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Ioan VIRCA “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania [email protected]

Dorel BADEA “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania [email protected]

ABSTRACT In the paper the authors deal with the current problems related to the construction of fighting armoured vehicles, especially the wheeled vehicles, namely the modular conception regarding the realisation of fighting platforms, resulting after manufacturing in multirole vehicles, which have multiple advantages for the logistics and combat actions taking place on the theatres of operations. Starting from the objective causes determining the realisation of today’s fighting vehicles having a modular construction, the authors summarily analyse from the point of view of destination and the technical-tactical characteristics two types of fighting platforms manufactured by firms of international fame in the field and conceive five types of functional modules on the chassis of a native wheeled fighting vehicle. The solutions offered bring about technical and economic advantages over the transport activities of platforms and modules in the theatres of operation, as well as over their maintenance and availability.

KEYWORDS: fighting vehicle, armoured fighting vehicle, multirole vehicle, modular construction.

1. The Necessity of Producing actions taking place at present Armored Fighting Vehicles in Modular demands a great range of armored Construction fighting vehicles produced on a At present, at an international level, in chassis or armored carcase as a basic the field of construction of military structure. Recent achievements in technical equipment there is the tendency of the field of construction of armored modular construction due to certain vehicles shows that several modular objective causes, such as: constructive solutions with different – the diversity of the missions of the functionality can be placed on a combat forces and of the military model of chassis;


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– achieving several constructive explosive, resulting in a significant solutions on a single model of reduction of costs. chassis or armored carcase brings along significant economic 2. Today’s Achievements in the advantages for the producer of Field of Modular Construction of military technique and equipment Armoured Fighting Vehicles because a single constructive platform provides high efficiency to 2.1. The Mechanised Multirole the manufacturing process; Fighting Platform MRAV-5 – the operations for the testing of the MRAV-5 is a vehicle on 8 wheels protection of a single basic platform which through its dimensions outperforms against the threats on the theatres of most of the fighting vehicles pertaining to operations reduce the volume of the same category (Figure no. 1). It is work, the specific equipment used in equipped for combat and has a mass of 34 the measuring and processing of tonnes, being 10 times heavier than the results, as well as the amount of vehicles having the same destination.

Figure no. 1. Armoured personnel carrier MRAV-5 (basic vehicle) (source: www.military-today.com)

MRAV-5 carries out a variety of a) MRAV-5A – Armoured personnel highly flexible utilitarian missions. This carrier; flexibility is achieved by means of modules b) MRAV-5B – Command post; specialised for different tasks. The basic c) MRAV-5C – Infantry fighting vehicle is independent of the other modules vehicle; and these can be changed within an hour d) MRAV-5D –120mm Launcher; maximum (www.military-today.com). e) MRAV-5E – Medical evacuation The modules are realised according to vehicle; the missions the vehicle has to accomplish. f) MRAV-5F – Anti-Aircraft fighting These modules contain diverse armament vehicle; systems, the medical module, the logistical g) MRAV-5G – Vehicle for the repair module or the module for fitting the vehicle of equipment; as a command post. Figure no. 2 includes h) MRAV-5H – Logistics. the following modules:


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Figure no. 2 Modules that can equip the modular platform MRAV-5 (source: www.military-today.com)

The basic vehicle (auto chassis) can armored personnel carrier that has advance even without these modules. The outstanding performance, Patria AMV armament system can be configured (http://patria.fi). according to the needs of the beneficiary. Thus there has been enhanced the possibility of combining size, number of 2.2. The Mechanised Multirole wheels, independent suspension, greater Fighting Platform Patria AMV power of the engine and the construction of Starting with 1999, the Patria the chassis, ensuring good maneuverability, Vehicles plants of have even on cross-country terrain. manufactured a modular amphibious

Figure no. 3 Modular armoured vehicle Patria AMV (source: www.military-today.com)

The vehicle can be reconfigured in – Additional modules allowing the order to accomplish numerous missions. transformation of the vehicle into an Models of 8 x 8 wheeled vehicles include ambulance, command or work post. (Figure no. 3): c) AMV-8x8 carrier based on a) The basic model: modules: – Personnel carrier; – Common basic platform and – Infantry fighting vehicle; modules of armament systems that – Command vehicle; can be easily changed, in – Ambulance. accordance with the mission to be b) 8x8 system platform: carried out. – The armoured hull is configured The vehicle is driven by a diesel to provide more room in the rear engine with 6 in line cylinders, which has part, allowing the transportation of 675 HP and transports 12 militaries. The more fighters or supplies; 27-ton vehicle can be configured for


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different missions: armoured personnel The authors of the paper further present carrier, infantry fighting vehicle, a conception of realising a model of modular communications, ambulance, as well as armoured personnel carrier. As a result of versions for support against enemy fire. studying the several above-mentioned types of modular platforms, as well as of other 3. Setting the Basic Chassis for the models not mentioned in the paper, there will Construction of the Multi-Role Armored be adopted a chassis on the basis of which the Vehicle (MRAV) platform is built, offering advantages in the Analysing the whole spectrum of the current multimodal transportation in the missions the armoured fighting vehicles theatres of operation, easiness and rapidity in have to accomplish in today’s military changing modules and an increased actions, the importance of modularity in the maintenance level. construction of these categories of vehicles The basic form of the chassis is becomes obvious, leading to significant rendered in Figure no. 4. economic advantages.

(Source: Ştefîrcă & Virca, 2014)

Figure no. 4 Designing the armoured personnel carrier in Autodesk 3ds Max (Source: Ştefîrcă & Virca, 2014)


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After analysing the real needs in the the standard armament which the SAUR-2 theatres of operation and the fighting and is fitted with. So, the basic equipment will transportation possibilities offered by the be represented by a 30mm-caliber basic chassis, five constructive modules are automatic gun, a 7.62 mm-caliber machine designed, having the following finalities. gun and a smoke grenade launcher being the secondary armament (George, 2014) 3.1. Turret with Advanced Modular (Figure no. 5). The optical systems provide Design a 360° visibility field both to the Equipped with an efficient system of commander of the vehicle and to the turret armament and aiming device that allow for operator. an increased rate of fire in comparison with

Figure no. 5 Modular turret (source: www.army-guide.com)

3.2. Vehicle for Evacuation and crane and its adjacent installation, having Repairs the role of lifting and manipulating heavy The combat technique deterioration or assemblies, of removing the obstacles from its getting stuck in the mud in the military the communication lines, of serving the actions require its recovery and evacuation engineering formations in the construction in specially designed areas, as well as its of roads and bridges, etc. repair work (Figure no. 6). In order to remove the vehicle from The provision of the maintenance the mud, the winch in the construction of formations with such means significantly the basic chassis will be used, but for the contributes to maintaining a degree of good multiplication of the towing force there will technical state and operationality of the be used the assistance devices that the friendly combat forces. module is fitted with. The proposed constructive vehicle will be equipped with a 1.5 tf hydraulic

Figure no. 6 Module for evacuation and repairs (Source: Ştefîrcă & Virca, 2014)


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3.3. The Rocket Launcher Module The information will be transmitted The proposed module determines the through an ACCS system (Artillery coordinates of the target on the basis of the Command and Control System) to a GPS coordinates of the acquisition command post, which in its turn takes into platform, as well as of the relative direction consideration the information obtained and distance of the target measured by from the weather forecast stations and the means of a goniometer and a laser position of the launchers determined (Figure no. 7). through GPS and provides the firing orders to the battery.

Figure no. 7 Module with projectile launcher (Source: Ştefîrcă & Virca, 2014)

The accuracy of firing can be affected provides the possibility of quickly both by the errors in determining the distributing fuel on the battlefield, having a position of the target, the orientation of the large capacity of storing 7 tonnes platform, and the deviation accumulated in approximately and being able to fuel about the flight of the rocket. 25 armored personnel carriers, for example (Figure no. 8). The vehicle is armored, being 3.4. The Module for Transportation protected against bullets, splinters etc. of Fuel The module for the transportation of fuel is represented by a modular tank which

Figure no. 8 Module for fuel transportation (Source: Ştefîrcă & Virca, 2014)


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3.5. Vehicle for the Evacuation and chassis, having a maximum moving speed Transportation of Casualties greater than the tracked version and will be In combat, saving the life of the fitted with equipment for handling, militaries must be carried out extremely immobilizing and transporting the wounded quickly, with safe evacuation means which militaries, for the resuscitation of breathing, offer protection (Figure no. 9). At present, monitoring, defibrillation, evaluation and there is a range of wheeled sanitary vehicles administration of treatments, etc. which the friendly forces are fitted with. The five designed modules can be The designed module will be placed transported in standard containers on any on a armoured wheeled personnel carrier route.

Figure no. 9 Module for evacuation and transportation of the injured (Source: Ştefîrcă & Virca, 2014)

If it has to carry out missions on long – armoured vehicle equipped with distances, the modular vehicle can advance state-of-the-art turret; either on march on wheels, or mounted – system for evacuating and together with the additional modules. These repairing the damaged technique; are stored in standard containers and can be – rocket launcher; transported by air by the Hercules C-130 – vehicle for fuel transportation; military transportation aircraft, by land in – vehicle for evacuating and cargo trucks or by railway. transporting the injured. By using a hydraulic system of 4. Conclusions manipulating the load, the system has the The construction of modular vehicles capacity to change the respective modules represents a tremendous technological leap and is ready for a new mission in just a few since this modularity offers the user minutes as this operation is accomplished numerous advantages, such as: by a single military. – reduction of the transportation The modular vehicle can be used both time and costs; in peace and war time. It can be included in – facilitation in carrying out repairs the equipment of several military units, and maintenance; special forces units, gendarmerie, even – ability to be rapidly reconfigured police, many other types of modules being and to accomplish several placed on the basic chassis according to the different tasks. user’s wish (Figure no. 10). Thus, the modular design allows the vehicle to be configured for at least five different missions:


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Figure no. 10 Assembly basic chassis – constructive module (Source: Ştefîrcă & Virca, 2014)


George, GMT. (2014). SAUR 2, o necesitate?, available at: http://www.rumaniamilitary. ro/saur-2-o-necesitate, accesed at: 17.09.2016 Patria. (2016). Patria AMV (Armoured Modular Vehicle) product family, available at: http://patria.fi/en/products-and-services/armoured-wheeled-vehicles/patria-amv-armoured- modular-vehicle-product-family, accesed at: 17.09.2016. Ştefîrcă, M.A. & Virca. I. (2014). Studiu privind realizarea unor autovehicule cu dinamică variabilă în construcţie modulară, Sibiu: Editura Academiei Forţelor Terestre “Nicolae Bălcescu”. www.army-guide.com. www.militaryfactory.com. www.military-today.com.