
July 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1377 I share Troop 463’s pride in being nomi- Had I been present, I would have voted in , and I believe all involved par- nated as a ‘‘Super Troop’’ for four years, three favor of H. Res. 1472, H. Con. Res. 126, and ties to ensure that the goal is a reunified Cy- of which have been consecutive. The Super H. Res. 1219. prus where Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cyp- Troop honor is bestowed upon the Troop f riots live together in peace and security. A which exemplifies the best in Scout Spirit, successful settlement effort must build on the RECOGNIZING THE 36TH ANNIVER- competitive edge, good attitude and dem- work towards a bizonal, bicommunal federa- SARY OF ’S ILLEGAL IN- onstrates a positive example to others. tion with political equality that represents U.N. VASION OF Madam Speaker, the young men of Boy Security Council resolutions. In the end, Cy- Scout Troop 463 have shown dedication to prus must have a single sovereignty and sin- their peers, their community, and their cause. HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. gle citizenship which all Cypriots can enjoy. The Troop’s accomplishments reflect the best OF NEW JERSEY Now is the time for Turkey to show that they values of Scouting and should not go unno- IN THE are willing to take a sincere approach to allow- ticed. Tuesday, July 20, 2010 ing a peaceful resolution to the dispute. The f Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, tonight I leadership in must show that the will join my colleagues on the House floor to re- and support behind a peaceful settlement is in TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT the best interest of Turkey and that it is fully GENERAL R. STEVEN WHITCOMB member the 36th anniversary of Turkey’s ille- gal occupation of Cyprus. supported. Without such a signal by the gov- On July 20th 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus ernment of Turkey, a final settlement will con- HON. IKE SKELTON in violation of international law and at great tinue to dwindle as Turkish settlers pursue the OF MISSOURI cost to the citizens of Cyprus. Turkish troops policies of their home nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES established a heavily-armed force which occu- It is now thirty-six years since the illegal Tuesday, July 20, 2010 pied the northern part of Cyprus and continues Turkish invasion and subsequent occupation Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, it has to occupy close to 37 percent of Cyprus’ terri- of Cyprus. However, the resolve has never come to my attention that Lieutenant General tory. The invasion forced nearly 200,000 been greater to ensure that Greek Cypriots R. Steven Whitcomb will retire after 40 years Greek Cypriots to flee their homes—making and Turkish Cypriots alike benefit from a of service in the United States Army on Octo- one-third of the Cypriot population refugees in united nation that affords them the stability ber 1, 2010. He has served his well their own country. and security that all citizens deserve. The and will be sorely missed. Today, Turkey continues to illegally occupy Government of the of Cyprus has Lieutenant General Whitcomb graduated with a force of 43,000 troops. shown their willingness to work constructively from the University of Virginia in 1970 with a This unbelievable number of troops amounts with the Cypriots towards a reunified island. It Bachelor’s degree in History. From there, he to almost one Turkish soldier for every two is time for Turkey to do the same. went on to receive degrees from the California Turkish Cypriots. This military occupation flies Last Congress, I introduced the bipartisan University of Pennsylvania, the United States in defiance of international pressure to achieve American Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Army Command and General Staff College, a peaceful settlement. Claims Act. Through this legislation, Ameri- and the United States Army War College. He Beyond the military occupation of northern cans who are being denied access to their was commissioned through ROTC and en- Cyprus it is important to consider the mass property and even their ancestral homes will tered the U.S. Army as an Infantry Officer. colonization which has resulted in 160,000 finally be able to seek restitution. I am cur- First stationed at Fort Bragg in North Caro- Turkish mainland settlers illegally living on rently working with different stakeholders to lina, he steadily rose through the ranks and property owned by Greek Cypriots or even strengthen this bill before reintroduction. excelled at each assignment he was given. U.S. citizens. Once again this illegal coloniza- Madam Speaker, as we remember the 36th From combat operations in Desert Shield/ tion comes despite international pressure on Anniversary of Turkey’s illegal invasion and Desert Storm to Operation Joint Forge to Op- Turkey to take action to stop the illegal occu- occupation of Cyprus, I remain hopeful a eration Iraqi Freedom, he effectively led our pation and ensure the return of properties to united Cyprus can become a reality. However, men and women into battle and never forgot their rightful owners. the United States can not be complacent in that the Army’s most precious assets are In fact, since 1974 more than 75 resolutions this goal. those who wear the uniform of our Nation’s have been adopted by the U.N. Security f Council and more than 13 by the U.N. General military. Throughout his career he consistently COMMEMORATING THE 36TH ANNI- showed his dedication to the youngest mem- Assembly calling for a withdrawal of Turkish troops and the return of refugees to their right- VERSARY OF THE TURKISH IN- bers of the U.S. Army. As a professor and a VASION OF CYPRUS mentor for ROTC, he made sure the young ful homes. However, the Turkish government cadets of the U.S. Army were well-trained with continues to remain defiant, plainly ignoring high morale and in excellent physical condi- these calls to withdraw. HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN In recent months we have continued to see tion. OF NEW YORK At the Pentagon, Lieutenant General Turkey pursue policies that not only hurt its re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lations with nations that should serve as true Whitcomb served several roles including Exec- Tuesday, July 20, 2010 utive Officer for the Vice Chief of Staff of the democratic allies, but also policies that hurt re- Mr. ACKERMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise Army and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations gional relations and stability. I have been an today, on the thirty-sixth anniversary of Tur- and Plans. He ended his forty years of distin- outspoken opponent of Turkey’s irresponsible key’s invasion of Cyprus, to sadly commemo- guished service as the Inspector General for regional relations, which in many ways nega- rate this tragic event. Turkey’s illegal occupa- the Office of the Secretary of the Army. tively affect the U.S. Whether it is the illegal tion has continued for far too long. After dec- Madam Speaker, throughout his lifetime of blockade on its with , the fail- ades of stagnation, the situation in Cyprus de- service, Lieutenant General R. Steven ure to take proper recourse to investigate a mands a just and comprehensive solution. Whitcomb has shown uncommon profes- domestic group that incited a deadly incident Throughout my tenure in Congress, I have sionalism and dedication to the mission of the with Israeli troops, their continued violations of passionately, aggressively, and persistently United States Army. I wish him the very best Greek airspace or their illegal occupation of called for an end to the devastating artificial in his well-earned retirement. northern Cyprus, Turkey disrespects inter- national law and regional partners of the division of the island of Cyprus. I have been f United States. an outspoken critic of Turkey’s obstinate bel- PERSONAL EXPLANATION There comes a time when the United States ligerence on this issue and a supporter of must say enough is enough and take prin- what seems like countless bills and resolutions HON. JIM JORDAN cipled steps to prevent further destabilizing ac- pleading, urging, and demanding a just and OF OHIO tions. As a member of the Hellenic Caucus, I peaceful resolution. My voice has been just one in a rising cho- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have long advocated for the withdrawal of Turkish forces from northern Cyprus and rus of international leaders asking Turkey to Tuesday, July 20, 2010 called on Turkey to support a settlement that end its occupation and help facilitate a solu- Mr. JORDAN of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I comes from the Cypriots themselves. tion that is amenable to all Cypriots. Since was absent from the House Floor during yes- The United States must do its part to foster Turkey’s 1974 invasion, numerous United Na- terday’s three rollcall votes. a united Cyprus. It is in the best interest of the tions resolutions have condemned Turkey’s

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:31 Jul 21, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JY8.027 E20JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 20, 2010 actions and called for the withdrawal of all for- great generosity in building Tampa Bay com- dents have been killed in battle. More than eign forces from Cyprus. Turkey remains the munities. 1,200 have suffered physical wounds, and only nation to recognize the Turkish Republic f many more suffer from PTSD. of Northern Cyprus. The consensus of the They fight a war unlike those of their prede- community is apparent—Turkey’s control PAYING TRIBUTE TO JOYCE cessors, against an enemy who targets and over the island’s future is unjust and must ROGERS brutalizes its own citizens—innocent women end. and children—to advance its agenda. As we and other nations work to forge a HON. MIKE ROGERS While the enemy is cruel, our troops prac- path towards a free and unified Cyprus that OF MICHIGAN tice restraint. Where the enemy levels schools, fulfills the needs of all its citizens, we should IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES clinics and businesses to demonstrate its power, our troops show even greater strength give special attention to the refugees who Tuesday, July 20, 2010 have been yearning to return to their homes in by helping to rebuild them. They do this to safety. A solution must be found that respects Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Madam Speaker, build trust and win the confidence of the peo- the sovereignty, , and territorial I rise today to pay tribute to an outstanding ple of and —the people who integrity of the Republic of Cyprus and pro- public servant, Mrs. Joyce Rogers. must ultimately stand up and fight for their vides to all Cypriots the dignity to which they A long-time Brighton, Michigan, resident own . are entitled. Difficult problems rarely have until her passing late last year, Joyce Rogers This generation of troops shows a level of easy solutions—and Cyprus is no exception. was a tireless public servant, devoting much bravery and discipline every day few of us Only a Cypriot state that reflects the needs of her time to the betterment and economic possess in the face of grave danger, and they and consent of all its people will be able to development of the Brighton community. As face those risks to protect their fellow Ameri- thrive. The international community—including director of the Greater Brighton Area cans. Turkey—must help facilitate this transition. I Chamber of Commerce, Joyce Rogers played Thousands have returned home with phys- hope will find the political will and an integral role in rebuilding the business or- ical and emotional wounds. Some heal, but courage to at last be part of the solution. ganization into the ’s most important polit- other wounds remain with them and their fami- Thirty-six years is far too long for this trag- ical and business networking organization. lies for a lifetime. edy to continue in search of a solution we Through her efforts, Brighton was able to We declare our support for providing vet- know is possible. We who live every day in a transform into a thriving business community, erans and their families with the best medical nation of different ethnic backgrounds and di- attracting new residents and customers to the care, and our support for veterans’ continuing vergent religious beliefs know coexistence and area. Joyce Rogers was a pioneer in Michi- education, vocational training, and opportuni- self-governance is possible, and that pluralism gan, forging the way for what we know today ties to enter new careers as civilians. is no pipedream. The citizens of Cyprus yearn as economic development. We support efforts to break the cycle of for a government of, by, and for the people In addition to her work as a small business homelessness that haunts so many veterans, and deserve it as much as any of us. advocate, Joyce Rogers always remembered and to prevent more from suffering the same f her role as a leader, taking time to fate. serve her community by acting as a mentor to We encourage all Americans to show their HONORING GEORGE Brighton business women. Joyce Rogers not support and enduring gratitude for our return- STEINBRENNER only supported women in small business, but ing troops, many of whom face a difficult ad- also encouraged them to become involved in justment to a life not at war. HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS public service and politics in the Brighton com- They answered a call for service in the OF FLORIDA munity. midst of two brutal wars. We owe them and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Joyce raised 5 successful sons, was an ac- their families a great debt. Our resolution tive in area charities, touched today is but a small testament to their dedica- Tuesday, July 20, 2010 countless lives and helped change our com- tion and valor. Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, I rise munity for the better. She lived every day be- f today to honor the life of George Steinbrenner. lieving that you could make a difference While he is readily associated with the accom- through hard work, respecting others and be- HONORING THE LATE ARNOLD plishments of the New York Yankees under lieving if you set your mind to it you could ac- FRIBERG his ownership, I would like to recognize his in- complish it. She was a leader in every aspect credible contributions to the Tampa Bay area. of her life and leaves a strong legacy of ac- HON. JASON CHAFFETZ In the 1970s, Mr. Steinbrenner chose to call complishment and kindness to others. She is OF UTAH Tampa his home, but he did much more than to be commended for her contribution to her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES just reside there. While George Steinbrenner’s family, her community and to the State of Tuesday, July 20, 2010 name is apparent throughout the Tampa Bay Michigan. area—prominently displayed on the Yankees f Mr. CHAFFETZ. Madam Speaker, I rise spring training stadium—his generosity and today to remember and honor the late Arnold contributions reach much further than the eye LA COUNTY VETS RESOLUTION Friberg, a proud Utahn and world-renowned can see. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT artist. Mr. Friberg passed away July 1, 2010 at Much of Mr. Steinbrenner’s generosity re- 96 years young, just nine days following an volved around bettering the lives of youth. In HON. JANE HARMAN agreement to create the Arnold Friberg Mu- 1981, he developed the Gold Shield Founda- OF CALIFORNIA seum of Art. The Utah Cultural Arts Founda- tion to assist dependents of fallen law enforce- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion will manage the museum and ensure the ment officials and firefighters both in their im- masterpieces of Mr. Friberg will be enjoyed by Tuesday, July 20, 2010 mediate time of need and with higher edu- generations to come. cation costs. Ms. HARMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to in- Mr. Friberg’s patriotic depictions of General He is also widely known for his contributions troduce a resolution with my California col- George Washington, his sketches for the to the Boys and Girls Club, youth baseball or- league Representative MCKEON and members famed ‘‘The Ten Commandments’’ movie, and ganizations, the Pediatric Emergency Center of the Los Angeles delegation to honor the his paintings of individuals and events from at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, and nu- service and sacrifice of Los Angeles County The Book of Mormon will forever be remem- merous other organizations across the region. soldiers and their families. bered in this newly created Museum. I had the privilege of knowing Mr. In the midst of two of the longest engage- In preparation of what became Mr. Friberg’s Steinbrenner, and his impact on our commu- ments of U.S. forces in American history, our defining artistic moment, Mr. Friberg traveled nity is immeasurable. Through his contribu- troops are enduring some of the most chal- to Valley Forge, in the dead of winter, to iden- tions, countless lives have been changed for lenging and dangerous conditions imaginable. tify with the bitter conditions General George the better. The effects of his generosity are More than 6,000 Angelenos are now de- Washington and the Continental Army experi- sweeping and the effects will likely be visible ployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, serving with enced during the winter of 1777–1778. As Mr. for generations to come. honor while enduring hardships and lengthy Friberg put it, ‘‘Art to me is a service, to bring It is my honor to recognize Mr. Steinbrenner separations from their loved ones. Since the enrichment to people’s lives. That’s why I want before the House of Representatives for his two wars began, more than 100 county resi- my art to be perfectly understood. One of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:31 Jul 21, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JY8.032 E20JYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS