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I W. NICIUS (>iHIEDRICH EHRENHOLD). --- resp. See SALTZMANN (JOHANNES ) M.A., NICIUS (JANUS) Erythraeus. See ERYTHRAEUS (JANUS NICIUS). NICKAU (KLAUS). - -- Untersuchungen zur textkritischen Methode des Zenodotos von Ephesos. [Untersuch. z. Antiken Lit. u. Gesch.., Bd. 16.] Berlin, 1977. .8831 Zen. Nic. NICKEL (GERHARD). - -- ed. Applied contrastive linguistics. See COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUÉE, 3rd Copenhagen, 1972. Proceedings. Vol. 1. - -- ed. Papers in contrastive linguistics. See COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUÉE, 2nd, Cambridge, 1969. - -- ed. Special issue of IRAL on the occasion of Bertil Malmbergts 60th birthday. Heidelberg [1973.] .4104 Mal. Nic. NICKEL (RICHARD). - -- SCHUNI'IER (A. ) and SEIFERLE (EUGEN). - -- Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere. Bde. 1 -2. Berlin. Vet. Lib. 1. Bewegungsapparat. Von R.N., A.S. [and] E.S. 1954. 2. Eingeweide. Von A.S., R.N. 1967. NICKEL -SULFIDE and platinum- group -element deposits. Proceedings of an international symposium sponsored by the Mineralogical Association of Canada, October 21 -22, 1978. Editor: A.J. Naldrett. [Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 17(2), 1979.] Ontario, 1979. Geol. Lib. ADDITIONS NICKEL (GERHARD). -- and NEHLS (DIETRICH). -- eds. Error analysis, contrastive linguistics and second language learning. Papers from the 6th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Lund, 1981. (Special issue of IRAL.) Heidelberg, 1982. .407 Nic. eds. Models of grammar, descriptive linguistics and pedagogical grammar. Papers from the 5th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Montreal 1978. (Special issue of IRAL.) Heidelberg, 1980. .4104 Nic. NICKEL (KARL). - -- ed. See INTERVAL mathematics. NICKELL (STEPHEN J.). --- The investment decisions of firms. [Camb. Econ. Hdbks.] Welwyn, 1978. .658152 Nic. NICKELS (SYLVIE). - -- See KALLAS (BILLAR) and N. (S.) - -- KALLAS ( HILLAR) and FRIEDMAN (PHILIPPA).
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