Different types of torsion and their effect on the dynamics of fields Subhasish Chakrabarty1, ∗ and Amitabha Lahiri1, † 1S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Block - JD, Sector - III, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700106 One of the formalisms that introduces torsion conveniently in gravity is the vierbein-Einstein- Palatini (VEP) formalism. The independent variables are the vierbein (tetrads) and the components of the spin connection. The latter can be eliminated in favor of the tetrads using the equations of motion in the absence of fermions; otherwise there is an effect of torsion on the dynamics of fields. We find that the conformal transformation of off-shell spin connection is not uniquely determined unless additional assumptions are made. One possibility gives rise to Nieh-Yan theory, another one to conformally invariant torsion; a one-parameter family of conformal transformations interpolates between the two. We also find that for dynamically generated torsion the spin connection does not have well defined conformal properties. In particular, it affects fermions and the non-minimally coupled conformal scalar field. Keywords: Torsion, Conformal transformation, Palatini formulation, Conformal scalar, Fermion arXiv:1907.02341v1 [gr-qc] 4 Jul 2019 ∗
[email protected] †
[email protected] 2 I. INTRODUCTION Conventionally, General Relativity (GR) is formulated purely from a metric point of view, in which the connection coefficients are given by the Christoffel symbols and torsion is set to zero a priori. Nevertheless, it is always interesting to consider a more general theory with non-zero torsion. The first attempt to formulate a theory of gravity that included torsion was made by Cartan [1].