Application, Hearing on High School Plans
ull Local Coverage Complete Newt, Pictures Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, dearly And Impartially Each Wr<»k |hc Community Interurt Snbepentient - leaber PRICE FIVK CENTS ;iS SIM nil'l ''1,193 WOODHHIiXiK. N. J , THURSDAY, JUNK 7, 1951 N J, actuation At Testimonial Dinner for Monsignor McCorristin StfltP f^alift fnr •m ulalc bid; Topic • i ii inn mmmm IT im •••••• MIIIII— \jailO LKJl Music' Application, Hearing •*a „ M.T Received •)•£', in KxerciscB " ,n| in Stadium On High School Plans ,||)(if: -- "MUSiC" Wft: ( me sixty-fifth an- ,',,-,'mpnt exercises of Two Youths, Who Stole Car Here, Boaid is Mum inch School at the ,,, 'IlUnt When 223 ,.,,,! diplomas. Nabbed as Wreck Climaxes Chase Oh Plea Other ,,.,,; wore suns hy the ,,,,;,linK "qde to Amer- WOODBRIDGE—Two Perth Amboy youths, one of whom j StUUY l)t* Mticlc* '.',,,, Your'SonW" ««« escaped froiti the State Home for Boys in Jamesbiirg, Moli- » J (••,nl" • , day, are still being questioned by local police this morning WOODBRIDGE-"A oompirtc set ;,,..,s of welcome, Ken- lifter they miraculously escaped injury yesterday when a;of new dnUt ami 1U1 :,ddu,ional ,';. [,on said In part; large car they had stolon from a local auto dealer over- stlll remain to be com- fc A,)• music is the theme of th hd tl f ll t dl e turned after a hectic chase near Freehold, pleted before the Board of EducR- 'mirement exercises. tion learns whether its $3,000,000 „.,.,, denned as ft pleas- The two ore Anthony Luqualta. - "~ 14 Merldlth Street, escapee, and liiKh school plans will be approved ,„ of harmonious Fucing Trial hy State authorities ln Trenton.
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