PRICE TEN CENTS VOLUME 31, NUMBER 35 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1963 ----------- — -! a? Lester ....... Melrose ...... Washington Douglass .. In another Monday night melee, Carver'.... Father 'Bertrand dropped Hamilton. Bertrand . Rochester Thomas was high for 72-52. i--t Bertrand. Redell Smith Manassas .. Melrose with 24, followed by Bob- was high for Bertrand with 25, and Hamilton . Funeral services were held Tuesday Bight of this week for 20-year-old Fred Lynch, Jr., a painter, who resided-with his parents at 30 W. Illinois. The young man was killed last Saturday when his Police Chief J. C. :Macdonald newly purchased automobile went out of control near Walnut, made it known .last week that his Miss. Burial was Wednesday morning in New Park Cemetery With department will not tolerate mis­ treatment of prisoners by pole?, Southern Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. -. : officers. “It should.be clearly understood by the police officers of this de­ partment and the citizens of this city that this office is not going to toftrate any type of misconduct or mistreatment of any persons, re­ the biology lab. He was reaching gardless of his race, by any mem­ on top of a shelf for a bottle of ber of this department," he said. immersion oil, which had been re­ The statement, was made after quested by a student, when he ac­ he levied 10 - day suspensions for cidentally knocked off a bottle of Mrs. Lee CoI­ "neglect of duty” against two squad chlorosulfonic acid, a mixture of VOLUNTEER WORKER HONORED - car partners Involved in a prisoner hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. lia Hill, right, volunteer, non-paid worker in beating incident. the fight for cancer, receives an engraved gold The bottle containing the power­ A Commercial Appeal reporter plaque from the Cancer Society Unit's Service said he saw Officers 8. H Wier and ful acid broke and splattered the George 8. Willis beating two Ne­ deadly liquid on his face, left arm Committee chairman, Dr. Alys Lipscomb, during gro meh, Arthur E. Fisher and and right leg. Richard L. Washington. The acid hit three small spots on Dr. Gibson's face. He would MRS. L.C. HILL IS HONORED have been blinded had'the fluid reached his eyes. He received sec­ ond and their degree burns on the arm and serious third degree burns on the leg. Dr. Gibson immediately doused his trousers with water but a smoke The versatile choir of Tougaloo screen was created when the water Southern Christian college at Tou­ FIGHT AGAINST CANCER came in contact with the acid. He galoo, Miss., will be presented to then dashed across the hall to the Memphians, Mar. 22, at the Chris­ chemistry lab where he appealed to tian Church, 974 Mississippi Blvd., Dr. John Buehler, professor of it was announced this week by B. chemistry for help. The chemistry G. Olive Jr. an officer of the DR. W. W. GIBSON, SR. professor removed Dr. Gibson's church and trustee of the college. clothes and applied bicarbonate to The choir is under the direction the burned areas. ■ of Ariel 1$, Lovelace. <.-■ CoriTmlftee chairmen planning the Dr. Buehler and Charles Phillips ¿SURPRISED - Melvin N* Conte* of the physics department then concert are Mrs. Laura Cade, time pralclpal of Douglass High Bchopl, rushed Dr. Gibson to Medical Cen­ and place; Mrs. Eunice Shill and received a happy surprise JW ter on Mississippi Blvd., where he -Mrs. Ann Weathers, program; week when he was giien the “This was given emergency treatment. Charles S Johnson and Charles.A. Is Your Life” treatment by .The Gl til Family Home Evans, housing; Mrs. Cenetta Royal Gents, a student organiza­ The third annual NDCC Officers’ (Continued on Page Four) Qualls and Mrs. Ida Mae Lockard tion. Bail and Banquet , ill be held on finance, Miss Agretta Whittaker, the evening, of Saturday, Feb. 23, junior choir; Mrs. Mildred Riley, Memphis alumni- of Lane College DOUGLASS PRINCIPAL CITED in the Carver Higti School gym­ reception; George Parker, host com. at Jackson, Tenn, launched a $3,- nasium, It was announced this week mlttee, and J. T Chandler; pub­ 500 campaign here Thursday night by Maj. George L. Robinson. licity. at a kickoff meeting in Mt. Olive : '.The NDCC Queen Judging Con­ CME Church. Money raised will testds scheduled for 6:60 to 7:50, the The Council of Presbyterian Men LeMoyne Seniors Eye furnish the lounge, in a women’s bjimquet from 7:50 to 8:50, and of Bethel Presbyterian Church at dormitory just erected on the Lane the military bail from 8:50 to 12. 1060 Mississippi Blvd., will celebrate Indian Reservations campus. The accident occurred around 4 with.....l an annual Brotherhood Day p m. while the well - liked pro­ program this Sunday, Sept. 17, at 6 Representatives of the-U. S. De­ The drive will extend through Mitchell's 'Miss Soph' fessor was supervising a class in p m Speaker for the occasion partment of Interior, Bureau .of In­ the month of February. John will be the Rev.L F Haygood, dian Affairs, were on the LeMoyne Strong is chairman, and George Is Charesw D. Horner pastor of Parkway Gardens Presby­ College campus this, week interview­ Warren, co-chairman. Edward Charessa Dyanne Horner; daugh­ terian Church. ing seniors interested in teaching Gray is coordinator of captains so­ ter,of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horn­ Elmer Henderson, president of at schools on Indian reservations liciting funds. er, 3322 Rochester Road, has been the council, said the Bethel Men’s in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Frank Gray, president of the Lane chosen Miss Sophomore at Mitchell Chorus will sing. The Rev J. A. Colorado. alumni chapter, listed the follow­ High School where she is' a member McDaniel is pastor. ing captains: of the Library Club, NHA and So­ A representative of the Cleveland, cial Club. She is also a member of Ohio public system is due on the E. Gray, Finis Fields, Lacree WDIA’s Teentown Singers. Annual observance of Religious LeMoyne campus , in May. Steverson, Lennie Wooldridge, Fred­ Emphasis Week is underway at Le­ die Black, Odessa Reed, Eva Dr. Vasco Smith To Moyne College and will continue The mbst popular 1962 Christmas Broome, Maxine Bradley, Mary Owen Homecoming througli Friday cards sold in the. South African Re- Daniels, Larclnia McDaniels, Fred­ Sue Holiday Inns Guest minister for the. week is public were those carrying the like­ die Hill, Hazel Allen, Rachelle Set For Feb. 14 Dr. Everett W. MacNair, dean of ness of Albert Luthuli, Nobel Peace Brown, Clarkey Williams, Mildred Price winner and president of the. Owen College will observe home- chapel and professor of religion at Hall, Shirley Winston, Gloriadean coming on Thursday; Feb. 14, A Talladega College .in Talladega, Ala. banned African National Congress, and five other African Leaders. (Continued on Page Four) basketball game with Shorter Jr.|, He speaks dally at 10:30 a. m. College of Little Rock will be held during chapel hour and holds spe­ at 8 P M in the Booker T. Wash­ cial afternoon conferences with ington -High Schol Gymnasium. students Lois Jean Jubirt, the basketball His wife, Mrs. Irene MacNair. ac­ He was denied senice last De- companied him to Memphis and team sweetheart, “Miss Owen Col­ lege,” Willie Frank Taylor, and her cember at the Capitol Hill which will give an illustrated lecture on was built on land in an ■urban re- “Land of the White Elephant." attendants, Daisy Hodges and Eth- newal area that thecitracqulred el Criss, will be presented during _ The_MacNalrs_recently_completed with federal money. ®... a tour of the world. the half time ceremonies. A Beauchamp, former na- Local Beauticians Freddie Rhodes and James Wat­ Dr. smith will be represented .by son are the team co - captains. (Continued on Page Four) Atty. Avon Williams of Nashville. Me Pine Bluff Westbrook And Springer The'Southern Central Regional At Pittsburgh Confab Conference, of which the Tennessee State, Progressive. Beauticians As­ Joseph Westbrook, supervisor of Churchman's Day At 2nd Congregational sociation is a part, will be held Feb. secondary sohools in Memphis, and J •. D Springer, principal of Book­ 17-18 in Pine Bluff, Ark. er T. .Washington High School, A large delegation from Memphis will. attend the meetings and a were in Pittsburgh, Pa., this week To Feature Speaker From Cleveland, Ohio motorcade will’leave from Gorine attending a conference of- the Na­ tional Association of .'Secondary The eighth Churchman's Sunday | Church of Christ national Ì Congregational » (Continued on Page Four) School principals. Celebration will be held at Second Congregational Church, Sunday, Feb. 17 at 3 p, m. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Hujvey M. (Katherine Pj Williamson of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Williamson will be accomp?.n- Church of Christ at Alpine, Inc., ied to Memphis' by her husband Berchtesgaden, Germany. ; who is brother to Dr. Juanita Will­ iamson and Mrs. Emma Williamson LeMOYNE COLLEGE'S MISS UNCF, Miss Sadie L. Hollowell, Johnson of J1SM- Cannon St., Memphis. holding the position of C sow' one of her dreams come true last weekend. While in New Music, will be provided by the Division of Social Adn York City for the National Miss UNCF Pageant, she got a chance LeMoyne College Choir under the Ohio Department of P to tour Macy's and blty a dress. direction of-J. W. Whittaker. Ml&s fare, Columbus, Ohio. SI ■Martelle Trigg, e member of Sec­ served as consultant to ond Church, will introduce the Islands Family Life i speaker. Other members Of the Committee and as delei church participating on the pro- White House Conference : gram are Mrs. Alphonse S. Huuni- I cult, Mrs.
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