Stephen Schwartz Career – Questions about His Career Start and Assorted Topics This PDF includes SECTION 1 – Getting started, Education and Training SECTION 2 – Alternative Careers SECTION 3 – Musical Influences SECTION 4 – The Composers Role in Musicals SECTION 5 – Comments about his career successes and otherwise SECTION 6 – Favorites SECTION 7 – Themes and message ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The following questions and answers are from the archive of the Forum. Copyright by Stephen Schwartz 2010 all rights reserved. No part of this content may be reproduced without prior written consent, including copying material for other websites. Feel free to link to this archive. Send questions to
[email protected] SECTION 1 – Getting started, Education and Training When did you know..... Question: Dear Stephen! You hear a lot of tv shows on actors etc saying 'I knew I was going to be in film bla bla when I was 7 and my dad had a stage etc...' you hear this from writers and everything but not really from composers... (if you minus Mozart hah) So my question is, not only when did you feel that you wanted to be a composer, when did you actually realize you had a talent for it? Many thanks! Sophie. Answer from Stephen Schwartz: Hi Sophie: I knew I wanted to be a composer from about age 7. My parents were friendly with a composer named George Kleinsinger, who was working on a Broadway show called SHINBONE ALLEY, and I heard him play some of the songs and then tried to pick them out on his piano.