Downtown Area Design Guidelines
CITY OF LAWRENCE DOWNTOWN AREA DESIGN GUIDELINES Including design guidelines and review criteria for THE DOWNTOWN CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT LAWRENCE’S DOWNTOWN HISTORIC DISTRICT and ENVIRONS Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission Lawrence Historic Resources Commission Lawrence, Kansas October 2008 ABOUT THE COVER Cover illustration: 1908 view of downtown Lawrence, looking Southwest. Adapted from Dary, David, Pictorial History of Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas. Lawrence, KS: Allen Books, 1992. The Downtown Area Design Guidelines and supporting materials are available on the Law- rence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office web site: i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to the following who helped This project was funded in make these Design Guidelines possible: part with federal funds from the National Park Service, a Mayor division of the United States Department of the Interior, Michael Dever and administered by the Kansas State Historical So- City Manager ciety. David Corliss Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office Scott McCullough, Director Planning & Development Services Lynne Braddock-Zollner, Historic Resources Administrator The City of Lawrence Historic Resources Commission Jay Antle, Anne M. Marvin, Jody Meyer, Michael Sizemore (Chair), Matt Veatch, Allen Wiechart, Sean Williams The City of Lawrence Information Systems Department Special thanks for contributions by Dr. Dennis Domer, Ph.D., Baldwin, Kansas Preservation Services and Technology Group, LLC Originally compiled
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