MUlti-cloud Secure Applications Deliverable title Deliverable ID: D7.1 Preparation date: 30/06/2015 Initial market study, trends, Editor/Lead beneficiary (name/partner): segmentation and requirements Antonio M. Ortiz / Montimage Internally reviewed by (name/partner): Erkuden Ríos / Tecnalia Stefan Spahr / Lufthansa Systems Abstract: This deliverable presents a detailed analysis of the target market of the MUSA solution, focusing on the main sectors that may influence the MUSA developments and that will guide their exploitation. The deliverable constitutes the first step towards a thorough exploitation plan that will be developed based on the findings of the present study. The document covers the MUSA context analysis, the definition of the MUSA value proposition, the value chain description, the MUSA targeted sectors and competitors analysis. Dissemination level PU Public X CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium and the Commission Services This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644429 D7.1: Initial market study, trends, segmentation and requirements 3 MUSA consortium Fundación Tecnalia Research & Project manager: Erkuden Rios Innovation
[email protected] (TECNALIA, Spain) +34 664 100 348 Centro Regionale Information e Communication Technology Contact: Massimiliano Rak (CER ICT, Italy)
[email protected] CA Technologies Development Contact: Victor Muntes Spain SAU (CA, Spain)
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