkers of caffein- ated coffee, CRP and E-selectin levels were lower See Table 4.10 (web only; available at: http:// in women with type 2 diabetes, but not in healthy publications.iarc.fr/566). women. For decaffeinated coffee, both CRP and The effect of roasting was studied on a range E-selectin levels were lower in non-diabetics, of inflammatory markers in subjects who drank whereas no difference was observed in women 3–4 cups/day of light- or medium-roasted coffee with diabetes (Lopez-Garcia et al., 2006). (150 mL/cup) for 4 weeks. Only three markers IL-6 and plasminogen-activator inhibitor changed: soluble vascular cell adhesion mole- type 1 (PAI-1) were increased among 30 drinkers cule-1 (sVACM-1) increased after both the light- of high quantities of coffee (> 4 cups/day) com- and medium-roasted coffee; fibrinogen increased pared with 30 drinkers of low quantities of coffee only after the medium-roasted coffee; and sE- (< 1 cup/day) in a study of hypertensive smokers selectin increased only after the consumption of (Tsioufis et al., 2006). the light-roasted coffee Corrêa( et al., 2013). A large number (77) of inflammatory and Kempf et al. (2010) studied the effect of coffee immune biomarkers were measured in 1728 (4 and 8 cups/day) drinking in subjects with an older non-Hispanic white US subjects (age, 55–74 elevated risk of type 2 diabetes, and measured years). After correction for multiple comparisons six inflammatory markers; 1 month of coffee and the exclusion of markers with < 25% detect- drinking was followed by 1 month of abstinence. ability, only the soluble tumour necrosis factor Only IL-18 was significantly lower at the end of receptor II (sTNFRII) was found to be signif- the coffee-drinking period. icantly lower in drinkers of high quantities of A study of the acute effects of caffeinated and coffee (> 2.5 cups/day) Loftfield( et al., 2015). decaffeinated coffee (200 mL) found no effect on plasma/serum IL-6 and IL-18 (Gavrieli et al., Prospective studies 2011). See Table 4.10 (web only; available at: http:// (ii) Human cells in vitro publications.iarc.fr/566). In 2040 subjects from the prospective Nurses’ Coffee extract and a synthetic mixture of Health Study, coffee drinking (highest quartile roasting products both induced the nuclear of intake ≥ 4 cups/day) was inversely associated translocation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) in with CRP and TNFα receptor-2 levels (Williams macrophages (NR8383) and intact human gut et al., 2008). tissue, whereas only the roast products had an A prospective nested case–control study on effect on Caco-2 cells Sauer( et al., 2011). coffee drinking and the primary form of liver

386 Drinking coffee

Filtered and unfiltered coffee extracts luminescence that had been induced with LPS inhibited LPS-induced activation of NF-κB in (Paur et al., 2010). Coffee and pure caffeine U937 cells transfected with a NF-κB–luciferase reduced mRNA levels of various inflammatory construct (Paur et al., 2010). Dark-roasted coffee cytokines in fat (MCP-1, IL-6, and TNF-α) and extracts had a larger effect than light-roasted in serum (TNF-α) in diabetic mice (Yamauchi et extracts. In agreement with changes in lumines- al., 2010). Fukushima et al. (2009) showed that cence, NF-κB protein and mRNA levels changed the increased expression in MCP-1 and IL-1β that together with the mRNA of several NF-κB target is induced by a high-fat diet is partly inhibited by genes. [The Working Group noted that these coffee. There were no clear differences between results were obtained after direct exposure to caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. coffee extracts.] Rat macrophages were exposed to roasted (iii) Experimental systems and non-roasted coffee in studies in vitro; only the roasted coffee increased the expression of See Table 4.11 (web only; available at: http:// NF-κB (Muscat et al., 2007). In mouse spleno- publications.iarc.fr/566). cytes, freeze-dried coffee attenuated the induc- In the rat, the effects of coffee on the tion of interleukins by ovalbumin (Goto et al., expression and tissue concentration of several 2011). inflammatory cytokines were studied after the induction of inflammation using a variety of (b) Immunosuppression stressors: a mutant strain that accumulates iron (i) Exposed humans and copper in the liver (Katayama et al., 2014); a high-fat diet (Vitaglione et al., 2010); DMN to See Table 4.12 (web only; available at: http:// induce liver fibrosis Shin( et al., 2010); and LPS publications.iarc.fr/566). (Sakamoto et al., 2001). In the liver of the Long In a cross-sectional study of 1728 older Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat, coffee suppressed United States non-Hispanic white people (age, IL-6 protein and mRNA levels as well as TNF-α 55–74 years), a large number (77) of immune mRNA. However, it did not affect TNF-α protein and inflammatory markers was compared levels or IL-1β mRNA expression (Katayama et al., between coffee drinkers and non-drinkers 2014). Decaffeinated coffee significantly lowered of coffee Loftfield( et al., 2015). The immune hepatic concentrations of TNF-α and IFN-γ, and markers interferon gamma (IFNγ), fractalkine increased those of IL-4, IL-6, and the anti-in- (CX3CL1), microphage inflammatory protein-1β flammatory IL-10 in Wistar rats fed a high-fat (MIP-1β/CCL4), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF- diet (Vitaglione et al., 2010). LPS-induced serum 2), and sTNFRII were found to be lower in coffee changes in TNF-α and IL-6 were not inhibited by drinkers. coffee Sakamoto( et al., 2001). In an exploratory study with 15 subjects, In mice, coffee decreased mRNA levels of consumption of 5 cups/day of coffee for 5 weeks IL-6 in adipose tissue (Matsuda et al., 2011) and had no effect on total T- and B-cell counts, reduced serum levels of IL-1α, IL-6, and TNF-α but increased the counts of natural killer (Guo et al., 2014). Other experiments evaluated cells (Melamed et al., 1990). Coffee drinking coffee on inflammation induced by LPSPaur ( suppressed lectin-stimulated transformation of et al., 2010), a high-fat diet (Fukushima et al., lymphocytes, and stimulated the chemotaxis 2009), and diabetes (Yamauchi et al., 2010) in activity of mononuclear leukocytes. the mouse. In mice transfected with a NF-κB– luciferase construct, coffee reduced whole-body


(ii) Experimental systems (b) Sex hormone pathways Goto et al. (2011) exposed splenocytes from Kotsopoulos et al. (2009a) reported an inverse mice to coffee extracts and observed a decrease correlation between coffee intake and the level in ovalbumin-induced cell proliferation. of luteal and free estradiol in 524 premenopausal women from the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) 4.2.4 Receptor-mediated mechanisms and Nurses’ Health Study II (NHSII), but not (a) signalling pathways luteal level. No association between coffee intake and estrogen and androgen levels (i) Humans was found in 713 postmenopausal women from No data from exposed humans were available the NHS and NHSII. In contrast, a significant to the Working Group. increase in the level of estradiol associated with In studies in vitro, treatment with regular coffee consumption in women aged > 40 years and decaffeinated coffee for 24 hours signifi- who consumed > 1 cup/day of coffee Lucero( et cantly increased expression of aryl hydrocarbon al., 2001). receptor (AhR) in hepatoma (HepG2), colon Several studies found a positive association carcinoma (Caco-2), and oesophagus carcinoma between coffee and/or caffeine intake and the (KYSE70) cells (Kalthoff et al., 2010). Similarly, level of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) Ishikawa et al. (2014) reported that coffee is a in postmenopausal women. In the largest study strong activator of AhR expression in vitro. involving 13 547 postmenopausal women from The coffee component cafestol, at a concentra- the Women’s Health Initiative, intake of regular tion of 20 μM activated the coffee, but not decaffeinated coffee, was posi- (FXR) and (PXR) in human tively associated with the SHBG plasma level liver HepG2 cells (Ricketts et al., 2007). Goto et al. (2014). Similarly, in the Rancho The coffee component HHQ was a putative Bernardo Study of 728 postmenopausal women, ligand of the peroxisome proliferator-activated caffeine intake increased plasma level of SHBG receptor γ (PPARγ) Shashni et al. (2013). Coffee and estrone. In contrast, Wedick et al. (2012) treatment of human MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 did not find an association between caffeinated breast cancer cells inhibited PPARγ-dependent coffee consumption and SHBG; however, the glycolytic enzymes. sample size in that study was small (n = 42). (ii) Experimental systems Svartberg et al. (2003) reported a positive associ- ation between coffee consumption and the levels Decaffeinated coffee increased the level of of total testosterone and SHBG. In contrast, as PPARα in the livers of male Wistar rats fed a part of a Danish pregnancy study, the sons of high-fat diet (Vitaglione et al., 2010). women who consumed 4–7 cups/day of coffee In mouse 3T3-L1 cells, coffee extract (1.25%, during pregnancy had lower testosterone levels 2.5%, and 5.0% v/v for 6 days) reduced Pparγ gene than the sons of mothers drinking 0–3 cups/day expression in a dose-dependent manner (Aoyagi (P = 0.04) Ramlau-Hansen et al., 2008). et al., 2014). PPARγ protein was reduced in cells Sisti et al. (2015) demonstrated that coffee treated with 2.5% (v/v) coffee extract. consumption modulates the 2-hydroxylation In a model system in vitro, cafestol activated pathway, the major pathway in estrogen metabo- human FXR in the monkey kidney CV-1 cell line lism. This was evidenced by a positive association (Ricketts et al. (2007). between coffee intake of > 4 cups/day and the

388 Drinking coffee levels of 2-hydroxyestrone and 2-hydroxyestra- Oral consumption of caffeine at 3.3 mg /kg bw, diol in urine of premenopausal women. which is equivalent to 2–3 cups of coffee, signif- Several studies in vitro demonstrated that icantly elevated cortisol level after 60 minutes coffee is a potent inhibitor of the estrogen SULT Lovallo et al. (1996). reaction, a major pathway for the inactivation In a study in vitro, treatment of human of estrogens (Kauffman, 2004), in human colon embryonic kidney HEK-293 cells with 0.5% carcinoma Caco-2 cells (Okamura et al., 2005; coffee extract for 40 minutes inhibited endog- Saruwatari et al., 2008; Isshiki et al., 2013). enous 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 In two separate studies, incubation of human (11β-HSD1) activity, resulting in blockage of colon carcinoma Caco-2 cells with coffee extract 11β-HSD1-dependent cortisol formation and resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of SULT preventing nuclear translocation of glucocorti- activity (Okamura et al., 2005) in general, and coid receptor (Atanasov et al., 2006). estrogen SULT sulfation activity towards 17β- estradiol in particular (Saruwatari et al., 2008). (d) Gastrointestinal hormone pathways In addition, treatment of Caco-2 cells with 2.5% (i) Humans (v/v) coffee extract for 24 hours resulted in a 60% Acquaviva et al. (1986) studied the effect of reduction of SULTE1 gene expression and a 25% coffee on the release of gastrin in healthy volun- reduction in cytosolic estrogen SULT activity teers and demonstrated a strong gastrin-re- (Isshiki et al., 2013). leasing property of coffee. Drinking 100 mL of In the treatment of estrogen receptor α (ERα) decaffeinated coffee resulted in a prompt and -positive human breast cancer MCF7 cells with lasting elevation of total gastrin. The stimulatory coffee constituents, caffeine at concentrations of effect of coffee consumption, especially regular 0.2, 1.0, and 5 mM or caffeic acid at concentra- coffee, was reported on the release of three other tions of 2, 10, and 50 μM for 72 hours suppressed gastrointestinal hormones, glucagon-like peptide the expression of ERα (Rosendahl et al., 2015). 1 (GLP-1), and cholecystokinin (Douglas et al., In contrast, Ezechiáš et al. (2016) did not detect 1990; Johnston et al., 2003; Olthof et al., 2011). antiestrogen or antiandrogen effects of caffeine In a study in vitro, Fujii et al. (2015) demon- at a concentration of 8 μM on the human breast strated that treatment of human caecum cancer T47D cell line. NCI-H716 cells with 0.05% and 0.1% of extract (c) Glucocorticoid hormone pathways of coffee polyphenols for 2 hours resulted in a dose-dependent increase of GLP-1 secretion. Humans (ii) Experimental systems Consumption of regular coffee (with a caffeine concentration of 3.0 mg/kg bw) increased Treatment of male C57BL/6J mice with plasma cortisol concentration at 60 minutes and extract of coffee polyphenols by gavage increased thereafter in healthy young men Gavrieli et al. GLP-1 in portal vein blood (Fujii et al., 2015). (2011). In contrast, in a randomized pilot cross- (e) Adipose-derived hormone pathways over study, consumption of 4 cups/day of green coffee by healthy volunteers for 2 weeks signif- (i) Humans icantly decreased urinary free cortisol level; it A positive association between the consump- was also found that both black coffee and green tion of ≥ 4 cups/day of regular coffee and coffee reduced urinary cortisol/cortisone ratio plasma adiponectin level has been reported in (Revuelta-Iniesta & Al-Dujaili, 2014). diabetic and non-diabetic women (Williams

389 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 et al., 2008). Several other independent studies Treatment of mouse 3T3-L1 cells with 2.5 or have demonstrated a similar positive associa- 5% (v/v) coffee reduced the adiponectin gene in tion between coffee consumption and plasma a dose-dependent manner (Aoyagi et al., 2014). adiponectin concentrations (Imatoh et al., 2011; Pham et al., 2015). In a cross-sectional 4.2.5 Alterations of cell proliferation, death, study comprising Japanese workers (2554 men, or nutrient supply 763 women), coffee consumption was positively and significantly associated with adiponectin (a) Coffee, cell death, and cell proliferation level (Yamashita et al., 2012). Specifically, indi- (i) Humans viduals who consumed ≥ 4 cups/day of coffee had Grubben et al. (2000) studied the effect of a significantly greater plasma adiponectin level as unfiltered coffee on the extent of cell prolifer- compared with those who consumed 1 cup/day. ation in colorectal mucosa in healthy volun- Furthermore, coffee consumption in Japanese teers in a crossover randomized trial. A total of men was not only associated with a greater 64 healthy volunteers (31 men and 33 women; adiponectin level, but that there was also a positive age, 43 ± 11 years) were randomly assigned to two dose-dependent significant association between groups. The study consisted of two intervention coffee consumption and plasma adiponectin level periods of 2 weeks each separated by a washout (Imatoh et al., 2011). Indeed, individuals who period of 8 weeks. One group drank 1 L/day consumed 1–2 cups/day of coffee had a greater each (6 cups/day) of unfiltered regular coffee; plasma adiponectin level (6.43 μg/mL; n = 220) the other group did not drink coffee. Colorectal than individuals who consumed 1–5 cups/week biopsies were taken on day 15 of each interven- of coffee (5.91 μg/mL; n = 181). In a random- tion period. When comparing proliferation cell ized parallel-arm controlled-intervention trial, nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunostaining results consumption of regular coffee (5 cups/day for from the control and experimental groups, no 8 weeks) increased plasma adiponectin levels effect of coffee drinking on cell proliferation in (Wedick et al., 2011). Contrary to the positive colorectal mucosa was found. association between coffee consumption and In vitro, an antiproliferative effect of various greater adiponectin level, several reports have dilutions of four different regular or decaffein- shown that coffee consumption was linked to low ated coffee brands was shown in human ovarian leptin levels in plasma (Yamashita et al., 2012; carcinoma A2780 cells after 48 hours of treat- Imatoh et al., 2015). ment. The magnitude of inhibitory activity (ii) Experimental systems varied among the different brands of coffeeTai ( In male Wistar rats fed a high-fat diet for a et al., 2010). month and decaffeinated coffee or solutions of Several studies have examined the antipro- coffee polyphenols in drinking-water (the daily liferative and cytotoxic effects of the coffee- amount of coffee or coffee polyphenols corre- specific diterpenes kahweol and cafestol in various sponded to 6 cups of coffee or 2 cups human cancer cell lines. Kahweol (20–80 μM of filtered coffee), the expression of adiponectin for 24 hours and 48 hours) treatment of human receptor 2 (Adipo-R2) in the livers was increased HN22 and HSC4 oral squamous cancer cell lines as compared with rats fed a high-fat diet alone significantly decreased cell viability in a dose- (Vitaglione et al., 2010). and time-dependent manner (Chae et al., 2014). Cárdenas et al. (2014) showed a potent proapop- totic effect of kahweol in several human cancer

390 Drinking coffee cell lines (HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma, HL-60 on AH109A cells was reported for the serum leukaemia, and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells). obtained from rats given instant coffee solution In MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, a dose-de- at 100 mg/mL per 100 g bw by gavage. In a subse- pendent increase of the subG1 cell population quent study, Miura et al. (2004) instant coffee was accompanied by a dose-dependent decrease was proapoptotic in AH109A cells. of cells in the G2/M phase. Additionally, treat- ment of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells with (b) Autophagy kahweol induced caspase 3/7 activity. Several (i) Humans independent studies (e.g. Oh et al., 2009; Choi et No data were available to the Working Group. al., 2015) reported similar proapoptotic effects of kahweol on various human cancer cells. (ii) Experimental systems A proapoptotic activity in human cancer Two studies investigated the effect of coffee cells was also reported for another coffee-spe- and caffeine on autophagy in vivo. In the first cific diterpene: cafestol. Choi et al. (2011) study, short-term administration of 3% (w/v) demonstrated dose-dependent cafestol-induced regular or decaffeinated coffee by gavage to antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in female C57BL/6 mice rapidly induced autophagy human Caki renal carcinoma cells. Kotowski et in multiple organs, including liver, heart, and al. (2015) reported a dose-dependent reduction muscle (Pietrocola et al., 2014). A similar auto- in cell viability and the induction of apoptosis phagy-inducing effect of regular or decaffein- in three cafestol-treated human head and neck ated coffee in the livers was also observed after squamous cell carcinoma cell lines: SCC25, the longer-term (for 2 weeks) administration of CAL27, and FaDu. 3% (w/v) coffee in drinking-water. Autophagy (ii) Experimental systems induced by coffee was independent of caffeine content and accompanied by the inhibition of Lina et al. (1993) showed that drinking coffee the enzymatic activity of mTORC1. In a second diluted 10 times (10%) or undiluted coffee brew study, administration of 0.05% (w/v) of caffeine (100%) for 2 weeks and 6 weeks did not alter cell for 4 weeks in the drinking-water of male proliferation in the urinary bladders of male C57/BL6 mice maintained on a high-fat diet Wistar rats. Miura et al. (2004) investigated resulted in a marked increase in LC3-II protein the effect of instant coffee on the growth of rat levels (Sinha et al., 2014). hepatoma AH109A cells using a tumour-implant model in vivo. Donryu rats with subcutaneously (c) Angiogenesis implanted AH109A cells fed a diet containing (i) Humans 0.1% of instant coffee powder for 2 weeks exhib- ited a suppressive effect on the in vivo growth of No data in exposed humans were available to AH109A cells, with significantly smaller tumour the Working Group. sizes in coffee-fed rats. An antiangiogenic effect of cafestol Wang( et Chlorogenic acid (30 μM and 60 μM for al., 2012) and kahweol (Cárdenas et al., 2011) was 24 hours) significantly decreased the cell viability reported in human umbilical vein endothelial of B16 murine melanoma cells (Li et al. (2014). cells (HUVEC) and human HT-1080 fibrosar- Instant coffee inhibited the proliferation of rat coma cells. hepatoma AH109A cells assessed by [methyl- 3H]-labelled thymidine incorporation (Miura et al. (1997). Moreover, an antiproliferative effect


(ii) Experimental systems (b) Epigenetic alterations Using the mouse aortic ring assay, 5 μM of No data for coffee were available to the kahweol inhibited microvessel sprouting by 40% Working Group. after 10 days of treatment, whereas 25 μM almost In human MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 breast completely inhibited this angiogenic effect cancer cells in vitro, Lee & Zhu (2006) reported (Cárdenas et al., 2011). demethylation of the promoter region of the reti- In zebrafish Danio( rerio), 75 μM of kahweol noic acid receptor β (RARβ) gene by caffeic acid inhibited intersegmental vessel formation after and chlorogenic acid. 24 hours of treatment (Cárdenas et al., 2011). In rodents, prenatal caffeine exposure induced Similarly, kahweol at 50 μM inhibited angiogen- epigenetic alterations. When given to pregnant esis in treated eggs in the chicken chorioallantoic Wistar rats, caffeine reduced hepatic methyla- membrane assay (Cárdenas et al., 2011). tion of DNA and histones in the offspring Tan( et al., 2012) and induced the expression of DNA 4.2.6 Other mechanisms methyltransferase and histone deacetylase genes (a) DNA repair in fetal adrenals (Ping et al., 2014). Lee & Zhu (2006) demonstrated concentra- No human data on coffee were available to tion-dependent inhibition of DNA methylation the Working Group. catalysed by prokaryotic SssI DNA methyltrans- In male ICR mice given 0.1% instant coffee ferase and human DNMT1 by caffeic acid and solution in drinking-water for 35 weeks, no chlorogenic acid. changes in the hepatic expression of 8-OHdG repair-associated genes was found (Morii et al., 2009). In male Fischer rats given kahweol and 4.3 Genetic susceptibility cafestol in the diet for 10 days, a marked and The literature on the genetic modifiers of coffee dose-dependent increase in the hepatic levels consumption-associated traits is diverse and can 6 of O -methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase be subdivided into two broad categories: studies (MGMT) was seen (Huber et al., 2003). Similarly, of polymorphisms that are associated with coffee “Turkish” coffee given in drinking-water for consumption patterns and coffee drinking pref- 10 days significantly increased hepatic MGMT erence; and studies of genetic variants as factors activity. of susceptibility or resistance to certain cancers in Several studies in vitro have shown that humans. While the data for the latter category are caffeine inhibits DNA repair. Caffeine was sparse and come from a relatively small number shown to inhibit the ataxia telangiectasia of molecular epidemiology studies, there is strong mutated (ATM) activity in human HeLa cells and evidence from several large-scale genome-wide lymphoblasts by Blasina et al. (1999). In human association studies (GWAS) and meta-analyses fibroblasts, caffeine compromised the non- that habitual coffee consumption is associated homologous end-joining pathway and sensitized with a limited number of modifier alleles. the cells to X-ray exposure (Kawata et al., 2005). In rodent cells, caffeine inhibited DNA replica- tion (Schlegel & Pardee, 1986) and the homolo- gy-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks (Wang et al., 2004), and delayed replication fork progression (Johansson et al., 2006).

392 Drinking coffee

4.3.1 Genetic mediators of habitual coffee A more recent genome-wide meta-analysis consumption of over 100 000 coffee consumers and non-con- sumers of European and African-American Coffee and caffeine consumption patterns ancestry, in which intake was assessed in terms are highly heritable (as high as 58%) traits of the number of cups of predominantly regular (Yang et al., 2010). Coffee consumption habits coffee consumed per day, Cornelis et al. (2015) are strongly associated with polymorphisms confirmed eight loci, including six novel loci, that in genes involved in metabolism and pharma- are located in or near genes potentially involved cological mechanisms of the action of caffeine. in the pharmacokinetics (ABCG2, AHR, POR, Specifically, cytochrome P450 (CYP)1A2, which and CYP1A2) and pharmacodynamics (BDNF is almost exclusively responsible for the oxida- and SLC6A4) of caffeine. [The Working Group tive metabolism of caffeine in humans Kot( & noted that these studies demonstrate that coffee Daniel, 2008b), and AhR, a nuclear receptor that consumption is strongly associated with poly- is responsible for the upregulation of xenobiotic morphisms in genes that are involved in metab- metabolizing enzymes by coffee Kalthoff( et al., olism and the pharmacological mechanisms of 2010), are two genes that exhibit strong associa- the action of caffeine.] tions with coffee and caffeine consumption. For instance, a meta-analysis (Sulem et al., 2011) of 4.3.2 Genetic modifiers of cancer-associated four GWASs of coffee consumption assessed from effects of coffee a questionnaire (0 to ≥ 4 cups/day) completed by around 6000 coffee drinkers from Germany, (a) Cancer of the breast Iceland, the Netherlands, and the USA found two Rabstein et al. (2010) studied the modifier sequence variants to be significantly associated effects ofN -acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) polymor- with increased coffee consumption: rs2472297-T phisms and several lifestyle factors, including located between CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 at 15q24; coffee consumption, on the risks of developing and rs6968865-T near AHR at 7p21. The asso- estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor ciation of these SNPs with coffee consumption (PR) -positive or -negative breast tumours in 1020 was observed in both smokers and non-smokers. cases and 1047 population controls in Germany. [The Working Group noted that the lack of effect In slow acetylators, frequent consumption of of smoking indicates that, even though compo- coffee (> 4 cups/day vs none) was associated with nents of cigarette smoke may affect the same higher risks of receptor-negative tumours [risk metabolism pathways, the effect of caffeine alone of developing ER-negative tumours: OR, 2.55; is pronounced.] Similarly, Amin et al. (2012) 95% CI, 1.22–5.33]. reported a significant association for two SNPs in Two studies investigated whether the varia- the 15q24 region between CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 tion in CYP1A2 modifies associations between genes in a meta-analysis of GWASs, as assessed caffeine and coffee consumption and breast by questionnaires, from eight Caucasian cohorts cancer risk. In a cohort of 3062 cases and 3427 (over 18 000 individuals). Importantly, significant controls, Lowcock et al. (2013) found that while associations between SNPs in AHR and CYP1A1- high coffee consumption, but not total caffeine CYP1A2 and caffeine and coffee consumption intake, may be associated with reduced risk of from GWASs in European populations were also ER-negative and postmenopausal breast cancers, replicated in an ethnically distinct Costa Rican these effects were independent of CYP1A2 geno- population (Josse et al., 2012). type. Similarly, the CYP1A2 genotype did not

393 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 affect breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation CYP2A6 could not account for the inconsistent carriers (Kotsopoulos et al., 2007). reports of coffee intake and ovarian cancer risk. (b) Cancer of the ovary (c) Cancer of the bladder Goodman et al. (2003) published the results A hospital-based case–control study of asso- of a small molecular epidemiology study that ciation between genetic polymorphisms, coffee examined genetic modifiers of risk of cancer drinking, and risk of cancer of the bladder of the ovary (164 cases of epithelial cancer of (197 cases and 211 controls) (Covolo et al., 2008) the ovary and 194 controls) in association with found no association between the genetic poly- coffee consumption; subjects were stratified into morphisms in NAT1, NAT2, GSTM1, GSTT1, non-drinkers, and moderate (< 7 cups/week) GSTP1, SULT1A1, XRCC1, XRCC3, and XPD, and heavy (> 7 cups/week) drinkers. A modest risk of bladder cancer, and coffee consumption positive association between caffeine and coffee (evaluated from the dietary questionnaire). The consumption and an increased risk of ovarian only positive finding in this study was a signifi- cancer was reported, as well as some evidence cantly increased risk of bladder cancer (OR, 3.18; that the risk may be modified byCYP1A2 geno- 95% CI, 1.06–9.55) among GSTP1 105–114 Val type. A positive significant trend P( = 0.04) in carriers who regularly consumed large quantities the odds of ovarian cancer associated with coffee of coffee (> 3 cups/day). (using a threshold of 7 cups/week) and caffeine A hospital-based case–control study of intake was observed among women with the bladder cancer risk factors (185 cases and 180 CYP1A2 A/A genotype but not among women controls, all Caucasian men) found no interac- with any C allele. [The Working Group noted tion between polymorphisms in CYP1A2, risk of that this small study would not change the bladder cancer, and coffee consumption (deter- overall evaluation of inadequate evidence for the mined in cups/day) from a lifetime dietary ques- carcinogenicity of coffee.] tionnaire (Pavanello et al., 2010). Kotsopoulos et al. (2009b) used data and biological specimens from the Nurses’ Health (d) Cancer of the colorectum Studies and the New England-based case– A study of 1579 incident cases of adenocar- control study of ovarian cancer (1354 ovarian cinoma of the colon and 1898 population-based cancer cases and 1851 controls) to investigate the controls showed that consumption of coffee relationship between genetic polymorphisms in (intake was evaluated from a questionnaire as caffeine-metabolizing enzymes, coffee consump- part of the diet history) was not associated with tion (evaluated using a dietary questionnaire; colon cancer, and that GSTM1 variants did not subjects stratified as consuming < 2.5 cups/day modify this association (Slattery et al., 2000). or ≥ 2.5 cups/day of coffee), and the risk of A nested case–control study of 1252 cases and ovarian cancer. The study found no relation- 2175 controls from 477 071 participants (70.2% ship between coffee consumption and ovarian women) of the European Investigation into cancer risk in the overall population. Two SNPs Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort examined in CYP19 (CYP19013 A and CYP19027 G) were potential effect modification by CYP1A2 and found to be associated with an 18% increased NAT2 for the relationship between colorectal (P for trend = 0.02) and 15% decreased (P for cancer and coffee consumption (based on the trend = 0.05) risk of ovarian cancer, respect- recorded number of cups per day/week/month) ively. However, variants in CYP1A1, CYP1A2, or from a country-specific dietary questionnaire (Dik et al., 2014). In this study, total coffee

394 Drinking coffee consumption (high vs zero/low) was not asso- (f) Melanoma ciated with risk of colorectal cancer (HR, 1.06; A hospital-based case–control study of 95% CI, 0.95–1.18) or subsite cancers. High- 304 incident cases of cutaneous melanoma and consumption subjects with slow CYP1A2 or 305 controls explored the relationship between NAT2 activity had a similar risk compared with GSTM1 and GSTT1 positive and null individ- non-consumers/low-consumption subjects with uals and coffee consumption (evaluated from a fast CYP1A2 or NAT2 activity. a dietary questionnaire as never/occasional, 1, (e) Leukaemia 2, or > 2 cups/day) (Fortes et al., 2013). A high frequency of coffee drinking (more than once A hospital-based case–control study of per day) was associated with a protective effect 280 cases of acute childhood leukaemia and for cutaneous melanoma (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 288 controls examined various gene–environ- 0.31–0.68) after adjusting for sex, age, education, ment interactions for the polymorphisms of hair colour, common naevi, skin phototype, CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1, and NQO1 and sunburn episodes in childhood. When the and maternal coffee consumption during preg- subjects were stratified byGSTM1 and GSTT1 nancy identified from a dietary questionnaire; genotype, the inverse association for coffee was subjects were stratified into three groups: never high for subjects with both GSTM1 and GSTT1 drinkers, < 3 cups/day, and ≥ 3 cups/day (Clavel et null polymorphisms. al., 2005). Overall, the polymorphisms were not associated with the risk of leukaemia; however, it was observed that the association between 4.4 Other effects maternal coffee consumption during pregnancy 4.4.1 Humans and leukaemia was weaker among children with the heterozygous or homozygous mutant NQO1 (a) Preneoplastic lesions genotype than for those with the wildtype geno- (i) Adenoma of the colorectum type. No P value for interaction was given. Another study of the associations between Several studies have reported a decreased childhood acute leukaemia and maternal caffein- risk of adenomas of the colorectum with coffee ated beverage consumption during pregnancy drinking (Kato et al., 1990; Almendingen et al., (764 acute leukaemia cases and 1681 controls in 2001; Budhathoki et al., 2015). However, other France) also explored the interactions between reports have found no association (Baron et caffeinated beverage consumption and polymor- al., 1997; Nagata et al., 2001), or have suggested phisms of metabolism enzymes (NAT2, ADH1C, increased risks (Lee et al., 1993). Only two CYP2E1) (Bonaventure et al., 2013). While it was studies considered how coffee was prepared. One found that regular maternal coffee consump- US-based investigation (Baron et al., 1997) consid- tion during pregnancy was weakly associ- ered caffeinated versus decaffeinated coffee, and ated with childhood acute leukaemia (OR, 1.2 found no association with consumption of either [95% CI, 1.0–1.5]; P = 0.02) no significant gene– beverage. An investigation in Japan (Kono et al., environment interactions with coffee drinking 1991) reported a borderline significant trend of were observed. decreasing adenoma risks with increasing intake of instant (but not brewed) coffee. One large investigation that had no evident selection biases reported significant trends of decreased risks with increased coffee intake. The

395 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 116 trends became apparent only after controlling for adjustment (Sajja et al., 2016). [The Working confounding factors (Budhathoki et al., 2015). The Group noted that both studies were susceptible odds ratio for drinking > 291 mL/day of coffee to selection bias in the choice of controls.] versus < 26 mL/day was 0.67 (95% CI, 0.48–0.93). [The Working Group noted that many of (b) Metabolic effects the studies regarding coffee and adenomas are Multiple single-dose clinical trials have shown subject to possible selection bias in the choice of that caffeinated coffee increases insulin resistance controls (Kato et al., 1990; Olsen & Kronborg, and impairs glucose (Beaudoin & 1993; Hoshiyama et al., 2000; Almendingen et Graham, 2011). However, the few trials that have al., 2001; Nagata et al., 2001) and/or insufficient investigated longer-term (≥ 1 month) consump- adjustment for likely confounding factors such tion did not observe such metabolic impair- as cigarette smoking (Kato et al., 1990; Lee et ments (Kempf et al., 2010; Wedick et al., 2011). al., 1993; Hoshiyama et al., 2000). Additionally, Studies that investigated decaffeinated coffee no studies addressed the association of coffee have reported conflicting findings (see review by drinking with preinvasive lesions in the pathway Beaudoin & Graham, 2011). to serrated colorectal cancer (Bettington et al., Clinical trials that have manipulated 2013).] caffeine intake have also found that caffeine One case–control study of adenoma (Lee et al., alone (MacKenzie et al., 2007) or caffeine added 1993) assessed the association between colorectal to decaffeinated coffeeGavrieli ( et al., 2013; cancer and estimated total caffeine intake from Robertson et al., 2015) interferes with glucose coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages. Although homeostasis. It is not clear if the effects of caffeine this study reported an association with coffee on glucose regulation are dependent upon dose drinking in women, there was no association (Gavrieli et al., 2013; Robertson et al., 2015). with caffeine intake. [The Working Group noted One clinical trial (van Dijk et al., 2009) the inadequate control for possible confounding assessed the effects of the coffee constituents factors, such as cigarette smoking, in this study.] chlorogenic acid (1 g) and trigonelline (500 mg) (ii) Barrett oesophagus in a glucose tolerance test. Both compounds reduced early circulating glucose and insulin One multicentre hospital-based case–control levels compared with placebo, with no effect on study investigated the association between coffee the areas under the concentration curves. drinking and biopsy-confirmed Barrett oesoph- Observational studies clearly show an inverse agus in patients admitted for non-neoplastic, association between diabetes and coffee intake non-gastroenterological conditions (Conio et al., (Higdon & Frei, 2006; Natella & Scaccini, 2012; 2002). In unadjusted analyses, there was no differ- Cano-Marquina et al., 2013; Jiang et al., 2014). ence in the prevalence of coffee drinking between A meta-analysis of 26 cohort studies involving cases and controls (Conio et al., 2002). A second 50 595 cases of type 2 diabetes reported that risk study investigated the association between coffee decreased by 12% (95% CI, 10–14%) and 11% drinking and Barrett oesophagus in patients (95% CI, 2–18%) for every 2 cups/day increment who underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy; in coffee and decaffeinated coffee intake, respect- controls without Barrett oesophagus underwent ively (Jiang et al., 2014). [The Working Group colonoscopy or oesophagogastroduodenoscopy. noted that the differences between the acute The authors found an association between Barrett and chronic effects may involve acclimation to oesophagus and coffee drinking in unadjusted caffeine and/or the effects of other substances in analyses, but no association after multivariable coffee that improve insulin resistance.]

396 Drinking coffee

(c) Liver diseases There are suggestions that coffee intake Observational studies have found that ameliorates the severity of chronic hepatitis C coffee drinking protects against, or improves (Wadhawan & Anand, 2016). In cross-sectional the prognosis of, liver diseases associated with studies of hepatitis C patients, coffee intake has hepatocellular carcinoma (Saab et al., 2014). been inversely associated with degree of fibrosis A meta-analysis of coffee drinking and risk of and other measures of liver injury (Liu et al., hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis included eight 2015). A cohort study showed that fibrosis in studies investigating cirrhosis, seven investi- patients who drank coffee progressed less quickly gating advanced hepatic fibrosis, and one investi- than those who did not (Freedman et al., 2009); gating both (Liu et al., 2015). Overall, 3034 coffee coffee-drinking patients also responded better to consumers and 132 076 non-consumers were peginterferon and ribavirin therapy (Freedman studied in the investigations. The pooled odds et al., 2011). In a randomized open-label crossover ratio for hepatic cirrhosis in coffee consumers trial, 40 patients with hepatitis C were random- compared with non-consumers was 0.61 (95% CI, ized to either 4 cups/day of coffee for 1 month or 0.45–0.84). For advanced fibrosis, the odds ratio abstinence. Coffee intake caused a reduction in was 0.73 (95% CI, 0.58–0.92). There were statis- plasma procollagen type III, a measure of fibrosis tically significant inverse associations for both and collagen synthesis (Cardin et al., 2013). alcohol-associated cirrhosis and cirrhosis asso- Inverse associations between caffeine intake and ciated with hepatitis C. [The Working Group transaminase levels, fibrosis, and disease activity noted the heterogeneity in this meta-analysis.] in hepatitis C patients have also been reported Decaffeinated coffee does not appear to be asso- (Costentin et al., 2011; Khalaf et al., 2015). ciated with cirrhosis/liver fibrosis Modi( et al., 2010; Khalaf et al., 2015). [The Working Group 4.4.2 Experimental systems noted the inadequate consideration of smoking Most of the experimental animal studies in the paper by Khalaf et al. (2015), and the lack on the effect of coffee and its ingredients on of control for smoking in the study by Modi et insulin resistance and insulin secretion were al. (2010).] conducted in different mouse models of type Coffee consumption may also be associated 2 diabetes. Using spontaneously diabetic male with lower severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver KK-Ay mice, Yamauchi et al. (2010) demon- disease (NAFLD) (Chen et al., 2014a; Wadhawan strated that ingestion of diluted black coffee as & Anand, 2016). Decaffeinated coffee did not drinking-water (black coffee/water = 1:1 v/v) for appear to have the same associations (Modi et 5 weeks improved insulin resistance. The similar al., 2010; Dickson et al., 2015; Khalaf et al., 2015). effect of regular coffee, decaffeinated green coffee However, coffee consumption was not associated bean extract, and chlorogenic acid on improving with the prevalence of ultrasound-diagnosed insulin resistance have been reported in C57BL/6 NAFLD (Zelber-Sagi et al., 2015). A meta-analysis mice (Rustenbeck et al., 2014; Song et al., 2014; of observational studies reported that caffeine Ma et al., 2015) and male Sprague-Dawley rats consumption is not associated with the prev- (Shearer et al., 2007) fed a high-fat diet. Coffee alence of NAFLD (Shen et al., 2016). However, ingestion increased insulin sensitivity via the caffeine is associated with a reduced severity of induction of Akt serine phosphorylation in liver disease in affected patients Molloy( et al., 2012; and skeletal muscle (Kobayashi et al., 2012; Jia Shen et al., 2016). et al., 2014) and increasing insulin-receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) tyrosine phosphorylation


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