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Studying in Universities o f a p p l i e d s c i e n c e s 2011 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011


Swiss Higher Education 5

Information for Foreigners Wishing to Study in Switzerland 17

International mobility 21

Study programmes offered at the Swiss universities of applied sciences 23

Addresses 34

Edited by: Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences KFH Falkenplatz 9 P.O.Box 710 CH-3000 Berne 9 Switzerland Compiled by: Véronique Granges Berne, 2011 (10th edition)

2 3 Swiss Higher Education (by COHEP, CRUS, and KFH, Berne 2011)


Country and People Switzerland is a small country of 41 284 square kilometres situated in the heart of Europe between France, Germany, Austria, the Principality of Liechtenstein (FL), and Italy. Its capital is Berne. The country is one of the most mountainous in Europe: the Alps, Pre-Alps, and Jura occupy more than two-thirds of its territory. These mountain regions contrast with the Swiss plateau, which is home to a large majority of the country’s nearly eight million people. More than two-thirds of the population live in urban areas. Zurich is Switzerland’s biggest city, with about 374 000 people. Four other cities have populations exceeding 100 000: Geneva, Basel, Berne and Lausanne. Zurich, Berne, and Geneva are all top-ranked with respect to quality of living, making them popular places of residence. Switzerland is home to many international organisations, including the second largest UN office (ILO, UNCTAD, UNHCR, WHO, etc.), the World Trade Organisation, the Red Cross, the World Economic Forum and the International Olympic Committee. Geographically diverse, Switzerland is diverse also in terms of its spoken languages. Despite its small size, the country has no fewer than four national languages. German is spoken by 64 % of the population, French by 20 %, Italian by 6.5 %, and Romansh by less than 1%. About 9 % speak other languages. A fifth of the population is made up of resident foreigners. Economy Switzerland’s unique education and training system offers a wide variety of educational options ranging from vocational training and apprenticeships to university-level educa- tion, and produces a well-qualified workforce at all levels. On account of Switzerland’s high-quality education system and its multicultural society, a large part of the population is fluent in several languages. As the workforce is generally highly motivated, Switzerland ranks fifth among the world’s leading national economies with respect to overall productivity. Switzerland’s small size has favoured the emergence of well-developed networks be- tween the various fields of expertise in research, development, and industry. Its location in the heart of Europe is another advantage. Situated at the nexus of European tech- nologies and cultures, Switzerland is also equidistant from America and Asia. Close ties with the EU assure direct links to European science and innovation programmes. Bilat- eral contracts with the EU provide Swiss-based companies with excellent market access to 500 million consumers. Around 4.5 million people work in Switzerland. The country has a flexible job market and the unemployment rate is very low. Last but not least, Switzerland has an ideal size – and spirit – to qualify as a pilot market in which manu- facturers can analyse market response to new products.

4 5 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Swiss Higher Education

Political Organisation the principle of free education. At the upper secondary level, the Confederation is Switzerland is a confederation of 26 states, the so-called cantons. In 1848, Switzerland responsible for vocational training. Recognition of the relevant certificates – the Federal adopted a new constitution that consolidated the power of the central government while Certificate of Competence and the Professional Maturity Certificate (Professional at the same time granting the cantons a relatively high degree of sovereignty. This consti- Baccalaureate) – is a federal matter as well. General education at the upper second- tuted a decisive step towards modern democracy. It promoted centralisation without re- ary level, particularly in the gymnasia, is the responsibility of the cantons, who regulate jecting liberalism, in line with Swiss traditions. This federalist system is still in place today. the school-leaving examinations marking completion of these academically oriented secondary-school studies. The Confederation recognises the maturity certificates issued Endowed with their own constitutions, their own governments and their own laws, the to graduates as long as they comply with the relevant standards. Maturity certificates cantons enjoy rather far-reaching power of legislation in many domains of political life, attest that their holders have the required general knowledge and aptitudes to take uni- including education. versity-level studies. Direct democracy is entrenched firmly at each political level: the communes, the can- Higher fits into the general dual system. The range from aca- tons, and the Confederation. Citizens elect the members not only of their parliaments, demic to applied studies is covered by three types of institutions with different training but also of their governments – with the exception of the Federal Councillors, who are tasks. Twelve doctoral / research universities (ten cantonal universities and two federal elected by the national Parliament. Moreover, important questions are put to popular institutes of technology) offer theoretically-oriented, scientific bachelor’s, master’s and vote. This happens in the case of amendments to the Constitution and as a result of a doctoral programmes. Professionally-oriented studies are offered at the nine universities popular initiative or referendum, two political instruments through which Swiss citizens of applied sciences («Fachhochschulen» / «Hautes écoles spécialisées» / «Scuole Univer- can directly influence legislation. In Switzerland, Members of Parliament are not pro- sitarie Professionali») and at the fourteen universities of teacher education («Pädago- fessionals; they fulfil their local or federal mandates alongside other jobs. gische Hochschulen» / «Hautes écoles pédagogiques» / «Alte scuole pedagogiche»). All three types of universities have implemented the Bologna declaration. Holders of a maturity certificate (maturity quota 2009: 19.4 %) have access to doctoral / The Education System in Switzerland research universities and universities of teacher education. They also have the pos- sibility to enrol in a university of applied sciences, provided that they have completed a Switzerland’s education system reflects the country’s political structure. In accordance one-year internship or work placement. Holders of a professional maturity certificate with the principle of subsidiarity, the communes, the cantons and the Confederation work (professional maturity quota 2009: 12 %) are entitled to study at a university of applied together in their respective areas of responsibility to ensure high quality in the educa- sciences or, after passing a supplementary examination, at a doctoral / research uni- tion system. The education system is strongly anchored in local areas, cantons and versity or a university of teacher education. Holders of a specialised maturity certificate linguistic regions. The main responsibility for education lies with the cantons, who are have access to the universities of applied sciences in a few bachelor programmes related responsible for the education system wherever the Federal Constitution does not stipulate to their orientation and / or under certain conditions. Candidates who possess a special- that the Confederation is responsible. Each canton has its own legal regulations for ised maturity certificate with a pedagogical orientation may also be admitted to certain education. Important key parameters are regulated uniformly, either at the federal level courses of study at the universities of teacher education (teacher training for preschool or on an intercantonal basis. There is no ministry of education at the federal level. The and primary levels). Confederation’s tasks with regard to education are performed by the Federal Department for Home Affairs via the State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER) and by the The modern, diversified but coherent system of Swiss higher education is perfectly suit- Federal Department for Economics via the Federal Office for Professional Education and ed to the needs of students, the scientific community, modern society, and the economy, Technology (OPET). and it is directly compatible with other European educational systems. Education has always been a top priority in Switzerland, a fact that is evidenced by the A perfect example for the coherence of the Swiss higher education system is the outstanding level of resources allocated to Swiss schools and different types of uni- harmonisation of semesters: Switzerland is the first and only country in Europe where versities. The Swiss education and training system is characterised by a dual scheme all institutions of higher education start their courses in the same weeks every year. that combines on-the-job practical training with theoretical courses. This combination The autumn semester always begins in week 38 and the spring semester in week 8. of practice and theory provides for a uniquely broad range of educational options. Today, other European countries are discussing how they could follow Swiss example. Pre-school education (kindergarten) and compulsory schooling (primary and lower sec- ondary levels) are provided by the communes. The Confederation ensures that primary education satisfies certain standards of quality, and guarantees compliance with

6 7 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Swiss Higher Education

The Swiss Higher Education System Doctoral / Research Universities

Further education Ten cantonal universities and two federal institutes of technology are labelled Master of AdvancedStudies (MAS)(≥60ECTS) DiplomaofAdvancedStudies((DAS) ≥30ECTS) . They are currently the only research universities in Switzerland that Doctorate CertificateofAdvancedStudies((CAS) ≥10ECTS) Teaching Diplomafor Academic Upper are allowed to confer doctoral degrees. The ten cantonal universities are in Basel, Berne, Secondary Schools (60ECTS) 1 Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Neuchâtel, St. Gallen, and Zurich. Most of them have evolved over several centuries, in step with societal and economic needs and Lizentiat always in pursuit of humanist ideals. Master Master Master Diplom (90/120 ECTS) (90/120 ECTS) (90/120 ECTS) (4-6 years) Since the mid-19th century, the Confederation has played an active role in science policy. In 1855 it founded the first federal research institution, a polytechnic in Zurich. Today,

Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor the Confederation runs six institutions, comprising the two federal institutes of technol- (180 ECTS) (180 ECTS) (180 ECTS) ogy in Lausanne (EPFL) and in Zurich (ETHZ; this is the former polytechnic mentioned l above), as well as four research institutes, namely the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the

Leve Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), the Empa – ry Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, and the Eawag – Aquatic Universities rtia

+ Universities of Universities of Te Research. The two federal institutes of technology (ETHZ and EPFL) are known worldwide FederalInstitutes Teacher Education Applied Sciences of Te chnology and have brought forth many Nobel Prize laureates. Switzerland’s cantonal universities also have excellent reputations on account of their high-quality research. In recent years at least five Swiss universities have consistently

Specialised Professional evel ranked among the 150 best universities of the world. Together, Switzerland’s universities Maturity Certificate(12 years) 2 L

Maturity Certificate Maturity Certificate y

ar offer potential students the unique possibility of choosing among high-quality courses

d n in different universities across the different cultural regions of Switzerland, yet within a



Apprenticeship S reachable distance.

and er Academic Upper Secondary Specialised p

Preparation forthe p 3 Although each of the universities has its own characteristics, they all have the same Schools Middle Schools Professional U Maturity Certificate 3 basic structure combining research and education – a prerequisite for all students who intend to continue their studies up to doctorate level. All of the twelve Swiss universities

er are divided into faculties or departments according to subjects, including theology, law,



Lo economic and social sciences, arts, natural sciences, and medicine (although Fribourg

Primary and Lower SecondaryEducation nd ary L and Neuchâtel offer only basic medical courses). St. Gallen is renowned for economics,


y a


ar social sciences, and law especially in German-speaking Europe, but also in the US and

Seco Asia. Lucerne, the most recent to qualify as a Swiss university, has been offering courses

Prim in Catholic theology / religious studies, humanities, and law since 2004. The second- youngest Swiss university, the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano, in the Additional achievement required Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, is not only famous for its courses in architecture 1 Admission requires aMaster's degreein one or twoteaching disciplines 2 Holdersofaspecialised maturity haveaccesstothe universities of applied sciencesinafew with Prof. Mario Botta, but also offers study programmes in economics, communication bachelorprogrammes and/or under certain conditions. sciences, and informatics. The two federal institutes of technology are well-known for Candidateswho possess aspecialised maturity certificate withapedagogical orientation mayalsobe admittedtocertain coursesofstudy at the universities of teacher education producing highly qualified engineers, architects, and scientists; in study areas such as (teacher training forpreschool and primary levels). 3 Graduatesof all these schools haveaccess to coursesinpre-school and primary level teaching the human sciences they collaborate closely with their cantonal counterparts, the Uni- at a university of teacher education,provided that they passasupplementaryexamination to versity of Zurich and the University of Lausanne, respectively. acquireacertificate equivalent to aSpecialisedMaturity Certificate withapedagogical orientation. In addition to the twelve doctoral / research universities there are some smaller institu- tions that offer a limited curriculum and confer their degrees in association with one of the doctoral / research universities. The following are considered as public institutions of higher education: the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement, IHEID) in Geneva and the 8 9 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Swiss Higher Education

Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (Institut de hautes études en adminis- • Health (all UAS except HSLU, FHNW and LRG) tration publique, IDHEAP) in Lausanne. For more information see www.swissuniversity.ch, • Business, Management and Services (all UAS) www.crus.ch, and www.proff.ch. Specific information for doctoral candidates and re- • Applied Psychology (ZFH and FHNW only) searchers is available on: www.euraxess.ch. • Applied Linguistics (ZFH only) • Sports (BFH only) • Teacher Education (ZFH, FHNW, and SUPSI) Universities of Applied Sciences A distinctive feature of Swiss universities of applied sciences is that they comprise study programmes in the following creative disciplines: As of 1997 Switzerland has seven public-funded universities of applied sciences and • Theatre Arts (ZFH, BFH, HES-SO and SUPSI only) two private universities of applied sciences that are recognised by the Swiss authorities. • Music (all UAS except FHO, FH KAL, and LRG) All of them offer practice-oriented university-level education. • Fine Arts (all UAS except FHO, FH KAL, and LRG). The universities of applied sciences (UAS) are organised regionally and all have several campuses. Universities of applied sciences provide a practice-oriented education, accommodating the needs of both students and the job market. They offer an excellent learning environment: Universities of applied sciences in the German-speaking part of Switzerland: small campuses, an intimate atmosphere, a good learning infrastructure, well-equipped • Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH, Berner ) with campuses in laboratories, a low student / faculty ratio, small study groups, student-oriented classes, and Berne, Burgdorf, Biel, Zollikofen, and Magglingen highly qualified teachers who are often involved in research and / or professional practice. • University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz) with campuses in Brugg / Windisch, Olten, Basel, and Muttenz In addition to their bachelor’s and master’s programmes, the UAS offer a wide range • University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (FHO, Fachhochschule Ost- of federally recognised courses in continuing education (Master of Advanced Studies schweiz) with main campuses in St. Gallen, Rapperswil, Buchs, and Chur or MAS and Executive Master of Business Administration or EMBA) to facilitate lifelong • Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU, Hochschule Luzern) with learning among graduates. A flexible organisational design allows UAS to respond campuses in Lucerne and Horw quickly to the needs of both students and the professional environment. • University of Applied Sciences of Zurich (ZFH, Zürcher Fachhochschule) with campuses All departments of the UAS also conduct distinguished research aimed at solving prob- in Zurich, Winterthur, Wädenswil, and Dübendorf lems related to their respective professional fields. This makes the UAS an important link • Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland (FH KAL) with campuses in Berne, in the innovation chain. Research at the UAS is also closely combined with instruction, St. Gallen, Zurich, and Aarau enabling students to gain research expertise in their respective professional fields. In the University of applied sciences in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland: creative disciplines, the main emphasis is on the development of students’ artistic identity. • University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI, Scuola The fact that the education they receive is practice-oriented grants students graduating from Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana) with campuses in Lugano, UAS very good prospects on the job market. Recent studies have shown that 96 % of all UAS Manno, Canobbio,Verscio, Locarno, Brig, and Landquart students find employment in their professional field within twelve months of graduating. This Universities of applied sciences in the French-speaking part of Switzerland: confirms that the education supplied by the UAS meets the demands of the job market. A • University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO, Haute Ecole Spécialisée UAS degree also serves as an entry qualification to further studies at universities both in de la Suisse Occidentale) with main campuses in Geneva, Lausanne, Sion*/ Sierre*/ Switzerland and abroad. All UAS are accredited by the federal government of Switzerland. Leukerbad*, Fribourg*, Yverdon-les-Bains, Changins, Neuchâtel, and La Chaux-de-Fonds. For more information see www.kfh.ch (website of the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss (*offering certain degree programmes in German) Universities of Applied Sciences). • Les Roches Gruyère University of Applied Sciences (LRG) with campuses in Bluche, Bulle, and Glion The universities of applied sciences cover the following areas of knowledge and research: • Engineering and Information Technology (all UAS except FH KAL and LRG) Universities of Teacher Education • Architecture, Building Engineering and Planning (all UAS except FH KAL and LRG) The universities of teacher education were created in 2001, incorporating or replacing vari- • Agriculture and Forestry (BFH and HES-SO only) ous previous forms of teacher training institutions in Switzerland. Based on the same princi- • Chemistry and Life Sciences (all UAS except FHO, SUPSI, HSLU, FH KAL, and LRG) ples as the universities of applied sciences in that they offer a practice-oriented education, • Design (all UAS except FHO, FH KAL, and LRG) most of the universities of teacher education are nonetheless independent institutions. • Social Work (all UAS except FH KAL and LRG) 10 11 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Swiss Higher Education

The vast majority of teachers at the different levels of the school system (initial and university under certain defined conditions. A second example is the nqf.ch-HS1 qualifica- continuing education) are trained at the universities of teacher education, which are tions framework, which defines and describes levels of education and qualifications earned financed by the cantons. In some cases teachers are also trained at research / doctoral in Swiss higher education with a view to enhancing national and international comparability. universities or other tertiary-level institutions. Today, Switzerland has fourteen universities of teacher education. Eleven of them are independent establishments (Berne, Brig / St-Maurice, Chur, Fribourg, Kreuzlingen, Lausanne, International Mobility Lucerne / Schwyz / Zug, Porrentruy / Bienne / La Chaux-de-Fonds, Schaffhausen, St.Gallen, and Zurich1); the other three form part of universities of applied sciences (in Basel / Since 2011 Switzerland has been participating in the European programmes «Lifelong Brugg / Solothurn, Locarno, and Zurich). In some cantons, teachers are trained at the Learning» and «Youth in Action» as an associated country. Swiss citizens are thereby cantonal universities: the University of Geneva trains pre-school- and primary-level entitled to the same rights as EU citizens within all the activities of these programmes. teachers and lower- and upper-secondary-level teachers (Institut Universitaire de Forma- Furthermore Swiss institutions are eligible to propose and coordinate projects. Switzer- tion des Enseignants, IUFE), and the University of Fribourg offers training for lower- and land can also help defining the strategic direction of these programmes in the responsi- upper-secondary-level teachers. In Zurich, training of teachers for the upper secondary ble bodies. Recently the ch Foundation in Solothurn has become the responsible body for level is provided by an institute that is run jointly by the University of Zurich, the Federal the implementation of the official participation in the education and youth programmes Institute of Technology Zurich and the Zurich University of Teacher Education. of the EU (www.ch-go.ch).2 The Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) is responsible for the The Erasmus office at CRUS currently only deals with matters of the previous indirect training and advanced training of teachers in vocational education and also offers a master’s participation (exchange years 2009 / 10 and 2010 / 11). programme in vocational education and training. The Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglin- Swiss institutions of higher education have introduced the European Credit Transfer Sys- gen (SFISM) provides training in both practice and teaching of sports and physical activity. tem (ECTS), which aims to foster student mobility by ensuring the recognition of credits The universities of teacher education award diplomas, bachelor’s or master’s degrees in obtained elsewhere. the following domains: pre-primary education, primary education, secondary education, Since the entry into force of the bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the EU, Swiss special needs education, speech and language therapy, psychomotor therapy, vocational scientists have access to the various EU programmes promoting mobility for researchers. training, and sport. In addition, they offer Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) and Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) programmes. The universities of teacher education are responsible for training and advanced training of teachers, as well as applied research, development, and evaluation; they also provide other Research in Switzerland 3 services such as counselling, introductions to the teaching profession and mobility support. Switzerland’s superior qualities and skills in education, science, and technology enjoy broad international recognition. The competitiveness of the Swiss economy is due to considerable investment into research. The percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) Relations between Doctoral / Research Universities, that Switzerland spends on research and development is one of the highest worldwide. Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities of eacher More than two-thirds of these resources come from the private sector, with the major inter- Education est coming from the chemical, pharmaceutical, electronics, and metallurgical industries. The federal legislation puts the onus of promoting scientific research on the Confedera- Cooperation and permeability between the different types of institutions of higher edu- tion, which in turn has created various instruments to carry out this task, including, in cation are essential. Switzerland’s institutions of higher education are striving for a particular, the Swiss National Science Foundation4 and the the Commission for Technol- perfect balance between cooperation and division of tasks. Therefore, the Rectors’ Con- ogy and Innovation CTI5. ference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS), the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universi- ties of Applied Sciences (KFH), and the Swiss Conference of Rectors of Universities of The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is the Confederation’s most important Teacher Education (COHEP) encourage exchange programmes and work together readily. instrument for promoting research and the development of new generations of scientists. An example of successful cooperation between the three rectors’ conferences is a joint 1 agreement concerning permeability between the different types of universities. This agree- www.crus.ch 2 http://www.sbf.admin.ch ment enables students of one type of university to continue their studies at another type of 3 Adapted from http://www.sbf.admin.ch 4 http://www.snf.ch 12 1 For special needs education. 13 5 http://www.kti.admin.ch Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Swiss Higher Education

Set up in 1952, the SNSF supports scientific research at Swiss institutions of higher In addition to the activities of the CTI, the so-called European Union Framework Programmes education and at independent research institutes. The main thrust of the foundation’s for Research and Technological Development are also an important instrument for creat- activity is the financial backing of high-quality individual projects of basic research in all ing synergies between the public and private sectors. These programmes encourage disciplines. Young scientific talent is promoted through grants for junior and advanced cooperation at the European level between universities and firms, particularly small and researchers and through exchange programmes with various partner countries. The medium-sized enterprises. Switzerland’s participation in these programmes is one of SNSF is also responsible for the so-called National Research Programmes (NRP) and the most important priorities of Swiss international science policy. National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR). Moreover, through a special programme called DORE, the SNSF promotes research in the fields of the social sciences, the health sciences, school education, music, and the fine arts. International Relations The Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI is the Confederation’s instrument to foster applied research and the development of economic interest. It promotes the Internationality begins on campus, among students. The percentages of international development and application of new technologies and methodologies by bringing together students at Swiss doctoral / research universities and universities of applied sciences are dynamic companies and institutions and researchers at all types of universities and support- among the highest in the world: in 2009 they amounted to 18 % and 14 %, respectively, ing their cooperation in applied research and development. CTI services range from action at the bachelor level, and 30 % and 30 %, respectively, at the master level; as many as programmes in different fields of the economy, the public services, and cultural life to sup- 48 % of all doctoral candidates came from abroad in 2009. Most of these international port for the establishment of new firms and services. The tools of the CTI are also available students come from other European countries. to small and medium-sized enterprises or other institutions in need of new knowledge. Internationality means promoting student and researcher mobility, and hence depends Basic research in Switzerland is carried out mainly by the cantonal universities and the on cooperation. Swiss institutions of higher education are reliable partners in European federal institutes of technology, whereas the universities of applied sciences concen- exchange and research programmes. Bilateral agreements ensure and facilitate coopera- trate on applied research and development and seek to establish and maintain close tion between Swiss institutions and partner institutions in the European Union. Further- contacts between their research units and those in the private sector, especially in small more, from 2009 to 2016, CRUS is implementing a scientific exchange programme with and medium enterprises and the creative economy. Research is also conducted at the the new member states of the EU (see www.sciex.ch). universities of teacher education, mainly in the context of subject-specific didactics and The individual institutions of higher education have numerous bilateral agreements with the master’s programmes. partner institutions around the world. The universities’ international relations are gener- Efforts to integrate Swiss research activities into international research began in the ally managed by the rectorates and their international officers or by individual faculties, early 1950s; since then these efforts have been consistently reinforced through Swiss depending on the type of cooperation. In Switzerland’s border regions, where thousands membership in the most important international research organisations and Swiss of people cross the border every morning to reach their workplaces, cooperation is par- participation in major international research programmes (see below). ticularly evident. In 1989, five universities located in the Swiss-French-German tri-border region founded EUCOR, the cross-border European Confederation of Upper Rhine Univer- sities. Today, a joint EUCOR student card grants full mobility and access to all member universities. Joint programmes and courses, as well as joint research initiatives and staff Knowledge and Technology Transfer exchanges have made internationality a matter of everyday life at the EUCOR universi- ties. A similar programme has also been established among the universities of applied Cooperation and synergies on the cantonal, national, and international levels make sciences of north-western Switzerland and homologous institutions of higher education Switzerland an ideal place for identifying ways to develop products to market maturity. in the bordering regions of France and Germany. Switzerland has a large number of institutions and tools to support and further re- search and promote exchanges between doctoral / research universities, universities of At the level of the three Swiss rectors’ conferences, Switzerland takes active part in inter- applied sciences, and businesses. national activities through membership in organisations such as the European University Association (EUA), the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), and the Network of the The cantonal universities, the federal institutes of technology and the four federal research Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS NET), as well as platforms such as the European institutes have either created technology transfer departments or designated officers respon- Association for International Education (EAIE) and the Association Of International sible for relations with industry. The universities of applied sciences serve as a link between Educators (NAFSA), an organisation promoting international education and providing research and industry. All of them have a technology transfer service in place, and coopera- professional development opportunities to the field in the USA. These activities ensure tion between the UAS and the private sector has developed rapidly over the past ten years.

14 15 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011

Switzerland’s integration in joint international efforts to promote the visibility and the Studying at Universities quality of higher education. of Applied sciences In view of the growing importance of international exchange in the realm of science, the State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER) has placed particular emphasis on promoting Switzerland as a university and research location. Cooperation schemes con- General information ducive to the mobility of students, teaching staff, and researchers are sought not only with partners in Europe: increasing efforts are also made towards collaboration with suit- In Switzerland there are nine Universities of Applied Sciences UAS (Fachhochschulen, able non-European partner countries and regions, most importantly with China, India, Hautes Ecoles Spécialisées, Scuole Universitarie Professionale), one in the Italian- Russia, and South Africa. speaking part, two in the French-speaking part and six in the German-speaking part of Moreover, institutions of higher education cooperate closely with the science advisors at the the country. In the Italian speaking region of Switzerland, the language of instruction is Swiss embassies abroad and at the outposts of the Swiss Knowledge Network «swissnex». Italian, otherwise it is French and / or German. Seven universities of applied sciences are publicly funded, two are privately funded. Some parts of the curricula may also Recognition of Diplomas be offered in English. Each UAS is made up of several schools (Hochschulen / Hautes In neighbouring countries… Ecoles) or departments (Departemente, département). In addition to these multilateral relations, Switzerland also attaches great importance to bilateral agreements, in particular with neighbouring countries, in order to ensure Haute école spécialisée Universities of Applied Sciences 1 student mobility and mutual recognition of programmes and degrees. It has concluded de Suisse occidentale Berner bilateral agreements with Austria, Germany, Italy and France that regulate the recogni- 2 Fachhochschule tion of degrees as a basis for further studies. Fachhochschule 3 3 4 Nordwestschweiz …and elsewhere Zürcher 4 Fachhochschule Switzerland acceded to the university conventions of the Council of Europe and UNESCO 5 Hochschule in 1991 and ratified the Lisbon Convention in 1998. Among other measures, this Conven- 2 5 6 Luzern tion provides for a so-called «Diploma Supplement», which is a description of the quali- 6 Fachhochschule 1 Ostschweiz fication to be attached to each diploma or degree awarded by a university, university of Scuola universitaria applied sciences or university of teacher education. Both the Lisbon Convention and the 7 7 professionale della Bologna Declaration recommend the introduction of the Diploma Supplement. Svizzera italiana Kalaidos Fachhochschule located in several towns of 8 Switzerland. Main campuses are in Zurich, Aarau and Berne. Reforms in the Higher Education System University of Applied Sciences 9 Les Roches Gruyère. Main Campuses in Bulle, Glion and Bluche Internationalisation, above all the implementation of the Bologna Declaration, is the ma- jor determinant of reforms in Switzerland. The implementation of quality assurance and The programmes at the UAS are approved by the Federal Department of Economic Af- accreditation procedures on the basis of international criteria and standards are some of fairs (FDEA). Since 2005 the UAS introduce the Bachelor and Master degree structure in the most important elements within the Bologna implementation process. accordance with the Bologna Declaration. The education offered by the UAS lays stress A structural reorganisation of the Swiss higher education system is being prepared for on close contacts with business, industry and services, especially at the regional level. the period after 2012. Plans foresee the introduction of a framework law regulating the doctoral / research universities, universities of applied sciences, and universities of teacher education and defining uniform funding principles for all three types of institu- tions. Responsibility at the federal level will be concentrated in a single department, Organisation of UAS study programmes and newly created joint bodies shall be entrusted with the overall steering of the higher Academic year education system. The academic year is divided into two semesters: the autumn semester starts mid- September (week 38), and the spring semester mid-February (week 8). The semesters

16 17 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Information for Foreigners Wishing to Study in Switzerland

generally last 14 –16 weeks. The periods in which no instruction takes place is intended Entrance requirements for evaluating and consolidating what has been learned, and are often used for internships. The minimum entrance requirement in a Swiss UAS is an upper secondary education either an apprenticeship with a professional maturity certificate (Berufsmatura / maturité Standard duration of studies professionnelle) or a general (academic) maturity certificate (gymnasiale Matura / bac The duration of a bachelor programme is 3 years (6 semesters, 180 ECTS credit points), général) plus one year of professional practice in form of an internship or work placement. and includes a practically oriented undergraduate dissertation and sometimes a pe- There is no national system of application to enter the UAS. Each UAS, and generally riod of practical training. Parttime studies (combined with employment) require a mini- each school, or department within it, determines its own selection criteria and selects its mum of 4 years to complete. The duration of a master programme is 1½ to 2 years own students. In some subjects (for example, social work, art or music) applicants must (3 – 4 semesters, 90 –120 ECTS credit points). pass an entrance examination. A good knowledge of German, French or Italian depend- ing of the chosen UAS and school or department is imperative for anyone who wishes to study at an UAS. Basic and advanced programmes studies All foreign students planning to study at a Swiss UAS should contact the chosen institu- The bachelor programmes are often divided into a period of basic or introductory stud- tion directly, preferably a year before they intend to begin studies. When you have re- ies, and a period of advanced programmes studies. In many subjects, the programme ceived confirmation of acceptance by an UAS, please contact the Swiss embassy in your includes one or two practical semesters spent in business, industry or the civil service, country for information on entry formalities for Switzerland. You will have to show proof accompanied by tuition at the UAS to complement the knowledge students have gained that you have adequate financial means to support yourself during your studies. in practice. UAS programmes end now with the award of a Bachelor respective a Master degree (the former programmes had ended with a Diploma). Both types of degree count as a professional and academic qualification. The study and examination regulations differ from institution to institution. Each UAS, school, or department will be pleased to Residence permit provide its study and examination regulations on request. After your arrival in Switzerland, you will have to apply to the local immigration authori- Every UAS, school or department, also publishes a course catalogue and offers study ties to obtain a residence permit. You will have to present the following documents: counselling. • a valid passport, if necessary with a visa • confirmation that you have been accepted by a Swiss UAS • guarantee of sufficient financial means to support yourself during your studies Continuing education (e.g. bank statement) All UAS offer a number of postgraduate courses, including degree courses (Master of • a statement of address in Switzerland. Advanced Studies MAS or Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA) for professional development and continuing education. Since they lead to an advanced The residence permit will only be issued if your financial means are guaranteed. In ad- qualification, these courses are of particular interest to students from abroad. Full- dition, you will have to renew the residence permit annually. It is almost impossible for time study on a Master of Advanced Studies programme lasts a minimum of one year foreign students to obtain a work permit in Switzerland, other than in exceptional cases (60 ECTS credit points). during holidays.

Cost of studies

Tuition fees at the UAS vary between CHF 500 and CHF 1200 per semester for bachelor’s and master’s degree courses. Some schools charge higher fees for international students. Living expenses in Switzerland come to between CHF 18000 and CHF 28 000 a year (depending on location and personal needs).

18 19 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011

Information services for foreigners Inter-University Co-operation and

Information on studying in Switzerland is generally available from the following sources: International Mobility By Gaetan Lagger, State Secretariat for Education and Research, and Pascal Haltiner, in your home country: Erasmus indirect participation, Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities, February 2011 The Swiss diplomatic missions abroad (embassies, consulates) provide general informa- tion on study opportunities and on relevant entry formalities and conditions. The International Aspect of the Swiss Higher Education System Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, but the Swiss higher education in Switzerland system is highly internationalized. Swiss universities have signed numerous agreements • Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen / Hautes Ecoles Spécialisées) for exchange and cooperation with universities around the world, and they participate in • Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET) a number of bilateral and multilateral mobility and cooperation programmes. • Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) If your institution is interested in signing a mobility agreement with an institution in Switzerland, or if you as an individual would like to study in Switzerland, we advise you • Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences (KFH) to contact the institution directly (please see addresses, page 35). You will need to • Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities, Information and Documentation Service consider the language of instruction (German, French or Italian) before you decide on (CRUS) a specific institution (see pages 16/18). • Swiss Conference of Rectors’ of Universities of Teacher Education (COHEP) Applicants wishing to come to Switzerland on an exchange programme (e.g. Erasmus) can obtain information from the international adviser at their own institution or at their Inter-University Cooperation and International Mobility chosen UAS in Switzerland. Additional information about institutions is also available between Switzerland and the Countries of the European through Information and Coordination ERASMUS (ICES). Union Information on academic recognition is available from the Universities of Applied Introduction Sciences, the Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET), There is a long tradition of academic exchange between Switzerland and its European the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), or, in some cases, neighbours. In the early 1990s, academic exchange increased due to Switzerland’s from the Swiss Information Centre for Academic Recognition Matters (SWISS ENIC). temporary official participation in EU programmes for higher education. As this partici- (Addresses below) pation was not renewed after 1994, the State Secretariat for Education and Research SER funded indirect participation of Swiss institutions in selected activities of the EU edu- cation and training programmes. Thanks to these transitional measures, cooperation with European partners expanded significantly over the years. The mutual aim of having Switzerland rejoin future EU education programmes was expressed several times, and thanks to the Swiss-EU bilateral agreement signed in February 2010, Swiss participants are finally eligible for all Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) activities as of 2011. The programme includes specific sub-programmes for all educational levels, namely, Erasmus for higher education, Leonardo da Vinci for vocational education and training, Comenius for schools and Grundtvig for adult education. In addition, the EU supports a range of external programmes and policies focused in particular on higher education because of its importance in the development of modern societies and its key role in social, cultural and economic development. Switzerland is not associated with these programmes, but Swiss participants are usually accepted as a third-country partner, e. g. in Erasmus Mundus masters courses and doctoral programmes.

20 21 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011

Funding Study programmes offered at the LLP funds a wide variety of activities including exchanges, study visits and networking activities. Projects are intended not only for individual students and learners, but also for Swiss universities of applied sciences teachers, trainers and all others involved in education and training. For the better part of these exchange activities, known as ‹decentralized actions›, applications must be made through national agencies. The national agency in Switzerland designated for implemen- The UAS offer a wide spectrum of study programs, including technical, economic and social tation of the LLP programmes is the ch Foundation in Solothurn; it is responsible for topics, as well as study courses such as Art, Design, Music, Food Technology, Agriculture, counselling at the national level and management of the decentralized actions. Applica- Wood Engineering, Oenology, Health, Sports, and even exclusive fields like Restoration and tions for funding for ‹centralized› actions, which include networking initiatives and other Technical Preservation. All the programs offer a high quality professional education. large-scale projects, are made to the EU’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive The diploma of these programs will open you many opportunities for a successful career. Agency. The administrative details, including application deadlines and eligibility criteria, can be found in the specific programme guides and the calls for proposals for projects issued yearly by the European Commission. Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences (Abbreviation of names): BFH Berner Fachhochschule (BUAS) Potential Swiss partner institutions for international mobility FH KAL Kalaidos Fachhochschule (Kalaidos UAS) In addition to Switzerland’s 12 traditional universities, there are also 9 universities of FHNW Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (UAS Northwestern Switzerland) applied sciences (Fachhochschulen, Hautes écoles spécialisées) and 14 universities FHO Fachhochschule Ostschweiz (UAS Eastern Switzerland) of teacher education (Pädagogische Hochschulen, Hautes écoles pédagogiques) interested HES-SO Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (UAS Western Switzerland) in international cooperation and exchange. Furthermore, a growing number of tertiary HSLU Hochschule Luzern (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts LUASA) type-B institutions in fields not yet covered by the universities of applied sciences are SUPSI Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana willing to engage in LLP activities. (UAS Southern Switzerland) Higher education institutions interested in cooperating with Swiss institutions are asked ZFH Zürcher Fachhochschule (UAS Zurich) to contact the institutions directly. Addresses of Swiss institutions eligible for Erasmus Ba: Bachelor-Level, Ma: Master-Level, D: Diploma Level activities are provided by: G: German, F: French, I: Italian, E: English, F/G: bilingual, (…) partially ch Foundation Dornacherstrasse 28A Agriculture and Forestry Postfach 246 Degree Courses UAS School, Degree Language Website CH-4501 Solothurn Departement* Phone +41 32 346 18 18 Agriculture BFH 7 Ba G, F, (E) www.shl.bfh.ch Telefax +41 32 346 18 02 HES-SO 6 Ba F www.hes-so.ch [email protected] Forestry BFH 7 Ba G, F, (E) www.shl.bfh.ch www.ch-go.ch Landscape Architecture HES-SO 6 Ba F www.hes-so.ch www.chstiftung.ch

Switzerland’s previous indirect participation in Erasmus includes activities up to the Applied Linguistics end of the academic year 2010/2011 and is administered by the former Erasmus office Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website at the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS). Departement* Applied Linguistics: Conference Interpreting/ ZFH 1 Ma G, F, I www.linguistik.zhaw.ch Specialised Translation

Communication: Journalism/ ZFH 1 Ba G www.linguistik.zhaw.ch Organisational Communication

Translation: Multilingual Com- munication/Multimodal Communi- ZFH 1 Ba G, F, I www.linguistik.zhaw.ch cation/Technical Communication

22 23 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Study programmes offered at the Swiss universities of Applied Sciences

Applied Psychology Business, Management and Services Degree Courses UAS School, Degree Language Website Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Departement* Departement* Applied Psychology FHNW 1 Ba, Ma G www.fhnw.ch/aps/bachelor- Banking and Finance HSLU 2 Ma G www.hslu.ch/w-master und-master ZFH 1 Ma G, (E) www.sml.zhaw.ch ZFH 1 Ba, Ma G www.psychologie.zhaw.ch Business Administration BFH 3 Ba, Ma G, E www.wirtschaft.bfh.ch FHNW 9 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/wirtschaft/boek Architecture, Building Engineering and Planning FHO 1, 3 Ba, Ma G or/and E www.fhsg.ch, www.htwchur.ch Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website HES-SO 1b, 3, 8, 12a, 16b Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch Departement* HES-SO 23 Ma F, E www.hes-so.ch/masters Architecture BFH 2 Ba G, (E) www.ahb.bfh.ch HSLU 2 Ba, Ma G www.hslu.ch/wirtschaft BFH 2 Ma G, F, E www.ahb.bfh.ch KAL 2,3 Ba G (E) www.kalaidos-fh.ch FHNW 2 Ba, Ma G www.fhnw.ch/habg/iarch/ SUPSI 2 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dsas HES-SO 2, 6 Ba F www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 2 Ma I, (E) www.supsi.ch/dsas HES-SO 2, 6 Ma F, E, G www.hes-so.ch; SUPSI 5 Ba, Ma G, (E) www.fernfachhochschule.ch www.hes-so.ch/masters ZFH 1 Ba, Ma G, (E) www.sml.zhaw.ch HSLU 1 Ba, Ma G www.hslu.ch/ technik-architektur ZFH 2 Ba, Ma G or/and E www.fh-hwz.ch SUPSI 1 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dacd Business Administration FHNW 9 Ba E www.fhnw.ch/business/ (International Management) msc-bis ZFH 1 Ba, Ma G www.archbau.zhaw.ch Business Information FHNW 9 Ma E www.fhnw.ch/business/ ZFH 3 Ba G www.hsz-t.ch Systems msc-bis Civil Eingineering BFH 2 Ba G www.ahb.bfh.ch Business Information BFH 3 Ba G, E www.wirtschaft.bfh.ch FHNW 2 Ba, Ma G www.fhnw.ch/habg/ibau Technology FHNW 9 Ba G, E www.fhnw.ch/business/wi FHO 2 Ba G www.hsr.ch HES-SO 1b, 8, 12a Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch FHO 3 Ba G www.htwchur.ch HSLU 2 Ba G www.hslu.ch/wirtschaft HES-SO 2, 6 Ba F www.hes-so.ch KAL 2 Ba G www.kalaidos-fh.ch SUPSI 1 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dacd ZFH 2 Ba G www.fh-hwz.ch ZFH 1 Ba, Ma G www.archbau.zhaw.ch Doctor in Business KAL/ 2 Phd E www.kalaidos-fh.ch Civil and structural HSLU 1 Ma G www.hslu.ch/ Administration University Engineering technik-architektur of Glouces- tershire Engineering BFH 1, 2 Ma G, F, (E) www.ahb.bfh.ch, Business www.ti.bfh.ch School, Chelten- FHNW 2, 8 Ma G, E www.fhnw.ch/habg/ivgi/ ham, UK master Business Law ZFH 1 Ba G, F, (E) www.sml.zhaw.ch FHO 2, 3, 4 Ma G www.msengineering.ch Communication ZFH 1 Ba G www.linguistik.zhaw.ch Geomatics FHNW 2 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/habg/ivgi/ ZFH 2 Ba G www.fh-hwz.ch bachelor Facility Management ZFH 1 Ba, Ma E www.lsfm.zhaw.ch HES-SO 16a Ba F www.hes-so.ch Hospitality Management HES-SO 15 Ba F, E www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 1 Ba I, F www.supsi.ch/dacd Information Science FHO 3 Ba, Ma G www.htwchur.ch SUPSI 1 Ba F www.hes-so.ch HES-SO 8 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Landscape Architecture FHO 2 Ba G www.hsr.ch HES-SO + 8 Ma F www.hes-so.ch/masters HES-SO 6 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Montreal Spatial Planning FHO 2 Ba G www.hsr.ch University Wood Engineering BFH 2 Ba G, F, (E) www.ahb.bfh.ch BFH 2 Ma G www.ahb.bfh.ch

24 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff 25 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Study programmes offered at the Swiss universities of Applied Sciences

Business, Management and Services (cont.) Design (cont.) Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Departement* Departement* International Business FHNW 9 Ba G, F, E www.fhnw.ch/business/ibm Design HES-SO 7, 17 Ma F, E www.hes-so.ch/masters Management HSLU 4 Ma G www.hslu.ch/design-kunst International FHNW 9 Ma E www.fhnw.ch/business/msc-im ZFH 4 Ma G www.zhdk.ch Management ZFH 1 Ba E www.sml.zhaw.ch Design / Masterstudio FHNW 3 Ma G www.fhnw.ch/hgk/msd Tourism FHO 3 Ba G, E www.htwchur.ch Fine Arts BFH 6 Ba G, F www.hkb.bfh.ch HES-SO 12a Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch FHNW 3 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/hgk/iku/bachelor-of-arts-in-kunst FHNW 3 Ma G, E www.fhnw.ch/hgk/iku/master-of-fine-arts Chemistry and Life Sciences HES-SO 7, 13, 17 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website HES-SO 7, 13, 17 Ma F www.hes-so.ch/masters Departement* Interior Design HES-SO 7 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Biotechnology ZFH 1 Ba G www.lsfm.zhaw.ch HSLU 1 Ba G www.hslu.ch/technik-architektur Chemistry HES-SO 2 Ba F or F/G www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 1 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dacd ZFH 1 Ba G www.lsfm.zhaw.ch Interior Design and FHNW 3 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/hgk/iis Environmental Engineering ZFH 1 Ba G www.lsfm.zhaw.ch Scenography Food Technology BFH 7 Ba G, F, (E) www.shl.bfh.ch Product and Industrial FHNW 3 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/hgk Design ZFH 1 Ba G www.lsfm.zhaw.ch HES-SO 7, 17 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Life Sciences BFH 7 Ma E, (G, F) www.shl.bfh.ch HSLU 4 Ba G www.hslu.ch/design-kunst FHNW 4 Ma E www.fhnw.ch/lifesciences/master ZFH 4 Ba G www.zhdk.ch HES-SO 23 Ma F, G, E www.hes-so.ch/masters Réseau Cinéma HSLU 4 Ma G www.hslu.ch/design-kunst ZFH 1 Ma G, E www.lsfm.zhaw.ch Teaching in Art and BFH 6 Ba G www.hkb.bfh.ch Design Life Science Technologies FHNW 4 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/lifesciences/ BFH 6 Ma G, F, E www.hkb.bfh.ch bachelor-und-master FHNW 3, 6 Ba, Ma G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isek/Sekundarstufe% 202/master-lehrberufe-gestaltung-kunst Life Technologies HES-SO 12c Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch Visual Communication BFH 6 Ba G www.hkb.bfh.ch Molecular Life Science FHNW 4 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/lifesciences/ FHNW 3 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/hgk / iv k bachelor-und-master HES-SO 7, 17 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Oenology HES-SO 14 Ba F www.hes-so.ch HSLU 4 Ba G www.hslu.ch/design-kunst SUPSI 1 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dacd Design ZFH 4 Ba G www.zhdk.ch Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Departement* Visual Communication FHNW 3 Ma G, E www.fhnw.ch/hgk/ivk/ and Iconic Research master-of-arts Cinema HES-SO 17 Ma F, G, E www.hes-so.ch Communication Design BFH 6 Ma G, E, F www.hkb.bfh.ch Conservation BFH 6 Ba G, E www.hkb.bfh.ch, Engineering and IT www.abegg-stiftung.ch Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website HES-SO 1a Ba F www.hes-so.ch, Departement* SUPSI 1 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dacd Automobile Engineering BFH 1 Ba G, F www.ti.bfh.ch Conservation-Restoration BFH 6 Ma G, E, F, I www.hkb.bfh.ch, Aviation ZFH 1 Ba G, (E) www.engineering.zhaw.ch www.abegg-stiftung.ch Biomedical Engineering BFH 1 Ma E, (G) www.ti.bfh.ch HES-SO 1a Ma F www.hes-so.ch/masters Business Engineering FNHW 8 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/technik/wing SUPSI 1 Ma I, F, G, E www.swiss-crc.ch Business Engineering | HSLU 1 Ba G www.hslu.ch/technik- Innovation architektur

26 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff 27 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Study programmes offered at the Swiss universities of Applied Sciences

Engineering and IT (cont.) Engineering and IT (cont.) Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Departement* Departement* Building Technology HSLU 1 Ba G www.hslu.ch/technik-architektur Mechanical Engineering BFH 1 Ba G www.ti.bfh.ch Computer Science BFH 1 Ba G, F www.ti.bfh.ch FHNW 8 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/technik/m FHNW 8 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/technik/i FHO 2 Ba G www.hsr.ch FHO 2 Ba G www.hsr.ch HES-SO 1c, 6 Ba F www.hes-so.ch HES-SO 1c, 2, 6, 16a Ba F www.hes-so.ch HES-SO 2 Ba F/G www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 3 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dti HSLU 1 Ba G www.hslu.ch/technik-architektur SUPSI 5 Ba I www.fernfachhochschule.ch SUPSI 3 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dti ZFH 1 Ba G www.engineering.zhaw.ch ZFH 1 Ba G www.engineering.zhaw.ch ZFH 3 Ba G www.hsz-t.ch Mechatronics trinational FHNW 8 Ba G, F www.fhnw.ch/technik/mti Electrical Engineering BFH 1 Ba G, F www.ti.bfh.ch Media Engineering FHO 3 Ba G www.htwchur.ch FHO 2 Ba G www.hsr.ch HES-SO 16b Ba F www.heig-vd.ch HES-SO 1c, 16a Ba F www.hes-so.ch Medical Informatics BFH 1 Ba G, (F) www.ti.bfh.ch HES-SO 2 Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch Microengineering BFH 1 Ba G, F www.ti.bfh.ch HSLU 1 Ba G www.hslu.ch/technik-architektur HES-SO 1c, 6, 16a Ba F www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 3 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dti Optometry FHNW 8 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/technik/opt ZFH 1 Ba G www.engineering.zhaw.ch Precision Manufacturing SUPSI 3 Ma I, (G, F, E) www.dti.supsi.ch Electrical and Information FHNW 8 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/technik/eit Renewable Energies and FHO 2 Ba G www.hsr.ch Technology Enviromental Engineering Engineering BFH 1, 2 Ma G, F, (E) www.ti.bfh.ch / www.ahb.bfh.ch Systems Engineering FHNW 8 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/technik/st FHNW 8, 2 Ma G, E www.fhnw.ch/technik/mse FHO 4 Ba G www.ntb.ch FHO 2,3,4 Ma G www.msengineering.ch HES-SO 12c Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch HES-SO 23 Ma F www.hes-so.ch/masters HES-SO 16a Ba F www.hes-so.ch HSLU 1 Ma G www.hslu.ch/technik-architektur ZFH 1 Ba G www.engineering.zhaw.ch SUPSI 1 Ma I, (G, F, E) www.supsi.ch/dti Telecommunications HES-SO 2, 6, 16a Ba F www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 3 Ma E, (I, G, F) www.supsi.ch/dti Transportation Systems ZFH 1 Ba G www.engineering.zhaw.ch ZFH 1 Ma G, F, (E) www.engineering.zhaw.ch Engineering and Manage- HES-SO 16b Ba F www.hes-so.ch Health ment SUPSI 3 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dti Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website SUPSI 5 Ba I www.fernfachhochschule.ch Departement* ZFH 1 Ba G www.engineering.zhaw.ch Radiology Medical HES-SO 9b ,18 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Engiennering of Commu- HES-SO 6 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Imaging Technology nication Technologies Midwifery BFH 4 Ba G www.gesundheit.bfh.ch Geomatics, land manage- HES-SO 23 Ma F www.hes-so.ch/masters HES-SO 9a, 18 Ba F www.hes-so.ch ment and civil engineering ZFH 1 Ba G www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch MIT (Ingénierie du territoire) Nursing BFH 4 Ba G www.gesundheit.bfh.ch Industrial Design Engineering HES-SO 1c Ba F www.hes-so.ch BFH 4 Ma G, (E) www.gesundheit.bfh.ch Information and Commu- HSLU 1 Ba G www.hslu.ch/technik- FHO 1 Ba, Ma G www.fhsg.ch nications Technology architektur HES-SO 1d, 9a, 18, 19 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Informatics SUPSI/ 3 Ma I www.supsi.ch/dti USI HES-SO 4, 12b Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch

28 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff 29 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Study programmes offered at the Swiss universities of Applied Sciences

Health (cont.) Music, Theatre and other Arts (cont.) Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Departement* Departement* Nursing HES-SO / Lausanne Ma F, E www.hes-so.ch/masters Multimedia/Transdiscipli- ZFH 4 Ma G www.zhdk.ch UNIL nary Studies KAL 4 Ba, Ma G www.weg-fh.ch Music BFH 6 Ba G, F www.hkb.bfh.ch SUPSI 4 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dsan FHNW 5 Ba G www.hsm-basel.ch/inhalte/ ZFH 1 Ba G www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch (classical) angebot_bachelor.php ZFH 1 Ma G, E www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch FHNW 5 Ba G www.jazz.edu/index.php?path (jazz) =hochschule/studium/bachelor Nutrition and Dietetics BFH 4 Ba G www.gesundheit.bfh.ch FHNW 5 Ba (early G www.scb-basel.ch/in- HES-SO 9c Ba F www.hes-so.ch music) dex/110084 Occupational Therapy HES-SO 20 Ba F www.hes-so.ch HES-SO 11, 21a, 21b Ba F www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 4 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dsan HSLU 5 Ba G www.hslu.ch/musik ZFH 1 Ba G www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch HSLU 5 Ma E www.hslu.ch/musik ZFH 1 Ma E www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch SUPSI 6 Ba I www.conservatorio.ch Physiotherapy BFH 4 Ba G www.gesundheit.bfh.ch ZFH 4 Ba G www.zhdk.ch BFH 4 Ma G, (E) www.gesundheit.bfh.ch Music/Church Music HSLU 5 Ba G www.hslu.ch/musik HES-SO 9 d , 1 8 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Music/Composition and BFH 6 Ma G, F, E www.hkb.bfh.ch HES-SO 12b Ba F/G www.hes-so.ch Theory FHNW 5 Ma G www.hsm-basel.ch/studien- SUPSI 4 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dsan angebot_ma_komposition.php SUPSI 4 Ba G www.supsi.ch/dsan FHNW 5 Ma (audio- G www.esbasel.ch/Audiode- ZFH 1 Ba G www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch design) sign/adma.html ZFH 1 Ma G, E www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch FHNW 5 Ma (early G www.scb-basel.ch/in- music) dex/110515 Psychomotor Therapy HES-SO 10 Ba F www.hes-so.ch HES-SO 11, 21b Ma F www.hes-so.ch/masters SUPSI 6 Ma I www.conservatorio.ch Music, Theatre and other Arts ZFH 4 Ma G www.zhdk.ch Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Music and Movement BFH 6 Ba G, F www.hkb.bfh.ch Departement* HES-SO 11 Ba F www.hes-so.ch Art + Design Communication ZFH 4 Ba G www.zhdk.ch FHNW 5 Ba G, F www.hsm-basel.ch/emp.php Art Education ZFH 4 Ma G www.zhdk.ch HSLU 5 Ba G www.hslu.ch/musik Film ZFH 4 Ba, Ma G www.zhdk.ch SUPSI 6 Ba I www.conservatorio.ch Fine Arts BFH 6 Ba G, F www.hkb.bfh.ch ZFH 4 Ba G www.zhdk.ch FHNW 3 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/hgk/iku/bachelor-of-arts-in-kunst Music Pedagogy BFH 6 Ma G, F www.hkb.bfh.ch FHNW 3 Ma G, E www.fhnw.ch/hgk/iku/master-of-fine-arts HES-SO 11, 21a, 21b Ma F, G www.hes-so.ch/masters HES-SO 7, 13, 17 Ba F www.hes-so.ch FHNW 5 Ma G www.hsm-basel.ch/studienange- HES-SO 7, 13, 17 Ma F www.hes-so.ch/masters (classical) bot_ma_musikpaedagogik.php HSLU 4 Ma G www.hslu.ch/design-kunst FHNW 5 Ma (jazz) G www.jazz.edu/index.php?path=hochschule/ ZFH 4 Ba, Ma G www.zhdk.ch studium/musikpaedagogik Fine Arts and Art Education HSLU 4 Ma G www.hslu.ch/design-kunst FHNW 5 Ma (early G www.scb-basel.ch/in- music) dex/115125 Fine Arts/Contemporary BFH 6 Ba G, F, E www.hkb.bfh.ch Arts Practice Music Pedagogy HSLU 5 Ma G www.hslu.ch/musik Literary Writing BFH 6 Ba G, F www.hkb.bfh.ch SUPSI 6 Ma I www.conservatorio.ch ZFH 4 Ma G www.zhdk.ch

30 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff 31 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011

Music, Theatre and other Arts (cont.) Sports Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website Departement* Departement* Music Performance BFH 6 Ma G, F, E www.hkb.bfh.ch Sports BFH 8 Ba G, F www.ehsm.ch FHNW 5 Ma (clas- G www.hsm-basel.ch/studien- BFH 8 Ma G, (E, F) www.ehsm.ch sical) angebot_ma_performance.php FHNW 5 Ma (jazz) G www.jazz.edu/index.php?path=hoch- schule/studium/producing_performance Teacher Education

FHNW 5 Ma (early G www.scb-basel.ch/in- Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website music) dex/115118 Departement* HES-SO 11, 21a, 21b Ma F, G www.hes-so.ch/masters Teaching in Art and BFH 6 Ba G www.hkb.bfh.ch Design SUPSI 6 Ma I www.conservatorio.ch BFH 6 Ma G, F, E www.hkb.bfh.ch ZFH 4 Ma G www.zhdk.ch FHNW 3, 6 Ba, Ma G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isek/ Sekundarstufe%202/master- Specialized Music BFH 6 Ma G, F, E www.hkb.bfh.ch lehrberufe-gestaltung-kunst ­Performance FHNW 5 Ma (clas- G www.hsm-basel.ch/studien- Early Childhood Education ZFH 6 Ma G www.hfh.ch sical) angebot_ma_specialised.php Educational Sciences FHNW 6 Ma G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isek/Sekundar- FHNW 5 Ma (early G www.scb-basel.ch/in- stufe%202/master-paedagogik music) dex/115132 Multilingualism FHNW 6 Ma G, F www.fhnw.ch/ph/isek/Sekundar- HES-SO 11, 21a, 21b Ma F, G www.hes-so.ch stufe%202/master-mehrsprachigkeit SUPSI 6 Ma I www.conservatorio.ch Pre-Primary and Early FHNW 6 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/ph/ivu/ ZFH 4 Ma G www.zhdk.ch Education Vorschul-Primarstufe Teaching in Design and BFH 6 Ba G www.hkb.bfh.ch Pre-Primary Education SUPSI 8 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dfa Art BFH 6 Ma G, F, E www.hkb.bfh.ch ZFH 9 Ba G www.phzh.ch FHNW 3, 6 Ba, Ma G www.fhnw.ch/hgk/ilgk, www. Pre-Primary and Primary ZFH 9 Ba G www.phzh.ch fhnw.ch/hgk/iku/master-studium Education (-2/+3) Theatre BFH 6 Ba G www.hkb.bfh.ch Primary Education FHNW 6 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/ph/ip/studien- BFH 6 Ma G, E www.hkb.bfh.ch gang-primarstufe HES-SO 22 Ba F www.hes-so.ch SUPSI 8 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dfa SUPSI 7 Ba I www.teatrodimitri.ch ZFH 9 Ba G www.phzh.ch SUPSI 7 Ma I, E www.teatrodimitri.ch Psychomotoric Therapy ZFH 6 Ba G www.hfh.ch ZFH 4 Ba, Ma G www.zhdk.ch Secondary I Education FHNW 6 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isek/ Sekundarstufe%201/bachelor FHNW 6 Ma G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isek/ Social Work Sekundarstufe%201/master Degree Courses UAS School, Level Language Website SUPSI 8 Ma I www.supsi.ch/dfa Departement* ZFH 9 Ma G www.phzh.ch Social Work BFH 5 Ba, Ma G, (E) www.soziale-arbeit.bfh.ch Secondary II Education FHNW 6 Diplom G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isek/Sekundar- FHNW 7 Ba, Ma G www.fhnw.ch/sozialearbeit/ stufe%202/studiengang-zum- bachelor-und-master hoeheren-lehramt-ab-09-10 FHO 1 Ba, Ma G www.fhsg.ch, SUPSI 8 Ma I www.supsi.ch/dfa HES-SO 5, 10, 12b, 20 Ba F, G www.hes-so.ch Special Needs Education FHNW 6 Ma G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isp/master- HES-SO 23 Ma F, (E) www.hes-so.ch/masters sonderpaedagogik HSLU 3 Ba, Ma G www.hslu.ch/sozialearbeit ZFH 6 Ma G www.hfh.ch SUPSI 2 Ba I www.supsi.ch/dsas Speech and Language FHNW 6 Ba G www.fhnw.ch/ph/isp/bach- SUPSI 2 Ma F, (E) www.hes-so.ch/masters Therapy elor-logopaedie ZFH 1 Ba, Ma G www.sozialearbeit.zhaw.ch ZFH 6 Ba G www.hfh.ch 32 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff 33 * numbers refer to the addresses indicated on p. 34 ff Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Addresses

(5) Division Social Work Addresses Falkenplatz 24 Phone +41 31 848 36 10 CH-3012 Berne Telefax +41 31 848 36 01 E-mail: [email protected] www.soziale-arbeit.bfh.ch

Universities of applied sciences (6) Bern University of the Arts Fellerstrasse 11 Phone +41 31 848 38 38 CH-3027 Berne Telefax +41 31 848 38 01 Berner Fachhochschule E-mail: [email protected] www.hkb.bfh.ch BFH Berner Fachhochschule (7) Swiss Collage of Agriculture SHL Bern University of Applied Sciences Länggasse 85 Phone +41 31 910 21 11 Hallerstrasse 10 Phone +41 31 848 33 00 CH-3052 Zollikofen Telefax +41 31 910 22 99 CH-3012 Berne Telefax +41 31 848 33 03 E-mail: [email protected] www.shl.bfh.ch E-mail: [email protected] www.bfh.ch

(8) Swiss Federal Institut of Sport (1) Engineering and Information Technology Magglingen SFISM Quellgasse 21 CH-2532 Magglingen Phone +41 32 327 62 26 P. O. B ox E-mail: [email protected] www.ehsm.ch CH-2501 Biel/Bienne Phone +41 848 48 49 50 E-mail: [email protected] www.ti.bfh.ch

(2) Architecture, Wood Engineering and Civil Pestalozzistrasse 20 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz P.O. Box 1058 Phone +41 34 426 41 41 FHNW CH-3401 Burgdorf Telefax +41 34 423 15 13 University of Applied Sciences E-mail: [email protected] www.ahb.bfh.ch Northwestern Switzerland Phone +41 56 462 49 11 Schulthess-Allee 1 Telefax +41 56 462 44 01 CH-5201 Brugg www.fhnw.ch (3) Divison Business and Administration Morgartenstrasse 2c P.O. Box 305 Phone +41 31 848 34 00 (1) School of Applied Psychology CH-3000 Berne 22 Telefax +41 31 848 34 01 FHNW E-mail: [email protected] www.wirtschaft.bfh.ch Riggenbachstrasse 16 Phone +41 (0) 848 821 011 4600 Olten Telefax +41 62 286 00 90 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/aps (4) Division Health Murtenstrasse 10 Phone +41 31 848 35 35 CH-3008 Berne Telefax +41 31 848 35 01 E-mail: [email protected] www.gesundheit.bfh.ch

34 35 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Addresses

(2) School of Architecture, Civil Engineering (9) School of Business FHNW and Geomatics FHNW Riggenbachstrasse 16 Phone +41 (0) 848 821 011 Gründenstrasse 40 Phone +41 61 467 42 42 4600 Olten Telefax +41 62 286 00 90 4132 Muttenz Telefax +41 61 467 44 60 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/business E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/habg

(3) Academy of Art and Design FHNW Vogelsangstrasse 15 Phone +41 61 695 67 71 Fachhochschule Ostschweiz 4058 Basel Telefax +41 61 695 68 00 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/hgk FHO Fachhochschule Ostschweiz Bogenstrasse 7 Phone +41 71 280 83 83 CH-9000 St. Gallen Telefax +41 71 280 83 89 (4) School of Life Sciences FHNW E-mail: [email protected] www.fho.ch Gründenstrasse 40 Phone +41 61 467 42 42 4132 Muttenz Telefax +41 61 467 44 60 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/lifesciences (1) FHS St. Gallen, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Rosenbergstrasse 22 (5) Academy of Music FHNW Postfach 627 Phone +41 71 226 16 00 Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel CH-9001 St. Gallen Telefax +41 71 226 16 01 Leonhardstrasse 6 Phone +41 61 264 57 57 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhsg.ch 4003 Basel Telefax +41 61 264 57 13 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/musikhochschulen (2) HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil Oberseestrasse 10 (6) School of Teacher Education FHNW Postfach 1475 Phone +41 55 222 41 11 Baslerstrasse 43 Phone +41 (0) 848 012 210 CH-8640 Rapperswil Telefax +41 55 222 44 00 5201 Brugg Telefax +41 56 460 06 09 E-mail: [email protected] www.hsr.ch E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/ph

(3) HTW Hochschule für Technik und (7) School of Social Work FHNW Wirtschaft Chur Riggenbachstrasse 16 Phone +41 (0) 848 821 011 Pulvermühlestrasse 57 Phone +41 81 286 24 24 4600 Olten Telefax +41 62 286 00 90 CH-7004 Chur Telefax +41 81 286 24 00 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/sozialearbeit E-mail: [email protected] www.htwchur.ch

(8) School of Engineering FHNW (4) NTB Interstaatliche Hochschule für Steinackerstrasse 5 Phone +41 56 462 44 11 ­Technik Buchs 5210 Windisch Telefax +41 56 462 44 15 Werdenbergstrasse 4 Phone +41 81 755 33 11 E-mail: [email protected] www.fhnw.ch/technik CH-9471 Buchs Telefax +41 81 756 54 34 E-mail: [email protected] www.ntb.ch

36 37 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Addresses

Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (3) Haute école de gestion de Fribourg Chemin du Musée 4 Phone +41 26 429 63 70 CH-1700 Fribourg Telefax +41 26 429 63 75 HES-SO Haute Ecole Spécialisée de E-mail: [email protected] www.heg-fr.ch Suisse occidentale, Siège Rue de la Jeunesse 1 Phone +41 32 424 49 00 Case postale 452 Telefax +41 32 424 49 01 (4) Haute école de santé Fribourg CH-2800 Delémont 1 www.hes-so.ch Route des Cliniques 15 Phone +41 26 429 60 00 E-mail: [email protected] CH-1700 Fribourg Telefax +41 26 429 60 10 E-mail: [email protected] www.heds-fr.ch (1a) Haute Ecole Arc-Conservation- restauration (5) Haute Ecole fribourgeoise Rue de la Paix 60 Phone +41 32 930 19 19 de travail social CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds Telefax +41 32 930 19 20 Rue Jean-Prouvé 10 Phone +41 26 429 62 00 E-mail: [email protected] www.he-arc.ch CH-1762 Givisiez Telefax +41 26 429 62 01 E-mail: [email protected] www.hef-ts.ch (1b) Haute école de gestion Arc Espace de l’Europe 21 Phone +41 32 930 20 20 (6) Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie CH-2000 Neuchâtel Telefax +41 32 930 20 21 et d’architecture de Genève E-mail: [email protected] www.heg-asc.ch Rue de la Prairie 4 Phone +41 22 546 24 00 CH-1202 Genève Telefax +41 22 338 24 10 E-mail: [email protected] http://hepia.hesge.ch (1c) Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie Rue Baptiste-Savoye 33 Phone +41 32 930 22 22 CH-2610 Saint-Imier Telefax +41 32 930 22 23 (7) Haute école d’art et de design Genève – E-mail: [email protected] www.he-arc.ch HEAD Boulevard James-Fazy 15 Phone +41 22 388 51 00 CH-1201 Genève Telefax +41 22 388 51 59 (1d) Haute Ecole Arc Santé E-mail: [email protected] www.hesge.ch/head Rue de la Jeunesse 1 Phone +41 32 930 11 81 CH-2800 Delémont Telefax +41 32 930 11 82 E-mail: [email protected] www.he-arc.ch (8) Haute école de gestion de Genève Campus de Battelle Route de Drize 7 Phone +41 22 388 17 00 (2) Ecole d’ingénieurs et d’architectes CH-1227 Carouge Telefax +41 22 388 17 01 de Fribourg E-mail: [email protected] www.hesge.ch/heg Boulevard de Pérolles 80 Case postale 32 Phone +41 26 429 66 11 CH-1705 Fribourg Telefax +41 26 429 66 00 (9a) Haute école de Santé Genève E-mail: [email protected] www.eia-fr.ch Avenue de Champel 47 Phone +41 22 388 56 00 CH-1206 Genève Telefax +41 22 388 56 01 E-mail: [email protected] www.hedsge.ch

38 39 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Addresses

(9b) Haute école de Santé Genève (12b) HES-SO Valais Wallis (Radiologic Medical Imaging Technology) Santé & Social Avenue de Champel 47 Phone +41 22 388 34 20 Chemin de l’Agasse 5 Phone +41 27 606 84 00 CH-1206 Genève Telefax +41 22 388 56 01 Case postale 2133 Telefax +41 27 606 84 01 E-mail: [email protected] www.hedsge.ch CH-1950 Sion www.hevs.ch E-mail: [email protected]

(9c) Haute école de Santé Genève (Nutrition and Dietetics) (12c) HES-SO Valais Wallis Rue des Caroubiers 25 Phone +41 22 388 34 60 Sciences de l’ingénieur-e CH-1227 Carouge Telefax +41 22 388 34 50 Route du Rawyl 47 E-mail: [email protected] www.hedsge.ch Case postale 2134 Phone +41 27 606 85 11 CH-1950 Sion 2 Telefax +41 27 606 85 15 E-mail: [email protected] www.hevs.ch (9d) Haute école de Santé Genève (Physiotherapy) Rue des Caroubiers 25 Phone +41 22 388 34 70 (13) Ecole cantonale d’art du Valais CH-1227 Carouge Telefax +41 22 388 34 24 Rue Bonne-Eau 16 Phone +41 27 456 55 11 E-mail: [email protected] www.hedsge.ch CH-3960 Sierre Telefax +41 27 456 55 30 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecav.ch

(10) Haute école de travail social Genève Rue Prévost-Martin 28 (14) Ecole d’ingénieurs de Changins – EIC Case postale 80 Phone +41 22 388 95 00 Route de Duillier Phone +41 22 363 40 50 CH-1211 Genève 4 Telefax +41 22 388 95 01 CH-1260 Telefax +41 22 361 35 88 E-mail: [email protected] www.hesge.ch/hets E-mail: [email protected] www.eichangins.ch

(11) Haute école de Musique de Genève (15) Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne – EHL Rue de l’Arquebuse 12 Phone +41 22 319 60 60 Le Chalet-à-Gobet CH-1204 Genève Telefax +41 22 319 60 62 Case postale 37 Phone +41 21 785 11 11 E-mail: [email protected] www.hemge.ch CH-1000 Lausanne 25 Telefax +41 21 785 11 21 E-mail: [email protected] www.ehl.edu

(12a) HES-SO Valais Wallis Economie & Services (16a) Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion Route de la Plaine 2 du Canton de – HEIG-VD Case postale 80 Phone +41 27 606 89 11 Route de Cheseaux 1 CH-3960 Sierre Telefax +41 27 606 89 19 Case postale Phone +41 24 557 63 30 E-mail: [email protected] www.hevs.ch CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains Telefax +41 24 557 64 04 E-mail: [email protected] www.heig-vd.ch

40 41 Studying in Switzerland | Universities of Applied Sciences | 2 011 Addresses

(16b) Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion (21b) Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne – du Canton de Vaud – HEIG-VD Jazz Centre Saint-Roch Côtes-de-Montbenon 26 Av. des Sports 20 Case postale 5831 Phone +41 21 321 35 39 CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains Phone +41 24 557 76 00 CH-1002 Lausanne Telefax +41 21 321 35 36 E-mail: [email protected] www.heig-vd.ch E-mail: [email protected] www.hemu.ch

(17) Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne (22) Haute école de théâtre de Suisse Avenue du Temple 5 Phone +41 21 316 99 33 romande CH-1020 Renens / Lausanne Telefax +41 21 316 92 66 La Manufacture E-mail: [email protected] www.ecal.ch Rue du Grand-Pré 5 Case postale 160 Phone +41 21 620 08 80 1000 Lausanne 16 Telefax +41 21 620 08 89 (18) Haute école cantonale vaudoise de la E-mail: [email protected] www.hetsr.ch santé – HECVSanté Avenue de Beaumont 21 Phone +41 21 316 80 00 CH-1011 Lausanne Telefax +41 21 316 80 01 (23) HES-SO // master E-mail: [email protected] www.hecvsante.ch Av. de Provence 6 Phone +41 32 424 49 00 CH-1007 Lausanne Fax +41 32 424 49 91 E-mail: [email protected] www.hes-so.ch/masters (19) Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source Avenue Vinet 30 Phone +41 21 641 38 00 CH-1004 Lausanne Telefax +41 21 641 38 38 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecolelasource.ch

(20) Haute école de travail social et de la santé – EESP – Lausanne Chemin des Abeilles 14 Phone +41 21 651 62 00 CH-1010 Lausanne Telefax +41 21 651 62 88 E-mail: [email protected] www.eesp.ch

(21a) Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne – Classique Rue de la Grotte 2 Case postale 5700 Phone +41 21 321 35 35 CH-1002 Lausanne Telefax +41 21 321 35 36 E-mail: [email protected] www.hemu.ch

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Hochschule Luzern Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz

Hochschule Luzern Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz Lucerne University of Applied Hohlstrasse 535 Sciences and Arts CH-8048 Zürich Lucerne UASA Phone +41 44 200 19 19 Switzerland Frankenstrasse 9 www.kalaidos-fh.ch E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 2969 Phone +41 41 228 42 42 CH-6002 Luzern Telefax +41 41 228 42 43 E-mail: [email protected] www.hslu.ch (1) Stiftung Kalaidos Fachhochschule ­S c h w e i z Hohlstrasse 535 (1) Lucerne School of Engineering and CH-8048 Zürich Phone +41 44 200 19 00 Architecture E-mail: [email protected] www.kalaidos-fh.ch Technikumstrasse 21 Phone +41 41 349 33 11 CH-6048 Horw Telefax +41 41 349 39 60 E-mail: [email protected] www.hslu.ch/technik-architektur (2) Kalaidos Fachhochschule Wirtschaft Hohlstrasse 535 CH-8048 Zürich Phone +41 44 200 19 19 (2) Lucerne School of Business E-mail: [email protected] www.kalaidos-fh.ch Zentralstrasse 9 P.O. Box 2940 Phone +41 41 228 41 11 CH-6002 Luzern Telefax +41 41 228 41 12 (3) PHW Hochschule Wirtschaft Bern E-mail: [email protected] www.hslu.ch/wirtschaft Max-Dätwyler-Platz 1 CH-3014 Bern Phone +41 031 537 35 35 E-mail: [email protected] www.phw-bern.ch (3) Lucerne School of Social Work Werftestrasse 1 P.O. Box 2945 Phone +41 41 367 48 48 (4) WE’G Hochschule Gesundheit CH-6002 Luzern Telefax +41 41 367 48 49 Mühlemattstrasse 42 E-mail: [email protected] www.hslu.ch/sozialearbeit CH-5001 Aarau Phone +41 62 837 58 90 E-mail: [email protected] www.weg-fh.ch (4) Lucerne School of Art and Design Sentimatt 1 / Dammstrasse Phone +41 41 228 54 64 CH-6003 Luzern Telefax +41 41 228 56 99 E-mail: [email protected] www.hslu.ch/design-kunst

(5) Lucerne School of Music Zentralstrasse 18 Phone +41 41 226 03 70 CH-6003 Luzern Telefax +41 41 226 03 71 E-mail: [email protected] www.hslu.ch/musik

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Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (5) Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS) Überlandstrasse 12 Phone +41 27 922 39 00 SUPSI Scuola Universitaria CH-3900 Brig Telefax +41 27 922 39 05 Professionale della Svizzera Italiana E-mail: [email protected] www.fernfachhochschule.ch Direzione Le Gerre Phone +41 58 666 60 00 CH-6928 Manno Telefax +41 58 666 60 01 (6) Conservatorio della Svizzera E-mail: [email protected] www.supsi.ch Italiana (CSI) Via Soldino 9 Phone +41 91 960 30 40 CH-6900 Lugano Telefax +41 91 960 30 41 (1) Dipartimento Ambiente, E-mail: [email protected] www.conservatorio.ch Costruzioni e Design (DACD) Trevano, CP 105 Phone +41 58 666 63 00 CH-6952 Canobbio Telefax +41 58 666 63 09 (7) Scuola Teatro Dimitri (STD) Phone +41 91 796 24 14 E-mail: [email protected] www.supsi.ch/dacd CH-6653 Verscio Telefax +41 91 796 23 93 E-mail: [email protected] www.teatrodimitri.ch

(2) Dipartimento Scienze Aziendali e Sociali (DSAS) (8) Dipartimento formazione e Palazzo E apprendimento (DFA) Phone +41 58 666 68 00 CH-6928 Manno Phone +41 58 666 61 00 Piazza San Francesco 19 Telefax +41 58 666 68 19 E-mail: [email protected] Telefax +41 58 666 61 01 CH-6600 Locarno www.supsi.ch/dfa [email protected] www.supsi.ch/dsas E-mail: [email protected]

(3) Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative (DTI) Galleria 2 Phone +41 58 666 65 11 CH-6928 Manno Telefax +41 58 666 65 71 Zürcher Fachhochschule E-mail: [email protected] www.supsi.ch/dti ZFH Zürcher Fachhochschule (4) Dipartimento Sanità (DSAN) Walcheplatz 2 Galleria 2 Phone +41 58 666 64 00 Postfach Phone +41 43 259 23 31 CH-6928 Manno Telefax +41 58 666 64 01 CH-8090 Zürich Telefax +41 43 259 51 61 E-mail: [email protected] www.supsi.ch/dsan E-mail: [email protected] www.zfh.ch

(4) Physiotherapie Graubünden (1) ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Weststrasse 8 Phone +41 81 300 01 70 ­Angewandte Wissenschaften CH-7302 Landquart Telefax +41 81 300 01 71 Technikumstrasse 9 E-mail: [email protected] www.supsi.ch/dsan Postfach 805 Phone +41 58 934 71 71 CH-8401 Winterthur Telefax +41 58 935 71 71 E-mail: [email protected] www.zhaw.ch

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Addresses of the Schools of ZHAW ZHAW – School of Management and Law St.-Georgen-Platz 2 ZHAW – School of Architecture, Design P.O. Box and Civil Engineering CH-8401 Winterthur Phone +41 58 934 68 68 Tössfeldstrasse 11 E-mail: [email protected] www.sml.zhaw.ch P.O. Box Phone +41 58 934 76 03 CH-8401 Winterthur Telefax +41 58 935 76 20 E-mail: [email protected] www.archbau.zhaw.ch (2) HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich Sihlhof ZHAW – School of Health Professions Lagerstrasse 5 Phone +41 43 322 26 00 Technikumstrasse 71 CH-8021 Zürich Telefax +41 43 322 26 01 P.O. Box Phone +41 58 934 63 02 E-mail: [email protected] www.fh-hwz.ch CH-8401 Winterthur Telefax +41 58 935 63 02 E-mail: [email protected] www.gesundheit.zhaw.ch (3) HSZ-T Hochschule für Technik Zürich ZHAW – School of Applied Linguistics Lagerstrasse 45 Theaterstrasse 15 c Postfach 1568 Phone +41 43 268 25 22 P.O. Box Phone +41 58 934 60 60 CH-8021 Zürich Telefax +41 43 268 25 30 CH-8401 Winterthur Telefax +41 58 935 60 60 E-mail: [email protected] www.hsz-t.ch E-mail: [email protected] www.linguistik.zhaw.ch

ZHAW – School of Life Sciences and (4) ZHdK Zürcher Hochschule der Künste Facility Management Ausstellungsstrasse 60 Grüental Postfach Phone +41 43 446 46 46 P.O. Box Phone +41 58 934 50 00 CH-8031 Zürich Telefax +41 43 446 45 87 CH-8820 Wädenswil Telefax +41 58 934 50 01 E-mail: [email protected] www.zhdk.ch E-mail: [email protected] www.lsfm.zhaw.ch

ZHAW – School of Applied Psychology (5) PHZH Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich Minervastrasse 30 Phone +41 58 934 83 10 Rämistrasse 59 CH-8032 Zürich Telefax +41 58 934 84 39 Postfach Phone +41 43 305 55 55 E-mail: [email protected] www.psychologie.zhaw.ch CH-8090 Zürich Telefax +41 43 305 55 56 E-mail: [email protected] www.phzh.ch ZHAW – School of Social Work Auenstrasse 4 P.O. Box Phone +41 58 934 88 88 (6) HfH Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich* CH-8600 Dübendorf Telefax +41 58 934 88 01 Schaffhauserstrasse 239 E-mail: [email protected] www.sozialearbeit.zhaw.ch Postfach 5850 Phone +41 44 317 11 11 CH-8050 Zürich Telefax +41 44 317 11 10 ZHAW – School of Engineering E-mail: [email protected] www.hfh.ch Technikumstrasse 9 P.O. Box Phone +41 58 934 75 02 *cooperation with the UAS Zurich CH-8401 Winterthur Telefax +41 58 935 75 02 E-mail: [email protected] www.engineering.zhaw.ch

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Educational bodies Rectors’ Conferences

Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology OPET Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences (KFH) Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie BBT Rektorenkonferenz der Fachhochschulen der Schweiz KFH Leistungsbereich Fachhochschulen Conférence Suisse des Recteurs des Hautes Ecoles Spécialisées, KFH Effingerstrasse 27 The KFH represents the Swiss FH / UAS in matters dealing with the political authorities, CH-3003 Bern economic groups, social and cultural institutions as well as the general public. It Phone +41 31 322 21 29 coordinates processes and is responsible for strategic academic planning and adequate Telefax +41 31 324 96 15 co-operation and allocation between the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences. E-mail: [email protected] www.bbt.admin.ch General Secretariat Falkenplatz 9 Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education P.O. Box 710 Schweizerische Erziehungsdirektorenkonferenz EDK CH-3000 Bern 9 Haus der Kantone Phone +41 31 300 70 00 Speichergasse 6, P.O. Box 660 Telefax +41 31 300 70 19 CH-3000 Bern 7 www.kfh.ch Phone +41 31 209 51 11 Telefax +41 31 309 51 50 E-mail: [email protected] Thomas Bachofner (Secretary General) www.edk.ch Phone +41 31 300 70 07 E-mail: [email protected] Innovation Promotion Agency CTI Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI Anne Crausaz Esseiva Effingerstrasse 27 Phone +41 31 300 70 12 CH-3003 Bern E-mail: [email protected] Phone +41 31 323 22 72 Telefax +41 31 323 21 15 www.bbt.admin.ch Véronique Granges Phone +41 31 300 70 11 E-mail: [email protected] Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF Wildhainweg 20 Lis Eichenberger (Head Assistant) CH-3012 Bern Phone +41 31 300 70 00 Phone +41 31 308 22 22 E-mail: [email protected] Telefax +41 31 301 30 09 www.snf.ch

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Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities CRUS Further information services Rektorenkonferenz der Schweizer Universitäten P.O. Box 607 University Studies Information Service Sennweg 2 Sennweg 2 CH-3000 Berne 9 CH-3012 Berne Phone +41 31 306 60 36 Leander Amherd, Head E-Mail: [email protected] Phone +41 31 306 60 30 www.crus.ch E-mail: [email protected]

Swiss Conference of Rectors of Universities of Teacher Education COHEP Information and Coordination ERASMUS Switzerland Schweizerische Konferenz der Rektorinnen und Rektoren der ch Fondation Pädagogischen Hochschulen Dornacherstrasse 28A Thunstrasse 43a Postfach 246 CH-3005 Berne CH-4501 Solothurn Phone +41 31 350 50 20 Phone +41 32 346 18 18 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] www.cohep.ch

Recognition Information Centre / Swiss ENIC Sennweg 2 CH-3012 Berne Christine Gehrig, Head Phone +41 31 306 60 32 E-mail: [email protected]

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