HIGHLIGHTS: Damaraland, Kaokoland, , Ovahimba & Bushman Culture & Conservation OPTIONS: Guided Tour ACCOMMODATION: Combination of rooms and camping MIN/MAX: 2/10

31 OCT 13- DAMARALAND After breakfast we depart to Damaraland, via Uis It is here at Twyfelfontein that we find one of the biggest collections of ancient rock art and engravings, done thousands of years ago by the . Another accolade for Damaraland is that it offers the most beautiful sunset, provided you are at a height to experience it. After lunch we undertake a nature drive, in search of Desert Elephants. Overnight at Twyfelfontein Country Lodge or similar, with breakfast included. http://www.namibialodges.com/twyfelfontein_en.htm

01 NOV 13 - KAOKOLAND Today we drive to Kaokoland, home to the Ovahimba people and ’s remaining nomadic groups. This area is often referred to as the last wilderness and is also home to the desert elephant population. We drive up to Sesfontein, where we will start or village experience, by walking the last kilometre to the. Transfers are alternatively made by donkey cart, if available. After setting up our camp, we will be taken around the homestead and a given a short brief on the culture and traditions as well as the do’ & don’ts. Enjoy the rest of the day interacting with the local community. The following morning, we wake up and enjoy breakfast and join the local community in undertaking their daily activity, such as milking of cows, cream/butter production, garment making, taking out cattle for feeding, etc. After lunch, whilst on the Kaokoland adventure, day 2, our tours heads to the world renowned Etosha National Park. Overnight camping at a Himba Village with all meals included.

02 NOV 13 – ETOSHA NATIONAL PARK A good amount of our time in the park will be spend on game-driving and viewing. This is more enjoyable early morning and late afternoon, when the animals get into a playful mood. You have an option to partake in the night game drives, which we can assist you to book directly at the camp. Alternatively we may spend the evening around the floodlit waterhole. Accommodation at Okaukuejo Camp or similar, with breakfast included. http://www.nwr.com.na/okaukuejo_camp.html

03 NOV 13 – TSINTSABIS – TREESLEEPER CAMP After an early morning game drive, we enjoy breakfast at Namutoni Camp and drive to Tsintsabis, where we will meet and interact with the Hei\\om Bushmen. Visit the Bushman Villages. After dinner we sing & dance together with the Bshman families. Also see healing and other ceremonies of the Bushman. Overnight at Treesleeper Camp with all meals included. http://www.namibweb.com/treesleepercamp.htm

04 NOV 13 – CHEETAH CONSERVATION FUND Today we start heading back to Windhoek. Stopover at the Cheetah Conservation Fund where we learn more about the survival of the cheetah in Namibia. The country with the largest free roaming cheetah population in the world. Enjoy a walking tour of the main facility as well as our Educational Centre, Cheetah Museum, Clinic Tour and an introduction to the Cheetahs, Dogs and Livestock that live at our main centre. This also includes the feeding of Cheetahs at 14:00 weekdays and 12:00 on Weekends. Before departure we take a drive into the enclosure to meet female cheetahs and have an opportunity to take some great photos. Overnight at Frans Indongo Lodge with breakfast included. http://www.indongolodge.com/

05 NOV 13 - WINDHOEK Depart early morning to the and hike to the top of the plateau, from where we will admire the valley, Namibian Blue Skies and inhale the freshest ever, unpolluted air. Enjoy breakfast after the hike and depart to Windhoek. Enjoy the afternoon at leisure. In the afternoon your guide will pick you up for a sundowner and dinner at a local restaurant offering traditional cuisine. Overnight at Kalahari Sands Hotel or similar with breakfast included. http://www.suninternational.com/DESTINATIONS/Hotels/KALAHARISANDS/Pages/default.aspx

06 NOV 13 – END OF TOUR Today is the last day of your tour. You will be transferred to Hosea Kutako International Airport, in time for flight back home.


RATE PERPERSON SHARING = N$ 8 000.00 Single Supplement = N$ 700.00


Included: Driver/ Guide, Transport, Pick up and/or drop off from Hotel or International Airport, Meals as Indicated, activities as indicated, Accommodation in indicated Hotels or similar/camping, when camping guests are requested to assist guide with setting up and down of camp, cooking as well as cleaning up; Park entrance fees, VAT, NTB Levy, Water on vehicle. Guests of the same gender might be required to share a room, should the number of rooms be limited.

Not Included: Drinks other than specified, Items of a personal nature, Gratuities, Laundry, Meals other than specified, Excursions other than specified, Flights to and from Namibia, Personal medical insurance, Cancellation insurance

Terms of Payment and Cancellations: 20% non refundable deposit is payable on booking. Payment of outstanding amount is payable with 60 days before travel date.

Cancellations made 45 days before date of travel: 55%, 44 - 32 Days before travel: 80%, 31 days and less: 100%