HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW POLSKA presents Case study of PKP Energetyka Distribution of reliability EDITOR - IN - CHIEF GRAPHIC DESIGN AND DTP Mateusz Żurawik Alicja Gliwa CONTENT EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER Katarzyna Koper Marcin Opoński EDITORIAL ASSISTANT TRANSLATION Urszula Gabryelska Bireta AUTHORS DIRECTOR OF MEDIA Witold Abramowicz & MARKETING SOLUTIONS Iain Begg Ewa Szczesik-Czerwińska Grzegorz Benysek phone 664 933 232 Ryszard Bryła Piotr Dubno Janusz Dyduch Bent Flyvbjerg Zbigniew Hanzelka Paulina Kostro Hubert Malinowski Marek Mazierski Agnieszka Nosal Marek Pawełczyk COVER PHOTOS: Krzysztof Perlicki iSTOCK / GETTY IMAGES, B. BANASZAK John Reiners Robert Ryszkowski Andrzej Sobczak Adam Szeląg Filip Szumowski Andrzej Żurkowski Mateusz Żurawik All rights reserved. The content may not be copied, distributed or archived in any mechanical or electronic form without the consent of the publisher. Quoting parts of the articles or the data presented by any printed or electronic means without the consent of the publisher (ICAN Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.) infringes on the copyright. ICAN Institute PKP Energetyka al. Niepodległości 18 ul. Hoża 63/67 02-653 Warsaw 00-681 Warsaw e-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] www.ican.pl www.pkpenergetyka.pl Distribution of reliability 2 Destination: reliability The distribution network is a complex system in which the operation of every component is of key importance. This is why solutions facilitating quick and effective connection rearrangement are so vital. 8 High IQ of the Polish railway power sector Cooperation between research and business goes beyond mere declarations. PKP Energetyka is able to face new technological advancements by drawing on the skills and experience of the Innovation Committee members.