Articles from FreeSandal

W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《七》 RetroPie 金手指 2016-02-21 06:02:21 懸鉤子



許遜,南昌人。晉初為旌陽令,點石化金 ,以足逋賦。




許遜(239年-374年),字敬之,晉代著名道士,南昌縣(今屬江西)長定鄉益塘 坡人,祖籍河南汝南[1],道教淨明道、閭山派尊奉的祖師,許遜於晉太康元年 (280年)出任旌陽(今屬四川)令,人稱許九郎、許旌陽、旌陽祖師、感天大 帝,又稱許天師、許真君。

不過 W!o+ 對『點石成金』的見解倒很玄,重點祇一句︰










宋公諱燾,邑庠生。一日,病臥,見吏人持牒,牽白顛馬來,云:「請赴試。」公 言:「文宗未臨,何遽得考?」吏不言,但敦促之 。公力疾乘馬從去。 路甚生 疏。至一城郭,如王者都。移時入府廨 ,宮室壯麗。上坐十餘官,都不知何人,惟 關壯繆可識。檐下設几 、墩各二,先有一秀才坐其末,公便與連肩。几上各 有筆 札。俄題紙飛下。視之,八字云:「一人二人,有心無心。」二公文成,呈殿上。 公文中有云:「有心為善,雖善不賞;無心為惡,雖惡不罰 。」諸神傳讚不 已。 召公上,諭曰:「河南缺一城隍,君稱其職。 」公方悟,頓首泣曰:「辱膺寵命, 何敢多辭?但老母七旬,奉養無人,請得終其天年,惟聽錄用。」上一帝王像 者, 即命稽母壽籍。有長鬚吏,捧冊翻閱一過,白:「有陽算九年。」共躊躇間,關帝 曰:「不妨令張生攝篆九年,瓜代可也。」乃謂公:「應即赴任;今推仁孝之 心, 給假九年,及期當復相召。」又勉勵秀才數語 。二公稽首並下。秀才握手,送諸郊 野,自言長山張某。以詩贈別 ,都忘其詞,中有「有花有酒春常在,無燭無燈 夜 自明」之句。公既騎,乃別而去,及抵里,豁若夢寤。時卒已三日。母聞棺中呻吟 ,扶出,半日始能語。問之長山,果有張生,於是日死矣。後九年 ,母果卒。營 葬既畢,浣濯入室沒。其岳家居城中西門內,忽見公鏤膺朱幩,輿馬甚眾,登其 堂,一拜而行。相共驚疑,不知其為神 。奔詢鄉中,則已歿矣。公有自記小傳,惜 亂 後無存,此其略耳。

何況『工具』本身無善無惡、非善非惡。且善且惡存於『用者』也耶!!??恰似 《欺言騙語》起頭


遊戲者人間也。優勝劣敗,其常也。圖謀非常者,其要有二,昭明若日月。其日曰 ︰積微守勝,永不退轉。其法言︰機緣在天,流布難勻,苟有所得,必儲。凡有所 失,再來補過,只進無退之道。此陽謀也,存心取勝。其月曰︰更於九地之下,改 於九天之上,瞞天過海。其法言︰欺言騙語,得之物性,所更所改,皆有物宜。物 不能知!人能知乎?此陰謀也,詐取詭奪。

由於作者不知《欺言騙語》是何典!灰子是何人?但思所謂『儲』 、『存』宛如圖 靈機『狀態』存取?『更』、『改』彷彿作弊碼『修改遊戲』!心想這部書,可就 是 Tux 的『作弊大全』乎??

既然無處可考?也只能遁之以史實的了!! 電子遊戲作弊

遊戲作弊是指在多人遊戲、網路遊戲中利用修改遊戲或者其他不正當手段來達到超 出對手成績或者其他目的的行為,單人遊戲中使用作弊碼來使遊戲變得更加簡單的 行為也包含在內。大多數遊戲開發者注重於讓多人遊戲變得更加「平衡」。當第一 個用於網際網路應用的遊戲發布的時候,遊戲作弊也就隨之產生。過去很容易區別 一個玩家是否作弊,因為多數情況發生在區域網遊戲內。網絡改變了這種情況。 ───

Cheating in video games involves a player using non- methods to create an advantage or disadvantage beyond normal gameplay, in order to make the game easier or harder. Cheats may be activated from within the game itself (a cheat code implemented by the original game developers), or created by third-party software (a game trainer) or hardware (a cheat cartridge). They can also be realised by exploiting software bugs, but if it is really cheating is also matter of common knowledge. Software bugs are very often considered software features and as long as they are common knowledge, it is questionable whether it is cheating. History

Cheating in video games has existed for almost their entire history. The first cheat codes were put in place for play testing purposes. Playtesters had to rigorously test the mechanics of a game and introduced cheat codes to make this process easier. An early cheat code can be found in , where typing “6031769” (based on Matthew Smith’s driving licence) enables the cheat mode.[1] An early trainer for a game was for : Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (1981); within months of its release at least two commercial products appeared.[2] 1983 advertisements for “The Great Escape Utility”, a similar product for (1981), promised that the $15 product “remodels every feature of the game. Stop startup delays, crashes and chest waiting. Get any item, in any quantity. Start in any room, at any rank. Handicap your aim. Even add items”.[3]

─── Cheat engine

Cheat Engine,一般簡稱CE,是一個開放源代碼的軟體,作者為Eric Heijnen (“Dark Byte”),功能包括:記憶體掃描、十六進制編輯器、除錯工具,目前僅 供Windows作業系統運行。[3]Cheat Engine最常在電腦遊戲中當做遊戲外掛,有時 會更新以避免被其他軟體檢測到。這個程式類似於L. Spiro的 “Memory Hacking Software“、TSearch、以及ArtMoney。透過Cheat Engine,使用者可以尋找與修 改電腦的記憶體。 特色 Cheat Engine可以查詢與修改程式經過反彙編後的記憶體。透過修改記憶體,使用 者可以在遊戲裡獲得一些好處,例如無限的生命值、時間或彈藥。它還包含一 些Direct3D的工具讓你可以透視牆壁,在一些高級選項裡還可以替你移動滑鼠,這 功能可以用來製作aimbot。不過Cheat Engine主要使用在單人遊戲,在多人遊戲 方面並不鼓勵。[4]

Cheat Engine可以將代碼注入其他進程,因此大多數的防毒軟體會將它誤認為病 毒。有一些版本可以避免這個問題,但需多功能會因此無法使用。產生這個問題的 主要原因是因為Cheat Engine使用了一些與特洛伊木馬相同的rootkits以取得部分 系統的權限,除非停用防毒軟體的啟發式掃描,否則將被視為可疑的程式。新版的 Cheat Engine已漸漸不易被防毒軟體所阻擋,像是代碼注入的一些功能也能運作無 誤。

6.1版的Cheat Engine可以製作專屬的遊戲外掛程式——Trainer,並可輸出成執行 檔。不過透過CEtrainer製成的trainer一般來說大小都很大。一些製作Trainer的團 體會將成品做為”最終”版本發布在網路上。[5]因為用Cheat Engine做Trainer的容易 性,一些熱門網站甚至以CE的Trainer為討論主題。[6]不過CEtrainer自6.1版以來就 沒又再更新,而是強調用Lua來製作trainer。[7]


About Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make them harder or easier depending on your preference(e.g: Find that 100hp is too easy, try playing a game with a max of 1 HP), but also contains other usefull tools to help debugging games and even normal applications.

It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them, but it also comes with a debugger, disassembler, assembler, speedhack, trainer maker, direct 3D manipulation tools, system inspection tools and more.

For new users it is recommended to go through the tutorial(The one that comes with Cheat Engine, you can find it in your programs list after installing) and at least reach step 5 for basic understanding of the usage of Cheat Engine

If you need help on Cheat Engine , you can always contact me at [email protected] , msn supported as well(don’t ask about online games, I don’t know anything about that) Or on irc: server: channel: #cef (Web-based irc)

Note: It will most likely not work on online games, so don’t bother asking me that

Local Cheat Engine WIKI Note that since cheat engine is open source, everyone is welcome to contribute to the project. Contact [email protected] for more information about helping.


雖說『 RetroArch 』不尚談『作弊引擎』之事,總是也有『作弊碼資料庫』 libretro-database/cht/

Game Boy Create Legend of Zelda The Minish 3 months

Advance/CodeBreaker Cap Demo.cht ago 8 months Fix typo in the name of cht folders. ago a year Games Fix god mode in Quake ago 8 months Genesis/Pro fix mistypes ago Entertainment all filenames scrubbed of all special 9 months

System characters ago 8 months PlayStation Fix typo in the name of cht folders. PlayStation Fix typo in the name of cht folders. ago all filenames scrubbed of all special 9 months Sega characters ago Sega Master System/Pro all filenames scrubbed of all special 9 months

Action Replay characters ago all filenames scrubbed of all special 9 months Sega Saturn/GameShark characters ago all filenames scrubbed of all special 9 months Super Nintendo characters ago


【 RetroArch 的預設 cheats 目錄處理】

# 請自行取得 cht 內之檔案 pi@#re tropie:~/Ret cht 1roPie/c請he自ats行 $取 ls 得 內之檔案 pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/cheats $ ls 2BSNES Cheat BSNES Cheat Code cht 3Code pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/cheats $ 4cht

5pi@retropie:~/Ret # RetroArch cheats 6roPie/cheats $ 的預設 目錄 7 pi@retropie:~ $ cd .config/retroarch/ pi@retropie:~ $ ln -s ~/RetroPie/cheats/cht/Super\ Nintendo/Pro\ Action\ 8# RetroArch Replay/的 c預heats 9 cheats 設 目錄 1pi0@retropie:~ $ pi@retropie:~/.config/retroarch $ ls 1cd1 assets cheats database overlay remap shaders 1.c2onfig/retroarch/ autoconf cores downloads playlists screenshots 1pi3@retropie:~ $ ln pi@retropie:~/.config/retroarch $ -s ~/RetroPie/cheats /cht/Super\ Nintendo/Pro\ 【Ac遊tio戲n\ R進ep行la中y/ ,按下 Select』 + 『X 鍵,操作作弊檔案】 cheats pi@retropie:~/.co nfig/retroarch $ ls assets cheats database overlay remap shaders autoconf cores downloads playlists screenshots pi@retropie:~/.co nfig/retroarch $

使用搖桿的『左、右』更改該項『作弊碼』之『 OFF 』、『 ON 』狀態。滿意後 務須用『確認鍵』 A 先確定『 Apply Cheat Changes 』;然後再用『返回鍵』 B 回到上層『 Resume 』。