
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,035,024 B2 Ludwig (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 11, 2011

(54) PHASE-STAGGERED MULTI-CHANNEL 3.651,242 A 3, 1972 Evans SIGNAL PANNING 3,730,046 A 5/1973 Spence 3,742,133. A 6/1973 O'Sullivan 3,805,091 A 4, 1974 Colin (76) Inventor: Lester F. Ludwig, Redwood Shores, CA 3,813,473 A 5/1974 Terymenko (US) 3,878,748 A 4/1975 Spence 3,956.959 A 5, 1976 Ebihara et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3,962,945 A 6/1976 Creager et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 4,075,921 A 2, 1978 Heet U.S.. 154(b) by 1158 days 4,080,867 A 3/1978 Ratanangsu (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 10/702,262 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (22) Filed: Nov. 5, 2003 EP O 574 213 A1 12, 1993 (65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS US 2004/O163528A1 Aug. 26, 2004 William H. Hayt Jr. & Jack E. Kemmerly, "Engineering Circuit s Analysis” 268-70.* Related U.S. Application Data (Continued) (60) Continuation of application No. 09/812,400, filed on Mar 19, 2001, now Pat. No. 7,786,370, which is a Primary Examiner - Marlo Fletcher division of application No. 09/313,533, filed on May (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Craig W. Schmoyer 15, 1999, now Pat. No. 6,610,917. (57) ABSTRACT (60) Provisional application No. 60/085,713, filed on May 15, 1998. This invention provides a signal processing and signal Syn thesis technique from a family of signal processing and signal (51) Int. Cl. synthesis techniques designed to readily interwork or be used GIOH 700 (2006.01) individually in creating new forms of rich musical timbres. (52) U.S. Cl...... 84/645. 84/622. 84/625. 84/659; Phase staggered multi-channel signal panning creates spatial s s s 84660 perturbation and chase effects for Subtle or dramatic applica (58) Field of Classification Search 84/600 tion, and may be swept with control signals from a low 84/609 610,615,622,625.634.645.649.650. frequency oscillator, transient envelope, or other source. 841653 659-660 666. 381 61.63 1728 Phase-staggering and modulation parameters may be recalled See application file for complete search history from stored program control or modulated in real-time by arbitrary control signals, including those derived from the (56) References Cited original input signal. The invention may be used individually or in conjunction with other signal processing and signal U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS synthesis techniques in creating new forms of rich musical 1947,020 A 2/1934 Ranger timbres. The invention may also be used in spatially-distrib 3,493,669 A 2f1970 Elbrecht et al. uted timbre construction. 3.591,699 A 7, 1971 Cutler 3,612,741 A 10, 1971 Marshall 30 Claims, 72 Drawing Sheets

100 10 12 NSTREN GSMERA2ED INTERFACE SIGNALRouTiNgs, ProcessiNg, ANSYNTHSS 1. Pourcereg Hincomineerical Power- Power Supplyles

102 Electronic laterfacs 12 12 123 Ekments outgoing control signals He- Control control Signal Signal O3 13 Routing Processing Atelakwe incoming control signals st Control Signal Es?iers 1288 128 Control cott: 14 Signal Sigma Extraction Synthesi SerisedExces Wibrating Eeefits II 124 25 - outgoing Audio Signals - Auck Autis Signal Signal 10s 115 routing Processing Antwe frcoming Excitation signals Audio Signal Eerients 106 116. 6 12 yideogts, outgoing video signals Wides Wide sect 17 Signal Signal H incoming video signals H Routing Processing o 29 129 Program Storage Audi Waled Signal Signal Synthesis Synthesis

13) Program Storage US 8,035,024 B2 Page 2

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Figure 1 100 110

120 INSTRUMENT GENERALIZED INTERFACE SIGNAL ROUTING, PROCESSING, AND SYNTHESIS 101 111 121 Pwr-source/reg Incoming Electrical Power Power Supply(ies)

102 Electronic Interface Elements Outgoing Control Signals Control Control Signal Signal Routing Processing Alternative incoming Control Signals Control Signal Elements 128a. Control Control Signal Signal

Extraction Synthesis Sensed/Excited Vibrating Elements Outgoing Audio Signals Routing Processing Alternative incoming Excitation Signals Audio Signal Elements

Video, Lights, Outgoing Video Signals Special Effect Elements incoming Video Signals 107 Program Storage

Program Storage U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 2 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 2 110 120


111 121 130 Incoming Electrical Power Power Supply(ies) Program Storage IV V

131 134 :...133 132is,


122 Control Signal . Outgoing Control Signals Control Processing Signal

incoming Control Signals Routing 128b. Control Signal


Y Audio Signal Outgoing Audio Signals Synthesis

Incoming Excitation Signals SignalAudio Processing Control

Signal Extraction Video Signal Outgoing Video Signals Synthesis

Incoming Video Signals - Video Signal Processing U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 3 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 3A

304a 304b. 301 -a - 302 -a / 303 305a N 300 30S

Figure 3B Figure 3C

301 301 s - 305a -(

302 302

303 303

310b U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 4 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 4 1-4 401.3 401 Sb N /1T401.1 4.01.2


424 416b 405b. H 403 405a Sz | NI 402b Dan Š|| |


419 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 5 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 5 501.6 SO1.5 S014 | 5013 HH|| |-501.2 -501.1 ||||| 5ala 521b 514a 500 1s HS-1\HNLVisit. EGd 516a s' N Es SOSb N NEEEE--"IEEEEH

C o o E E E E. E

E 516b

CSN. 506 CN 27 YS14b

19 524 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 6 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 6B

606 602 -601 603

600 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 7 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 7A 602 - 601 603

Figure 7B 606

603 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 8 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 8

Keys O Control Strumpad

Address Switches Sequencer

801.n 800.n

Keys Key O Control Strumpad Muxing Switches

803.n U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 9 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 9

905 Stored Program

Reassign to each 908.1 received note: MD

Corynonal o Potentially new Routing 908.2 Kewb d channel it + Channel E. O Potentially new 906 Splits

Electronics note if 908.M U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 10 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 10

1050 1001.1 101.1.1


N ------1051 ------r -

10O2.1 1012.1

l ------


1003.1 1013.


------U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 11 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 11

Constant Current Source


Nominal Voltage Reference U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 12 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 12

MD Null/Contact Interface Touchpad Message

Electronics Assignment

1200. 1202. . . . " U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 13 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 13


1303 Region Define

1306 1307

1305 Region Classify

- 1310



Control Signal 1311 Assign

-1313 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 14 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 14


1400 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 15 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 15

1504 Flatat Finger-tiFing 'in O1504. Thumb 1500 End Finger serient- inid Oro 1505 - inner segment 1504

Cuff Wist Palm

1507 1508 1506

1513 1512 Whole Hand Flat, 1513a Spread 1511 1511a 1511 Fingers Whole 1513d Hand Ora -- 1512b

1511c U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 16 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 16

1614 1600

V \ \)

1611 1601 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 17 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 17

A' A' | LA 1712 (A-14V-(-7-

1711 K2.

Li Ji / 7, 1 / | U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 18 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 18

increasinaES - 1801 a



1814 1802b () 1802a diseasing ingasing

isis (DC 1819 Sul 1816 ponticello bass Cello clarinet

decreasing brightness 1801b U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 19 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 19

1906a 906b


1901 1902 1903 1904. 1905 I1900

1930 1400c U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 20 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 20




-2021 /2000 I-2022

2000 / - A.-2031


/ N / Y N 2041- O-2042 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 21 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 21 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 22 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 22

2205 2204 - 2201 Speaker power amplifier vibrating element

2202 aCOU.Stic transducer Coupling 2206

electrical signal 2203 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 23 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 23

2201. 2208 vibrating element electromagnetic Coil

2202 eleSigetic?u?. -- transducer Coupling coil's power 2209 amplifier 2207

2210 electrical signal 2203 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 24 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 24

2400 240 / 1 7 ( BB 2414a - - 2414b

2411 241.3a 2413b 2412


2401 2422 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 25 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 25

22O1 2208

vibrating element electromagnetic coil

22O2 in-Celectromagnetic transducer Coupling coil's power 2209 amplifier


Output 2210 electrical signal 2203 signal processing 2211 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 26 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 26

2209.1 2201.1

vibrating element e eila, etic electromagnetic2208 coil

2202 vibrating element electromagnetic power transducer 2, Coupling amplifier 2209.n 2207

electrical signal 2203 signal processing. 2211 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 27 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 27

2716 2710 2715

OU.NUU O. O. O. O. O. 2742713

O O.

2711 2712

2720 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 28 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 28

2803 7 A 2804

2802 2801



- 28.10a


-281Ob U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 29 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 29

2920 2903 2921 2906. 2905 2.907 2900


2940 2.905 2901 2903 2904


294 Egg

2.942 2941 2900 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 30 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 30


000 N 001

3014 U.S. Patent US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 31

() DJLJ TJ[I] [] [I]

3100 3107b 3107e U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 32 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 32

U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 33 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 33

U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 34 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 34


3405 III-III-III-III-IIII 3404 CD i.SC C D C C D DASC) (b. 3406.1




3407a IIII 3407 Z V

340 3408) U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 35 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 35

Hill 3S014

Hilltr 35O12 35.01.1 |||||ssos 3500 | N/ /> Thaal)1 516a Iss 350S

Hill 3 (iii.3

71. U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 36 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 36

608 I 3607 I 1. 3606 H 3600 3609 1. 1. 3605

KPR h 1. 3602 3612 36O1

3613 1. M \,

3620 (i \\\\\\\\\\\\\- T - - - -2 2CO2) U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 37 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 37

3721 3705 3700 s 2-3702 a-S A/ | | \WV 3716 \ O) 66C Air 3703 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 38 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 38

3801.6 3801.7 3801.8 3802d 3801.9 3801.10 3801.1

3801.11 3801.2



1 3801.5 I-11.



U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 39 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 39

3901 ------3902, 3903.n 3904in U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 40 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 40


yY=f-S H.A. 2 szy"/"gKIWII 4003a 400.11 4010 4001.2 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 41 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 41


C Wii WSHE% ill

4111a N 4003c &4MIMIMIN

Figure 42

4200 4206 4203 4205

4204 42.01 4202 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 43 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 43

4350 - 4351

4356 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 44 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 44 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 45 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 45

U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 46 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 46


SignalControl Sigal- in 4615 614

Control Control Signal Signal Out



4621 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 47 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 47

4701 4701 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 48 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 48





U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 49 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 49

Single channel audio multichannel audio out + multichannel audio power

MIDI in + controlled element power

excitation drive, power U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 50 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 50

5001.1 vibrating element Ele 5003

5004a output A.

output B

5004b. vibrating element transducer S002. 5001.n U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 51 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 51

5001.1 vibrating element 5002.1 S003 transducer S005.1

signal processing

signal processing vibratingInt transducerS002.n S005.n U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 52 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 52

5001.1O 599.aS vibrating element ducer 5005.1 5003 signal processing 5004a output A

output B 5004b)

5002. S011 Control signals S010 Output U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 53 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 53

S006 5007.1 5003 straight path -

S001.1 5002.1trans- straight path vibrating element ducer 5007.m signal input processing

mixer SOOS.1

5004a Output A

signal output B -o- processing 5004b. vibrating element trans 5001.n ducer 500S.k 5002.n Control signals Control signal extraction Output S011 5010 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 54 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 54

5007.1 5003

Straight path

5992.1 straight path 5001.1 ducer vibrating element (102) mixer


output A

signal output B processing 5004b. vibrating element trans ducer 5005.k

5001.n 5002.n Control signals Control signal extraction Output 5010 SO11 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 55 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 55


S002.1 5001.1 trans vibrating element ducer

input mixer 5006

and/or 5004a

output. A SWitch matrix5008 Output B, 5004b. vibrating element trans 5001.n duCer 5002.n signal signal processing processing

5005.1 5005.k

control signal extraction ControlOutput signals 5010 5011 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 56 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 56



5001.1 trans vibrating element due -->

input mixer 5006

and / or 5004a output A switch matrix 5008 Output B 5004b. vibrating element trans 5001.n ducer 5002.n

Signal Signal processing . . . processing logic Circuitry S005.1 and/or micro processing 5009

Control signal extraction ControlOutput signals 5010 5011 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 57 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 57


020.1 . 5001.1 5002. electromagnetic Vibratin trans Coil elemen ducer

3 VV input mixer

596 S004a '5020 f SWitch matrix Outpuutout A

IVA S008 output B 5004b. exciter Vibratin trans

SE sit;duCer


logic circuitry and/or micro processing


control signal extraction ControlOutput signals 5010 SO11 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 58 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 58

IN 1 S801

OUT 1 5821 FG) 5841 - Y 5831

------clocked delay line OUT2

5822 5842 832


IN 2 D. S802 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 59 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 59

group pickup Spatializer Signal effect 5900 - so H Variable speed delay -- S903 S905 ar S909 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 60 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 60

60 6004 6012 6O20 distorion Spatializer grouppickup as ional o 6013 6014 as:effect Output

Spatializer -oil right effect o- left 6021 individual bass S 6016 6017 pICKup pitchshift Spatializer

signal pionshin effect 6002

A 6018 6007

asualpickup high effect SpatialiaaZe

signal effect 6003 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 61 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 61




amplitude |-

time U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 62 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 62

IN 1 IN 2

6206a left

Multi right

channel 6206b



6207.n U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 63 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Input Control Signals Figure 63 6300.1 ... 6300.n



Master Program

Control Routing Sequencer Audio Signal synth E23. Lighting Control Control Eign Control *kyard Control a nd ProCamOg? Program ProgramO Program 1855, Program SE

6333 6334 Processing



Audio Video Signal Audio Signal Processing Synthesis Routing Processing

6342 6343 6344 6345 6346

Output Control Signals (to all units shown) U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 64 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 64

6402.1 6403.1 6404

Eating 649. bandpaSS amplitude element ducer filter follower parameter

Control mapping signals Output bandpass amplitude 6405 filter follower 6402.h 6403.h U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 65 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 65

6402. 6403.1 6406 6404 6400 6401 band amplitude

vibrating trans- an paSS element dice iter follower)ge Control any combining parameter signals


or processing mapping

6405 bandpass amplitude filter follower 6402.h 6403.h U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 66 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 66

6402.1 6403.1 6406 6404 6400 6401 bandpaSS amplitude vibrating trans filter follower

element ducer Control any combining parameter signals Output Or processing mapping 6405

bandpass amplitude filter follower pitch 6402.h 6403.h detector


model based Overtone Series Calculation

6408 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 67 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 67 6702.1 670). 1 aaya M Prg 1 datá SERh E. EN

rest M F LFON Data Vector - 67.01.1N 6701.M.1 : 6702.M 6709.M

Prg M data

rete h Erret.

ErnerEA.Y.a M R LFON Data Vector - , 6701.M.N.

- - 6704- (default value associated with with presets)

6731 global amp + offset math LFO

Engine 6732 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 control signals 672 (overides default value associated with with selected programs)

------SVSten 6751 6752 3. clock divider mod 128 counter $750 1. SES-cars \ 67.56 6757 6758 6742The is 6743.1 phase offset mod 128 adder 6743.N 6754 6755

program parameter table global amp + offset math 6730 673. U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 68 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 68

6806 U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 69 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2 Figure 69

U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 70 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 70

U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 71 Of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 71


U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 2011 Sheet 72 of 72 US 8,035,024 B2

Figure 72


US 8,035,024 B2 1. 2 PHASE-STAGGERED MULT-CHANNEL transient envelope, or other source. Phase-staggering and SIGNAL PANNING modulation parameters may be recalled from stored program control or modulated in real-time by arbitrary control signals, CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED including those derived from the original input signal. The APPLICATIONS invention may be used individually or in conjunction with other signal processing and signal synthesis techniques in This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. creating new forms of rich musical timbres. The invention No. 09/812,400, filed Mar. 19, 2001 now U.S. Pat. No. 7,786, may also be used in spatially-distributed timbre construction. 370, which is a division of U.S. application Ser. No. 09/313, Based on research and development of this nature, it is 533, filed May 15, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,610,917, issued 10 possible to create a new-generation framework for expanding Aug. 26, 2003, which claims benefit of priority of U.S. pro the timbral, expressive range, artistic depth, and semiotic visional application Ser. No. 60/085,713, filed May 15, 1998. aspects of performed and recorded music as well as wide ranges of performance art. Such a framework is particularly BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION advantageous if it were to build on and inter-work with both 15 the existing mainstream and the long estab 1. Field of Invention lished playing techniques of expressively sophisticated, This invention relates to performance iconic, or significantly adaptable instruments. With Such systems and environments, and in particular to the combina attributes, isolated products and musical directions can be tion of novel instrument entities built from synergistic gently folded in to the established mainstream and evolve as arrangements of traditional and novel instrument elements, the mainstream finds moments of stagnation and boredom and the interconnection of said instrument entities utilizing within itself. This methodology would permit the current generalized interface entities to signal routing, processing, manufacturing and marketing establishments of music tech and synthesis entities built from Synergistic combinations of nology and content to progressively and profitably shift to a traditional and novel architectures, processes, and method more creatively satisfying and Sustainable path. ologies. The systems and methods herein are intended to 25 To these ends, the invention provides methods, apparatus, make possible a new generation of musical instrument prod and example implementations subscribing to a standardized ucts with enhanced capabilities and Sounds, new semiotic framework which address these needs and opportunities. oriented performance capabilities, and rich composition and A key aspect of the invention is a unified architecture recording environments. involving instrument entities, generalized instrument inter 2. Background 30 faces, and signal routing, processing, and synthesis elements. There has been considerable advancement in music tech A further aspect of the invention is the defining of general nology in the last several decades, but recent innovations instrument elements which instrumententities can be created driven by mass-market forces have narrowed the range of from. possibilities for commercially available instruments and the A further aspect of the invention is augmenting existing ways in which new recorded and performed music are being 35 instruments lending themselves to expansion with said gen explored. Audio samples of diverse instruments, advanced eral instrument elements. signal processing power, improved fidelity, the MIDI control A further aspect of the invention is the use of miniature interface, sequencers, and music workstations are important keyboards for the attachment to existing instruments. assets but, together with the ways , signal pro A further aspect of the invention is the expansion of key cessing systems, and instrument controllers have come to be 40 boards to include any one or more of proximate, Superim designed, the channel of innovation is focused on a relatively posed, programmable tactical feedback, and/or multiple narrow conceptual range that will consume as much rework (more than 2) parameter key features. and refinement energy as can be allotted. A few modem A further aspect of the invention is the sharing of same outlier innovations have appeared, such as the Roland COSM electronics across multiple keyboards and/or strum-pads. signal processing methods, Yahama VL1 model-based syn 45 A further aspect of the invention is that of strum-pads with thesis methods, and Buchla's and Starr Switch alternative non-repeating contacts along the strum path and flexible MIDI controllers, but due to the focused drive of the main assignment of note event control signals to each contact. stream these exceptions are largely orphaned in their appli A further aspect of the invention is that of including stan cation. dardized arrangements of panel controls, such as Switches What is needed is some reach into the souls (rather than 50 and sliders, to instruments. make samples) of deep non-Western and Western instru A further aspect of the invention is the use of null/contact ments, a recasting of the now institutionalized signal process touch-pads, potentially fitted with impact and/or pressure ing chains, adaptations of new classes of applicable physical sensors and with the potential derivation of multiple contact phenomenon, extensions as to the types and forms of mean point information, as a musical interface. ingful human control, and, in the context of performance, a 55 A further aspect of the invention is that of pressure-sensor deeper integration of visual and audio environments. array touch-pads as an instrument controller, potentially including image recognition capabilities and the ability to SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION derive and assign control parameters from the way the pad is contacted. In accordance with some embodiments, the invention pro 60 A further aspect of the invention is the structuring of asso vides a signal processing and signal synthesis technique from ciated image processing for a pressure-sensor array touch a family of signal processing and signal synthesis techniques pad to capture hand and foot contact postures and gestures. designed to readily interwork or be used individually in cre A further aspect of the invention is the structuring of asso ating new forms of rich musical timbres. Phase staggered ciated image processing for a pressure-sensor array touch multi-channel signal panning creates spatial perturbation and 65 pad to derive parameters from hand and foot contact postures chase effects for Subtle or dramatic application, and may be which permit the application of useful metaphors in their swept with control signals from a low-frequency oscillator, operation. US 8,035,024 B2 3 4 A further aspect of the invention is the implementation of The system and method herein can be applied to live per pressure-sensor array touch-pads, and potentially related formance (music, dance, theater, performance works, etc.), decentralized image processing and networking functions, in recorded audio and video production, and composition. a mini-array chip which can be tiled into arbitrary shapes, potentially including instrument keys. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS A further aspect of the invention is using key displacement together with contact position to derive at least three param The above and other aspects, features and advantages of the eters from a standard Western keyboard key. present invention will become more apparent upon consider A further aspect of the invention is a foot controller with ation of the following description of preferred embodiments buttons and pedals that have associated alphanumeric dis 10 taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawing figures, plays. wherein: A further aspect of the invention is a foot controller with any one or more of hierarchical organization of changeable FIG. 1 shows a general overview of the invention; stored program elements, arbitrary button assignment of hier FIG.2 shows examples of internal interconnections among archy control functions, and/or multiple interpretation geo 15 the functional grouping elements within an instance of a metric layout of buttons and pedals. signal routing, processing, and synthesis entity, all shown in A further aspect of the invention is a method for doing one FIG. 1: handed drum rolls with acoustic drums or multiple parameter FIGS. 3A-3C show an example of a proximate keyboard electronic drumpads. array; A further aspect of the invention is: mallets, beaters, and FIG. 4 shows an example of an instrument-mounted min bows with any one or more of impact, grip, position, or iature keyboard configuration employing one miniature key pressure, Strain, and/or motion sensors. board, in particular an adapted Indian sitar with many addi A further aspect of the invention is an autoharp adaptation tional example instrument elements; with both strings and strum-pads. FIG. 5 shows an example of an instrument-mounted min A further aspect of the invention is: a string autoharp adap 25 iature keyboard configuration employing two miniature key tation where chord buttons issue control signals. boards, in particular an adapted electric guitar with many A further aspect of the invention is an autoharp adaptation additional example instrument elements; where a note-oriented keyboard is used to replaced multiple FIGS. 6A-6B illustrate an arrangement where a dedicated note chord buttons, potentially where the keys are multiple continuous or near-continuous sensor is attached to each key parameter keys. 30 So as to instantaneously measure the displacement of the A further aspect of the invention is: autoharp, Pipa, Koto, attached key: Harp, Mbira, pedal steel, and Sitar adaptations with separate FIGS. 7A-7B illustrate an arrangement by which program pickups for each vibrating element, potentially also employ mable tactile feedback can be applied to a key, either in ing pitch shifting on selected vibrating element. conjunction or without a continuous or near-continuous sen A further aspect of the invention is: Pipa, Koto, Harp, 35 Sor to measure key displacement; Mbira, pedal steel, and Sitar adaptations with strum-pads. FIG. 8 illustrates a shared scanning arrangement Support A further aspect of the invention is: guitar, Pipa, Koto, ing a plurality of any of keyboards, strum-pad, buttons, Harp, Mbira, pedal steel, and Sitar adaptations with vibrating Switches, etc.; element excitation drivers built into the instrument. FIG. 9 illustrates an example method for realizing a flex A further aspect of the invention is: guitar, Pipa, Koto, 40 ible generalized strum-pad element and associated Stored Harp, Mbira, pedal steel, and Sitar adaptations with addi program control; tional string arrays and/or one or more miniature keyboards FIG. 10 shows an example implementation of both gener with keys close to the string array. alized and specific control signals derived from panel con A further aspect of the invention is the use of vowel syn trols, actuators, and sensors using MIDI; thesis in conjunction with a bowed instrument. 45 FIG.11 shows an example of how two independent contact A further aspect of the invention is attaching a video cam points can be independently discerned, or the dimensional era to an instrument. width of a single contact point can be discerned, for a resis A further aspect of the invention is the use of optical pick tance null/contact controller with a single conductive contact ups for metalaphones and drum heads. plate or wire and one or more resistive elements whose resis A further aspect of the invention is the use of non-equilib 50 tance per unit length is a fixed constant through each resistive rium chemical reactions as musical controllers or parts of element; instruments. FIG. 12 shows an example implementation of both gener A further aspect of the invention is the use of photoacoustic alized and specific control signals derived from electrical phenomena as musical controllers or parts of instruments. contact touch-pads employing MIDI messages as the output A further aspect of the invention is the use of video cameras 55 control signal format; as musical controllers and/or instruments. FIG. 13 shows how a pressure-sensor array touch-pad can A further aspect of the invention is a wide variety of new be combined with image processing to assign parameterized signal processing innovations, including spatial timbre con interpretations to measured pressure gradients and output struction, hysteretic waveshaping, layered signal processing, those parameters as control signals; location modulation of signal pan constellations, cross-prod 60 FIG. 14 illustrates the positioning and networking of pres uct octave chains. Sure sensing and processing "mini-array' chips in both larger A further aspect of the invention is the provision for a wide contiguous structures and in isolated use on instrument keys, variety of control signal monoatic and polyadic operations as instrument fingerboards, and instrument bodies; listed in the disclosure. FIG. 15 illustrates the pressure profiles for a number of A further aspect of the invention is the provision for a wide 65 example hand contacts with a pressure-sensor array; variety of control routing capabilities as listed in the disclo FIG. 16 illustrates how six degrees of freedom can be Sure, including routing at MIDI message index levels. recovered from the contact of a single finger; US 8,035,024 B2 5 6 FIG. 17 illustrates the regions of vowel sounds associated high resonances tuned to each selected pitch, each followed with particular resonant frequency combinations in Vowel by a dedicated low-speed Sweeping flanger with moderate Sound production; resonance, a dedicated low-speed Sweeping flanger with FIG. 18 illustrates an example two-dimensional timbre moderate resonance, and a low-speed auto-panner, space in traditional instrument orchestration; FIG. 40 shows an example adapted Chinese Pipa as pro FIG. 19 shows an example of keys from a traditional West vided for by the invention featuring a keyboard, strum-pad, ern keyboard fitted with multiple uniformly-sized pressure touch-pad, slider array, Switch array, and impact sensors; sensing and processing "mini-array' chips: FIG. 41 shows another example adapted Chinese Pipa as FIG. 20 shows electromagnetic, Hall-effect, piezo, and provided for by the invention featuring a bass string array, a optical pickup methods for deriving separate audio signals for 10 each vibrating element of a multiple vibrating element instru harp String array, and impact sensors; ment entity; FIG. 42 shows a bow fitted with sensors to gather informa FIG. 21 shows how an off-bridge buzz-plate can be com tion from the hand, bow hairs, and bow motion; bined with a piezo bridge sensor in replacement of a gradient FIG. 43 shows adaptations of a flute and recorder layout buZZ-bridge so as to permit the use of non-ferromagnetic 15 with pressure sensors replacing key sites, air turbulence mea Strings: Surements, and air pressure average measurements as pro FIG.22 shows the basic idea of controlled feedback as used vided for in the invention; in recent contemporary music; FIG. 44 shows how an optical pickup may be created for a FIG. 23 shows an example implementation of a simple Suspended gong; this technique may also be used for many approach for replacing acoustic excitation of a vibrating ele other types of metallophones; ment with electromagnetic excitation; FIG. 45 shows example gong arrays as part of a one-hand FIG. 24 shows various combinations of piezo and electro or two-hand stand; magnetic vibrating element pickups and exciters for sepa FIG. 46 illustrates spatial arrays of electrodes which may rately controllable excitation of each vibrating element; be used for measurement, as well as control, in two-dimen FIG. 25 shows adding signal processing for spectral and 25 sional and three-dimensional configurations; amplitude control of electromagnetic excitation; FIG. 47 shows an arrangement where evolving chemical FIG. 26 shows multiple vibrational elements with common patterns in the dish of FIG. 46 are illuminated with light electromagnetic excitation; Sources and visually monitored by an overhead camera for FIG. 27 illustrates examples of single, double, and qua any one or more of control extraction, visual display, or visual druple touch-pad instruments with pads of various sizes and 30 recording: Supplemental instrument elements; FIG. 28 illustrates some enhanced foot-pedal arrange FIG. 48 illustrates example optical measurements of pho ments which permit simultaneous single-foot adjustment of a toacoustic phenomena in applicable materials which may be plurality of continuous range parameters for use with floor converted to electrical signals and an example electro-acous controllers; 35 tic measurement of photo-induced acoustic phenomena in FIG. 29 shows some example layouts involving 2 geomet applicable materials; ric regions for a moderate number of foot operated controllers FIG. 49 shows how generalized interfaces can be built in and 4 geometric regions for a larger number of foot operated whole or via separable parts which may be used selectively as controllers; needed or appropriate; FIG. 30 shows an example large-scale arrangement of two 40 FIG. 50 shows multiple vibrational elements with multi impact sensors and/or touch pads for executing one-handed channel transducers applied directly to stereo or multi-chan drum-rolls and deriving large amounts of control informa nel mix-down; tion; FIG. 51 shows multiple vibrational elements with multi FIG.31 shows an example of an enhanced autoharp imple channel transducers and individual signal processing prior to mentation as provided for in the invention; 45 mixing: FIG. 32 shows how the autoharp arrangement of FIG. 31 FIG. 52 shows addition of a control signal extraction ele can be adjusted to replace its chord button array and associ ment to the arrangement of FIG. 51: ated strum-pads with a keyboard and one or more strum-pads FIG. 53 shows partial mix-downs of vibrating element positioned over the keyboard; signals fed to a number of signal processors and straight FIG.33 shows an example Koto implementation provided 50 through paths in route to Subsequent mix-down; for in accordance with the invention; FIG. 54 shows a Switch matrix assigning signals from FIG.34 shows an example Mbira implementation provided vibrating elements to a number of signal processors en route for in accordance with the invention; to Subsequent mix-down; FIG. 35 shows an example electric guitar implementation FIG.55 shows a more flexible method for providing signal in accordance with the invention based on a Gibson model 55 processors with vibrating element signals and other signal ES-335 guitar; the invention’s enhancements shown can be processor outputs via Switch matrix, and additional partial added on as modules, added collectively, or built-in; mix-downs by replacing said Switch matrix with a mixer, FIG. 36 shows an example of an adapted European arch FIG. 56 shows configuration control of signal processors, lute with a mix of single strings and double string pairs; mixers, and Switch matrix, and synthesizer interfaces via FIG. 37 shows an example pedal steel guitar adaptation as 60 logic circuitry and/or microprocessing: provided for by the invention; FIG. 57 shows a very general combined environment for FIG. 38 shows an example flat-necked instrument with a multi-channel signal processing, mixing, excitation, and pro five string section emulating a sitar String arrangement and gram control of overall configuration; several additional strings used for bass or other accompani FIG. 58 shows a stereo-input, stereo output configuration ment, 65 of two monaural flange and/or chorus elements wherein the FIG. 39 shows an example multiple-pitch sympathetic/ unaltered signal of each input channel is combined with a buZZ/twang resonator using banks of short audio delays with delay-modulated signal from the opposite channel; US 8,035,024 B2 7 8 FIG. 59 illustrates a combination of a spatialized effect, 1.1 Instrument Overview two distortion elements, and a stereo (N=M=2) cross-channel In more detail, each instrument entity 100 in general inter modulated delay; nally consists of one or more elements. The elements fall into FIG. 60 illustrates examples of inhomogeneous layered two broad categories, namely those that produce audio-fre signal processing which may be used as shown, with selected 5 quency signals and those that instead produce only control omissions, or as an archtype for similar constructions; signals. Of these, it is also possible to derive control signals FIG. 61 illustrates an example of a generalized hysterisis from the audio-frequency signals (reflecting pitch, amplitude, model construction as provided for by the invention; relative harmonic content, etc.). Control signals, regardless of FIG. 62 shows an example implementation of a cross their origin, in general are used to control the processing, product octave chain particularly Suited to low cost imple 10 replay, or synthesis of audio-frequency signals; however, the mentation with logic chips or simple DSP program loops; control signals can also be used to control lighting, video, FIG. 63 illustrates an example flexible control and configu special effects, etc. ration hierarchy for control signal and stored program han Referring to FIG. 1, the instrument 100 may contain inter dling and organization; 15 nal power Sources (such as batteries, large-value capacitors, FIG. 64 shows an example method for the generation of etc.) and/or power regulation elements 101. Next the control control signals from fundamental and overtone information signal sources that may be included within an instrument in a signal from a vibrating element of fixed known pitch; entity 100 may be of a traditional technology or nature, such FIG. 65 shows combining and/or processing fundamental as knobs, keys, Switches, touch-pads, sliders, buttons, sen and overtone information obtained from a vibrating element sors, etc.; these will be termed electronic interface elements signal prior to parameter extraction; 102. In addition, it is also possible to generate control signals FIG. 66 shows an example implementation of an adaptive from more exotic processes such as chemical oscillators, method for tracking overtones for a variable-pitch vibrating chemical chaos, photoacoustic, environmental sensors, etc. element with known overtone series; These will be termed alternative control signal elements 103. FIG. 67 illustrates an example approach whereina plurality 25 The audio-frequency signal sources that may be included of LFOs with features as prescribed by the invention may be within an instrument also broadly fall into two classes. One implemented; class is that of traditional vibrating elements (strings, tynes, FIG. 68 illustrates traditional stage lighting elements Surfaces, Solid Volumes, air columns, etc.) whose mechanical including over-heads, far-throw, foot, back, floor, audio-frequency vibrations can be electrically sensed via FIG. 69 illustrates example instrument lighting: 30 electromagnetic, photo-electric, piezo, Hall-effect, or other FIG. 70 illustrates example rotating speaker emulation types of sensors or transducers. In many cases it is possible to light sculptures; excite these mechanically vibrating elements by electronic methods (magnetic fields, piezo transducers, etc.) or elec FIG. 71 illustrates light pyramid arrays and light columns tronically controlled methods (motorized bowing, Solenoid arrays; and 35 strikers, etc.) This first class of audio-frequency signals FIG.72 illustrate stage video projection arrangements. sources will be termed sensed/excited vibrating elements 104. In addition, it is also possible to generate audio-fre DETAILED DESCRIPTION quency signals from more exotic processes such as chemical oscillators, chemical chaos, photoacoustic, environmental 1 Overview 40 sensors, etc. These will be termed alternative control signal The invention relates to a collection of instruments elements 105. Finally, the instrument may also contain vari (adapted, electronic, or combined), generalized instrument ous additional video, lighting, and special effect elements electrical interfaces, control signal extraction and manipula 106. tion systems, musical synthesis modules, layered audio signal 1.2 Generalized Interface Overview processing, lighting control, light sculptures, instrument 45 Again referring to FIG. 1, the invention provides for both lighting effects, video control, and video display. The result instrument entities 100 and signal routing, processing, and ing rich Sonic and visual environment can be used for live synthesis entities 120 to be fitted with compatible electrical performance, recorded audio and video production, and com interfaces, termed generalized instrument interfaces or (or position. more concisely, generalized interfaces) 110, which can FIG. 1 shows a general overview of the invention which, at 50 exchange any of the following: its highest level, consists of one or more instances of instru incoming electrical power (111) ment entities 100, generalized interface entities 110, and sig outgoing control signals from Switches, controls, key nal routing, processing, and synthesis entities 120. It is under boards, sensors, etc., typically in the form of MIDI mes stood that the invention provides for the possibility of several Sages but which may also involve contact closure or instances of each of these entities. For example, several 55 other formats (112) instruments 100 may be supported (adapted guitar, adapted control signals to lights, pyrotechnics, or other special sitar, adapted autoharp, touch-pad/slider/switch controller, effect elements within and/or attached to the instru etc.) by each 110/120 system; further, for each collection of ments, said signals being either in the form of MIDI plurality of instruments 100 and signal routing, processing, messages, contact closure, or other formats (113) and synthesis entities 120, there may be both full-feature 60 outgoing audio signals from individual audio-frequency interface cables or simplified reduced-feature cables imple elements or groups of audio-frequency elements within menting versions of the generalized interface 110; finally, for the instruments (114) each collection of instruments 100 and generalized interface incoming excitation signals directed to individual audio entities 110 there may be various versions of signal routing, frequency elements or groups of audio-frequency ele processing, and synthesis entities 120 (Small performance 65 ments within the instruments (115) systems, large performance systems, studio recording-ori outgoing video signals (such as NTSC, PAL, SECAM) or ented or composition-oriented systems, etc.). image signals sent from the instrument (116) US 8,035,024 B2 9 10 incoming video signals (such as NTSC, PAL, SECAM) or 122-130. Program store information is also distributed image signals sent to the instrument for purposes such as throughout via paths 132 (associated with specific sub display or as part of a visually controlled instrument systems of elements 122-129) and/or path 133 to the control (117). signal routing element 122; typically both methods are used The interfaces may be realized by one or more of any of 5 as portions of the program control may be stored within connectors, cables, fibers, radio links, wireless optical links, individual elements 122-129 and portions may reside within etc. one or more centralized program store Subsystems (such as 1.3 Signal Routing, Processing, and Synthesis Overview Midi Temp model MP-88, Digital Music Corporation model Referring to FIG. 1, the invention provides for one or more MX-8, controlling PC, etc.), comprising 130. signal routing, processing, and synthesis entities 120. These 10 1.4 Remaining Document Overview entities first route and process received audio-frequency, con With this overview complete, the remainder of the discus trol, and video signals. Additionally, these entities 120 may sion is organized as follows. The next four Sections concern extract control signals from received audio-frequency and instruments 100. First, a number of instrument element and Video signals, perhaps under the direction of selected control instrument Subsystems are described. Two Subsequent sec signals. Finally, these entities 120 may also synthesize audio 15 tions then describe a large number of example instruments frequency, control, and video signals, typically under the that are perfected through applicable combinations and direction of selected control signals. arrangements of the aforementioned instrument elements and Again referring to FIG. 1, the signal routing, processing, subsystems of elements; the first of these sections purely and synthesis entities 120 internally may include: electronic controllers while the second addresses adaptations power supplies 121 for both internal and instrument pow of conventional instruments with special attention paid to ering specific nuances and opportunities within those instruments. control signal routing 122 for interconnecting control sig Following this, some alternative audio and control signal nal sources with control signal destinations Sources are then considered. control signal processing 123 for instantaneous control Next the general instrument interface 110 is then consid message transformations (such as inversions) and inter 25 ered in additional detail. A Subsequent section then addresses operations (such as averaging, adding, multiplication, the signal processing, and synthesis entities 120. A final Sec etc.) audio signal routing 124 for interconnecting audio tion provides a few example envisioned applications of the signal Sources with audio signal destinations invention. audio signal processing 125 for (typically real-time) trans 2 Instrument Elements and Instrument Subsystems formations, typically under real-time control via 30 The invention includes a number of electronically inter Selected control signals faced instruments used by one or more performers. video signal routing 126 for interconnecting video signal These instruments involve either pure electronic interfaces Sources with audio signal destinations, typically under arranged to form an instrument, vibrating elements which real-time control via selected control signals video sig typically are in arrangements adapted from existing instru nal processing 127 for (typically real-time) video signal 35 ments, exotic electrically-monitored oscillatory elements transformations, potentially under real-time control via (such as chemical oscillators), electronic or numerical cha Selected control signals otic models used as sources, or combinations of these laid out control signal extraction 128a for the derivation of (typi in an artistically operative and ergonomic fashion. Vibrating cally real-time) control signals from audio or video sig elements within an instrument may also be made to vibrate nals, potentially under real-time control via selected 40 via electronically controlled or induced excitation from mag control signals netic field, piezoelectro-mechanical, or other electronically control signal synthesis 128b for the internal creation of driven or electronically-controlled excitation. time-varying control signals (such as low-frequency In general an instrument consists of one or more instrument control oscillators, envelop generators, slew limiters, elements which may be of one more differing types or classes. etc.), potentially under real-time control via selected 45 These instrument elements may be thought of as Subsystems control signals within the instrument. For example, a 6-string guitar has six audio signal synthesis 129a, typically under the direction vibrating strings; each String is an example of a vibrating of selected control signals, and typically as per conven element. A single electromagnetic or piezo pickup may be tional music synthesizer hardware and Software used to amplify the entire group of six strings. The guitar may video signal synthesis 129b, typically under the direction 50 also have separate electromagnetic or piezo pickups for each of selected control signals. string, as is commonly done for adding a MIDI interface to an program storage 130 for storing configuration programs existing electric guitar. This example guitar then simulta and event sequences neously has six vibrating elements, one group-pickup Sub In FIG. 1 it is understood that the elements 121 through 130 system, and six single-string pickup Subsystems. The guitar represent functional groupings and not necessarily hardware 55 may be further enhanced with MIDI-command issuing con centralized or software-centralized Subsystems. trols, such as knobs, Switches, joysticks, touch-pads, motion/ FIG.2 shows examples of internal interconnections among position sensors, etc.; these represent an additional Sub the functional grouping elements 121 through 130 within an system. A reduced-size musical keyboard may be added to the instance of a signal routing, processing, and synthesis entity guitar, representing yet another Subsystem. 120. In FIG. 2, as before, it is understood that the elements 60 Specific classes of instrument elements and/or instrument 121 through 130 represent functional groupings and not nec subsystems are described in the subsections that follow. essarily hardware-centralized or software-centralized sub 2.1 Electronic Interface Instrument Elements and Sub systems. systems In the example interconnections, power is distributed This class of instrument elements and instrument Sub throughout via functional fan-outs 131; here it is understood 65 systems do not create audio frequency phenomenon directly that there many be many decentralized power supplies for the but are rather used to control one or more music synthesizers, individual Subsystems comprising or implementing elements audio mixers, and/or signal processing functions. US 8,035,024 B2 11 12 2.1.1 Proximate, Miniature, and Superimposed Keyboards mate keyboards. It is noted that any of the keyboards used Standard western keyboards found on , harpsi here may be either of a standard variety or any of the more chords, organs, and synthesizers are widely used as a human advanced keyboards described later (miniature, Superim interface for electronic musical instruments. Some instru posed, multi-parameter keys, pressure-sensor array, etc.). It is ments, such as organs and , have traditionally 5 also noted that this technique may be applied to other types of (for centuries) included two or more such keyboards to allow keyboards with applicable types of key geometry. the instrument player to rapidly select among two or more Miniature Keyboards timbres or ranges. The spacing of the keyboards is almost If the depth of the keyboard is reduced, the span of a given without exception found to be far enough apart that a hand hand is increased further. This may be done by making the must be committed uniquely to a given keyboard for the 10 keys relatively shorter, forming a stubby keyboard, or by moments that the keys are played. This is due to the fact that shrinking the size of the entire keyboard in all dimensions. the bulk of apparatus under the keyboards, keyboard frame, Such miniature keyboards are commonly found on consumer etc. prevented the keyboards from being mounted very close electronic keyboards and keyboard instruments made for together, re-enforced by the fact that music has been com children. posed for playing at most one keyboard with a given hand 15 Clearly a proximate keyboard array can be created from (although in virtuoso pieces a given hand may very rapidly miniaturized keyboards. The range of the fingers within and jump among keyboards). One aspect of the invention expands across individual component keyboards may be greatly the usage of traditional keyboards by removing this limitation increased in this fashion, albeit with a perhaps somewhat via various means. compromised tradition and technique. Proximate Keyboard Arrays An additional, and particularly valuable role for the proxi One method of implementation is to mount a plurality of mate capabilities of Such miniature keyboards is to mount keyboards close enough together that one hand can, to them, as a component, on an instrument with other compo degrees determined by mechanical details, simultaneously nents so as to form a more complex instrument where free play notes on two or more traditional keyboards. There are fingers can operate two or more such components simulta three methods for increasing the workable proximity of 25 neously. As a simple example, a guitarist using a thumb-pick groups of keyboards: or classical guitar technique can easily use free fingers to play reduce the vertical separation of the keyboards chords, bass lines, melodies, etc. on a miniature keyboard overhang the ends of the white keys on a higher keyboard attached to a guitar. over the backs of the white and black keys of a lower FIG. 4 shows an example of an instrument-mounted min keyboard 30 iature keyboard configuration employing one miniature key reduce the physical length of the keys board 421, in particular an adapted Indian Sitar 400 with Many modem electronic keyboards have very shallow many additional example instrument elements which will be mechanisms and frames. It is therefore quite Straightforward described later. to mount two or more commonly available electronic key FIG. 5 shows an example of an instrument-mounted min boards employing either or both of the first two methods. With 35 iature keyboard configuration employing two miniature key Some overhang and (vertically or horizontally) shallow boards, in particular an adapted electric guitar 500 with many enough mechanisms, it becomes possible to play notes on additional example instrument elements which will be both keyboards simultaneously. In nominal configurations described later. Here note the two keyboards 521a, 521b are the thumb-to-pinky reach is nearly the same across both key proximate enough to allow both keyboards and the guitar boards. Clearly some finger configurations are difficult or 40 strings to be played simultaneously. impossible across the two keyboards, but there are also limi Clearly these methods of miniature keyboard attach tations in conventional keyboards that are incorporated in the ment(s) can be applied to other instruments (Sitar, Pipa, SaZ. development of established fingering technique and pedal steel guitar, plucked string bass, etc.) as well as being respected in keyboard music composition; similar minor used to create entirely new types of instruments and control technique development and compositional respect extensions 45 lers as will be discussed herein. can be developed for Such proximate keyboard arrays. Superimposed Keyboards Without reducing the size of the keyboards a single hand It is also possible to make contact-closure keyboards with can even make invaluable use of three keyboards within a multiple contact sets that actuate at increasing depths of key confined range; simple example is to add backup notes of the depression. Such keyboards may or may not have tactile same pitch or differing . However, two hands may use 50 feedback as to each level of actuation. Pratt-Read manufac the two-keyboard playing techniques to make avid use of a tured a “double-touch' keyboard for use in home console three, four, or more proximate keyboard array. organs which closed one set of contacts with a noticeable FIGS. 3A-3C show an example of a proximate keyboard restoring pressure at about half of the possible key-displace array. In this example, three keyboards 301, 302, 303 are ment which persisted through full key displacement where arranged in an overhanging staircase arrangement. Three 55 another contact set closed at the end of key travel. Also, many views are shown: a side view 300 (FIG. 3A), a top view with “velocity sense' keyboards are realized by SPDT switches hidden key areas suggested by dashed lines 310a (FIG. 3B), actuated with each key; here the beginning of key travel opens and the side view of 300 reoriented as an orthogonal projec a pair of contacts and the end of key travel closes a second set tion 310b of the top view 310a (FIG. 3C). The separation of contacts, but with no mid-travel tactile feedback. distances 305a, 305b between the tops of the keys of a given 60 In either case, there are one contact closure event at partial keyboard and the bottoms of the keys of a keyboard overhang key travel and two events at full key travel. These events can ing it should be minimized and in the limit are just slightly be interpreted as Superimposed keyboards. One example larger than the maximum travel distance of the overhanging interpretation is that the first event triggers one synthesizer key. The depth of the overhang 304a,304b is set in the balance Voice and the second even triggers a second Voice; in this between the trade-off of maximizing desired accessibility to 65 manner keys struck with partial displacement Sound with only the back of an overhung key and minimizing the separation one voice but those struck with full displacement sound both distance between the edges of the keys of two adjacent proxi Voices. Another example is for a first voice to be triggered at US 8,035,024 B2 13 14 partial displacement but turned off at full displacement. If the If electromagnetic or electric field means are used to provide first voice has a long attack, it would be drowned out by the key displacement resistance, care must be made to shield second Voice, or in short duration serve as acceptable tran these elements to as to not create electromagnetic transients sient ornamentation (for example, mimicing a “key click” or that could leak into nearby electronics or music instrument “air turbulence chiff), this arrangement effectively resulting pickups. in a partial key displacement sounding only the first voice and Finally, it is pointed out that as an additional bonus, the a full key displacement sounding only the second Voice. Note above arrangement is also capable of synthesizing different in either arrangement, a fluctuation of the applied key pres types of mechanical so-called keyboard “actions', for Sure can vary which Voices continue to Sound (in the first example the “feel of various types of manufacture arrangement, the second Voice will go on and off with the first 10 keys versus keys, etc. Thus the development of a Voice held; in the second arrangement, the first and second voices will alternate being on or off in a mutually exclusive keyboard with per-key continuous or near-continuous dis fashion). placement measurements and programmable key-displace As the Superposition of keyboard principal proves useful in ment resistance can provide an extraordinary level of this two-level setting, it is natural to consider further exten 15 enhancements to conventional keyboards. This can be sions of this approach to more levels and additional interpre enhanced significantly with the addition of pressure sensing tations. In the limit, a keyboard could have a continuous arrays on each key as will be described later. sensor (such as a potentiometer, magnetic or optical gradient, Shared Scanning Electronics etc.) or near-continuous sensor (such as a binary encoded In arrangements with multiple keyboards, Superimposed control) attached to each key. FIGS. 6A-B illustrates an keyboards, or related input devices (such as the strum-pads arrangement where a dedicated continuous or near-continu discussed below) the keyboard-scanning electronic hardware ous sensor is attached to each key so as to instantaneously can be in many cases largely shared across pluralities of these measure the displacement of the attached key. In such an keyboard contacts and/or related input devices. For example, arrangement external electronics would define quantized dis a common microprocessor could be used to generate common placement thresholds to which various Superimposed key 25 multiplexing address for a group of contacts or sensors across board interpretations would be assigned. several keyboards and the status of individual contacts would As a first bonus, it is also noted that this same continuous or then be serially polled or transferred in parallel. FIG. 8 illus near-continuous key-displacement sensor arrangement can trates a shared scanning arrangement Supporting a plurality of be used in other operational modes to provide other very any of keyboards, strum-pad, buttons, Switches, etc. valuable expressive functions, for example volume or timber 30 2.1.2 Strum-Pads control or Velocity contour tracking, as will as will be A few early music synthesizers replaced a conventional described in a later section. keyboard with a low-activation pressure membrane switch In practice, the two-level Superimposed keyboard provides array laid out to resemble a keyboard. One could freely tap or the player with tactile feedback as to what point of travel the easily drag fingers over the membrane Switch array without key had passed in the form of a noticeable change in resistive 35 the overhead and potential injury involved in more deeply restoring pressure. For a more generalized system as operative conventional keyboards. Because of the lack of described above and illustrated in FIGS. 6A-6B, there may be conventional keyboard and technique. Such keyboards applications where such tactile feedback is not especially rapidly lost their appeal. More recently, the Suzuki “Omni necessary, for example in triggering additional synthesizer chord” product, designed to mimic an autoharp, provided a Voices to create an increasing gradient of richness as the key 40 low-activation pressure membrane Switch array, called a is pressed further and further. In other circumstances, particu 'strum-pad,” laid out to mimic the strummed-string array of larly if there are only a few levels implemented, tactile feed an autoharp; as a selected chord button is activated various back may indeed be desirable, particularly that with discern notes associated with the chord are assigned to the various ible discrete steps matching the trigger-level quantization membrane Switches so that a finger Sweeping over the strum points in key travel. 45 pad produces an arpeggiated chord in a way suggestive of Highly flexible programmable tactile feedback can be strumming a traditional autoharp. The Omnichord strum imposed separately on each key by a dedicated Solenoid, pads are hard-wired to repeat notes multiple times and the motor, pneumatic, fluid, or other means. Less flexible yet still note assignment software permits only fixed chord selections somewhat programmable tactile feedback could also be had with preassigned note sequences. by means of an electrically adjustable global mechanical 50 The invention includes an important element to create or arrangement serving all keys in a keyboard, for example expand instruments through a generalized adaptation of these engaging additional sets of springs or pliable rubber pressure ideas: resisting cones. FIGS. 7A-B illustrate an arrangement by a more generalized strum-pad element with the following which programmable tactile feedback can be applied to a key, attributes: either in conjunction with or without a continuous or near 55 low activation-pressure proximate Switches continuous sensor to measure key displacement. Without key linear arrangement (although others are useful) position information, an electrically-controlled restoring no hard-wired note repeats force element with built-in levels of key pressure resistance visual and/or Small tactile markings to the player (for example, by means of a sequence of spatially distributed compact physical size electromagnetic coils that can be switched on at configuration 60 simultaneous multiple Switch activation without perceiv time to create additional levels of force past specific displace able interaction ment depths) could be used. With key displacement informa generalized note event information that can be assigned tion, a simple dedicated Solenoid, motor, pneumatic, fluid, or interpretation under program control other means can be made to have its restoring force vary over more generalized strum-pad interpretation Software and the key travel in a highly flexible manner. Since key travel can 65 hardware with the following stored program attributes be fast, the transient response of the tactile feedback system and assignments which can be rapidly altered during must typically have a fast rise time and be free of overshoot. playing: US 8,035,024 B2 15 16 assignment to selected melodic notes, percussive events, Applicable sensors can include pressure, motion (velocity, lighting or special effect events, etc. acceleration, etc.), position (optical, magnetic or electric arpeggio pattern select field, electromagnetic standing wave, acoustic standing wave, note-repeats added as desired and in the manner desired etc.), impact (Such as piezo sensors used with electronic drum issuance of note, outgoing program change, and/or other 5 pads), tension, strain, torsion, light, temperature, etc. Position control signals at the initial activation of each stored sensors may be used to measure the position of a physical program (to Sound a background chord, activate lights, element of an instrument (Such as a damper bar or pitch etc.) with or without activity on the strum-pad modulating lever) or the absolute position of the instrument Selection and rapid change of specific programmable itself. Tension sensors may be used, for example, to measure attributes and assignments via button or foot-switch 10 control. modulated String tension as on a Koto or electric guitar, Such The resulting element can, for example, be attached to a string tension controllers need not even involve sounding guitar pick-guard and used in conjunction with foot-switches strings—for example a small Koto string and bridge arrange and/or finger-activated buttons to select stored program inter ment may be used strictly as an electronic control provided to pretations. Free fingers can then, while freely playing the 15 the player in the form of a familiar Koto string format. guitar as normal, 'strum' or tap , trigger percussion In general these panel controls, actuators, and sensors can devices, trigger lighting or special effect events, etc. be configured to provide a range of either continuous or FIG. 9 illustrates an example method for realizing a flex discrete-step control Voltages. In some cases additional elec ible generalized strum-pad element and associated Stored tronics or Subsequent Software transformations may be nec program control. In this example implementation, the strum essary to re-contour/redistribute the control voltage over the pad Switches can be electrically wired to a simple conven full range of the controls, actuators, and/or sensors. In some tional MIDI keyboard interface so that each consecutive cases, multiple transformations may be made available under switch triggers a consecutive MIDI note event. The note event selectable or stored program control. In any case, the resulting stream is then directed to a MIDI message processor which control Voltages may be then treated as generalized control can, under program control, reassign each incoming note 25 signals which are presented to the generalized interface 110. event a potentially new MIDI note number and MIDI channel, Alternatively, some of the control voltages may be used for or perhaps a null operation to create “safety” or “dead' Zones. specialized control signals, such as setting values for note From here individual MIDI channels can be directed to a Velocity, after-touch, etc. variety of destinations: various synthesizer Voice channels, FIG. 10 shows an example implementation of both gener lighting systems, special effect systems, etc. Additional con 30 alized and specific control signals derived from panel controls trol possibilities can be further realized by translating note 1001.1-1001..n, actuators 1002.1-1002.m., and sensors events into other types of MIDI events, as described later, or 1003.1-1003.k as provided for by the invention. The panel into non-MIDI control signals. controls 1001.1-1001..n, actuators 1002.1-1002.m., and sen It is also possible to add note-velocity and/or "key-pres sors 1003.1-1003.k may or may not be provided with appro sure/after-touch”/"channel-pressure' control to the strum 35 priate interface electronics, respectively 1011.1-1011..n, pad by placing a Velocity sensor (such as a piezo element) and 1012.1-1012.m., and 1013.1-1013.k which deliver signals to a or pressure-sensor under it and feeding the resulting signal(s) control signal formatter 1050 which issues control signals to the MIDI keyboard interface as would be done in a con 1051. These control signals maybe of various formats, for ventional MIDI keyboard realizing these features with such example MIDI. sensors. It is also possible to Supplement, or replace alto 40 2.1.4 Null/Contact Touch-pads gether, each membrane Switch with a pressure-sensor, thus Distinguished from panel controls and sensors considered creating a pressure-sensor array. Such an array can be used to above are what will be termed null/contact touchpads. This is implement note-velocity and/or "key-pressure/after a class of contact-position sensing devices that normally are touch”/"channel-pressure' control, but can also be used for a in a null State unless touched and produce a control signal great many other purposes, particularly when implemented in 45 when touched whose signal value corresponds to typically a two-dimensional array, as described later. one unique position on the touch-pad. Internal position sens 2.1.3 Panel Controls, Actuators, Sensors ing mechanisms may be resistive, capacitive, optical, stand Expressive control can be enhanced considerably by ing wave, etc. Examples of these devices include one-dimen attaching one or more of any of various additional panel sional-sensing ribbon controllers found on early Music controls, actuators, and sensors to any electronic instrument. 50 synthesizers, two-dimensional-sensing pad such as the early Applicable types of panel controls include potentiometers Kawala pad and more modern mini-pads found on some (knob, slider, etc.), joysticks, panel Switches, panel buttons, lap-top computers, and two-dimensional-sensing see etc. Panel controls may be distributed in isolated spots, in through touch-screens often employed in public computer Small groups, or in arrays. kiosks. As a music controller these devices are attractive in Applicable actuators can include limit Switches, magnetic 55 that they can very easily capture very expressive finger Switches, mercury Switches, optical detectors, piezo or other nuances as does a violin fingerboard or Koto bridge/string impact detectors, etc. Actuators may be attached or associated arrangement but not limit them to controlling only pitch. with moveable parts of instruments (such as guitar vibrato Two-dimensional versions of these devices also permit the “whammy’ bars, harp tuning levers, autoharp string-damper use of spatial metaphors and notions of “musical finger-paint bars, etc.). Additionally, actuators may be affiliated with the 60 ing.” instrument as a whole, detecting rapid jarring of the instru The null condition, when the pad is untouched, requires ment etc. Further, actuators may also be provided in isolated and/or provides the opportunity for special handling. Some spots of the instrument, Such as Velocity-sensitive tap-actua example ways to handle the untouched condition include: tors for percussion event-triggers and “body blows' to the sample-hold (hold values issued last time sensor was instrument, as abstracted from for examples: ancient Chinese 65 touched, as does a joystick) Pipa, centuries old Flamenco guitar, and recent Jimi Hendrix/ bias (issue maximal-range value, minimal-range value, Adrian Belue (borderline to actual guitar abuse) techniques. mid-range value, or other value) US 8,035,024 B2 17 18 touch-detect on another channel (i.e., a separate out-of value of distance difference between extremal contact band "gate' channel). points (or “width”; as described above via constant cur Example uses for these devices as controller elements within rent Source, nominal reference Voltage, and differential the context of the invention include any one or more of the amplifier) following: center of a non-trivial-width region (obtained by simple issuance of melodic or percussion note events averaging, i.e., Sum with gain of /2) pitch, amplitude, timbre, and location (i.e., panning, etc.) value of distance difference between one end of the resis modulations tive element and the closest extremal contact point lighting and/or special effects control (simple differential amplifier) general MIDI CC control signals. 10 value of distance difference between the other end of the Additional enhancements can be added to the adaptation of resistive element and the either extremal contact point null/contact touch pad controllers as instrument elements. A (sum above voltage with “width voltage with appropri first enhancement is, as discussed above for strum-pad ele ate sign). ments, the addition of Velocity and/or pressure sensing. This 15 Further, through use of simple threshold comparators, spe can be done via global impact and/or pressure-sensors in the cific thresholds of shorted resistive element can be deemed to same manner as described for the strum-pads. An extreme of be, for example, any of a single point contact, a recognized this is implementation of the null/contact touchpad controller contact region width, two points of contact, etc., producing as a pressure-sensor array; this special case and its many corresponding discrete-valued control signals. The detection possibilities are described later. On the simpler extreme, a of a width can be treated as a contact event for a second null/contact touch pad together with Such a global Velocity parameter analogous to the single contact detection event and/or pressure-sensor can act as a rich metaphor for a drum described at the beginning. Some example usage of these head, gong Surface, cymbal Surface, etc. and as such may be various continuous and discrete signals are: played with fingers, whole hands, cushioned beaters, or existence of widths or multiple contact points may be used Sticks. 25 to trigger events or timbre changes A second enhancement is the ability to either discern each degree of widths may be used to control degrees of modu dimensional-width of a single contact area or, alternatively, lation or timbre changes independently discern two independent contact points in cer independent measurement of each extremal contact point tain types of null/contact controllers. FIG. 11 shows an from the same end of the resistive element can be used to 30 independently control two parameters. In the simplest example of how two independent contact points can be inde form, one parameter is always larger than another, in pendently discerned, or the dimensional-width of a single more complex implementations, the trajectories of each contact point can be discerned, for a resistance null/contact contact point can be tracked (using a differentiator and controller with a single conductive contact plate (as with the controlled parameter assignment Switch); as long as they Kawala pad product) or wire (as in a Some types of ribbon 35 never simultaneously touch, either parameter can vary controller products) and one or more resistive elements be larger or smaller than the other. whose resistance per unit length is a fixed constant through It is understood that analogous approaches may be applied each resistive element. It is understood that a one-dimen to other null/contact touchpad technologies such as capaci sional null/contact touchpad typically has one such resistive tive or optical. element while a two-dimensional null/contact touchpad typi 40 A third possible enhancement is that of employing a touch cally has two such resistive elements that operate indepen screen instance of null/contact touchpad and position it over dently in each direction. a video display. In this case the video display signal may be Referring to FIG. 11, a constant current source can be created either within an instrument entity 100, within the applied to the resistive element as a whole, developing a fixed signal routing, processing, and synthesis entity 120, or from voltage across the entire resistive element. When any portion 45 external sources such as stage cameras, attached computers, of the resistive element is contacted by either a non-trivial etc. The video display could for example provide dynami contiguous width and/or multiple points of contact, part of the cally assigned labels, abstract spatial cues, spatial gradients, resistive element is shorted out, thus reducing the overall line-of-site cues for fixed or motor-controlled lighting, etc. width-to-end resistance of the resistance element. Because of which would be valuable for use in conjunction with the the constant current source, the Voltage developed across the 50 adapted null/contact touchpad controller. These various methods of adapted null/contact touchpad entire resistive element drops by an amount equal to the elements can be used stand-alone or arranged in arrays (as in portion of the resistance that is shorted out. a percussion controller). In addition, they can be used as a The value of the Voltage drop then equals a value in pro component or addendum to instruments featuring other types portion to the distance separating the extremes of the wide 55 of instrument elements. FIG. 12 shows an example imple and/or multiple contact points. By Subtracting the actual Volt mentation of both generalized and specific control signals age across the entire resistive element from the value this derived from electrical contact touch-pads employing MIDI Voltage is normally, a control Voltage proportional to distance messages as the output control signal format. separating the extremes of the wide and/or multiple contact 2.1.5 Pressure-Sensor Array Touch-pads points is generated. Simultaneously, the Voltage difference 60 The invention provides for the selective inclusion of con between that of the contact plate/wire and that of the end of siderably advanced expressive control of electronic musical the resistive element closest to an extremal contact point is processes through use of a pressure-sensor array arranged as still proportional to the distance from said end to said extre a touch-pad together with associated image processing. As mal contact point. Using at most simple op-amp Summing with the null/contact controller, these pressure-sensor array and/or differential amplifiers, a number of potential control 65 touch-pads may be used stand-alone, organized into an array Voltages can be derived; for example one or more of these six of such pads, and/or used as a component and/or addendum to continuously-valued signals: instruments employing other types of instrument elements. US 8,035,024 B2 19 20 It is noted that the inventor's original vision of the below synthesis entity 120; for example, this may be done in described pressure-sensor array touch-pad was for applica the form of MIDI messages. tions not only in music but also for computer data entry, Because of the number processes involved in Such a pipe computer simulation environments, and real-time machine line, it is advantageous to follow a data acquisition stage 1302 control, applications to which the below described pressure 5 with one or more additional processing stages 1303. Of the sensor array touch-pad clearly can also apply. four example processing functions listed above, the first three A pressure-sensor array touch-pad of appropriate sensitiv fall in the character of image processing. It is also possible to ity range, appropriate pixel resolution, and appropriate do a considerable amount of the image processing steps actu physical size is capable of measuring pressure gradients of ally within the data acquisition step, namely any of simple many parts of the flexibly-rich human hand or foot simulta 10 adjacency tests and folding selected address and pressure neously. FIG. 13 shows how a pressure-sensor array touch measurement information into running sums or other running pad can be combined with image processing to assign param pre-calculations later used to derive aforementioned param eterized interpretations to measured pressure gradients and eters. The latter method can be greatly advantageous as it can output those parameters as control signals. significantly collapses the amount of data to be stored. The pressure-sensor “pixels' 1300 of a pressure-sensor 15 Regardless of whether portions of the image processing are array touch-pad 1301 are interfaced to a data acquisition stage done within or beyond the data acquisition stage, there are 1302. The interfacing method may be fully parallel but in various hardware implementations possible. One hardware practice may be advantageously scanned at a sufficiently high approach would involve very simple front-end scanned data rate to give good dynamic response to rapidly changing acquisition hardware and a single high-throughput micropro human touch gestures. To avoid the need for a buffer amplifier cessor/signal-processor chip. Alternatively, an expanded data for each pressure-sensor pixel 1300, electrical design may acquisition stage may be implemented in high-performance carefully balance parasitic capacitance of the scanned array dedicated function hardware and this would be connected to with the electrical characteristics of the sensors and the scan a lower performance processor chip. A third, particularly rates; electrical scanning frequencies can be reduced by par 25 advantageous implementation would be to implement a small titioning the entire array into distinct parts that are scanned in pressure-sensor array together with data equitation and a parallel so as to increase the tolerance for address settling Small processor into a single low-profile chip package that times and other limiting processes. Alternatively, the pres can be laid as tiles in a nearly seamless larger array. Such sure-sensor array 1301 may be fabricated in such a way that “mini-array' chips have additional value as they can readily buffer amplifier arrays can be inexpensively attached to the 30 be put on instrument keys (as described below), instrument sensor array 1301, or the sensors 1300 may be such that each fingerboards, instrument bodies, etc. In Such an implementa contains its own buffer amplifier; under these conditions, tion all image processing could in fact be done via straight design restrictions on Scanning can be relaxed and operate at forward partitions into message-passing distributed algo higher speeds. Although the pressure-sensors may be likely rithms. analog in nature, a further enhancement would be to use 35 One or more individual chips could direct output parameter digital-output pressure-sensor elements or Sub-arrays. A par streams to an output processor which would organize and/or ticularly useful example of sensor Sub-arrays is presented in a assign parameters to output control channels, perhaps in few paragraphs. MIDI format, perhaps in a programmable manner under The data acquisition stage 1302 looks for sensor pixel selectable stored program control. A tiled macro array of Such pressure measurement values that exceed a low-level noise 40 “sensor mini-array' chips could be networks by a tapped rejection/deformity-rejection threshold. The sufficiently high passive bus, one- or two-dimensional mode active bus daisy pressure value of each such sensor pixel 1300 is noted along chain, a potentially expandable star-wired centralized mes with the relative physical location of that pixel (known via the sage passing chip or Subsystem, or other means. pixel address). This noted information may be stored "raw Creating a large surface from such “tile chips' will aid in for later processing and/or may be subjected to simple bound 45 the serviceability of the surface. Since these chips can be used ary tests and then folded into appropriate running calculations as tiles to build a variety of shapes, it is therefore possible to as will be described below. In general, the pressure values and leverage a significant manufacturing economy-of-scale so as addresses of Sufficiently high pressure value pixels are pre to minimize cost and justify more extensive feature develop sented to a sequence of processing functions which may be ment. Advanced seating and connector technologies, as used performed on the noted information: 50 in lap-tops and other high-performance miniature consumer contiguous regions of Sufficiently high pressure values are electronics, can be used to minimize the separation between defined (a number of simple run-time adjacency tests adjacent chip “tiles' and resultant irregularities in the tiled can be used; many are known—see for example Ronse; Surface Smoothness. A tiled implementation may also include Viberg; Shaperio; Hara) a thin rugged flexible protective film that separates the sensor the full collection of region boundaries are subjected to 55 chips from the outside world. FIG. 14 illustrates the position classification tests; in cases a given contiguous region ing and networking of pressure sensing and processing "mini may be split into a plurality of tangent or co-bordered array' chips in both larger contiguous structures and in iso independently recognized regions lated use on instrument keys, instrument fingerboards, and various parameters are derived from each independent instrument bodies. region, for example geometric center, center of pressure, 60 With the perfection of a translucent pressure-sensor array, average pressure, total size, angle-of-rotation-from-ref it further becomes possible for translucent pressure-sensor erence for non-round regions, second-order and higher arrays to be laid atop aligned visual displays such as LCDs, order geometric moments, second-order and higher-or florescent, plasma, CRTs, etc. as was discussed above for der pressure moments, etc. null/contact touch-pads. The displays can be used to label assignment of these parameters to the role of specific con 65 areas of the sensor array, illustrate gradients, etc. Note that in trol signals (note events, control parameters, etc.) which the “tile chip' implementation, monochrome or color display are then output to the signal routing, processing, and areas may indeed be built into each chip. US 8,035,024 B2 21 22 Returning now to the concept of a pressure-sensor array FIG. 16 illustrates how six degrees of freedom can be touch-pad large enough for hand-operation: examples of recovered from the contact of a single finger. In the drawing, hand contact that may be recognized, example methods for the finger 1600 makes contact with the touch-pad 1601 with how these may be translated into control parameters, and its end segment at a point on the touch-pad surface deter examples of how these all may be used are now described. In 5 mined by coordinates 1611 and 1612 (these would be, for the below the hand is used throughout as an example, but it is example, left/right for 1611 and forward/backward for 1612). understood that the foot or even other body regions, animal Fixing this point of contact, the finger 1600 is also capable of regions, objects, or physical phenomena can replace the role rotational twisting along its length 1613 as wall as rocking of the hand in these illustrative examples. back and forth 1614. The entire finger can also be pivoted with FIG. 15 illustrates the pressure profiles for a number of 10 example hand contacts with a pressure-sensor array. In the motion 1615 about the contact point defined by coordinates case 1500 of a finger's end, pressure on the touch pad pres 1611 and 1612. These are all clearly independently controlled Sure-sensor array can be limited to the finger tip, resulting in actions, and yet it is still possible in any configuration of these a spatial pressure distribution profile 1501; this shape does thus far five degrees of freedom, to vary the overall pressure not change much as a function of pressure. Alternatively, the 15 1616 applied to the contact point. Simple practice, if it is even finger can contact the pad with its flat region, resulting in light needed, allows the latter overall pressure 1616 to be indepen pressure profiles 1502 which are smaller in size than heavier dently fixed or varied by the human operator as other param pressure profiles 1503. In the case 1504 where the entire eters are adjusted. finger touches the pad, a three-segment pattern (1504a. In general other and more complex hand contacts, such as 1504b, 1504c) will result under many conditions; under light use of two fingers, the whole hand, etc. forfeit some of these pressure a two segment pattern (1504b or 1504c missing) example degrees of freedom but often introduce others. For could result. In all but the lightest pressures the thumb makes example, in the quite constrained case of a whole hand pos a somewhat discernible shape 1505 as do the wrist 1506, cuff ture, the fingers and thumb can exert pressure independently 1507, and palm 1508; at light pressures these patterns thin and (5 parameters), the finger and thumb separation angles can be can also break into disconnected regions. Whole hand pat 25 varied (4 parameters), the finger ends 1504a can exert pres terns such the fist 1511 and flat hand 1512 have more complex sure independently from the middle 1504b and inner 1504c shapes. In the case of the fist 1511, a degree of curl can be segments (4 parameters), the palm can independently vary its discerned from the relative geometry and separation of Sub applied pressure (1 parameter) while independently tilting/ regions (here depicted, as an example, as 1511a, 1511b, and rocking in two directions (3 parameters) and the thumb can 1511c). In the case of the whole flat hand 1500, there can be 30 curl (1 parameter), yielding 17 instantaneously and simulta two or more Sub-regions which may be in fact joined (as neously measurable parameters which are independently within 1512a) and/or disconnected (as an example, as 1512a adjustable per hand. Complex contact postures may also be and 1512b are); the whole hand also affords individual mea Surement of separation “angles' among the digits and thumb viewed as, or decomposed into, component Sub-postures (for (1513a, 1513b, 1513c, 1513d) which can easily be varied by 35 example here, as flat-finger contact, palm contact, and thumb the user. contact) which would them derive parameters from each pos Relatively simple pattern recognition Software can be used ture independently. For Such complex contact postures, rec to discern these and other hand contact patterns which will be ognition as a larger compound posture which may then be termed “postures. The pattern recognition working together decomposed allows for the opportunity to decouple and/or with simple image processing may, further, derive a very large 40 renormalize the parameter extraction in recognition of the number of independent control parameters which are easily special affairs associated with and constraints imposed by manipulated by the operating user. In many cases it may be specific complex contact postures. advantageous to train a system to the particulars of a specific It is noted that the derived parameters may be pre-pro person’s hand(s) and/or specific postures. In other situations cessed for specific uses. One example of this would be the the system may be designed to be fully adaptive and adjust the 45 quantization of a parameter into two or more discrete steps: a persons hand automatically. In practice, for the widest range these could for example be sequentially interpreted as of control and accuracy, both training and ongoing adaptation sequential notes of a scale or melody. Another example would may be useful. Further, the recognized postures described be that of warping a parameter range as measured to one with thus far may be combined in sequence with specific dynamic a more musically expressive layout. variations among them (such as a finger flick, double-tap, 50 Next examples of the rich metaphorical aspects of interact etc.) and as such may be also recognized and thus treated as an ing with the pressure-sensor array touch-pad are illustrated. additional type of recognized pattern; such sequential dynam In many cases there may be one or more natural geometric ics among postures will be termed 'gestures. The admission metaphor(s) applicable. Such as associating left-right posi of gestures further allows for the derivation of additional tion, left-right twisting, or left-right rotation with Stereo pan patterns such as the degree or rate of variation within one or 55 ing, or in associating overall pressure with Volume or spectral more of the gesture dynamics. Finally, the recognized exist complexity. In more abstract cases, there may be pairs of ence and/or derived parameters from postures and gestures parameters that go together—here, for example with a finger may be assigned to specific outgoing control signal formats end, it may be natural to associate one parameter pair with and ranges. Any training information and/or control signal (left/right and forward/backward) contact position and assignment information may be stored and recalled for one or 60 another parameter pair with (left/right and forward/back more players via stored program control. ward) twisting/rocking. In this latter example there is avail For each recognized pattern, the amount of information able potential added structure in the metaphorby viewing the that can be derived as parameters is in general very high. For twisting/rocking plane as being Superimposed over the posi the human hand or foot, there are, typically, artifacts Such tion plane. The Superposition aspect of the metaphor can be shape variation due to elastic tissue deformation that permit 65 viewed as an index, or as an input-plane/output-plane distinc recovery of up to all six degrees of freedom allowed in an tion for a two-input/two-output transformation, or as two objects orientation in 3-space. separated processes which may be caused to converge or US 8,035,024 B2 23 24 morph according to additional overall pressure, or in conjunc one finger. One possible example of a mapping is to use all six tion with a dihedral angle of intersection between two inde parameters to control prominent features of a single synthe pendent processes, etc. sizer voice: Next, examples of the rich syntactical aspects of interact left/right position: pitch ing with the pressure-sensor array touch-pad are illustrated. in/outposition: Volume Some instruments have particular hand postures naturally left/right twist: waveform morphing dimension 1 (“duty associated with their playing, particularly hand drums and cycle.” even-harmonic content, etc.) especially Persian and Indian hand drums (such as the tabla/ in/out rock: waveform morphing dimension 2 (“waveform baya bols, dumbek, etc.). It is natural then to recognize these curvature odd-harmonic content, etc.) 10 rotation: Stereo pan classical hand-contact postures and derive control parameters overall pressure: filter opening that match and/or transcend how a classical player would use Another example is that of controlling two voices with one these hand positions to evoke and control Sound from the finger: instrument. Further, Some postures could be recognized either left/right position: pitch of voice 1 in isolation or in gestural-context as being ones associated 15 in/out position: pitch of voice 2 with (or assigned to) percussion effects while remaining pos left/right twist: pan or filter opening of voice 1 tures may be associated with accompanying melodies or in/out rock: pan or filter opening of Voice 2 Sound textures. rotation: relative volume balance of voice pair As an additional Syntactic aspect, specific hand postures overall pressure: total volume of voice pair and/or gestures may mapped to specific selected assignments By assigning pitch to an aspect of physical contact that is of control signals in ways affiliated with specific purposes. geometrically large (i.e., position on the pad), it is possible to For example, finger ends may be used for one collection of get a great deal of accuracy in pitch control. In potentially Sound synthesis parameters, thumb for a second potentially typically cases where pitch choices are to be associated with partially overlapping collection of Sound synthesis param traditional scales, the pitch control parameter may be quan eters, flat fingers for a third partially-overlapping collection, 25 tized into discrete steps and each step assigned to a note in a wrist for a fourth, and cusp for a fifth, and fist for a sixth. In scale or melody. At the point of contact within a selected this case it may be natural to move the hand through certain quantization interval, a small "vibrato’ neighborhood may connected sequences of motions; for example: little finger then be defined so that wiggling the finger position is mapped end, still in contact, dropping to flat-finger contact, then drop to a vibrato-range pitch variation (as on a violin String). ping to either palm directly or first to cusp and then to palm, 30 If the spatially-quantized positions are mapped to notes in then moving to wrist, all never breaking contact with the a melody, it is possible to set up mappings for several musical touch-pad. Such permissible sequences of postures that can phrases or in fact an entire melodic line start-to-finish. In the be executed sequentially without breaking contact with the latter circumstance, it may be desirable to either “page' the touch-pad will be termed “continuous grammars.” Under pitch assignments to give up one of the position parameters these circumstances it is useful to set up parameter assign 35 for sound control or instead use it for laying out the melody ments, and potentially associated context-sensitive parameter geometrically as per a sheet of music; here the spatial quan renormalizations, that work in the context of selected (or all tization may be uniformly spaced or under limited degrees be available) continuous grammars. For example, as the hand proportional to the pitch duration of the associated note. The contact evolves as being recognized as one posture and then sheet-music layout is particularly interesting because it another, parameters may be Smoothly handed-over in inter 40 allows the performer to concentrate extreme dexterity in the pretation from one posture to another without abrupt changes, timbre and timing expression of a melody without having to while abandoned parameters either hold their last value to devote very much effort or attention to the selection of pitch return to a default value (instantly or via a controlled enve value. The resulting allocation shift of performer attention is lope). very valuable as the amount of expression and variations in Now a number of example applications of the pressure 45 timbre are often what distinguish a spellbinding performance sensor array touch-pad are provided. A natural start for a first from a run-of-the-mill performance. example is that of the Indian tabla and baya; here the tradi Although purist musicians may scoff at the release from tional bols are recognized and used to control synthesized or pitch selection struggles endemic in musical instruments over sample-playback Sound generation. The produced Sound can the centuries, they are also known to spend thousand of dol be authentic or transcend the classical instrument. Additional 50 lars on finest-instruments that allow additional nuances of posture and gesture recognition can be added in either Sound expression and spend many, many years of their lives making generation style to expand the available Sounds and/or control pitch selection efforts nearly as Subconscious as this instru additional signal processing Such as location modulation, ment approach does. This class of instrument controller, then, muffling or peaking filtering, reverb, Sustain, instrument allows those years of skill development to be devoted directly pitch, etc. Considering hand drums more generally it is noted 55 to perfecting advanced degrees of musical expression, poten that whole-hand slaps are commonly used in the technique tially higher than may be achieved with conventional human but that the spread of the fingers in the hand slap or hand life spans, traditional real-time instruments, and orchestra after-touch of the drum head typically provide no usable conductor protocol. control. With the system described above, details of at least Leaving higher callings in music for the moment, it is also four parameters of finger spread and even more on whole 60 possible to use the pressure-sensor array touch-pad for light hand posture in whole-hand slaps and ongoing after-touch ing control, particularly multi-channel lighting and/or motor pressing may be used for extensive timbre variation. controlled (any one or more of pan, tilt, Zoom, gel, pattern-gel Next, examples are given as to how derived parameters orientation, etc.) lighting. In multiple-light control situations, may be used to control musical processes and lighting con regions of the pad may be quantized into cells, each associ trol, effectively allowing one to “fingerpaint' with sound 65 ated with a particular light and parameters within the region, and/or light. There are a large number of ways in which six controlling any of light, brightness, position, Zoom, gel, gel parameters of synthesizer “voices' may be controlled with pattern-orientation, etc. What can be especially interesting in US 8,035,024 B2 25 26 performance is to combine music process control with light now somewhat traditional Melletron, the displacement of key ing control. Some postures, gestures, or pad-regions may be Sounding the note of a particular vocal line then may be used exclusively devoted to only music control or only lighting to control the Volume of that Vocal line. By incorporating a control parameters, but other postures, gestures, or pad-re two-dimensional touch-pad controller to each key, it is also gions may be set up to intermingle and/share parameter 5 possible to select and in fact vary the vowel sound. In pho assignments between music and lights. netics and Vocal pedagogy it is well known Appelman, It is also known to be possible and valuable to use the Winckel that the quality of the vowel is largely determined aforementioned pressure-sensor array touch-pad, implicitly by the frequencies of resonances produce by the Vocal cavity. containing its associated data acquisition, processing, and In fact, the full range of realistic vowel sounds may be created assignment elements, for many, many non-musical applica 10 tions such as general machine control and computer worksta by passing simple Sawtooth or narrow-width pulse oscillator tion control. One example of machine control is in robotics: waveforms into a pair of band emphasis filters, the vowel here a finger might be used to control a hazardous material Sounds varying as the filter emphasis frequencies are varied. robot hand as follows: FIG. 17, adapted from Winckel, illustrates the regions of left/right position: left/right hand position 15 Vowel sounds associated with particular resonant frequency in/out position: in/out hand position combinations in vowel sound production. Clearly there are in/out rock: up/down hand position two dimensions, then, which control vowel quality at this rotation: hand grip approach angle level of approximation, and further the surface of the key may overall pressure: grip strength be viewed as a metaphor for the plot of FIG. 17. Further left/right twist: gesture to lock or release current grip from details of effective choir synthesis and variations upon it are pressure control discussed later, but the Synergistic value of the two-dimen A computer workstation example may involve a graphical sional touch-pad key surface and key displacement as sources Computer-Aided Design application currently requiring of control signals for choir synthesis is clearly established. In intensive mouse manipulation of parameters one or two at a fact, this three-parameter per individual synthesizer “voice' time: 25 may be very valuable in at least two additional situations. left/right position: left/right position of a selected symbol In a first of these additional situations, it is first noted that in a 2-D CAD drawing in traditional multiple-instrument orchestration, the principal in/out position: up/down position of a selected symbol in parameters are Volume and timbre. Using the aforementioned 2-D CAD drawing three-parameter key arrangement, key displacement may left/right twist: symbol selection-left/right motion through 30 again be used for per-note Volume control, leaving the 2-D pallet remaining two dimensions for timbre control. Wessel and in/out rock: symbol selection up/down motion through others have shown empirically that continuous multidimen 2-D pallet sional "timbre spaces are useful organizations for analyzing rotation: rotation of selected symbol in the drawing and executing orchestration aspects of timbre assignment. overall pressure: sizing by steps 35 Often two-dimensional timbre spaces offer a more than rich tap of additional finger: lock selection into drawing or enough environment to be very useful. FIG. 18, adapted from unlock for changes Wessel, illustrates some example two-dimensional timbre tap of thumb: undo spaces from traditional instrument orchestration. Again, a palm: toggle between add new object and select existing metaphor may be made between these two-dimensional object 40 graphs and the two-dimensional touch-pad key Surface. The Clearly a symbol can be richly interactively selected and implementation on the synthesis side may be implemented by installed or edited in moments as opposed to tens to hundreds methods as simple as Volume cross-fading of sampled tradi of seconds as is required by mouse manipulation of param tional instruments (and/or synthesized sounds) to methods as eters one or two at a time and the necessary mode-changes Sophisticated as morphable numeric instrument models. needed to change the mouse action interpretation. 45 The second additional situation also pertains to so-called 2.1.6 Multi-Parameter Instrument Keys model-based synthesis (as employed in the Yahama VL1) but The famous multiple tape-loop Melletron product had keys over a lesserrange of timbre variation, in fact a range typically which served to a rough extent as per-note Volume controls, within the scope associated with a single instrument rather allowing valuable relative voice level variations. Robert than a multi-instrument orchestration environment. Model Moog patented a key with a two-dimensional touch sensor on 50 based synthesis typically has an abundance of parameters and a keyboard key surface. The present invention allows for the a dearth of effective methods for controlling them. Selected synergistic combination of these technologies so as to create parameters, in fact, are controlled with global control inter a three-parameter controlling key particularly Suited to faces such as a wheel, joystick, or breath controller. Because Vowel-choir synthesis and other applications, next extends of the need for associating parameter control with each note, this to include more arbitrary instrument keys (such as those 55 rather than a group of notes, the best model-based synthesis on a woodwind), and finally develops multi-parameter sens engines then have been monophonic (i.e., only producing one ing keys further by incorporation of the aforementioned pres note at a time). The invention’s provision of a keyboard with Sure-sensor array touch-pad on each key. the availability of three parameters tied specifically and inde When voice choirs are used as instrumentation rather than pendently to each key is an ideal Solution to a polyphonic the deliverer of libretto, the principal parameters are typically 60 model-based synthesis instrument. the vowel sound used and the relative amplitude of each vocal It is noted that choir synthesis, dynamic timbre-space line. If these parameters were to be controlled by a keyboard, based orchestration, and polyphonic model-based synthesis and for the momentifunisons of two or more vocal lines were instruments require the synergistic combination of key dis excluded (unisons will in fact be handled later), each vocal placement and key Surface touch-pad, while the said combi line would be at a different pitch from the others. This allows 65 nation also is fully capable of implementing Moog's original at any particular instant specific keys on a keyboard to be vision for two-dimensional synthesis control (filter param uniquely associated with one vocal line apiece. As with the eters, oscillator waveforms, etc.) and as an alternative imple US 8,035,024 B2 27 28 mentation to MIDI keyboard channel pressure which typi one parameter then for timbre variation which quickly bores cally requires each active key to be fully displaced. the ear, adding another dimension allows for more Sophisti The invention also provides for the application control cated temporal interplays and variations over time in timbre discussed above to be enhanced yet further by placing a qualities. Empirical Support for this is seen in the fact that pressure-sensor array touch-pad on each key. In the limit, this discussions of “timbre space' and “sound color” in the litera would allow each key to derive up to six parameters for each ture devote a minimum of two-dimensions to timbre. A ven point of contact on a key and even multiple points of contact ture as to why the interplay of two timbre dimensions itself is (i.e., more than one finger) per key. Although custom pres a minimal control-dimensionality threshold for timbre could Sure-sensor array touch-pads could be crafted for the keys, it resort to an abstraction of FIG. 17: human hearing is attuned is advantageous to employ the aforementioned pressure sens 10 to speech which is in turn a sequence of phonemes—each ing and processing "mini-array' chips. In fact, applications to phoneme, roughly, is a vowel sound modulated in time key Surfaces could be used to dictate the canonical dimen according to some consonant aspects and Supplemented by, sions of the chips, for example the width of the top surface of loosely, “percussive' effects in other consonant aspects. With a black key and a length that is a least common multiple of a respect to timbre in phonemes, the ability of human hearing to black key Surface length and a white key surface length. 15 follow and distinguish vowels and their modulation (includ FIG. 19 shows an example of keys from a traditional West ing diphthongs) is largely centered on essentially indepen ern keyboard fitted with multiple uniformly-sized pressure dent variation in the two formats. Thus, it could be postulated sensing and processing "mini-array' chips. These chips may that amplitude variation together with two-dimensional tim be interconnected using the networking features described bre variation engages the speech center of the brain in a full earlier. Alternatively, special pressure-sensing and process and natural way. As with speech, words and phonemes spoken ing "mini-array' keys may be made without the chip as a quickly cannot be discerned with nearly as much expression tiling Sub-component; these would be networked in the same as words and phonemes spoken in long duration can, and in fashion. As to how the uniformly-sized pressure-sensing and long duration phonemes the ear is pleased with expressive processing "mini-array' chips could be applied to the keys, fluctuations in timbre and amplitude. FIG. 19 first shows the collection of key shapes 1900 used to 25 Finally, as to the handling of unisons (and the related make a conventional Western keyboard. There are five types problem of melodic line pitch crossings of uncommon tim of white key shapes (1901-1905) and one black key shape bre), in usual practice (and prior to the invention) these are 1900 used, although the black key 1900 may have a taper typically addressed by use of multiple keyboards or by a split leading from its widest base area 1906a to a narrower top area of keyboard ranges into independently interpreted Zones. The 1906b. Each of these white keys may be viewed in general 30 addition of proximate keyboards and Superimposed key terms as the combination of two adjoined areas: one forward boards as afforded by the invention significantly enhances the area rectangle of dimensions 0.75" by 1.75" and a rear area practical extent to which and ease by which unisons and bar typically at least 0.375" wide (varying with different melodic line pitch crossings may be handled. As a simple styles of keys). One example black key has a taper leading to example, if all melodic lines have timbre ranges that lie in a a top surface 1906b of 0.25" wide by 2" deep, and another 35 common range, and unisons sharing the same timbre unisons example black key has a lesser taper with a top surface 1906b may be naturally handled by Superimposed keyboard aspect hat is 0.3125" wide by 2" deep. As one example, a sensor size of the invention push the key deeper, or harder, for two (or of 0.25" wide by 0.58" deep could be tiled on the six keys sequentially, three, four, etc.) notes in unison all following the 1901-1906 according to the arrangement of 1910. As another same timbre control. More generally, proximate keyboards example, a sensor size of 0.25" wide by 0.75" deep could be 40 may be used to partition the notes that may be played with one tiled on the six keys 1901-1906 according to the arrangement hand between two, and in some cases three, distinct key of 1920. As a third example, a sensor size of 0.75" deep could boards; this freely allows the player, in all but some patho be tiled on the six keys 1901-1906 according to the arrange logical cases, to independently control unisons and melodic ment of 1930. line pitch crossings without constraint as to relative timbre A point not discussed yet—though relevant to all the con 45 differences. trollers is one that is especially relevant to all forms of 2.1.7 Video Cameras and Other Optically-controlled Sensors multi-parameter touch-sensing keys: that is the perceptual Video cameras and other optically-controlled sensors may trade-off between note duration and the perception of timbre also be used as control elements within an instrument 100. As detail. In short duration notes the ear is not able to gather with other instrument elements, video cameras and other much information about the timbre of the note, while in long 50 optically-controlled sensors may be used Stand-alone, in notes the ear typically examines the timbre, as well as any arrays, or as component/addendum to other instruments. inherent harmonic animation therein, in considerable detail Video cameras are especially interesting as controllers and becomes easily turned away when there is no variation, or because of available image processing, image recognition, easily learned predictable variation, inharmonic content over and image motion tracking utilities which have been devel time. The multi-parameter touch-sensing keyboard is thus 55 oped for manufacturing inspection, medicine, and motion well-targeted for this phenomenon in hearing. On rapid notes video compression together with the ability to actually dis multi-parameter touch-sensing keys may actually be played play a real-time image in recording or performance. with increasing degrees of timbre-control arbitrariness, while Non-video Optically-Controlled Sensors longer notes may be played with a great deal of timbre and So as to devote most of the discussion to video, the case of amplitude variation. Although two degrees of freedom afford 60 simple non-video optically-controlled sensors is first consid by the Moog key is helpful in adding per-voice expression for ered. A simple example is a set of photo-de-tectors which are long-duration notes, the three degrees of freedom provided by used to discretely trigger one or more note, lighting, or special the aforementioned techniques in practice seems to be a mini effect events. For example, a light-harp without Strings may mal control-dimensionality threshold for useful musical trigger notes, potentially together with selected stage lights expression. A venture as to why two parameters are not 65 and artificial fog blasts, as the fingers interrupt light beams enough could start with the fact that there is great importance directed towards the photo-detectors. Another example is that in relative volume variation between voices—this leaves only of a stage area with an array of light beams directed towards US 8,035,024 B2 29 30 an associated first group of photo-detectors: the beams to to image interpretation. In a simple example, the luminance individual photo-detectors of this first group may be inter signal for each video frame or interlace-field (i.e., only the rupted, or redirected by means of reflective surfaces to a odd or only even lines) may be sent to an integrater element second group of photo-detectors, by dancers, actors, or musi followed by a sample-hold element; the integrator may be cians in choreographed movement; the various deactivations 5 further enhanced to not integrate during retrace intervals. The and activations of photo-detectors, respectively, may trigger result gives the average brightness of the processed image. one or more of note, lighting events, or special effects. It is Adding two Such additional integratefhold elements and feed noted that a later described aspect of the invention provides ing the three the red/green/blue decomposition of a color for the generation of an event base on the detection of pre Video signal makes an image-averaged color detector. In defined sequences of events; here then certain note phrases or 10 paths through the stage installation would trigger additional these ways the same camera that produces performance and/ events such as fog blasts illuminated by selected colors of or recording video images may be used as a non-video optical light which are distinguished by the pattern detected. sensor in the manners described earlier. This primitive capa A more Sophisticated use of simple non-video optically bility, then, may allow a performer to tilt or rotate the instru controlled sensors is to continuously control one or more of 15 ment 100 position so as to include stage lights or background Sound, lighting, or special effect parameters; here the photo images of particular brightness and/or colors, direct or detection is not one of on/off on a relatively narrow beam but impede incoming light with the hand or objects, cover the rather continuous intensity variation of a relatively wider lens, etc., and in so doing trigger and/or continuously control light beam. The light intensity directed at a photo-detector Sound, lighting, or special effect events. The latter may occur may be varied by means of varying the percentage of light when the video image is being displayed and/or recorded or interruption by the parts of the human body, clothing, artifi with the video signal used solely in an instrument mode. cial fog clouds affected by a performer, or other translucent, Far more valuable is the use of the spatial capture aspects of light-reflective or light-refractive objects manipulated by a a video camera. A simple example of this would be to split the performer. image into 'sub-image cells' (i.e., half, quarters, etc. of the In the above, the Source light may exist in an environment 25 entire video image) using various means and again deriving of performance stage lighting or other illumination. To limit average luminance and/or color information from each of the interference on the instrument, light Sources may be any one cells. For small numbers of cells this may be done with analog or more of frequency-modulated, selected-wavelength opera electronics: sync detectors trigger one-shots that gate specific tion, or minimum-intensity operation (via inexpensive low integratefhold circuits for specific intervals of horizontal scan power lasers) methods. Alternatively, or in addition, a photo 30 lines in specific vertical regions of the image. Digital methods detector may be provided with an optically-directional may also be used, for example: reading the image into a frame shroud to limit interfering ambient light. buffer which is then analyzed in the retrace interval for the It is also possible to actually use stage lights as light next frame, doing running calculations on the video signal as Sources for photo-detection as an aspect of the invention. For the fields are scanned, etc. Digital methods will typically example, a spotlight beam may be directed, via light-reflec 35 scale to higher resolutions and more complex functionalities tive or light-refractive elements operated by performers, on to and thus in many cases may be preferred. Digital methods one or more photo-detectors operating in either discrete-trig may be implemented with special dedicated hardware or stan ger or continuous-variation modes. dard personal computers fitted with standard video capture Finally, it is possible for the photo detectors to be color and MIDI interface cards, etc. Such personal computer imple sensitive. This may be done any number of ways, ranging 40 mentations may implement a number of image processing, from putting color filters over photo-detectors to using color parameter derivation, and control signal assignments in a flow electronic cameras and simple image processing to derive virtually identical to that of FIG. 13. These functions may be average measured color. Should a camera be used for color or done in Software run on the personal computer or in part or in other photo-detection roles, photo-detector sites may actually whole by dedicated hardware boards or peripherals (for func be fiber optic paths that lead to a centralized camera element. 45 tions such as video acquisition, pattern recognition, etc.) Light color directed to the photo-detectors may be varied by With the ability to process images at higher resolutions and performers by means of filters, prisms, or other manipulable in more complex ways, it becomes possible to use video in translucent, reflective, of refractive objects. increasingly valuable ways as an instrument element. By Video Cameras correlating higher resolution image area measurements, it Video cameras may be attached to an instrument for show 50 becomes possible to recognize patterns and shapes and derive ing close-up of the performer's playing. The video close-up parameters from them in real-time. In fact, the same image feed may be displayed on monitors during a performance or processing software structures used in pressure-sensor array recorded, and as discussed later, potentially involving other touch-pads, or even exact portions of software itself, may also video sources and potentially with or without special effects. be used to process video images in real-time, replacing pres For movable instruments, such as guitars, woodwinds, etc. 55 Sure pixel information with, for example, luminance pixel this can create an interesting visual effect as the instrument information. These algorithms may be enhanced further by profile will be firmly fixed in the video image while the exploiting available color information as well. The shapes ambient visual background will move as the performer moves recognized and some of the parameters derived from them are the instrument. These visual effects seem to work best with likely to have a somewhat different quality: the 3D-projected instruments that have sufficient physical inertia and/or which 60 to-2D nature of camera images, gradients of luminance cre are Supported by straps; instruments Subject to significant ated by shadows and reflections, as well as the types and undamped motion, such as flutes, may actually have so much (potentially) ranges of shapes to be recognized typically dif background motion that the image is uncomfortable to watch. fer significantly from those discussed in the pressure-sensor Video cameras, be they attached to an instrument or not, array touch-pad context. Nevertheless, similar Software struc may also be used as instrument elements by processing the 65 tures may be used to great value. Specific types of shapes and Video image signals to degrees that range from simple aver patterns—such as written characters, particular gradients in age image brightness calculation through pattern recognition brightness or color, separation distances between bars and/or US 8,035,024 B2 31 32 bar widths—may be particularly useful variations from those under study and compositional methods involving common shapes and patterns discussed in the context of pressure abstractions or 'signs” that lie within and among their works sensor array touch-pads. and idioms. More will be said later about the invention as a Next to be discussed are examples of how video cameras whole as an environment for more significantly exploiting Supplemented with these capabilities may be used to trigger semiotics as a compositional and performance tool. However, events and/or continuously control Sound, light, and special Video cameras used as an instrument element, either with or effects. without the video stream being displayed or recorded, offer a A first example is that of recognizing the human hand special role in the creation of semiotic elements because they posture, position, and proximity to the camera in 3-space. may be used to link visual symbols of object and body to Simple hand orientation and posture geometry may be used to 10 Sound, lighting, and special effects which in turn may have create specific control signals. In a more advanced implemen assigned and/or intrinsic semiotic content. tation, dynamic gestures may be recognized. These two capa 2.1.8 Singing and Speech Detection, Recognition, and bilities give the system, with sufficient software, the ability to Parameterization recognize a few if not many verbal hand signals; with yet Speech recognition systems have become increasing accu more enhancements, potentially including the ability to rec 15 rate and inexpensive. These technologies can, in many valu ognize the roles of two hands with respect to the human body, able ways, be adapted to also recognize Sung words and/or the recognition capabilities could include, for example, for phonemes. Recognized words or phonemes may be used to mal ASL as well as particular dance postures. The ability to trigger any of Sound, lighting, or special effect events, while recognize postures of hand, hand/arm, hand/arm/body, etc. existing pitch detection and amplitude following technolo allows hands, dance, “conducting (not necessarily restricted gies (as found, for example, in the early Roland CP-40 prod to formal conducting gestures), etc. to be used directly for the uct or in the more modem MidiVox SynchroVoice product) control of Sound, lighting, and special effects. may be used to derive continuous control signals. In addition, In another class of examples, video cameras may recog inter-event timers may be used to measure individual word nize, and derive parameters from, characters and/or patterns and/or phoneme duration. available on a stage. Such characters and/or patterns may be 25 These singing and speech recognition capabilities together brought before the camera, exposed and obfuscated from the with their parameterization also have significant potential camera; the camera may be turned towards the characters value in the aforementioned creation of Semiotic elements and/or patterns, etc., resulting in derived parameters and because they can be used to link verbal linguistic events and issued control signals. Stage cameras may also be used to expression to Sound, lighting, and special effects which in recognize and track the location and some aspects of body 30 turn may have assigned and/or intrinsic semiotic content. orientation and posture of performers, deriving parameters 2.1.9 Air Pressure, Air flow, and Air Turbulence Sensors and and issuing control signals from these as well. Transducers In each of the above examples, it is noted that the use of two Air flow, or “breath, controllers for musical instruments or more cameras, either in Stereoscopic layout similar to those are known and have been employed in electronic woodwind of human eyes or in an orthogonal layout (i.e., forward facing 35 like controllers. It is a provision of the invention to include camera and overhead camera covering the same 3-space these along with air pressure and air turbulence sensors and region), may be used to resolve 3D-to-2D projection singu transducers as elements of an instrument entity 100. In par larities in the pattern and shape recognition and processing. ticular, air pressure-sensors can be attached to air bladders to As a third class of example, recent developments have form a particular kind of pressure or Squeezing controller. Air allowed for the recognition of human facial expressions from 40 pressure-sensors can also be introduced into a wind instru Video images and even degrees of lip reading. These recog ment interior in an instrument where SubSonic variations in nition and parameter derivation methods may also be adapted ambient pressure occur as the instrument is played. in the invention to provide the ability for the human face to be Traditional wind instrument players often invoke air tur used as a controller for sound, lighting, and special effects. bulence effects, such as transient "chiffs', tongue trills, over Simplified systems can be created to recognized and param 45 blowing, etc. Air turbulence is then also a candidate control eterize a few selected expressions or to recognize and mea interface for use in an electronic instrument entity 100. Air Sure geometric variations in specific areas of the face. turbulence sensors may be crafted in various ways, including From a formal, traditional music perspective, much of the by means of signal processing the output of any one or more above may appear to be gimmickry with meaningful applica of air flow and/or air pressure-sensors. A simple example tion at best in avant garde installations or modem play prod 50 would be to define a high-pass cut-off frequency for air flow ucts. In one response to this, directed on hand posture capture, and/or air pressure variations and another (higher) low-pass it is noted that the hand in 3-space is clearly the most physi cut-off frequency for the lowest musical “pitched frequen cally expressive aspect of the human body and is used to cies; the energy in the remaining band of frequencies would control almost all musical instruments but by very restricted be a crude measure or air turbulence. In a more Sophisticated geometric means. Freeing the hand to move unrestricted 55 implementation, an array of air pressure-sensors can be dis allows considerably more expression to be captured. Further tributed throughout a wind tube and sensor-array signal pro then, as a fourth example, advances in cost reductions for cessing techniques can be used to separate turbulence signals Video cameras and signal processing can make it possible for from environmental acoustic noise, standing waves in the an array of cameras to be devoted to a traditional instrument tube, etc. controller, Such as a keyboard, drum head, or flute key array 60 2.1.10 Clothing, Jewelry, Skin, and Muscle Sensors (as well as, for example, a pressure-sensor array touch-pad) Sensors on the human body have been used in Some dance So as to capture hand expressions that cannot otherwise be performances to control sounds. The invention provides a cost-effectively captured from the instrument controller. generalization of this for synergistic use in conjunction with Final, a brief preliminary discussion is provided here on the others of its aspects. significant role of video in compositional and performance 65 Sensors may be attached to the human body by means of semiotics. For many years music, dance, art, film, plays, clothing, jewelry, Straps, adhesive pads, etc. These sensors literature, poetry, linguistics, and other fields have come can be of a variety of types: position, motion, optical, skin US 8,035,024 B2 33 34 resistance, muscle activity, etc. and may be used to capture the instrument (although there may be a plurality of Such body position, posture, activity, environment, etc. and convert group pickups on a given instrument so as to obtain different these into control signals used to control Sound, lighting, and selections of timbre). special effects. Sequences of control signals can also be inter The invention provides for the use of multi-channel electric preted as gestures by recognition systems which in turn can be transducer arrangements, by which each vibrating element used to generate yet other control signals. Interfaces to the (string, tyne, membrane, etc.) of an electronic instrument sensors, taken collectively as an instrument entity 100, to one with multiple vibrating elements is provided with an indepen or more signal routing, processing and synthesis entities 120, dent isolated electrical output, and dedicated signal process may be done by means of radio, wireless optical, fiber optic ing can be applied to the signal of each vibrating element or 10 incomplete combinations thereof, to achieve significantly cable, electrical cable, or combinations or sequences of these. important musical functions—all done in a way where the Although the sensors described here taken as an instrument same interfaces, multi-channel signal routing and processing, entity 100 may be used in isolation, there is particular syner and internal instrument electronics can be reused across a gistic value in using these in conjunction with other instru variety of instruments. ment entities in a performance or recording situation. For 15 Multi-channel vibrating element pickup arrangements, by example, a particular body motion or gesture (such as raising which each vibrating element (string, tyne, membrane, etc.) an arm, Swinging a hand, jumping, etc.) may have significant of an electronic instrument with multiple vibrating elements artistic value at a critical moment but not be captured by is provided with an independent isolated electrical output, another instrument entity. As another example, in recording have been commercially available but in largely hidden sketches during a composition phase, particular body forms, most commonly used in synthesizer interfaces for motions or gestures can be used to call attention to specific guitars. Beyond such synthesizer interfaces, and the recent aspects of the sketch for future review. Roland VG-1 product discussed later, the usage of such multi 2.1.11 Stage Environment and Macro-Environment Sensors channel vibrating element pickups has been limited to roles in Sensors other than optical can be distributed on a stage Volume equalization and imaging in a stereo Sound field on and/or on component installations on the stage (for example 25 only a very few electric guitars models. Such musically staircases, risers, scaffolds, sculptures, props, etc.). Sensors oriented signal processing is only known to have been applied can also be used to measure larger environments ranging from to the summed mixture of all vibrating elements of the instru audience activity to outdoor meteorology. The sensors can ment, not for individual or Sub-groups of the vibrating ele include proximity, position, motion, weight, temperature, ments of the instrument. humidity, etc. and can be used to create control signals. As a 30 Conventional signal processing can be used on each vibrat result, these arrangements can be formalized into an instru ing element signal to create 'generalized pedal steel guitars' ment entity 100. (augmenting or replacing mechanical pedal tuning changers), Examples of Such usage include human proximity and/or instantly retunable guitars (augmenting or replacing interaction with props or sculptures, tracking of artificial fog mechanical tuning changers such as the Hip-shot “Trilogy’), cloud migration across a stage, detecting the location of per 35 multi-modal Indian sitars (where drone and sympathetic formers on Staircases or risers, detecting audience motion strings can be electronically retuned while playing, allowing activity, characterizing room-internal and room-external a more robust mix between Eastern and Western tonality in meteorology (such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, musical form), spatially animated instruments where indi wind and/or rainfall noise, etc.) to bring it into an aspect of the vidual vibrating element Sounds are location modulated performance. 40 within a stereophonic or other spatial Sound field, and mixed 2.2 Vibrating-Element Instrument Elements and Subsystems timbre instruments where different signal processing meth 2.2.1 Single-channel Audio Signal Handling ods are applied to each string. The invention provides for the inclusion of traditional Standard pickup elements available to implement indi group (or "composite') audio signals such as a group pickup vidual pickups for each vibrating element include piezo con serving all strings on a traditional electric guitar. These can be 45 tact elements, installed on a bridge acoustically isolated from treated as a peer to any of the multi-channel audio signals or other vibrating elements, and non-contacting coil-based elec of special significance because of its timbre, functionality, or tromagnetic pickup elements. Optical pickup products have traditional use. As will be illustrated in the discussion of also been devised, and a coil-less Hall-effect pickup method layered signal processing, Such a signal can be processed so has been taught as U.S. Pat. No. 4,182,213. Both optical and as to create the Subtle or dominate backdrop against which 50 Hall-effect methods do not involve contact with the vibrating processed multi-channel signals are Superimposed. In some element. FIG. 20 shows electromagnetic, Hall-effect, piezo, situations, multi-channel signals on the instrument may be and optical pickup methods for deriving separate audio sig combined to create a single channel audio output, as in the nals for each vibrating element of a multiple vibrating ele case where individual piezo bridge pickups are only one of a ment instrument entity. Electromagnetic coils and Hall effect plurality of multi-channel signal sources on an instrument; 55 elements require the string material to be ferromagnetic while simple full or partial mix-downs may be provided for use piezo and optical methods do not. when Such multi-channel sources are not featured in a multi It is noted that a pickup localized for individual vibrating channel manner so as to conserve channel usage on the gen element must by its nature have Small geometry. For the eralized interface 110. This can be particularly valuable in pickup technologies not involving contact with the string complex instruments with many arrays of vibrating elements 60 (e.g., electromagnetic coils, Hall effect, and optical) multiple such as those in FIGS. 4-5 and many others to be discussed. Small pickups can be aligned along a vibrating elements 2.2.2 Multi-channel Audio Signal Handling length; the resulting multi-channel signal may be handled The use of various types of musically-oriented signal pro with multi-channel signal processing, selected by a Switch, cessing with electronic stringed instruments has been com selectively mixed/morphed, etc. to obtain a range oftones. In mon in popular music almost as long as there have been 65 one implementation the selection, mixing, morphing of the electronic stringed instruments. Typically a single pickup is pickup signals, and hence the resulting output tone, may be used to capture audio signals from all vibrating elements on operated by control signals. US 8,035,024 B2 35 36 It is noted that excessive magnetic fields from a large speaker/room geometry, room acoustics, and other difficult to number of magnetic pickups may make a low-mass vibrating control factors that can often be unpredictable liabilities. element Such as a thin String vibration go inharmonic. The invention provides for an approach to replacing the Although this should be a design consideration with a number acoustic excitation component of this process with electro of pickups, it can also be used to produce special effects. The magnetic excitation. FIG. 23 shows an example implementa invention thus provides that one or more electromagnetic tion of simple approach for replacing acoustic excitation of a coils, which may or may not otherwise double as pickups, be vibrating element with electromagnetic excitation. In this used to issue localized DC magnetic fields of varying inten case the vibrating element 2201 must be ferromagnetic, sity for inducing inharmonic effects on one or more selected although the transducer need not use ferromagnetic means strings, most advantageously under control signal control. 10 itself. Here, rather, the acoustic coupling 2206 is replaced by The coils may create the DC magnetic fields themselves or electromagnetic coupling 2209, produced by an electromag instead cause a permanent magnet to vary its distance to the netic coil 2208 with an internal magnet or other magnetic bias vibrating element via Solenoid structures. that replaces the speaker 2205. Without this nominal mag The sloped bridges of Sitars and other twanging/buZZing netic field, the string will be excited with a full-wave rectifi stringed Indian instruments have not to date lent themselves 15 cation as the ferromagnetic string is drawn to the coil regard to individual piezo bridge structures. This is not impossible: less of the direction of current flow. In this configuration, the the invention provides for individual miniature sloped power amplifier must now match the coils electrical drive bridges, one for each string, to be embedded with its own requirements which can differ from the speakers, hence the piezo pickup element. Such bridges can also be used with speaker's power amplifier 2204 is replaced by the coils non-string vibrating elements, such as bars and tynes, to power amplifier 2207. A signal output 2210 for subsequent create new types of Sounds. This method can also be adapted amplification and signal processing can be taken off at the to the very gradual and softer sloped body contact of certain transducer. (In particular, this output arrangement 2210 dif African harps whose strings buZZ against a typically animal fers from the Heet Sound E-bow where no such output is fur-covered harp body. Alternatively, FIG. 21 shows how an provided or relevant for that product). The result is a system off-bridge buzz-plate, such as those provided by Biax to 25 that provides a comparable arrangement to that of FIG. 22 simulate a fretless based sound with a conventional fretted without the requirements of high Volume level, speaker/room bass, may be combined with a piezo bridge sensor in replace geometry, room acoustics, and other liabilities of acoustic ment of a gradient buZZ-bridge so as to permit the use of non coupling. ferromagnetic strings. It is also noted that as piezo elements both convert vibra 2.2.3 Vibrating Element Excitation 30 tions into alternating current signals and, reciprocally, con The use of “controlled (acoustic) feedback' with electronic Vert alternating current signals into mechanical vibrations, a stringed instruments has been in common use in popular piezo group element bridge pickup can be used, in lieu of a music since at least the 1960s. It has been possible to replace coil, either as the audio signal pickup or as a mechanical drive the acoustic excitation of string resonance with electromag exciting element. Further, the signal pickup can also be opti netic excitation (as embodied by the Heet Sound E-bow) for 35 cal or Hall effect. If both the signal and drive elements are Some time, but only for one string at a time and via hand-held electromagnetic (coils or Hall for signal pickup, coil for mechanically operated apparatus. The practice of electro drive) undesirable magnetic coupling, not unlike that of an magnetic excitation in non-stringed musical instruments with electric transformer, can occur. This effect may be minimized vibrating elements is not currently known. if said signal and drive elements are sufficently separated The invention presents a system using electromagnetic 40 and/or shielded or otherwise localized (for example, with a excitation of the vibrating elements of an electronic instru two-coil/opposite-magnet arrangement. ment to produce controlled feedback relationships with signal FIG. 24 shows various combinations of piezo and electro processing control of the feedback characteristics, typically magnetic vibrating element pickups and exciter drivers for hands-free as desired, with either standard parts (for inexpen separately controllable excitation of each vibrating element. sive mass manufacture and retrofit) or more specialized parts 45 In one arrangement, the String 2400 Suspended over the (to provide additional features). bridge 2401 is electromagnetically coupled to two electro FIG.22 shows the basic idea of controlled feedback as used magnetic coil pairs 2411 and 2412. Each coil pair is in a in recent contemporary music circa 1960. A vibrating element standard "humbucking arrangement with complementary 2201 within the instrument is coupled (by electromagnetic, magnet pole directions 2413a, 24.13b and complementary optical, or mechanical means) to an electrical transducer 2202 50 winding directions 2414a, 2414b so as to significantly local (electromagnetic, optical, Hall-effect, piezo, etc.) which con ize the magnetic coupling region about the coil. Here either verts the vibration to an electrical signal 2203. The electrical coil may be used as the signal Source or as the driver. The signal 2203 is applied to a power amplifier 2204 which drives source coil can also be replaced with an optical or Hall-effect a loudspeaker 2205 which is acoustically coupled 2206 (by pickup. In a piezo-based arrangement, the string 2400 is in means of air, mounting apparatus, etc.) to the vibrating ele 55 contact with a piezo pickup element 2421 on the bridge 2401, ment 2201. This creates a feedback arrangement allowing and the string 2400 is magnetically coupled with an electro vibrations of specific frequencies to resonate within the magnetic coil pair 2422. Here either the coil pair or the piezo resulting closed-loop system. By exciting or damping the may serve as the driver and the other serve as the signal vibrations of the vibrating element 2201, changing the char Source. In cases where the piezo elementacts as the driver, the acteristics of the frequency and/or phase response of the 60 electromagnetic signal source element may be replaced with speaker's power amplifier 2204, and/or changing the charac a Hall effect or optical technology pickup. teristics of the means of acoustic coupling 2206 (as in chang It is noted that the invention provides for the above discus ing the distance between the vibrating element 2201 and sions to apply equivalently should the signal source and driver speaker 2205), the “controlled feedback methods used in elements serve an individual vibrating element or a group of popular music are obtained. Note, however, that the required 65 vibrating elements. The invention also provides for the case acoustic coupling characteristics are affected by factors such where either the signal source or driver is a single element unit as volume level (typically this must be relatively high), while the other is a group element unit; such configurations US 8,035,024 B2 37 38 are easily supported by the signal routing, processing, and knobs as well as impact sensors for Velocity-controlled trig synthesis entity 120 (referring to FIG. 1). In particular the gering of percussion or pitched note events. In the case of invention provides for the case where a multiple vibrating null/contact touch-pads, impact and/or pressure-sensors can element instrument has at least one of the following: indi be added to the back of the pad and the pad suspended in such vidual source and individual excitation, group source and 5 away that it can be used as an electronic drumhead. If one or group excitation, individual source and group excitation, and/ more of the touch-pads is transparent (as in the case of a or group source and individual excitation. null/contact touch screen overlay) one or more video, graph Since the driving element (coil or bridge piezo) may be ics, or alphanumeric displays may placed under a given pad or mounted in permanent relation to the vibrating element, it is group of pads. possible to replace conventional means of altering the acous 10 FIG. 27 illustrates examples of single, double, and qua tic coupling with electronic signal processing means 2211. druple touch-pad instruments with pads of various sizes and FIG. 25 shows adding signal processing for spectral and Supplemental instrument elements. A single touch-pad could amplitude control of electromagnetic excitation. For serve as the central element of such an instrument, potentially example, fixed or adaptive equalizers can be used to alter the Supplemented with panel controls such as pushbuttons, slid frequency and phase response of the signal/vibration/trans 15 ers, knobs as well as impact sensors. In FIG. 27, a transparent ducer loop, permitting additional control over which vibra pad Superimposed over a video, graphics, or one or more tional harmonic(s) are emphasized in the feedback. Attenua alphanumeric displays is assumed, and specifically shown is tion can be used to vary the degree offeedback. Delay can be a case of underlay graphics cues being displayed for the used to alter the attack characteristics of the resonance behav player. Two large sensors can be put side by side to emulate ior. Dynamic compressors and expanders can be used to vary the left-hand/right-hand layout of many hand drum arrange the ease and dynamics of the resonance behavior. Many inter ments such as tabla/baya, congas, etc. This is particularly esting special effects are possible. Such as using pitch-shifters Suitable for pressure-sensor array touch-pad elements where alone or in combination with delays to transfer energy a larger pad-area (for example 8 to 12 inches square) could be between vibrational modes. In the case of a drive coil, a pitch advantageous for detailed control. Because of the extensive shifter or octave divider (Such as an inexpensive toggle flip 25 capabilities of either type of touch-pad element provided for flop) may be used to create a drive signal that is an octave in the invention, this arrangement is by no means limited to lower than the string signal and thus eliminate the need for a percussion applications but rather easily serves as a far more magnet in the drive coil. The invention provides for any driver general purpose left-hand/right-hand multi-parameter con electronics and/or signal processing to be any of the follow troller. In variants of this arrangement that are intended spe ing: internal to the instrument, mounted on the outside of the 30 cifically for tabla/baya emulation, the relative size of the two instrument as an add-on module, remotely located off the pads and angle of placement with respect to the floor can be instrument (particularly in the signal routing, processing, and arrangement to match that expected by an experienced tabla synthesis entity 100), or any combination thereof. player. Instruments involving arrays of larger numbers of In most electronic instruments, a single pickup serves touch-pads can also be valuable. Here it may be advantageous many if not all the featured vibrating elements. The invention 35 to make the pads Smaller so that the fingers of a single hand provides for the approaches discussed thus to also be applied can touch two or more pads simultaneously. to such instruments using conventional components. FIG. 26 3.2 Foot Controllers shows an example arrangement involving multiple vibrating With the extensive real-time control capabilities provided elements served with a group pickup and which are also for in the invention, foot controllers can be especially valu Subjected to common electromagnetic excitation using con 40 able. They can select preset configurations at various points in ventional guitar pickup components. (In the example of FIG. a control hierarchy, issue notes or chords, control timbre, alter 26 it is understood that signal processing 2211 may be intro lighting, invoke special effects, etc. In general a commer duced or omitted from the feedback loop as appropriate or cially available floor controller typically includes a plurality desired and that a group piezo bridge may, in some construc of momentary action foot-switches, and various visual status tions, serve as a driving element in place of the pickup coil.). 45 indicators such as LEDs over momentary action foot A plurality of vibrating elements 2201.1-2201.n share a com Switches and a master status (and programming) display. mon group pickup transducer 2202 and a common electro Many such products also include provisions for rocker foot magnetic coil 2208. This arrangement is very simple to pedals to control continuous parameters, either via external implement and very useful musically for traditional electric connection (as with the Digitech PMC-10 and Digital Music guitarists. A simple prototype can be made using an electric 50 “Ground Control’ products) or internally (as with the ART guitar with two humbucking-pickups (such as a Gibson X-15 product). With the exception of the Digitech PMC-10, ES-335). The rear pickup can be used as the transducer 2202 the control assignment and organization capabilities of these and the front pickup as the coil 2208 (the humbucking pick controller products have historically been quite limited, and ups assist in decoupling the coils, decreasing a parasitic as all the products seem aimed largely at issuing MIDI pro “transformer effect). Almost any power amplifier of suffi 55 gram change commands, the number of foot-switches has ciently high enough current or Voltage drive, (for example, been small. Further, the rocker foot pedals control only one even a Fender Bassman tube guitar amplifier) can be used as parameter at a time. the coil's power amplifier 2207, directly driving the coil The invention provides for extensive elaboration over these (despite the impedance mismatch) from the amplifier speaker products by Supporting any of multi-dimensional rocker ped output connector. 60 als, arbitrary control signal assignment, control signal assign 3 Example Electronic Controller Instruments ment organized by selectable pages, separate alphanumeric 3.1 Touch-Pad Array function display for each foot control (Switches and pedals), Touchpad instrument elements, such as null/contact types pause operations, and real-time event play-back capabilities. and pressure-sensor array types described earlier, can be used The traditional way to control volume on an electronic in isolation or arrays to create electronic controller instru 65 is by a means of a rocking floor-level ments. The touch-pad(s) may be advantageously supple foot-pedal. More recently such pedals have been used to mented with panel controls such as push buttons, sliders, generate continuous-range control signals such as MIDI mes US 8,035,024 B2 39 40 sages, though allowing the control of only one continuous control signal value: for example, in MIDI messages where range parameter at a time. Many years ago a number of “Continuous Controller control values lie in the range 0 to “volume/tone' foot pedal products were available, though 127, if a continuous foot-pedal position causes a first control none appear available at this writing. These products offered signal to be issued with value of “x’, it is also possible to a rocker capability devoted to controlling instrument Volume enable the Subsequent transmission of a second separate con supplemented with a left-right twist capability devoted to the trol signal to be issued essentially simultaneously with a value control of instrument tone. Such arrangements may be used to determined by the algebraic relation “127-X"; such comple double the number of foot controllable parameters that can be mentary signals may be used for many purposes, for example controlled in roughly the same physical layout area together prorating an audio mix between two sources, prorating modu with the bonus of allowing a foot to control two continuous 10 lation indices among two synthesizer Voices, etc. range parameters at once. Stored program memory may be used to retain these FIG. 28 illustrates some enhanced foot-pedal arrange assignments. In this situation it is advantageous to allow for ments which permit simultaneous single-foot adjustment of a multiple stored program selections to be recalled, thus allow plurality of continuous range parameters for use with floor ing for multiple assignment sets for each foot-switch, foot controllers. The use of rocking foot-pedals to control two 15 pedal, etc. Each assignment set could be thought of as a continuous-range parameters at once may be enhanced by “page. Pages could be copied as a whole and edited. These using one or more side-mounted spring-levers. Side-mounted capabilities would be similar to those of the Digitech PMC-10 momentary-action Switches have been used on rocker foot and Peavey PC-1600 products. However, because of the num pedals for mode control (products by Ernie Ball and Soloton), ber of controller assignments and the diversity of possibilities but side-mounted spring-levers are particularly advantageous it is desirable to add physically adjacent to each foot control for continuous range parameters that have a specific nominal leran alphanumeric display indicating the current assignment value. For example, these can be used in conjunction with and status of that controller: in particular, for each given pitch-shifters to modulate pitch as do the foot and knee levers selected page, each controller display may show one or more of a pedal steel guitar, or in complementary pairs to emulate of the currently assigned function, the current value(s) trans the action of a synthesizer modulation wheel or an electric 25 mitted or last-transmitted, any additional identifying infor guitar vibrato “whammy bar.” In FIG. 28, one or more side mation Such as short-hand names or relationships with other mounted spring-levers 2803, 2804 may mount on either the controllers, etc. LEDs may be provided for quick reference as base 2801 or rocker plate 2802 of a foot-pedal. A spring lever to which foot-switch and which continuous foot controller may directly operate a slide, geared, pulleyed, etc., potenti (pedal, touch-pad, etc.) were last operated; as an enhance ometer, an optical sensor, magnetic sensor, pressure-sensor, 30 ment these LEDs could be bi-color and of the two LEDs litat etc. to produce an electrical signal. If two side-mounted a given instant (one for last foot-switch used, the other for spring-levers 2803, 2804 are positioned on opposite sides of continuous controller used), one color (i.e., green) could be the pedal, two mutually-exclusive parameter adjustments can used to indicate to overall last operation while a second color be realized (as found in pedal steel knee-lever pairs and in the (i.e., red) would be used to illuminate the remaining lit LED. action of a synthesizer modulation wheel or an electric guitar 35 The operation of a foot-switch may be assigned, under vibrato whammy bar). It is also possible to mount a springed stored program control, to issue one or more simultaneous center-return synthesizer modulation wheel 2805 at the far control signals, or shortburst of contiguously-sequential con end of the rocker plate if the arrangement and materials used trol signals such as a group of MIDI messages. These control forego breakage in heavy usage situations. signal events may occur on the depression of the foot-switch, Further, it is possible to add a third control continuous 40 its release, or both. The foot switch may also be configured to range adjustment capability on the rocker pedal by measuring operate in a toggle mode using a divide-by-two counter and the length-axis rotation of the foot: this could be done by messages can be issued on each toggle transition. These use various methods. As one example, a two-dimensional “Vol ful features can be found on, for example the Digitech PMC ume/tone' foot pedal with control motions up-down 2810a 10, but a number of useful enhancements are provided for by and twisting 2810b may be modified to permit length-axis 45 the invention. One enhancement would be to allow any spe rotation of the foot 2810c and measure it with a potentiometer cific pedal to independently operate in a generalization of or sensor. Another method would involve putting at least two toggle mode to permit a round robin selection of 3 or more pressure-sensors 2813 on the twist plate 2812 of a non-modi states (for example “off” “slow,” “medium.” “fast'). Another fied two-dimensional foot pedal 2811 and deriving a control enhancement is to allow a more complicated State transition signal from these. A third way would be to mount a springed 50 map involving a group of foot-switches. Yet another enhance center-return synthesizer modulation wheel at the far end of ment is to permit timed events to be issued. The simplest of the twist plate if the arrangement and materials used forego these would be timed pause operations between control signal breakage in heavy usage situations. Other methods can be events, while a more enhanced implementation would permit used for multi-dimensional foot controllers, such as the null/ real-time control event play-back capabilities to be assigned contact touch-pad and pressure-sensor array touch-pad ele 55 to a foot-switch. Such real-time event sequences could ments discussed earlier which can be adapted for foot opera include not only note sequences but also trajectories of con tion. tinuous parameters (for example, exponential transients or The invention provides for arbitrary assignment of control linear ramps). Further, the invention provides for the issuance signals to specific foot-switches, foot-pedals, and other foot of the same selection of possible control signal options upon controllers. As an example, one or more MIDI messages 60 incoming or outgoing page-change events during a stored could be assigned to each foot-switch, foot-pedal, or other memory page change. foot controller as is largely done in the Digitech PMC-10 and Finally, larger foot controller assemblies with appropriate with other functionality as the custom message construction organizational and ergonomic layout are advantageously pro and hierarchical ganging provided by, for example, the vided for by the invention. Among the factors here are overall Peavey PC-1600 slider/button controller). A particularly 65 ergonomic operation, putting some foot controlled elements valuable additional function would be that of issuing continu closer to the user for fast or intimate use with others farther ous controller messages that oppositely complement the basic away for background or occasional use, and an overall physi US 8,035,024 B2 41 42 cal and operational organizational hierarchy. In implement a common Suspending clamp 3005 on an instrument-stand ing such hierarchies, each full stored program page can beam 3006 on one side and joints 3007, 3008 to the sensors involve one or more Sub-pages which also be used as a part of and/or pads 3000a, 3000b on the other side; though, clearly, other full stored program page. Although such a Sub-page can other mounting arrangements are possible. The sensors and/ in general be assigned to any foot operated control element, it or pads 3000a, 3000b are separated from one another by a typically would be useful to confine each Sub-page to a pre distance that permits a beater 3010, mallet, or stick to be held defined reusable geometric region in the overall foot control in one hand at the far end 3011 and rapidly rocked back and ler layout. Further, the invention provides for sub-pages to be forth between the two sensors and/or pads so that the beater changes within an active full page. head 3012 impacts the sensors and/or pads. The beater may FIG. 29 shows some example layouts involving 2 geomet 10 ric regions for a moderate number of foot operated controllers also be held at its center of mass or geometry 3013 and 2920 and 4 geometric regions for a larger number of foot vibrated so that both the beater head 3012 and end tip3014 of operated controllers 2940. The smaller arrangement 2920 the far end impacts the sensors and/or pads; in this technique features a rocker pedal with two side-mount spring control the player may orient the beater motion so as to simulta lers 2903 and two rock/twist pedals 2900 as well as two 15 neously impact one impact sensor and/or pad with the beater geometric regions—one proximate 2921, another remote head 3012 and impact the other impact sensor and/or pad with 2922—of foot-switches 2905. Each foot-switch and pedal is the beater end tip. In this playing technique it is advantageous provided with an alphanumeric display 2906 and a last-op to have provided for some regional differentiation of the eration indicating-LED 2907. The larger arrangement 2940 impact sensors and/or pads; null/contact pads, for example features an advantageous layout of two proximate geometric can do this. Another arrangement is that of two impact sen regions 2941, 2942 of foot-switches, two increasingly remote sors, one for the center area 3001 of an impact pad 3000 and geometric regions 2943, 2944 of foot-switches, one proxi the other for the outer rim area 3002. With the ability to mate rock/twist pedal 2900, remote pedals of rocker only differentiate regions of impact, and even non-impact applied 2901, single side spring ever 2902, and double side spring contact regions and pressure, the portion contacted by the end lever 2903, as well as a foot or toe operated touch-pad 2904. 25 tip and head can be differentiated. Further enhancement can Each foot operated controller is also provided with an alpha be obtained by using a beater endowed with sensors; these can numeric display 2906 and a last-operation indicating-LED provide contact localization information, as well as hand grip 2907. The layout used in the larger unit permits logical asso information, which may be used independently or in correla ciation of groups of Switches and pedals in a wide variety of tion with the information generated by the pads 3000a, contexts. In either the Smaller or larger arrangement, the more 30 3000b. The resulting arrangement allows a performer with remote controllers can be put on progressively higher risers to one hand to do a wide range of percussion and other control create a staircase layout. These arrangements permit for an actions, leaving the other hand free for playing another instru arbitrary logical hierarchy of page and Sub-page recall control mententity or expressing visual gestures during performance. and arbitrary assignment of which buttons may be used to do In a smaller scale implementation, one or more fingers can this. In some cases it may be desirable to have an additional 35 be used in place of a beater. This arrangement can be treated Summary display showing the selected page and Sub-page as an instrument element in itself to be used as part of other status in one location at a glance. instrument entities. 3.3 Multi-Tier Proximate/Superimposed Keyboards Regardless of scale, it is noted that two Such arrangements The proximate and Superimposed keyboard elements can be colinearly co-located but in 90-degree rotational off described earlier can be combined to create a powerful 40 set. This creates a rectangular cavity for beats, fingers, etc. to enhanced keyboard controller. In an example implementa be inserted and vibrated, and additional degrees of control. tion, an arrangement of three proximate keyboards such as This can be generalized into arbitrary polygonal cross-sec shown in FIGS. 3A-C may be brought together in a common tions (triangles, pentagons, hexagons, etc.). unit. This unit may also advantageously include one or more 3.5 Video Hand Position and Gesture of any of sliders, knobs buttons, joysticks, touch-pads, strum 45 A camera with appropriate real-time image processing pads, impact sensors, etc. Further, it is noted that any of the may be used simultaneously or mutually exclusively as an keyboards here may be either of a standard variety or any of instrument element as well as a video feed source for record the more advanced keyboards described later (miniature, ing or performance. As such the camera may be treated as an Superimposed, multi-parameter keys, pressure-sensor array, instrument element mounted on an instrument entity, but can etc.). It is also noted that this technique may be applied to 50 also be used as a self-contained instrument entity. For other types of keyboards with applicable types of key geom example, a camera could be aimed upwards and Surrounded etry. by illuminating lights. A performer can activate and control 3.4 One-Hand Enhanced-Drum-Roll Controllers this instrument entity by putting a hand over the camera and The invention provides for one-handed methods of per executing various positions and gestures recognized by the forming drum-rolls with some advanced capabilities. The 55 image processing capabilities. basis of the method involves the proximate location of two 3.6 Video Stage Tracker electronic impact sensors and/or touch pads oriented to be A camera may also be used to transform visual information facing each other, but the method can also be used with observed from a stage into control signals. The relevant image acoustic drums. The arrangement can be small in Scale, i.e., processing and recognition capabilities may advantageously played with a single finger, or larger to be played with hands, 60 include identifying and tracking performer location and beaters, mallets, or sticks. FIG. 30 shows an example large motions. scale arrangement of two impact sensors and/or touch pads 4 Example Adapted Instruments for executing one-handed drum-rolls and deriving large This section discusses example manners and methods the amounts of control information. The figure illustrates a invention provides by which a number of traditional vibrating larger-scale arrangement of two impact sensors and/or touch 65 element instruments can be enhanced by in corporating vari pads 3000a, 3000b supported in the methods configuration ous synergistic combinations of traditional components and by, for example, supporting beams 3003,3004 connecting to the inventions instrument elements. US 8,035,024 B2 43 44 4.1 Autoharp wanted Strings Sound only when a key or button is depressed A traditional autoharp incorporates a plurality of Strings, (rather than damping only unwanted Strings when a key or tuned to selected notes in a chromatic scale, which are selec button is depressed). In this way more arbitrary chords can be tively damped by mechanical damping bars with cut-outs in selected, chords can be dynamically changed at a resolution the damping material that allow only selected Strings to down to one pitch at a time, etc. Alternatively, if a separate Sound. A player selects and activates a damper bar associated pickup can be provided for each String, mechanical string with a chord and strums a portion orall of the strings, and only Sounding control may be replaced with electronic amplitude the undamped strings, namely those associated with the Voic control. In the simplest form, all strings of various octaves of ing of the chord, Sound. Although at times considered a lower the same note are gated on and off by the depression of the key folk or beginning instructional instrument, the basic arrange 10 on the keyboard associated with that note. If the key depres ment of the autoharp can give rise to a powerfully flexible Sion-depth or total pressure on the key is used as a volume instrument. control, the relative volume of all octaves of each pitch can be In its simplest provision, the invention provides for an controlled independently from that of other pitches. If the key autoharp to be supplemented with sliders, switches and but further has two-dimensional touch sensing, as with a null/ tons for issuing control signals. In particular, a select group of 15 contact touch-pad on each key, balance between various— buttons or contacts can be operated by, or in conjunction with, typically four—octaves can be continuously varied (for the mechanical damper bars. This group of buttons or contacts example left/right controls the balance between octaves 1 and may be used to control at least one of the following: issued 2 and in/out controls the balance between octaves 3 and 4, note control signals for sound, lighting, and/or special effects, thus allowing arbitrary balance choices of the four octaves). note assignments to one or more strum-pads, and/or the The multi-parameter key control of the amplitude and mix of amplification of individual strings. The individual strings of each Sounded note is of particular value while the string the autoharp may have one or more of the following: a com Sounds after the note is initiated. The keyboard, multi-param mon pickup for the entire group of strings, a plurality of eter or not, can also be used to control similar aspects of note Smaller pickups associated with Sub-groups of strings, or a assignments and amplitudes of synthesizer notes initiated full plurality of individual pickups for each string. The pick 25 with each strum-pad. ups may be any of electromagnetic, piezo, optical, etc. in their FIG. 32 shows how the autoharp arrangement of FIG. 30 operation. In cases where a plurality of pickups is employed, can be adjusted to replace the chord button array 3102 and signals from groups of strings or individual strings may be associated strum-pads 3104a, 3104b with a keyboard 3202 handled by multi-channel signal processing as described later and one or more strum-pads 3204 positioned over the key (for example, treating the strings with differing degrees of 30 board. equalization, chorus, reverb, pitch shift, dynamic filter 4.2 Harps, Koras, Zithers, Kotos, Mbiras Sweeps, etc., and/or providing separate noise gates, compres The enhancements of Harps, African Koras, Zithers, Japa Sion, limiting, amplitude control, etc.). In cases where each nese Kotos, African Mbiras, and other related instruments string has its own pickup, the plucking of a particular string with a large array of hand-plucked vibrating elements are also may further be used to trigger a synthesizer note, lighting, or 35 provided for as part of the invention. As with the above special effect event, potentially using the amplitude of the autoharps, pickups may be used for all vibrating elements, or, pluck to set note Velocity and potentially tracking the on advantageously, Sub-groups of elements, or—most advanta going string amplitude and even harmonic structure varia geously—separately for each vibrating element. The pickups tions as provided for in the invention and described later. may be any of electromagnetic, piezo, optical, etc. in their Strum-pads may be provide for use in conjunction with 40 operation. The invention also provides for the instrument to strumming the strings or in conjunction with operating the be supplemented with strum-pads, touch-pads, sliders, mechanical chord dampers. Controls may be provided for Switches and buttons for issuing control signals and affecting stored program recall of control signal assignments, strum internal operation and note-event handling modes. pad Voicings, etc. as well as operational features such muting In cases where a plurality of pickups are employed, signals or Sustaining of strum-pad notes, whether notes issued at the 45 from groups of vibrating elements or individual vibrating pressing of a chord damper bar are released when the damper elements may be handled by multi-channel signal processing bar is released or instead only when a new bar is activated, etc. as described later (for example, treating the strings with dif These control features may also be controlled remotely, for fering degrees of equalization, chorus, reverb, pitch shift, example, with a foot controller, and/or implemented remotely dynamic filter Sweeps, etc., and/or providing separate noise in a separate signal routing, processing, and synthesis entity 50 gates, compression, limiting, amplitude control, etc.). In 120. cases where each vibrating element has its own pickup, the FIG.31 shows an example of an enhanced autoharp imple plucking of aparticular vibrating element may further be used mentation as provided for in the invention. A conventional to trigger a synthesizer note, lighting, or special effect event, autoharp 3100 with the usual arrangement of strings 3101 and potentially using the amplitude of the pluck to set note Veloc damper-bar activating chord buttons 3102 maybe fitted with a 55 ity and potentially tracking the ongoing string amplitude and long strum-pad 3103 adjacent to the traditional strumming even harmonic structure variations as provided for in the area, one or more shorter strum-pads 3104a, 3104b near the invention and described later. Strum-pads may be provided chord button area, a plurality of slider controls 3105 and for use in conjunction with plucking the vibrating elements. control switches 3106, and control buttons for stored program Harps, Koras, Zithers, Mbiras, and other related instru recall 3107a, operational mode control 3107b, or other fea 60 ments with a large array of hand-plucked vibrating elements tures 3107. often have only selected pitches available; accidentals and As another part to the invention, the mechanical chord extreme octaves typically are not represented. Many of these damper bar arrangement may be advantageously replaced instruments allow for accidentals during playing, for example with a 12-note keyboard or similar arrangement for selecting harp tuning levers and Koto String bends, while others. Such which chromatic notes are allowed to Sound. String damping 65 as the Mbira, do not; in almost all cases extremal octaves are control may be done mechanically although this requires not supported at all (aside from execution of fundamental damper bars to normally damp selected Strings and let those muting string "harmonic chiming to attain high octave US 8,035,024 B2 45 46 pitches). With each vibrating element (or, less flexibly, groups electric guitar) Part of the reason for the immense range of of vibrating elements) provided a separate pickup and audio timbre and expression is the fact that it is one of the few channel, pitch shifting can be used to electronically obtain instruments where both hands can be in direct contact with the pitches not provided for by the natural form of the instrument string. Another important reason is the range of timbres that as well as large expressive pitch bends that may also not can result from String pickups followed by a wide degree of otherwise be possible. signal processing methods that have been developed and can FIG.33 shows an example Koto implementation provided be applied. Although there continue to be developments in for in accordance with the invention. In general a Koto basic electric guitar themes, the invention provides for sig includes a number of strings 3301 (typically 13 to 22 in nificant enhancements of the electric guitar as a powerful number), a sounding bridge 3302, and a movable truss bridge 10 instrument entity. 3303 for each string. The Koto3300 shown in FIG.33 is of the An important first step is the provision of separate audio Vietnamese variety, traditionally strung with sixteen metal signal pickups for each string; these may be electromagnetic, strings; in general any traditional Koto (or Chinese Sheng) piezo, optical, etc. This allows for multi-channel signal pro can be adapted as will be described and may have any tradi cessing as will be described later (for example pitch shifting tional number of silk, nylon, metal, or other material Strings. 15 particular strings for big bass notes, enhanced processing for In this example the Koto has been fitted with geared string strings playing solo lines to stand out from Strings playing tuners split into two groups 3304a, 3304b to facilitate radical background material, etc.). Strings may be given one or more tuning changes and string replacement; other nominal string dedicated or shared pickups at different points along the tuning mechanisms, including traditional friction pegs or slip string's length so as to capitalize on the different harmonic knot systems, may also be used. Each string can be given its structure and dynamics offered by different pickup locations. own pickup 3306.1-3306.1n, at the bridge 3302; alternatively, A plurality of pickups dedicated to the same string or same or in addition (should the string be such that electromagnetic, group of strings can be selected or mixed, potentially in optical, or other non-piezo pickups be applicable) at a differ adjustable phase relationships, statically and/or varying in ent String location in one or more pickup housings 3305. time, on the instrument and/or externally. Further, selected Multi-channel signal handling as described earlier and later 25 strings may be excited by electromagnetic, piezo, or other on can be used. The Koto can be fitted with a strum-pad 3310 methods to give a continuously sounding bowed effect whose and may also be provided with various additional sensors and inter-note attack can be controlled by various fretting tech controls as described earlier. Because of the unique pitch niques. Additional Strings arranged to serve as a harp element, bending arrangement of the Koto involving varying the ten bass notes as on an arch-lute, or for sympathetic vibration sion of the String on the non-plucked side of the movable truss 30 may also be provided, as may tynes or other vibrating ele bridges 3303, it may also be advantageous to provide strain ments used in similar ways. Strum-pads, sensors, sliders, gauges on far bridge 3307 or via, for example, flexible attach joysticks, buttons, touch-pads, actuators, etc. may also be ing electrical cables on the truss bridges 3303 themselves. added to issue control signals to any of signal processing, FIG.34 shows an example Mbira implementation provided lighting, synthesizer, or special effects. Similarly, video cam for in accordance with the invention. Here a traditional Mbira 35 eras can be used to generate control signals and/or for video 3400 with three sets oftynes 3401, 3402, 3403 secured by a image feeds in performance or recording. bridging pressure bar 3404 is shown. Here the traditional bar FIG. 35 shows an example electric guitar implementation bridge may be replaced with individually adjustable bridge in accordance with the invention based on a Gibson model elements 3406.1-3406.n which may include separate piezo ES-335 guitar or other instruments of that style. The inven pickups for each tyne; alternatively electromagnetic or opti 40 tions enhancements shown can be added on as modules, cal pickups may be provided under eachtyne. The Mbira may added collectively, or built-in. The core guitar 3500 features also be provided with one or more strum-pads 3407, 3408 six strings 3501.1-3501.6, a bridge 3502 which may provide which may be full length or partitioned into right and left separate piezo pickups for each string, an adjacent hexa segments 3407a, 3407b, 3408a, 3408b for use with the phonic pickup module 3503 which provides separate electro thumbs of both hands. 45 magnetic, optical, or other pickups for each String, and addi Any of these instruments may also be provided with vibrat tional individual string pickup module 3404 for the three ing element excitation employing the methods presented ear lower pitched strings 3501.4-3501.6, two shared pickups of a lier in association with FIG. 24. In addition, as the timbre of two-coil humbucking design near the neck 3505a and near the these instruments is typically shaped by the sympathetic bridge 3505b, shared pickup volume and tone controls 3506, vibration of unplucked strings on the instrument, it may also 50 and a shared pickup selector switch 3507. Individual strings be advantageous to excite, as a group or individually, a num may be electronically excited by means of any of a hexa ber of vibrating elements such as tynes or strings using the phonic electromagnetic drive unit 3508, a hexaphonic pickup methods described earlier; these sympathetically vibrating used as a drive unit (or designed as a drive unit) built into the electronic elements, which need not be mounted to the instru forward shared pickup 3505a, or by mechanical excitation via ment, can then produce audio signals that can be used for 55 the piezo elements in the bridge 3502. Individual string exci ambient effects. Alternatively, a dedicated group of sympa tation, or even string activity in general, can be visually indi thetically vibrating elements can be mounted to the instru cated by an LED (preferably high-brightness) array 3509 ment and excited mechanically rather than electrically. If the under the strings. Group string excitation may be realized by sympathetic vibrating elements have individual pickups, whichever of pickup 3505a or 3505b is not in use, an addi some of the elements can be selectively turned off or attenu 60 tional module under the stings, or by group mechanical exci ated so as to thin out or spectrally sculpt the ambient effect. tation via the piezo elements in the bridge 3502. Individual 4.3 Single-Course Guitars and Variations string pickup gain normalizing adjustments for each hexa One of the most versatile instruments available for the phonic pickup can be made available for screwdriver adjust range of timbre and expression is the electric guitar which is ment 3511a, 35.11b on an add-on box or built-in panel 3512, sadly not often used seriously in music composition due to its 65 shown in the Figure as an add-on box with generalized inter origins and significant role in popular music. (In fact, at this face connectors 3519 on its back downward side. The instru writing, even toy pianos are taken more seriously than the ment may also be provided with an array of control switches US 8,035,024 B2 47 48 3513 and sliders 3514, individual string pickup selector are single or doubled, exist and can be adapted as described switches 3516, a video camera 3517 aimed at the playing area herein. In fact no electric lutes are known at this time, thus it but also useful for hand posture and gesture control, and an is novel simply to include a group piezo pickup in the bridge area 3518 for additional controls, touch-pads, string or tyne 3620 for all the strings so as to bring the instrument into the arrays, etc. world of amplification and signal processing. A next level FIG. 5 shows an example electric guitar implementation in refinement would be to provide separate group pickups for the accordance with the invention based on a Gibson Explorer extended bass strings and the rest of the strings so that special model guitar, the invention's enhancements shown can be equalization or other effects can be applied to the bass notes added on as modules, added collectively, or built-in. The core in a manner differing from the other strings. A next level of guitar 500 includes six strings 501.1-501.6, a locking-nut 10 refinement would be for the bridge 3620 to provide an indi vibrato bridge 502a with string-tension “whammy bar 502b vidual pickup for each individual single string course or and fine tuners 502c, a hexaphonic electromagnetic or optical string-pair, while a final refinement provides a separate piezo pickup module 503, a shared pickup 505a near the neck and pickup for every individual string on the instrument. another 505b near the bridge, a shared pickup volume control It is understood that various controls, strum-pads, etc. may 506, shared pickup selection, mixing, phase, and coil-shunt 15 also be added in the manner described for previous instrument switches 507. The instrument may also be fitted with a hexa examples. It is also understood that the methods described phonic electromagnetic excitation module 508 with string also apply to other double-strung instruments such as drive indicated LEDs 509. Also provided for by the invention 12-string guitars, SaZ, Oud, Mandolin, etc. Many of these are controls for creating control signals: an array of Switches instruments may also benefit from an additional set of unfret 513, knobs 514a, one or more expression wheels 514b, one or ted bass strings as incorporated in the traditional European more joysticks 514c, two side-by-side strum-pads 516a, 516b arch-lute. which can be operated as one long strum-pad, chord buttons 4.5 Pedal Steel Guitars 520 as described for the autoharp but here used without The pedal steel guitar is a remarkable instrument in that the strings and rather in conjunction with the strum-pads, a touch pitches of individual strings are changed as a group by a pad 522, two miniature keyboards 521a, 521b, a miniature 25 hand-held metal slide and relatively within the group by harp/sympathetic string set 524 with group or individual pick mechanical bridge arrangement, usually called a “changer.” ups partitioned in String triads with separate bridges 523a, which changes the tension on one or more selected Strings in 523b, 523c and tuning heads 525, and a plurality of impact response to the action of a given foot-pedal or knee lever. The sensors. Internally the whammy bar may operate a discrete or basic sound of the steel guitar is very attractive and it is continuous position sensor and the instrument may also 30 possible to tastefully play Bach chorales and hymns on the include motion sensors (such as accelerometers) or position instrument. Years of incremental development have lead to detectors (radio, ultrasonic, optical, etc.). The generalized specific standard pedal and knee lever configurations that are interface connector area 519 in this instance is shown built widely accepted. Variations are sometimes difficult to imple into the instrument. ment because of mechanical limitations to provided adjust 4.4 Baroque and 12-string Guitars, Lutes, Tars, Setars, SaZ. 35 ments. Because of the commitment involved in mechanically Oud, Mandolins, Mandolas establishing an alternate pedal and lever configuration, These instruments involve double-strings. In addition to immense experience and/or a computer-aided design tool the techniques and additional instrument elements, each may be required to make valuable accomplishments. By pro double-string pair may share an individual pickup, or each viding a separate pickup for each string, retuning can be done string within in a double string pair may have its own pickup. 40 electronically, Supplementing or replacing the traditional At this writing the best mode for the latter appears to be piezo mechanical mechanisms. As with other adaptations of instru pickups at the bridge due to limitations in localizing magnetic ments described thus far, each string can also be processed fields for such close geometries but optical or other methods separately or in groups as desired, allowing for mixes of could be devised. With a separate signal for each string within timbres, and audio-to-control signal extractions can be used in a double string pair, either of the strings can be selectively 45 to control synthesizers, signal processing, lighting, and spe disable, pitch-shifted, equalized, etc. along with other capa cial effects. Further, the nearly fixed position of the picking bilities such as adjustable balance, Stereo spatial output, hand and the freedom of some fingers in adapted playing opposing location modulation trajectories, etc. Further, as a techniques allow usage of miniature keyboards and strum combined double-string signal would confuse audio-to-note pads in the picking area as well as use of the wrist to control information conversions, separation of the String signals for a 50 parameters. Information from the mechanical or electronics given string pair enables control extraction Such as conver pedals and levers and the steel bar position can be used to sion to MIDI note functions. control the pitches assigned to a strum-pad. The bar itself can FIG. 36 shows an example of an adapted European arch have a control area built-in, detecting applied pressure, for lute with a mix of single Strings and double String pairs. The example. European arch-lute 3600 with various ranges of extended 55 FIG.37 shows an example pedal steel guitar adaptation as fretted and unfretted bass strings is a noble instrument which provided for by the invention. A traditional pedal steel instru with amplification, signal processing, and multi-channel sig ment arrangement 3700 is used here. The bar 3702 may or nal handling can contribute greatly to electronic music. FIG. may not be provided with internal sensors or controls. The 36 shows a close-up of the strings at the bridge 3620 for a position of the bar 3702 over the instrument 3700 may be fourteen-string version of the lute with six extended-length 60 sensed by various means (changes in round-trip string resis unfretted bass strings: the two highest-pitched melody strings tance, capacitive sensing, etc.) within the instrument 3700. 3601,3602 and the six extended-length unfretted bass strings The instrument may include a traditional mechanical changer 3609-3614 are single while the remaining courses 3603-3608 3740 with linkages to pedals 3741 and levers 3742 or may be are double-strung. Of the double-strung Strings the higher fixed if all pitch bends are to be done electronically. With a pitched ones are typically in unions while the lower pitched 65 mechanical changer, the pedals 3741 and levers 3742 may be ones are paired in octaves. It is understood than many other fitted with sensors that measure and convert their displace string configurations, varying in how many strings and which ment into control signals. Other control signals may be issued US 8,035,024 B2 49 50 by a wrist operated expression wheel 3714a (which in prac additional melody string 4.01.1 with its own lower bridge; this tice works well for overall volume control), one or more string would be pushed up to get the bending effects that the pedals 3714b, some of which may be fitted with side-mounted original melody string 401.2 is pulled down for. Both melody spring-lever controls 3714c. The pedal rockers can be used strings are provided with fine tuning adjustments such as the for various control functions, but offer a way of bending typical beads 430; these may also be used on drone strings pitches electronically and holding them without having to and/or alternate tuning mechanics may be substituted devote a foot or knee to that purpose. In contrast, the side throughout the instrument. Also provided, though not essen mount spring levers, as well as a spring loaded version of a tial, is an additional set of strings 424 that can be used as a rocker pedal, directly emulate the spring-return operation of a harp in addition to the limited-access aforementioned sym traditional pedal steel guitars pedals and levers. The pedals 10 pathetic strings. In the Figure these are shown well-removed can also be used for the introduction or variation of signal from the neck at the top of the instrument, but the assembly processing on one or more selected Strings and can be con 424 could be broughtforward and put in the position currently figured to make Such effects while simultaneously changing occupied by the keyboard 421. The keyboard 421 is also not pitch of selected String or strings. The adaptation also pro essential but is easy to Support electronically, employing the vides for a strum-pad 3716 and miniature keyboard 3721 in 15 method associated with FIG. 8, in conjunction with the strum the picking area for use by idle fingers. Finally, a foot-con pad 416a located on the plucking area of the neck and the troller foot-switch unit 3742 for use in selecting stored pro strum-pad 416b located on the thumb-rest area of the neck; grams, controlling signal processing, issuing notes or chords, further, both the keyboard Harmonium and keyboard synthe operating drum machines, etc. is also provided. sizer are popular in Indian classical, modal, and Ghozal folk 4.6 Sitars music. The strum-pads are provided because of there particu The Sitar is an extraordinary rich instrument that is well lar potential use in the Rag (Raag, Raga) form both in laying suited for the particular structural details of classical indian out the scale of the Rag and melody expositional fragments music. It includes a number of drone strings, only one or two which are repeatedly drawn upon. of which can be fretted in any musical way, a single melody Important to the adaptation is the pickup assembly 403 string, and an octave pair of unfretted high pitch Strings, 25 which provides a separate pickup for each melody String, called the “chikori' (Western spellings vary) used for a vari each drone string, and either the chikori pair or its individual ety of purposes including quite effective rhythmic accents, all strings. The separate outputs allow for pitch shifting of indi sharing a common sloping bridge that cause the aforemen vidual strings; in particular, the pitch shifted retunings of the tioned Strings to twang to a degree determined by the slope of drone strings and chikori can be made while playing. If the the bridge. A set of sympathetic strings with their own sloping 30 pickup is electromagnetic, the brass strings cannot be used. bridge, which in some techniques can be arpeggiated and/or There is the opportunity here for alternative stringing sys used as a small harp to a limited extent, is also provided. The tems, particularly if pitch shifting of individual strings is used Sitar features a selected combination of both brass and steel to create larger pitch-shifts, but the character of the brass string types which have important essential distinctions in strings is beautiful and can be captured. One method is to use timbres 35 an optical pickup for the pickup assembly 403. Another more Uses of the Sitar in Western music tend to fall into two radical approach is to replace the sloping bridge 402 with a categories: one where only the melody string, along with any standard bridge arrangement fitted with individual piezo sympathetic string action, is used, and another where the pickups and to create the twanging using the off-bridge sitar sitar's many drone strings force the tonality into the standard plate discussed in association with FIG. 21. Indian tonal development system (rich and extraordinarily 40 The additional melody string can be tuned in union or in an beautiful as it is). A Sitar-like sloping bridge has been Suc interval to the original melody string; because the have sepa cessfully put on a guitar (the Jerry Jones “Coral Sitar heard rate audio channels they can be processed differently or be in many Motown-era popular recorded Songs), but all that located at different positions in the stereo sound field. Further, remains is the twang as the genius of the Sitar holistically has the additional melody string, strum-pads, and addition string been omitted. 45 assembly serve to expand an important orchestrational aspect The invention provides for a powerfully rich adaptation of of seasoned Sitar technique, namely a constant variety of the Sitar by combining the techniques described thus far with timbres and effects with attention constantly shifting among the signal routing, processing, and synthesis techniques to be them. Finally, the electronic pitch shift retuning capabilities described later and, as with the previous examples, inherent allow for hitherto impossible tonality shifts within the Sitar aspects of the instrument. 50 environment, while the electronic pitch shift pitch-bend capa FIG. 4 shows an adapted sitar as provided for in the inven bilities allow the drone strings to obtain pitch bending and the tion. The core instrument is a standard Indian Sitar 400 with melody strings to be harmonized in a pitch-modulated man a standard melody String 401.2, any one of a number of . possible stringings of drone strings—here two 401.3, 401.4. It is also possible to carry simplified versions of the Sitar are used, and the chikori pair 401.5a, 401.5b all sharing the 55 tonality into more Western instrument formats. FIG. 38 common sloped bridge 402a. Also part of the core instrument, shows an example flat-necked instrument 3800 with a five but not showed explicitly in the Figure for the sake of clarity, string section emulating a sitar string arrangement and several are the sympathetic strings, typically eleven in number, with additional Strings used for bass or other accompaniment. The their own sloping bridge 402b and multi-length termination sitar emulation section involves strings 3801.1-3801.5 shar area 402 on the neck under the Sitar’s curved frets. Because of 60 ing a common bridge 3802a providing a separate piezo the curved frets and the flat bridge 402a, the drone strings pickup for each of the strings. The first four of these strings 401.3, 401.4 will not sound accurately in pitch for nearly all terminate their vibrations at the nut 3802c and are tuned with the frets; further, the characteristic extensive bending of the neck tuners 3851, while string 3801.5 acts as a one-string melody string, often the interval of a major fourth or more, fretted chikori and terminates its vibration at one of the mid requires quite a bit of area on the sitar neck (namely the entire 65 neck frets. The best terminating fret may depend on the cho bottom half of the neck) and as a result the drone strings use Sen tuning and thus terminating holes for this string might be in melody is essentially nil. However, it is possible to add an provided at several different frets, for example from the 4th