The London Gazette, Hth December 1980 17235

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The London Gazette, Hth December 1980 17235 THE LONDON GAZETTE, HTH DECEMBER 1980 17235 DAVIES, Jeffrey, of 26 Heol Morfa, Briton Ferry, Neath BRENCH, Charles William, of no fixed abode, lately - in the county of West Glamorgan, Water Jet Operator, residing at 97 Oatlands Drive, Slough, Berks, and formerly Self Employed as a SUB-CONTRACTING previously at 55 Wexham Road, Slough aforesaid, Self- PAINTER. Court—NEATH AND PORT TALBOT. Employed LABOURER (described in the Receiving No. of Matter—& of 1975. Date of Order—8th July Order as C. W. Brench (male)). Court—SLOUGH. No. 1980. Nature of Order Made—Discharge granted. of Matter—40 of 1975. Date of Order—1st August 1980. Nature of Order Made—Bankrupt's discharge BAILEY, Gerald Anthony John (described in the Receiv- suspended one month, discharged 1st September 1980. ing Order as G. A. Bailey (male)), of 172 Gladstone Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, unemployed, COLES, Georgina (married woman), 21 Gleneagles Tower, lately carrying on business under the style of "North- Flemming Road, Southall, Middlesex, housewife, lately ampton Building and Garden Construction", BUILDER. residing at 30 Frampton Court, Trowbridge, Wiltshire; Court—NORTHAMPTON. No. of Matter—33 of 1975. Court—SLOUGH. No. of Matter—63 of 1975. Date Date of Order—28th August 1980. Nature of Order of Order—1st August 1980. Nature of Order Made- Made—Discharge refused. Bankrupt discharged. BARNES, Jack, of Longham Cottage, Longham, Dereham, COLLINS, Christopher Maurice, 47 Grove Road, Windsor, Norfolk, ELECTRONICS ENGINEER. Court—NOR- Berkshire, VAN DRIVER, lately carrying on business WICH. No. of Matter—52 of 1975. Date of Order—12th under the name or style of "W. B. Ellis" from 12 August 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt dis- Alexandra Road, Windsor aforesaid as a NEWSAGENT, charged. CONFECTIONER and TOBACCONIST, previously residing at 38 Hamilton Court, Bracknell, Berkshire, COX, Michael Bertram, now employed as a Painter and (described in the Receiving Order as C. M. Collins Decorator, of 128 Wilmot Street, Sawley in the county of (male)). Court-^SLOUGH. No. of Matter—2 of 1975. Nottingham, lately carrying on business from that Date of Order—1st August 1980. Nature of Order address as a PAINTER and DECORATOR, and prior Made—Bankrupt discharged. thereto residing and carrying on business at 8 Retlow Court, Chilwell in the county of Nottingham.. Court— COOPER, Harry, of 85 Larch Crescent, Hayes, Middlesex, NOTTINGHAM. No. of Matter—27 of 1975. Date of TRANSPORT CONTRACTOR. Court—SLOUGH. Order—12th August 1980. Nature of Order made— No. of Matter—39 of 1975. Date of Order—12th Sep- Bankrupt discharged. tember 1980. Nature of Order Made—Bankrupt's dis- charge suspended one month, discharged 12th October BYRNE, David Patrick, and BYRNE, Colleen (his wife), 1980. residing at 19 Enid Street, Trealaw, Tonypandy in the county of Mid-Glamorgan and carrying on business as BOREHAM, Denis Leslie, of 10 Albert Road, Benfleet, RETAIL GROCERS, TOBACCONISTS and CONFEC- Essex, of no occupation, lately COMPANY DIRECTOR TIONERS, under the style of P. D. & C. Byrne, at 74B and lately residing at 46 Western Road, Rayleigh, Essex, East Road, Tylorstown, Ferndale, Mid Glamorgan afore- formerly carrying on business on his own account and said (described in the Receiving Order as Patrick D. previously with another at 629 Rayleigh Road, Eastwood, Byrne and Colleen, Byrne (married woman)). (Separate Essex, and 1129 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, estate of Patrick D. Byrne). Court—PONTYPRIDD. No. at both addresses as Rayleigh Estates as ESTATE. of Matter—5 of 1975. Date of Order—28th August 1980. AGENTS (described in the Receiving Order as Denis Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged subject to Boreham (male)). Court—SOUTHEND. No. of Matter consent to judgment for £500 to be paid within 3 years. —22 of 1975. Date of Order—6th August 1980. Nature of Order Made—No order made. BURTON, George Edwin Brian, of 2 Hillside, Burcombe, near Salisbury in the county of Wiltshire, lately residing CHAMBERS, Francis Joseph (described in the Receiving at and carrying on business as T. E. Burton, at Brook Order as Frank Chambers), of 9 Fairlawn Liden Drive, Street, Fovant in the county of Wiltshire, HAULAGE Swindon in the county of Wilts, Office Manager, CONTRACTOR. Court—SALISBURY. No. of Matter formerly of 13 Capital Close, Stratton St. Margaret, —15 of 1975. Date of Order—26th September 1980. Swindon in the county of Wilts, Office Manager, Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged subject to from 105 High Street, Oxford in the county of Oxford, consent to judgment for £240 payable at £20 a month, under the style "Frank Chambers", as a BUILDING first payment 26th October 1980. CONTRACTOR. Court—SWINDON. No. of Matter —15 of 1974. Date of Order—1st September 1980. CHESTER, Christopher John, of 24 Ashling Crescent, Nature of Order Made—Discharge granted, suspended Queens Park, Bournemouth in the county of Dorset and one month to 1st October 1980 subject to payment of lately carrying on business at a HOTELIER from the £5,000 (credit being given for £1,000 already lodged White Hart Hotel, Whitchurch and also lately residing with Official Receiver). at 159 Weyhill Road, Andover, both in the county of Hants, Salesman. Court—SALISBURY. No. of Matter APLIN, Ronald, also known as Douglas Appleby (described —35 of 1974. Date of Order—26th September 1980. in the Receiving Order as D. Appleby (male)), unem- Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. ployed, residing and formerly carrying on business at 5 Burrows House, Green Lane, Walsall in the metropolitan CARSER, James, of 29 Longnor Street, Mountfields, county of West Midlands as a SUB CONTRACTING Shrewsbury, Salop, formerly residing at 59 Sundorne PLASTERER. Court—WALSALL. No. of Matter— Crescent, Harlescott, Shrewsbury, a PSYCHIATRIC 44 of 1975. Date of Order—17th September 1980. MALE NURSE. Court—SHREWSBURY. No. of Matter Nature of Order Made—Bankrupt discharged. —47 of 1975. Date of Order—21st August 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. COOPER, Reginald Paul Roy, of 71 Wenlock Road, APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE Shrewsbury, formerly residing at 25 Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, and trading at Unit 97, Condover Industrial WATTS, Ernest Geoffrey, of 204 High Road, Woodford Site, Condover, Salop, WASTE PAPER MERCHANT. Green, Essex, DIRECTOR of an ESTATE AGENTS Court—SHREWSBURY. No. of Matter—48 of 1975. and VALUERS COMPANY, lately of 9 Chigwell Park, Chigwell, Essex. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Date of Order—21st Augftst 1980. Nature, of Order No. of Matter—34 of 1980. Trustee's Name, Address made—Discharge refused. and Description—Eckley, Neville Richard, 10 Braxnley APPLE, Kenneth Dudley, a Shop Manager, lately a TAXI Hill, South Croydon CR2 6LL, Chartered Accountant DRIVER, of 26 Featherstone Road, Southall, Middlesex, Date 'of Certificate of Appointment—7th October 1980. • lately residing at 26 Oak Street, Jarrow, Tyne and Wear, and 61 Broughton Court, Harrington Road, West Baling, London W.I3. Court—SLOUGH (by transfer from NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND Sunderland county court). No. of Matter—104A of 1975. Date of Order—12th September 1980. Nature of Order BROWN, Derek, of 10 Wigram Square, London E.17, made—Discharge granted subject to consent to judgment PLUMBER and HEATING ENGINEER, described in for £120 plus £1'50 costs payable at £5 a month, com- the Receiving Order as Derek Browne. Court—HIGH mencing 12th November 1980. COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—100 of 1975..
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