sarahnewsletter number 9 october 1994 free!!!

I know,I know,itts late, but things kept had read them. yourd know the answers. I happening,or not happening, itrs hard to il!'pose it's'these short attention spdns exp1ain... basically (to fall backon metaphor everybody'sgot these days.. . So - I rl I try for a moment)it was as if hugegreat slabs of choppingthis one up into shorter paragraphs, rock kept suddenlymaterialising out of thin even break someparagraphs mid air to block our way across the mountaintop sentenceif that helDs, and throw in a few while evil black carrion birds swoopeddown pictures, mapsand pie-charts. low trying to peck out our eyes. - You really Anyway,HEAVET{LY; canrt imaginewhat itrs like sometimes.These fab London-basedlabels have it sq easy. ANDthey and their new get to go to parties and ridilon tirbe trains. A Pie-Chart LP whichi s called "TheDecline & Fall Anyway,never having been ones to let our of Heavenl,v"and spiri ts get daunted by hobgobli ns or foul not what we you 'I told fi ends and the l i ke, werre now ful l steam ect f imo hocarr