The ICRC has been present in since 1992. It visits detainees throughout Georgia, including RUSSIAN FEDERATION and South Ossetia, and supports the authorities in bringing tuberculosis in prisons under control. It contributes to efforts to pro- vide answers to families of missing persons and DORI ABKHAZIA KO VALLEY SOUTH OSSETIA protects and assists displaced people and other Gagra Tkvarcheli Gali Tskhinvali Sukhumi Zugdidi PANKISI vulnerable groups in conflict-affected regions. Ochamchira Kutaisi VALLEY Poti TBILISI The ICRC also promotes the integration of GEORGIA AJARA IHL into the training of the armed and security Batumi AZERBAIJAN forces and into university and school curricula. ARMENIA

georgia In cooperation with Movement partners, the ICRC helps to strengthen the capacities of the


IRAN Security zone 100 km ICRC/AR.2005

ICRC delegation ICRC sub-delegationICRC mission ICRC office ICRC-supported prosthetic/orthotic centre

EXPENDITURE (IN CHF ,000) Protection 1,370 Assistance 12,419 Prevention 1,280 CONTEXT Cooperation with National Societies 274 General 3 Georgia continued to receive extensive inter- Following the rerun of the Abkhaz presi- national support for the process of eco- dential election, won by Sergei Bagapsh, 15,346 nomic and social reform. The government both Georgia and Abkhazia confirmed their of which: Overheads 937 was able to raise the State budget on three willingness to resume peace negotiations. IMPLEMENTATION RATE occasions, thanks to the increased income The parties met in Geneva and Tbilisi Expenditure/yearly budget 102.4% from customs, taxes and privatization. under the auspices of the UN, and steps Meanwhile, with rising prices and high were taken to finalize a draft agreement on PERSONNEL 25 expatriates unemployment, much of the population the non-resumption of hostilities. However, 335 national staff (daily workers not included) still had difficulty making ends meet. the agreement had yet to be signed by the end of the year. Likewise, the official return KEY POINTS Following the sudden death of Prime of Georgian IDPs to the Gali district had Minister Zurab Zhvania, repeated reshuffles still not taken place. The security situation In 2005, the ICRC: in the executive at central and regional in this district deteriorated steadily, espe- established a permanent presence in South levels hampered the implementation of cially at the end of the year, while the Ossetia following renewed tensions between ambitious reform plans. and other parts of the cease- the breakaway region and Georgia; visited 19 places of detention (including fire zone between Abkhazia and Georgia 2 in Abkhazia and 2 in South Ossetia) Georgia pursued its efforts to integrate were relatively calm. to monitor the conditions, including the Euro-Atlantic structures, working to imple- functioning of the health system, and ment an Individual Partnership Action Plan In the conflict between Georgia and South maintained its support for the TB control with NATO and to establish a European Ossetia, there was little progress in imple- programme in prisons; Neighbourhood Policy action plan with menting the agreement signed in Sochi in offered technical support to the authorities the European Union. Georgia and Russia November 2004. Tensions remained high, with a view to clarifying the fate of persons missing in relation to the Abkhazia and finally reached agreement on the closure of and several violent incidents undermined South Ossetia conflicts; Russian military bases and the withdrawal prospects for confidence-building. During distributed food and essential household of troops from Georgia by 2008, which actu- the year, both sides presented similar peace items, as well as grants (agricultural, trade ally began in the second half of the year. proposals, calling for a three-stage peace and craft), to some 51,600 vulnerable people The two countries had tense exchanges process involving demilitarization, socio- in Abkhazia and western Georgia and over Russia’s presence and role in Georgia’s economic rehabilitation and the definition rehabilitated 28 collective centres housing conflicts with the breakaway regions of of the breakaway region’s political status. IDPs (including 3 in the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict zone); Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Although negotiations continued, there were supported 3 hospitals in Abkhazia and no tangible results. The economy in South 2 physical rehabilitation centres Ossetia was weakened by restrictions on (1 in Tbilisi and 1 in Abkhazia); trade between the conflict zone and nearby supported IHL training for the armed forces; regions. held a national moot-court competition and a national essay competition for law students as part of its efforts to promote IHL.



PEOPLE DEPRIVED OF THEIR FREEDOM (All categories/all statuses) CIVILIANS AND PEOPLE DEPRIVED OF THEIR FREEDOM Detainees visited 8,165 Economic security, water and habitat Detainees visited and monitored individually 22 Food Beneficiaries 51,697 Number of visits carried out 68 Essential household items Beneficiaries 51,606 Number of places of detention visited 19 Agricultural inputs and micro-economic initiatives Beneficiaries 16,987 RESTORING FAMILY LINKS Water-supply schemes and sanitation systems Red Cross messages (RCMs) and reunifications (completed projects) Beneficiaries 5,974 RCMs collected 3,006 Habitat structures Beneficiaries 350 RCMs distributed 3,203 WOUNDED AND SICK People reunited with their families 6 Hospitals supported Structures 3 Tracing requests, including cases of missing persons Admissions Patients 58 People for whom a tracing request was newly registered 34 Operations Operations performed 819 Tracing requests closed positively (persons located) 14 Physical rehabilitation Tracing requests still being handled at 31 December 2005 21 Patients receiving services Patients 1,077 DOCUMENTS ISSUED Prostheses delivered Pieces 343 People to whom travel documents were issued 30 Orthoses delivered Pieces 653

ICRC ACTION In Abkhazia and western Georgia, the ICRC CIVILIANS continued to distribute food and other Given the ongoing tensions and periodic basic supplies to a core of people who were Family links violence in South Ossetia, the ICRC opened most needy and without any productive While assessing whether its RCM network an office in Tskhinvali in order to monitor capacity, while it helped other beneficiaries was still needed, the ICRC found that, and address humanitarian issues related to to start micro-economic initiatives, enabling although communications between Georgia the conflict. The organization carried out them to earn an income in cash or kind, and Abkhazia had improved, telephone calls basic repairs to centres hosting IDPs, as well thus reducing their dependence on external were expensive and the postal service did not as to the emergency surgical facilities of assistance. It also strove to improve the liv- fully cover Abkhazia. Consequently, some key hospitals. ing conditions of IDPs in western Georgia 6,200 people still relied on RCMs to keep in and in the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict touch with family members. The Chechen The ICRC continued to visit detainees held zone through the rehabilitation of collec- community in the Pankisi Valley continued in Georgia proper, Abkhazia and South tive centres. At the same time, the ICRC to be offered the family-links services, but Ossetia. It urged the Georgian government pursued its dialogue with the authorities, they made limited use of it (8 messages to reduce the severe overcrowding in pre- encouraging them to take measures to exchanged and 3 tracing requests opened). trial detention centres, pointing out the improve security, local economic condi- Compared with 2004, the overall volume potential impact on both detainee and tions and access to health care of civilians in of RCMs exchanged decreased by 30%. public health. In the most urgent cases, the conflict-affected areas. ICRC provided beds and bedding and 3,203 RCMs delivered (of which upgraded prison infrastructure and water- As planned, the ICRC maintained its sup- 1,854 in Abkhazia) and 3,006 RCMs supply systems. Working closely with the port to medical facilities in Abkhazia, as collected (of which 1,560 in Abkhazia) government and other international actors well as to physical rehabilitation services 6 people reunited with their families involved, the organization continued to in Tbilisi and Gagra. In partnership with support the tuberculosis (TB) control pro- the health authorities, it organized an assess- The missing gramme in prisons, expanding activities to ment of the national physical rehabilitation More than 12 years on, around 2,000 people include facilities in western Georgia. The policy in Georgia. remained missing in connection with the ICRC completed a comprehensive assess- conflict in Abkhazia and about 120 in con- ment of the management of health services The ICRC also supported the authorities’ nection with the conflict in South Ossetia. for detainees and submitted its recommen- efforts to enact legislation to meet the coun- dations to the justice and health authorities. try’s obligations under IHL and to integrate Despite having new statutes, the Georgian IHL into the curricula of military train- State commission dealing with the search The ICRC remained focused on the issue ing institutions, universities and secondary for missing persons still had to adopt all of persons missing as a result of the con- schools. best practices for handling issues related to flicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. While the missing and their families. Although the encouraging the authorities to take meas- In close collaboration with the International Abkhaz commission for missing persons ures to identify human remains and inform Federation, the ICRC continued to support had been temporarily disbanded, by the families, the organization assessed the the Red Cross Society of Georgia, specifi- end of the year the Abkhaz authorities needs of families of the missing and com- cally to develop the National Society’s dis- began drafting new statutes for the com- pleted a study on national legislation relating semination capacities. mission with the ICRC’s technical support. to the problem. In South Ossetia, while tensions early in the year left little room for dialogue on the sub- ject of the missing, the South Ossetian authorities responded favourably to an


ICRC proposal to initiate cooperation on ICRC engineers rehabilitated buildings, 8,165 detainees visited (including this issue. sanitation and water-supply facilities to 421 in Abkhazia and 95 in South Ossetia), improve living conditions in 28 collective of whom 10 newly registered and The approximately 2,000 sets of personal centres housing IDPs, including three in the 22 monitored individually (including ante-mortem data gathered in Georgia and Georgia-South Ossetia conflict zone. These 3 in Abkhazia and 3 in South Ossetia), Abkhazia were recorded by the commis- rehabilitation projects benefited 2,695 IDPs. during 68 visits (including 8 in Abkhazia sions, but there was little progress in the The organization established maintenance and 15 in South Ossetia) to 19 places task of identifying remains. With a view to teams in the 28 centres, providing training of detention (including 2 in Abkhazia accelerating the exhumation process, the and tools. and 2 in South Ossetia) ICRC offered its technical assistance to a family visit arranged for a security help the commissions apply internation- detainee in South Ossetia and the ally accepted standards to ensure that the PEOPLE DEPRIVED return home of a security detainee exhumations yielded accurate information. OF THEIR FREEDOM from Abkhazia organized water and sanitation conditions Meanwhile, the ICRC assessed the needs of Visiting detainees and improving improved for 4,050 detainees families of missing persons. It found that living conditions many experienced economic problems, felt The ICRC continued to visit detainees in TB control programme neglected, struggled with legal problems and Georgia proper, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Detainees in Georgia remained at high risk were ill-informed about how to deal with monitoring individually people arrested for of TB infection, as did the population at them. The organization also conducted a security reasons, and paying special atten- large when families visited their relatives study to identify Georgian legislation that tion to foreigners. in prison or when infected detainees were could provide legal protection for the fam- released. Supported by the ICRC, the gov- ilies of the missing. On the basis of the In Georgia proper, the government received ernment continued to implement the directly needs assessment and the legal study, the international support for its engagement observed treatment, short course (DOTS) ICRC began to examine ways to support in a process of prison reform. Even so, over- strategy for detainees with active TB. families in Georgia and Abkhazia in coop- crowding increased, especially in pre-trial eration with the commissions. detention facilities. The overcrowding not In support of the TB control programme in only compromised detainee health but also, prisons, the ICRC cooperated closely with Economic security and basic needs when prisoners were released, threatened the authorities and other international As an increasing number of residents of public health. Having assessed the situa- actors, providing technical assistance and Abkhazia with Russian passports became tion, the ICRC provided technical and medication. The Ministry of Justice con- eligible for Russian pensions, this improved material assistance to help the authorities ducted mass TB screening in 10 detention their economic security and allowed the improve overall conditions in prisons, thus facilities, including for the first time in two ICRC to stop its assistance to some of them. benefiting all inmates and contributing to detention facilities in Zugdidi and Batumi The caseload of people receiving food and the reform process. For example, the organ- in western Georgia. The largest screening essential household items was thus reduced ization responded to an urgent request by operation since the programme began was from 15,593 to 8,363. The ICRC and its the Ministry of Justice to provide 400 beds organized for 3,000 detainees at the most local partner continued to provide home and bedding for detainees. crowded pre-trial detention facility. care and cooked food to a number of these still highly vulnerable beneficiaries. Simul- Furthermore, the ICRC completed the 6,532 detainees screened for TB in taneously, the organization provided grants water-supply system at a new prison under 10 detention facilities to 4,567 people (1,391 households) to start construction near Tbilisi (capacity 1,500), 316 detainees diagnosed with micro-economic projects (agricultural, trade undertook emergency plumbing repairs at TB admitted for treatment or craft) and decrease their dependence on the central penitentiary hospital in Tbilisi of the detainees starting treatment in external assistance. (250 beneficiaries), rehabilitated the 2005, 20 completed DOTS treatment drinking-water supply of colony near and 254 were still undergoing treatment In western Georgia, the ICRC continued Tbilisi (600 beneficiaries) and installed at year’s end to assist up to 36,013 people with food windows and rehabilitated showers in and essential household items, to distrib- Geguti colony in western Georgia (650 ben- ute agricultural, trade and craft grants to eficiaries). In South Ossetia, the organiza- WOUNDED AND SICK 12,420 people (3,231 households), and some tion upgraded the water-supply system and 8,900 people received a last food ration installed showers at the prison in Tskhinvali Hospital support in 2005. At the end of 2005, there were (50 beneficiaries). In Abkhazia, problems related to a lack of 15,460 beneficiaries who either did not have recognition of the area’s status continued any productive capacity or would receive a The ICRC undertook an assessment of the to hinder the delivery of essential medi- grant in 2006. management of health services in Georgia’s cines and supplies. The ICRC thus provided penitentiary system and shared its findings three referral hospitals in Sukhumi, Agudzera 15,684 people in Abkhazia received with the government. Regular meetings and Tkvarcheli with essential analgesics food and essential household items, then took place with the Ministries of and suture material. of these 4,567 also received grants Justice and of Health in order to encourage 36,013 people in western Georgia the integration of the ICRC’s recommenda- 819 surgical operations performed in received food and essential household tions into the ongoing reform of the peni- 3 ICRC-supported hospitals in Abkhazia items, of these 12,420 also received tentiary system. 58 weapon-wounded cases admitted grants to these 3 hospitals


In the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict zone, AUTHORITIES the organization’s activities presented the ICRC carried out the partial rehabilita- to 145 officers of the Abkhaz military tion of three Georgian health facilities and The ICRC continued to promote Georgia’s and law-enforcement bodies, and launched a project to improve the water accession to IHL treaties prohibiting or 11 briefings given to 42 officers at and sanitation conditions in Tskhinvali regulating the use of certain types of checkpoints throughout Abkhazia hospital. The ICRC also sponsored the par- weapons, including Protocols IV (blinding ticipation of two surgeons (one Georgian laser weapons) and V (explosive remnants and one Ossetian) in the organization’s of war) to the Convention on Certain CIVIL SOCIETY annual regional war-surgery seminars in Conventional Weapons and the Ottawa Sochi, Russia. Convention. To further support the author- The ICRC organized several round-tables ities’ efforts to enact legislation to meet in western Georgia and Abkhazia in order Physical rehabilitation Georgia’s obligations under IHL, the ICRC to update media representatives on its There were 4,000 amputees in Georgia, completed a study of national legislation humanitarian activities. It produced press according to official estimates. In Abkhazia, relating to missing persons and the rights of releases and fact sheets and gave radio and there were around 600, most of whom were their families. It also reviewed Georgian TV interviews, highlighting its TB control war-wounded. Therefore, the ICRC con- legislation on the use and protection of the programme in prisons and micro-economic tinued to assist two government physical red cross and red crescent emblems. A five- initiatives to assist vulnerable civilians. rehabilitation centres, namely the main day IHL training course for 23 State offi- centre located in Tbilisi (which also served cials was co-organized by the ICRC and the The ICRC maintained its support for a patients from South Ossetia) and the cen- Georgian Young Lawyers Association. school programme to familiarize pupils in tre in Gagra, which was the only rehabil- Georgia with the basic concepts of IHL and itation centre serving disabled people The ICRC regularly provided embassies of humanitarian action. As the education sys- from Abkhazia. countries belonging to the ICRC Donor tem went through its reform process, the Support Group in Tbilisi, as well as the UN, the organization cooperated with the Ministry The ICRC pursued its efforts to ensure that European Commission and the Organization of Education in integrating IHL-related the Georgian Foundation for Prosthetic and for Security and Co-operation in Europe topics into new curricula and textbooks. Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (GEFPOR), (OSCE), with material on the ICRC’s activ- The ICRC organized a nationwide compe- which it had helped set up, could gradually ities in the country and around the world. tition on teaching the basics of IHL, and take over the physical rehabilitation pro- 63 teachers from the different regions of gramme in Tbilisi. To this end, it sup- Georgia participated in the final round. ported training for senior GEFPOR officials ARMED FORCES AND OTHER In Sukhumi, the ICRC organized an IHL to further develop their organizational and BEARERS OF WEAPONS competition for 35 pupils from 7 districts financial management expertise and held a of Abkhazia. month-long course to upgrade the skills of A presidential order disbanded the interior six physiotherapists. troops, integrating the majority of them some 154,000 pupils, including into the Ministry of Defence land forces. 6,000 in Abkhazia, used ICRC-sponsored Moreover, in collaboration with the health Two battalions were left under the Ministry textbooks authorities, the organization arranged for of the Interior and were deployed in Tbilisi 106 groups of teachers (1,056 teachers) an independent evaluation of the national and Zugdidi. trained in Tbilisi and 15 regions of physical rehabilitation policy in Georgia to Georgia be conducted. participation of the deputy head of 7 teachers trained as teacher-trainers operational management of the land in Georgia and 12 in Abkhazia As part of its support to the centre in forces of Georgia sponsored in an IHL Gagra, the ICRC organized a three-week course in San Remo IHL was taught in the law and journalism physiotherapy course to upgrade the skills a three-day IHL course conducted for faculties of six universities in Georgia. The of local professionals. In partnership with 36 officers of the 21st Battalion of the ICRC worked closely with the Georgian the local health authorities, the organization Kutaisi Brigade prior to its deployment Young Lawyers Association to promote IHL held a round-table on physical rehabilita- to Iraq, as well as a half-day IHL training in academic circles, notably co-organizing tion. Subsequently, the Abkhaz authorities course for 8 officer-instructors and an IHL moot-court competition and a agreed to progressively assume full respon- 32 sergeants of the Non-Commissioned national IHL essay competition for law sibility for the Gagra centre. Officers School students. The organization sponsored the the organization’s activities presented participation of university students and 1,077 patients, including 567 amputees, to 60 military personnel from the UN teachers in such events as the international received services at 2 ICRC-supported Observer Mission in Georgia, 4 observers Jean Pictet IHL competition, the Moscow physical rehabilitation centres from the OSCE and 50 servicemen IHL summer school and the Moscow IHL 124 new patients fitted with prostheses of the Russian Battalion of the Joint round-table for State officials and academic and 247 with orthoses Peacekeeping Force in the Georgia- circles. In order to promote IHL rules and 343 prostheses (70 for mine victims), South Ossetia conflict zone principles among current and future 653 orthoses (1 for a mine victim), 6 presentations given on the organization’s decision-makers in South Ossetia, the 892 crutches and 5 wheelchairs delivered activities for 41 police officers in ICRC organized a one-day IHL training Tskaltubo, and Poti, as well as course for 20 professors and students of the for 80 officers of the Rapid Deployment University of Tskhinvali, in which 13 local Force of the Ministry of the Interior government officials also participated. in Zugdidi



The Red Cross Society of Georgia focused on adopting new statutes and preparing for elections, as well as drawing up a new strategic plan for 2006–09.

The ICRC signed an agreement with the National Society on enhancing its capac- ities in the fields of dissemination and communication.

with ICRC support, 14 National Society regional dissemination officers conducted 114 internal sessions with 802 participants and 164 external sessions with 1,148 participants