Finnlines Annual Report 2019
ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Contents Highlights 2019 2 CEO’s Review 4 CFO’s Review 6 Business concept, values and strategic goals 9 Business environment 1111 Shipping and Sea transport services 1313 Passenger services 1515 Port operations 1717 Environment and safety 1919 Human resources 2323 Financial Statements Board of Directors’ Report 2626 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 3030 ConsolidatedConsolidated statement of financialfinancial position position 31 ConsolidatedConsolidated statement of changeschanges in equity 3232 Consolidated statementstatement ofof cashcash flows flows 33 33 Profit andand lossloss account,account, ParentParent Company 3434 BalanceBalance sheet, Parent Company 3535 Cash flowflow statement,statement, ParentParent Company 3636 Five-year keykey figures figures 37 CalculationCalculation of key ratios 3838 QuarterlyQuarterly data 39 Board’sBoard’s Proposal 4040 Auditor’sAuditor’s Report 4141 Corporate Governance Statement 4343 Board of Directors 4848 Executive Committee and Board of Management 4949 Finnlines fleet fleet 50 Contact information 5252 Operating areas 5252 The Grimaldi Group 53 Finnlines is a leading shipping operator of ro-ro and passenger services in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Bay of Biscay. The Company’s passenger-freight vessels offer services from Finland to Germany and via the Åland Islands to Sweden, as well as from Sweden to Germany. Finnlines’ ro-ro vessels operate in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Bay of Biscay. The Company has subsidiaries or sales offices in Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark and Poland. In addition to sea transportation, the Company provides port services in Helsinki and Turku. Finnlines is a part of the Grimaldi Group, one of the world’s largest operators of ro-ro vessels and the largest operator of the Motorways of the Sea in Europe for both passengers and freight.
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