Political Culture in the New South Africa 7 September 2005 Sunnyside Park Hotel, Parktown, Johannesburg South Africa KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG • SEMINAR REPORT • NO 16 • JOHANNESBURG • OCTOBER 2006 © KAS, 2006 All rights reserved While copyright in this publication as a whole is vested in the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, copyright in the text rests with the individual authors, and no paper may be reproduced in whole or part without the express permission, in writing, of both authors and the publisher. It should be noted that any opinions expressed are the responsibility of the individual authors and that the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung does not necessarily subscribe to the opinions of contributors. ISBN: 0-620-37571-X Published by: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 60 Hume Road Dunkeld 2196 Johannesburg Republic of South Africa PO Box 1383 Houghton 2041 Johannesburg Republic of South Africa Telephone: (+27 +11) 214-2900 Telefax: (+27 +11) 214-2913/4 E-mail:
[email protected] www.kas.org.za Editing, DTP and production: Tyrus Text and Design Printing: Stups Printing Foreword THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENTISTS GABRIEL ALMOND AND SIDNEY VERBA HAVE, MORE THAN anyone else, attempted to define the term political culture. According to them: Political culture is the pattern of individual attitudes and orientations towards politics among the members of a political system. It is the subjective realm that underlies and gives meaning to political actions.1 Although this definition captures succinctly what political culture is, it falls short in differentiating between the political culture that exists at an elite level and the political culture that exists among the citizens of a given system.