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-ϨƒÏnÓӏón Saturday, June 8, 2019 29 Hamish McRae Frank Coughlan Looking beyond the emotion We don’t need Father’s Day ž¨ónÓÚô˜˜ reveals why Donald Trump’s – just an acknowledgment that Qnڏ£Ú݌n base is still solid 30 fathers pull their weight 33 £ÝnÏnÓÝÚ¨| ݌¨ÓnÚ¨£Ú˜n|Ý The We ek

,/!F2OF)44 F4A/F12 F!2 2 F),L!2F4JAF4160!NF6A464AG,420 *!A04/F0,/!BFG4FB6!/F*,B A!6A!B!2GG,42FL4G,2)FBOBG!1F2 F4JA Europe? Great place, they really 1,2 :FA FBFMBFG*!FB! !L!2F14A!F4160!NF,0F2J1!AB G*,BFM!!/ FGM!!GF,G: BG2 +4%% FG*!FJAA!2GF A,B*F640,G,0 / 2F.JBGFH(FM4A BF42F! 2!B O FG*! GG0!)A4J2 F,BFA,6!F%4AFBJ*F2F4664A+ 4A/FBGFFMA4G!F42FM,GG!AFG*G GJ2,GO: love me over there, they know a M*,0!F*!F,BFBG,00F4JAFG*A4J)*F2 *!F6A464B0FM4J0 F24GF,2L40L!F2O •• G*A4J)* F,GF1OF!FG,1!FG4F6JGF=!)4B GJ0F1!A)!AF4AF6A!+!0!G,42F6GBFG4 G4F42!FB, !>F2 FBGAGFG4FA!G!F 16,)2FG4)!G*!AF,2F2F!0!G,42F,GB!0%: =A ,0>F2!MF%JGJA!F%4AF A,B*F640,G,B: 2BG! 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F042)B, ! 1AA,)!F!;J0,GO F%1,0OF6022,2)FG4 F%,ABG+G,1!F!MF4A/F42)A!BB+ ),L,2)FF640,G!F?24@ FGF0!BGF%4AF24MC )4L!A21!2GF1J )JA : 2 !6!2 !2G F0!%G+0!2,2) FM4J0 +! G*!F53#QBFGNF1A*!BFG4FG*!FA,)*G+G4+ ϏÓnÚݨڏÝÓÚ¨ô£ M412 FB,4F4AG!PF,BF6AGF4%F 2 F4,0F!14AGBF4+0! !AF+ = FM2GFG4FBGAGFF42L!ABG,42F4JG BFA! F,%F24GF,2FA!0F42G!2G,42 FG MG!AF16,)2: ML!F4%F2!M F1,20OF%!10!F2 , G!B G*!A,2!FJA6*OFBO,2)F0J2G0OF= G G*,B >F*!A04/FG40 FG*! ò¨÷¤ćĭA·¨½uò: 0!BGFAL,2)F4JGFF)!2J,2!F42BG,GJ!2+ 4M!L!A F,2F6AG,! F,GF1OF!FB41!+ $F4G*!ABF,20J !F%!004MF42)A!BB+ M4J0 F!F2,!F,%FG*!OF* FG40 FJBF!+ = @1FG*,2/,2)F4JGFG*!F A,B*F640,G,0 OF6A!B!2!: M*GF14A!F ,%%,J0GFG4F6J00F4%%F%4AF2O ÝÏA£Ó|nÏÓÚAeóA£ÝAƒn M41!2FB*, F0,F2 F 0*2 %4A!FG!00,2)FO4J:> 02 B6!F%,L! 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F,2F1,2BGA!1F Devlin *!F0,/!0OF A!!2F)0046 FG*!F6A!B+ AGOF0! !AF142 F,BFJ20,/!0OFG4FMA1FG4FBG2 ,2) 640,G,B: !2!F4%F0!%G+0!2,2)F 2 !6!2 !2GB F2 O2F,BFJ2 !ABG44 FG4F! B, !FOFB, !FM,G*FB41!F4G*!AF6AG,!B 4M F24F42!F,BFBO,2)FO2F4A G*!FB,)2,%,2GFJGFBGG!A! F0,!A0  /Ú&Ú $""2 440F42FG*!F, !F4%F2OF640+ G*!OFM4J0 F !BA,!FBFG*!F24G+B4+0!%G: *!A04/FM,00FBJ !20OF14A6*F,2G4F+ 2 , G!FL4G!F,2A!B!F!N6!G! FG4 ,OF60G%4A1 F,2BG! F6A!+ *!FA!B642B!BFA!F,2F6AGFA!0,BG,F$ B,4F4AG!PF2 FBGAGF0,6+BO2,2)F=MA !1!A)!F,2FG*,BFM!!/!2 @BF040F2 %!AA,2)FG4FBGOF46!2FG4F%J+ %G!AF00 FG*!A!F,BF24F64,2GF,2F*L,2) *J* F)44 F)4 FO@00 FM*GF,BF,GF)44 F%4A> JA46!2F!0!G,42FA!BJ0GBFB*4MFG*G GJA!F,2!F !0F2 F,22 )A2 F24G,42BF,%FO4JF 42@GF)!GFO4JAF2+ !L!AOFG,1!FF 4L!A21!2GF)A!2 !FA400B A,B*F640,G,BF,BFJ2 !A)4,2)F24G*!A ™Ë¬‰Í‰WÄ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ò¨÷¤ G,1!F%4AF A!02 @BF=6A4)A!BB,L!>F6AG,!B ,BBJ!BF$M*,0!FBG,00F004M,2)F%4AF,2!L,+ B6!,%,F,BBJ!BFG*!,AF,2'J!2!F$F2 M*OF,GF4J0 F*66!2 F24GF0!BGFG*!F6A!+ 2,%,2GF ,%%!A!2!B ĭA·¨½uòFG*G G4F044/FGFG*!1B!0L!BFBFM!00FBF4G*!AB G0!F ,%%!A!2!BF$FAA,!BF%AF14A! RELAND loves me. France loves I took care of some of their problems I went down huge with the war inspect a guard of honour. So I showed G*!A!%4A!FG*!FL4,!F4%FG*4B!FGJA2,2)FG4 ,G! F040F2 FJA46!2F!0!G,42B@ !GM!!2FG*!F6A+ 4JAF*BFFG!2 !2+ M*!2F00,2)F%4AF*2)!F,2F*4MFG*,B M!,)*GFG*2FM4A/,2)F6AG: G*!1F$FBG,00FA,B/BF!,2)F A4M2! F4JG 4JG41!: G,!BFG*!,A OFG4FA,B!FG*!B! 4J2GAOFM4A/B< *!F,2%4A10FGA2B%!AF6GF2 me. Britain loves me. when I was over in Europe. I don’t just veterans. It was tremendous. They know him with some of their guys in bearskin ,2FG*!FA4M : 4AFG*!F%,ABGFG,1!F,2FF ! ! FG*! 4A!F4JG+ 1GG!ABFM*!2 *!F4L,4JBF2 FB41!M*GF G! A!!2BF)A4MG*F,2FG*,BFM!!/!2 @B Oh boy, their royals really love believe in Making American Great Again, how to salute a commander-in-chief, hats. The whaddya-call-ems, Household *!A04/@BF, !F,BFG*GF,2FF*2),2) A!!2FAGO@BFF2 , G!BF$F A! 044/F42 ,GF2!! BFF6A!+ A!G,42F,BFG*GF1J0G,+6AGOF60G%4A1B 040F2 FJA46!2F!0!G,42BF1O me, apart from that loser Meghan I can do it for other countries. I got the believe me. I got nothing but respect from Guard. I said you just hold in your belly, 64BG+A!!BB,42F640,G,0F02 B6! @J00,L2F,2F A!02 F4JG* F,A2 0,%!FA!+ !0!G,42 2!L!AFM4A/ FM,G*F,/!A,2) F,2%,)*G,2) .JBGF!F2F,B40G! F0,6F,2FG*!F640,G,0 G*!A!F,BF,2A!B! FB46!F%4AFG*! J%%!F,2FJ0,2 F2 FBJA6A,B!FBGAF4%FG*! 1,2B J16: 2 F!L!2GJ0F,GG!AFBGG!A,2)F4%F6AG,,+ 4)%,)*G: Markle but nobody cares about special Make Things Great touch. them. Obviously I respect them too – but walk along the line, stop once in a while )A4MG*F4%FB!2B,0! F0,!A0 F2 F0!%G+ 16,)2F4,AB!F J)*F,2F, 02 B B,1,+ 2 F,%F2O+ 62GBFG*!FJBJ0FA!B642B!: JGF,%F640,G,BF,BF*2),2) F2 F,G her.Igotabond with those coun- Brexit? I told them it’s gonna be very, more important, they respect me. Some and say hey buddy, what’s up? Charles 0!2,2)F640,,!BFG4FG/!F42F!N,BG,2) 4AG*F!BGF$FA!F00F),2,2)F)!2J,2! 0A 42!F,BF*42!BG GF1,BB!BFG*!F64,2G:F2 FM*!2F4A)+ 0MOBF,B F1O!F24MF,BFG*!FG,1!FG4 A*!G4A,F2 F,))!AF6AGOFB6,2: L4G!AF/,2)F%4AFG*!,AFL,!MB: 2 40, A,GO+ 2,B! F6A46!A0O FO4JF 42@GF!L!2F*L!FG4 !1A!F,G: tries – a special, special bond. very good for Ireland. Here’s what you do. of those old-timers teared up, talking promised he’d remember for next time. It’s beautiful. Buildawall between Northern Ireland about their buddies that didn’t make it, He’s OK, Charles. Doesn’t eat enough IMadame Macron totally lovesme– and the Republic. Then charge people for but here’s what I told them. You did real steak and wears too much bling but couldn’t take her eyes off me in Norman- passing through. There’s big bucks in it, I good on D-Day. Your dead buddies did real nobody’s perfect. I thought he had too dy-France, I saw her. Obviously I couldn’t said. Millions and billions – and that’salot good. You all kicked Nazi ass. many medals pulling down his lapels. Not ask for her number with Melania there. of money. But have hundreds of guards, It was great for the woman running like me, I’m a classy guy. I keep it simple. ™™™Ú $"Ú/$ Ú2$Ú402  But she’s mad about me, believe me. I no make it thousands, and keep all the Britain to meet the Leader of the Free Hairspray, a tie from the Trump Collec- could feel it. losers out. World. It’s not every day Queen Elizabeth tion, a Stars and Stripes badge, another , 2@GFO,!0 F2OF41B*!00B: 2FG*,B FG*!F)4L!A21!2GFBJ664AG! JA46!2FAA!BGFAA2G:F*,BFG,1!  &    Everywhere I went I was king of the The Irish were grateful, I could tell. gets to hang out with someone as impor- burst of hairspray and I’m good to go. No G*!FA!2*F660,G,42:FJ*FF14L! 0$ Ú|¨æ£e G*!OFB, FG*!OFM2G! FG*!,AF12F%4A world, top of the heap.Imay not be a blue That prime minister of theirs, Leo, the tant as me. And though I’m super-busy I wonder chicks can’t resist me. 1O F42F42!F*2 F!F!N6!G! F4%F =L40J2GAOF*41,, !>:F2!F),2  & & FA!64AGF,2G4F4160,2GBF4JGF)A  blood but I’m the sultan of schmooze. one who knows nothing about golf (loser) make time to be nice. While I was in Lon- %!004MFFBGG!:F 4M!L!A FG*,BFGG! É G*!F660,G,42FMBFBJ664AG! FOFG*! 42 JGF1 !FG4F B4FOFAF,0!O 0B4F* F2F,2G!A!BGF,2F!,2)FB*4GF4% eÓÝæÏQ£ƒÚn˜nžn£ÝÓ A,B*F)4L!A21!2G: Those Europeans lapped up my charm. just stared at me, too overcome to speak. don-England I dropped in on that other id I mention the chem- 2F4L!1!AF( FIQ5( F 2F,0!O@B BF*41B F2 FBFAA!00FMBF6J+ AF,0!O:F %F*!FM!A!FG4F !6AGFG4 ,)*F4JAGF.J )!F42OF J2GFA!%+ ,)*F4JAGFG,42F),2BGFG*!FGG! 0,B*! F42FJ)JBGFI FIQ5#:F B4F%4J2 They recognise class when they see it. Then he kinda pulled himself together British woman too – the one in Downing istry between me and A2!FG*!A!FMBFF*,)*F0,/!0,*44 JB! FG*!FA!;J!BGFG4F!NGA ,G!:F !F ,B+ ݨÚ݌nڃAÏeA 46!2! :F GFMBF!N6!G! FG4FAJ2F%4AFB,N G*!F)A -F* F=FA!B420!F!0,!%> *!FM4J0 2@GF!F/:F 2FBJ*F2F,2+ 1,BB! FG*!F660,G,42F%4AFF2J1!A There was none of that whining I get in and mumbled something about not Madame Macron? I M!!/B:F*!F*!A,2)FMBF,2F%A42GF4%F M*!2FAA!BG,2)FAF,0!OF2 FB BG2! F*,BF,L,0FG,42F),2BGFG*! 4%FA!B42B F,20J ,2)F=JB!F4%F6A4+ .JAO:F*!F46G,42F* F!!2F46!2FG4FA *41BF,2F533DFG*GFG*!OF1OF*L! the States (those fake news morons really wanting any walls. call her Brigitte, it’s my GG!FM4J0 F ,!: £ónÓݏƒAݏ¨£½½½Ú¯ß¤ !BB>: !F0B4FAJ0! FG*GFG*!FJ2 !A0O,2) ,0!OFG4F46GF%4AFF.J )!F420O: !!2FBJB6!GBF,2FG*!F/,00,2): grind my gears). I was gracious. It’s just how I am. Oh They loved me best in Ireland, especially special name for her. G*!1!F4%FG*!F660,G,42FMBFG*G F ! !F!A0,!A F*!F* FA4J)*G =*!A!F,BF24F!L, !2!FG4FBJ))!BG They loved me best in Ireland, espe- sure, I said. Whatever. I got that he’d She loves it.   &  ¨Ïƒ£A˜ÚôÝ£nÓÓ G*!A!FMBF=F42L,G,42FG*GFG*!F1+ *,BF0,!0FG,42FG4FG*!F,AJ,GF4JAGF,2 G*GF 2F,0!OFMBF?%A1! @F%4AFG*! Doonbeg. Guess they’ll probably put up a statue .4A,GOF4%FG*!FJ6A!1!F4JAGFM!A!F,2 %A42GF4%FF.J )!F420O FM*!A!FG*!F0,1,G 1JA !AF4AFG*GF!L, !2!FMBF%0B+ cially Doonbeg. Guess they’ll probably wanted me to wait beforeIfixed things for Too bad about Angela G4F2OFMA FMBFH# QQQ: ,%,! F%4A)! F4AF%A,G! FO 2FA*F5# FIQ55 FG*!F ,)*F4JAG ÓÝAÝnžn£ÝÓڌAe !AA4A>F,2FAJ0,2)F42FG*!F6A!L,4JBF6+ put up a statue to me in the main street. Ireland. Make it look like we talked it over to me in the main street. Maybe they’ll change Merkel. What a zero. Last time we met %F*!F* FA4J)*GFG*GFG,42FG4FG*! 1!1!ABF4%FG*!F A F-4*2 >FG*! 66A4L! F,0!O@BF!NGA ,G,42FJG 60,G,42: ,)*F4JAG F2 FM42 F*!F4J0 F*L! A!64AGFBGG! : Maybe they’ll change Doonbeg’s name during the bilateral and both of us came Doonbeg’s name to Trumpsville. Suck it up, Dat the G-7 in Canada I showed her who’s 004M! F0!L!FG4F66!0FG4FG*!FJ+ ƒ¨£nڞÓӏ£ƒ½Ú A!!,L! F 1)!BF4%F12OF1J0G,60!B GF%4J2 F24F!L, !2!FG4FBJ664AGFB 6A!1!F4JAG: to Trumpsville. Suck it up, Obama. Your up with the answer. boss. She’s had a sour face ever since.   &   4%FM*GFMBFL,00!F,2FG*!F,AJ,G AA!00@BF0,1F4%F!,2)F,2G,1, G! Obama. Your Obama Plaza’s only a gas station G!AFG*GFO!A FFG!1F4%FA!2* 4JAG: ,2G4F1/,2)F%0B!FBGG!1!2GBF4JG Obama Plaza’s only a gas station. No hard feelings – I gave him some of Tried to gang up on me with her puppy !G!G,L!BFAA,L! F,2FG*!F4J2GAOFG4 Q˜¨¨eÚÓ·˜AÝÝnÏne JGF/FG*!2F0,GG0!F* F!1!A)! AF,0!O:F*!A!FMBF24F !%,2,G,L! AAOF4JGF%JAG*!AF,2L!BG,)G,42B: F%!MFO!ABF6A!L,4JB0O F,2F0G!FIQ5H When I needed a rest from schmoozing my leadership tips later in private. He’s a dog Trudeau, pressuring me to sign some- 4JGFG*!F)A F,2L!BG,)G,42: 4JG41!F,2G4FBF*41B@F4160,2G *!OF,2G!AL,!M! FHQF6!460! F,20J + G*!FGG!FB40,,G4A@BF4%%,!F1 !F *!FF20OB,BFMBF24GF/24M2 !JB!F4%FG*!F%,0JA!F4%FB!L!A0F)A+ I sent out two of my boys to pick up the newbie to this Being Great business. Me, thing. So I put my hand in my pocket as ,2)FA,!FAA!00 F2 FM!A!FBB,BG! ƒAÝnÚôAÓÚA˜Ó¨Ú˜¨ÓÝ BGAG0,2)F ,B4L!AO: 6J0,0O:FA,!FAA!00@BFA! ,,0,GO -F4AF%4A1!AF)A -FG4F4+46!AG!: GF!L!AOFGJA2FOF2F A F-4*2: 2FG*!F6A4!BBF4%F6A4L, ,2)F,2+ slack. Gave them a couple of hundred I’manatural. He’s got an election coming Street. What’s her name? Nope, it’s gone. though reaching forapen, took out a cou- BFFM,G2!BBFMBF24GF;J!BG,42! : 6AGF%A41FG*G F B4F%4J2 FB41! *!2 F2F40 F%,0!FA!BJA%! :F*! %4A1G,42F%4AFG*!F%4AG*41,2)F ,)* 4MF00F* F*2)! :F4M FA ,BGJA,2)F!0!1!2GBFG4FG*!F)A F,2+ bucks pocket money each and said buy up soon so I told him, you just gotta nail Just like her. ple of Starburst candies and threw them 042)+A!G,A! FF142FA2!B 4JAGFG,42FOFAF,0!O FB!A!GFA!+ ,0!OF;J,G!F4L,4JB0OF*46! FG*G L!BG,)G,42:FFG04)J!F4%F,G!1BF4% drinks for everyone. I watched it on the the opposition to the wall. Keep pressing Queen Elizabeth is an amazing woman on the table. Don’t say I never give you 1 !F*,BF%4A1!AF4%%,!FMA!F4%FG*! 4A ,2)BFM!A!F ,B4L!A! F,2F2 42 2 F !G!2G,42F%4AFG*!F6JA64B!F4% 6J0,FBO16G*OF,2FB41!F;JAG!AB !L, !2! F,20J ,2)F5H3F4A,),20FM,G+ 20OB,BFG*GF* F!!2F42 JG! A FGG,42: TV news. Trumps to a T, my boys. Have their buttons and pretty soon some of but I guess she’s not as young as she was. anything, I told her. That showed her. ;J!BG,42,2):F !F*BFL40J2GA,0O %4AF*,BFB!F1,)*GF!FA!'!G! F,2F 2!BBFBGG!1!2GB F* F)42!F1,BB,2): ,2G4FG*!F)A F,2L!BG,)G,42F,2F5335: 41,24BF!)2FG4F%00: 6A4L, ! FGFG*!FA!;J!BGF4%FG*!F)A - .JAOFA441: 142)FG*!F,G!1BF1,BB,2)FMBF I started a dynasty or have I started a them will turn red. Kid couldn’t find the She didn’t hear me when I asked what her Merkel’s the only European leader who !64AG! 0O F*!F%!0GFG*,BFB*4J0 F! GFGJA2! F4JGFG*GFG*!A!FM!A! %4A!2B,FB160!BFM*,*F*L!F%,0! FG4 *!FB,NFM!!/FB*! J0!FGJA2! F4JG 044 FB60GG!A! F)G!: ,20J ! F,2F2OF66!0FG4FG*!FJ+ 4P!2BF4%F)A FBGG,42BFA4J2 FG*! dynasty? words to thank me. net worth was. That’s OK, probably she doesn’t love me but I can live with that. I O,!0 F,2A,1,2G,2)F!L, !2!: G4F!FL!AOFM, !F4%FG*!F1A/: 6!/,2)F42FFGFG*!FG,1! 6A!1!F4JAGF42FG*!F1GG!AF4%FA 4J2GAOFG*GF* F1 !FB!A!GFA!4A + =*!F%AJ,GF4%FG*!F,2L!BG,)G,42F*L! *!F*!A,2)FA2F%4AFE(F OBF4L!A A2/FJGG,1!AFB, F=2!F1,)*G Some of the locals mixed me up with Macron too – I helped him out. Told isn’t much richer than me. Maybe a little could have her eating out of my hand if I ,0!O@BF!NGA ,G,42: ,2)BF4%FG!0!6*42!F42L!ABG,42B !!2F42B, !A! F24GF42! FJGFB!L!A0 %,L!F142G*BF$F42!F4%FG*!F042)!BGF,2 M42 !AF*4MF 4!BF42!F04B!FF)G!:> BF,GFMBFG4FGJA2F4JG FG*!FJ6A!1! )4,2)F/F ! !B: President Reagan and raised their him how to make things right with the but only because of the palaces. But does wanted. But life’s too short. G,1!BFOFG*!FFM*4F*BF420J ! G*!F*,BG4AOF4%FG*!FGG!F$F2 F,2L40+ 2FG*!FA4J2 FG*!FA!64AGF1 !F ,B+ 4JAGFAJ0! F,2FAF,0!O@BF%L4JAF42 OF0G!FA*FIQ5( FG*,BF,2+ 2 FA!,G!AG! FG*GFG*!A!F,BF24F!L,+ L,2)F3QFM,G2!BB!B: GJA,2)FA! ,2)F%A41FG*!F64,2GF4% glasses to Ronald Trump but I let it pass. Yellow Vest situation. Listen up because she have golf resorts? Hey, have I men- Yeah, that was one stupendous trip. Can 64,2GBF4%F0M:F2!F),2 F,GF044/! FB %4A1G,42F1!FG4FG*!FGG4A2!OF)!2+ !2!FG4FMAA2GFF6A4B!JG,42 2FA*FHQ FIQ5& FG*!F.JAOF !0,L!A+ L,!MF4%FF)A F,2L!BG,)G,42F,2G4F At first I felt like going on Twitter to set ,%FG*!F6JABJ,GF4%FG*!F2)0,B*12F* !A0F2 FG*!FG4,B!*: I’m richer and smarter than you, I said. tioned my place in Doonbeg? Incredible I schmooze or can I schmooze?Iwon big- ),2BGF*,1:> ! F,GBFL!A ,G: *,)*F6A4%,0!F1JA !A:FJGF,GF , F24G AJ2F,2G4FFA,/FM00: GFG*!FB1!FG,1! FG*!FJA,! them straight but then I thought, Reagan You gotta own this who’s-in-charge space. spot to stay, people should check it out. time in Europe – matter of fact, I almost *!F4JG41!F4%FG*!F%,0! FA!2* GF%4J2 F),2BGFAF,0!OF42FG*! J6*40 F2OFB6!,%,F4160,2GF4% 2F*,BFAJ0,2) FG*!F0G!F J )!F A,2 !FB!FMBFA4/,2)F4G*F)A  GG!16GFG4F!NGA ,G!F*,1FMBFG*GFA GM4F42B6,AOF00!)G,42BFG*!OFM!A! )A FMA42) 4,2): wasatough Republican like me and a Here’s what you do. Deport them. “But I I liked meeting the royals best when I got tired of winning. Almost. A ,12FG4J*! F42FB41!F4%FG*! 12)!1!2GF2 FG*!F)4L!A21!2G: ,0!OFMBF!%%!G,L!0OF42%,2! FG4 B/! FG4F42B, !AF$FM*!G*!AF)A - !NGFM!!/FG*!F14BGFB!A,4JBF.J ,+ /)A4J2 FG4FG*!FB!: 4MFG*,B: good-looking guy like me. Sure, why not can’t, they’re French citizens,” he bleated. was in Europe. Prince Charles – he’s the Great place. They need a few more golf MARTIN’S FAREWELL G*!B!FB*4A!B:FAL!0FG4F2OF4G*!A * F42B6,A! FG4F,160,G!F*,1F,2FG*! ,0F,2L!BG,)G,42F,2G4FBFJF02+ =AF,0!OF*BF!!2FL!AOFG*4A+ *!F4JG41!FMBFG*!FA!B,)2G,42 4J2GAOFG*GF* F2F!NGA ,G,42FA+ 1JA !AF4%FBF JF02G,!AF2 G,!A@BF !G*FG/!BF60!F,2FA,B: Ronald Trump? So strip ’em of citizenship, I said. D’oh! Apprentice – asked my advice on how to resorts though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by Mark Marlow = !F*BF!!2FBJ.!G! FG4FAA!BG 2FIQ5E FG*!FA!2*F,BBJ! F24G*!A JA,2)FG*!F ,)*F4JAGFG,42FJG

acts are sacred, comment is free. So said The first tool of the opinion writer should be the web for your facts, for if you do, you will the fabled editor of the Manchester the ability to write. You may have a subject that fail, if not today, then certainly in the near FGuardian, CP Scott, around the start of is difficult to sustain. future. the last century. On these days, the reader might derive Experience is a good ally for the opinion This dictum has been handed down through enjoyment from reading something that is well writer. In order to garner opinions you must generations of newspapers, usually interpreted written. have some knowledge of the way things as a shot across the bows of those who would Our old friends the facts are sacred in work, such as politics, the courts, areas comment rather than report. comment. For opinion to hold any water it like planning or education. If you have a In the near century since Scott’s heyday, must be based on fact. For example, if you reasonably good knowledge then you are comment has been elevated within the pages are arguing that the Government is doing a aware when something is not right, and your of newspapers, but today, in the internet age, his terrible job, then facts require that you back passion is ready to be fired up. dictum has more relevance than ever. The web up such a contention. Comment may indeed be free, but when it’s is choc-a-bloc with comment, much of it little Opinion poll results, policies that have had done properly, it certainly isn’t easy. more than top of the head opinion, the kind of a devastating impact on some people, the stuff that would have Scott spinning in his grave. performance of leading politicians, all of For those of us who do write opinion pieces in these must be analysed in furthering such newspapers, there is a lot more required than an argument, and facts must be sprinkled 20 just the capacity to have an opinion. throughout the offering. Never, ever rely on

20-23_presspass_19.indd 1 24/10/2019 20:54 Off Message

DMEEIR 22 IRISH DAILY MIRROR SATURDAY 09.02.2019 We cannot stick our heads in the sand and pretend that Lisa Smith, the Isis bride, does not exist. If we are to have any hope of combating radicalisation, RIGHTEOUS MORAL OUTRAGE we must first understand it COMMENT BY LARISSA NOLAN

POPULAR Westlife are back f you want a picture of the future, “imagine a boot stamping on a Nadine O’Regan Westlife set human face”. I So wrote George Orwell in 1984, his terrifying novel set in an authoritarian to play two world where even thinking the wrong Instead of being thing is a crime. extra shows In 1984, it’s not enough for your speech e have a duty murders carried out by Islamic State? I don’t the jeep once to get a better picture of a lion.” BY AILBHE DALY and actions to be controlled – your to try to un- think even the most sympathetic of observers e man hadn’t considered the lion a preda- thoughts must be too. derstand Lisa could swallow that. tor because he didn’t understand he wasn’t EXTRA tickets for It’s an offence called “crimethink” and Westlife’s Croke Park Smith, the so- In a similar vein, the British 19-year-old watching a David Attenborough documentary. is punishable by persecution and torture. called ‘Isis bride Shamima Begum, radicalised over the internet He was lucky to escape with his life. shows are expected to be The knee-jerk outrage over Liam snapped up when they go Neeson’s controversial remarks on rape from Dundalk’, and currently in a refugee camp in Syria, told at might sound like a flippant comparison, on sale next week. revenge show we have now entered commended for because with- an interviewer that she led a “normal life” even but actually there are fewer steps than we The Swear It Again an era not unlike Orwell’s imagined out doing so we though she had witnessed bombing and seen might imagine between having a crap life in hitmakers will play the dystopia. can’t hope to prevent there being many more a severed head in a bin. “It didn’t faze me,” Britain or Ireland and then grabbing a flight venue on Friday, Neeson spoke out about bad feelings women like her. Begum said, switching topics. to a terrorist-controlled regime – and at least July 5 and Saturday 6. he regretted having 40 years ago – and W Smith is an Irish citizen who, as far as we For Smith’s part, she said: “We came for, some of it has to do with lacking the imagi- The first round of tickets got a boot in the face for his honesty. were snapped up when It seems now even truth itself must be know, hasn’t broken the law: much as it might like, no alcohol, no prostitution, no gays, no nation, empathy or intelligence to grasp the they went on sale last sanitised to suit the modern-day Thought stick in our craws, she should be allowed to anything. I really liked to live in the Islamic reality of terrorism. October. Police. return home to Ireland in line Overwhelming misery, a desire The band will perform We are living in a hypocritical society tackling a complex with her constitutional rights. for power and a gnawing need to new songs including Hello that has lost its reason, pretending to Otherwise, in the middle of belong: all of these can be pow- My Love, along with their stand for compassion and humanity, 14 No1 hits including when it is judgmental, intolerant, an internet revolution through erful motivators for people who World Of Our Own, unforgiving and misanthropic. which impressionable types are consider themselves a poor fit for Uptown Girl and When Where context, nuance and basic being radicalised under our noses, modern life in Ireland and Britain. You’re Looking Like That. understanding are shoved aside in the we learn nothing and thus leave We have more ‘friends’ than These latest shows will rush to be the most sanctimonious, the ourselves open to greater dangers ever before – we might have 600 be Westlife’s first in the most self-righteous of all. in the future. or more on Facebook – but we Republic since they played What Neeson said is a shocking and Croker in June 2012. appalling admission. Foolishly using socio-political issue, at’s the reluctant conclusion have fewer true friends. We have Tickets from Ticket- painful, inflammatory language, he many Irish people are coming to less of a sense of community. master go on sale on revealed how he went out on the streets right now. Smith’s story, which ere are plenty of impressionable Tuesday at 9am. with a cosh looking for a “black b*****d” surfaced over the past month, types, frantic to break out from to kill when a friend was raped. grabbed the spotlight again last their not-good-enough lives, who He told the story in an interview about his latest movie Cold Pursuit, in which Sunday with the publication of are open to being radicalised. In his character seeks revenge when his son an interview she gave to the free- her recent novel Home Fire, the is murdered by a drug gang. lance journalist Norma Costello. author Kamila Shamsie delivers It was a wicked thing to do; wrong, he was demonised Smith is believed to have left a brilliant tale of just how easily racist and violent – exactly what the Ireland in 2013 or 2014 to join her it can happen. actor said it was. He was highlighting the evils of what second husband Said Aslam, a e Irish government has not he called “primal hatred” and admitted former supply teacher, in Tunisia yet followed up on an EU directive before moving on to Syria. in 2017 to outlaw travel aboard ON TIME Cork Airport he was so shocked by his own horrible feelings that he sought help afterwards. A former private in the Irish for terrorist purposes; 22 other In doing so, he exposed a terrible truth: Defence Forces, she has denied member states moved to make Cork Airport that racial bias exists, no matter how fighting for Isis or training any- laws on the back of the directive, perfect we’ve convinced ourselves we are and shamed. How one to fight, and claims Aslam but Ireland sat on its hands. soars to top – and the only way to challenge it is to bring it out into the light. was killed in the past three Still, at least has punctuality He said: “We need to be open about months, apparently in combat. indicated that the Irish govern- these things – we all pretend we’re polit- She is detained at the al-Hawl Lisa Smith is believed to have left Ireland for Syria ve or six years ago ment will support Smith’s repa- BY MIRROR REPORTER ically correct. Sometimes you scratch the refugee camp in northern Syria, triation to Ireland with her young CORK is right on time to surface and discover racism and bigotry. It’s an uncomfortable conversation, with her two-year-old daughter. daughter, even if it is unclear how be revealed as Ireland’s In the interview, Smith delivered her version this will come about. most punctual airport. but vital for progress. Sociologists and psychologists agree, saying we are all of events, stating her desire to come back to e hope is that helping Smith will also help Global aviation analysts prejudiced on some level. is this progressive? Ireland where her daughter could be educated. us, at least in the longer term. Countries in- OAG revealed the hub topped the league for Their advice on how to challenge it is e psychology behind a story like Smith’s e fear is not only that Smith cluding Saudi Arabia, Britain and France have international airports with to admit it – confess it – and try to figure is hard to fathom, and she didn’t make it any launched initiatives in recent times to bring an on-time performance of out where it came from. will come back to Ireland, but x-soccer star John Barnes, who en- Support for Liam, 66, after global backlash easier for people in her weirdly upbeat in- about de-radicalisation – and initial reports 80.2%. dured his share of racist abuse, terview, video footage from which was was that she will come back and suggest that a dialogue-orientated, coun- Ireland’s second busiest said: “We are all unconscious rac- broadcast on multiple networks. With her head receive offers from producers to selling-led approach which seeks to unpick and best connected ists. He’s ashamed and horrified at over shocking admission in movie interview international airport, saw E covered in the traditional garb, Smith showed beliefs rather than force change is having pos- what he thought. We have people doing little evidence of the depression she had said tell her story. Will she be on TV? itive results. But, of course, there are dangers growth of 4% last year, it and keeping it quiet… but as long as serving 2.4 million passen- you don’t admit it, then everything is OK.” – admittedly awkwardly – tackling a with no chance of forgiveness. Its lesson caused her to become disillusioned with life Will she get a book deal? attached, and not only in relation to terrorism. gers. Neeson also raised an important point complex socio-political issue, he was is you must bury all emotions and fear SUPPORT in Ireland. She made light of her decision to e fear is not only that Smith will come Its managing director about empathy. demonised and shamed. revealing them in case of censure – a John Barnes move to Syria by saying she always “ran with back to Ireland, but that she will come back deeply harmful environment, more backed Niall MacCarthy said: “It is The ability to share the feelings of How is this progressive? Neeson the crowd”. and receive offers from producers to tell her important we maintain the familiar to us as the worst ideology of another is a fantastic quality and makes The message it gives is: if you think She also said that life there was “like back State because I never got to see any of this. I story. Will she be on television? Will she get key aspects of what our us caring and loving towards others, but something, it means you are a bad person religious institutions. passengers loved – ease of it is also a powerful emotion that can be – a deeply unhealthy mindset linked to You must not admit to ever thinking home”. “You get up in the morning, go shop- just had to experience a lot of bombing, and a book deal? It’s not beyond the bounds of access, customer service, dangerous when taken too far. some of the most distressing mental an immoral thought. Instead, like in ping, get your stuff, come home, cook your hearing someone died, but I never had to see possibility. minimal wait times, and of Psychologists have described it as “a health conditions and literally the Orwell’s 1984, you should engage in dinner, clean your house,” she said. “It’s just any of it.” But still: home she must come. Lisa Smith course, our punctuality. force driving bad decisions” and cautions opposite of what any good therapist will “crimestop” – immediately like my everyday life. Go visit a friend, drink Listening to the stories reminded me of a trip exists, and pretending she doesn’t, or that she purging dangerous thoughts “Topping the punctu- good moral judgment usually involves tell you. some coffee.” I made through Botswana on safari years ago, can be left to linger in Syria without conse- ality league is a testament from the mind, instead of ques- putting our empathy aside. It teaches there is no point in changing, Is it possible that a woman who served in when a guide gave our group a stern lecture quences, is the kind of thing that a small child to the extensive work by But instead of being commended for because you will be vilified regardless, tioning them, finding their the team at Cork Airport.” the Irish Defence Forces could have been so about leaving the jeep. does – not a nation or a government. ■ ignorant of the ethnic cleansing and mass “Another tourist,” he said, “jumped out of @nadineoregan

e Sunday Business Post April 14 2019 Magazine 7

Sunday Independent 24 March 2019 34 S1 ews is fact - opinion is your But the key is to say something Soapbox point of view. only if you have something to say. This is too serious for conspiracy theories Laura Brennan’s choices that what they’re saying is Laura Brennan’s “insidious untrue, they simply respond propaganda”, constantly were impeccable. Facing by chortling, “fake news”. refers to her own “multi- death, she sought ways And they continue saying awards” to enhance her that which they want to credibility. to protect others, writes believe is true. Could I point out that one The conspiracy theory of the awards dates back 19 Gene Kerrigan merchants have long had years? There is a If teachers vote to go on There is no point sitting on the a thing about vaccines — That another is a travel based on notions that have award for describing a trip AST Wednesday, involving layers of the Irish long been refuted. They to Italy? Laura Brennan died. establishment. seized on the HPV vaccine. That in 2011, she accepted She was 26. That The Catholic hierarchy’s All injections, all an award for medical day, Ireland’s most cover-up of child abuse was vaccines, can have minor writing, sponsored by drug controversial “multi a conspiracy. side effects — a sore arm, company GSK, the epitome N Laward-winning” journalist From the Libor scandal to nausea — nothing drastic, of “big pharma”? referred to Ms Brennan’s the Panama Papers, there’s certainly nothing to equal Her website currently “alleged death”. abundant evidence of real the devastation of cervical has a photo of her proudly strike, news is the account of what fence. Be provocative, stir a few One in every 300 women conspiracies. Only the very cancer. displaying the GSK award. in Ireland gets cervical naive doubt that many of Since hundreds of There are various cancer. The majority survive, those who possess wealth millions of doses of the awards for Ms O’Doherty’s after undergoing the rigours and power covertly conspire HPV vaccine have been documentary on missing of treatment. About 90 to protect their positions. injected, there’s no problem child Mary Boyle. These women die each year. No, my problem with the finding people who had the awards are not like the The disease is acquired conspiracy theorists is not vaccine and subsequently Oscars. They are online sexually, through the HPV the bit about conspiracy. It’s had headaches, who became “festivals”. virus. The HPV vaccine, the bit about theory. sick, or who died. Take the IndieFEST they did. Opinion is your view on emotions, ruffle a few feathers. given to young people before We can have theories The same applies to any award. You put your film on they become sexually active, about anything. To believe vaccine. YouTube. And pay $60 to can prevent women from something, though, we need If you sample the same submit it to IndieFEST. getting the disease later in solid evidence. number of people who O’Doherty got an award life. did not receive a vaccine, of “merit” in November When Laura Brennan ‘I bet if there you would find a similar 2016. It was one of over difference was diagnosed, aged 24, percentage who had 100 awards of merit which the vaccination rate was was a pill to headaches, who became IndieFEST gave that only 51pc. That meant sick, or who died. November. Similar numbers their decision - good or bad. There is nothing better that a there would be many prevent breast In short: the fact that one of awards of “recognition” unnecessarily premature thing is followed by another and “excellence” were deaths. cancer, people does not mean that the first the numbers of women who I had some control over Last Wednesday, Gemma young woman, she was bestowed. There were claims thing causes the second suffered as she did. how I would live my life for O’Doherty, whose Twitter frank about the reality of the IndieFEST doled out that the vaccine caused would be thing. She was not exploited, the time I had left. People account repeatedly informs medics’ work to extend her similar numbers of such unacceptable side effects. queuing up to With vaccines, this can be she was no one’s patsy. are killed in car crashes us she’s a “multi award- short life. awards in February, May and Doctors argued these claims proven statistically. People “It is totally incredible all the time and have no winning journalist”, spoke “In 18 months, I’ve had August of 2016. were groundless, but there get it in the who devote their lives to that we can safely say there opportunity to say goodbye on her YouTube channel of 12 infusions of chemo, Laura Brennan was was genuine fear among healing have assessed the is a form of cancer which is or do the things they want Laura Brennan’s “alleged 3 internal/28 external given a patient advocacy The views expressed are your good rant, once you can back up parents. morning’ HPV vaccine and passed preventable with a vaccine. to do. So, at least this death”. radiation and much more. award by the Royal College Such beliefs fitted into it fit for use. They are not I bet if there was a pill way, while it’s not what I She claimed Laura I’ve spent hours vomiting, of Physicians. Let’s leave the world view of people There’s evidence of making this up to please available to prevent breast expected from my life, I can Brennan was “exploited” by hours in the bath trying the last word with this commonly referred to the conspiracies outlined “big pharma”. cancer, people would be make the most of the time I “big pharma” to promote to ease the aches, hours in astonishingly level-headed as conspiracy theorists. above — Ansbacher, Libor To conspiracy theorists, queuing up to get it in the have left.” “insidious propaganda”. She bed. I’ve bowel and bladder person. Theories of conspiracies etc — hard-won evidence, scientific evidence is morning.” In a short time, the warned that in days to come, damage. I’m in menopause. “Since being diagnosed to fool us range across uncovered by journalists, just another part of the (The quotes here from campaign of which Laura there would be more of that I’ve days with chronic pain.” with cancer, I get messages the “deep state”, through lawyers and by state conspiracy. Laura Brennan Laura Brennan are from Brennan was a major part propaganda. Which is why she daily, recommending “big pharma” to the agencies. The evidence could have hoarded for her interviews she gave and raised the HPV vaccine In short, she sought campaigned. different diets to cure Grenfell Tower fire and the has been tested and it is personal enjoyment every from her Twitter account.) uptake to 70pc. Large to negate the work Laura “I share my story because me, spiritual healers who own. They may not be shared by your argument. Christchurch massacre. convincing. precious hour of the life that She was as clear-headed numbers of women who Brennan did. I want you to protect your will cure me, clinics that Now, I’ve no problem But we live in an age in remained to her — instead, as she was public-spirited. otherwise would have died Laura Brennan previously child from having a HPV will cure me. I’ve had believing in the existence of which some decide what she volunteered to fight the “The doctor was 10 and 20 years from now stated: “I am not paid nor cancer. I want to protect you terminal cancer over a year conspiracies. The Ansbacher they want to be true and vaccine conspiracy theories. concerned about how I will live full lives. Many brainwashed.” from the scaremongering.” and thanks to palliative between racket, starring Charlie then declare it to be true. And she did, right to the was taking the news but more have been spared the And while she enjoyed Gemma O’Doherty, treatment, my life is great. everyone, but they are how you Never try to be controversial for Haughey, was a conspiracy When shown evidence end. She wanted to reduce I just accepted it, as I felt rigours of cancer treatment. the life of a bright, energetic who warns us against Trust science.” Western women wearing hijabs mean well, but they’re wrong

There are better ways to West where Muslims have to harass and detain women to pray in male-only rooms. an Court of Human Rights isolate women from conserv- migrated to make new homes, for showing strands of hair Now a professor in Wash- ruled in 2014 that these laws ative families who would like- feel about the teachers going on the sake of it. show support for Muslims but in majority-Islamic soci- under their headscarves or ington, she expressed dismay did not violate human rights; ly be confined to the home; eties too. for wearing heavy make-up last week at the campaign last October, the UN Human but naively embracing the than adopting perceived To wear it in response or tight clothing”. Girls as in New Zealand, saying of Rights Committee begged hijab as a symbol of free symbols of oppression, to an appalling terrorist in- young as seven have been the hijab: “It is a symbol of to differ, censuring France choice for women ignores the cident in New Zealand is caught up in the crackdown purity culture antithetical following a case taken by complex history behind these writes Eilis O’Hanlon effectively to take sides in a and forced by the morality to feminist values. We have two women who were fined religious proscriptions and debate whose nuances and police to wear hijabs. women in jail and dead, for for wearing veils. In the new the huge social pressure on N the aftermath of the mas- or intimidated just because of significance we don’t ful- The protesters, who are refusing the interpretation of intersectional world of iden- women to obey them. Many sacre of 50 worshippers by what she’s wearing, whether ly understand. Across the known as the “Girls of Revo- Islam you promote.” tity politics, everyone seems Muslim feminists would ar- Ia lone far-right gunman in that’s a bikini or a burqa. Islamic world, women are lution Street” after the road Pakistan-born Canadian hopelessly confused about gue that there’s no such thing strike, whether you think they are Christchurch, it’s only natural The movement was born resisting the imposition of where the protests against author Tarak Fatah, a propo- whether siding with feminists as a free choice when it comes fact and for people to want to do some- out of a desire to offer those a religious dress code which the compulsory wearing nent of “liberal, progressive” to the hijab; that it’s enforced thing to show Muslims that women some much-needed many reformers argue has of the hijab began, include Islam, also spoke up to decry with an underlying threat. they’re valued as a community. solidarity in a time of trauma. no basis in the Koran, where Azam Jangravi, who took off GESTURE: New Zealand Prime the hijab as a “symbol of Is- ‘In the clash of The real mistake is think- Doing nothing, saying nothing, “We want to show them we are it’s merely stated that men’s her headscarf in the centre of Minister Jacinda Ardern lamic patriarchy” and “flag of ing that those of us who aren’t would be monstrous. The them,” as one local woman put and women’s bodies alike the capital Tehran and waved mediaeval mullahism”. competing Muslims can magically make decision by huge numbers of it. It’s a basic issue of human must be covered “except that it in the air. “I was feeling a The bravery of these wom- Western feminists have rights, some things better by adopting women in New Zealand, from dignity and public safety. which is necessary”, a form very special kind of power,” en is humbling, and seeing been disgracefully quiet the hijab for the day as a Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern All the same, arguing for of words open to multiple she said afterwards. “It was those who don’t have to con- about backing these protests women are gesture to make ourselves right or wrong, the effects the to TV reporters to policewomen the right of Muslim women to interpretations. as if I was not the secondary tend with men with guns by Muslim women. They feel virtuous. on the streets, to wear head wear Islamic head dress is not How must they feel when gender anymore.” She was telling them how to dress fulsomely support Muslim left behind’ There are many more scarves last Friday as a mark the same as wearing it yourself seeing women in the secular arrested, fired from her job, suddenly donning hijabs in women’s right to wear the practical ways to help minori- of respect for Muslims isn’t or encouraging its wider use West suddenly adopting what and sentenced to three years an effort to demonstrate their hijab, burqa or niqab, but ties feel safe . Muslim women the right way to do it, however. as a political gesture against are widely regarded to be the in prison for “promoting supposedly progressive val- stay silent on their right not in the Muslim world might in Dublin have launched the The campaign came about Islamophobia. Muslim head- very symbols of oppression indecency”. She managed to ues must feel like a slap in to wear them if they don’t itself be anti-Muslim. Yellow Sticker Campaign, because some Muslim women gear, whether it’s the hijab (a against which Muslim wom- escape Iran before the sen- the face. That’s certainly how want to. Partly that’s because Western feminists would which displays notices in had expressed fears about square scarf that covers the en are increasingly fighting tence could be carried out. Asra Nomani sees it. they fear being tainted by never stay silent on similar shops and other public plac- going out in their usual attire head and neck, but leaves the at huge personal cost? Just two weeks ago, her Her long campaign for association with the far right abuses of women by Chris- es to reassure anyone who strike may have on you and other after the shootings, in case it face clear), burqa (a full body According to Amnesty In- lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was women’s equality has seen which has been bullish in de- tian churches. In the clash feels threatened to walk in made them a target for hatred covering with mesh over the ternational, at least 39 wom- sentenced to 33 years in pris- her compared to civil rights manding bans on Islamic face of competing identities and and take refuge. Safe spaces or bigotry, or worse, from eyes), or niqab (another full en were arrested in Iran alone on and 148 lashes on charges bus campaigner Rosa Parks, and hair coverings. In some rights, some women seem to are a serious and respectful those who sympathised with body covering, but with a slit in 2018 for removing their including “disrupting public and she famously took part in European countries, includ- have been left behind. response to the insecurity felt the gunman’s “eco fascist” for the eyes instead of a mesh), head scarves in public, under order” and “openly commit- protests at her local mosque ing France, Belgium and the There is no easy answer. by Muslim women. Wearing ideology. It’s outrageous that is a long-standing source of laws which have “allowed po- ting a sinful act by... appear- in the US state of Virginia to Netherlands, such bans have Banning religious face cov- head scarves raise far more opinion students. any woman should be afraid controversy, not only in the lice and paramilitary forces ing in public without a hijab”. demand the right of women passed into law. The Europe- erings would only further questions than it answers.


20-23_presspass_19.indd 2 24/10/2019 20:55 Comment

14 IRISH DAILY STAR Monday October 8 2018 Over to you... ONE MESS AFTER ANOTHER COMMENT Housing and • Newspapers are as much about views as news. Can you A TRUE HERO OF healthcare distinguish between the two? Select some examples. MODERN TIMES scandals TODAY Ireland grieves the death of a true hero of modern times. Emma Mhic Mhathuna is a victim of this troubled nation — but she faced her fate with such bravery and dignity. As the inevitable news of her passing broke yesterday, and the tears and tributes owed, a cloud hung over the show State • Choose an opinion piece from one of the papers country. In recent weeks and months, many who never met Emma were inspired by her outspoken and honest campaigning in the TRAGIC: Mum face of such a devastating prognosis, Emma Mhic which made an impression that won’t fade. Mhathuna (inset) lost her Strength life following the supplied. What interests you? Write your own version. But beyond the strength of her cervical cancer campaigning, there are those who were scandal close to Emma — her family and friends. is letting The nation has lost such a strong, de ant voice — one we grew to recognise instantly as the cervical cancer scandal made grim headline after headline. But her family — she leaves behind ve children, Natasha, Seamus, Mario, Oisin, and Donnacha — have lost so much more. Our thoughts are with them — and we can only hope they get some solace in the fact that Emma won’t ever be forgotten. people down THIS day 50 years ago, civil rights marchers in • Look at the letters page in one of the papers supplied. GANGS ARE NOT the North were nursing WE NEED REAL CIVIL RIGHTS their injuries after being Rosie - whose real name was battered black and blue TERRY [email protected] Susie Long — had emailed the by the RUC. Joe Duffy show the previous ABOVE THE LAW January describing how she was The protesters had taken part going to die “because of hospital ONCE again there is bloodshed in in the October 5 civil rights waiting lists”. march in Derry which is gener- And she revealed how she had the capital as the scourge of ally seen now as the start of the mcgeehan to wait seven months for a colo- Choose one that you agree/disagree with? Outline why. Troubles. gangs has claimed another life. noscopy to diagnose her bowel The Gardai must be praised for the work Of course, it wasn’t. cancer — while a private patient they do in the most challenging circum- It wasn’t the march had received a colonoscopy stances with an even more challenging or the marchers conditions noth- brother and sister — for the past within three days of seeing his ght for resources. who sparked the ing short of two years. GP. But the gun killing is further evidence Troubles — it squalor. And it painted a truer picture — not that it’s needed — of how murderous was the And now of the crisis this country is now Brave thugs believe they’re above the law. Unionist 50 years facing than any set of statistics And in the light of the current They act without fear of repercussions. establish- later, the or fact sheets. cervical cancer check scandal, They kill people and don’t care who else is ment in squalor Amanda spoke of how she and the death yesterday of brave caught up in the madness. Stormont may avoided telling her school victim Emma Mhic Mhathuna, We must have faith that those responsi- and the have friends that she was homeless we have to conclude yet again ble will be brought to justice. brutality gone and because she was embarrassed that we are rapidly going back- But without the full backing of the State, of the cops the tene- and afraid that she might be wards in this country in the and every resource made available, the who at that ments are taunted or looked down on. area of health as well as Gardai will battle an impossible war. time were a thing of She spoke of how she was housing. • Compare and contrast how broadsheet and tabloid overwhelm- the past but missing out on the fun of her Tomorrow, Finance Minister ingly homelessness teenage years when she should will unveil Protestant. PROTEST: Homelessness is now greater be able to freely mix with Budget 2019. We’re bowled over... One of the core protesters occupy property than at any time friends in each other’s homes. And it looks like it will be a IT MIGHT be dark, damp and cold — but aims of the since the 60s. And she spoke of her own men- budget of bribes and Irish people love winter according to a protesters was to tal condition. backhanders in a cynical bid to study for National Porridge Week. get decent housing for the Misery “It’s a struggle everyday get- shoo the back into There must be a grain of truth to it, as North’s Catholics who for Instead of progressing we are ting up and even just taking the power at the next election. people put on their c-oats — or the people decades had been the victims of regressing with hotel rooms blankets off yourself every But what we desperately need papers handle comment. Which do you prefer? Why? blatant religious discrimination. replacing tenements and chil- morning. It’s horrible,” she said. in this country, to really ensure who did the study are just stirring it. But south of the border, simi- dren growing up without a place And she cried tears of hope- that there will be no more Contact us... lar protests were taking place as they can call their home. lessness and despair. Amandas or Rosies, is a revolu- well. Last week, a fth year second- Amanda’s powerful and mov- tionary budget with the The Irish Daily Star, Level 1, Independent The Dublin Housing Action ary student called ‘Amanda’ ing interview will rank eradication of social injustice at House, 27-32 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 Committee was campaigning described in heart-breaking alongside that of Rosie who died its heart. Not a poxy cent here terms the misery of living in a Phone: (01) 499 3458. Email: [email protected] for better housing in the capital this month 11 years ago from and a poxy cent there — but real Text: star 50123 which at that time still had ten- hotel room with her mother, bowel cancer. civil rights. followed by your story to ements housing large families in twitter: @isfearranstar web: • Write a letter to the editor in not more than 400 words.

’m looking at Mother’s Day cards the rest of me. for my mother. I’m not exactly In the chemist one day, perhaps just a Inside inspired. Mothers, in the world few days into my motherhood career, the of Hallmark, are nurturing, baby was strapped to me, screaming like self-sacrificing, unthreatening. she alone had been sent to warn humanity They love bunny rabbits, laven- of the imminent apocalypse. Does she der and bouquets of flowers in have colic, an older woman wondered, COLUMNISTS The views unlikely, lurid hues. They exist sending me into atailspin of panic. Why 6 SeánMoncrieff only as areflection of their greatest was she asking me? Did Ilook like some 10 Ross creation:I and that, of course, is the person kind of expert? Clearly, Ididn’t know what O’Carroll-Kelly whose signature is scrawled across the Iwas doing –the evidence was strapped to 22 MarianKeyes inside. You were always there, they read. me, bellowing. Iwent home and googled 25 RoeMcDermott You give us so much. “colic” and cried again. Iwas crying for expressed are your “Happy Mother’s Day,” exclaims one I the child who might or might not have COVERSTORY found on the internet, “to my Greatest colic (it turned out she just didn’t like 12 Teacher, my Best Friend and my Cheapest straps), and who certainly had ahopeless- Therapist.” ly inept mother. But Iwas also crying for None of them apply to my own mother. myself, for the identity that had been She is nurturing and kind, and yes, she forcibly retired the second the kindly own. They may offers free therapy on occasion. But those midwife in the labour ward handed me a aren’t the most interesting things about cup of tea, and called me “Mammy”. 12 Anobscurebook, her. She’s also creative, strong, feminist. Here’s the good news. It gets easier. recentlystumbledon Impeccably stylish. Whip-smart. Abaker Either that, or you find away for the two byRositaBoland, of scones and ideas. She used to coax deaf parts of your life to peaceably co-exist. In describesthelavish children out of their silent worlds. She still the almost 12 years since, I’ve noticed that dinnersthrownby not be shared by has aSherlock Holmes-like ability to read some of the best, happiest mothers are the Ireland’svery human behaviour. ones who were the most resistant in the well-heeledduring JENNIFER None of them apply to me, not unless beginning, the most affronted by the the1990s there’s one out there praising mediocre cleaving of their lives in two. 8 cooking skills, unconquered laundry Time winds down, and the long days mountains and excellent bedtime stories. spool into short years. It passes in ablur of everyone, but they O’CONNELL None of them apply to any mother Iknow. hot cheeks against yours and sterilising Mother’s Day cards do one thing well: and late-night dashes to the pharmacy they reflect the way we sanitise mother- and wiping and glitter-covered Mother’s Mother’s Day hood, turning women who have children Day cards and rows over hairbrushing and 8 IsabellaRossellini into bland, one-dimensional figures, small hands on your knee. isworkingwith whose worth is measured in acurrency of Lancômeagainat65 are how you cards turn sacrifice and self-immolation. aftera22-year That is the most shocking thing about hiatus.Shetalks women with becoming amother, the violent eviscera- ageism,feminism tion of your previous identity. No one That is the most shocking andabusewith warns you about this until it happens thing about‘‘ becoming a CarolineO’Donoghue children because we’re not supposed to mind. We mother, the violent 20 feel. chose this. It’s agift, they say, the subtext into bland being that you don’t moan about agift. evisceration of your Motherhood, the same people gush, is previous identity the most important job in the universe. one-dimensional And yet there are no university degrees It passes in countless tiny triumphs only helping to ease the transition from that you notice –the first time you get through 20 Irishfashiondesigner figures life to this, no night classes, not even areal asupermarket and no one ends up lying ÚnaBurke’srising handbook. Instead there are books with on the floor. The first time you get to profileisbasedonher titles that suggest children are animals to watch amovie the whole way through. useoftraditional be subjugated and bent to our will: The first time they say “I love you” before leathercraftingto Toddler Taming, Baby Whisperer, The you say it. Then one day, you turn around, create‘everyday Contented Little Baby Book.Iread, much and the angry little baby in the carrier is armour’,writes too late, that Gina Ford never had chil- tall enough to wear your clothes and sling DeirdreMcQuillan 12 dren of her own. She had cats, apparently. an arm around your shoulder, kind COMMENT There are also well-meaning strangers enough to tell you you’re doing great, REGULARS The Sunday Times in the Spar or on the bus. Listen to your though not with bunnies and lavender. March 17, 2019 29 instinct, they say, you’re doing great. But And you believe her –she should know. ESTABLISHED 1822 then, abeat later, they’ll add: wrap that To all the mothers: to mine and to WEDNESDAY 13 FEBRUARY 2019 THE HERALD Hard Brexit has gone. So what Justine McCarthy child up. Or: take that blanket off. She’ll yours; to the inept ones, the patient, now, hard Brexiteers? overheat. Or: she needs anap. In the early resistant, nurturing, or kind ones; the THE Unity is best way to

years I’d obediently do whatever they creative ones, the smart ones and the hen the British prime min- ister’s withdrawal agree- risk exchanging that for a permanent diet ease pain of the past suggested, and then they’d look at me like funny ones; the ones who love bunnies 4 Welove... of sour grapes. Years of moaning will lie 1RM Saturday, April 13, 2019 COMMENT ment was voted down the ...... 13 first time, in January, it ahead of them, blaming Mrs May’s failure I’d failed an important test. Listen to your and lavender, and the ones who would 16 InConversation established a new record, to secure the kind of Brexit they wanted, being defeated by 230 but the fault will lie with them. There will instinct, they’d repeat, but my instinct was rather have their heads hacked off, happy 20-2No4 Styl timee for votes. Last week’s rerun be ample opportunity, once the with- saw some progress — a drawal agreement has passed and Brexit defeat by “only” 149 votes — but in normal A united Ireland would be fitting tribute to innocent victims of Bloody Sunday as bewildered and sleepless and cross as Mother’s Day. 26-32 Food&Drink W has occurred, for shaping Britain’s future ministerial times any government motion twice relationship with the EU under a different 34-39 Travel defeated so heavily would by now have prime minister. been put out of its misery. even of the 14 innocent people fatally As Matthew Elliott, who was chief exec- shot by British soldiers on Bloody cases against the soldiers as a “witch-hunt” that 40-41 Onthemove This, however, is the world of Brexit, Rebecca Barker sacrifice utive of Vote Leave, writes online for us Sunday were teenagers. They went “completely turns the stomach of the British mote in our own eyes. As citizens, our mission [email protected] and things are different. When the today: “If MPs vote down the withdrawal peacefully on to the streets of Derry people”. The sensitivities of the people of statement is Bunreacht na hEireann, which MAGAZINE24-28Tara Street,Dublin2. Email:[email protected] DisplayAdvertising: 01-6758585. 44-62 TV&Radio agreement comes back to the House of on January 30, 1972, to object to the Northern Ireland, by implication, were agreement for a third time this week, explicitly aspires to a 32-county Ireland. This HEALTH Minister Simon Harris Commons this week for a third time, sectarian implementation of the deemed irrelevant. His is not a lone voice. Brexit probably won’t happen.” Policy aspiration is not conditional on how much is facing a motion of no confi- British government’s internment Michael Fallon, a former defence secretary, has Editor: RachelCollins. 63 Archive Theresa May will be hoping that the Exchange, an influential think tank in the dosh we have in the bank. DONALD TRUMP’S DADDY ISSUES dence tabled by Sinn Fein, de- order issued the previous August. said any decision made about the soldiers by DONALDGuide Trump has daddy to: issues. Trump was born in the Bronx, lingering in the Eighties. Clearly, the (estimated at 22 a day), of course. pressure of the clock, parliament’s clear Tory party, has commissioned three legal Every one of the 342 individuals whom The closer Brexit staggers towards us, the S the Public Prosecution Service for Northern More specifically, the American New York, while his grandfather was US president is confused by coun- ‘Facts’ are entirely malleable to Trump spite his best efforts to put the majority against a no-deal Brexit, and the soldiers had rounded up for jail without trial in more Northern Ireland seems to be receding experts, Professor Guglielmo Verdirame, Ireland (PPS) should require the approval of President has issues with where his born in Germany. tries — although those are usually of depending on the narrative of the the initial phase of internment belonged to the into its hellish past, led by the Tories and the controversy over the National threat to Brexiteer Tories that Britain will the attorney-general in London, who would daddy was born. It’s not the first time Trump has the s**thole variety. situation. Sir Stephen Laws and Professor Richard predominantly Catholic nationalist community. DUP. The latter wants to stop the six counties Trump said recently: “My father is mixed up his father’s birthplace. But here’s the thing — Trump’s As long as he is the hero of the Children’s Hospital to bed. never leave the EU will be enough to swing consider “the wider public interest”. Ekins, who conclude that the safeguards Many, if not most of them, had no connection joining the rest of the world in the 21st century German, was German. Born in a very In his 1987 book The Art of the Deal, father’s birthplace is an easily check- story, it doesn’t really matter if the it. On past form, that looks optimistic, He apologised yesterday for and assurances “do provide the UK with with the IRA. Over four days, 20 civilians were Some in London have peddled the untruth by denying citizens their cultural, social and wonderful place in Germany, so I have Trump claimed his family was from able fact so why does he keep lying? facts are objective or not. Father that, while soldiers are being investigated, a great feeling for Germany.” Sweden, presumably to sidestep any Because he faces no real penalty born in the Bronx? not answering questions on the even though it would bring relief to British killed and about 7,000 others fled or were healthcare entitlements. To borrow from Lord ample legal comfort, and considerably paramilitaries are going scot-free. In fact there Which is wunderbar — except Fred potential anti-German sentiment still for his near-constant fabrications Fake news, people. business and voters alike. It would also be forced from their homes. Of the 1,981 people Denning’s memorable justification for DAD . . . Trump cost of the hospital “more fully” more than seems to be understood by are IRA prosecutions currently before the arbitrarily imprisoned during the four years prolonging the miscarriage of justice against and insisted it was never his welcomed in Ireland and Brussels where many”. courts. Others have decried the investigation of that internment lasted, only 107 were not part the Birmingham Six, an appalling vista is politicians have spent the past few days elderly former soldiers. Those same politicians intention to mislead the Dail. Nor should Tory MPs be hanging on the of the nationalist community, which had been unfolding. Theresa May and Michael Gove have railing against the UK’s plan to impose dared not advocate clemency when Gary THE IRISH TIMES MagazineThere are| Marchstill a lot of10, ques- 2018 | 3 coat-tails of Northern Ireland’s Demo- systemically treated as a second-class citizenry talked of bringing Northern Ireland back under Glitter, a septuagenarian former pop star, was hefty tariffs on the import of certain agri- cratic Unionist Party (DUP). A better case since the foundation of Northern Ireland. direct London rule in the post-Brexit twilight. tions to be answered as the jailed for sexually abusing children. Do they MIRIAM cultural products in a no-deal scenario. When those seven teenagers joined a This is a government motivated by its urge to controversial hospital’s con- of the tail wagging the dog would be hard sincerely believe that somebody who molested peaceful march that fateful Sunday, they had set its own human rights standards and whose Brexiteers do indeed fear being caught to find. As long as the DUP believes it has a minor ought to be prosecuted regardless of LAW BID struction costs now look set to justifiable cause to protest. Who would have Northern Ireland secretary, Karen Bradley, up in a “Hotel California” exit, courtesy of the massed ranks of the Tory European the perpetrator’s age, but that age ought to be a run to a massive €1.7bn. expected them to return home in coffins? For said that killings by soldiers were “not crimes” Why women like a line in that song: “You can check out . . . get-out-of-jail card for someone who has TEST IS How this information was Research Group behind it, it can adopt the decades afterwards, the British establishment but orders obeyed with dignity. but you can never leave.” But as anybody murdered minors? communicated between the hardest of hard lines. If that were to closed ranks around the soldiers, accusing the More than four years ago, the British PIVOTAL who has ploughed through the lyrics of dead and wounded survivors of being When it comes to Ireland, Britain’s government made a commitment under the change, it is not difficult to envisage the political class never learns from its errors. IN what must surely be a various government depart- that Eagles’ number knows, and as the “hooligans” who started it all by shooting and Stormont House agreement to establish legacy DUP, too, clambering on board. Just as the executions of the Easter Rising’s first for Ireland, broad- ments – and when – needs to band’s own members have admitted, you bomb-throwing. It would be 28 years before bodies for establishing the truth about caster Miriam O’Calla- This will be another big week for Brit- leaders led to independence and as Bloody be known. the Saville inquiry found not one of the 28 historical killings. That has not happened. To COLEEN’S ghan has secured a High can make of them whatever you want. ain’s parliament and Brexit. If Mrs May’s Sunday proved a recruitment magnet for the Bezos’ ex deserve Court order requiring people shot had posed a threat that day. After the contrary, it emerged last month that Questions will keep on com- It is a bit like that with Mrs May’s IRA, the despicable utterances emanating Facebook to identify deal is voted down again, any number of Lord Saville prompted a comprehensive significant information was withheld by the RULES TO from Westminster are accelerating the those behind alleged def- ing as we learn the extent of withdrawal agreement. Brexiteers can, in possibilities open up. They will not apology in 2010 by the British prime minister PSNI about cases under examination by the amatory adverts about the cutbacks that will have to insisting on the purest form of Brexit, tie conversion to Irish reunification. A HAPPY her on the platform. include a no-deal Brexit on March 29. David Cameron, the cover-up which began police ombudsman. themselves up in ever-tighter legal knots. almost immediately after the massacre, Which brings us to the reaction in the The adverts, which be made to fund this project. There could be endless extensions of Republic, where the cappuccino chatterati While these eerily reminiscent events have went viral, wrongly sug- including the Widgery inquiry traducing the transpired, the families of 11 other Catholic WEDLOCK The money has to come from Or, as we have argued and an increasing the article 50 process, or a “Norway-plus” decry the atrocities north of the border before gested O’Callaghan had innocent dead, was no longer sustainable. civilians who were killed in the Ballymurphy left her job with RTE’s somewhere, and it is taxpayers number of pragmatic Brexit supporters hastily clarifying that unification would cost THEY say the key to a every last penny Brexit, in which Britain remains in the A police investigation commenced. Last massacre in Belfast by soldiers of the same successful marriage is Prime Time to promote a now accept, you can make of the this part of the island too much hard cash. the brains behind the Amazon who will have to pay the price. single market and, to all intents and Thursday, Northern Ireland’s prosecution Parachute Regiment that rampaged on Bloody compromise — for the MARRIAGES come empire, would he have been new skincare line. South of the border, we’re so busy If O’Callaghan’s law- agreement what you want and, while service announced that, of 17 soldiers still alive Sunday have been listening to harrowing wife, that is. able to have a loving family However, calling for some- purposes, a customs union with the EU. congratulating ourselves on our new-found But some wives refuse and go but divorce is yers do succeed in identi- sometimes through gritted teeth, support who were implicated in the massacre by the evidence at their inquest. Witnesses have and build such a successful one’s head is not going to fix There could be a second referendum, tolerance, openness, inclusiveness and to compromise and pre- forever, the late, company without the unseen fying the users behind it. One former cabinet minister who Saville inquiry, just one, Soldier F, would face recalled a woman crying out that she could not fer a more extreme the ads, the case could the problem. which may overturn the result of the 2016 embrace of human rights, we cannot see the great Nora Ephron work of his wife? I doubt it. resigned over Brexit, David Davis, voted in charges, for two murders and four attempted see, unaware that half her face had been shot approach to keeping their The fact is, we live in a have huge implications, The project cannot be vote, or a general election, a Corbyn gov- marriage on track. once quipped. society that extols the virtues especially for those who favour of Mrs May’s deal. Another, Esther murders. In Derry, the families received the off; of a soldier walking up to a wounded man Holiday-goer and mum- of motherhood without actu- are routinely defamed by derailed by controversy. Our ernment and a softer, “socialist” Brexit. news with palpable sorrow and resilient grace. lying on the ground and finishing him off with So if you’re going to McVey, has suggested she might. Others of-four Coleen Rooney is ally supporting mothers while anonymous users on The time for playing games is almost The reaction could not have been more more gunfire; of soldiers tossing the dead into divorce forever, make sure social media. children need and deserve a rumoured to have issued we punish mothers who have could be ready to move. over. Tory MPs have it in their hands to different in London. Howls of indignation that army vehicles, flinging them in by one arm wayward husband Wayne you get a good deal. to work to pay the bills with As a journalist whose top-class health facility, and with a strict set of rules to Ephron may not have added punitive childcare bills and work is carefully edited Brexiteer Tory MPs who do not shift, prevent outcomes that would be much even one soldier was to stand trial emanated and one leg. that last bit but after poor maternity leave. and legalled, I’m always whatever happens, we must not from Westminster. Gavin Williamson, the , the foreign affairs minister, abide by. divorcing her husband for his instead of seizing the opportunity of what worse, for them, than accepting Mrs The pair, who have Meanwhile, we’re quick to stunned at the malicious lose sight of this. defence secretary, said his department would has called out May’s government for reneging infidelity, I’d imagine it’s a cast divorcing women who lay content people post with for some is almost a lifetime’s ambition, May’s withdrawal agreement. They been married for 11 years sentiment she would have Minister’shomenot “drive through a new package of safeguards to on its commitments to justice, after being and have four boys claim to family assets they’ve impunity online. gotten behind. helped build as gold-diggers. should face up to their responsibilities. ensure our armed forces are not unfairly pilloried for saying he hoped to see Ireland together, are trying to One woman who has It’s time to redefine But here’s how it goes Facebook as a publisher treated”. Williamson previously said he united in his lifetime. There is no doubt that mend their relationship secured herself a very tasty down. Women, and mothers A government after the footie ace divorce deal, however, is Mac- and not as a platform so it ***** intended legislating to prohibit the prosecution this island has entered the transition to unity. in particular, do most of the bears responsibility for reportedly went out booz- Kenzie Bezos, the ex-wife of unpaid, invisible labour in a of soldiers for killings perpetrated more than 10 We are now in the persuasion phase but, ing with some blonde Amazon tycoon Jeff. the content it publishes. that has proved relationship — the child-rear- Meanwhile, in the wake years earlier. A government that has proved before we try to convince reluctant unionists to barmaid before being After 25 years and four ing, the caring for elderly or Long road lies ahead for the itself an ass in recent months now intends join a brave new all-Ireland, citizens of the arrested for drink-driving. children, MacKenzie will walk sick relatives, the groceries, of the New Zealand live- Don’t coop itself an ass Fed-up Coleen is said away with a cool $30billion — the cooking and the chores. streamed massacre of 50 proving the law is one too by passing legislation Republic must acknowledge our duty to fellow to have declared Wayne a billion or so for every year Not to mention the endless people, Facebook CEO designed to put the state beyond its reach, even citizens in Northern Ireland. We cannot leave can no longer play video of her marriage. emotional labour (the worry- Mark Zuckerberg has extension of our voting rights when it comes to murdering its own citizens. now intends them in the lurch again. games, can not sit in Ex-hubby Jeff, who was ing, the list-making, the called for governments to up our kids caught having an future planning). help regulate social Before last Thursday’s prosecution As we watch the shutters coming back down another room apart from theplaceforprotest announcement, Williamson described the proving the the family, must eat with affair last year This may or may media platforms. on the border, we must acknowledge that a her and the kids and gen- with TV presenter not be on top of a It’s an unprecedented united Ireland is not a luxury we cannot afford. Lauren Sanchez, full-time job but move from a man who WHAT happened to the days The people of Ireland are poised to law is one too erally must spend time could have had to It is a debt we owe and is long overdue. with them all. either way, it’s more has previously resisted pay half under than enough. And calls for regulation. when kids ran outside for hours BELIEVE in this country. Yes, financial crash as fast as we did. change the constitution to allow citizens Academic studies suggest out-of-state [email protected] Which all sounds Washington laws delightfully sad and it’s unpaid. And while it is true we and cycled with their friends? we make mistakes, but we’rea Lots of people expected us to living outside the state to vote in Irish voters do not dramatically alter the results where the pair Women will also need more robust laws depressing, really. reside but the cou- take responsibility It is jaw-dropping to think we democracy governed by laws fall apart and they bet against us. presidential elections. Two out of three of domestic elections. In 2013, 74,000 of If you have to issue a surrounding social ple struck an for raising the media, we also need to voters polled by Behaviour & Attitudes for no-fun edict to keep your incredibly amicable children at the are so far gone from those days that most of us obey. When we VICTORIA WHITE We didn’t, though. the 1m Australians living overseas voted in man in line, he’s hardly step up as citizens. The Sunday Times said they would vote deal, with MacKen- expense of their The fact is Facebook, that some parents think their established the Republic nearly We clung to our precious rule their federal elections. The experience of worth it now, is he? zie granting Jeff all own career so the Google, Apple, Amazon yes in a referendum to extend voting Canada is often cited: 2m Canadians living Larissa Nolan her interests in husband can con- children should be in a gym to a century ago, we founded a of law and our precious democ- The Washington and YouTube are too big rights to citizens living in Northern tinue in his. to regulate. get fit. Idemocracy in which every adult racy and we’ve worked solidly for in America and overseas are entitled to Post and Blue Ori- ADMIRABLE SPLIT. . These days, this OPINION Ireland and further afield. The vote, origi- gin, as well as 75 Jeff and MacKenzie decision to step As our laws currently In today’s Herald, we hear got the right to vote to make this more th an a decade to rebuild this vote in domestic elections, but only per cent of her away from the stand, they simply can’t nally planned for May, has been moved to keep up with the shift to the story of a mum who tried to countryabetter place. How dare they pretend to stand home, but mostly I was working as country for our children and their 15,600 bothered to register for the 2015 Amazon stock. workforce is framed as a per- October because of the demands on Even so, MacKenzie’s payout sonal choice but usually it’s the virtual and so need to hire a personal trainer for her That’s still the case. Every adult up for our republican values when a mammy, and it wasn’t easy. children. general election — and just 11,000 of those will make her the world’s the inevitable compromise be entirely rewritten for legislative time imposed by the Man up, Hollywood, and cast a ballot. However, if 1m Canadians third richest woman. women face in marriage and the digital age. 10-year-old daughter. hasavote, including the members democracy and the rule of law are I hadasix-year-old, two seven- I don’t believe this proud passage of a comprehensive law to cope LIKE that annoying house guest And with $102billion still in And unfortunately, were living just across the border in who has over-stayed their welcome, motherhood. Seriously, we need to take a of Fingal Battalion Direct Action. the very basis on which they’re year-olds andanine-year-old. country has any place for protests the bank, Jeff will remain MacKenzie not only helped policing social media is with a possible no-deal Brexit. Buffalo, New York, the uptake in the out- Julian Assange was finally given his wealthier than Bill Gates, who start Jeff’s burgeoning book- not as simple as deacti- long, hard look at ourselves if I have a message for them: in a built. One of the twins had just that involve standing outsidea marching orders by the Ecuadorian is worth a measly $88.5billion Fewer than a quarter of voters — 22% — of-state franchise might be higher. No Embassy in London this week. delivery business, she birthed vating someone’s children are not playing outside democracy, you make a difference I know this from experience, been diagnosed with autism. My politician’s house and scaring his stop making boys wimps by comparison. said they would reject the proposal, and The Wikileaks co-founder, 47, looked and raised his kids — so she account — within min- fewer than 530,000 Irish passports have But what was most interest- deserves her cut. utes they will have set up any more. through the ballot box, not by being married to former minister husband was out working night wife and three-week-old baby. 14% were undecided. Some supporters of distressed and dishevelled as he was ing about their divorce was Meanwhile, both Jeff and been issued to people living in Northern arrested by UK officers before being bun- another somewhere else. how cordial it was (in public MacKenzie issued gushing Instead it is up to the Our fear of stranger danger going to politicians’ house dem- Eamon Ryan of the Green and day. I wasasingle The early weeks of motherhood centre-ground parties have privately Ireland since 2016, a figure that suggests dled into the waiting cop van. at least). statements about one another Although hailed by many as a hero for his individual to use their and helicopter parenting means anding “accountability”. Party. parent, though a very are uniquely challenging for all voiced fears that opening up the presiden- And in my opinion, Mac- after the deal went through. power as both a con- the number of Irish citizens there is signif- leaking of classified documents, I think he’s Kenzie deserves every penny. Jeff hailed his ex-wife as tial elections to citizens outside the an absolute fecking chancer. sumer, choosing to sup- there are some kids who have It made my blood boil to see Our four children well-funded one. first-time mothers. icantly higher. After helping Jeff launch “an extraordinary partner, port local businesses in Experts believe it cost the embassy nearly Amazon from their garage ally, and mother, resourceful never gone to the park and the Battalion’s stooges outside were very young How did the Caoimhe Harris may be joyful, Republic could throw up dramatically €60,000 a month to protect Assange for the favour of those mammoth Some have suggested that extending Males are weak, females are cool and powerful — that’s real fantasy, Disney (she did the accounts and and brilliant and loving” climbed a tree. Minister Simon Harris’ house at when the financial Irish people treat but she must be exhausted, different outcomes. the franchise only for presidential elec- last seven years and in return he’s alleged to helped negotiate contracts for while MacKenzie said she was online retailers, and as a have breached the embassy’s rules, disre- the first few years of the “looking forward to the next voter by forcing those in All is not lost, though. Where the weekend. crisis hit. us during this attending to her baby’s constant In the 2011 presidential election, the tions does not go far enough and, if spected staff and even smeared faeces over business), the Princeton Univ- phase as co-parents and power to uphold and late Martin McGuinness attracted almost walls in dirty protests. The scut! change the law. would we be without our GAA, There they stood, all puffed up time? With the demands and snatching sleep citizens are to be enfranchised for one he other day I praised my son for being ersity-educated MacKenzie friends” with Jeff. 250,000 votes, and came third ahead of Meanwhile, Twitter users spotted Assange’s gave up her own successful Well I guess with billions in Meanwhile, I’ll be rugby, soccer and athletics with their own importance that DISASTER utmost decency. when she can. election, they should be given the vote in “manly”. He’d handled a situation shown in a personality assessment to be uncanny likeness to Only Fools and Horse’s watching O’Callaghan’s city career to raise their four the bank, it’s easy to have David Norris and ’s Gay Mitchell all. Others have argued for dedicated with a maturity beyond his nine years, “weak, naive, simple, powerless”. The Uncle Albert (inset). Unfortunately for children. warm, fuzzy feelings about case with interest. clubs teaching our kids to enjoy they got from no one but them- Everybody knew They left us Both she and her husband are Hollywood is telling us there is no place in Assange, no-one was fooled in the end... with 13.7% of the poll. What would he have showing honour, courage and supposedly oppressive patriarchy, for which And while Jeff is considered your ex... Northern Ireland seats in the Seanad, but society for masculinity. What might this do to fresh air? selves. where we lived. alone. They likely to be feeling highly protec- responsibility. It seemed a fitting all boys need to apologise, is highlighted when polled if Irish citizens in Northern Ireland this is a chamber crying out for wider boys’ mental health, and self-esteem, at a time They didn’t wait for an electoral The door was al- never brought tive of their baby’s security at the compliment. Yet he looked shocked. “I an alien asks his girlfriend Wyldstyle: “So you had been entitled to vote? And is that a when we pride ourselves on such concerns? I reform than a mere tinkering of seats to don’t want to be that,” he told me. fought and built and kicked butt — and the mandate, not them. ways open as our their many trou- moment, which is nature’s way of good reason to reject the proposed exten- can’t decide which outcome is worse: that our CONTACT US accommodate our northern brethren. “That’s a bad thing.” I reminded him of hapless male was the leader?” They took matters into their children scooted bles to our door. keeping that baby safe. his school motto, right there on the crest of his boys grow up to be self-loathing male feminists, Twitter and Facebook: sion of the franchise? The electorate On the basis of the 65% support that T The villain of The Lego Movie 2 appears to be uniform: “Viriliter Age”, meaning act manly. It or react with resentment. own hands, standing outside the up and down the As they passed, Baby Harris isn’t the reason thinks not, according to the result of the toxic masculinity. Emmet loses his way when HeraldNewsDesk the proposal now enjoys to extend was sad, as a mother, to have to reassure a boy minister’s’ house and blaming him road and swung out they might have seen that protest was wrong, but her he falls in with a loner tough guy action hero What kind of sexist attitude does it Editorial: (01) 705 5720 Behaviour & Attitudes poll, though opin- presidential voting rights, it appears likely his innate being is, in fact, a good trait. Not engender in young girls when all their heroines called Rex Dangervest; and Finn, the real-life “for the damage he is inflicting on of the trees in the park me mainlining coffee in presence made it obvious to nearly ions can shift significantly when voters something to feel ashamed of, or guilty about. are hard-bitten female leaders who, for all Classified: 1890 516516 it will be adopted this autumn. Further boy in the movie, triumphs only after he gets in the Irish working class”. opposite. the front garden, but if they all of us how wrong it was. engage on a proposal closer to polling day. That any child should feel bad about their their independence and achievements, are Display ads: (01) 705 5416. franchise extensions can be only a few touch with his feminine side. They’re calling on groups They may have called them- had anything to say other than She has started her life by gender identity is particularly rotten in a obsessed with men and competing against Home Delivery: 1890 130 130 more years away. Ralph Breaks the Internet was such insidious supposedly progressive society. Yet it wasn’t them? Women in the movies get everything around the country to go to the selves “the junior ministers”, but “Morning!” or “Nice day!” they making a very important political dogma I nearly walked out of the theatre. Published by Independent wholly a surprise, considering the cultural their own way. That’s not equality. Ralph is a manipulative, controlling bully who doors of those they say are waging they were totally unaware of the kept it to themselves. point. brainwashing from a radical left agenda that is Newspapers (Ireland) Ltd at wants to possess the female lead Vanellope. He It has left me questioning whether it is war against the Irish working disaster that was going on with Until, that is, they got to the That’s appropriate: her name being force-fed to younger generations in the irresponsible to bring children to what should their office, 27-32 Talbot Street, turns from a needy, clingy sap into a giant Feast day is turning ghoulish form of cinema. be “family-friendly” cinema while this plague is Dublin 1. Printed at Citywest, class – “Free State politicians, the country’s finances. Just as ballot box and voted my husband is Saoirse, which is Irish for free- monster of his own “bad” feelings. At the end, It seems impossible to go to a kids’ movie infecting screens. Am I, worse, allowing it? landlords, bankers, sheriffs they should have been – they were out of office. That’s how we do dom, and in Ireland our freedom we get to point and laugh at Ralph when he’s Naas Road, Co Dublin. nowadays without being lectured on and anyone else who lines up kids. things in this country. We vote. depends on democracy and the dressed up as Snow White and kissed by a frog. Professor M Keith Booker, author of Disney, 22 St Patrick’s Day is fast becoming the Hollywood’s twin pillars of liberalism: political Pixar and the Hidden Messages of Children’s against us”. I was doingabit of writing from That’s why we got out of our rule of law. correctness and identity politics. I just want to Films, believes it is right to be vigilant. “The springtime equivalent of Halloween: a called a shillelagh. Instead of pinning his bring them out for an afternoon of innocence complexities and responsibilities associated low-key Irish holy day that has been shamrock to his lapel, in traditional and pleasure, not ideology and propaganda. with being a parent to kids who watch movies exported, processed, repackaged, repur- fashion, Leo Varadkar copied President Instead it’s like being at mass. need to be dealt with, by all parents, whatever posed and flogged back to us by the Donald Trump this year and wore it in his Worryingly, the constant message being their political persuasion,” he says. “Films do Americans. transmitted is one of emasculation. Boys are not function in a vacuum but rather reinforce top pocket, like a little window box. inept imbeciles who require eye-rolling, risk- lessons children receive from other cultural They were the ones who pioneered the The similarities with Halloween don’t taking, can-do girls to come to their rescue. Women in the influences.” parades, bathed their public buildings in stop with the changing styles of fancy They’re to be ridiculed, chastised and Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist, green light, draped themselves in enough dress, either. This year, St Patrick’s Day denigrated. Males are weak, females are cool movies get worries that our children are not being green stretch polyester to roof the rain brings the threat of a scary man, who and powerful — in every film. It was wrong educated, “they are being indoctrinated, and when Disney always portrayed princesses as there’s absolutely no excuse for it”. There’s forests, and introduced us to a blunt looks like a badly carved pumpkin after a everything instrument — unknown in these parts — helpless victims whose main talent was certainly no justification for millionaire movie week in the rain, turning up on our door- attracting princes, but it’s equally wrong to go their own bosses reprogramming children in order to steps in the near future. Trick, or treat? to the other extreme. make a fashionable political point. Take The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, in way. That’s Peterson’s advice on what to do as a parent which the protagonist Emmet Brickowski is of boys is to instil courage, and teach them to not equality rely on themselves to prevail, step forward with confidence, and shoulder the burden. In other words, act manly.

20-23_presspass_19.indd 3 24/10/2019 20:55 OVERALL WINNER 2018 WINNER WE ARE ALL ON A TIMER... By Sophie Rosenau Pobalscoil na Tríonóide, Youghal

60…… 59…… 58…… 57…… 56…… Learn from last year’s winner Life is just a giant clock. It starts at twelve and keeps ticking until the cycle is complete. Until the cuckoo stops singing and the chimes stop ringing. Time. A four letter word that scares us all. We try to hide, but in the end death is the one thing that is certain in life. Time. It controls everything we do, yet some people just sit around and waste this vital gift. If you stop and think about it, we are all on a timer. If you listen closely you can hear it ticking, it’s just disguised as a heartbeat. We all claim to live in the moment, but we obsess over the past and worry about the future. We, as a society, just need to stop and breathe. Start embracing yourself, revel in all the positive aspects of your life that surround you on a daily basis. Whether that be your family, your friends or your pets. You should make every day worthwhile. Make priceless memories, because you never know when your timer is going to “ding”. You never know when it will be your last “Hello”, your last “I love you” or even your last “Goodbye”. Yes, we all have bad days but we should focus on the little things. Even if it’s as simple as getting a new pen to write with, be grateful. I would give anything for the day you wasted moping around with a frown on your face. I would give up anything to have just up and walk out. That was before I knew my whole world was going to one more day. come crashing down. I’m grateful that I left that classroom early, little Time is an issue that’s personal to me because I wish I had more of it. did I know a timer was going to go off sooner rather than later. I would love to just turn back the clocks and give him one more hug. 30…… 29…… 28…… 27…… 26…… When you say you had a bad day, just evaluate what went wrong and I could almost feel the countdown begin when I saw my dad walking see if it was really that disastrous? I mean, what did you do, break a nail? into the office. As selfish as it was, I thought he was bringing me lunch, Stub your toe? Stop moaning about the minor inconveniences, because or maybe even meeting a teacher. Yet it was neither: it was my worst you didn’t hear me complain about the months I suffered in silence nightmare coming straight for me and I didn’t even get a chance to while my grandad slowly wasted away. Until he was just skin dragged brace myself. Leaving immediately, we rushed to the airport. Everything over bone, hurting from day to day. that day was a blur and before I knew it we had taken off and landed. I sit and listen to you when you complain to me that you are grounded After a whole day of hurrying from trains, to buses, and even because you were giving cheek. I zone in and out of the conversation occasionally sprinting, we were still too late. He couldn’t wait for us any wishing I was with my grandad, hearing all of the interesting stories longer. about his life: when he was a child, a teenager, and his wise advice for 3…… 2…… 1…… me. Instead I’m listening to your nonsense. My mind is racing. I just get “Ding”.

23 SEARCHING FOR RESCUE 116 by Steve Humphreys

20-23_presspass_19.indd 4 24/10/2019 20:55