
Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

The Basics In this section, you’ll fnd practical resources to get your basic fber arts knowledge and teaching methods on track for immediate use in your art room.

33 Art Ideas For Your Classroom

We’re bringing you an extensive list of fber art ideas for your classroom because, let’s face it, although is awesome, it can wear out its welcome pretty quickly. ***As always, please use your professional discretion with the following ideas. Some things may not be suitable for very young students (sharp needles, permanent , etc…) or may be better suited for a small group of students rather than an entire class. Continue reading…

The Friendly : A Chance for Collaborative Art

Are you looking for something new to add to your classroom that… 1) Will serve as an engaging content- rich free time activity? 2) Requires very little maintenance or material? 3) Can be used by students across several grade levels? 4) Will produce a breathtaking piece of collaborative art? If so, you should consider purchasing the Friendly Loom. Although it requires an initial investment of around $275, this piece of art room “furniture” serves so many purposes, I can’t imagine teaching without it. Once this simple, large-scale loom is set up it can be used as part of a weaving lesson, a reward for good behavior, an activity for fast fnishers, or even a fne-arts night family interaction project. Continue reading…

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Making a Simple Batik for the Classroom

During my frst year of teaching, I attempted real batik with my fourth graders. Yes, hot melted wax, permanent fabric dye and about 10 hours of ironing on my part. It was silly. Luckily, I’ve come up with a much easier (and less messy) way to achieve a similar effect. Watch the video to see how it’s done! Continue reading…

Successful Weaving Projects for All Ages

Whether you love to weave with students, dread weaving with students, or plain avoid it all together -- this video is for you. I will provide a variety of materials, methods, and ideas to adapt and modify weaving for ANY grade level along with strategies of how to break down vocabulary and skills for your students and even a some management ideas to keep it all organized! Come join me as we unknot the stresses of weaving with students for success at any age. Watch the video…

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

3 Tips for Weaving with Young Students

I love teaching students to weave, but it has taken me a few years to really come up with a good system for making weaving work with younger students. Today I’d love to share my top three tips. Continue reading…

What's Old is New Again: Fiber Arts in the Art Room

Over the years, the popularity of fber arts has waxed and waned. Women set aside and as they entered the workforce in the 60s, but hippies brought back the so-called “granny crafts” with a vengeance later on. Currently, Etsy sellers are peddling their hand- stitched, crocheted, and knitted wares to almost everyone. Is it because our culture has overindulged in technology? Let’s hope so and take full advantage of that in the art room! In this session, fber-lovin’ art teacher, Cassie Stephens, will share her favorite fber projects. From weaving to embroidery to sewing, Cassie will help you bring back the old and make it new and exciting for your students. Watch the video…

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Why Not...Start a Simple, Ongoing Collaborative Project?

With packed schedules, the thought of embarking on a collaborative project can seem daunting. Plus, there is the question of ‘who gets to keep it’? You can take school-wide or class-wide projects in so many directions. Te simple idea of a collaborative nature weaving was something I stumbled upon at a local botanical center, but it could absolutely work in the art room, especially this spring when things start to grow again. You could have students donate fabric scraps to give this another look. Tis would be an excellent center in your art room, or perhaps something students could work on when they fnish early. Continue reading…

Conquer Batik with this Handy Resource Guide

Batik is the art of using wax resist and dye to decorate fabric. Te art of batik has been practiced for centuries all over in the world, predominately in Asia and Africa. Including a batik lesson in your art curriculum allows you to teach the history of batik specifc to a region of your choice. Te beauty of teaching batik is the cross curricular connections. Te downside is that batik can be intimidating. I understand that the thought of using hot wax and permanent with students can be terrifying and possibly out of the question. Rest assured, it is possible to incorporate soy wax batik in your curriculum w i t h s o m e e d u c a t i o n , p r e p a r a t i o n , organization, and planning. Today I’ll share my experience with batik in my classroom as well as amazing resources you can use to get started in yours! Continue reading…

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Incorporating Culture into Your Weaving Projects

Weaving is a great opportunity to talk about many cultures from around the world. In every lesson, I like to make connections to culture and art history whenever possible. Here is one example of how I take a simple weaving lesson and put a informative spin on it by teaching about Kente Cloths from Ghana. Continue reading…

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Techniques Feel like you already have a good understanding of the basics? Tis section will dive deeper into aspects of fber arts that require a little more experience.

How to Build a Successful K-5 Weaving Curriculum

Do you ever skip over an entire media group in your curriculum, simply because you feel like you don’t have time to incorporate it, or because you don’t feel confdent with your own skill level? I did for awhile when I was in the classroom, especially with weaving and clay. Te story goes that when I frst started teaching, I did a few paper with my younger students, and then completely abandoned weaving in upper elementary. I didn’t think I had the time, resources, or knowledge to do anything complex with weaving. Ten, one of our art teachers held a weaving workshop where we all learned new techniques. Te workshop gave me new excitement and motivation to tackle weaving. A few years later, cardboard loom weaving with 4th grade ended up being one of my very favorite projects of all time! If weaving is feeling daunting for you, then today I’ve got your back. Continue reading…

Weaving Techniques

Loom & Spindle, a weaving and hand- company based in Melbourne, Australia, offers a wide variety of loom and weaving tutorials. Tese quality digital resources provide clear directions and clear images to help you move forward with your creative endeavors.

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

How to Effortlessly Incorporate Fiber Arts into Your Curriculum

Fiber arts are often ignored when planning curriculum. Maybe we feel students are too old for a weaving lesson or the materials needed are too expensive. I have fallen into this mindset a time or two myself. In fact, I’ve tried some simple sewing projects here and there, but I’ve never fully committed to incorporating a strong base of fber projects in my art room. I don’t feel comfortable teaching methods like felting or embroidery with so little experience myself. Te truth is, we don’t need to be experts in every medium to be good art teachers. Instead, we need to provide opportunities for our students to explore their art making options.Continue reading…

Top 10 Must-Know Hand Embroidery Stitches

It’s easy to become overwhelmed when frst looking at hand embroidery stitches. Lucky for you, this easy to understand guide of the top 10 best hand embroidery stitches, will help you understand the foundation of some of the stitches that may have previously made your palms sweat. Courtesy of Continue reading…

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Organization and Management Te most daunting part of a painting lesson can be the management of the supplies and the clean up. Tis section will go through helpful suggestions to keep your art room tidy and your sanity in check!

Budget Friendly Fiber Arts for Your Classroom

I struggled for years to fnd a balance between allowing students to have a fber “experience” and creating something that was actually worth spending the time working on. I and loom work would be a good ft, and I wanted to share my passion with the classroom, but I wasn’t sure how to acquire the tools that I needed (on my ever dwindling budget) so that each student could have a personal experience knitting. Continue reading…

The "Super Handy Cart"

Weaving projects in the art room can easily get out of control! Especially when you’re dealing with hundreds of kiddos every week! Te worst feeling in the world is trying to untangle a ball of yarn with 25 little faces staring intently at you. Watch this really quick video to see an easy solution to eliminate that problem in your art room and make your weaving projects a whole lot more stress free. Continue reading...

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Why Fiber Arts Make a Fantastic Art Club Alternative

Last year I talked about my experimental Saturday morning art club. I absolutely loved the experience, and it got me thinking more about ways we can improve the idea of the traditional art club experience. One of my favorite twists (pun intended!) is starting a fber arts club. Here are three reasons to give it a whirl. Continue reading...

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Fiber Arts Lesson Plan Ideas

Nature Weavings

Teacher description of lesson: Are you looking for a great excuse to get outside and make some art? Try nature weavings! Have students prepare simple, circular , then head outside to gather materials. Tis lesson is a great opportunity to talk about temporary art and Andy Goldsworthy. Your students will love getting out in the fresh air and connecting with the natural world. As these will eventually wilt, make sure to take photos of the fnished pieces. In addition, think about allergies and poisonous plants when deciding where to work!

Circle Loom Weavings

Teacher description of lesson: When it comes to art lessons, I'm not much of a repeat offender. Since I like to change up the cultural theme of my art room every year, my lessons usually follow suit. However, I always have my 2nd grade create a circle loom weaving for a couple of reasons: It's excellent for building fne motor skills, it’s chock full of math connections, and it reaches those kids that might otherwise slip through the art cracks.

Paper Loom Weavings

Teacher description of lesson: Now, if you've never ever taught or attempted weaving before, have no fear. Tis here paper loom weaving project will lay the ground work for all other weaving projects. I do a paper loom weaving project with my frst grade friends every year. However, if you are introducing weaving to kids that have never given it a go, I strongly recommend you have them do this simple project. Tey'll learn the vocabulary, the technique and the ability to apply what they've learned to more advanced weaving projects. So, lez get started!

the art of education | Studio: Fibers

Fibers 101 for Art Teachers

Weaving Woven Pouches

Teacher description of lesson: In the art room, this project has become a rite of passage for my fourth grade students but can easily be created by kids as young as second grade.

Multiple Layer Weaving

Teacher description of lesson: Here is a little lesson to add some JAZZ to your ordinary weaving projects with any grade level! I use this technique for 2nd graders and it seems to work out perfect. It’s called the multiple layer weaving.

Even More Lesson Plan Ideas

Art Teachers love Pinterest, and rightfully so! It’s a fantastic resource and tool for discovering new ideas, organizing your plans, and sharing your successes! Browsing through this lengthy list of Fiber Lesson boards will surely inspire some new ways to explore drawing with your students. Explore here…

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