Dassault Systèmes S.A. (French Pronunciation: [Daˈso]) Is a French Company That Speci Alizes in the Production of 3D Design So
Dassault Systèmes S.A. (French pronunciation: [daˈso]) is a French company that speci alizes in the production of 3D design software, 3D digital mock-up and product l ifecycle management (PLM) solutions. Contents [hide] 1 History 1.1 CAD/CAM period 1.2 PLM Period 1.3 Key Dates 2 Products 3 Corporate Culture 3.1 Passion for Innovation Program 4 Dassault Systèmes Campus 4.1 European Campus 4.2 American Campus 5 Corporate Information 5.1 Holdings 5.2 Company management 5.3 Financial data 5.4 Market data 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History[edit] Dassault Systèmes (NYSE Euronext:DSY) is a subsidiary of the Dassault Group create d in 1981 by Avions Marcel Dassault to develop a new generation of computer-aide d design software called CATIA. The French government, a shareholder since 2001, sold a 15.74% stake in the company for 601 million in 2003.[3] The Dassault Gro up (as at 2011) holds 42.2%[4] shares. Dassault Systèmes moved its corporate headq uarters from Suresnes to Velizy-Villacoublay in November 2008. This new European headquarters, located in the south-western suburbs of Paris, is commonly called 3DS Paris Campus. Another campus was established in 2011 in Waltham, Massachuse tts, west of Boston (United States) and is called 3DS Boston Campus. Dassault Systèmes develops and markets PLM software solutions and services that su pport industrial processes by providing a 3D vision of the entire lifecycle of p roducts from conception to maintenance. Dassault Systèmes customers are companies in the following industries: Aerospace & Defense, Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Consumer goods - distribution, FMCG - Distribution, Energy, and pr ocesses, Finance and Corporate Services, High Technology, Industrial Equipment, Life Sciences, Marine & Offshore, Natural Resources, and Transport & mobility.
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