Analgesic Activity of Withania Somnifera Deepali Walekar*, Sagar Shimpi

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Analgesic Activity of Withania Somnifera Deepali Walekar*, Sagar Shimpi International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019 1321 (ISSN 2229-5518%& Analgesic activity of Withania somnifera Deepali Walekar*, Sagar Shimpi Abstract— Pain on the basis of duration can be classified as acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is easy to cure as compared to chronic pain. Pain perception threshold depends on the type of disease and psychological condition of patient. Despite of ad ances in the medical sciences, an e!ecti e remedy for pain is still not a ailable. "any laboratories ha e acti e research programs on pain management. Plants ha e provided many drugs to the modern medicine. #pium obtained from Papa er somnifera late$ is the most e!ecti e treatment of pain. Salicylic acid obtained from Sali$ bark is a starting point for de elopment of non%steroidal anti%inflammatory drugs. 'he structure activity studies on opium and salicylic acid ha e increased our understanding on structural re(uirements of analgesic drugs and also their ad erse e!ects. 'here are se eral plants )hich possess analgesic principles. 'he fractions obtained from arious plants relie e pain by acting through central and peripheral mechanisms. Preliminary studies ha e indicated antinocicepti e activity of Withania somnifera using hot plate analgesiometer and acetic acid induced )rithing *+usni et al., ,-.-/. +o)e er, there are no reports on the mechanism of antinocicepti e activity. 0n the present study )e ha e studied antinocicepti e activity of )ithanolide rich fraction of W. somnifera fraction using formalin induced pain test and sodium chloride induced eye )iping in mice. 1arious pain modulators like atropine, nalo$one, mecamylamine, penta2ocine, p3PA, sertraline ha e been used to study their e!ect of antinocicepti e potential of )ithanolide rich extract. Atropine is muscarnic antagonist, nalo$one is narcotic antagonist, mecamylamine is nicotinic antagonist and penta2ocine is a )idely used mi$ed agonist%antagonist opioid, sertraline is SS40, p3PA is serotonine depletor. Index Terms— Withania somnifera, 5ye )iping test, formalin induced pain. '''''''''' '''''''''' 1 INTRODUCTION (ain is a mixture of noxious stimuli *ith sensation& (ain is of pain !IASP% defined pain as 7An unpleasant sensor+ or commonl+ obser,ed to be associated *ith toothache, mi emotional experience associated *ith actual or potential graine, in-ammation, infection, increased ocular pressure, damage8& (ain is not onl+ sensation but also hunger and burn, *ound, reduced blood suppl+ to heart, intestinal thurst !9all, 1999%& (henomenon of pain is multidimen colic, renal colic, parturition, and ,arious diseases li.e renal sional *hich is described as pain location, :ualit+, intensity calculi, cancer etc& (ain is an important *arning sign indi !"ational institute of ;ealth, 19$<%& Human beings a=ected cating de,iation in the internalIJSER en,ironment of body& (er in ph+sical, mental and social aspects due to pain !>ole,a et ception of pain is ,er+ much sub/ecti,e and its intensity al&, 200#%& (ain is ,ar+ing *ith the experience of preamputa ,aries from person to person& 0oung children and old peo tion pain !3el4a., 19<?%& (ain is nothing but nociception ple are more sensiti,e than adults& 1enerall+ it is obser,ed *hich means emotional experience associated *ith actual that men are more tolerant than *omen& (ain perception in or potential damage, pain is one type of stimulus to brain creases in presence of in-ammation& 2he somatic pain aris *hich ma+ cause or pre,ent damage& "ociception is the ing due to ph+sical in/ur+ can be located easil+ but if pain is process in *hich pain stimulus is transferred from site of due to in-ammation of an+ ,isceral organ, it is referred on stimulation to central ner,ous s+stem !@ein, 2012%& In large specific areas of li.e pain of intestinal or renal colic or number of diseases the+ found pain as most common suf pain of cardiac ischemia *hich is referred on the left side of fering& Each indi,idual is ha,ing di=erent pain perception upper body and tra,elling to the left thumb& (ain due to in threshold. 2hreshold of pain is not fundamental :uantity as fected teeth is pulsating, continuous, and disturbing& (ain pathological e)aminations of urine, blood etc& !Rang et al&, can be considered as a protecti,e re-ex as it helps a,oid fur 19$$%& 2here is no relationship between amount of pain and ther damage& (ain can be induced b+ se,eral types of no) the extent of tissue damage !2ur. and 3el4a., 2001%& Aa,is ious stimuli such as thermal, chemical and mechanical ori !1995% described pain characteristics as gi,en in 2able 1& gin& (ain is associated *ith man+ ailments and unless the 1.1 Withania somnifera underl+ing causes subside, pain is not relie,ed& Biological source 9ithania somnifera Linn& ———————————————— Authors has passed Master in pharmacy in Pharmacology, and Dommon "ame 9inter cherr+, 9ithania root currently working in pharma company. @amil+ Solanaceae Co-Author has passed Master in pharmacy in Quality Assurance, and currently working in Lupin pharma ltd. 9ithania somnifera is also .no*n as !This information is optional; change it according to your need.) Ash*agandha, Indian ginseng, *inter cherr+ is an important ancient plant. 2he roots of Ash*agandha ha,e (ain and pleasure both are primar+ moti,ators of action been emplo+ed in Indian traditional s+stems of medicine, !3el4a., 195#%& 2he International association for the study 6+ur,eda and Enani& It gro*s in dr+ parts in sub tropical 0JSER 7 89,- International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019 1322 (ISSN 2229-5518%& regions, Ra/asthan, (un/ab, ;ar+ana, Uttar (radesh, "atural Remedies Bangalore& 2he extract contained #J of 1u/arat, 3aharashtra and 3adh+a (radesh& 2he 9ithanolides& All the chemicals used for the study *ere of pharmacological acti,ity of the root is attributed to the anal+tical grade& 2he drug and chemicals *ere purchased al.aloids and steroidals lactones& Among the al.aloids, from local ,endors of (une& Eye *iping test and formalin *ithanine, pseudo-*ithanine, tropine, pseudo tropine, induced pain animal models used for antinocicepti,e acti, somniferine, somnine are mainl+ present. 2he plant has ity& been used as an aphrodisiac, li,er tonic, anti in-ammator+ agent, and more recentl+ to treat asthma, ulcers, insomnia, 2.1 Eye w ! n" test and senile dementia& Dlinical trials and animalFs research support the use of Ash*agandha for anxiety, neurological RationaleH Sodium chloride induced e+e *iping is the t+pe disorders, in-ammation, and (ar.insonFs disease& Gral of trigeminal neuralgia& ItFs also called as prospalgia, its administration of 9ithania somnifera Linn, root po*der characterised b+ intense pain& 2rigeminal ner,e is paired sho*ed the anti arthritic e=ect in adju,ant induced arthritic cranial ner,e *hich has three ma/or branches ophthalmic rats !Kaur et al&, 2012%& Sharma et al&, !2000%H reported that ner,e, ma)illar+ ner,e and mandibular ner,e, all the three 9ithania somnifera produced significant increase in branches of the ner,e ma+ be a=ected, pain ma+ be left in neutrophil count. (aclita)el administration sho*ed fall in the e+e, ear chee.s, scalp, forehead, teeth or /a* and side of 9BD count. 9ithania somnifera *hen administered for I the face& !E@ Shands, 2012%& 2" is not easil+ controlled but da+s before paclita)el treatment and continued for 12 da+s can be managed *ith a ,ariety of treatment options caused significant re,ersal of neutropenia of paclita)el& Ws !Sarmah, 200$%& root po*der decreased the total lipids, cholesterol and (rocedureH Experiments *ere performed on adult Swiss 6l trigl+cerides in h+percholesteremic animals& Ws also bino mice !20 22 gm.% of either se)& Animals *ere housed in sho*ed strong cardioprotecti,e e=ect in experimental a standard condition of 12 hr light/dar. c+cle and 22 L 1 MD model of isoprenaline induced m+onecrosis in rat. Ws used room temperature and had freel+ access to food and *ater& as adju,ant during cancer chemotherap+ for pre,ention of Animals *ere treated and cared according to the ethical bone marro* depression associated *ith anticancer drug& guidelines& Aggarawal et al., (2006): They reported that Ws is used in 2he animals *ere placed on a #0 N #0 cm table for asthma, hypertention, to treat tumors. 10 min habituation period. Gne drop of # 3 "aDl at room temperature *as put into the right or left e+e of animal& Im C(aracter st cs )$tent a% E%ements mediatel+ after instilling "aDl solution, the animals began to *ipe the e+e *ith ipsilateral forepa*, and the number of Temp$ra% 6cute orIJSER persistent onset and duration e+e *ipes *as counted during ?0 s& Mice *ere in/ected *ith course Vehicle, 9ithanolide !?0 mgK.g% and standard drugs li.e nalo)one !1&#mgK.g%, mecam+lamine !2mgK.g%, atropine , including brea.through pain !#mgK.g% and penta4ocine !10mgK.g%, sertraline Intens ty (ain 7on a,erage8 last da+ or *ee., pain !10mgK.g%, pD(6 !1#0mgK.g% for ? da+s *ere gi,en& Each animal *as in/ected onl+ once !@ara4ifard et al&, 200#%& *+,1+ n&mer c 7at its *orst” last da+ or *ee., pain 7at sca%e- 2.2 #$rma% n nd&ced !a n test' its least” last da+ or *ee. pain right no* RationaleH In this method formalin in/ected in subplantar T$!$"ra!(y @ocal or multifocal, focal or referred, su perficial area of the hindleg exhibits both neurogenic and in-amma tor+ phases of pain& In the first phase *hich extends from 0 or deep # minutes after formalin in/ection, the pain is due to the neurogenic phase& 2he centrall+ acting analgesics inhibit .&a% ty An+ descriptor !e&g&, aching, throbbing, both phases of formalin induced pain& In-ammator+ pain stabbing or burning% associated *ith the second phase !1# ?0 minutes% is accom panied b+ release of se,eral in-ammator+ mediators and is Re% e/ n" 0ac, Volitional or non ,olitional pain inhibited b+ drugs .no*n to inhibit c+clo o)+genase metab t$rs olites deri,ed from the arachidonic acid path*a+ !Aubuis son and Aennis, 19<<%& 2.
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