The Story of Madhubala
2Y1CRIHVFWAI # PDF // I Want to Live: The Story of Madhubala I W ant to Live: Th e Story of Madh ubala Filesize: 4.65 MB Reviews This book might be worth a read, and far better than other. It is rally interesting throgh studying time period. I discovered this book from my i and dad suggested this ebook to find out. (Isobel Bailey) DISCLAIMER | DMCA UVDZNEN2XA5K / Book ^ I Want to Live: The Story of Madhubala I WANT TO LIVE: THE STORY OF MADHUBALA Hay House, 2017. So cover. Condition: New. 256pp. The riveting saga of the Venus of the Indian screen studded with rare and fascinating nuggets of information that throw new light not only on the life and times of Madhubala but also on the Golden Era of Hindi cinema and the dramatis personae involved The very mention of Madhubala (born on St. Valentines Day, 14 February 1933) conjures up a vivid image of a love goddess possessing bewitching beauty, dazzling radiance, subtle sensuality, and, above all, a tantalizing screen presence. Her histrionic performances held (and continue to hold) audiences/viewers entranced.Her talent was phenomenal and she could literally glide through a movie, whatever be the role. She could convey an impressive array of emotions with her eloquent eyes and nuanced expressions without resorting to melodramatic facial contortions. Tragedy, romance, comedy, drama and what have you ? she could take everything in her stride, exquisitely and flawlessly, as convincingly proved by superhits such as Mahal, Tarana, Mr. and Mrs. 55, Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi and the magnum opus, Mughal-e-Azam.The author, on the basis of extensive research and interviews with many of those who interacted with Madhubala (who mostly remained elusive), presents a spectacular panorama not only of the reel-life actress but also of the real-life human being, who was extremely caring and compassionate, but lived in the shadow of her dominating father.
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