Weetness Tight
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With The Mews! For Value—Shop The AJt tride AH Th« Activities 9 The Lurgett And Beit Shop*, Sorv* Tt Town With Your Home-Town P«P« ice* In Thfc AreVftre Our Advw* tiiers. Patronize fhvml XXXVIII.—No. 9 Published BvBrtr,ThUti«ft» Ent«r»a u «««ond clam matter at 18 Greon St., Wo<J4br«H, N, 1, WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1946 »t th» Poit Office, Woodbrldlt, N. J. PRICE FIVE CENTS ' I^isciission Toy Indastry Secretary September 8 Is Chosen As Date For Township Decorated! OPFaces weetness <* Budget Ceremony Welcoming Fighters Home From Battle AND WOODBRIDGp — The May- ganizations of. servicemen in charged by that time. Since ti 2 Primary or's Committee to arrange a attempt to learn from the rank is desired that as many as pos- Attracts 1 homc-cDming welcome for town- and file of their membership sible of the service folk be in- ship meV and women who served their preference.' H. D. Clark cluded,' It was decided to post- Contests tight in the Jirmdd forces, has Be- trf Sewnrcn, Commander of the pone th*- date until 'early" Pall. Wooilbridge Post, American Le- Labor Day was considered h.rlc. E. Gregory Lack Of Attendance In lected September 8—the Sun- By C day Mowing Labor pay—for gion, nni| head of the Veterans' out of the'question because of Wight Denies 'Rift' But terpreted By Mayor As the cetfcmony. * Alliance, was appointed chair- the fact so many of the towns- I ho papers .this man of a committee to learn folk would be out of town. A Both Lund, Germain Re- (,u|jn Show Oi Confidence another of The coinmlttee met' Monday the sentiment of the service- suggestion by Hampton gutter, main In 2nd Ward File * WIHM-« night in tne recreation room of men's groups" and to report at a member of the Draft Board, probation cases WOODBRIDGE^With Arvkl s the INDEPENDENT -LEADER thenext"meeting of-the Mayor's that a particular day bcapeciftc: WOODHRIDGE-3'There i» no ' t.|y(lll Winquiat, Avcnel, the only resi- t'(» roost.. dent appearing at the public hear- and twenty members were guests Committee, " ' cally designated in honor of the rift in the Republican ranks in the ing on the Township budget. Mon- of the chairman, Charles E. Selection of September 8 as • veterans and to be .considered Second Ward dwpite the fact there iMMiicmber that a day, the" 104B tax measure was Gregory, at dinner. The gen- the d,ate'6f the community cere- solely a& "their day" met with lire two candidates in tho primary, eral purpose of the celebration unanimous 'agreement. It was race for Township Committee, cei'k.s ago I re- passed unanimously. • mony was the outcome of care- if was discussed informally, but felt, too, that the community James S. Wight, Republican Mil- " Mayor August F. Greiner de- ful sifting of many suggestions. sume small com- no definite action outside selec- Independence Day, July 4, was, might like to • have an; annual nleipal Chairman, said today. , u clared he was disappointed in not. tion of the date was taken. public ceremony on this same The two candidates tire Anton J. !,,,«• the iudge had having a larger delegation of tax- (it first considered. ias the most Considerable diHCUssion took day. Lund, who has been active in civic wi,|liL $750 line some payers present to discuss the bud- logical date, but it was then place on the form most suitable learned that a large number of affairs in the Fords sccton of the ' |10 in tho course of get before final passage, • The next meeting of the Com- for a community token to the the men and women in whose mittee wijl be hel'd ahottly after Township und Charles Germain* own idea "However," the mayor declared, Horatio D. Clark Maj. Johanna M. Kelly president of the Fords Republican IWI..-II.K veterans. It was deemed advis- name the day would be set the next meeting of the Vet- it in Car: "it also shows the taxpayers' have able to consult the various or- aside, would not have been dis- erans' Alliance on Aprit 11 Club. ...-'' 11,1 ;| very profeHnional confidence in us." Mr. Wight explained that thV •Vl.niilatinji the frame Committeeman George Mro/, Clark Named Army Award two candidates mot' with Republi- viinlri'ing stumblebum again sponsored the idea of using can leader:) and it was decided, M i'i|(i/,cn slugs or HO. For the entire ciish surplus "to reduce 4 Women To Be Inducted Tonight Red Cross Shy since both men have hacking, to the tax rate" declaring that if the For Maj. Kelly let the voters choose at open (,rv (•onipletp air-condi- To New Post .rjnb .ludgeLyongave remaining "$20,000 surplus was By Legion In Public Ceremony ,981 Of Goal primary. —in addition to used it would decrease the tax SEWAREN—Horatio D./Clark, WOODBRIDGE — Major Jo- "There is definitely no discord rate $1.11) per thousand: valua- or fnetinn,11 tht chairman related,- — lecture and pro- Clifi" Road, who aerved'as manager WOODBRIDGE —A total of haiina "Magyar Kelly,' WAC, a int.' tioru".. ol^lie American Toy Fair and as- jlmong 150 Candidates •..WomUj.i:ulgj!.aJW i irh Srhnnl tn pledged that the loser will sup- n. Co'nimitteemiin Frederick Spen- sistant secretary of the Toy Manu- date in the Red Cross drive for or on military leave, has been cer said "Mr. Mroz was attempting To Be Accepted By Post awarded the Army Conimendrt- port the winner in the primary at . I could get a facturers of the United States of funds, but an additional $5,891 1|I|IIIS( to give the taxpayers the wrong America, Inc., for the lnst 25 Here In Mass Rites tion Ribbon. The citation reads the general election in Novembor." |f iim-us-pocus slapped Fords Firemen Give $50 must be donated if the goal of Two Republican petitions were impreasion as our rate is figured years, has been appointed secre- $13,1)50 set for the Township is as follows; ,!'„]• this, but I would WOODBRIDGE—Col. William also file* in the Third Ward, but on the hundred basis and the use tary of the toy manufacturers' Bond To Members to be reached. "Ity direction of the Secre- „ sec the Grand Jury of the remaining $20,000 surplus McKinley, a member of the Na- tary of War .... you are here- William Gory, former Committee- organization. Mr. Clark is also Who Served U. S. A large proportion of the chap- man, has the' backing of the Re- l< eagle eye over the would only muun an 11 cent re- commander of Woodbridge Post, tional Committee of the American ter's share of tho funds collected by authorized to wear the Army Commendation Uibbon for meri- publican organization, Charles R, '.ll,|);1!'eiit predilection to- duction per hundred valuation. In No. 87, the American Legion and Legion, will be the guest speaker will bo used for home service work. torious conduct in the perform- Klein is the other candidate. pi.iiMiiim, I've observed other words, it would mean about, i former member of the Board FORDS — Twelve members, At an executive committee meet- .'{0 cents reduction on tho average at the mass initiation of over 150 ance of outstanding service dur- Kdward S. Leonard, South Park h|v ,,n many occasions, as :>f Education. , of the Fords Fire Co. No. 1, who ing Tuesday, Miss Grace C. Huber j'ml,; retail, the repeated tax bill which is picayune. After candidates for membership into ing your assignment us Admin- Drive, is the unopposed Republi- Mr, Clark was active in bring- served in the armed forces, were chairman of the Home Service can candidate for the Township ,,. ,,| tlie notorious Dundee we have used $250,000 surplus, to Woodbridge Post, No. 87, the Corps, reported that her depart- istrative Assistant and Assistant ing together the showings of the guests of honor at a banquet Committee from the First Ward. in ,,-eiting .Mining on probn- use the remaining $20,000 to rc- American Legion, tonight at the ment took care of 107 home serv- Chief in the Civilian Personnel toy industry in the annual toy Section, WAC Liaison Ollicer, Democratic Slate 0i cniir.-e, Zullo's fantastic (Continucd on Paqe 3) held in the Wivel Restaurant, ice cases, of which 51 concerned fair, which is sponsored by the as- Craftsmen's Club, Green Street. and Commanding Ollicer of the In the Democratic ranks, Cbm- ,n with the law is not eon- Now York City, Over (iBTiremen veterans, during the past two sociation and which has resulted Among the candidates will be WAC Squadron at Headquar- mitteeniHii John liergen, First jii.. ;,iMimplishment alone, attended the alfair. The climax months. in concentrating most of the in- ters, Atlantic Overseas Air W;ird; Commitleemau William 1,, I'm at it I might sug> four women, Miss Laura Muccia- Pupil Recital dustry's business. n[ the party was the presenta- Of the active servicemen aidod, Technical Command, covering Warren, Second Ward and Com- the (Hand Jury that it rello and Eleanor 11. Govelitz, tion of a $50 bond to each of the four were social histories; 111 tlie period from 111 April lilU niilteeman George Mroz, Third ] mi ihat two and one-half "The record attendance of 0,000 Port Reading, both former officer were reports on health and well buyers during the first week of the guests of honor. to the present lime. Your.un- Ward, will be candidates for re- I indictment against him Program Set in the Army Nurse Corps; Mis .being of members of servicemen's usual initiative and unswerving election.