MARKETS for INDIAN TEA in the UNITED STATES and CANADA. Our Readers Will Have Noticed That Messrs. Doane & Co. of Chicago Es
MARKETS FOR INDIAN TEA IN THE of the Tycoon to enter into “ the comity of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA. nations.” Our first taste of the amber-coloured, burnt Our readers will have noticed that Messrs. Doane flavoured tea, which is such a favourite with our & Co. of Chicago estimated the consumption of tea in Yankee cousins was in Paris, a good many years the United States at 72,000,000 lb. Mr. Sibthorp’s ago. It was provided for us as a treat by the then calculation is not so high, his figures being a little correspondent of the Daily News, but we could not under 70,000,000 lb. The population of the United honestly say that we admired it. Taste in regard States being fully fifty millions, it follows that the for tea is, however, very much a matter of educa consumption of tea is considerably under 1J lb. per tion : some people do not take kindly to Indian caput. In Britain, the consumption of tea last year tea at once, and a few persons are so depraved in taste exceeded 160,000,000, lb., which, for a population of as not to admire even the Ceylon leaf, until the second thirty-five millions, gives, for each individual, over or third time of tasting. The extreme cold of the 4£ lb. In regard to coffee, the position of the two climate in Canada and parts of the United States, countries is more than reversed ; for the pe?ple of may, perhaps (?) account for the preference given to Britain have been so thoroughly cheated and disgusted highly -fired and green teas, which have almost ceased in the matter of coffee, that they do not now consume to be used in Britain and which, recently tried on anything like a pound a head of this beverage.
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