City Council Meeting No.15, June 18, 2002
CITY COUNCIL MEETING NO. 15-2002 The Regular Meeting of City Council was held on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall. Her Worship Mayor Isabel Turner presided. There was an "In-Camera" meeting of the Committee of the Whole from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the Councillors’ Lounge. (Council Chambers) ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Turner, Councillor Beavis, Councillor Campbell, Councillor Clements, Councillor Downes, Councillor Foster, Councillor Garrison (arrived 8:15 pm), Councillor George, Councillor Pater, Councillor Rogers, Councillor Stoparczyk, Councillor Sutherland. (12) Absent: Councillor Meers (1) (Council Chambers) Administrative Staff Present: Mr. B. Meunier, CAO; Ms. C. Beach, Commissioner, Planning & Development Services; Mrs. C. Downs, Manager, Council Support/City Clerk; Mr. M. Fluhrer, Manager, Parks & Arenas Division; Mr. D. Leger, Commissioner, Corporate Services; Mr. H. Linscott, Director, Legal Services; Mr. P. MacLatchy, Manager, Environmental Services; Ms. N. Sullivan, Deputy City Clerk. * * * * * * * * * * * * COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE “IN CAMERA” (A) Moved by Councillor Pater Seconded by Councillor Rogers THAT Council resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole “In Camera” to consider the following items: 1. Litigation or Potential Litigation 2. Negotiations 3. Legal Matters CARRIED * * * * * * * * * * * * City Council Meeting No. 15 Minutes June 18, 2002 Page 398 (Council Chambers) Administrative Staff Present: Mr. B. Meunier, CAO; Ms. C. Beach, Commissioner, Planning & Development Services; Mr. B. Bishop, Director, Human Resources; Mr. J. Cross, Community Development Facilitator, Emergency Management; Mrs. C. Downs, Manager, Council Support/City Clerk; Mr. M. Fluhrer, Manger, Parks & Arenas; Mr. G. Grange, Manager, Social Housing Division; Mr. G.
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