Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 214 / Friday, November 3, 2000 / Proposed Rules 66203 DATES: Comments must arrive by business hours. You may also see copies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection December 4, 2000. of the submitted SIP revisions at the Agency, Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, ADDRESSES: Mail comments to: Andrew following locations: San Francisco, CA 94105±3901, Steckel, Chief, Rulemaking Office (AIR± California Air Resources Board, telephone: (415) 744±1184. 4), Air Division, U.S. Environmental Stationary Source Division, Rule SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The rules Protection Agency, Region IX, 75 Evaluation Section, 2020 ``L'' Street, being approved for recission and the Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA Sacramento, CA 95812. 94105±3901. Antelope Valley Air Pollution Control negative declarations being approved for You can inspect copies of the District, 43301 Division Street, Suite the Antelope Valley Air Pollution submitted SIP revisions and EPA's 206, Lancaster, CA 93539±4409. Control District (AVAPCD) portion of technical support documents (TSDs) at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Julie the California SIP are listed in the our Region IX office during normal A. Rose, Rulemaking Office, AIR±4, Air following Table: SUBMITTED RECISSIONS AND NEGATIVE DECLARATIONS Adoption Submittal Rule No. and title date date Type of revision 1103, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetic Manufacturing Operations ................. 01±18±00 03±28±00 Recission and Negative Declaration. 1159, Nitric Acid UnitsÐOxides of Nitrogen ................................................... 01±18±00 03±28±00 Recission and Negative Declaration. In the Final Rules section of this flood elevations and modified base stricter requirements of its own, or Federal Register, the EPA is approving flood elevations are the basis for the pursuant to policies established by other the state's SIP submittal as a direct final floodplain management measures that Federal, State, or regional entities. rule without prior proposal because the the community is required either to These proposed elevations are used to Agency views this as a noncontroversial adopt or to show evidence of being meet the floodplain management revision and anticipates no adverse already in effect in order to qualify or requirements of the NFIP and are also comments. remain qualified for participation in the used to calculate the appropriate flood A detailed rationale for this approval National Flood Insurance Program insurance premium rates for new is set forth in the direct final rule. If no (NFIP). buildings built after these elevations are adverse comments are received, no DATES: The comment period is ninety made final, and for the contents in these further activity is contemplated. If EPA (90) days following the second buildings. receives adverse comments, the direct publication of this proposed rule in a final rule will be withdrawn and all National Environmental Policy Act. newspaper of local circulation in each This proposed rule is categorically public comments received will be community. addressed in a subsequent final rule excluded from the requirements of 44 ADDRESSES: The proposed base flood based on this proposed rule. The EPA CFR Part 10, Environmental elevations for each community are will not institute a second comment Consideration. No environmental available for inspection at the office of period. Any parties interested in impact assessment has been prepared. the Chief Executive Officer of each commenting should do so at this time. community. The respective addresses Regulatory Flexibility Act. The Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. are listed in the table below. Associate Director for Mitigation certifies that this proposed rule is Dated: October 4, 2000. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: exempt from the requirements of the Felicia Marcus, Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief, Hazards Study Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Regulatory Flexibility Act because Regional Administrator, Region IX. proposed or modified Base Flood [FR Doc. 00±27660 Filed 11±2±00; 8:45 am] 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646±3461, or (e-mail) Elevations are required by the Flood BILLING CODE 6560±50±U [email protected]. Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and are required to SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The establish and maintain community Federal Emergency Management Agency FEDERAL EMERGENCY eligibility in the NFIP. No regulatory MANAGEMENT AGENCY proposes to make determinations of base flood elevations and modified base flexibility analysis has been prepared. 44 CFR Part 67 flood elevations for each community Regulatory Classification. This listed below, in accordance with Section proposed rule is not a significant [Docket No. FEMA±B±7401] 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act regulatory action under the criteria of Proposed Flood Elevation of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of Determinations 67.4(a). September 30, 1993, Regulatory These proposed base flood and Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735. AGENCY: Federal Emergency modified base flood elevations, together Executive Order 12612, Federalism. Management Agency (FEMA). with the floodplain management criteria This proposed rule involves no policies ACTION: Proposed rule. required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are required. They that have federalism implications under SUMMARY: Technical information or should not be construed to mean that Executive Order 12612, Federalism, comments are requested on the the community must change any dated October 26, 1987. proposed base (1-percent-annual- existing ordinances that are more Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice chance) flood elevations and proposed stringent in their floodplain Reform. This proposed rule meets the base flood elevation modifications for management requirements. The applicable standards of Section 2(b)(2) the communities listed below. The base community may at any time enact of Executive Order 12778. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 16:44 Nov 02, 2000 Jkt 194001 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\03NOP1.SGM pfrm01 PsN: 03NOP1 66204 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 214 / Friday, November 3, 2000 / Proposed Rules List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67 PART 67Ð[AMENDED] 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376. Administrative practice and 1. The authority citation for Part 67 procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting continues to read as follows: § 67.4 [Amended] and recordkeeping requirements. 2. The tables published under the Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Accordingly, 44 CFR Part 67 is Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 3 CFR, authority of § 67.4 are proposed to be proposed to be amended as follows: amended as follows: # Depth in feet above ground. * Elevation in feet. State City/town/country Source of flooding Location (NGVD) Existing Modified California ............... Solano County (Un- Gibson Canyon Creek ...... Approximately 2,250 feet downstream of None *69 incorporated Byrnes Road. Areas). Approximately 100 feet upstream of None *143 Browns Valley Road. South Branch Gibson Just downstream of Crocker Drive ........... *103 *102 Canyon Creek. Just upstream of Browns Valley Road ..... *137 *142 Horse Creek ..................... Approximately 500 feet downstream of None *77 Willow Avenue. Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of None *79 Willow Avenue. Maps are available for inspection at the Solano County Department of Environmental Management, 601 W. Texas Street, Fairfield, California. Send comments to The Honorable Michael Johnson, County Manger, 580 W. Texas Street, Fairfield California, 94533. California ............... Vacaville (City) So- Gibson Canyon Creek ...... Approximately 2,100 feet downstream of *76 *78 lano County. Interstate Highway 80 (Eastbound). Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of None *113 Eubanks Road. South Branch Gibson At confluence with Gibson Canyon Creek *98 *98 Canyon Creek. At intersection with Interstate Highway *104 *103 505. Approximately 500 feet upstream of *117 *121 Eubanks Road. Horse Creek ..................... Approximately 800 feet downstream of *80 *82 Leisure Town Road. Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of *134 *137 Sewer Maintenance Road. Middle Branch Horse Just upstream of Interstate Highway 80 ... *90 *91 Creek. Approximately 2,200 feet upstream of None *112 Interstate Highway 505. Pine Tree Creek ............... At confluence with Horse Creek ............... *98 *97 At upstream side of Putah South Canal ... *114 *122 Just downstream of Browns Valley Road *136 *136 At Browns Valley Road Crossing of #3 #2 Southern Pacific Railroad. South Branch Horse At confluence with Horse Creek ............... *119 *114 Creek. Just downstream of Southern Pacific 132 *134 Railroad. Just downstream of Sundance Drive ....... *134 #2 Middle Swale to South At confluence with South Branch Horse *120 *122 Branch. Creek. Horse Creek..................... Just downstream of Southern Pacific *133 *131 Railroad. Just upstream of Southern Pacific Rail- None #1 road. North Branch Horse Creek At confluence with Horse Creek ............... None *83 At downstream side of Interstate Highway None *88 80. Pine Tree Creek Split ....... At convergence with Pine Tree Creek ..... None *122 Approximately 1,100 feet upstream of None *125 convergence with Pine Tree Creek. Maps are available for inspection at the Vacaville City Hall, 650 Merchant Street, Vacaville, California. Send comments to The Honorable David Fleming, Mayor, City of Vacaville, 650 Merchant Street, Vacaville, California
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