Flora of South Australia 5Th Edition | Edited by Jürgen Kellermann
Flora of South Australia 5th Edition | Edited by Jürgen Kellermann RANUNCULACEAE1 H. Eichler2, J.A. Jeanes3 & N.G. Walsh3 Herbs, usually terrestrial perennials, some waterplants and some annuals, rarely small shrubs or woody climbers; leaves alternate, in a basal rosette, or rarely opposite or whorled, compound or simple, often palmately lobed or dissected, petioles often with sheathing base, usually without stipules. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or cymose, flowers hypogynous, usually regular, bisexual, nectar-secreting and insect-pollinated, some zygomorphic, rarely wind-pollinated; perianth petaloid or sepaloid, whorled or spirally arranged, undifferentiated or consisting of calyx and corolla, the latter formed usually of petaloid nectaries (sometimes termed ‘honey-leaves’, here treated as petals), rarely of true petals (Adonis), usually 5 or more, rarely reduced to 2, 1 or 0; stamens usually many (rarely 2 or 1), spirally arranged; filaments free, anthers extrorse, opening in longitudinal slits, rarely with connective appendages; carpels many to 1, free and spirally arranged or more or less fused and in 1 whorl; style usually well developed; ovules many to 1, ventral or basal, anatropous; integuments 1 or 2. Fruit of (usually) many (rarely 1) follicles or achenes, or rarely a berry or capsule; seeds usually with a small embryo and oily endosperm; germination usually epigeal. About 60 genera and c. 2500 species, cosmopolitan, predominantly N hemisphere, many alpine. In Australia 10 genera of which 5 are introduced. Mostly poisonous to stock and humans (glycosides and alkaloids), some medicinal, several horticultural (e.g. Aconitum, Anemone, Aquilegia, Clematis, Delphinium, Nigella) and sometimes escaping. Nigella damascena L. (Love-in-a-mist), is a commonly grown ornamental to c.
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