-! a?

Lester ...... Melrose ...... Washington Douglass .. In another Monday night melee, Carver'.... Father 'Bertrand dropped Hamilton. Bertrand . Rochester Thomas was high for 72-52. i--t Bertrand. Redell Smith Manassas .. Melrose with 24, followed by Bob- was high for Bertrand with 25, and Hamilton .

Funeral services were held Tuesday Bight of this week for 20-year-old Fred Lynch, Jr., a painter, who resided-with his parents at 30 W. . The young man was killed last Saturday when his Police Chief J. C. :Macdonald newly purchased automobile went out of control near Walnut, made it known .last week that his Miss. Burial was Wednesday morning in New Park Cemetery With department will not tolerate mis­ treatment of prisoners by pole?, Southern Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. -. : officers. “It clearly understood by the police officers of this de­ partment and the citizens of this city that this office is not going to toftrate any type of misconduct or mistreatment of any persons, re­ the biology lab. He was reaching gardless of his race, by any mem­ on top of a shelf for a bottle of ber of this department," he said. immersion oil, which had been re­ The statement, was made after quested by a student, when he ac­ he levied 10 - day suspensions for cidentally knocked off a bottle of "neglect of duty” against two squad chlorosulfonic acid, a mixture of VOLUNTEER WORKER HONORED - Mrs. Lee CoI­ car partners Involved in a prisoner hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. lia Hill, right, volunteer, non-paid worker in beating incident. the fight for cancer, receives an engraved gold The bottle containing the power­ A Commercial Appeal reporter plaque from the Cancer Society Unit's Service said he saw Officers 8. H Wier and ful acid broke and splattered the George 8. Willis beating two Ne­ deadly liquid on his face, left arm Committee chairman, Dr. Alys Lipscomb, during gro meh, Arthur E. Fisher and and right leg. Richard L. Washington. The acid hit three small spots on Dr. Gibson's face. He would MRS. L.C. HILL IS HONORED have been blinded had'the fluid reached his eyes. He received sec­ ond and their degree burns on the arm and serious third degree burns on the leg. Dr. Gibson immediately doused his trousers with water but a smoke The versatile choir of Tougaloo screen was created when the water Southern Christian college at Tou­ FIGHT AGAINST CANCER came in contact with the acid. He galoo, Miss., will be presented to then dashed across the hall to the Memphians, Mar. 22, at the Chris­ chemistry lab where he appealed to tian Church, 974 Mississippi Blvd., Dr. John Buehler, professor of it was announced this week by B. chemistry for help. The chemistry G. Olive Jr. an officer of the DR. W. W. GIBSON, SR. professor removed Dr. Gibson's church and trustee of the college. clothes and applied bicarbonate to The choir is under the direction the burned areas. ■ of Ariel 1$, Lovelace. . <.-■ CoriTmlftee chairmen planning the Dr. Buehler and Charles Phillips ¿SURPRISED - Melvin N* Conte* of the physics department then concert are Mrs. Laura Cade, time pralclpal of Douglass High Bchopl, rushed Dr. Gibson to Medical Cen­ and place; Mrs. Eunice Shill and received a happy surprise JW ter on Mississippi Blvd., where he -Mrs. Ann Weathers, program; week when he was giien the “This was given emergency treatment. Charles S Johnson and Charles.A. Is Your Life” treatment by .The Gl til Family Home Evans, housing; Mrs. Cenetta Royal Gents, a student organiza­ The third annual NDCC Officers’ (Continued on Page Four) Qualls and Mrs. Ida Mae Lockard tion. Bail and Banquet , ill be held on finance, Miss Agretta Whittaker, the evening, of Saturday, Feb. 23, junior choir; Mrs. Mildred Riley, Memphis alumni- of Lane College DOUGLASS PRINCIPAL CITED in the Carver Higti School gym­ reception; George Parker, host com. at Jackson, Tenn, launched a $3,- nasium, It was announced this week mlttee, and J. T Chandler; pub­ 500 campaign here Thursday night by Maj. George L. Robinson. licity. at a kickoff meeting in Mt. Olive : '.The NDCC Queen Judging Con­ CME Church. Money raised will testds scheduled for 6:60 to 7:50, the The Council of Presbyterian Men LeMoyne Seniors Eye furnish the lounge, in a women’s bjimquet from 7:50 to 8:50, and of Bethel Presbyterian Church at dormitory just erected on the Lane the military bail from 8:50 to 12. 1060 Mississippi Blvd., will celebrate Indian Reservations campus. The accident occurred around 4 with.....l an annual Brotherhood Day p m. while the well - liked pro­ program this Sunday, Sept. 17, at 6 Representatives of the-U. S. De­ The drive will extend through Mitchell's 'Miss Soph' fessor was supervising a class in p m Speaker for the occasion partment of Interior, Bureau .of In­ the month of February. John will be the Rev.L F Haygood, dian Affairs, were on the LeMoyne Strong is chairman, and George Is Charesw D. Horner pastor of Parkway Gardens Presby­ College campus this, week interview­ Warren, co-chairman. Edward Charessa Dyanne Horner; daugh­ terian Church. ing seniors interested in teaching Gray is coordinator of captains so­ ter,of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horn­ Elmer Henderson, president of at schools on Indian reservations liciting funds. er, 3322 Rochester Road, has been the council, said the Bethel Men’s in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Frank Gray, president of the Lane chosen Miss Sophomore at Mitchell Chorus will sing. The Rev J. A. Colorado. alumni chapter, listed the follow­ High School where she is' a member McDaniel is pastor. ing captains: of the Library Club, NHA and So­ A representative of the Cleveland, cial Club. She is also a member of Ohio public system is due on the E. Gray, Finis Fields, Lacree WDIA’s Teentown Singers. Annual observance of Religious LeMoyne campus , in May. Steverson, Lennie Wooldridge, Fred­ Emphasis Week is underway at Le­ die Black, Odessa Reed, Eva Dr. Vasco Smith To Moyne College and will continue The mbst popular 1962 Christmas Broome, Maxine Bradley, Mary Owen Homecoming througli Friday cards sold in the. South African Re- Daniels, Larclnia McDaniels, Fred­ Sue Holiday Inns Guest minister for the. week is public were those carrying the like­ die Hill, Hazel Allen, Rachelle Set For Feb. 14 Dr. Everett W. MacNair, dean of ness of Albert Luthuli, Nobel Peace Brown, Clarkey Williams, Mildred Price winner and president of the. Owen College will observe home- chapel and professor of religion at Hall, Shirley Winston, Gloriadean coming on Thursday; Feb. 14, A Talladega College .in Talladega, Ala. banned African National Congress, and five other African Leaders. (Continued on Page Four) basketball game with Shorter Jr.|, He speaks dally at 10:30 a. m. College of Little Rock will be held during chapel hour and holds spe­ at 8 P M in the Booker T. Wash­ cial afternoon conferences with ington -High Schol Gymnasium. students Lois Jean Jubirt, the basketball His wife, Mrs. Irene MacNair. ac­ He was denied senice last De- companied him to Memphis and team sweetheart, “Miss Owen Col­ lege,” Willie Frank Taylor, and her cember at the Capitol Hill which will give an illustrated lecture on was built on land in an ■urban re- “Land of the White Elephant." attendants, Daisy Hodges and Eth- newal area that thecitracqulred el Criss, will be presented during _ The_MacNalrs_recently_completed with federal money. ®... a tour of the world. the half time ceremonies. A Beauchamp, former na- Local Beauticians Freddie Rhodes and James Wat­ Dr. smith will be represented .by son are the team co - captains. (Continued on Page Four) Me Pine Bluff Westbrook And Springer Atty. Avon Williams of Nashville. The'Southern Central Regional At Pittsburgh Confab Conference, of which the Tennessee State, Progressive. Beauticians As­ Joseph Westbrook, supervisor of Churchman's Day At 2nd Congregational sociation is a part, will be held Feb. secondary sohools in Memphis, and 17-18 in Pine Bluff, Ark. J •. D Springer, principal of Book­ A large delegation from Memphis er T. .Washington High School, will. attend the meetings and a were in Pittsburgh, Pa., this week To Feature Speaker From Cleveland, Ohio motorcade will’leave from Gorine attending a conference of- the Na­ tional Association of .'Secondary The eighth Churchman's Sunday | Church of Christ national Ì Congregational » (Continued on Page Four) School principals. Celebration will be held at Second Congregational Church, Sunday, Feb. 17 at 3 p, m. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Hujvey M. (Katherine Pj Williamson of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Williamson will be accomp?.n- Church of Christ at Alpine, Inc., ied to Memphis' by her husband Berchtesgaden, Germany. ; who is brother to Dr. Juanita Will­ iamson and Mrs. Emma Williamson LeMOYNE COLLEGE'S MISS UNCF, Miss Sadie L. Hollowell, Johnson of J1SM- Cannon St., Memphis. holding the position of C sow' one of her dreams come true last weekend. While in New Music, will be provided by the Division of Social Adn York City for the National Miss UNCF Pageant, she got a chance LeMoyne College Choir under the Ohio Department of P to tour Macy's and blty a dress. direction of-J. W. Whittaker. Ml&s fare, Columbus, Ohio. SI ■Martelle Trigg, e member of Sec­ served as consultant to ond Church, will introduce the Islands Family Life i speaker. Other members Of the Committee and as delei church participating on the pro- White House Conference : gram are Mrs. Alphonse S. Huuni- I cult, Mrs. William C. (Elma) Mar- • dis. Lonnie Briscoe, Milton A. J. Barber and Rev. J. C. Mickle, pas­ tor of Second Church. A short question and ' discussion front, left to right; George Warren, co-chairman; period will conclude the program. Charlene Mallory, secretary, and John Strong, Mrs. Williamson is a member of the Mt. Zion Congregational IF VISITORS TO MEMPHIS WANT TO GET a glimpse of the chairman. Back row, left to rights Arthur Bowles, Church, Cleveland,, Ohio. She has old South, take them to Police Court and let them watch the baliff treasurer; Edward Gray, coordinator of captains, served the church as a member of direct whites to one side of the room and Negro?- tu the other and Frank Gray, president the executive council of tr United MRS. KATHERINE WL1AMS0N •. • V < ) • ~ MEMPHIS WORLD • Saturday, February 16, 1963 --—■ —-—i------—— ------—.------Project Aiding Homeless

Various committees and boards of Second Congregational Church have Gifts, from 32 donors brought ■fellows Service Club, Ladles River­ been named, for the year .1003. To the board, of trustees; Mto- success to the annual Christmas side Coinmunlty.Club, Ladles Union dames, Ruth Watson and Willette prqjeotof Children's Bureau's Case .Surprise Club, Leath Social Club, Committee, according-to the final Loyal Educational Club, Memphis Humphrey; Robert Franklin,¿.Tay­ Links;. Inc., M.,' I; 'State College lorHayps, Fred Hutchins, Edwin report made by Mrs, Thelma. 'Jones, George Stevens, Atty A. A. . Davidson, committee chairman. ■Club,’Merry Circle Club, Peabody Latting and Dr. A. K. Smith. The committee’s project,-which Hotel 'Captains, Waiters & Bus Named' to the deacon board were anualjy,-provides funds for the •Boys, Phyllis Wheatley Club, Royal Dr. Hollis F. Price, Dr. Alfonso speciC-jjeeds of homeless children 16' Club, Mrs." Othello-.6. Shanon, Saville, Moysa Jones, Edwin Pratbr, in the.'bureau's care, was under the Sorosis Social Club, Thrift Orchid Eugene Moore, Milton Barber, Silas chairmanship of Mrs. Minnie Lee and'. Art Club, Union . Protective Washington, William Mardis, Allen Alleri.'Funds received are used for Life Insurance • Co!, and Sigma Hargraves, Charles Shelto, Mes- dentat-tare,dent graduation expenses, Gamma Rho Sorority, Omicron dantes Eva Little, Bernice Williams,. Christmas, gifts and other items Sigma Chapter, ! Edwina Fields, Annie Jennings and for which-the bureau had no bud­ Miss Emma Crittenden. geted fu^s. Members of the Case. Committee Dnnoreto the project were: Al- are: Mrs. Minnie Lee Allen, Mrs. The Christian Education Commit­ pha jRjgcZeta chapter, Zteta. Phi Jessie Mae Belli I. S. Sodden, Mrs. tee is; headed by Miss Grace Collins. Beta Sorority Inc.; Bunch Club, 'Jessie Bradford, Mrs< Helen Burns, Working with her will be. Misses A. City Federation of Colored .Wom­ Mrs. Bernice Callaway, Mrs. Sarah Howard, Parolee Holt, Shirley Tay­ en’s Clubs; Collins Chapel C. M. E. Carr, Mrs. Marguerite Cox, Mrs. lor, Sylvia Williams, Ida Clower, Church; Marshall E. Kent Fellow­ Georgia Curtis, Mrs. Thelma Dav­ Mesdames Smith, Ruth Wat­ ship Group, Cbngenlal "12" Social idson, Mrs. Gussle Day, Mr6. Ra­ sim; Helen' prater,. Julia Collins, Club, Davidson's Grill, Dunbar chael Dillard, Mrs. M, M. Dulaney, Callie Stevens, Fannie Johnson, . Club, ■ Ebonette Social Club, Élla Mrs. Annie.L.-Higgins,. Mrs. Susie Dr. Paul Hayes, Rev. Lionel Arnold Bradshaw Club; Esquire Social Hightower, Mrs, Helen King, Mrs. and Dr. Juanita Williamson. Club, Gnosis Glint .Club, Mrs. Birdie C. Lenoir, Mrs. Mattle Bell Viola L. Haysbert, Housewives Moore, ..Mrs;. Nellie Osborne, Mrs. Community Club, Ideal Thrift Li IT ie ■ Rogers,. Mrs. Irene ■■ A. Club.. Jftck & Jill of 'America, Inc.,' Saunders, Mrs. Lillie Smith, Mrs. Justine's, Ladles of Memphis Good- Arnice and William C. Weathers. Hamed Al Owen Four students at Owen College were named to the Dean's List on WHAT- N.O BOYS! These young ladies made the Semester Honor Roll at Booker Williams, Gloria B. Flemings, Anne D. Taylor, Annie Ruth Terrell, Imogene Bolden, the basis of grades achieved dur­ ^ Moving In With Aunt And Unde Would T. Washington High School. To qualify a Student must not have a grade lower Juanita Wiggins and Betty'Duncan. Standing, left to right: Emery I. Somerset, ing the fall semester — Hettle than 'B' for the three six-week periods and for the. semester examination. The Mary E- Spearman/Mary H. Robinson, Carolyn ’Ann Clark, Sally M. Roddy, Mae Wall, Clydia Shaw, Charlie Folsom Mean Deserting Brother And Father qualifying students conduct and attendance must also be satisfactory. Seated, Frances Gordon, Mattie Kirkwood, Rubystin.e Turner, Alteena Foster, Peggy Robin­ and Geraldine Mason. , The Dean's List consists, of the . Dear Mary: fully and do your best. left to right: Geraldine Robinson, Earnestine McGhee, Mary L. Foote, Yvonne L. son, Tommie Green, Katrina Wortham, and Geraldine Stephens. names of students Who have carried- . About a year ago I went to visit —-O— not fewer than fifteen semester my iiiht and uncle in another Dear Mary: hours and whose grade point aver­ state.-T stayed with them for about, I have a -friend who Is always age is not less than 2.30, with no threetteffiths. My mother died and borrowing from me and never pays East Trigg Loses Oldest grade less than "C.” I retorted home, Now they want .me back. He knows when I get my VIEWS OF I me to come and stay with them, allowance and comes to my home ;■ ■ y Jo .Ann Hammonds, Georgia but my father says no, I should stay to borrow anywhere from 50c.. to Hunter, Sarah Martin, Peggy Jack­ and takfreare of my 8-year-old bro­ $2.00. When I have tried to refuse Member, Mrs. Isabel Doward ton, Melodee Riley, Charles Cab­ ther.-8"’, he says I am not his friends. bage, Jearlean Davis, Herry Doug-. • WlW-Siould I do? I enjoyed llv- —Being Taken. known as Shady Grove Baptist By JESSE L. WILLIAMS las and Shirley McLln are llsted on " ‘ ig WRhtfty aunt and uncle and Church many years ago. --- L.A> £tai. -«1 —Of-x-i-U fc 37,3-»j.. Dear Taken: “For this is the love of God, the Honor Roll. would -like to return to them, but Evidently this boy’s friendship Is "Aunt Bell” as she was affect­ that we keep his commandments: LIBRARY The names of those students ..." feelwUt- about— leaving —my fath- important to your well-being or ionately called, was born in the and his commandments are not whose grade point average for not little town of Bailey Station, Tenn. ‘ter *ntf b ther. I am 14 years bld. you would have broken off the re­ grievous.” The Bible, I John 5:3. By MAUDDEAN THOMPSON SEWARD fewer than fifteen semester hours —Caught lationship long ago. After all you Reared by an older sister, Mrs. Lot­ Hatred stirreth up strife; but is 2.00 with no grade of less than Dear are no loan company. I wonder how tie Deer, the two of them lived with love covereth all sins.” The Bible. “C”, comprise the Honor Roll. evidently a very nice long the friendship.would last if a brother, the late Rev. Henry Tur­ Proverbs 10:12, ;• your uncle and aunt you had no money to loan. Put this ner, and his wife. Nancy. Mrs. Doward’s husband preceeded her in Your modern biographer, under lin. want you to return to “friend” out of your life and find the influence of the psychological Rejecting "the appeal of the su­ re they talked this over another. All “friends” death several years ago. To be an efficient leader, the YWCA Area Center In The deceased was well known for sciences, devotes much time to pernatural, the multiplication of ’iather? It not; ask your spongers. managing broker should be in close childhood of his hero. He is sure miracles, the mysteries of trans’- Brotherhood Day Event Ik to him. Something can her good works in helping others, contact .with his associates, ready especially during the “depression not simply that what happened figeration,” the author, out of the The YWCA Area Center Commit­ but what- and able to instruct and enthuse later is to be explained by what Torah and its commentaries, re­ tee will observe Brotherhood Day lt grace- years” when, it is said by those them and to solve the problems who knew her, that she cooke and happened, but that the former was counts the daily customs, extend­ Sunday, Feb .17, in a special pro- which arise on every side to per­ determined by the latter. For rea­ ing both to meat and drink, by gram at Trinity CME Church 650 Â.U. Professor fed many when work and food were plex them. scarce, sons of their own, the Gospels tell which members of the Jewish com­ Wells.Ave., beginning at 3 p m.. He must understand fundamen­ practically nothing about the child­ munity not simply remembered but Rev. Blair T Hunt will be the MRS. ISABEL DOWARD Mrs. Doward organized the first tals underlying real estate develop­ hood of Jesus. relived the history of redemption principal speaker. Oates Manor Jun­ usher board at East Trigg. Later, ment, and he must be a master as known up to that time. ior and Senior Y - Teens will par­ East Trigg Avenue Baptist she went about the city and coun­ salesman himself. Sales organiza­ Men have sought in various ways ih School P T Church lost its oldest member when ticipate in the program and’ Lee On Thursday and Friday, Feb. ty setting up usher boards. Her fa­ tions frequently fail because the to fill up what they regard as a Christian teachers will find more Cunningham will be guest soloist,' 14-15, Lane college students and Mrs. Isabel Doward died on Feb. 5 vorite hymn was Dr. Watts beloved head of the firm seeks to pass on gap in our knowledge. The Apocry­ here a good deal of information at the home of her daughter, 1320 “A Charge to Keep I Have; a phal Gospel do this so fantastically about the Jewish educational sys­ faculty will be honored with the Hemlock St. Funeral services were the responsibility of conducting presence of Dr. Lonnie Cross of God to glorify.” She worked faith­ the company’s business to a su­ that, except for some elements of tem, "the anniversaries which are held Sunday with the pastor, Rev, fully with her pastor, Rev. Brew­ Mariolatry, no one has ever taken a compendium of Jewish theology," Tie speaker will be E, C. Sttm- Atlanta University, W H Brewster, officiating. Inter­ bordinate, in the person of a Sales­ ; ' -■*' -• ■ ..i - ster, as long as her physical con- them seriously. Starting from hints and particularly, the prayer which . tert, superintendent of pubic ment was in New Park Cemetery manager. It may be done to some BROKE . seteffl. Ms subjejet wllrbe 'Bridg- Hi is presently the chairman of dition permitted. degree, but back of the Salesmana­ in the parables, T R. Glover, a gen­ marked not only the season but 'al­ the department of mathematics at with Victory Funeral Home in eration ago, marvelously recon­ so the hours of a day. infc theGap Between,een the Home ahi charge. Survivors are a daughter, ger there must be the executibe theWjool.” Mrs. structed the childhood of Jesus ' Dr. Cross will conduct a science Mrs. Doward was a member of Jessie Gilliam, with whom she head of the business—capable, sym­ .. . Every prayer based on pure­ pathetic, enthusiastic, able to do all must have known. The Junior Glee Club of the and mathematics seminar Thurs­ the church when it was only a lived; ;two foster daughters and ly personal motives is habitually "brush harbor" and was later several nieces and nephews. of those things he asks and expects Here another historian brings to­ refused. eehool will furnish the devotion, day in the science lecture room in his associates to do. and the Senior Glee Club will fur­ Tiggrett Hall and on Friday morn­ gether traditional Jesiah lore in nish music (or the program. There ing, during the regular chapel hour, Organizatons under such lead­ such a way as to visualize what will be a question and answer per­ he will lecture on the subject, Germantowners Mourn ership of the operating broker, went on in home and synagogue ait iod at the close of the address. "Mathematics at the Dawn; Part grow to such proportions that it Nazareth as well as on the occa­ Community Temple All parents and Interested per­ I and Part n." soon becomes necessary to have a sion of Jesus' boyhood visit to Je­ lons are asked to be present and Salesmanager, or several of them. rusalem. Glover was converted to on time. Mrs. Mattle Suttles is Jimmie t. Fitzpatrick The Salesmanager corresponds to Christianity by what he found of Invites Teenagers president, and F. M. Campbell, the foreman in the industrial es­ Christ in the ancient world. Aaron Celestial Chorus Funeral service's were held Thurs-1 and October of 1962. was compelled by the terrors Of the The Community Deliverance principal. tablishment, or the manager in the Temple, 1084 E, McLemore, is in­ day night from Victory Funeral He is mourned by his wife, Mrs. big retail store. modern world to reexamine his No Need To Be When Home for Jimmie L. Fitzpatrick 1 Cossie Fitzpatrick; five daughters Jewish heritage, and to appreciate viting all -young people to attend Ellison Singers Here are several qualifications of special services for teen-agers and who was known throughout Fayette and four sons. the Salesmanager: it as preparation for Christianity. You Can Borrow Cash County where he lived most of his Also surviving are 48 grandchil­ Nor is it a very far cry from the children each Friday night at 7:30 TV Gospel Tinto p. m. The doors will be open at 6 From Us On life. He was tile father of nine dren. One of them, Miss Rose Fitz­ 1. A thorough knowledge of basic R oman occupation of the Holy Land The Lorraine Ellison Singers, children. p. m. during which time great re­ James Wyns and the Washington patrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. fundamentals underlying the de­ to the present plight of the walled- Automobile, Furniture In 1957, he and his family moved L Andrew Fitzpatrick of German­ off city, whether Jerusalem or Ber- ligious music will be rendered by Temple Celestial Chorus will be fea­ velopment of real estate, of scien­ recordings. to Germantown where he remained town, is a student at Tennessee tific sales methods and their ap­ stereo Signatures tured on "TV Gospel Time" Sun­ until his death. day, February 17, at 9 a. m. over A&I State University. ■ plication to the real estate business. brought into play the latent abili­ The services will include group There is a reason why people Station WMCT., Channel 5. He was.noted for his famous The deceased as a veteran of 2, A pleasing and sympathetic ties possessed by every man. singing activities, Bible recitations, like to do business with us. method of making old fashion World War I. personality. religious programs and plays, and You, too, will like our cour­ The Ellison Singers will be heard sorghum molasses. He made more 3; A desire and ability to per­ ■5. Co-operation in imparting by speakers who are serving , as mis­ in stirring arrangements of "Yes, than 2C0 gallons during September form hard work. instruction, either in class or in­ sionaries or planning to enter the teous treatment and desire God Will", “What God Can Do”, 65 New Students At t A capacity for enthusing and dividually, what he possesses in ministry. to help you. "Oh, What a Joy", and "Walk With inspiring meh. experience and knowledge. Open Thursday and Friday. Christ", with solos by Lorraine El­ Pilgrim Rest Plans Owen, Spring Semester 5. A natural gift for leadership. Nights Until 7:00 P.M. lison and Pauline Ellison King. Dean - Registrar Thomas I. Wil­ The Salesmanager must be, above Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Charles Neal, Alma King and Gir­ lard announces that a record num­ all things, a manager of men. FOR SALE Granada Woman ard King are the other members of 3 Special Programs ber of 65 new students enrolled at Closing tiie sale comes easy if he this well-known gospel group. Owen College for the 1963 Spring knows how to direct the activities FIVE ACRES OF Dies Here At 108 Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, Semester. Registration closed, Mon­ of men. The salesmen have a right James Wyns’ featured solo will day, Feb. 11. LAND Mrs. Willie McConaco died re- I be “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. Rev. C. M. Lee. pastor, is inviting to expect these things from the cently at the age of 108. She was : Tiie Washington Temple Celestial all members and friends to attend Approximately 300 students are Salesmanager: currently enrolled at the rapidly 3108 NO. GERMANTOWN RD. born in Grenada, Miss., and was ^FINANCE COMPANY^ i chorus will open the half-hour with the three import-ant activities sche­ 1. Cordial, individual cooperation. aii active member of Bell Baptist duled for Feb. 22-24. growing junior college which at­ 2. Fair and unbiased treatment (North of Highway 64 "I'll Go With. Him" and close it tracts students from nine stales and near Ellendale) Church there until she moved to “We like to say yes to your With "Ninety-Nlne and a Half On Feb. 22 at 8 p. m. all auxi­ of each salesman. Memphis to reside with a son and loan request”. ■ • Bermuda. 3. Complete willingess to devote Won t Do", with Ernest Alexander liaries of the church will present a SHOWN BY OWNER: his family. Examined and Supervised by the as soloist. The chorus will also join demonstration of the Holy City. individual attention to the problems State Dept, of Insurance and in "Softly and Tenderly", with solo of salesmen as they present them­ After taking up residence here, Banking The '12 Gates, 12 Keys and 12 Foun­ USED Mrs. ' by James Wytis. dations will be represented. The selves. she became a member of St. John 2 LOCATIONS 4. A capacity for analyzing the Baptist Church on Vance Ave. She 1 Leading Church groups and in- program is under the direction of APPLIANCE SALE George Gibbs, Jr. 461 8. Main------J A. 7-8581 Miss Alma Felton. strong and the weak points of each was active until 1958 when she 152 Madison J A. 5-7611 salesman so that there may . be suffered a loss of memory. Feb. 24 will find the families of REFRIGERATORS the church worshiping together at Guaranteed the 11 a. m. service. Members of FROM First Time in America each family will sit Together dur­ ing the service. At 3 p. nt. on the $49.95 same date, the No. 2 Choir, Mrs. ID C M. Gates, supervisor, will pre- TV’s i sent a musical program. SISTER JUDAH ■ i RECONDITIONED Tiie public is invited to all these Guaranteed She has just arrived from the Holy Land of Jerusalem with activities. There is no admission her blessed oils. Sister Judah has power which only God charge. $49.95 gave to a few. She was born with a veil and power to help Mrs. Alberta Payne, reporter. BLUE PLATE or HOGUE & KNOTT up/ those who cannot heal or help them­ spirational singers of recordings and t selves. Come and see Sister Judah to­ the concert stage from various sec­ WESTERN day, tomorrow may bp too late. She MAYONNAISE «-39< tions of"Tie count?y' arc presented will; help the sick and ailing and cure : each Sunday morning by Ar* fa cos­ misery and sickness of body. metics on "TV Gospel Time" over a group of 24 television stations. If you want health, happiness and companionship, love, luck or some­ thing you Want in life above all else, 49® ( you need to see Sister Judah. She re­ moves evil influence, gives lucky days and numbers. She guarantees Thank Sister Judah, to help you. She does what others the one who helped me Lb. 25e claim to do and fail. There is only from W sickness and now I am well again! No Stamps, Just Low Discount Prices one Sister Judah. She welcomes Everyone should go everyone to her home regardless to and see her at Black­ creed or coldr. fish Lake. She will giye you a blessed charm. “Thank Sister Judah A for healing and pray­ Her prayers are free. $1 for advice HOGUE & KNOTT ing, because I was sick itwtfyr pops ( on love, marriage, business, lost arti­ and suffering on m,v cles, buried treasures, etc back " STORES 973 S. THIRD 1571 LAMAR 3511 PARK it qflpops! Located just 10 miles west of West Memphis, Ark., on 1378 NO. AND 4321 SUMMER Highway 70 ~ Black Fish Lake Veil ran come by Greyhound bus. stops In front »1 her home Don't forget to save your HOGUE & KNOTT CASH RE­ Open every Day and Sunday from 8 am. to 11 p.m GISTER RECEIPTS for your favorite church, school, civic or 3 Mile« Fast of Black FLti Lake — Phone: OL 7-2001 recognized charitable organization. _ MEMPHIS WORLD * Saturday, February 16,1Í63 From Miss Church When Mrs, Gertrude Bostic of 696 Concord.Street was interviewed recently on her 90th birthday, she mentioned that her first teacher was Mrs. Annie Wright who later

married Bob Church, Sr. ¥■ ’A daughter of Mrs. Annie Wright present site for St. Luke Church on Church, Miss Annette E. Church, Stonewall was purchased and the now residing In Washington, D C church moved again. Mrs. Young Writing Rv JEWELL GENTRY read the interview and then sent Rev. Turner left a great void when he left to accept pastorage By JEWEL GENTRY day evening were Mr. Joe Shannon, the following letter to Mrs. Bostic: Peterson (he an instructor at Me­ Dear Mrs, Bostic: in another city and the member­ TRI-8TATE SPORTSMEN’S CLUB Mr. Robert Mebane. Atty. A..' A harry) vyho sqnt a helio io Dr. and ship looked around with great zeal GIVES ANNUAL WILD GAME batting, Dr. Vasco Smith, Mr. Ar­ 'Mrs. Fred Rivers. Several friends sent me newspa­ per clippings' of an interview you to find another leader. DINNER AT FULLER CLUB tur Mason, Jr., Mr. Harry T. Cash Right in their midst at St. Luke HOUSE Mr; Onzie Horne, Mr C. C. Saw­ had with a reporter in which you said: “My first teacher was a Mrs. was a young Christian man, who Doors of the Club House at Ful­ yer, Rev. 0. C. Collins, Mr. Her­ MRS. JAMES BYAS IS had come to Memphis from his ler Park were thrown open again bert Robinson, Jr. Mr. ozell Sbi- HOSTESS TO MEDICAL Annie Wright. She later married Mr. Bob Church.” native Greenville, Miss., in 1950 and Friday evening when members of ley, Mr. Edgar Thumas, Mr. James AUXILIARY came to the church as his spirit­ the sportsmen’s Club staged one of Harris, and Mr. F. Randolph How­ I am Annette E. Church, daugh­ Mrs. James Byas was hostess to ter of Mrs. Annie Wright Church, ual home. He so impressed the the gayest celebrations of the year ell of Columbia, Tennessee. members with his zeal and desire at their “Wild Game dinner." . - members of the local Medical Aux­ and was glad to hear of someone iliary on Thursday evening of last who knew, my mother in the early to be a good Christian that he The event, given for members, was: soon appointed a deacon. He their wives and houseguests, drew MRS. "TED” (RUTH) week. Mrs. N.M Watson, presi­ years of her, life, she often spoke dent, presided. Final plans were of you when she taught at Win­ attended night school classes at a large and friendly group together BEAUCHAMP ENTERTAINS AT Booker T Washington and S. A for an evening of real fun. ELABORATE DINNER made for the group’s annual Bridge chester School and was principal of Tournament to be given again this Auction St. School, and I doubt if Owens College. In 1953 the devout The buffet table, for the elabor­ BRIDGE PATRY member became ordained and be­ ate supper, was a long one over-, One of Memphis’ most beautiful year at the Blanch YWCA Feb­ anyone is now alive who has known ruary 23rd. This year the ladies her as long as you have. gan preaching at St. Luke and bi laid with a green and white check homes (that of Mr .and Mrs. T. J 1954 became pastor. He is Rev. T cloth .... and on it (labeled) were Beauchamp at 1720 South park­ plan to raise enough to give a My niece, Roberta Church, grand­ scholarship to two worthy girls daughter of Mrs. Annie Wright R. Buckner, one of the youngest Venison, Bear, Duck, Quail, Phea­ way East) was' the setting' Satur­ Baptist ministers in the city at 37 sant, Coon Dove .Rabbitt ....Wild day at six -thirty when Mrs. Beau­ (paying all expenses), Church, and I were in Memphis REV. T. R. BUCKNER Reports were made by Mrs. Le­ last November, and had we known years of age. Rice Salad Crab Apples and hard champ entertained members of the MRS. MARY H. WATKINS breads brought much oohing and Ofa Ofa Club .... asking in. a land Atkins, Chairman of. the about you then, would have come The imposing brick structure Rev. Buckner's wife, Mrs. Ethel large group of guests for dinner- Scholarship Committee and Mrs. by to call on you. which houses St. Luke Baptist Buckner, is a Sunday School tea­ aahing. The food was cooked by Mrs. Mary Helen Watkins of Church at 1280 N. Stonewall Street, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Simpkins (he and bridge at the season’s mosi Stanley Ish, Chairamn of Prizes 3824, Holeman Road has accepted Congratulations on your 90th cher, vice - president of the B. T. a member of the club) .... and elaborately planned Dinner-Bridge for the tournament. the cash equivalent to a Caribbean birthday, and I hope the new year near Chelsea, is the spiritual and U. and supervisor of the Trail Ex­ will bring you many blessings.” Christian home of a group of de­ plorers, a group of boys who are individual table covered with mat­ Cocktails were served as early as DR. CLARA.BRAWNER, Memph­ cruise, the first prize offered by the five - thirty .... at an improvised voted Memphis citizens, many of connected with the Missionary de­ ching checked cloths were spaced is’ only practicing woman physic­ Christian Benevolent Lodge Society whom are following in the foot­ around the room. bar set up in the Breakfast Room ian, was named President of the in a recent membership campaign. partment of the Church. • It was the Bishop J. 0. Patterson where'Mr. Beauchamp (wearing a Mrs. Watkins, a member of Brown GL Aid Family Home steps of their grandparents, and They have seven children attend­ Bluff City Medical' Society at a parents. ing school at Hamilton, Dunn and (who does not attend parties) who brilliant red velveteen dinner .jack­ meeting at Collins Chapel Hospital Baptist Church, enrolled more than caught the Bear in North Dakota et) was assisted by Mr. Gerald last week. 100 new mebers The wife of Rob­ From Libya; Enroute The membership has come a long Corry. MRS. ROBERTA YOUNG that, was served.. Dr. Stanley Ish, Howell, Mr. J. A. Beauchamp .(a Dr. Brawner, who followed in ert Watkins, she sings in the church way since the chui'ch was organiz­ brother to the couple, Dr. W. H. So proud are members of the com­ Mrs. Roberta Young, , mlei , President of the club, presented Dr. the footsteps of her prominent and choir. To Okla. Air Base ed in a bush arbor at Chelsea and munity of New Chelsea to have H. H: Johnson who gave trophies Young and Mr. Hershey Latham ,a late father, Dr. Jeff Brawner, has Others entered in the contest McLean before 1900. Rev. King was tive board member of the ij^ote- special guest who came from Jack- such a fine church and pastor in to members who were tops in a tremendous practice in Memphis were Mrs. Estella Morgan, Mrs. Sgt, Shelton E. Smith of the u. the first pastor. their , midst that last Christmas Cleaborn Homes Tenant Association K Bowling .... and they were Mr. son, Miss., with Mrs, Latham tor Marjorie Stephens, Mrs, Louella along with the entire com­ S. Air Force is stopping in Mem­ In 1896, land was purchased for members of the City Beautiful will serve as reporter tor the’asso­ Harold Whalum who took the first the party. munity’s respect. She was in prev­ Parker, Mrs. Ethel Bounds, Bennie phis enroute to his next post, Tink­ the group and the church was Mrs. Beauchamp, gracious and- Club, 40th Ward, were responsible ciation's news for the Memphis place .... Dr. Arthur Horne who ious years assisted in her Thom­ Bell,' John Dibbrel and Charles er Air Force Base, Oklahoma. moved to Louislvlle and Auditorium for decorating the doorway of the World: was second..... Arthur Horne, Jr., charming in.her soft manner wore as Street office (once her father's Woods. , Hie and’ his wife, Lenora, and Streets, now called N. Willett. Rev. a very pretty brown velevteeh church which resulted in a plaque r.i¡ who won a first prize for sons of office) by her late mother, Mrs. sons Shelton Jr„ (11)); Michael, Landon Williamson was called as being awarded by the city for the The wife of Preston Young and. Sportsmen .... Mrs. A. W. (Ann) cocktail “Torador Pants ordorned Jewel Brawner who was a regis­ (8), and Frederick, (6), and daugh­ pastor and after his departure his mother of seven children the busy with .gold and rhinestones .-...with Multiracial Theatre most beautiful doorway in the Willis' who won first place for tered nurse’..... Dr. Brawner has ter, Rita, (4) flew in from Libya nephew, Rev. W. F. Wililamson, Church Division of the City Wide mother has time .,vi». . a contrasting blouse trimmed in j wive6.....Miss Crystal Tarpley who one sister, the talented Alpha CAPETOWN - (ANP) -An er­ to find Memphis topping snow with was called as pastor. contest. president of B T. .Washington. got guest prize ...' Etta Sue Ish rhinestones .... and she was as­ Brawner, 'concert pianist who made ror of omission in the Apartheid hail. This weather reminded them Then followed Rev. J. A. Me­ High PTA, on the executive boaid and Rosalyn Willis who got first sisted in receiving by her sister, her debut in Town Hall in Decem­ Law of 1960 has a multi-racial the­ of their Alaskian tour of duty some bane, Rev. Pillows, and Rev. L A This gesture and award has af­ of Georgia Avenue Elementary' and second prizes respeetviely for Miss Martell Trigg, a sister - in­ ber. atre to come into existence in the six years ago. Kemp. During the 20's, Rev. C. J. forded much pride to the. member­ School PTA, and a member.,• of . daughters of the hunters. Dr. John­ law, Mrs. J.’A. Beauchamp and a locality of Wynberg (Cape Prov­ Shelton is the son of Mrs. pinkie Barton was pastor, followed by ship and given them the determ­ the PTA at Porter School. She is son, who is chairman of the pro­ cousin, Mrs. Alfonzo Saville, a very MR. AND MRS. THOMAS HAR­ ince). Tlie text of the law forbids, Jackson of-1746 Harbert Ave. (R) Rev. L. O Taylor, and Rev. Steele. ination to make St. Luke always a also a .member of . the Foote -¿lea* gram cbmmltte, also showed movies. attractive newcomer to Memphis. RIS (Small) of 4922 William Ar­ in effect, the admission of a mill- and the brother of Mrs. Evelyn It was under Rev. W. M. Tur­ place of good abode for their fam­ bom Horiies Chorus and a former Dr. Ish also presented Mr. John Dinner (turkey and ail that nold Road are parents of a Baby Smith, 2266 Hunter, and Mrs. Cori- ner's leadership in 1942 that the ilies and other Christians as welli meber of the BOy : Scouts Mother’s Gammons who introduced two of his makes up a full course dinner) was tha Bentley of 2116 Howell. His Girl, Stephanie Rachel who made Africa lie edits a newspaper. Our Club. A memebr of Lane Ave. Baty, . Arkansas friends, Mr. G. Miller, served buffet style by Mrs. U her arrival at Collins Chapel Hos­ mother-in-law, Mrs. Bertha Bowen, tist Church, she lives with -her • Game Warden who spoke on Public Holmes and her caterers .... from main interest now is that the Oje- lives at 2203 Shannon. pital January 27. The whole deal homans are close friends to a Mem­ husband: and children at 600-FJ SO. Relations work with Hunting and the long dining room. Guests chat­ is that Yvonne lias a baby sister Rita and Frederick were to young Lauderdale. ■ Fishing at Earl, Ark. after he ted over individual card tables set phis couple Mr. and Mrs. William Miss Lavera Howard Is and Mrs. Marion Pride has another Jones whom they mentioned. Mrs. to remember their Memphis rela­ praised the food. The last to be up and overlaid with white Maderia niece. t tives when they left the States for presented was Mr. Travis McDan­ cloths. All eyes also fell on’the ex­ Jones is the former Miss Andrew- three years in Tripoli, As their mo­ netta Hawkins. Mr. Jones who was iel who invited Sportsmen to Ark­ quisite silver the dining table’s col­ MRS. GEORGE MIMS (the for­ ther was a Cub Scout mother of Wed To Mr. Roy Hoskins ansas after April 1st., to their orful centerpiece and a large bou­ at Owen College in Memphis is mer Miss Clara Ann Twigg who now in Library work in Africa. the troop to which Shelton Jr. and Stepping Stone Refuge, (being es-' quet of vivid colored flowers sent was married here two years ago Michael belonged they feel that Of much interest Sunday was white orchid that topped a white tablished throughout th? south).. by Mrs’. Mabel Love, professor at at St. Mary’s Cathedral in a very they are "troopers too" and are the marriage of Miss LaVera How­ bible. He mentioned that this Refuge was Fisk University who was invited, MRS. BEE CONLEY RUSSELL, ard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clara Glass, the bride's large ceremony).is home with her Alton, Illinois mortician was in hoping to see "just one Indian established mainly to provide a but was unable to attend. Delicious pretty Baby Girl, Cheryln Ann who when they go West to Oklahoma". Ezekiel Howard of 750 Marechai cousin who came from her home in resting place for water foul (mainly torts and coffee and mints was town last week when her son, MR. Neil to Roy B Hoskins, son of , served as matron- of - is now 6 weeks old. Mrs: Mims, is MELVIN CONLEY was honored at Canada Geese). Dr. ISh then wel­ ■served after dinner. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Mrs. Velma Liddell of Detroit, honor. She wore a sheath of red comed new members who were Mr. Stealing the show at the party a "This Is Your Life” program Michigan. The couple exchanged lace over satin designed with a Lewis H. Twigg ,Sr., at South at Douglass High School where he Shelby County FTA Edgar. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas;. were Mrs. Beauchamp's beautiful Parkway East. Mr. and Mrs. Mims vows at Victory chapel with the scooped neckline. She wore a red and Mr.'James Harrison and Mrs. prizes (and there were eighteen of is principal. While here Mrs. Rus­ Rev. W. C Holmes and Rev. M. net veil and carried a bouquet of resides in Daytona Beach, Fla., sell was house guest of a friend Plans Founders’ Harrison of Joyner and Tyronza, them) Among which we noticed in­ where he is an instructor at Be­ L. Hendricks performed the dou­ carnations, Arkansas. dividual pieces of modern cut glass of long standing, Mrs. J. A. Beau­ ble ring ceremony. Best Man Was John Edwards, Jr. thune - cookman College. All of champ with whom she was close edged in sterling .... perfume bot­ the Twiggs spent Christinas in Luncheon, Feb. 23 Nuptial music was presented by The bride’s parents entertained Dr. Ish Welcomed Guests And tles .... cosmetics and travel sets during her school days. with a lovely, reception at Victory's Florida after the baby came. The Shelby County PTA Council Mrs. Georgia Auinn, aunt of the Members. Who Came .... done in satin prints and sets bride. Chapel .. and she was assisted .was set up .... and there of six ashtray in individual sets. MEMPHIANS were again shock­ will observe its fifth annual Found­ by Mrs. Forestine Lewis and Mr. MR. AND MRS1. HAROLD SHAW ed to hear of the passing last Sun­ ers Day Fellowship Luncheon on BRIDE were cocktails before dinner at the Guests (who did not play bridge) (She the former Miss Lily Patricia The lovely young bride given in William H. Corley. also served as hostesses ■ and day (in St. Louis)’of Mrs. gpsia. Saturday, Feb. 23, 11 a.m. at the entrance of the club ho.use. Walker and'he also a Memphian marriage by her father, wore a Hostesses for the occasion wer% * MEMBERS each received a gift ...: They Garrnett, late wife of the late Dr. Capleville High School on Shelby Miss Lizzie M. Patterson, Miss who were married in a brilliant Drive and Malone Road. Ezi'a Ford short wedding gown of Peau de Of the many members of the were Mrs. Leland Atkins, Mrs. W. Howard Garnett, pharmacist for sole and organza ordorned with Beverly Truitt, Miss Sarah Ruben, ceremony a bit more than two years at Memphis’ South Memphis is principal; Mrs. Margaret Holmes, club noticed (all in rustic cloth­ 0. Speight, Jr., Mrs. Gerald How­ years ago are proud parents of a white seed pearls and sequins. She Miss Doris Edwards, Mrs. Peggie ing) were Mr. H W. Wallace, sec­ ell, Mrs. James Byas and jewel Drug Store and later in a Drug president. wore a veil of illusion held by a P, Jones, Mrs. Mary A. Wallace Baby Boy, Harold Shaw, Jr.t who store owned by Dr. Garnett and retary for the group and Mrs. Wal­ Gentry.- arrived at Hubbard Hospital last crown of pearls and. carried a and Miss Delols prince. ‘First, second, third, ’fourth and Mr. Will Wiggins and Dr. Garnett Rev. F. C. Lofton of Owens Col­ lace who assisted' Dr. and Mrs. Ish week' Going up right away that lege, dean of students and college fifth club prizes went to Mrs. H. A. and Mr. T. J Johnson. Going up LfiïhjKi ,in receiving early in the evening morning by plane was Mrs. Shaw's minister, will be the speaker. '... . Dr .and Mrs. Frederick Rivets, Gilliam, Mrs. Phil Booth, Mrs. for the funeral was Mrs. Garnett's p. mother, Mrs: Maceo Walker. Going only relatives left in Memphis, Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. W. 0 Speight, Jr., Fred Jordan, Mrs. Marvin Tarpley up last week - end to see the Bless­ A well planned menu will be Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Jr„ and Mrs. Harry Cash. Other mem­ Henrietta Craigen with whom she served. ed Event was Mr. Maceo Walker, was reared. Mrs. Garnett is sur­ .+ Atty, and Mrs. T. T. Lockard, Dr. bers . attending were Mrs. John a younger daughter, ‘Candy’ and The proceeds from this occasion >?• and Mi'S. Charles Pinkston, Atty. Outlaw, Mrs. Claiborne Davis, Mrs. vived by a daughter, Mrs. Lida Ann will go toward scholarships. Mr. Walker’s sister, Mrs. Johnetta Honesty of Chicago and two sons, C O. Horton, Dr. and Mrs. Ar­ Caffrey Bartholomew, Mrs. John Hozay. So did Mrs. Stanley Ish, the In 1962 the Shelby County PTA thur Horne, Atty,, and Mrs. B L. Brinkley, Miss Rosa Robinson, pres- Mr, Howard Garnett and Mr. C. HEY... Í ■ -, , ■ baby’s other aunt, go qut to the Council presented six scholarships Hooks, Mr. and Mrs; Taylor Hayes ■ ident of the club. C. Garnett botli of st. Louis. She to the high schools of Shelby Coun. hospital to see the baby Saturday vyas a native of Memphis and was whom I rode out with. Guests receiving first, second, between meetings when she flew up ty. Mr. A. Maceo Walker, Mr. and third, fourth and fifth guest prizes well known among old settlers, for a meeting?-j— here. Mrs. Lawrence Westley Dr. Theron were Mrs. Marjorie Ulen, Mrs. Rob­ MIGRANTS T Northcross, Mr ."Johnny1’ Williams ert Lewis, Jr., Mrs. C. S. (Addie) A message, came last week from a Dr. and Mrs. I. A Watson, Jr., Jones, Mrs. Hollis Price and Mrs. It was like old ■ times seeing KINGSTON - (ANP) - Accord­ p couple that I met three years ago, MR. AND MRS. HERSHEY LA­ ing to a report issued here recent­ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Tvyigg, Jr., Eddie Rideout .... Other guests MR. AND MRS. 0. J. QJEHO- Atty. ' "Ben", Jones, Mr. and Mrs who played were Mrs: Betty Bland, THAM (Jackson Miss, morticians) ly, about l,20f) Jamaicans migrate MAN (she an American and he a who were in town for Mrs. Ted Thomas Willis Dr. and Mrs. Le­ Mrs. Russell Sugarmon, Sr., Mrs. native of Nigeria) who studied Law to the U. S annually, despite the land 'Atkins, Mr. John Gammon, W. H. Young, Mrs. B. G. Olive, Beauchamp's Bridge Party Satur­ fact that Jamaica's quota restricts at the University of Chicago. In ' ■Ì'yWW*. Dr. .and Mrs. Arthur Flowkers, Mr. who is a' nurse at Tennessee State day .... and for a visit with their the number to 100. This disparity Robert Wright, who always serves U.S. Bonds who came from Madi­ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and in figures results from several 4 as. host at the club that he super­ son, Ark .. . Mrs. Fred Rivers, Mrs. Chas. Tarpley. Mr. Latham amendments in the U S. Immigra­ vises .... Mr .arid Mrs. Gerald Mrs. John Gammon, and Mrs, formerly taught at Booker Wash­ tion and Natlonlity Act, of June, Howell, Mr. William Parker, Mr. Hershey Latham who came up from ington here. 1952, which permits Jamaicans to w;’ I'*' - and Mrs. Howard Pinkston, Mr. S. Jackson, Mrs. Vi. Haysbert, Mra enter on a non - quota basis. Prior H. 'Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. B G. Wm. Owen and Mrs. Bob Roberts. Memphians and friends all over to that time, there was virtually no Olive, Jr., and. Mr.' and Mrs. Har- ' are concerned about Dr. W. J. legal restriction on the number of Members unable to attend Fr> MRS. ATKINS AND MRS. BISSON Gibson who was burned with acid Jamaicans entering the U. 8. on a ATTEND STATE EXECUTIVE in his "‘Lab” at LeMoyne last week. permanent basis. ) BOARD MEETING AT EVERY NASHVILLE t Mrs. Leland Atkins, President of ’ Ï the State Medical Auxiliary, went to Nashville .on last Friday for the INSURANCE DEBIT Be Sure to Watch TV *0*1 i State Executive Board Meeting .. CAN J i Sturts SATURDAY! to make plans for the State Meet­ .. . with 5 or more years ex­ i ing to be held in Nashville in Every Sunday Morning at FEB. 16 June. Mrs. Atkins, who will preside perience for work as AGENTS Í, over the State Meeting, was join­ or SUPERVISORS in the Fast- One Big Week! ed on Saturday by Mrs. w. A. 9:00 A.M. for -Bisson, a National Auxiliary Offi­ est Growing Insurance Com­ HONORED is the inaugurate the cer who flew up for the meeting pany in the State of Arizona. OFhouywoodpreviewengàgement held on the Meharry campus .... Sticking close to Mrs. Atkins was Send Resume' of experience TV GOSPEL TIME Mrs. “Chuck” Walker, a past State to: Mr. Lincoln J Ragsdale, 4’1 President and a former Memph­ * J3 ian who Sent regards to many old President: friends. Mrs. Atkins was guest of l: a cousin, Miss Queen Washington ; who is a nurse at ennessee State VALLEY LIFE and Dr. Cecile Crump, Head of the Department of Business gt Tennes­ INSURANCE CO.. see State Univ. Among the many ut, others that the Memphis matron PHOENIX, ARIZONA ran into were: Dr. and Mrs. J. TP


MEMPHIS WORLD f ’ -W' £ í For One Year (52 Issues] Kù * - • ■ ■ »» t' Enjoy your favorite Spirituals, Hymns and ¡1 7' I enclose $4.00 remittance fi!, & Gospel Songs -sung by stars of stage, radio, '.fH • .tCtei : television and records. It’s entertainment and ■ Name...... inspiration for the whole family. ‘I Street Address 9:00 A.M. SUNDAYS City...... 1 Zone .... State .— Mtm>, Mice« Md OiiecM by ROBERT HINKLE AMwuIWiuIMFiIum WMCT-TV CHANNEL 5 MY WEEKLY

MUM by MEMPHIS WORLD rüBUSHDTG OO. ¡. Kwy 8ATUEDAY *i Ml BEALE - Ph. M. I-«»I ‘ 2^*^ to SCOTT NEW8PAPER SYNDICATE I. A. Htoto, H Fwutoeri O. A. Scott, Central M>n«ln'oi,4er;lto,enhance his prestige, or to underwrite task resting upon me greater than “With malice towards none, with : that which rested upon Washing­ ¡ties as If he were not capable of doing what others charity for ail, with lirmness in the. 2 ton. Without the assistance of that right, as God gives us to. see the - 2? 2 ' ' ' ' Divine being who ever attended right, let us strive on to finish Ute. 22'. him, I cannot succeed. With that work we are in, tó bind up the na- jto^fs Negro History Week. It Is a worthwhile event assistance, I cannot fall. Trusting tions wounds, to oire for him Who J and -rtoatime M H’ere wil1 be those w^° wil1 do research in him who can go with me and shaU have borne the battle, and 2 and (ss-into tost records, and those documents that others remain with you, and be every­ for his widow and orphans: to do • where for good, let us confidently have sew» fit to delete when it came to cannonizing things of all which may achieve and cherish ... 2.C hope that all will yet be well. To a just and lasting peace among. . ,, Negro afeomplishment. his care commending you, as I hope ourselves and with all nations." in your prayers you will commend Because of Negro History Week much valuable material con­ It was while seeking relaxation in me, I bid you an affectionate fare­ a Washington theater, that a pis­ cerning him has found its way into permanent records. Thereby well.” tol shot rang out, and the great being interwoven as American History. Lincoln was not disobedient unto heart of Lincoln fluttered feebly ' the Heavenly vision, Life to him ceased to beat, and "prophecy was FoÀhis cause we are greatly indebted to those students of was an almost unbroken storm. But dumb.” recorchand collectors of material long neglected in the commem- through the storm clouds lie held moratlofrof Negro History Week, a vision of a united nation of freedmen. To this vision he was Give 1,000 HoursIn Thei«»ame of the tote Carter G. Woodson will always be re­ PRESIDENT KENNEDY IS HOST TO GEORGIA EDITORS - last domestic issues after the President led off with a discussion never disobedient. His last words to (Continued from Page One) vered for the task he rendered under trying circumstances, in week President Kennedy was host at a luncheon at the of international questions, mainly about Cuba and Castro. his fellow townsmen were shot White House to twenty-six publishers and editors of Georgia through and through with a great who has been a truck driver for originating this week. His books will ever be standards and Editor Scott revealed that he made a suggestion that trust in God. He held fellowship authorities in this field. Neither will the contribution of those daily and weekly newspapers. The newsmen and one news­ the federal government join with the various states to estab­ Kroger’s for 22 years. She has been with God.f employed for the last 15 years by who labcred with him perish from the records. woman went to Washington by telegraphed invitations from lish trade schools as a means of reducing crime among Lincoln's life compassed a gamut Mrs. R. H. Larson, 179 Grove Park the President to discuss with him foreign and domestic prob­ youths and also relieving unemployment by providing trade­ of life somewhat like that which 'Tfto»public forums, schools and churches will adhere to a Road. The Hills have no children. lems. training for citizens to fill skilled jobs. Scott said this would started in the manger, and ended Brs. Bertha Myers, the Cancer practice’of making the most of this elaborate occasion. The President is at the center facing the cameraman help reduce both crime and unemployment. on the cross. Society Unit’s only other colored God works through men. Through and. opposite him sat his Press Secretary Pierre Salinger. At transportation volunteer, last year Thet timing Is, appropriate. Coincidently the birthdays of According to Editor Scott, the President said that his. Moses God fashioned a semi-bar- was presented an award for 1,000 Douglaifcand Lincoln, come along during the week and will re- third place from the right of Mr. Salinger is C. A. Scolt, administration is moving in that direction. barous mob into a nucleus of a hours service. Though she was un­ ceive their just In. the celebrations on tap for the week. editor and general manager of the Atlanta Daily World. Mr. Scott also presented to the President a photo of a great nation. Through Lincoln God able to attend the dinner, Friday, O-’i. 1 ' ...... Across the table from Editor Scott sat Editor Eugene Patter­ painting of Mr. Kennedy's favorite poet, the late Robert welded in fire a conglomeration of night, she was given honorable warring states into an organic uni- A fine setting and a worthwhile page In the records will pass son of the Atlanta Constitution. Seating of the guests was Frost, which was a gift from Atlanta Daily World's poet­ mention for her present total of on’to those who come after us. 1,452 hours of volunteer work. determined by drawing a number. artist, the Rev. Thomas Jefferson Flanagan. (Photo by Abbie Mrs. Hill's award; an engraved Moke the most of It. ’ The luncheon session was strictly informal and there Rowe, courtesy of The White House) gold plaque on a wooden base bear­ was free and frank discussion of both international and ing a gold "Sword of Hope,” was PORTER presented by the Cancer Society ; xtooeaeto •\ . ------— • . i ' -te Unit’s Service Committee chairman, "Friendship In Business" Dr. Alys Lipscomb, assisted by Mrs. '■ L M Graves, chairman of ser­ Banker May Be Award Given Two Units vice volunteers. UP Wcm GEORGIA By ALMA NICHOLS A Leon Huddleston, president • NEW YORK — The National As Hi There! This is your little -elect of the unit, gave the invoca­ I ■ ,<.v sociation of Negro. Business and column-maker „ME”. This week tion. Guest speaker was Dr. Ralph •4 Abnlnin Lincoln Named Postmaster Professional Women’s Clubs has our spotlight falls on our Braund, medical director of the ’to .f ■ ‘4** named The Coca-Cola Company, magnificant basketball team and its West Tennessee Cancer Clinic, who 4 Atlanta, Ga., and a Washington. coaches. Due to the gallant and described plans for the Clinic’s new Sfili tall 'the stalwart statesman stands For D. C.-Atlanta-based-"publio n^ela- remarkable playing of three cer­ building which will soon be built t T j of freedom to the hungry lands: tions and marketing firm recipients ATLANTA, Ga. - (SNS) - tain young men known as '.‘Dickie”, on Dunlap. ?.. LOS ANGELES - (ANP) - If of the organization's 1-st annual “E. Taylor" and “S. Nettles" for r ■ ,?lh qR Ito vibrant, vigorous hurls In response to an invitation from President John F. Kennedy, V- ■ ■ “Friendship in Business Award.” ’fe1 Leslie N. Shaw, Los Angeles savings their great defeat against the un­ HI» l/noge covers o thousand worlds. and loan firm executive is named Mrs. Florence Allen Holmes, na­ a group of 25 Georgia editors and publishers were luncheon conquerable Hamilton “Wildcats". Caner Grad ls ' And abroad the seraphs sing postmaster here, he will would be­ tional president of the business in­ guests with the chief executive at the White House on February 7, Hats off to >an excellent team. Ì terest group, announced that The (Continued from Page One) ‘ (•' In thunderous tones-"Let freedom ring." come the first Negro to head the lo discuss international and domestic problems. “CHIT-CHAT” I post office of a major city in the Moss H. Kendrlx Organization will In the previous issues of this. Tippah County Hospital at Ripley, share the association’s friendship, I United States. 1 C. A. Scott, editor and general ous states of the nation to estab­ column many students were dis­ Miss. citation with the Atlanta soft drink satisfied because their names were I Shaw, a member of theDemocra­ firm. manager of the Atlanta Daily lish trade schools as a means of Four brothers anti a sister also tic Central Committee of World, was one of the editors that reducing. crime among youths and not printed. To all those "prestige survive the deceased: Floyd, Vin­ Manassas Hi School Tigers was rated, as the "leading contend­ The business and professional met with the President. also relieving unemployment by seekers” and “lime-lighters", the cent Earl, Ronald- and Kenneth er" for the position of Los Angeles women will make their awards to providing trade-training for citizens first portion of this column is de­ Lynch, and Mrs. Joe Houston. I «nd Smith. Coca-Gola and MHKO at a ‘Friend­ The President devoted a great to fill skilled jobs. Scott said this dicated to you. postmaster by Congressman Augus­ deal of his discussion, to Cuba, Double Ten Society—Shirley Pur­ tus F. (Gus) Hawkins (D„ Calif.) ship in Business’ luncheon to be would help reduce both crime and WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF? nell held ait Hampton' House Motel, Mi­ Castro, and South America. During unemployment.. Jeannie really loved Melvin? ... in Washington last week. the informal luncheon session, the Melvin N. Conley «* readers, we’re Gracious Ladles Social Club - Hawkins, whose election in No­ ami, Fla., on Saturday, February 9. According to Editor Scott, the Jeraldine wasn’t crazy about Lewis? (Continued from Page One) bringing you the The association is holding its win­ Georgia editors, in general, express­ ... William Ford would settle Minnie E. Walker vember now 'serving in Congress, ed to President Kennedy their ac­ President said that his administra­ Quill «nd Scroll-Charies Bran­ said there , was a strong possibility ter board meeting and executive tion is moving in that direction. down? Bertha had Reginald? tlonal executive of the Boy Scouts sessions in Miami Feb. 7-9. cord with his administration's TOPS AROUND PORTER of America, told the story of Mr. ham that Shaw might receive the back­ quarantine action in Cuba last fall. Top Gentleman-JBuster Town­ ing of the Los Angeles area dele­ Mr. Scott also presented to the NINTH GRADERS - Eugene Conley's achievement in Sooutlng. send gation of Congress which is sched­ President a drawing of a photo of Scott, Lanora Gross, Melvin Sulli­ becoming the first Negro Eagle Fifty Dollar Reward President Kennedy announced Kennedy’s favorite poet, the late uled to meet later to formulate a that constant aerial photographing van, Fred Jones, Annie Ward, Wll- Scout in his state and being One .,p. £.(?.: Queen, A8 STRANGE AS IT SEEMS recommendation to President Ken­ Robert Frost, which was a gift lia Johnson, Moretta Durrah and of the first five or six to achieve resides with her Mrs. Ferguson is offering a re­ would continue over Cuba as a from Atlanta Daily World's poet­ nedy. ward of $50 for Information lead­ surveillance measure. Benjamin Brown. this rank south of the Mason - ¡jjjlrs. Annie 8. Watkins, Eddie 'Kinard and Claudia Wal­ artist, the Rev. Thomas Jefferson EIGHTH GRADERS - William Dixon line. Mr. Beauchamp also re­ ton are seen occupying a certain Shaw, 40, vice president-director ing to the conviction of the per­ He said that if the missiles of the Family Savings and Loan Flannagan, Woods, Elaine Luther, Frances membered the Incident of Mr. Con­ us life she’s « member room everyday at lunch., (I wonder son or persons, who enterd her should ever go back onto the pads, Association, if appointed, would home, at 804 Magnolia Street, on we would be confronted with a The President stressed to the Cook, Myra Pruitt, Ruby Johnson, ley walking the 18 - mile round­ I ipt1stChurch could Oils be the start of some­ head the third largest post office Katrina Bowen, Larry Reser and trip to the Boy Scout camp dally ■ where of the Young thing big). Janice Hill received her the evening of January 10th 1963, serious situation and proper action newspapermen the importance of in the nation. and took away at Magnavox T. V t would be taken, Russian Premier Khruschev’s ac­ Brenda Fox. while holding down a job in the Valentine Day candy from Ernest The group, embracing congress­ SEVENTH GRADERS - Mar- city, in order to keep his camping .In Batten. Willie Owens has admirers Hi-Fi Combination and a Table SUGGESTS TRADE SCHOOLS tion last, fall when missiles were men from the Los Angeles postal Model Radio. Anyone who can give taken out of Cuba after the United shall .White, Edna Brown, June record intact, Mrs. Alpha Jo Beau­ as young as 14, (You're OK Willie.) 'zope involved, included Hawkins, World Editor Scott revealed that Fleming, and Harry Moore. champ, wife of Mr. Beauchamp, Bo Tiger», ssy'Hate off Bobble Agness is going to receive such information, please call Po­ he made a suggestion that the fed­ States insisted on it. «I James Roosevelt, Robert (Bob) Wil­ lice Headquarters. TOP TEACHERS schoolmate and girlhood chum of to « young lady." a |10 box of candy from Milton son, Edward R, Roybal, George E eral government join with the vari- The food? A French menu. Mr.’C. Williams, Miss Couch, Mr. the honoree's mother was also on T AROUND Brooks. (Don’t forget your part­ Brown, Chet Holifield, Clyde Doyle, The Georgians included Peytoni Currie, Miss Harvey, Mr. Bridges, hand. E MAN ners, Bobble). and Cecil R. King. Of the group, Anderson of Macon, Maynard R.. and Miss Buchanan. Eldridge “Peter” Mitchell, now ? ADS-Aw Hurd, Juanl- NOTICE-The Seniors are spon­ all are Democrats except Wilson, Ashworth of Columbus, James R. TWENTY-THIRD POINT coach at Melrose High School, Bererly Rooks «nd soring a Valentine’s Dance today who is a Republican. The White Blair of Americus, Sanders Camp » i TWO PASSAGE brought greetings from Melrose and in the gym, The admission Is 26c. House usually follows the recom­ of Monroe, W. H. Champion oi The Greenlee is my English teach­ related incidents of a few years 1 i Gym shoes only, please. Everybody mendation of area representatives Dublin, John T. .-Fleetwood of Car­ er; back when he was a player at the is expected to come so make plans in Congress on the filling of im­ tersville, Leodel Coleman of States­ I shall not pass. Orange Mound school during the Rosie Mlles. to attend-well be looking for you. portant appointments. boro, Mrs. Amilee Graves of She maketh me get my lesson; she honoree’s tenure as science teach­ .HDCMIiCMIB- TURKEY TALK - Dig Jesse Postmaster General Day, iri a re­ Clarkesville, Ed Kelly of Thomas­ leadeth me through the English er and football coach there. Coach Johnson, who your "RIB" nowa­ cent press conference, said he had ville, Glen Long of LaGrange, E. book. Mitchell also represented Floyd M. - Carite Harrison, days? Laverne Bonner, what do no knowledge that a Negro was be- W. Mathews of Cordele, Quimby She checketh my papers: shecheck- Campbell who could not be present Bareriy Hooks and you do for pastime now that ing considered—for the position Melton.Sr.of-Griffin, PowellA.• eth out everything regardless of because of illness. George isn’t here. Say, Lewis, Evon made available when Los Angeles Moore of Milledgeville, W. S. Mor­ its rightousness, for improvement Mrs. Mildred Crawford repre­ CLUB—Chas. didn’t like you accepting Marvis’ Postmaster Otto K. Oleson an­ ris III of Augusta, Max Nussbaumj sake. sented Hyde Park School where MT- Branham, Eddie Walsh. Roderick Invitation to the party Friday night. nounced his retirement, effective of Moultrie, Stanley Parkman of Yea, though I walk the halls of Conley first served as a principal. Diggs, Roosevelt Howard, Marvin (You’d better check ypur partner). April 15. Carrollton, Eugene Patterson of At­ Porter, Samuel Helm, principal of Shan­ Wesley Mitchell and Ches- Joseph Flagg, Wesley Mitchell, and lanta, Homer M. Rankin of Tif­ I shall not pass: non School, represented the Bluff Lenon Coleman are trying to be ton, Turner Rockwell of Valdosta, For she doth teacheth me; City Principal’s Association of "Playboy fellows. . William C. Rogers of Swainsboro, which Mr. Conley is president. O. ■ TEEN-AGE PAGE3 - Naomi Dr. Gibson Burned Mr. Scott, Doyle E. Shirley of West' Thy red-lead pencil faileth me, in Reid. A certain young man at Carver (Continued from Page One) the presence of my parents; she C Jones spoke for the Coaches and would like to have papers on Ann Point, Brooks Smith of Marietta, Officials Association and Joseph ZEPHRYS 6OCIAL CLUB - Jack Williams Jr. of Waycross and' filleth my report card with Red; Juanita Branch, Marie.. Kirk anda Shores or is it the other way around. From there the bioolgy professor Hamilton Wind of Cairo. my punishment runneth over. Atkins for Kappa Alpha Psi Fra- ■ • Rosie Mlles. ».at (Well, well soon find out.) Frankie was carried to Crump Hospital. Surely "D’s" and “F’s" shall fol­ ternity. SCHOOL COLUMNISTS—Charles Matthews and Wardell Allen are Dr. Buehler teeis mat the burn« low me all the days of my life: Miss Cornelia Sanders, principal Branham, Coby smith, Barbara still tea for two. Say, Helen Stokes, would not have been so severe had Local Beauticians And I shall dwell in the halls of of Douglass Elementary School, Duncan, Rose MvyM «nd V- what happened to you and your Dr. Gibson snatched off his ciotue., Porter Jr. High forever. spoke in glowing terms of th? dose .. Gene Lee;-;^-' • A football player. as soon as the acid hit him. (Continued from Page One) Gee Whiz! relationship and co - operation be- ND.C.C. 8TAFF f PARTY OF THE WEEK Chloroseulfonic acid is .used in Beauty College about noon on Feb. TOP TUNES AND COUPLES tween the two schools; Joseph Cadet Col.—Roderick Diggs, spon Sylvia Coleman celebrated her the manufacture of detergent soaps 17 in order to be present for the “Any Way You Wanna" — Ka­ Westbrook, supervisor of second­- s' nor.' -Bernice- Johnson. 16th birthday Saturday night and and dyes, Dr. Biibhler explained. initial meeting of the conference trina and David ... “Rainbow’’ — ary education, represented t he ~ Cadet Lt. Col.—Charles Branham, some df the guests were; Gail He said when it comes in contact at 8 p. m. when the national pres­ Elaine and Larry ... “Don’t Make Board of Education. Mr. West- sponsor. Juanita Branch. Franklin, Jo Ann Banks, Brenda with water it creates a smoke ident Dr. Katie Whicken will speak. Me Over” — Jeannie and Melvin zrook is a long time friend and ftife. 2 I Cadet Major 8-1-Kidle Walsh, Rice, Claudeen Cooper, Calvin Her­ screen, giving the Impression fire .. “You Really Got A Hold On mer coaching associate of Mr. Con- - is causing thè smoke. It is believed ley. Mrs. Catherine Baker repre­ 5 sponsor, Velma Cannon. ring, Charles Ford, Violet Franklin, For further information call Me" — James and Ann ... “Call W CM* Smith, and a swinging 30 more. So hwi Dr. Gibson thought he was on fire i 526-5632. Mrs.- Ruby Rowell Is re-1 On Me" — Duane and Mary, sented the Douglass faculty. - ,1' birthday and a hope that you'll when he saw the smoke. ¿tonal .supervisor. SWING DANCES Finally Jack Roberts, assistant Slay- have 416 more, The acid that dripped to the floor AROUND TOWN manager of LeMoyne Gardens «nd - -~ TOP JUNIORS of the biology lab ate through the 5, 1. The Monkey close personal friend appeared, to ~ Barbara Duncan, Melba Watson, Ule. Lane Alumni In 2. The Grip bring greetings and made a quick Shirley Rayford, Ophelia Rainey, Dr. Gibson’s wife is Mrs. Marion (Continued from Page One) 3. The Cleopatra > second appearance leading „ Mr, Bettye Agness, Floyd Eubanks, Vance Gibson, a third grade teach­ 4. The Sookie-Sookie Conley’s fearsome looking, but gen»X. ’ Ronnie Morris, Joe Duckett, Mar­ er at Melrose Elementary School. Hentrel, Marion Finch, Mildred 5. The Loop-De-Loop tie boxer dog "Ike.” j;;. vin Bledsoe, Charles Bowden. He is president of Top Hat and Taylor, Raymond Long, Eddie Cur­ fl. The Bird Mr. Brown handled the com­ < fSn/T" '■ Tails Club. mentary in excellent manner which , . Diggs rie, Alice Henry, Ruthie Strong, REMEMBER! I Branham His sister -in - law is Miss Ali­ Doris Walker, Lois Gilder, Connie Our annual PTA Tea is just Included among other things a long- - To Buy Drug Firm son Vance, a retired city school Lois Lee, Dale Doyce Lee and Opal around the comer. Make your room forgotten salutatory address; Hatch teacher. GIFT FIGHTS w. Thomp- NEW YORK - (UPI) - West, Jackson. - ■ 100 percent. There will be some­ Mr. Conley's high school days-and — Cnemial Poucte, Inc., said It ex- THEM ALL ? thing special, again, for the 100 tlie text of a battlefield citation ”2' ect» to enter Into an areement toi According to statistics released by The Board of Commissioners in percent rooms. Get started now I received during World War n In ■ acuire the business of Bryant; FAO, between 300 and SMLmlllion Washington, D. C.; announced in Pennies tpake dollars. Don't let our the European Theatre of Opera-. PharmaucehticaJ Oo„ a priately» persons throughout the world are December, 1954, that it would en- PTA down. A great part of the tions. ; owned Mohnt Vernon, New York; underfed and 100 to 15Q million ! force 85-year-old anti-discrlmina- money will be spent to pay for our Omar Robinson and Nelson Jack. ;2 rdg maker, for an undisclosedI suffer from hunger or malnutri­ son are sponsors of the “Royal — Adell i laws in all places of public accom- football team's uniforms and other amount of cash and stock. tion. Mor® Will Live — The More You Give ' modJtion, i school equipment and supplies. Gents." One Hundred



PRESIDENT LINCOLN and his Cabinet signing seated left to right are: Edwin M. Stanton, See­ the Emancipationlion Proclamation.'Proclamation.''’ Standing from retary of War; Abraham Lincoln, President; THE GALLANT CHARGE OF THE FIFTY-FOURTH Charleston, July 18, 1863, and death of Colonok left to right are; Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of Gideon Wells, Secretary of the Nhvy; William MASSACHUSETTS (COLORED) REGIMENT-On the Robert G. Shaw. In a recent issue of The Negro Rebel works of Fort Wagner, Morris Island, near the Treasury; Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the H. Seward, Secretary of State; and Edward History Bulletin, there appeared Interior; Montgomery Blair, Postmaster General; Bates, Attorney General. (Library of Congress) five concepts as a means to Insure peaceful integration in states like Correspondent, senior high sch^ji" I*“ Mississippi, Alabama and South science instructor, Herbert M. 01678133 Carolina in the future. The Story Of "Matt" Henson by, the author of this biographical'' _ They were; sketch, who has made 18 research"-’ North Pole. This is because of his missions throughout the worldjlitnL "... On Hie first day of Janu­ ceived into the armed service of Port Hudson 1. There must be developed in courage and daring, ability to with­ Arctic and Polar areas. ■ ,y ary, in the year of our Lord one the United States to garrison forts, this country positive national lead­ stand the most rigorous climate There is Henson Bay, in nortttM ■ * thousand eight hundred and sixty- MAY 27, 1963 positions, stations and other places, In the spring of 1863, Port Hud­ ership, both legislative and execu­ and. exposure, mastery of the Es­ west Arctic Canada, named a&oi b. three. all' .persons held as slaves and to man vessels of all sort in tive, for desegregation in all phases kimo language and their admira­ tribute to him. within any State, or designated son was the last remaining Con- paid service. And upon this act, 'cdcrate forti'ication on the Lower BLEAK OUTLOOK of American public life. Compro­ tion of him, his skill in sled build­ part ofgteite, the people Where­ siifeerely believed to be an act of Likewise at the polls the Negro mise, gradualism and tokenism ing, driving and igloo construction. Mr. Hensori died March 9, liftt’i’'5'". of shall then be in rebellion against justice, warranted by the Consti­ Mississippi, its twenty siege guns and thirty pieces of field artillery found th» outlook bleak. Despite must now je abandoned. The Su­ These credits were accorded him in New York City. He is survived'" •> the United" States, shall be then, tution upon military necessity, I the Constitution, the Southern Ne- preme Court can’t do the job alone. by all the surviving members of by Mrs. Lucy J. Henson, his widow.,.. thenceforward, and forever free; posing a serious, threat to Union invoke this considerate judgment warships. To reduce Port Hudson ero was deprived of his vote, first 2. There must be developed in the polar expeditions. Since his passing, he has beeft.. and the Executive Government of of mankind and the gracious favor by fraud and violence, and later memorallzed by His Excellency,;^, ■ would be of great assistance to these particularly recalcitrant states In recognition of his contribu­ the United States, including, the of Almighty God. In witness where­ by legal devices such as tricky reg­ a climate for law and order, re­ Millard Tawes, Governor of Mary­ military and naval authority there­ General Ulysses S. Grant in his tions, Mr. Henson was awarded the of, I have hereunto set my hand, operations against Vicksburg. Num­ istration procedures, good charac­ spect for federal court desegrega­ land, proclaiming April 6, 1959, thij' ’ of, will fecoghize and maintain rhe and caused the seal of the United ter requirements, literacy tests and tion decrees, and acceptance of the Master of Science degree by Mor­ 50th Anniversary of the DiscowH^A. freedom of such persons, and will bered among the troops selected to gan State College and Howard States to be affixed. Done at the assault the Port were five Louisi­ the poll tax. inevitability of desegregation in all of the North Pole, as MATTHEW do no act or acts to repress such City of Washington, this first day University, a Congressional Medal, ALEXANDER HENSCN DAY In ” ana regiments. Charging up to the Tq the might of the Nevro. public facilities. Life Membership in the Explorers persons, or any of them, in any of January, in the year of our Lord Confederate bastion, the Negro 3. There must be a tremendous the State of Maryland. one thousand eight hundred and the system of social segregation Club, a medal from the Chicago efforts they make for their actual soldiers were met by a hail of fire. became enthroned. In PLESSY V. registration and voting increase in Geographical Society, a citation by After a long and persevering- - • freedom . . . And I further declare sixty-three, and of the independ­ Repulsed, they wheeled to the rear these southern Negro communities campaign personally, conducted and., ence of the United States the FERGUSON in 1898, the practice the U. S. Department of Defense, and make known that such persons and dressed into line. Again they of Jim crow received the sanction to insure positive local political a commendation from President financed by Mr. Frisby, the 19$9 eighty-seventh." charged, only to be cut down again. leadership for integration of pub­ and 1931 Maryland General As­ of suitable. conditions will be re- A. LINCOLN of the highest court of the land. Dwight D. Eisenhower, at the A third and a fourth time the col­ To the colored Americans of the lic facilities. White House, numerous medals and semblies passed legislation provid-.- ored soldiers came on, met each closing years of the 1800’s, freedom 4. New leadership for desegrega­ Matthew (“Matt”) Alexander plaques from civic organizations. ing for the establishment of per­ time by a tempest of bullets and was a flickering torch. tion in the southern church, labor Henson was born August 8,1866, on manent 'memorials to Matthey- shells. The strongly entrenched ene­ But new impulses were stirring. unions, bar associations, fraternal a farm, the site of a former slave On August 12, 1956, a memorial my was not to be dislodged. The The new century was less than a organizations and similar influen­ market, in Nanjemoy, Charles tribute to him was dropped on the losses in Negro troops were severe, dozen years o'd when two impor­ tial groups is an imperative with­ County, Maryland. Henson, the North Pole from a U. S. Air Force one regiment losing six successive tant interracial organizations were out which we cannot hope to man destined to become the first plane by Afro-American Arctic pus, both in Maryland. flag bearers. As a military opera­ formed, the National Association achieve our goal of a desegregated person to locate and stand on the tion the assault wes a failure But 'or the Advancement of Colored society in the second half of the Top of the World, was born in the Negro soldiers had borne them­ People and the National League on Twentieth Century. virtual obscurity. Little is known of selves well. "No body of troops— Urban Conditions Among Negroes 5. And finally,, both major poli­ his early boyhood; Ardund thé age Western, , Eastern or rebel—have tical parties must abandon forever of eleven, he ran away from Nan- The former, pledging itself to civil tie idea of appeasing segregation­ fought better in the war," editori­ and political liberty, grew out of jemov one night and walked to alized the New York Times of ists, but instead, must declare open Washington, D. C. There, he divided a call issued by a group of 53 pro­ political war to the end upon them. June 13, 1863. minent citizens on February 12, his time between working in a res­ TOJ, the centennial of the birth The conclusion read: “There can taurant operated by his aunt, Mrs. of Lincoln. The Urban League. be no doubt that such a course will Janey Moore, and attending irreg­ rormed a year later in New York reestablish our nation's image as ularly, the N Street elementary City, pledged itself to improving the leader of the free democratic school. the living and working conditions world order." of the Negro city-dweller. Henson lert Washington at the JUNE 27, 1863 age of thirteen, walked to Balti­ On the last Sunday in June, America’s role in international What Is A Negro? more, Maryland and located around 1863, the little garrison at Milli­ affairs had its influence in the the waterfront. Soon thereafter, as battle for human rights, at home By NANCY L. ARNEZ 4WS ken's Bend, a small town twenty one without a heme, he shipped as miles from Vicksburg, was manned no less then abroad. The NAACP a cabin boy on a schooner under Ä"'"'I- and the Urban League were still Blood flows and mingles Mill by 1,4.10 Union soldiers, of wham African Indian the command of a Captain Childs. only 160 were white. The rest were ’n their tender years when World This skirraer taught him the rudi­ War I broke out. Soon the United African Caucasian. former slaves from Louisiana and African Oriental, too. ments of simple mathematics and Mississippi, who had joined the States was entering the lists, pro­ navigation. The voyage carried him army exactly sixteen days earlier claiming that the world must be to China and return. The Confederate command had made s’fp for democracy, decided. that the Milliken’s Bend IMAGE OF LIBERTY camp must be wiped out. Striking World War I was followed by a suddenly, the soldiers in gray drove long armistice which for America the Negro pickets back and then ended with the Japanese attack on rushed upon and over the fort’ Pearl Harbor in December 1941. entrenchments. A fierce hand to Again' our President, this time hand bayonet fight took place, the Franklin D. Roosevelt, invoked the longest engagement of its kind in image of liberty, stating that the the entire war. The tide finally war was a crusade for the Four turned with the arrival of the Freedoms. Union warship, CHOCTAW, rushed Just as the America o' the twen­ to the scene by Admiral Porter. tieth century could not ignore the The weary Confederates beat a re­ call of freedom from across the treat, leaving behind 130 of their seas, so it could not turn its back dead for whom thee was no room »n the mounting thrust for free­ in the ambulances. Heavy, too, were dom on the horn« front As in p’n- the Union casualties, totalling "52 vlous periods in our history, this killed, wounded, or missing. Milli­ championing of liberty within our ken's Bend would h» re~,'w,berw’ borders owed much to Negro Ame­ because its defenders had not ricans. Just es thev had borne flinched under ordeal. “It is im­ arms at St. Mlhiel and the A^gon^e possible for men to show greater ’’’orest, at Bougalville and the CHARLES SUMNER gallantry than the Negro troops in Battle o' the Bu’^e «» 'hev p”» this fight.” reported General Ellas their children renewed the strug- The GreaFAbolhion Senator Stops on the Street tc Give a Poor 3. Dennis to the assistant secretary vie against the forces of Inequality here in their native land. Little Colored Girl a Coin. of war. Another high ranking offi­ cer was to express a similar opin­ To keep “freedom’s holy light” NATIONAL EMANCIPATION MONUMENT, of Springfield, lllli ion': "These men were very, raw,” alo't, the Negroes of our day are wrote Ulysses S. Grant in his operating on many fronts. They are MEMOIRS, “but they behaved filing cases in the courts, queueing POSNERS well." up to register and vote, seeking “job firsts." and making use of the non-violent integration method of the sit-in. GROUP ENCOURAGED New Capsule Treatmeht WATERWeLÜNt’* As he wages the battle for’ the RESTORES American dream, the Negro of NATURAL LIKE CONDITIONER today is not satisfied, but he is encouraged. At home he has re­ ceived support from more than 300 HAIR COLOR lntergrovp and interracial organ­ izations. Moreover, the Negro knows a that as never before, the eves of the non-white nations are focused Nix gives you that extra margin of safety on America. Our treatment of our vaii neednporl forfnr aroundarntintl thé clockdock i own colored citizens will be regard­ ed as an index of our moral'capac-

learning reached the United States MILLIONS Supreme Court. In that year the Nix guards you against > Supreme Court ruled that Mlsrour' tire more offensive type of body Of could not require Negro students odor stimulated by emotional to leave the state and obtain their excitement or nervous tension. ¡MIX education elsewhere. Use Nix, the extra-effective, Satisfied thoiisandi û double-action cream deodorant FREE' that keeps you safe around the HEADS clock! Gentle to skin, won’t harm clothing and won't dry QPj out in jar. Large jar mu' Reg. jar 39{ Family tiu ASK FOR NIX AND SAVE N'< it mid» and (uaranlHd by LIFE STUDY FELLOWSHIP tlvatn, UK, nuktia ul SL luagh Aspili Affitti !>ll Box B-2I12 Noroton, Conn. ■ I

If1 f ■ -•f U a IpBLIC NOTICE-Charies Dlggi tary coup. i would like it to be known that hp Vertice Worsham likes quarter­ > doesn’t even know Patricia Mc- backs. The Betty Laster-Emily j Klsslc and that his heart is true Watson feud Is ready to burst—or rt to Wandra Johnson of' Booker T, else It will simply fizz’s out. Fa­ Washington — he neither wants, ther Bertrand's Senior Class is ded- J needs or desires any . other love. •cated to the proposition of couple- The "SYNE'iCATE” .is working ing off. Marv Lyn Morris has en i diligently to produce a city-wide hterest in Thomas Milam. Lydia j «Who's Who” amopg Memphis Campbell and "sweet-pea" are a 1 seniors and a city-wide top 20 list, swing couple but I don’t thinkIt ■1 composed erf the top 20 guys and will last long. Lutlsha Wyatt’s ro­ Morehouse President Traces * dolls in the city. Although we'must mance with Morris Webb is slowly * admit that the Who's Who will be going on the rocks. Amos Miller _*! selected at our own personal will, end Pa’lve Ross are still together. 'W we are still trying to canvas the I DEDICATE ’ Negro Race BOYS ; city to get an accurate and truly ATLANTA, Ga.-t’NS' - . representative Who’s Who and top I Qualify—Lallon Boyce and 20 popularity poll. Carolyn Hollngsworth _ ~- Morehouse College President Benjamin E. Mays addressed . Someone, Somewhere — Carole ■he three-day 100th anniversary Emancipation Proclamation ob­ The Bon-ton« Facial Club is Br’udon end Charles Whltsev. servance at Interdenominational Theological Center Tuesday, and Hitehike-Troy King and Aren- sponsorin’ a swinging gig at the traced the struggle of the Negro to achieve full participation in 0 Rompt’s Room. Thursday night *h'« Ieath m from 7:30 to 12 p.m. Stubborn Kind of Fellow - economic, civic, and social phases of the American life. to The 8dmls-ion is 50? and the Charles Diggs and Wandra John- son In his keynote speech, “In Pur-' mi mv6'c will bi furnished by that suit of Freedom," Dr. Mays declar- j Ik '--'i'i-î U" Wx”-' ( swingin? dee-jay, Dick "Caln” Cole. I’m The One Who Loves You— • ' . ' ♦ » i L. M. Carroll and Glover Tillman ed that the Negro struggle for free­ You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me dom has been a never-ceasing one Joyce Cochrane would like to "It started wilh insurrections oil in have her name remove^from Btan- -Robert Davidson and Dorothy Graham the very .slave ships which brought m, ley Bale’s fist of young ladies. She the first Negroes to America, and never WP-ts to see her name in He’s The Bov I Tove-Carmella Guv „nd Norman Reynolds was followed by numerous, though Noi Too Warm To »i print with his never flooin. f*t futile, uprisings in the slave states. least that is what she is telling Call On Me—Truman Hull and Jah'ce Hughes The most significant of wh|ch were in; everybody—I wonder did he lose the Vesay and Nat Turner rebel­ his driver's license or is it that Strange I Know-iRaymond Jack- son and Berthi Puryear. THEIR FAVORITE VALENTINE on the campus of Gibbs1 Junior Col­ lions. Barnéll Offer she doesn't like playing second fid­ lege, St. Petersburg, Flo., is freshman co-ed Ella Rawls, a gradu­ ‘■‘The enlistment of slaves with dle in an entire string quartet?) Tha t's The Way Love Is-Charles the British in the Colonial Wars or NEWTON, Mass. - (UPI) Graham and Angela Flowers ate of Ballard-Hudson High School, Macon, Go. The recently en­ the Continental troops — the he­ Massachusetts Atty. Gen. Edward HEAR NO EVIL - ftJWAR NO Remember Baby — Nathaniel rolled business major added to cupid's popularity when members roism of Black Samson, Pompey, W. Brooke, .a Negro, said Saturday EVIL-WRITE NO EVIL . Guinn and Cercedea Mitchell of the all-winning Gibbs Junior College basketball team voted Chrlspus Attacks; the effective par­ night he appreciated Mississippi Christine Adah admires Kenneth Mama Didn't Lie — Clalrbome her their Valentine. (GJ.C. Staff Photo by Horace Jones, Jr.) ticipation of Frederick Douglas in Gov. Ross Barnett’s invitation to Porter (And a certain young lady Davis and -Doris Price the abolitionist movement — all of visit his mansion, but he would Just As I Thought—Henry Petty much rather be invited to speak at IINCOLN'S PROFILE SEEN IN ICEBERG—If you look closely you at Manasses doesn't like it). Chal­ these represent efforts of the Ne- might see a resemblance to Abraham Lincoln hewed by r'n mers Lembrick and Patricia Hil­ and Roger House gro to win freedom prior to the the University of Mississippi. »Iri Send Me Some Loving—Aubrey the Barnett visited Cambridge and Mother Nature in this iceberg in the Antarctic walers just liard are a tight couple. Leo Kol- Civil War," Dr. Mays told north of McMurdo Sound. The unusual ice formation was heim has an admirer at Manassas. Yates and Evelyn Finley STROLLING WH MELROSE capacity audience. | Boston last weekend to give a Desaflnado— Roderick Diggs and speech at Harvard University. Dur­ spotted from the United States Coast Guard icebreaker Ea.n- •(¡E.G.). Douglass has interest for By MATTIE SHELTON In tracing the Negro's struggle Paulette Lampkins, Charlene Ste­ Bernice Johnson. I last but not least John Gilliland ing a tour of the state house he wind on duty in Operation Deep Freeze in the Antarctic area CITY-WIDE SCHOOL REPORT SALUTE I with 15 points. The Melrose basket­ for freedom in America, Dr. Mays shook hands with Brooke, the first wart, and Lola Larry. Sylvia Cole­ said physical freedom and a brief man's party was definitely mellow MAN—Charlie Smith and Law­ This week I would like to pay a ball team has done wonderful so Negro ever elected to a constitu­ rence Hili, F B. H.—Troy King and special salute to one of the best­ far and is still after the champion­ period of participation in civic af­ tional office in the state. —ark (oh, well. I'd better not men­ fairs followed the Civil War. tion names).'Whittier Sengstacke John Arnold, MEL-Truman Hull loved teachers on the oampus. in ship, so beware. • Later Barnett invited “all” the W end Henry Petty, HAM. - Robert the person of Mrs. Lydia McKin­ CATCIl THIS . . “But chains were forged afresh state’s officers to visit with him in and Beverly Greene were a couple with disfranchisement and legalized ÍRÍ that Just was not meant to be. The Wells and Lallon Boyce. B.T.W.— ney. Mfs. McKinney Is an English Daniel Bridgeforth tries to deny his 28 room mansion in Mississippi. Hpnrv Marmon and Troy King, instructor end has an eleventh Geneice Hendricks . . Pauletta segregation in the Southern states. Barnett emphasized the "all.” military has declared martial law Carswell walks Frankie Brigunce Booker T. Washington’s famous At­ ho at Hamilton. IE3T—Charles Logan, and Charles grade English elars, Mrs. McKinney "This of course was a gracious Bowers. DOUG. - Charles Brown is an advisor of the Jaequlets. over home every day . Petrey Chinn lanta speech is thought, to have gesture and though I do not want It seems that Hamilton’s stu­ told Charles Martin “Mama Didn’t given impetus to these trends. dent government is so ineffective and . Eddie McKay tlie Buzzer staff, and the Quill and to appear ungrateful, nevertheless OAR—William Farmer and Alvin Scroll, Mrs. McKinney possesses Lie" .. Brenda Jones (BTW) ad­ Dr. Mays cited the political phil­ I would much prefer an invitation 'M that many are talking about letting mires Clyde Warren and so does osophies of Dr. W. E. B. DuBOis, the ND.C.C. set up a beach-head I Flovd. all the characteristics of a fine from Gov. Barnett to visit the GIRLS Olivia McKinney .. William Glov­ the Niagra Movement, later absorb­ on the campus and declare a mili­ person and has won the love and campus of the University of Missis­ MAN—Bobble Agness and Joyce respect of the student body as a er and Irene Ferguson have had ed Into the NAACP, represented a sippi,” Republican Brooke told a Carney, F.B.H.— 10. Lonnie Latham join the motel from discriminating close on Tuesday, Jan. 29, of the Gladys Exum’s gold tooth is be­ THE WAY 1 HEARD IT! your ex-man, says Patricia McKis- open to Negroes in the central JAN. 23: for the aged," may come. I on the basts of race, and open its filing of candidates for the Febru­ Frederick Thompson, 1072 Peach, ginning to shine. Dora Wirt has Freddie Flake is considered to be sack .. Sam Mosley is trying hard facilities to all- Negroes in addition commercial district of Nashville.” The order of services at the fooled a lot of people. Larry Mil­ to be a playboy .. Robert Gill NAACP Legal Defense Fund at­ ary 26 primary election. son, Frederick Julius II. I House of Prayer is; Sunday School one of the best dressed boys on to the plaintiff. When the Board of Election Com­ JAN. 24: ler will laugh soon. Walter and campus ... Marie Gentry has to (Ham.) -are you aware that you A reservation for Dr. Smith, a torneys for Mr. Smith are Avon N. at 10 a. m ; regular worship ser­ Edith Buis haven't got away from have most of the sophomore girls Williams and Z. Alexander Looby missioners closed seven candidates ■Harry Cole, 855 ,Mhywood St., vice at 11, afternoon service at 3 compromise with a, certain lady at. dentist who lives in Memphis, was had filed for the two third district a their front yard yet. Buddie Tay­ Douglass Carol Dotson's main claiming you as their one and made December 4, 1962 by Carroll of Nashville.; A. W. Willis of Mem­ son. , ' and Sunday night at 8. lor has all possible but. The girls only? phis, Tenn.; and Jack Greenberg councilman posts — all Negroes. Herman Upshaw, 1891 Carver, a ta», the broadcast heard each Sun­ subject is Talbert Gray (BTW) i Barber of Nashville for the follow- Since no white candidates entered “Can’t Take Any More", Johnny Earnestine Anthony says to Morris CLUB NEWS and Constance Baker Motley of New daughter, Cheryl Regina. day at- 9 a m over radio station ' ing night. When Dr. Smith, in the the race from tills district, the JAN. 25: ...... • ■■ .. '.I .... k® Warrell, so “Baby, Bye, Bye*’. Bob­ Webb, "I Like You, But I Love The Science Club of Melrose, bet­ company of Mr. Barber, went to York City. KWAM is transcribed on Friday by Barner, Nadine Jones and Mar­ Legal Defense Fund Director- eleotion of a Negro district council­ Gene R. Bryant, 365 E, Essex, a op nights from the church auditorium Tommie Bethany." ... Charles ter known to the students as the the motel desk to claim his room, man and a Negro councilman-at- tha Hunt should smile because Logan has lost his .. Counsel Jack Greenberg, on the daughter, Lana Delores. I. „ 0* «6 W Mallory at §. Sci-Che-Bi-Phy Club Is presently hq was told that his reservation large was thereby assured. Willie Dandridge, 1110 Azalia, a *’■ Friends and members __ L. you’re on CANDIED CAMERA. Epiia Washington will be as out- bu;.v elaborating on their Tennes­ could not be honored as the motel Nashville motel suit, commented. ambers are in- The Lions defeated the Bertrand It will be the first time in his- son, Kelvin Boyce. 8» vited to support)rt this nenew venture standing .as her brother Charlcs see Medical Society Propect for did not serve Negroes. A few min­ "This case is far more signifi- ' tory that a Negro has l*en e’ected r Thunderbolts, which put them wav Wright LueDcll Fields is tired utes later, the comphint states, a ■ cant than the question of desegre- Herbert D. Hobson, 1027 Peach, a into the bi as world' Many- of 1963 In previous years they hove as « city councilman. The two Ne­ daughter, Sabrina Antoinette. ahead. It also put some light on of carrying the load for Lindsey won first and second places res­ white man, Rev. Robert C. Palmer, gating a single motel. It involves Memphis’ civic leaders are expect- the fellows, j saw Chas. Wright gro city councihnen will be chosen William M. Jackson, 318 W. ed to Attend (he opening Monday Peteisow Judy Phillips miiht pectively in the city-wide competi­ entered the motel and was inform-' the constitutionality of excluding by the voters from among the without Margie Blakemore, and get her hands on something if she ed that single rooms were avail- Negroes from an urban renewal site Utah, son, Wayne Anthony. A prayer service for the success of tion. This year their project is seven candidates now in the race JAN. 26: Eva Durrett with James Conner. stops trying to be what she isn't based on a community survey, to able. ; that is the product of local, state ‘V-rw ------— the venture will be held at 12 noon, I McDaniel Holcombe, 3562 W. The Boss Novas fit their name John Miller’s life would be a bring to our knowledge just what Holiday Inn-Oapitol Hill was built I and federal planning and financ-1 »—j Hot fish will be served free to all remain unseen. Homlake, a soft, Chris Anthony. Ma who attend. Firends of the inter- mess if it wasn’t for Carol Mor­ percentage of the people in our on land acquired from the Nash- ing. I of the central city sites where the TOPS ABOUND THE CITY tis Elaine Dotson talks to all community are actually taking nd- ville Housing Authority in 1958 and ! “The cities of the nations are | ptyns are carried out and shunted JAN. 27: national House of Prayer and its Penny Ishmael — Bobby Smith Earl Lee, 1061 Randle, a son, An­ pastor are invited. the boys in the library at 'he , vantage Of the free service offered 1959 for an estimated cost of : being remade by urban renewal.: off to new and more crowded ghet- (Mel.) ... Henrietta Delaney — seventh period by :1k Shelby County Department. $194.771 The Nashville Housing Negroes generally arc cleared out tos. thony Earl. Ka­ ■ A»-.?. ' ■-

■— ...... - -/■ • A .

Liston 'Ready' MEMPHIS WORLD ft Saturday, February 16, 1963 I Hi, Dukes and Duchesses, your jPerov Qolden f.nd Johnny Payne. ■eporters are back, to keep you up SPECIAL QF THE ^VEEK for Floyd, Clay ».date with the.latest news of tfi? "Like I say, kids, this is Zelma St of: Mapleville.” It Just Echols of Caplevllle High, saying . on Friday, Jan. 18, we were for­ SFOTLIGttr tunate enough to have two of And Johansson Hamilton's most outstanding stu­ LeMoyne's Magicians bring to a close their regular schedula ,, Stepping in the green glow this By OSCAR FRALEY week is a very intellectual Rentier dents visit our campus. They were of 21 games this Thursday night, Feb. 14, when they go against: none other than James McBride MIAMI — (UPI) — Heavyweight m^n, namely..James Coleman, Jr. champion Charles Sonny Liston ar­ Philander Smith of Little Rock, Ark. The final game will be play­ James resides at 6002 Holmes (former student of Caplevllle) and Vernon Gross. rived on Feb. 8 to begin training for ed in Bruce Hall, starting at 8. » Road with, jjis grandparents, Mr. his April 4 title defense and said and Mrs. Watt Bledsoe. We enjoyed their visit end hope he hoped to knock out Floyd Pat­ With the close of the season at ii past week was against philander "■ In religious-life he Is a member they enjoyed themselves. The whole terson “quicker than before,” and hand, the Maglvians are anxiously '1 Smith at Little Rock by the score of,the. Hickory Hill M. B. Church student body Joins me is saying, then dispose of Cassius Clay and awaiting the SIAC Basketball Tour-I' of 81-76. Conference teams spant-"''" where Rev.' .Thomas Eddins is "come again, fellows; don’t be shy." Ingemar Johansson. nament scheduled for Fab. 2L23 at 1 ing L "Moyne during the IgSt sev-.....>- pastor. v“; GOSSIP Looking fit at 225 pounds, and Tuskegee. Teams finishing in th: en - day period were Benedict, 100-" • In activities' /around the campus Jacquelyn Myers, are you and dapper in a blue suit, diamond top. 10 of...... the 16.- college confer­ ’j 93, and Fisk, 9JS8. Miles, a non- r he is president of bls homeroom Gerald Sanders really close? stickpin and gray felt hat with a ence automatically participate in ' conference opponent slammed thC:R!’ class, 114, bj. which Mr. Earl In­ Evelyn Johnson, aren't you get- narrow snap brim, Liston said he the tourney, Magicians by a score of 109-91. ■'-"" gram is instructor. He is also i tins’ tired of Howard Houston? would like to set up "a bum-every- LeMoyne appeared almost assur­ treasurer of l|ie FB.L.A., reporter Charlie PhiUlns, why don’t you three-month club." ed of a berth in the tournament | Yet, iith all conference games for the student pouncil, a member tell Stella Thompson how you really Asked whether he thought Pat­ this past___ _weekend. _____ out of the way, LeMoyne owns sev- // of .the Sclent^iuib, and last but not feel about her? terson. might have been "off” in Coach Jerry C.’johnson’s Magic- ep SIAC victories against six BIAC - least, a member of the band in Claude Smith (Patterson), when (heir Ohirgo bout in which he ians finished fourth in the tourna-; losses._Overall, LeMoyne's record which he plays, first trumpet. ere you going to visit Cao’evil’e? was knocked out in 2:06 of the ment last year. is 13-7. When James graduates he plans A certain 8th grader is waitin» for first round. Liston grinned: Johnson’s” charges have played i _...... o ; you. '"I felt a little off myself four»nr nnntAcHcontests sincesinrA TiipçdavTuesday of last •.This -- is . better. n than 5-9 ba an tn. further studies at Memphis week— and lost three of th.m. T._ m ,110not-at a .bad recordrecord.' , , ' State University. Lorraine Harris, Is the talk true night because I missed him TOP COUPLES that you have so many boy friends my first two punches. This of the defeats were at the hJiid.ii It is obvious that LeMoyne stilt you don’t know which one to maybe it Won't take that long. I'll of conference opponents. is in need of a good big mail And - Roenna Hurd and Jewel Craw­ train even harder this time so that ford. ;•»?/ choose? Their only victory during the t stronger defense. . ,' F Annie ■‘Miller, are you really going when the bell rings for the first Stella Murdock and Charlie Mit­ round I can end it quicker. chell. mad over George Turner? is he Lorraine Harris end Otis Harper that cool? WILL WEIGH 214 Joyce Kev and James Coleman. Barbara Manning, is it true that FOOTE-CLEABORN HOMES Shirley Mitchell and James you want to have a conference with Arriving by plane from Chicago Bailey. me? I'll have it any way you want. with his wife, Liston said he plan­ The Young Citizen's Club of the ly 40 children this ye», Mrs. Ish-: Frank Blair is telling Veda ned to fight at 214 pounds and Foote - cleaborn Homes sponsore mael has added a class of young DEDICATIONS Hayes: He saw, he went and he would begin training "after a few a “Fashionette” and tea last Sun-; people under 1J yea« of age. Keep Telling Yourself—Dorothy conquered. days rest.” day. Despite bad weather, it 1> Bradley and Charles Franklin. "After Patterson,” he added, "I’d Shirley Mitchell, if you want to ELK TROPHY TO WARRIORS - Booker T. Wash­ tion by presenting a trophy to the Warrior reported that the affair wap a sue Hotel Happiness - Verdell Davis talk to James Bally, please avoid like to get Cassius Clay and Inge- cess. The club, recently organiz e ind Etaianuel MoNeal. the stairways. mar Johansson, or both of them ington High School's Warriors last fall won the coach, C. E. Lomax, which in turn was present­ by the Tenant. Association,, proud­ Laura C. P. Payne and Bernice the same night if necessary.” Prep League football championship and went on ed to J. D. Springer, center, principal of the ly reports a membership of 30 White. Vertice Hill of Melrose High School is telling Zelma Echols, Clay definitely is next after Pat­ to capture the annual Blues Bowl game spon­ school. Warrior star looking on, left to rights teenagers who are both active and Everybody Loves a Lover—James terson, said , Jack Nllon, Liston’s “You really got a hold on me." In sored by the local Elks. Elk bigwig Isaac Young, Benny Adams, Oscar Reed and Howard Finley. interested in the basic reason for Smith and Arletha Murdock. turn, Zelma is telling Vertice, "advisor" who arrived a short time the organization; That some of the Two-Lovefs -*■ Ruby Harris and later by air from Philadelphia. right, shows the appreciation of his organiza- teenagers wire not satisfied with Wm Freeman, ‘ “That's the Way Love Is.” “The kid’s been popping off By PRESTON JONES Janeth Murdock, are you very not having anything to do with You Really Got a Hold On Me- and in the dressing room right af­ their free time, realizing when Jathryn Smith and John King. sad that Albert has left? Don’t get ter we flatten Patterson I'll have a Let’s take a look - see at the lady too shook up. He'll cross your path minds ore left to roam, it can be golfers. Are you ladles getting ifi That!» the Way Love Is—Annie contract ready for Clay to sign if very dangerous. The parents and 4111er"and Jambs Harris. again one day. he wants it,” Nilon said. "We’ll l»x BILL HARVEY WILL PLAY shape for spring golfing? If not, John Freeman everyone is say­ management of the projects have right after the inclement weather, SPECIAL 'FEATURE — Annie him the first week of July in Phil­ hopes this venture will help curb ing you must have had plastic adelphia.” » take time out for a ilttle practice, foyce Key Is telling all the basket- surgery when you were in the Juvenile delinquency. Other young all boys, “She's Qualified." MIGHT GET TAX BREAK Many professional lady golfers are' hospital. Nilon explained that Liston plan­ FOR JUG S CHARITY BALL people we invited to join. This in the "big money." Think of where TCP GIRLS—Annie E. Falukner, This is your reporter. Neely Hurd, ned to wait until then i’istead of same type club was organized two you could be if you would only .... fosephine - Watkins, Lizzie Harris, saying until next week stay cool the traditional heavyweight fight In recent months, most of the These articles insist that the clas­ years ago but did not survive be­ play more often. i ‘ Imma Blair and Dorothy King. leading ■ fashion magazines have sic picture of the lady who is the cause of lack of cooperation. So. and refuse to be lonely, because you month of June because the propos­ Oui‘ own Robert Wright. tS^yS," TOP BOYS—Jimmy Bledsoe, Jeff don’t know what's coming in the ed new t?x bill might be effective featured articles about the "new wife of Rn ambassador is being come on citizens and let's support lock" that shines on Embassy Row. changed by the enthusiasm and our youth in this effort! If we fail when better golfing* games axe Jeffro) Smith, James E. Faulkner, future, as of July 1 “and give us a break played he will be in there battling.; financially.” freshness of the young representa­ them now, we can expect them to “If Clay refuses our offer," Nilon tives who now live on Embassy fail us. Watch this column for Wm. T Knight says he had rather added, “he can just sit and wait Rew. names of officers. Advisors play gqlf with his team than ariy- Ex-Packinghouse Worker until we're ready again. Because Mrs. Dorothy Bqcton and Mrs. riimg lie knows. Dr. Atkins, says Johansson has offered us $1 mil­ What Is This same freshness and enthusi­ Eerniece Bowen. A B Gregory is He will be ready When the weather lion posted in a bank in the United asm aptly describe the girls who the chairman. dears up. States to fight him in Gottenburg have been chosen as "living ads” A number of new players will be Mow Top Producer For in July, August or September." for the J-U-G-S' annual Charity HARRIS-WARD WEDDING on the golf courses when the wea­ The action was the first taken Sickle Cell Ball, to be staged Friday, March 1, ther is right. JUjnk Lewis 16 ¡jet­ Suppose Patterson should regain in the mezzanine ballroom of The Mrs. Cordelia Walton, 679.1 Mc­ ting in shape. the crown? Auditorium. These girls-offer a com­ Kinley, aimdunces the wedding of her daughter, Miss Rose Mary Har­ See next week's paper for more,; Uhion Protective Life “Be a positive thinker," Nilon bination of talent, scholarship, per­ names. grinned. “If we lose thi8. I’ll hit Anemia? sonality and beauty. ris, to Mr. Joe Ward, Jr„ son of After being employed with Union Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward, Sr. A re­ my guy over the head with a bot­ Sickle Cell anemia is an inherited Totective Life Insurance company tle.” Mrs. Anne Nelson, chairman of ception for the couple was ,heid or only two short months, a for- Liston obviously wasn’t worried condition involving an abnormal costumes for "the ball; ’ tihiioxmces WHITNEY BANKSTON at the home of the orldgcgroom’s rer packing house worker has es- about Patterson, Clay or Johans­ type of hemoglobin which is less so- that the ads will be dressed in parents Sun. Feb. 10 ablished himself as the firm's top son. luable than normal hemoglobin costumes of the countries they re­ HAS ABILITY — Whitney Bank- reducer in the sale of ordinary "It's what I'll do after that what when the oxygen content of the present. ston(' a graduate of Booker ,T. CHORUS IN PROGRAM SUN. nd industrial insurance. puzzles me.” he said. "But, then, biood is low. When the hemoglobin The native elegance of each of Washington High and now a frçsh- The Foote - Cleabom Homes The agent is Percy Gill of 4914 I worked my way up through all crystallizes within the red cells of the countries will be manifest in riian ui LeMoyne and a momber of Chorus will sponsor a program at *eace St. He is presently employ- those guys. I'll Just have to work the blood they become elongated the fabrics from which the cos­ the Magicians basketball squad, is the Foote Homes Auditorium Sun­ d at the company’s North Mem- my way down through them." and bent, hence the name "sickle" tumes will be made. Brocades, silks, developing into a ucpendab.e play­ day, Feb. 17 at 3 p. m Guest will >his district at 2167 Chelsea. cell. moires, sequins, and pearls are but maker and rebounder. be the Memphis Choral Union, a few of the fabulous fabrics and Greater Prospect Choir Number I, After working for 17 years at Blocd containing sickled red and Paynes Chapel choir. Mrs. Vllson Packing company, Gill found Two Pilgrim Resi accessories that will enhance the cells is thicker than normal colorful dress of the ads. Ii Berda Godwin and Mrs. M. Todd dmself of a Job when the meat- blood and- flows less readily are chairmen of the program. lackers packed up and left the city Choirs In Concerts These ads ill also perform the Finsi Baille For through small blood vessels. This dances of the countries they repre­ The Chorus will present Its ann­ oilowing a strike. Married and the retarded and inadequate blood flow ual “March erf states" program Fri­ ather of two . daughters, he had to The’ musical organizations of sent to the music of Bill Harvey accounts for the systems and signs and his orchestra, portraying am­ day. Feb. 22 8 p m at the F and ind something fast. Pilgrim Rest Baptist church, Rev. which bring the patient to the doc­ C, M. Lee, pastor, will have special bassadresses cf the various coun­ C. Homes Auditorium. Fifty lovely "I was considering buying a tor. The condition requires a life­ tries, the lovely nds will indeed give models will represent the United ruck and going into the moving programs Sunday, Feb. 17. time of medical supervision and The Sanctuary chclr will be the patrons a vicarious trip .around States. Music will bo by the chor­ »an business,” he said, "when 0. patients with the condition are fre­ the world and permit the patrons us, Pattersonaires and other guest r. Turner, agency director of Un- heard in concert at 3 p.m. and the quently admitted to hospitals. male chorus at 8 p.m. to optimistically envision a world soloists.'Mrs. Ida Horton and Mrs. . on Protective suggested that I join More knowledge about the condi­ . WASHINGTON - (UPI) — A Cordelia Walton are chairmen and 1 ¡hem as an agent. PERCY GILL Esau Perry is president of the tion would greatly aid the physi­ where beauty and goodwill prevail. male chorus; Hal Walker Is vice Some of the countries being re­ presidential commission on civil Mrs, Mattie Todd, president, A. B. | “I am certainly pleased with my life insurance profession from Ru­ cians and help them to better help presented include Japan, England, rights said Tuesday the American Gregory is president of the tenant president'; 'Robert Conley, secretary, their patients. association. new Job, so much so that when I fus R. Jones, manager of the and W. Hunter, assistant secretary. Mexico, the Ivory Coast, and the Negro’s final battle for equality received an invitation recently The disease was first discovered United States. probably will Lake place in the Mrs. Caiverta Ishmael of 626,C North Memphis district, During a A. Kelly is treasurer and business by Dr. Herrick in 1910. During the Mississippi Blvd, has done an ex­ from the new company that has manager is H. Jackson. Jack Keith The admission to the formal ball North, not the south. Ume in to replaee Wilson's I had recent election at the branch, Gill next 25 years it received scant at­ is $2.50 per person payable at the cellent Job with her kindergarten ’o tell them I appreciated their was voted in as vice president of is program chairman. tention and was looked upon as a In a report to President Kennedy, which she has owned and operated The music for the program was door the night of the dance. Ail the six-man review board said that itrffer, but I was satisfied to remain the North Memphis Agency Force. medical curiosity. In recent years proceeds go toward the maintain- for 17 years at the auditorium, 758 vith Union Protective," he said. selected by Leo Braggs and Crlte there has been a rapidly expand­ "gentlemen’s agreements" in the MiSS. »vSfor the _^^lc wMOill is Mason, minister of music for the ence of a counselor for unwed mo­ North, rather than resistance to ing interest in the disease and a thers. The Foote Homes Kindergarten church. growing body of literature. One of court orders, are more subtle and thus more difficult to eliminate in has become an institution in the the reasons why the disease has area. With a class of approximate- TV FOR B. G. not been studied more widely is Road Construction the civil rights battle. that hospital facilities and research —GEORGETOWN, British Guiana LAMENTIN. Martinique— < ANP) Although progress Is slow facilities have not been present in - The European Fund for Devel­ — (ANP) — Television Is expected the areas where patients arc most South, the commission said See Jack to come to British Guiana some opment, a subsidiary of-the Euro­ pears to bp inevitable. But numerous, on the other hand, in pean Economic Community, Is the lime soon, according to the weekly research centers where the funds North, where dtseriinination newspaper, “Mirror.” financial backer for a road con­ outside tlie law, "it is here that the and facilities and scientists inte­ struction project which will link The report has it that a U S. rested in the diease arc available, last liattie for equal rights may bo firm will provide equipment, set Lamentin, Kobrrt and Trinité. 'I he fought in America," it added. ' . the patients are not readily avail­ ECC, working m conjunction with ALG up the station, and will be paid able. However, in Memphis, there Robert G. Storey, vice cnalrmftu ! from the profits of the operation, the Caribbean organization is hope­ of the U.. 8. commission on Civil is seldom’ a time when there are ful that construction firms In the no patients with the more severe Rights, presented the 207-page ro- French Guiana, Guadeloupe. Mar- -poit-l«-Kenned.v-at—the—White’ LIQUOR STORE vice president of^Lakeview Garden Tormsretf the disease on the wards;- Thilqite, the Netherlands Antilles often there are two to six patients House during a rereinony marking Civic club. He is a member of and Surinam will submit bids for centennial of Lincoln's Emancipa­ 575 MISSISSIPPI BLVD. Gordon’s Gin Springdale Baptist church. at. any given time. the contract. tion Proclamation, how are they linked EARN EXTRA CASH Come On Fellows 52 Both are native inventions that Englishmen Let's Go Sell still hold dear. Surprisingly though, the Bowler did not make its appearance on BEGINS 1 SATURDAY’**1 FEBRUARY 16! London streets until 185 5, a full 86years(iflerAlexanderGordon You'll love every minute at Oaklawn '63! .introduced his remarkable gin. J MEMPHIS Forty-three days of thoroughbred racing, The Gordon’s you drink ■aster than ever before. Eleven rich fea- today harks back to WORLD ure races, including the $20,000 added Mr. Gordon’s original Oaklawn Handicap and the traditional . ' 1769 formula. We’ve NEWSPAPERS $25,000 added Arkansas Derby. Venture never found reason to into the exciting, carefree world of Oak« . tamper with such unique ■ lawn '63! dryness and delicate Come In Or Call flavour. Why would we? IondohDry 8 >acei Mon., Tum. and Thur. • 9 races Wed., Fri. and Sal* KCi daily, beginning March 18 f Gordon’s is the biggest Gin 546 BEALE ST. ’selling gin in England, WtqiHtfniwuC»’’ ■■ ' America and the world. JA. 6-4030 D

FlOÎtftlW If You Are l l or Older ■VJ.. DOVE OF PEACE FLYING AS HATCHET IS BURIED LAGOS, Nigeria (ANP) - The dove of peace was flying .in wide circles over the continent last week as six African nations A Friend In Morse which had been feuding with each other for various reasons de­ > ' WASHINGTON - (NNPA) - The damoge was done. Sen. John cided to bury their differences. The two Congo Republics, Brazza­ J.-Williams had placed in the Congressional Record a blistering ville and Leopoldville, decided to "forget the past" and build the attack on Harlem's Rep. Adorn Clayton Powell. future on "mutual friendship and common effort." Ün’ an aJmàt tinhe-ird of spe ch . ther ihr dois any tort? The split between Senega) and lock two years, arid months of on-, on?the Senate.floor last Tuesday,’ The Hartem Con,:ren-m. nt-wif. Mali, which broke up the Mali again, off - again meetings by the WUllams said various government who lives in Puerto Bleow't'i.thei: federation in 1960, w?.s settled ami­ liquidation committee of the for­ agencies had bien 'scrambling ; on, was paid (according to Hous cably according to a joint commun­ mer Federation to arrive at a set- around to see who could give Mr. payroll records) the sum of $12,620 ique issued by the two nations. tleemnt. Powell the most favorable deal." last yea ras a' member of his ot- Finally, the border between Gha­ Meanwhile, the significance of He- said toe federal government Helal office staff. na and i(s neighbor, Togo, which the agreement between Ghana and bad been 'Tihovellng .out” the tax- Regarding the Morse proposal to had been closed for seevral months the Togo provisional government . payer's mOniy to, Rowell, whose expunge the remarks from the re­ before the Jan. 13, assassination of was being carefully weighed. Other ; "èMapaàes;1' including .a trip to cord, Williams Said It was too late, Togo President Sylvanus Olympio, West African states, Guinea in par­ Europe with :tos “Hji ■ friends" If the Senate wanted to wipe the was reopened. ticular, had criticized Ghana for .• remarks from ‘the records, he said, The agreement between the two recognizing the new regime of Ni- ; ' (fa'.Wedfatoday, .Reft..- Wayne "the time to hsve done It wm to* Congos was announced in a com­ colas Qrunltzky so soon after Olym- : tt^ 'toe-Oregon -Demwrat, took day. The Record is circulated,.and munique marking the end of a five- pio’s murder by military insurgent*, i to:,top'floor to 'ttake exception’’ to the action as shown to the Record day offilcal visit to Leopoldville by Several African states, notably ' toe Delaware Republican's com­ which Has been circulated stands B. 0. DAVIS, JR., USAF President Fulbert Youlou, president Dahomey and Nigeria, had appealed ments ¿bout powell. i' as It is now.” of Congo - Brazzaville. to Ghana and Togo to settle Jhrir i ihU finira..’Mqtm said, "the Moving on to other business arid Benjamin 0. Davis, Jr„ was born The two countries, according to differences, long before Olymplo’s i speech ’Contaíned ¿i • such a ser- into weekend adjournment, the In Washington, D. C., December the communique, were to "immed­ "death. Member states of the Mop- ; faus imputation against the char- Senate directed the Rules commit­ 18. 1912. He was graduated from iately” draft agreements on stu­ rovla group, which includes Daho- ! tóer and reputation ,ot a colleague tee to consider Morse's ç motion to high school at Cleveland. Ohio, dent, radio and television exchang­ mey and Nigeria and. 19 other na­ o*'toe .H.óusa„side .that In my expunge the speech. in 1929, and then attended Western es, anti - customs fraud, and coop­ tions, met here recently to discuss. =; jídgmént';,. should hot stand, at ■ For ¿11 practical purposes, how­ Reserve University for a year and eration in river transport. The com­ the Togo situation. i least, without protest? ever, this meant the end of that the University of Chicago for two munique was issued after talks be­ The border between Togo and i 'Me Oregonian said he was of- particular matter. years. Entering the U. S. Military tween Abbe Youlou and Congo Ghana, closed to all traffic for sev- j ííítag'í^íiteblution.’. to . “expunge' ; There was an even chance that Academy in July 1932. he was gra­ Leopoldville President Joseph Kasa- eral months, was reopened at the (erase) tìw.”speech, oí the Sena­ the Rules Committee would act duated June 12, 1936, and com­ bubu. Aflao post, two miles- from Lome, tor from Delaware from toe perm- on another Morse proposal — one missioned a second lieutenant of A settlement of differences be­ the Togolese capital. ' Aàéiit: recàrra4/.0ltoree ’against not ah easy forgiveness; It requires Seminary was just across the Ohio overseers, its description of the pri­ tenant colonel (temporary) March a Tokyo paper that was prals.’ng OGY OF MAG AZINS VERSE” cases concerning tho Constitutional River from the slave State of Ken­ vations and sufferings of slaves, 1,1943; to colonel (temporary) May a Negro who published anthologies This was called, "the best short eipwpie?. it was-, that, to their a dross; ;but in thia forgiveness is rights of Negroes. In his fourteen yaliy to their religious tradition. our only hope. Here the grace of tucky and was in the throes of a and its complete condemnation of 29. 1944; to captain (permanent) from’ 1913 to 1929. This Negro was stories of the year." appearances before tho hlghtcst violent controversy oyer the issue of Southern civilization won countless June 12, 1946; to colonel (perma­ William Stanley Braithwaite. ' ’ 1/rejtoted God’s command- God Is emphasized. Jesus is a re­ court in the Land, Mr. Marshall The things that made Braith­ hey .wegj.’more concerned deemer, not an instructor. He stands human Blavery. Here she became thousands over to abolition and left nent) July 27, 1950; to brigadier The words of my Japanese poet­ waite and his friend’s books re- won eleven cases and lost only two. one of the mistresses of an Under­ Southern leadera busy denying thè general (temporary) October 27, ess friend rang in my ears again, markable , , . the time and the igious aits than with the against the faw because ha points For h’s many defenses of t’’» in of God’ And no weird tb a relationship more basic than ground Railway station. truth of the novel," and denounc­ 1954; to major general September "I hope you will become as ded­ Attitude of the men and their ^h/tapre'dlreetly to rights of his people, Mr. Marshall In 1836 Harriet married Calvin ing those who hod the gall to at­ 13, 1955. icated as William Stanley Braith­ courage. As the. breath of life taw. Jesus draws us into obedient, won many honor b. tiume u. uwm ait. Outwardly re- discipleship. As disciples we hot Stowe who had encouraged her In tack it. waite." My friend had carefully whistles through American litera­ aje. Xt;’lM«i this is true-in are! n her writing. By 1850 the Stowe avoided the words famous, rich or ture, William ■Stanley Braithwaite only love this Lord with a whole 1, Honorary degrees of Doctor of Constance Mayfield Rourke, writ­ b W to church. We heart, but we Also leam to sepm family had moved to Bowdoln Col­ First Colored Woman read. This drove me on in my quest will live on and on and on. «■'the CiWtian faith, him. Laws from lege in Maine. Back in the New ing In Trumpets of Jubilee, points for knowledge cf this Negro who’s q, Lincoln University, June, 1947 out the broader significance of Mis. worthy toutok and «ct This lesson draws our attention England atmosphere of rising re- In Virginia Is CPA name had found its way into the b, Virginia State College, May. Stowe's creation: conversation and admiration of a "MAIDS WANTED now for Chi­ p&ijiMBut do we really fave to what is primary. The most taa-- igious abolitionism, she reacted _ RICHMOND - JNNPA)^- Mrs. cago and Suburbs. $30 to $60 week­ iSwO:01y worMilp the one 1948 violently against the fugitive slave ~ In the midst of the bitter climax Ruth Hortense coles Harris, 34, portant loyalty does not belong to c. Morgan State College, June, of revolt she had caught the dark ly. Free room, board, TV. Ticket a traditional practice — even a provisions of the compromise of head of the commerce department 1962 Image of the endless restraints im­ She will receive her CPA certifi­ sent. Write or call, Jim Perry traditional religious practice. The 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. at Virginia Union. University, be­ cate when she completes thfe;-nec- Empl...... Agency, 166 W. Washington M tended to be- with its repeal of the Missouri posed by the Fugitive Slave Law... came the first of her race in the first place In our loyalty belongs to Ardent and tired and overwrought, essary two years experience require-1 st7chirago ^, Ill. STate 2-7642." rtjtod' Institutional God. And our first obligation Ls Compromise. Her reaction took state Feb, 6 to pass the rigid ex­ ment. I . . . ro through the act, GoodGrooming fonn to Uncle Tom’6 Cabin, a novel In that sensitive state where the amination for certified public ac­ to truly love him. Lovtag/God first imagination grows fluid, where in­ ly worship! We say releases us from all lesser loyal­ which brought her famb, and which countant. ¡ BibW iFoi fjritc importance, "hook the foundations of the slave ner and outer motives coalesce, she The mother of two children. Mrs. ties, from all idolatry, from wrong had taken bondage as her theme, it We di n6t know what it says, commitment. Jesus calls tta to gj mphe to their very depths, in Harris was one of 21 successful ap­ i-tay., Jesus.’is Lord; Blit wa are '.■citing the book Mrs. Stowe had had b?come Obsessed with’ its con­ plicants from a. group of 36 per­ beyond the. external for" bt rellg- ditions, morbidly obs&'ed-by the on; he calls us to .be’ committed •but one purpose, to show tho ta- sons who took the examination. .titutton of slavery truly as It ex- concomitant of punishment, the PDSNER'S C with a whole heart and.5;a whole intai. Nothing ate« is Ntafaiy of the star." The novel sold more than terrible infliction Of pain; freedom kWl^tovByou at any cost, at the last ’costs be­ Shaw. Although the Fifty-Fourth kintona. Obe to be served: had been repulsed, its bravery un­ (These comments are based on arne her immense preoccupation. ..Hading brandi d. Howard Uhlverslt" . June 6 In her story, down the great flood der fire (yon praise throughout the ., lity first-aid uutitac* of the iriterriattonid Sun­ .954,'and of the south, Journey numbers of North. For the storming of a for­ T dressing you can buy. Soothes, pro-' day School Lessons, Copyrighted by e. Grinnell college, June 8, 1954. midable bastion like Wagner fur­ _ gJiilrtC. ata* . » the' International council of Re- human beings under a basic com­ Mr.. Marshall was pi»ced on the pulsion; to and fro they pass with- nished the severest test of. valor. 'Petroleum Jelly to cotoc out ahead! ' „Xu ' * ’ **’ Í954 Honor Roll of Racé Relation; n a great, far-flung net, those hap­ In the dread twilight on that bar­ ’or the Schomberg collection; was less creatures; small, driven, for­ ren stretch of Carolina shore, the awarded the Spingam Medal in lorn, they take on stature as they Fifty-Fourth had fixed forever the 1946; won the National Newspaper confront the vast impossible hope Negro’s right to the title of Shows You're A Publisher's Rus.wurm -Award for <>f escape. citizen-soldier. •inking pcss-blb.’. a richer concept iten of democratic principles as ex MURRAY MAN ;-ra-xd in the. ld.als of the. Ameri­ Tw, the MURRAY MAN ie outetendlni can way of Life; received the Ni- Do as thousands do to m «ny iocl»l group end ln"top flight” job«. ti-mal Bar At.O’i.rticn award in He'e the man who parapere hi» hair with •cd Manly to^ MURRAY'S Suptrier Hair Dreaelng September, 134): the Baltimore Pomade. Hi» hair alwaya looka "juat eo". Af.o American Nitional Honor Rai temporarily RELIEVE minor fedi twig amooth, alipk—gloaij. You, too, can award: the omega P.i Phi Achleve- RELAX! eaaily acquire th« MURRAY LOOK. Sim I mint award for 1951; the Chicago .Itemlzlm ply apply a email Sab to your hair, maa- OI oooy «m nwn> n«™i immj u ■ I Defender’s Robert S. Abbot Memo- miy iiww op (« the reel of your life. lA/I'l H A aage and comb—talHaMOonda.ynt'-your , RHEUMATIC PAIN •DorklROti hair will atay perfectly groomed all day. | Award in 1954; and was cited Thle f«M

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