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Canada- 150: A Toronto-Armenian tradition enters Armenian Canadian Achievements its 3rd decade with new surprises and old friends

Three strong stories Music, dance, food, and language are just some of the among the 150 elements that keep a culture alive. Living in the Diaspora, we cling to these elements to foster and cultivate traditions to help connect us to the homeland. If the essence of culture lies in its interpretations, values, and By Arsho Zakarian Alternatives. Yalnizian explains perspectives, then the essence of how Ontario and Canada are the Toronto-Armenian Community The office of the Lieutenant viewed by the world. Our country lies in the Toronto A.C.C. Governor of Ontario has published is admired for its social, economic Summerfest. Over the past 21 years, a book titled “150 Stories” (in and environmental justice systems, the Toronto A.C.C. Summerfest has English and French), which for its inclusive advancements and successfully become a manifestation compiles the biographies of 150 its sustainable growth. She of the Armenian Diaspora in Toronto. Ontarians that have made a concludes that Canada is a beacon The festival exists and continues to significant contribution to the of progress in the twenty first thrive by connecting its audience to province’s cultural, economic, century. the homeland through current music, social and political life. Armine Yalnizian was the dance, cuisine, and language. Elizabeth Dowdeswell writes guest speaker at the International A tradition rooted in the in the forward that the stories and Women’s Day in 2011 organized Armenian Community of Toronto Martin Mkrtchyan performing at ACC Summerfest images echo what it means to be by Armenian Relief Society’s successfully heightens the a Canadian at this age. Roubina Chapter of Toronto. anticipation of summer year-after- new friends like Martin Mkrtchyan making their mark in the Toronto It worth noting that three of year by providing its patrons with who has quickly become a crowd- Community. Local eateries like Lara’s the 150 stories are of three one of the best Armenian cultural favourite; entertainment for children Restaurant and Arz Fine Foods offer Canadian Armenian women. Each festivals in North America. In the like Joelle; members of the Toronto- festival goers with a selection of has achieved unique goals for past 20 years, the festival has Armenian community like Harout dishes for both the grab-and-goers Ontario and in turn for Canada: evolved from its humble beginnings Bedrossian, Liquid Trio Band, Holy looking for a quick bite before running to the dance floor and the sit-and- eaters who like to enjoy their dishes while they take in the ambiance. Coffee, desserts, ice cream, and confectionary are also available for those of us who need that quick energy boost or need to cater to that sweet tooth. Moreover, the A.C.C. Yearbook and the newly-built Armenian Business Directory (http://armenianbusinessdirectory. Ann Cavoukian ca/) offer patrons with a glimpse of -Ann Cavoukian has served the Toronto-Armenian Community’s as Ontario’s Information and yearly projects and endeavours, as Privacy Commission for three well as an exhaustive list of Armenian consecutive terms, from 1997 to businesses in all sectors right under Sevaun Palvetsian 2014. She recounts the hardships their fingertips. Perhaps one of the most -Sevaun Palvetzian is the CEO that her parents had to endure and convenient features of the festival is for Civic Action, a coalition of civic is thankful to the people who the Radisson Hotel Toronto East that leaders. She tells the story of her helped her famous father, Arto is right next door and allows festival- grandfather, Garabed Palvetzian, Cavouk, in establishing his goers to be near all the excitement who escaped the Armenian Geno­ photography studio in Toronto. without having to worry about cide, settled in Ontario, raised five She is grateful to be in a country Armenchik electrifying the crowds at ACC Summerfest 2015 transportation. In honour of the children with his wife. His grand­ that values freedom and preserves and has become a musical hotspot Trinity’s Sassoun Dance Ensemble, festival, Radisson is offering a special children have earned multiple de­ privacy. piquing the interest of the biggest and Hamazkayin’s Erepuni Dance room rate to all patrons who mention Ann Cavoukian was the first grees and have become achievers names in the Armenian music Ensemble; and for the first time ever “Summerfest” upon booking—only guest speaker at the International and contributors to Ontario and industry. Over the years, the coveted to the Summerfest stage, the available until June 7 (). Canada. Women’s Day event, in 2010, Summerfest stage has welcomed international popstar who needs no For anyone looking for a jam- Palvetzian was one of the organized by the Armenian Relief stars like Harout Pamboukjian, Paul introduction, . packed and fun-filled weekend panelists in the mentorship Society’s Roubina Chapter of Baghdadlian, Adis Harmandian, Keeping in mind families, activity with friends and family this program, “Breaking Barriers to Toronto. Aram Asatryan, Armenchik, Andy, Summerfest caters to children as summer that offers great food, cool Success”, organized by the *** Tata, Razmik Amyan, Martin well, not just with their own prizes, ample activities and live Armenian Relief Society’s Roubina Palvetzian, Yalnizian and Mkrtchyan, Nune, Aida Sargsyan, entertainer, but with endless activities entertainment all under one roof, the Chapter of Toronto, in 2014. Cavoukian never lost sight of their Silva Hakobyan, and Arman open all weekend with the help of Toronto A.C.C. Summerfest is Armenian roots, each became an Hovhannisyan to name a few. the Homenetmen Scouts, and a definitely the place to be. This year, active participant in serving As the festival enters its third petting zoo open on Sunday. the festival will be held on July 7, 8, Canada in different fields. These decade, it brings with it long-time The Toronto A.C.C. Summerfest and 9, 2017 on the grounds of the three Canadian Armenians do not Summerfest favourites like Adis is just as much a showcase of Armenian Youth Centre in Toronto. take for granted the freedom, the Harmandian, Armenchik, and Joseph Armenian culture to the Greater Follow Summerfest opportunities and the Krikorian who have witnessed the Toronto Community as it is a @accsummerfest on Facebook, advancements that our province growth of the festival over the years; celebration of Armenian businesses Twitter, and Instagram. Ontario and our naturalized country, Canada, offer. Armenian Relief Society’s Roubina chapter of Toronto, has recognized the talents, accomplishments and capabilities of the three women by inviting them to be speakers at the ÊÙµ³·ñáõû³Ý ÏáÕÙ¿ International Women’s Day §ÂáñáÝÃáѳۦ å³ï³ë˳ݳïáõ ã¿ Join us celebrations or in mentorship Armine Yalnizian Çñ ¿ç»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç ÉáÛë ï»ë³Í ͳÝáõóáõÙÝ»ñáõ www.facebook/ programs. µáí³Ý¹³Ïáõû³Ý: -Armine Yalnizian was the They have inspired other Torontohye former Senior Economist at the women to reach their potential with Ø»½Ç ÛÕáõ³Í µáÉáñ ÃÕóÏóáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÝ áõ Canadian Centre for Policy confidence and courage. ·ñáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ »ÝÃ³Ï³Û »Ý áñáß ËÙµ³·ñáõÙÇ: newspaper TORONTO ARMENIANS ÚàôÜÆê 2017 Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 21 Armenian Community of Toronto Celebrates TorontoHye’s 12 Years of Service to the Community

Toronto Armenian community representatives and readers of TorontoHye newspaper came together on May 19th to celebrate the achievements of the paper during the past 12 years. Founded in October 2005 and published uninterruptedly ever since by the Armenian Community Centre, TorontoHye is the main bilingual (Armenian/English) publication serving the greater Toronto area Armenian communities. The fundraising event, held at the ACC’s main hall, was attended by community leaders, clergy, representatives of the community organizations, artists, advertisers, supporters and faithful readers. Master and mistress of ceremonies Varak Babian and CP24 reporter Arda Zakarian conducted the program expertly with colorful introductions of the various participants. A video presentation featuring readers from different walks of life and ages gave their personal accounts about the newspaper and 139 issues of TorontoHye newspaper displayed at the entrance of ACC main hall during the Dr. Isabel Kaprielian Churchill highlighted the important part it plays in the fundraising reception, May 19. community. TorontoHye’s founding editor Karin Saghdejian-Deragopian presented a detailed report about the paper’s 12 years of publication and showed how the paper reflected the defining moments of the community during that time. She also thanked the contributors, advertisers, supporters and the Armenian Community Centre’s leadership for their cooperation and continuous support. The engaging presentation was interspersed with interesting backstories and happenstances related to the publication of some of the 139 issues. Be it a letter from the only Armenian resident of faraway Penticton, BC, an email from the legendary AP photographer Harry Koundakjian with a batch of historic photos, or a midnight adventure to Toronto ARF leader Hagop Janbazian presents a gift to TorontoHye’s MCs of the evening Varak Babian and Arda Zakarian deliver the files to the printing house in Toronto founding editor Karin Saghdejian-Deragopian. amid sub-zero temperatures and chronic road closures, it relayed the interesting and adventurous side of publishing a newspaper. She also announced the launch of the newly designed website (torontohye.ca) which will provide coverage of community events and activities as well as major news and analysis related to and the diaspora. The website is designed by Digilite Web Solutions (a Toronto based web design company) and managed by Talyn Terzian Gilmour. Keynote speaker prof. Isabel Kaprielian Churchill spoke about the important role Armenian newspapers have played in the life of diasporan communities since the publication of the first Armenian newspaper Aztarar in Madras, India in 1794. Mineh Dzadourian singing Kar- Nshan Papazian and Karina Kheshfajian playing from Khachadurian’s Canonist Madiana Ghazarian playing Speaking about TorontoHye, Dr. nanayin. Masquerade Im Davigh. Kaprielian Churchill said the newspaper shines a light on our community life and shows the of Syrian Armenians. community organizations and associations to Haroutunian (flute), and Vordegh Kednem Kez dynamism of its organizations and institutions. TorontoHye contributor and Hamazkayin disseminate information and announce their with Taline Artinian Kelebozian (piano). It both reflects the values and ideals of our Klatsor chapter chairperson Tamar Donabedian activities. He thanked the founding team and New members of the community violinist community and is a vanguard of molding and Kuzuian reflected on how a newspaper can presented the editor Karin Saghdejian Nshan Papazian and pianist Karina guiding our values as our communities face incite interest and educate us from an early Deragopian and graphic designer Ara Ter Kheshfajian presented a piece from big challenges around the world, she said. age and shape our understanding of the world Haroutunian with photographer Scout Khachadurian’s Masquerade. While Madiana Dr. Kaprielian Churchill added that around us. She emphasized the significance Tufankjian’s book “There Is Only The Earth”. Torossian (canon) and Taline Artinian TorontoHye is an effective agent of group of TorontoHye as a forum for community Budding musicians punctuated the Kelebozian (piano) beautifully presented Im cohesion, maintaining our identity within the activities for over a decade. evening program with Armenian and classical Anush Davigh by Khachatur Avetisyan. broader Canadian society, and it has also Local ARF leader Hagop Janbazian musical pieces and performances. Young talent The evening came to an end with a cake helped to integrate newcomers to the stressed the importance of maintaining the Mineh Dzadourian sang Karnanayin, with cutting ceremony and meet and greet among community such as during the recent influx newspaper that gives opportunity for all Raymond Sarkissian (piano) and Ara Ter the guests and attendees. ÚàôÜÆê 2017 VARIETY 22 Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 Oil, Gold and Bribes - A Ticking Time Bomb

Closet Claustrophobe...

By Talyn Terzian Gilmour

All of us have these little things that my discman). Aaaaah paradiso. make us, well, us. For instance, like many When the tans couldn’t get any deeper, others, I’m often found complaining that I we would head back to the bus and into need to lose 5 or 10 pounds, haven’t had town to start the night’s festivities that time to exercise, or just have waaaaaaay would carry well into the wee hours of the too many things on my plate. Actually, I morning. Only one day, at the end of a do have one quirk which makes me, me. successfully two-shades-darker-suntan Every night when I finally get the chance day, there was an accident on the road to relax after getting the kids to bed and which blocked the entire road leaving our the house tidied from the whirlwind that is bus stopped on an incline on a very tall the 10 year old and 7 year old, I wish to hill (there’s only one main road that travels myself that I had the fastest metabolism around the whole island). The bus was From left to right) US President Donald Trump, Rudolph Giuliani, Reza Zarrab, Turkey's autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. in the world. All I want more than anything packed with beachgoers eager to get back is to have a banquet-sized feast complete into town. Of note here is that the open on December 17, 2013, when Turkish by Raffi Bedrosyan with fettucine alfredo, roast beef, spaghetti, bus was packed with sweaty beach police, or rather, a certain section of Turkish and some very delicious Armenian goers .at the end of a very hot police not loyal to Erdogan, arrested Reza In a small courtroom in Manhattan, New delicacies (like mantee and dolma!) without day crowding the aisles, with their arms Zarrab and the sons of three cabinet ministers, York, there is a legal drama playing out, which ANY consequences. When I’ve admitted along with a few bank leaders. They had raised to hold the safety bars along the may have serious consequences for the US, this to Mr. Niceguy he’s responded with, indisputable evidence, wiretaps, videos, top – sweat and hairy armpits everywhere. Turkey and Iran, but more critically for the “Oooh, that sounds like fun!” Actually, it telephone conversations and documents Oooh, and did I mention that in Greece Turkish President Erdogan. This court case sounds more like the answer to all my proving the large amounts of bribes passed when the bus stops on the top of a hill is a ticking time bomb which may explode in prayers ! on from Zarrab to the ministers and bank because of a minor motorbike accident in President Erdogan's face, despite all his officials. Money counting machines in living But one of my bigger quirks? I am a the middle of the only road it also turns off clandestine efforts to diffuse it. rooms, several million dollars in shoe boxes, closet claustrophobe. By that I mean, I its engine? Yes. Important detail. No air. Reza Zarrab, a 33 year old Turkish citizen expensive gifts and money being delivered to am claustrophobic – some of the time. And the bus was so old that the windows of Iranian descent, was arrested in Miami on And I don’t make a big deal about it but the ministers' homes in suit bags, all the dirty would barely crack open. March 17, 2016, as soon as he got off the laundry came out. One of the most interesting I’m never sure when it will strike. There I thought I would black out – blacking plane. He stated that he had come to the US are guaranteed moments, however. For telephone conversations released by the out would have been a welcome respite with his wife and daughter to see the Disney investigators and reported by several media example, if I’m at a party and the music is from my suffering in that wretched, hot hell World. But the three charges against him outlets was between Erdogan and his son, just pumping and I’m really into the groove – can’t you just feel how awful it was? were serious - conspiring to evade U.S. when Erdogan instructs his son to get rid of well, it doesn’t really matter how squished Only I wasn’t so lucky. I recall turning into sanctions against Iran, money laundering and all cash in the house, after he hears about the I am until the girl behind me starts bank fraud. He was promptly transferred to a my own armpit trying to shield myself from raids to his ministers' houses. His son's elbowing me and the sweaty guy dancing New York jail, where he resides at present. my surroundings. I recall wishing I had response after several hours of frantic work with her keeps inching into my personal And the connection to President Erdogan? an inside seat and wasn’t standing. I recall reveals that despite all his attempts to distribute space and I can feel his sweat invading Read on, as this is an international thriller in the cute brown leather change purse that the cash at home to colleagues, relatives or my atmosphere and oh, there’s a drop and the making. associates, there is still some 30 million euros a Brazilian girl was carrying and how it I’m about to lose my mind while I try to For several years, US had slapped left at home. Despite the evidence, Erdogan would be my salvation – every stitch figure out how to break away on the one sanctions on Iran to contain Iran's nuclear did manage to escape the investigation counted, the pattern of leather committed hand, and find room to show off all my ambitions. The US had imposed strict controls unscathed, fired the three ministers, but also to memory all so that I could cope with on all international banks and corporations, moves on the other! fired all the police officials and prosecutors the cold sweat trickling down my back banning them from doing any business with involved in this operation, claiming that this which had nothing to do with the Iran. Therefore, Iran faced great difficulty ***BLECH*** was a conspiracy and coup attempt by the temperature and everything to do with getting paid for its oil exports. A couple of followers of Fethullah Gulen, the Moslem Iranian businessmen, Babek Zenjani in Tehran fundamentalist preacher living in exile in It’s an odd feeling, claustrophobia. feeling like a sardine. The most glorious being, of course, and Reza Zarrab in Istanbul, stepped up to Pennsylvania, US. Most of the police officials And it’s particularly harrowing when it just circumvent the sanctions. Oil payments would and prosecutors are now in jail, and a few creeps up out of nowhere. I when we finally made it off that bus and I could breathe deeply and normally, stretch be made to companies and banks in Turkey, lucky ones have fled the country. wonder maybe I was made for wider huge amounts of gold would be bought with out my arms and legs and just be grateful Reza Zarrab was released from prison in spaces – less density. And then, when I those funds, and then the gold would be two months, in February 2014. His defence for life! I believe I started skipping back have all the space I could want, I feel like exported from Turkey to Iran, directly or was very simple: ' If you don't release me I’m haunted by ghosts. Where is the happy to our hotel or perhaps I was skipping perhaps with a few stops in Dubai, United immediately, I start talking'. medium? because it was dinnertime Arab Emirates and other places in between. It is not known why Zarrab chose to come I recall one of the first times I realized I would say that was probably my first This scheme, although very simple, required to the US. Perhaps he decided to seek I had claustrophobic tendencies. Mr. and most significant experience with huge amounts of money and gold transferred protection there, albeit in jail, instead of facing Niceguy and I had travelled to the fabulous claustrophobia. Thankfully I learned from on a daily basis, which would undoubtedly attempts to silence him in Turkey. Meanwhile, Greek island of Mykonos – I know I write that situation. Like to always try and find attract the unwanted attention of government his partner in Iran, Babek Zenjani, is arrested about Mykonos often but you see, once I a seat on the subway during rush hour. officials. That problem would be addressed and sentenced to die for defrauding the Iranian Oil Ministry for 4 billion dollars. discovered that little piece of heaven on Or to always sit by an operational window. by generous bribes, commissions and police On elevators I almost never stand in the protection. When you are moving billions of The Zarrab affair gets even more Earth, I made it my mission to be there interesting in the US. The man who brought nearly 3 years in a row! Ooooh when I centre. When going out with friends and dollars daily, a few hundred million dollars to government officials is just cost of doing the charges against Zarrab was Preet Bharara, think of those times there’s an odd number, I often try to be business. the United States attorney for the Southern The schedule was marvelous: awake next to the empty seat. And I almost never District of New York, a star attorney who made walk ahead because I feel like the person So, with the system set up in Iran and sometime around 11am – just in time to Turkey, Reza Zarrab quickly became a 'gold his name as a fearless prosecutor of Wall walking behind is going to catch me. It’s have the last ham and cheese pastries at trading' tycoon in Turkey, making headlines Street wrongdoers. Erdogan's concern about the little bakery around the corner. Then, a funny quirk perhaps it’s all the extra with large donations to religious charities linked the Zarrab case was evident when he asked walk through the deserted windy, space I need for all of my baggage? Who to Erdogan as a philanthropist, marrying a former Vice President Joe Biden to intervene. cobblestone paths flanked on either side knows. popular pop star singer, and buying several But luckily for him, just as the case against with whitewashed walls and blue-shutter- In any case, if we’re ever having a mansions along the Bosphorus. Erdogan's Zarrab started moving, the new president framed windows to catch the bus to Elia heart-to-heart and I subtly start to back government also bestowed Turkish citizenship Trump fired Bharara, along with hundreds of beach. All day long we would lie for hours away well, let me. It’s not that I’m not on him with a special decree. There were a other Obama appointees. Zarrab has hired on our rented loungers, counting time by interested or listening, it’s just that I could few mishaps in the scheme, such as 1.5 metric nearly 20 elite white-collar criminal lawyers to defend him. The last two hired lawyers are the sun’s position and our deepening tans use a little room. And if you do figure out tons of gold seized in the cargo of an airplane especially noteworthy, Rudi Giuliani, former how I can have a banquet-sized-meal in Istanbul by a 'misguided' or 'uninformed' (ok, in reality also counting time by the New York Mayor and U.S. Attorney, and customs official, who was promptly suspended number of cigarettes smoked, Coca Light’s before bed and lose weight at the same Michael B. Mukasey, the former U.S. Attorney and the number of songs listened to on time, well, I’ll definitely lean in a little closer! and sent to 'exile' to the interior part of Turkey. But the scheme blew up and came out in the Cont. on page 27 ART AND CULTURE ÚàôÜÆê 2017 Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 23 Spring Concert Promotes Blooming Talent

By Araxie Altounian

It is not frequently that the Canadian Armenian Association for Performing Arts (CAAPA) presents concerts in Toronto, but each one of its shows is a memorable event that sends audience members home with a sense of spiritual fulfilment. Such was the Spring Concert dedicated to Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation featuring three rising stars, Julia Mirzoev (violin), Artun Miskciyan (piano) and Lynn Anoush Isnar (soprano), that took place on Saturday, May 20 at the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Abgar Hovakimyan, Primate of Armenian Diocese of Canada. In her welcoming speech, CAAPA chair, Julia Mirzoev L to R: Dr. Michael Berkovsky Julia Mirzoev, Artun Miskciyan and Lynn Isnar. Mrs. Lena Ouzounian highlighted the opportunities that Canada has given to (sung in Russian), and “Je veux vivre”, immigrants – and in this case Armenians more Juliette’s Waltz, from Charles Gounod’s opera, specifically, and the contribution of the latter Romeo et Juliette. Presently about to begin to the enrichment of Canadian culture through her final year in the Artist Diploma Program the many stellar artists that adorn this country’s at The Glenn Gould School of the Royal artistic life. Conservatory of Music, Isnar has expanded One of CAAPA’s primary goals being to her coloratura range and gained considerable promote young Armenian talent with richness in texture. Supported at the piano by scholarships or performance opportunities, it one of the most sought-after collaborative is fitting to acknowledge this organization’s artists in Toronto, Dr. Michael Berkovsky, Isnar important role as a stepping stone for young captivated the listeners with her clear diction talent on their way to a brilliant future career. and expressive singing. Music lovers had turned out in large Artun Miskciyan returned to play three numbers for the May 20 Spring Concert. Julia solo works by Frédéric Chopin, Two Mazurkas, Mirzoev (violin) who studies presently under Op. 30 and Polonaise No. 5 in F sharp minor, the tutelage of Jonathan Crow (Concertmaster Op. 44. The young pianist handled the three of the Toronto Symphony) at the University of pieces inspired by Polish traditional dances Toronto, opened the program with the slow with a pleasant lyricism and refined movement (Grave) of Johann Sebastian expressivity. Bach’s Violin Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV The second part of the concert was Soprano Lynn Isnar and Artun Miskciyan. 1003, which she performed with superb dedicated to Armenian composers. Lynn Isnar mastery, a lovely tone and beautiful style. sang “Kele Kele”, “Tsayn Dour Ov Dzovag” Miskciyan followed with Arno Babajanian’s musicians with a long standing ovation and Then she was joined at the piano by Artun and “Krunk” by Father Komitas. Artun “Elegy” a work dedicated to the memory of was treated to an encore, Charles Gounod’s Miskciyan, a student of concert pianists James Miskciyan followed with “Yerangi” from Aram Khachaturian soon after the latter’s “Ave Maria” based on a Prelude by Johann Parker and Enrico Elisi at the University of Komitas’ “Six Dances for Piano” and Aram death, and based on Sayat Nova’s song “Qani Sebastian Bach. Toronto, for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Violin Khachaturian’s “Lullaby” from the Gayané vur jan im”. Then the pianist was joined by All four performers were presented with Sonata No. 32, K 454 in B flat Major. Both Ballet Suite, which he performed with utmost Julia Mirzoev for a brilliant performance of commemorative medallions of Canada’s 150th musicians displayed excellent technical delicacy and subtlety of nuances. Isnar Aram Khachaturian’s Waltz from the anniversary. In his closing remarks, His Grace command combined with expressive finesse returned with two more songs, Hampartsoum Masquerade Suite. Finally, as the excitement and remarkable ensemble playing. Berberian’s “Anor”, and R. Gregorian’s of the audience kept building up, the three Bishop Abgar Hovakimyan expressed his Next, soprano Lynn Isnar presented three arrangement of Komitas’ “Dzidzernag”, a young performers joined forces to perform fervent appreciation for this highly successful songs, “O mio babbino caro” from Giacomo version that highlighted the singer’s coloratura Arno Babajanian’s “Chknagh Yeraz” in a Tango and inspiring event, and congratulated the Puccini’s opera “Gianni Schicchi”, Sergei range which Isnar sang with crystal clear arrangement by Toronto’s own Serouj Kradjian. performers and the organizing committee of Rachmaninov’s “Oh Never Sing to Me Again” precision. An elated audience acknowledged the three the CAAPA on their achievement. Canadian-Armenian Cellist Karen Ouzounian’s Aizuri Quartet Takes Top Prize in Osaka

OSAKA, Japan (The Strad)- The Aizuri Quartet in Residence at the Curtis Institute of Quartet (U.S), featuring Canadian-Armenian Music in Philadelphia from 2014 to 2016. cellist Karen Ouzounian, has won first prize, Described as “radiant” and “expressive” worth 3 million JPY ($27,000 USD), in the (The New York Times) and “nothing less than string quartet section of the Ninth Osaka gorgeous” (Memphis Commercial Appeal), International Chamber Music Competition in cellist Karen Ouzounian approaches music- Japan. making with a deeply communicative and The triennial event took place May 13-21 passionate spirit. At home in diverse musical in the string quartet and wind ensemble settings, she has become increasingly drawn categories, which ran alongside masterclasses, towards unusual collaborations and eclectic concerts, and an informal Festa, with no age contemporary repertoire. or repertoire restrictions. In addition to her work with the Aizuri Second prize in the string quartet division, Quartet, Ouzounian’s commitment to worth 1.5 million JPY went to the Ulysses adventurous programming and the Quartet from the U.S., while third prize, worth collaborative process has led to her one million JPY went to the Viano String membership in the Grammy-nominated, self- Quartet, also from the U.S. conducted chamber orchestra A Far Cry, and This year’s jury was chaired by cellist the critically-acclaimed new music collective Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi and included violinists counter) induction. Highlights of Ouzounian’s Martin Beaver, Kazuki Sawa and Levon recent and upcoming seasons include Chilingirian; violists Yoshiko Kawamoto and performances of the Elgar Concerto in Chile Homggang Li; and cellist Paul Katz. with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Santiago, Third prize winner at the 2015 Wigmore tours with the Silk Road Ensemble and Mark Hall International String Quartet Competition Morris Dance Group, recitals at the Caramoor The Aizuri Quartet- Miho Saegusa, Ariana Kim, Karen Ouzounian and Ayane Kozasa. in London, the Aizuri Quartet comprises Center for Music and the Arts with pianist Ieva violinists Miho Saegusa and Ariana Kim, violist Jokubaviciute, a tour of Japan with the Orpheus and as guest principal of the St. Paul Chamber Canada Council for the Arts Musical Instrument Ayane Kozasa, and cellist Karen Ouzounian. Chamber Orchestra, and tours with Musicians Orchestra, IRIS Orchestra, and Chamber Bank Competition. She holds Master of Music The ensemble was Ernst Stiefel String Quartet from Marlboro and Musicians from Ravinia’s Orchestra of Philadelphia. and Bachelor of Music degrees from The in Residence at the Caramoor Center for Music Steans Music Institute. Additionally, she has Born to Armenian parents in Toronto, Juilliard School, where she was a student of and the Arts from 2015 to 2016, and String performed with The Knights, Trio Cavatina, Ouzounian was a prizewinner at the 2012 Timothy Eddy. ÚàôÜÆê 2017 24 Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 AGBU Partners With Shoah Foundation To Further Education on Armenian Genocide And Identity

interviews was made available in more context and understanding learners of all ages have multiple IWitness to educators and students about the Armenian Genocide, which means of accessing their expertise," worldwide. far too few people know about," said said Natalie Gabrelian, Director of IWitness provides access to USC Shoah Foundation Senior Alternative Education at AGBU. more than 2,000 histories of Director of Programs and "Thanks to the partnership with the survivors and witnesses to genocides Administration Kori Street. "Our USC Shoah Foundation, the for guided exploration, bringing partnership will benefit both of our Armenian story will now reach human stories of the Institute's Visual organizations by allowing us to share mainstream audiences, transcending History Archive® to more than our expertise." cultures and ethnicities, thereby 100,000 secondary school educators AGBU WebTalks speakers being heard by all of humanity." and students in 80 countries. include psychologist and genocide Based at the University of Launched in 2017, the new scholar Israel Charny; historians Southern California (USC), the USC IWitness Armenia page is dedicated Richard Hovannisian, Raymond Shoah Foundation is the world's In April, the Armenian General engaging, multimedia resources for to telling this tragic chapter in Kévorkian, and Khatchig Mouradian; leading organization in visual Benevolent Union (AGBU) partnered students around the world. Armenian history. With all of the USC human rights barrister Geoffrey testimony-based education, with with the USC Shoah Foundation's The Institute's Armenian Shoah Foundation's educational Robertson; French journalists based professional development and digital Institute for Visual History and Genocide collection was initiated in resources on the Armenian in Turkey Laure Marchand and tools reaching dozens of countries 2010, when the Armenian Film Education to integrate all videos from Genocide, educators can not only Guillaume Perrier; editor and and a unique educational website, the AGBU WebTalks series- Foundation and USC Shoah find video testimonies from the publisher of translations of Zabel IWitness, whose goals are to help addressing both the Armenian Foundation signed a historic Hagopian collection, but the site has Yessayan's work, Judith Saryan; and overcome prejudice, intolerance and Genocide and Armenian identity-into agreement to digitize, index and now expanded to include segments others. The short video interviews hatred. At the heart of the Institute's the USC Shoah Foundation's award- preserve footage of nearly 400 from the AGBU WebTalks series. currently available online are a rich efforts is the Visual History Archive winning educational website interviews with survivors and The featured clips cover forced repository of knowledge and provide (VHA), the world's largest collection IWitness. witnesses filmed by the late marches, the Hamidian and Adana online access to authoritative and of audiovisual interviews (over AGBU WebTalks is an online documentarian J. Michael Hagopian. reliable information about Armenian 55,000) of survivors and witnesses video series that conveys the insights The agreement paved the way for massacres, forced conversion, and passion of engaging, inspiring, the preservation and dissemination resistance, rescuers/aid, genocide history and culture to meet the of the Holocaust during WWII, the dynamic thinkers from around the of the largest collection of filmed denial and memory, and are demands of our connected and 1915 Armenian Genocide, the late world speaking on a wide range of interviews about the Armenian supplemented with lessons, teacher visual world. Additional videos from 1970s Cambodian Genocide, the Armenian topics. The collaboration Genocide, the first genocide of the guides and other educational the growing collection will be added early 1980s Guatemalan Genocide, is designed to further the study of twentieth century. Five years later, resources. over time. the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi Genocide, the Armenian Genocide and identity the collection was integrated into the "By bringing the AGBU "Our goal is to increase the and the 1937 Nanjing Massacre in through professional-development USC Shoah Foundation's Visual WebTalks series into IWitness, we exposure of our scholars, thinkers China. opportunities for educators and new History Archive® and the first set of are providing students with even and artists to ensure students and AGBU Nubar Library Launches English-Language Website for Digital Collection

A major highlight of the website is an condensed the main thematic entries, research centers in the Armenian diaspora. extensive virtual exhibition-now available in completely reedited the text and are now In its early years, the library was directed by English and French-on the history of the delighted to make it accessible in English for Ottoman Armenian writer and journalist Aram Ottoman Armenians and the Armenian people around the world," said Boris Adjemian, Andonian under whom the library's collection Genocide, entitled Armenia 1915. The director of the AGBU Nubar Library. expanded dramatically thanks to major exhibition is based on the Arménie 1915 The website, which will continue to be donations by Armenian politicians and men exhibition initiated by the Mayor of Paris, Anne updated with digitized materials, is also home of letters in the first half of the twentieth century. Hidalgo, and shown at City Hall in Paris on to a full list of the library's periodical collection; Conceived of as a center for Armenian and the occasion of the commemoration of the photos of prominent Armenian leaders and of Near Eastern studies and as a site for centenary of the Armenian Genocide. Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire and early Armenian intellectuals to exchange ideas, the The virtual exhibition first evokes the diaspora; portions of the Andonian archive of library has sought to develop a diverse archive everyday structures of Ottoman Armenian Armenian Genocide testimonies as well as on Armenian affairs and remains an society at the end of the nineteenth century portions of the archives of the Armenian indispensable resource for scholars, and shows the ideological radicalization of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Armenian journalists, documentarians, researchers, leaders in power between 1908 and 1914, National Delegation and AGBU; digitized students and individuals interested in Armenian which led to the genocide. It then presents copies of the French-language Constantinople- history. the implementation of the genocide with its based journal Renaissance published from major phases in 1915 and 1916, before taking 1918-1920; back issues of the library's journal a human and political assessment at the end Revue d'histoire arménienne contemporaine of World War I. The final section is dedicated to order; and a full collection of Études In May, the AGBU Nubar Library in Paris to the reactions in France about the fate of arméniennes contemporaines, the library's launched the English-language version of its the Armenians. current print and online journal. website, offering a wealth of information, "Arménie 1915 was the largest exhibition The AGBU Nubar Library was established photos and documents about Armenians in about the Armenian Genocide ever made in 1928 by AGBU founder and president Join us the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian possible in Europe with more than 500 photos, Boghos Nubar. Over the course of its history, www.facebook/ diaspora. documents and various pieces. Here we have the library has become one of the main Torontohye newspaper Your Most Reliable Transportation Partner To/From Armenia & Worldwide · Ocean, Air & Land Int'l Transportation · Door to Door Services Available METRAS · 20', 40', LCL and Break-Bulk SHIPPING & · Insurance Coverage FORWARDING INC. 2175 Sheppard Ave. E. · Export Documentation, Suite 215 Toronto ON, M2J 1W8 Letters of Credit Handling and Tel.: 416-497-0377 Banking Negotiations Fax: 416-497-0783 [email protected] · Dedicated Agency Network Worldwide www.metrasshipping.com Ara Graphics ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ÚàôÜÆê 2017 Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 25 Dr. Tom Catena Awarded 2017 Aurora Prize

(Armenian Weekly)- The $1 Million Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity was awarded on May 28 to Dr. Tom Catena, a Catholic missionary from Amsterdam, N.Y., who has saved thousands of lives as the sole doctor permanently based in Sudan’s war-ravaged Nuba Mountains where humanitarian aid is restricted. The Aurora Prize, granted by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative on behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors, was announced at a ceremony in , Armenia. He was selected as the 2017 Aurora Prize Laureate from more than 550 nominations submitted from 66 countries. George Clooney, Academy Award-winning actor, Co-Founder of both The Sentry and Not On Our Watch, and Co-Chair of the Aurora Aurora Laureate Dr. Tom Catena Aurora 2016 Laureate Marguerite Barankitse visit Artsakh Prize Selection Committee, commended Dr. Catena by stating, “As violence and war and performs more than one thousand Dr. Catena was congratulated by and inspire him to continue his noble work continue to threaten people’s spirits and operations each year. Marguerite Barankitse, who was awarded the despite immensely challenging conditions,” perseverance, it is important to recognize, On being named the 2017 Aurora Prize inaugural Aurora Prize in 2016 for her tireless said Ruben Vardanyan, co-founder of the empower and celebrate people like Dr. Catena Laureate, Dr. Catena said, “We all have an commitment to restoring children’s dignity and Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and United who are selflessly helping others to not only obligation to look after our brothers and sisters. hope as the founder of Maison Shalom and World College at Dilijan. survive, but thrive. Dr. Catena is a role model It is possible that every single person can the REMA Hospital in Burundi. She said, “The The naming of the 2017 Aurora Prize to us all, and yet another example of people make a contribution, and to recognize that Aurora Prize is so important to keeping hope Laureate follows the release of the Aurora on the ground truly making a difference.” shared humanity can lead to a brighter future. alive for people around the world, and I am Humanitarian Index, the second annual global Dr. Catena will receive a $100,000 grant With my faith as my guide, I am honored to proud to be joined by such a humble and true public opinion survey that gauges attitudes and the opportunity to continue the cycle of continue to serve the world and make it a role model as Dr. Catena. I applaud his selfless towards humanitarian responsibility, the giving by donating the accompanying better place.” efforts in delivering love to all and congratulate effectiveness of humanitarian intervention and $1,000,000 award to organizations of his “Dr. Catena is an inspiration for to anyone him on this esteemed award.” individuals’ motivations to intervene on behalf choice. Dr. Catena will donate the award to who has ever doubted humanity. Despite Guests of the Aurora Prize Ceremony of others. The Index found that support for three organizations, the African Mission tremendous injustice and sacrifice, he has also honored the exceptional contributions of humanitarian action is on a steep decline, and Healthcare Foundation (AMHF), the Catholic dedicated his life to ensuring that the next the other four 2017 Aurora Prize finalists: Ms. that a rise in populism around the world is Medical Mission Board (CMMB), and Aktion generation has a brighter future,” said Vartan Fartuun Adan and Ms. Ilwad Elman, the affecting the public’s perception of efforts made Canchanabury. Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Founders of the Elman Peace and Human to aid refugees around the world. For the last nine years, Dr. Catena— Corporation of New York, co-founder of the Rights Centre in Somalia; Ms. Jamila Afghani, “We hope the findings from this year’s known by locals as “Dr. Tom”—has been on- Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, and Aurora the Chairperson of the Noor Educational and Aurora Humanitarian Index serve as motivation call 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the Prize Selection Committee member. “His Capacity Development Organization in for individuals around the world to not only Mother of Mercy Catholic Hospital to care for service to others is an inspiration, and it is our Afghanistan; Mr. Muhammad Darwish, a understand their capacity for meaningful the more than 750,000 citizens of Nuba amidst hope that the individuals he has saved will medical doctor at the Madaya Field Hospital impact, but be inspired to act upon it,” said ongoing civil war between the Government continue the cycle of gratitude by becoming in Syria; and Dr. Denis Mukwege, a Noubar Afeyan, co-founder of the Aurora of Sudan and the Sudanese People’s saviors themselves.” gynecological surgeon and Founder of the Humanitarian Initiative. “Through the Aurora Liberation Movement. Patients have been Leading international humanitarian figures Panzi Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Humanitarian Initiative, we encourage those known to walk for up to seven days to receive and Aurora Prize Selection Committee Congo. touched by Dr. Catena’s selfless work to make treatment for injuries from bombing attacks members, including Gareth Evans, Hina Jilani, “Dr. Catena embodies the spirit of the their own mark on the world by expanding the and ailments varying from bone fractures to Leymah Gbowee, Shirin Ebadi, Ernesto Zedillo Aurora Prize, and we extend our deepest circle of saviors, and most importantly malnourishment and malaria. It is estimated and Vartan Gregorian, were in attendance to gratitude to him and the people and survivors. It is possible for us all to play a role that Dr. Catena treats 500 patients per day celebrate the 2017 Aurora Prize Laureate. organizations around the world that support in renewing hope in humanity.” Areg Balayan Wins Aurora Photo Competition US National Intelligence Warns the years, the caliber and quality of the photography submitted was stellar of ‘Large-Scale Hostilities’ for an award that recognizes issues of acute importance to all of us around in Karabakh the world,” said John Stanmeyer, the chairperson of the Aurora Photo Competition jury. (Armenian Weekly)— The and Azerbaijan are addressed in United States Director of National the “Russia and Eurasia,” section Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Intelligence Daniel R. Coats of the regional threats division, in awards US $2,500 to the photographer published on May 11 the U.S. a subsection entitled “The of the best image. Second and third Intelligence Community’s (IC) Caucasus and Central Asia.” places receive awards of US $1,500 2017 “Statement for the Record” The statement provides and US $1,000 respectively. entitled “Worldwide Threat particular attention to the The winner of the Aurora Short Assessment of the U.S. escalation of tensions between Film Competition is the animated film Intelligence Community,” which Artsakh and Azerbaijan and “The desire” by Maria Fernanda includes a part on the increased concludes that the situation is likely Moreno Beltran (Colombia), “The tensions between Artsakh and to remain in 2017. It also makes Youngest Girl in the Minefield” by Aza Azerbaijan that took place in April a reference to Azerbaijan’s Andreasyan (Armenia) takes the 2016. economic difficulties and the second prize and “Father” by Yevgeni The IC is a federation of 16 possibility of Azerbaijan’s regime Vasiltsov (Ukraine) took the third place. separate U.S. government being challenged as a result. As per the professional jury’s decision, agencies that work separately and “We in the Intelligence Areg Balayan’s winning photo Finally some the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative together to conduct intelligence Community are committed every rest. granted special awards to two Aurora Humanitarian Initiative issue in Tlik village” photo, while activities considered necessary day to provide the nuanced, participants: Hayk Kbeyan for opened the photo exhibition “Capturing Visarut Sankham (Thailand) took the for the conduct of foreign relations multidisciplinary intelligence that “Christmas Tree” (Armenia) and Humanity” at Dalan Art Gallery in third place with the photo “Behind Tin and national security of the United policymakers, warfighters, and Santiago Arcos Veintimilla for “The Yerevan on May 16, where a selection Walls”. Aurora Humanitarian Initiative States. The statement that domestic law enforcement Skin of Palestine” (Ecuador). assesses potential threats to U.S. personnel need to protect of the photos submitted for the Aurora granted special awards to Anahit “This competition has broadened Photo Exhibition are displayed. At the Hayrapetyan (Armenia) for “Refugee national security reflects the American lives and America’s the humanitarian movement initiated collective insights of the interests anywhere in the world,” opening of the exhibition, the Initiative father and son in Artsakh” photo and by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. announced the winners of the Aurora Ana Caroline de Lima (Brazil) for Intelligence Community. read a part of the report. We are joined by thousands of talented The statement, which is Photo and Short Film Competitions. “Rajashtani boy” photo. young people from over 50 countries Areg Balayan from Artsakh wins “Provoking, compassionate and divided into global and regional who illustrated their own vision on the threats, includes subcategories the photo competition with the photo impassioned, the images submitted ideas of humanity and gratitude,” said like cyber threats, weapons of entitled “Finally, some rest.” Sargis for the first Aurora Photo Contest were Arman Jilavian, a jury member of both mass destruction, terrorism, and torontohye.ca Bulghadaryan (Armenia) took the compelling. Thought provoking. competitions and CEO of the Aurora counterintelligence. second place with “Everyday water Having judged many contests over Humanitarian Initiative. Relations between Armenia ÚàôÜÆê 2017 ARMENIA 26 Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 Expert Finds Sarkisian’s Population Growth Task Challenging Migrant

estimate our abilities, then, I think, reduce the scale of outmigration Remittances it will be rather difficult to achieve and stimulate the growth of the birth to Armenia the announced figures. But even if rate, the population of Armenia will we can achieve half of that, I think drop below 2 million. Rebound in 2017 this will be a very big step forward In his previous speeches for us in terms of improving and President Sarkisian never stabilizing the country’s addressed specific figures demographic situation,” the expert connected with the demographic said. situation. Specific numbers are even Hayrapetian identified two main difficult to find in the government’s directions for achieving this goal. program. Only the program for 2012- “What may bring results much faster 2017 indicates that the government in the first place is the organization intends to bring the birth rate of immigration. But for this it is coefficient to 1.8. However, in 2016, necessary that the country become as it was in 2012, this coefficient very attractive so that people who remained at the same level – 1.6. once left wanted to return. The Meanwhile, according to official Garik Hayrapetian second direction is, of course, an statistics, since 2008 Armenia’s (RFE/RL)- Raising Armenia’s for a considerable improvement of increase in the birth rate, which is permanent population has dropped (RFE/RL)- After three years of population to 4 million by 2040 is a Armenia’s demographic situation in not a simple task either,” the UNFPA by more than 100,000 – from 3.1 rapid reduction, multimillion-dollar formidable challenge, an expert of the coming decades. representative said, adding that million to 2 million, 990 thousand. remittances from Armenians working the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA Assistant another challenge for Armenia is its According to the Migration Service, abroad, a major source of consumer (UNFPA) in Armenia said Representative Garik Hayrapetian aging society. about 346,000 citizens have left spending in Armenia, rose by almost concerning President Serzh said that Armenia, whose current Two years ago the UNFPA Armenia for good since 2008. The 15 percent in the first quarter of this Sarkisian’s recent speech in which population is estimated at about 3 conducted a large study, concluding birth rate slightly increased after year. he formulated the task. million, will do a great job even if it that in the best-case scenario, if 2008, but then it declined again. According to the Central Bank of In his address to the newly can raise its population number by steps are taken in this direction, the Since 2014 it has tended to Armenia (CBA), they totaled $313 elected National Assembly on May 500,000 during the next 20 years. population of Armenia by 2050 will consistently decline, while the million, up from $273 million in January- 18, the Armenian leader among the “Theoretically, everything is be 3.2 million, while in the worst- mortality rate, on the contrary, is March 2016. priorities also pointed out the need possible. But if we try to really case scenario, if nothing is done to rising. This seems to be one of the factors behind a 5 percent year-on- year rise in the nationwide volume of School Optimization Plans Raise Concerns In Armenia retail trade registered by the National Statistical Service (NSS) in the same period. readjustments in the case of schools “There are fewer students in The International Monetary Fund with a larger number of students. the country because families don’t last month forecast a 2017 growth rate This is not yet determined,” he said. want to have many children without of around 3 percent for Armenia. It As a benchmark the Ministry proper livelihood,” a middle-aged cited improving conditions in Russia has assumed the indices of the woman complained. as well as additional capital spending Asian Development Bank, under Education expert Serob planned by the authorities in Yerevan. which each student should have a Khachatrian does not agree with the The Armenian economy was space of 8-12 square meters. term “optimization” used by the virtually stagnant in 2016 amid a Schools that use up to half of government, considering that this continuing recession in Russia, the their territory, while the number of term can be used only when South Caucasus country’s number their students does not exceed 300, conditions are improved. The expert, trading partner. The Russian economy are considered under-loaded. Along meanwhile, argues that this is not is on track to recover slightly this year. with schools having fewer students, the case in the current process. Cash transfers from Armenian “Social and economic reforms are especially in capital Yerevan, there migrant workers in Russia accounted A classroom in Armenia. are schools that have a reputation needed first and only then for just over half of the overall (RFE/RL)- The recently occupy a disproportionately large of elite learning environments and optimizations in the education sector remittance inflows and soared by more announced government plans to area compared to the number of are usually overloaded. The Ministry, can be implemented, so that than 20 percent in the first quarter, the carry out the so-called optimization students they have. however, is vague on this issue, too. teachers or other specialists who CBA figures show. A more than 20 of schools across Armenia have Concerns have been raised in In two schools in Yerevan with lose their jobs in schools can be percent strengthening of the Russian raised concerns among some Armenia recently that the program fewer than 200 students that were provided with alternative jobs,” ruble since the beginning of 2016 is teaching staffs and parents, but means these schools will be closed visited by an RFE/RL correspondent Khachatrian said. one reason for this increase. Minister of Education and Science down and their premises will be principals said they were unaware Today nearly 37,000 teachers Accordingly, the ruble’s sharp Levon Mkrtchian sees no reasons used for other purposes. Another of their future status. Only as a result are employed in 1,385 schools to worry about the process. major concern is the possibility that of the closure of these two schools across Armenia attended by about depreciation in 2014 and 2015 resulting “There will be no segmental, some teachers will lose their jobs. alone 60 teachers will become 357,000 students. Studies have from the collapse of world oil prices mass layoffs,” Mkrtchian has told The Ministry still has no answers to unemployed. shown that most of urban schools explains why the total amount of media. these questions. Teachers at the schools who are either under-loaded or Armenian remittances shrunk from Under Prime Minister Karen Ashot Arshakian, the chief of agreed to talk off camera said they overloaded. The number of schools $2.3 billion in 2013 to $1.53 billion in Karapetian’s order the Ministry of the Ministry’s Public Education are not going to give up easily if with an average load makes about 2016. Armenia’s entire Gross Domestic Education is due to submit a plan Department, said that this is still at optimization plans affect them. The 16 percent. Product is equivalent to less than $11 to optimize the work of some the stage of calculations. “In case parents of some students also said According to the official website billion. schools in the country. It will apply of schools with fewer students they are unhappy about such plans. of the government, 20 schools have The stronger ruble also to schools that are located in cities enlargement schemes may be They think the government should already been identified for contributed to a 20 percent rise in and towns, have up to 300 students, applied and there can be first solve social problems. optimization. Armenian exports recorded by the NSS in 2016. World Bank Expects Faster Growth In Armenia

(RFE/RL)- Economic growth in conditions in Russia, Armenia’s main [measured by the World Bank] is Armenia, which practically ground trading partner, as well as additional projected to fall from 23.8 percent in to a halt last year, will reach 2.7 capital spending planned by the 2017 to 22.2 percent in 2019,” they percent in 2017 and accelerate authorities. said. further in the following years, the The World Bank report cautions Ending a two-week mission to World Bank said in a regional report that the country’s growth outlook is Yerevan on April 12, a senior IMF released recently. susceptible to “negative impact official, Hossein Samiei, insisted that “Growth is projected to external shocks” such a possible Prime Minister Karen Karapetian’s accelerate to 2.7 percent in 2017, slower-than-expected recovery in cabinet is committed to “decisive” reflecting the sustained expansion Russia. It also says that recent reforms which he said are needed of the tradable sectors and a modest parliamentary elections might lead for achieving faster growth. He recovery in domestic consumption,” to the kind of cabinet changes in pointed to ongoing government says the report. It forecasts growth Yerevan that would “adversely affect efforts to improve the domestic rates of 3.1 percent and 3.4 percent investor confidence” and “slow the business environment, tackle tax for 2018 and 2019 respectively. pace of reform.” evasion and attract foreign news conference. “However, in my pledged to create “equal conditions” The International Monetary Fund The authors of the report further investment. view, Armenia has the potential to for all business since he was named similarly said last month that the made clear that the growth rates “Currently, we estimate potential grow much faster -- 6 percent, 7 prime minister in September. Armenian economy should expand anticipated by them will not sharply growth -- the maximum that Armenia percent -- if the structural reforms Armenian opposition politicians are by around 3 percent this year not reduce poverty in Armenia in the at the moment can achieve -- at take place.” skeptical about the premier’s least because of improving coming days. “The poverty rate around 4 percent,” Samiei told a Karapetian has repeatedly ambitious reform agenda, however. ÚàôÜÆê 2017 ARMENIA TECHNOLOGY Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 27 TUMO Army Kicks Off in Artsakh Startup ‘Otecsys’

their choice. Puts Artsakh on the During today’s visit, Marie Lou and TUMO Stepanakert Manager Korioun Khatchadourian IT Map gave further details about the TUMO Army program to the President and Minister. Moreover, based on previous discussions with Vigen Sargsyan, Marie Lou suggested options for future expansion of the initiative. Vigen Sargsyan, in turn, affirmed the Defense Ministry’s intent to have a TUMO center at every major army base throughout the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh. He also welcomed the plans to build a TUMO center in the border town of Koghb, noting its importance in the context of the TUMO Army program. The guests also viewed the display of Shushi-related infographics created by TUMO students during their learning lab with Artsakh army servicemen start their courses with TUMO. Lebanese specialist Ahmad Gharbieh. The Otecsys LLC is a start-up company in May 8 was the official start of the Artsakh Center in Stepanakert by Minister of Defense minister is sure that once the soldiers have Artsakh that develops websites and business phase of the TUMO Army program, a joint for the Republic of Armenia Vigen Sargsyan passed through the graphic design workshops, applications for mobile phones. It offers free initiative between the TUMO Center for and TUMO CEO Marie Lou Papazian, with they will also gain such important skills in the training courses for specialists in the IT Creative Technologies and the Defense the participation of President of the Republic field and will be able to create graphic design industry. Ministry of the Republic of Armenia. About of Armenia Serj Sargsyan, Minister of Defense pieces for the army. With 43 current applicants, the company 150 soldiers from nearby bases have attended for the Republic of Artsakh Levon TUMO Army will give draftees the is looking to engage young people interested the center through the pilot program. The Mnatsakanyan and AGBU representatives opportunity to acquire aptitudes that will make in the IT field and provide necessary training participants will gain skills in computer Lena Baghdasaryan and Sasoon them more competitive both while they are for web developers in the (Artsakh (Nagorno- programming, robotics, graphic design and Baghdasaryan. serving in the Army and once they return to Karabakh) Republic. digital music composition. Among the As a reminder, the program has been civilian life. The program will help discover The company employs four web participants are former TUMO Yerevan running since February in TUMO Dilijan where the full potential of soldiers who might not developers and two mobile app developers. Otecsys has agreements with the leading students who will now be continuing their participating soldiers have already completed otherwise have the possibility of developing their areas of interest outside of formal IT companies from Armenia to organize joint education while serving! the TUMO program’s initial self-learning stage training courses with the participation of their educational institutions. The launch was announced at the TUMO and have entered the first level workshops of best specialists. In order to continue its expansion, the company is seeking investors and IT professionals from the Diaspora to Alex and Ani Founder Carolyn Rafaelian help promote the company or to engage in developing and bolstering the IT industry in Featured on Cover of Forbes Magazine Artsakh. “We have created all the conditions for training specialists and providing them with Alex and Ani’s Carolyn Rafaelian Ranks magic that follows that journey.” job ourselves, with some support from the 18th on Forbes’ List of ‘Richest Self-Made Rafaelian founded Alex and Ani•'2dnamed government,” the company leaders say. “As Women’ after her two eldest daughters•'2din 2004, and we are a new company, we are facing some is currently named America’s richest jeweler. difficulties in finding orders. The local market Armenian-American entrepreneur Carolyn In addition to her jewelry company, is very small, and we don’t yet have foreign Rafaelian•'2dfounder of jewelry company Alex Rafaelian has owned Carolyn’s Sakonnet partners. This factor hinders the company’s development and forces young specialists to and Ani•'2dis featured on the cover of the June Vineyard since 2012, which features wine 13 issue of Forbes Magazine, honoring the search for work outside the country. Thus, we making, a dining area and locally sourced are losing human and specialist resources, annual list of America’s Richest Self-Made foods. The vineyard has since won a number Women. which are the most valuable for Artsakh today. of international awards. Therefore, we are offering mutually beneficial Earning the 18th spot on a list of 59 The Rhode Island-based businesswoman cooperation opportunities to our compatriots women, Rafaelian’s company is said to be was recognized as 22nd on the same Forbes’ [in the Diaspora] who can find effective options worth over $1.2 billion. for new investments and, at the same time, “I’m honored and grateful to receive this list in 2016, with a net worth estimated at $700 million. contribute to the opening of new workplaces.” recognition from Forbes,” Rafaelian said in “When we speak about Artsakh-Diaspora “Thank you to everyone who has an interview with Women’s Wear Daily. “My cooperation, we associate it with getting path has been blessed with opportunities and supported my vision with Alex and Ani,” financial support from Diaspora to solve some people willing to share their talents to create Rafaelian said in a Twitter post on Wednesday. problems in Artsakh. I want to clarify, we are something truly special. There is more to “This wouldn’t be possible without you.” not asking for money, we don`t want to start come. I am living proof that the American Among the people on the year’s list a business with that capital. We offer you dream is still alive and well; this time it’s include Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé Knowles, products. So we are ready to cooperate with through the eyes of the feminine and all the Vera Wang, and Meg Whitman. you,” says Nver Dadamyan, Director of Otecsys. Ararat Brandy Wins Gold Oil, Gold and ... at International Competition Cont. from page 22 General, who have promptly met top Turkish government officials. The presiding U.S. Brandy Factory as “Armenia’s Distillery of the District Judge Richard Berman has asked Year.” defense lawyers to explain Giuliani and ÊÙµ³·ñáõû³Ý The competition was held in Berlin, Mukasey’s role in the case, and also to ÏáÕÙ¿ Germany from March 5-6, which featured disclose if the government of Turkey is paying nearly 400 spirits from over 20 countries their fees. Prosecutors claimed that the hiring worldwide. of Giuliani and Mukasey might present a §ÂáñáÝÃáѳۦ Ararat is the first Armenian brand to conflict of interest because their firms also å³ï³ë˳ݳïáõ ã¿ represent Armenia in this competition. represent some of the banks alleged to be The company has also won awards from victims in Zarrab’s case. Prosecutors also Çñ ¿ç»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç ÉáÛë ï»ë³Í the San Francisco International Wine and said that Giuliani and Mukasey were hired to ͳÝáõóáõÙÝ»ñáõ Spirits Competition, as well as the World Spirits try to reach a political settlement in the case. In another twist, Mukasey's son, Marc, has Awards. µáí³Ý¹³Ïáõû³Ý: been widely speculated as a candidate to According to the BISC website, the results become the New York US Attorney under Ø»½Ç ÛÕáõ³Í µáÉáñ from the competition “will be distributed to our Trump, to replace Preet Bharara. The Zarrab ÃÕóÏóáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÝ áõ international media partners, as well as case will be one of the agenda items when international importers who rely on our Erdogan meets Trump in the next few weeks. ·ñáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ Ararat’s Ani 6-year-old brandy received competition to help them determine which This thriller involving power, bribery, »ÝÃ³Ï³Û »Ý áñáß a gold medal at the Berlin International Spirits products boast the best quality in their price corruption, oil and gold is will come to an end Competition, alongside Austria’s Krauss Apple range,” in addition to being featured in tasting soon, but it is highly doubtful if justice will be ËÙµ³·ñáõÙÇ: Brandy. An award was also given to Yerevan events throughout the year. served... ÚàôÜÆê 2017 28 Ä´. î²ðÆ, ÂÆô 140 ¼²Ü²¼²Ü

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The Executive Director is responsible for ÝáÛÝå¿ë ³ñ³µ³Ï³Ý ¿, ѳٳó³ÝóÝ û·ï³·áñÍ³Í »Ý Û³ïϳå¿ë å³ÑùÇ ³É ÝáÛÝÁ ÏÁ íϳۿ, Ñ»ï»õ³µ³ñ µáÉáñ ûñ»ñáõÝ: establishing and executing major goals and objectives for ³ß˳ñÑÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ³ÛÝ ³ñ³µ³Ï³Ý ²ÏÝÇ Ù¿ç ѳóÁ ÏÁ ÏáãáõÇ Í³ÑÇÝ Í³·áõÙáí áõï»ëï ÙÁÝ ¿: ѳó. ͳÑÇÝÇ µ³Õ³¹ñÇãÝ»ñÝ »Ý. – the organization. Implements policies established by the ê³Ï³ÛÝ åÇïÇ Ýß»É, áñ ѳÛÏ³Ï³Ý ãáñ³óñ³Í ÍÇÃñáÝ, é»Ñ³Ý, ѳóѳ- Central Executive Board (CEB). Provides leadership, ·³õ³éÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç ³É ß³ï ¿ û·ï³- Ù»ÙÇ ï»ñ»õÝ»ñ (ã³Ù³Ý), ˳ñÏáõ³Í ·áñÍáõ³Í ÍÇÃñáÝ Ï³Ý³ãÇÝ. ³Ñ³ ßáõßÙ³Û, ϳñÙÇñ åÕå»Õ: direction and guidance of Organization’s activities. Analyzes ³Ýáñ µ³ñµ³é³ÛÇÝ ï³ñµ»ñ³ÏÝ»ñÁ.- ²ñ³µÏÇÝóÇÝ»ñÝ áõÝÇÝ 2 ·áÛÝǪ ͳÑÇÝ - ͳÃñÇÝ - ÍÇÃñáÝ - Í»ÃñáÝ - ϳݳã ͳÑÇÝ (½áñë ÏÁ å³ïñ³ëï»Ý and evaluates the effectiveness of all organization ÍáÃáñ - ÍáÃáñáõÝ - ÍáÃáñÇÝ - ÍáÃñÇÝ í³ÛñÇ ÍÇÃñáÝÁ ãáñóÁÝ»Éáí, ³å³ ³- - ÍáÃñáõÝ - ½³ÃñÇÝ - ÃñÝáÛ - ÃáñÝáÛ - Ýáñ Ù¿ç ³õ»ÉóÁÝ»Éáí ϳñÙÇñ åÕå»Õ operations. 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see the asnswers reversed on this page Dr. Raffi Aynaciyan D.D.S., M.Cl.D., F.R.C.D.(C) braces for children Orthodontist and adults

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