The Honorable Philip Coyle,DCN: 5886BRAC Commissioner @ The Honorable James Bilbray, BRAC Commissioner \A? 25 May 2005 "1 4cqp 11~

Wednesday, 25 May 2005 DRESS: UOD

0730 Depart lod~ingen route to McChord AFB Rental Car: Mr. Coyle Mr. Bilbray Ms. Schmidt

0815 Arrive DV Loun~e(greet side) for Mission Brief Escorted by: Capt Adam Digger DiGerolamo, 62 AWICCP Met by: TSgt Donald Don Kusky, 62 AWICCP TSgt Mariah Tiedeman, 62 AWICCP Attendees: Col Frederick Rick Martin, 62 AWICV Col Eric Crabtree, 446 AWICC Col Steven Steve Arcpiette, 62 AWIDS Col Thomas Tim McCauley, 62 MSGICC Col Joseph JC Crowinover, 62 MSGICC Lt Col John S~hmed~ake,62 AWIXP Mr. Coyle Mr. Bilbray Ms. Schmidt

0900 DV Lounge to DV-1 for static display Briefers: Maj Richard Rich Fields - Pilot

TSgt Chris Beckwithi - Loadmaster 1Lt Claudia Gortva - Base Ops

SMSgt James Jim Robson - Tower

p. 1 Mr. Coyle The Honorab'le Philip Coyle, BRAC Commissioner The Honorabk James Bilbray, BRAC Commissioner 25 May 2005

0945 Depart DV-1 for Windshield Tour Surrey Bus: Col Martin Col Arquiette Mr. Coyle Mr. Bilbray Ms. Schmidt Col Joseph Joe Bradbury, WADSIDS Col Rebecca Becky Garcia, 62 MXGICC Col Crownover Col McCauley Lt Col Schmedake Lt Col Van Fuller, 6:2 CESICC Driver: A 1 C Randy Henson, 62 LRSILGRVO

Driving; bv: Tour of flight line, Home Station Check (Hangar 1 & 2), Building 100, STS

1000 Arrive CE for briefing; on Mission and Deployments Met by: ? ? ? Briefer: Lt Col Fuller

1015 Depart CE to continue windshield tour

Driving by: WADS, Golf Course, Community Center

1025 Arrive Medical Grolup for briefing in Hansen Suite Met By: Col Lori Heim, 62 MDGICD Briefer: Col McCauley

1125 Depart Medical Group en route to Northwest Connection, Fireside Lounge

p. 2 Mr. Coyle The Honorab~lePhilip Coyle, BRAC Commissioner The Honorablle James Bilbray, BRAC Commissioner 25 May 2005

1130 Arrive NWC for Lu& Meal Choice - Caesirr Salad (choice of salmon, chicken orplain) Met By: TSgt Kusky TSgt Tiedeman Attendees: Col Rowayne Wayn~eSchatz, 62 AWICC - Salmon Col Murry Peterman, 446 AWICV - Salmon Col Bradbury - Chicken Mr. Coyle Mr. BilBray Ms. Schmidt Col Arquiette - Chicken Col Garcia - Salmon Col Jon Huguley, 446 MXGICC - Salmon Col Crownover Col McCauley Col Louis Shack Bochain, 1 ASOGICC Lt Col John Ty Thonna.~,62 OGICD - Chicken Lt Col Schmedake Lt Col Fuller Maj Sam Highley, 62 AWPA - Plain CMSgt Ronald Ron Hernandez, 62 AWICCC - Salmon

1310 Depart Northwest Qnnection en route to new visitor center for media

1315 Arrive visitor centeir

1330 Depart McChord AFB en route to SeaTac airport

1415 Arrive SeaTac

p. 3 Mr. Coyle The Honorable Philip Coyle, BRAC Commissioner The Honorable James Bilbray, BRAC Commissioner 25 May 2005

1 (DSN Prefir 382 instead of 982) 1 DSN Prefir is 382 62d Airlift Wing Commander 62d Airlift Wing Vice Commander Col Wayne Schatz Col Frederick Rick Martin DP (253) 982-2621 DP (253) 982-2623 CELL (253) 241 -1 704 CELL (253) 279-6041 HP (253) 588-3716 HP (253) 588-3190 E-mail: rowayne.schatz@,mcchord~.affmil- E-mail: frederick.martin@,

62d Airlift Wing Command CMSgt 62d Airlift Wing Executive Officer CMSgt Ronald Ron Hernandez Maj Rebecca Sonkiss DP (253) 982-2845 DP (253) 982-2621 Cell 219-9563 CELL (253) 214-2388 HP (253) 582-0973 HP (253) 752-7666 E-mail: ronald.Hemandez@, E-mail: Rebecca.sonkiss@,

AWIDS OGICC Col Steven Steve Arquiette Col Christopher Chris Coley DP (253) 982-2621 DP (253) 982-5631 Cell (253) 241 -68 19 Cell (253) 820-3750 HP (253) 581-0655 HP (253) E-mail: steven.arquiette@mcchor~1.affmi1 E-mail: [email protected]

MXGICC MSGICC Col Rebecca Becky Garcia Col Joseph JC Crownover DP (253) 982-58 17 DP (253) 982-2601 Cell (253) 279-2058 Cell (253) 686-5554 HP (253) 584-4509 HP (253) 583-8519 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

MDGICC 62d Airlift Wing Chief of Protocol Col Tim McCauley Capt Adam Digger DiGerolamo DP (253) 982-5586 DP (253) 982-3059 Cell (253) 691-8355 Cell 3 12-9592 HP (253) 984-0547 HP (253) 984- 1066 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: Adam.DiGerolamo~,

62d Airlift Wing Protocol, NCOI[C 62d Airlift Wing Protocol TSgt Donald Don Kusky TSgt Mariah Tiedeman DP (253) 982-2788 DP (253) 982-2788 Cell 3 12-9464 Cell (253) 3 12-9459 HP (253) 581-4878 HP (253) 720-1 110 E-mail: donald.kuskv@,mcchord.afrnh E-mail: [email protected] p. 4 Mr. Coyle The Honorable Philip Coyle, BFUC Commissioner The Honorable James Bilbray, BFUC Commissioner 25 May 2005

62d Airlift Wing Protocol 62d Airlift Wing Protocol TSgt Robert Rob Mediavilla Ms Laurel Tafi DP (253) 982-2788 DP (253) 982-4028 Cell (253) 3 12-3188 Cell (253) 677-7055 HP (253) 569-8124 HP (360) 455-1317 E-mail: robert.mediavilla@, E-mail: laurel.tafi@,

Trans DP (253) 982-2684 62d Airlift Wing Command Post DSN 382-2635 Base Ops Comm (253) 982-2635 DSN 382-561 1 Comm (253) 982-2635

p. 5 Mr. Coyle ITINERARY - McChord Air Force Base (924-5/25/2005) i'v

I TIME EVENT - LOCATION POC ACTION 24 May Commissioners arnive; SEATAC Carol Schmidt Meet 2007 enroute to Radisson Airport - 25 May En route McChord AFB Carol Schmidt 0730 Commissioners' ~rgf 62ndAirlift Wing Brief 0830-1 000 Medical Facility Site visit 1215-1315 Lunch Carol Schmidt 1330 Depart McChord AFH Enroute Carol Schmidt I SEATAC airport 1 SEATAC Airport Check in for 1527 departure to Pasco Airport, Richland, WA COMMISSIONER COYLE

Travel Itinerary for May 23 through May 26,2005

Mav 23:

6:20 PM Flight Departs fiom Los Angles LAX 8:32 PM Flight Anives at Portland met by Brad McRee or David Combs Travel to Radisson Portland Airport for night

Travel to Portland IAP AGS for PM visit Flight Dqpart fiom Portland OR Flight Anives at Seattle WA met by Carol Schmidt Travel to Radisson Hotel Seattle

Travel to McChord AFB for AM visit Flight Departs fiom Seattle to Richland, WA Flight Anives Richland WA (Pasco Airport) met by Mr. Delgado Travel to Best Western Kennewick

Travel to Umatilla Chem. Depot. for AM visit Flight Dqpart Richland WA (Pasco Airport) ----- Layover in Seattle----- Flight Anive Los Angles COMMISSIONER BILBIUY Itinerary for May 23 through May 26,2005

May 23 : 2:45 PM Flight Departs Las Vegas 5:50 PM Flight Arrives at Portland met by Brad McRee or David Combs Travel to Radisscln Portland Airport for night

May 24:

11:OO AM Travel with David Combs to Portland IAP AGS for PM visit 7:20 PM Flight Depart lkom Portland OR 8:07 PM Flight Arrives at Seattle WA met by Carol Schmidt Travel to Radisson Hotel Seattle

May 25:

7:00 AM Travel with Carol Schmidt to McChord AFB for AM visit 3:27 PM Flight Departs from Seattle to Richland, WA 4:40 PM Flight Arrives Richland WA (Pasco Airport) met by George Delgado Travel to Best W'estern Kennewick

May 26:

7:00 AM Travel with George Delgado to Umatilla Chem. Depot. for AM visit 4:43 PM Flight Depart Richland WA (Pasco Airport) ----- Layover in Salt Lake City----- 9:00 PM Flight Arrive Las Vegas DEFENSE BASE CLOSURE AND REALIGNMENT COMMISSION


McChord Air Force Base,


With over 6,000 employees, h4cChord Air Force Base is primarily an airlift base, flying large transport aircraft that are involved in international U.S. military operations and is used by Army and Special Forces units fiom Fort Lewis, which is adjacent to McChord. Currently, the 4,6 16 acre base hosts approximately 48 C- 17 "Globemaster 111," C- 141 "Starlifter" aircraft, and 446~Airlift Wing, and is the Western Air Defense Sector hub, one of a few regional NORAD points that monitor radar data for possible incoming hostile or smuggling aircraft. In addition to providing installation support to tenants, the 62ndAirlift Wing supports worldwide combat and humanitarian airlift contingencies and carries out the mid-winder Antarctic airdrop.

DOD RECOMMENDATIONS (see Tab 3 for expanded recommendations/justification)

1. Joint Basing of McChord AFEl and Ft Lewis. 2. Realigning McChord medical functions to Ft Lewis.


Governor: Christine eregoire (D)

Senators: Patty Murrily (D), 3rdTerrn/55%; Appropriations; Budget; Health, Education, Labor & Pensions; Veterans' Affairs Maria Cantwell (D), 1St Term/49%; Commerce, Science & Transportation; Energy & Natural Resources; Small Business & Entrepre:neurship; Indian Affairs

Representative: Adam Smith (D-gthDistrict), 5' Terd63%; Armed Services; International Relations; Judiciary. (McChord ,4FB and Ft Lewis)

ECONOMIC IMPACT Potential Employment Loss: 1,036 (567 direct and 469 indirect)

@ MSA Job Base: 339,43 1 jobs Percentage: -0.3% MILITARY ISSUES

McChord AFB and Ft Lewis representatives are scheduled to meet for the first time Thursday, 26 May, to begin the planrung process for transforming to Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

Concerns about which the Commissioners may hear:

Joint Basing: Will the Amy provide the same level of support to McChord as the Air Force is used to?

Medical: From Air Force retirees, will they experience delays in or refusal of health care from an "Army" facility?

Medical Community Infrastructure Assessment indicates civilian inpatient capacity exists in the area to provide services to ,the eligible population, but at what increased cost to the DOD Health Care System?


None anticipated; changes resulting from Joint Basing and Medical recommendations should be transparent to the surrounding community.



Carol J. Schmidt/Joint Cross-Service Ted21May 2005 DOD RECOMMENDATIONS AFFECTING MCCHORD AFB

DOD RECOMMENDATION 1 Realign McChord Air Force :Base by relocating the installation management functions to Fort Lewis, WA, establishing Joint Base Lewis-McChord (H&SA 41 - Joint Basing).

DOD JUSTIFICATION Summary: Consolidate business-oriented functions, supply, maintenance, and medical functions will be consolidated to cap:italize on proven, state-of-the-art business technologies and practices.

All installations employ military, civilian, and contractor personnel to perform common functions in support of installation facilities and personnel. All installations execute these functions using similar or near similar processes. Because the these installations share a common boundary with minimal distance between the major facilities or are in near proximity, there is significant opportunity to reduce duplication of efforts with resulting reduction of overall manpower and facilities requirements capable of generating savings, which will be realized by paring unnecessary management personnel and achieving greater efficiencies through economies of scale. Intangible savings are expected to result fiom opportunities to consolidate and optimize 1 existing and future service contract requirements. Additional opportunities for savings are also expected to result fiom establishment of a single space management authority capable of generating greter overall utilization of facilities and infrastructure. Further savings are expected to result from opportunities to reduce and correctly size both owned and contracted commercial fleets ofbase support vehicles and equipment consistent with the size of the combined facilities and supported populations. (Specific exceptions not included in thejknctions to relocate are Health and Militaly Personnel Services. In general, the Department anticipates transferring responsibility for all other Base Operating Support (BOS).functions and the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) portion of Sustainmerzt, Restoration and Modernization (SRM), to the designated receiving location.) The quantitative military value score validated by military jud,gnent was the primary basis for determining which installation was designated as the receiving location.

*COST CONSIDERATIONS DEVELOPED BY DOD a One-Time Costs: Total: $50.6M a Net Savings (Cost) during Implementation: All: $601.3M a Annual Recurring Savings after Implementation: $183.8M a Return on Investment Year: Immediate payback expected upon implementation (year not yet determined) a Net Present Value over 20 Years: $2,342.5M ! "Includes costs for all Joint Basing recommendations; breakout for McChord and specific cost data not available at time of visit. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS This recommendation has no impact on air quality, cultural, archeological, or tribal resources; dredging; and use constraints or sensitive resource areas; marine mammals, resources, or sanctuaries; noise; threatened and endangered species or critical habitat; waste management; water resources; or wetlands. This recommendation will require spending approximately $0.4M for waste management and environrr~entalcompliance activities. This cost was included in the payback calculation. This recommendation does not otherwise impact the costs of environmental restoration, waste management, and environmental compliance activities.

DOD RECOMMENDATION 2 Realign McChord Air Force Base, WAYby relocating all medical functions to Fort Lewis, WA (Med 9).

DOD JUSTIFICATION The primary rationale for this recommendation is to promote jointness and reduce excess capacity. This recommendation supports strategies of reducing excess capacity and locating military medical personnel in areas with enhanced opportunities for medical practice. McChord AFB's medical facility produced 44,283 Relative Value Units (RVU) in FY02, which is well below the Military Health System avcrage of 166,692 RVUs. Its Healthcare Services Functional Military Value of 5 1.45 is much lower than that of Ft Lewis (73.3 0). Military personnel stationed at McChord AFB's Medical Facility can be placed in activities of higher military value with a more diverse workload, providing them with enhanced opportunities to maintain their medical currency and making them better able to support Army medical readiness requirements. Approximately 169 military and civilr an authorizations will be realigned to Fort Lewis in order to maintain the current level of effort in providing care to the McChord AFB beneficiary population. The remaining civilian authorizations and contractors at McChord AFB that represent unnecessary overhead will be eliminated. Military personnel that are filling similar "overhead positions" will be redistributed by the Service to replace civilian and contract medical personnel elsewhere in the Military Health System activities of higher military value. The large savings along with the reduction of inefficiencies and workload available supports this action. While the jobs are lost in the military system, the same type ofjob is available in the community.

The quantitative military value score validated by military judgment was the primary basis for determining which installation was designated as the receiving location.

COST CONSIDERATIONS DEVELOPED BY DOD One-Time Costs: $l.lM Net Savings (Cost) during Implementation: $55.lM Annual Recurring Savings after Implementation: $11.6M Return on Investment Year: Immediate payback expected upon implementation (year not yet deta-mined) Net Present Value over 20 Years: $164.4M ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 1 This recommendation has no impact on air quality, cultural, archeological, or tribal resources; dredging; and use constraints or sensitive resource areas; marine mammals, resources, or sanctuaries; noise; threatened and endangered species or critical habitat; waste management; water resources; or wetlands. This recommendation will require spending approximately $0.1M for environmental compliance activities. This cost was included in the payback calculation. This recommendation does not otherwise impact the costs of environmental restoration, waste management, and environmental conipliance activities.


Militarv Civilian Students Baseline

Reductions (fi-om McChorcl) Joint Basing Medical Functions

Realignments (from Portlsmd to McChord) Total


Out In Net Gain (Loss) Militaq Civilian Militarv Civilian Military Civilian

These Recommendations (462) (145) 3 8 9 (424) (136)

Other Recomrnendation(s) Navy Marine Corps Reserve Center Tacoma (20) 0 0 0 (20) 0


Note: Numbers reflect manpower authorizations, not people, necessarily, or actual filled positions. REALIGN - McChord Air Force Base Installation Details Page 1 of 6


Service Info Announcements Active Duty McChord A,FB, WA Reserve Tacoma, WA National Guard Major Units Veterans Base Operato~r: 62nd Airlift Winq Retirees DSN: (253)382-1110 446th Airlift wing (Reserve) Service Links COML (253) 982-1110 Community Associations I Find Old Buddies Reunions Reference First, choose a category: Installations ., ,$. (9 Eaui~ment Installation Data &; Forms Guides Multimedia Second, choase a topic: Historical Overview Historv Directorv

I Marketplace Welcome to McChord. You couldn't have asked for a better assignment! !

You may have heard the rumor "Washingtonians don't tan, they rust." Don't let that disturb you. You are coming to one of the best bases in the Air Force. Combat Flight Simulator 2: Pacific Theater McChord is 7 miles fi-om Tacoma-Pierce County, the second- Take to the hostile largest metropolitan area in Washington State. With a population skies of World of 674,300 of the state's 5.6 million residents, it is located in I1 with Microsoft's western Washington on Commencement Bay, with the Cascade realistic computer game. Mountains to the east and the Olympic Mountains to the west.

Game Center For 50 years, the 62d Airlift Wing(AW) has set the standard of excellence during war and peace. Its personnel have won military honors in every major military action since World War 11, and participated in every major humanitarian airlift mission in the world. It is the preirnier airlift wing in the Western United States and the Pacific rim, capable of both tactical and strategic operations. The 62d's presence has been felt in every one of our United States, and in practically every country in the world.

The success of the 62d Airlift Wing is a direct reflection of the extraordinary quality of its people. Every officer, enlisted, and Installation Details Page 2 of 6

civilian ever assigned to the 62d and McChord Air Force Base over the years, can take credit for having been a vital part of TEAM MCCHORD.

The following information includes some basic statistics and history regarding iths site.

Location: McChoi-d AFB, Washington

Major Command: AMC

Primary Weapon Systems: C- 141 and C-17


We provide, safe and effective airlift and airlift support to our worldwide customers; ensure the combat readiness of our people; acquire and maintain equipment necessary for rapid, global force projection and combat support; and provide facilities, support and service to achieve mission excellence and promote a quality way of life.

Population assigned-served: Active Duty Officer: 549 Active Duty Enlisted: 3,075 Family Members: 4,705 Retirees: 12,000 AF (45,000 retirees in area) Civilian Employees: 958 Non- Appropriated Civilian Employees: 3 19 Reservce Component Members: 2,507

Telephone Access: DSN 984-1910 (Base Operator) COML (253) 984- 1910 Information on base: 113

See specific directions on how to get to the installation from the airport, busltrain station, and driving under INSTALLATION, Subject Area, MUST KNOW ITEMS.


The formal dedication for McChord AFB was on 3 July 1940, in memory of Colone'l William C. McChord, Chief, Army Air Corps Training and Operations Division who was killed in a plane crash on 18 August 1937.

In 1947, the 62d Troop Carrier Wing was assigned to McChord, marking the beginning of a long time association. McChord became the final colntinental stop in three "Great Circle" air routes fiom the United States to Tokyo, via Anchorage and Adak. McChord was thereafter the primary Northwest aerial gateway to and the Orient. On 1 January 1948, the field was redesignated McChord Air Force Base. Installation Details Page 3 of 6

McChord was insirumental in the development of the Alaskan air defense system. Its airlift units provided air transport for personnel and equipment to northern radar sites. Fighter interceptor units fiom the base provided the necessary air security. In 1950, McChord became part of the Air Defense Command's 25th Air Division, and provided air defense for the Northwestern United States. On 22 March 1950, shortly before the outbreak of war in Korea, additional fighter units were ordered to the Pacific Northwest to gum3 the air approaches to the Hanford, Washington, atomic works, and other vital defense plants. In Korea, McChord's fighters (F-94s and F-86s) and transport planes (C-54s and C- 124s) did their part in the war effort.

During the 1950s, the second major construction period began at McChord. Much of the work was carried out to accommodate new aircraft and associated equipment. New fighter operational facilities and the aiir defense tracking system facility were constructed. The runway was lengthened to 8,100 feet. Temporary World War I1 facilities were upgraded or replaced.

In the 1960s, the runway was again lengthened to its current 10,100 feet. Fighter units on base received the then state-of-the-art F- 106 Delta Dart, whle the airlift units began to fly America's first all-jet transport, the C- 14 1A Starlifter. The nation's involvement in Vietnam mobilized McChord's airlift and defense forces, and the base became a major gateway to , with thousands of Army troops fiom adjacent Ft. Lewis deploying to the ever growing conflict.

In 1968, the base was relieved of its assignment to Air Defense Command, when it was turned over to the 62d Military Airlift Wing, and became part of 's worldwide operation. Many important missions were flown from the base, including the deployment of fighters to Korea during the Pueblo incident, Presidential support flights into China and Russia, the return of United St,atesprisoners of war fiom , and the positioning of forces in .

McChord marked its third major period of construction in the 1970s. Construction included improved navigational equipment, conversion of the central heating plant from coal to natural gas, and numerous facilities, such as a passenger terminal, commissary, base exchange, NCO club, and dormitores. Other building projects included a bowling alley, youth center, reserve operations building, filling station, flight simulator, and gatehouses. The assignment of the 36th Tactical Airlift Squadron in 1975 resulted in the construction of a short field takeoff and landing zone in 1978, parallel to the main runway. This was vital to the training of the 36th'~C-130 Hercules crews.

In May of 1980, a base-wide move of dormitory personnel Installation Details Page 4 of 6

completed the integration of women into previously all-male dormitories. Meanwhile McChord personnel provided assistance for Cuban refbgees at Eglin AFB, . Later that month, Mount St. Helens erupted for the first time in 123 years. Following the eruption, a C-130 crew from the 36 TAS provided communications support during the search for survivors. The 602d Tactical Air Control Wing, a unit at Ft. Lewis supported by McChord, became the only active duty Air Force unit to assist in search and rescue efforts at the emergency command center in the Mount St. Helens area. Great Britain's Prince Philip made an unexpected visit tal McChord, when his plane was diverted because of volcanic ash.

One week after St Helen's fust eruption, a second one occurred. All of the base's flyable aircraft were evacuated following reports that ash was drifting northwest toward McChord. A total of 26:. - aircraft were launched in four hours and 18 minutes. But, St Helens wasn't done, ,and August of the same year, another eruption deposited a noticeable coat of ash on McChord.

On 29 and 30 May 1980, McChord received its first two C- 14 1Bs, stretched versions of the original series. On 22 March 1982, the last C-141A (65-257) departed McChord for stretch modification at Lockheed-Georg,ia.

In early 1985, as a result of the discovery of pollution in American Lake Gardens, McChord announced the establishment of the Environmental Control Office. At the same time, McChord won the MAC Explosives Safety plaque for 1984, while a C-47 , Skytrain arrived inside a C-5 from Tucson, , destined for the McChord Air Museum. It was dedicated on 29 March, during anniversary ceremonies of the 4th MAS.

The Air Freight Terminal became operational on 29 June 1989. On 1 October of the same year, the 36th Tactical Airlift Squadron was redesignated the 36th Military Airlift Squadron. In December, the base was very much involved in airdrop and airlift operations in , during Operation Just Cause, resulting in the end of the military dictatorship in that country.

On 14 July 1990, McChord Air Force Base's 50th Anniversary , Open House and Air Show drew an estimated crowd of 120,000. On 2 August 1990, [raq invaded . Within days McChord units were fully involved in Operation Desert Shield, deployed to several locations across the globe. McChord's involvement continued through Llesert Storm, and well into the cease fire campaign.

Mount Pinatubo, in the , erupted on 9 June 1991. Consideration was given to evacuating Americans from . Local agencies were notified McChord could be a hub for Installation Details Page 5 of 6

Philippine evacuation operations. By 16 June, the evacuation order was issued. the first plane load of evacuees arrived at McChord on the 18th. This repahiation operation was called Fiery Vigil. McChord carried out the operation single handedly until it ended on 3 July.

On 1 June 1992, McChord became an AMC base, as the provisional title Military Airlift Command deactivated, and the name took its place. The title change was a small part of the largest restructuring in the Air Force since its creation in 1947. Tragedy struck McChord on 30 November 1992, when two McChord C-141B Starlifters (65-255 and 66-142), participating in an air refueling training mission over north central Montana, collided in mid-air, killing all 13 crewmen.

The designation 361th Airlift Squadron officially moved to , , in October, 1993, while the designation 7th Airlift Squadron officially moved to McChord from Travis AFB, . This move brought the 7th home to its original roots, formed back in the early l93Os, when they belonged to the 62d Transport Carrier Group, now the 62d AW.

In November 1993, Headquarters AMC selected McChord as its winner of the Commander-In-Chief s Installation Excellence Award. McChord represented AMC at Air Force level. The previous month, McChord had won the 1993 AMC Environmental Restoration Award.

On 1 March 1994, for the first time in its history, McChord AFB was named a "Tree City USA" by the National Arbor Day Foundation, in coolperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and the National Association of State Foresters. To becorne a "Tree City USA", a community must meet four standards: Have a tree board or department, operate a city tree ordinance, a comprehensive community forestry program, and hold an Arbor Day observance.

In another move related to the restructure of a shrinking Air force, McChord's Northwest air Defense Sector (NWADS), was redesignated as the Western Air Defense Sector (WADS), assuming air defense responsibility for the entire western U.S., from Texas, around the California coast, up through Washngton, and all the way across North Dakota, doubling its area of . responsibility, radar sites, and the aircraft under it's control. This redesignation, on 1 Jcanuary 1995, created the largest sector in the United States.

World events conti~nuedto affect McChord through 1995 and 1996, most notably in the form of deployments to in support of Operation Joint Endeavor, the peacekeeping effort in the former Yugoslavia. Installation Details Page 6 of 6

Recent history has seen the demise of many Air Force installations worldwide, as part of the effort to reduce defense spending. McChord, however, goes on. Its association with the 62d Airlift Wing, and its proximity to Alaska and the rest of the Pacific theater, make it a vital part of our nation's defense. The 62d's aging fleet of C-141's has begun to make its way to the "bone yard" at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona. In 1999 the 62d began conversion to the USAF's newest airlifter, the C-17 Globemaster 111. Once again the 4th, 7th, and 8th squadrons will fly a Globemaster. In the meantime, the 62d will continue to set the standard in military airlift and airdrop, as we make ready to usher in a new aircraft, a new era, and a new century. Militarv Network 1 About Us I Newsletters --~dve~tislnq Info I Affiliate Proqrarn I Help and Feedback Prlvacv Policv I User A~reernent1 02005 Military Advantage t?l~fl4FPtA I!ufirter Lorllparrg McChord Air Force Base Page 1 of 2

McChord Air Force Base

Name Category Archive ID#

Description: McChord Air Force Base is primarily an airlift base, flying large transport aircraft that are used in international U.S. military operations. The base ns also used by Army and Special Forces units from Fort Lewis, which is adjacent to McChord. The 4.616 acre base currently has 48 C-141 Starlifters. and over 6,000 employees. McChord is also the Western United States Air Defense Sector hub, one of a few regional NORAD points that monitor radar data for possible incoming hostile or smuggling aircraft. Location: Five miles S of Tacoma Contact Info: Public Affairs: (206) 984-191 0 zip41 5000 Address: McChord AFB WA, 98438-5000 Map: (show on map) city: McChord AFB zipcode: 98438 state: WA

LCS: Military, Active Base, Air Base

Ecorlomic Area Out In Net Gainl(Loss) Net Mission Total Indirect Total Economic Changes as Action Installation Mil Civ Mil Civ Mil Civ Contractor Direct Changes Job Area Percent of Changes Employment EmplOpment

Tacoma, WA Metropolitan Division Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Close (20) 0 0 0 (20) 0 0 (20) (15) (35) 339,431 0.0% Center Tacoma Fort Lewis Gain (2) (1) 187 46 185 45 0 230 187 417 339,431 0.1%

McChord Air Force Base Realign (460) (143) 36 7 (424) (136) (7 (567) (469) (1,036) 339,431 -0.3%

Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area Navy Reserve Center ST Close (12) 0 0 0 (12) 0 0 (12) (10) (22) 1,485,074 0.0% Petersburg

4 CT) MacDill Air Force Base Gain (292) o 162 231 (1~) 231 o 101 I.JL 253 1,485,074 0.0~10

------. - - --- Total (304) 0 162 231 (142) 231 0 89 142 231 1,485,074 0.0%

Terre Haute, IN Metropolitan Statistical Area Newport Chemical Depot Close (210) (81) 0 0 (210) (81) (280) (571) (267) (838) 89,765 -0.9%

Hulman Reg~onalA~rport Air Reahgn (12) (124) 0 0 (12) (124) 0 (136) (95) (231) 89.765 -0.3% Guard Stat~on ------. - Total (222) (205) 0 0 (222) (205) (280) (707) (362) (1,069) 89.765 -1.2%

Texarkana, TX-Texarkana, AR Metropolitan Statistical Area Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant Close (2) (18) 0 0 (2) (18) (129) (149) (80) (229) 67,895 -0.3%

Red River Army Depot Close (9) (2,491) 0 0 (9) (2,491) 0 (2.500) (1,676) (4,176) 67,895 -6.2%

------Total (11) (2,509) 0 0 (11) (2,509) (129) (2,649) (1,756) (4,405) 67.895 -6.5%

Toledo, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area Toledo Express Airport Air Guard Gain 0 0 14 112 14 112 0 126 90 216 403,161 0.1% Station Total 0 0 14 112 14 112 0 126 90 216 403.161 0.1%

Topeka, KS Metropolitan Statistical Area Forbes Field Air Guard Stalion Gain 0 0 53 194 53 194 0 247 169 416 144,675 0.3%

------Total 0 0 53 194 53 194 0 247 169 41 6 144,675 0.3% ------This list does not include locations where no changes in military or civilian jobs are affected. B-40 Military figures include student load changes. eaJy 1e3!is!iels uel!lodoliayy tj~'alep~a~l!s-uovawa~g UODNVB 3svans eaJy 1e3!is!iei~uei!lodo~layy VM 'alep~a~ps-uovawa~g tlODNVB 3SVWlS uo!sy!a uel!lodollayy y~ 'ua~a~3-an~allag-alueas ssau!peau qs!woqous uo!s!A!a uei!lodollayy y~ 'ua~ah3-anhal(ag-alwaS 3HdV W!od AayowS ealw (e3!ls!pls uel!lodo~~ayyVM 'eLu!yeA ~13tlvsn uowpuad uo!s!ya uel!lodollayy y~ 'ila~a~3-an~allag-alusas ~aiwtlvsn PWSO uo!s!q uq!lodo~layyy~ 'ewo3e1 VM VW03Vl3H3WN ealy (e3!ls!ieis uel!lodo~layyy~ 'aueyods 3tl PwJ~WD DN eaJy JB~RS!~~Sue~lodogayy VM-HO 'uoua~eag-~a~no3us~-pue1~od tl3An03NVA M3N eaJy le3!is!leis uel!lodo~iayyVM 'app~a~l!s-uovawa~g NOltl3W3tl9 VlSAVN eaJy le3!is!iels uel!lodoqayy VM 'alep~a~l!~-uovawa~g NOlt13W3tlB VlSAVN eaJy le3!ls!ieis ~el!l~d~~lapJVM 'alep~a~l!s-uovawa~g NOltl3YU3tl9 VlSAVN eaJy le3!ls!ieis uel!lodo~layyVM 'alep~a~l!s-uovalua~g NOltl3W3tl9 VlSAVN eaJy le3!is!ieis uei!lodo~3!yyVM 'JoqeH ye0 1SI A38alHM SVN uo!s!tva uei!lodo~layyy~ 'ewo3el 9dV PJ01133W uo!s!A!a ~el!lodoJia~VM 'ewo3el 9dV PJ01133W uo!s!A!a ~ei!lodoJla~y~ 'ewo3el 9dV PJ01133W eaJy le3!is!lei~uei!lodo~layy VM 'aueyods ~aiua3tlvsn uuew uo!s!A!a uei!lodo~layyy~ 'ewo3el SIM31 uo!s!tva uei!lodoJlayy y~ 'ewo3el SIM31 uo!s!A!a ~ei!lodo~iaWy~ 'eluo3el SIM31 uo!s!A!a uei!lodo~layyy~ 'eluo3el SIM31 eaJy 1)?3!is!ieis ~I?l!l~d~Jla~VM 'alep~a~l!s-uovawa~g MN 3StlH ealy le3!ls!lels uel!lodo~layyVM 'aueyods aw3tlwsn J~YI~M'H uo!s!A!a uei!lodoJiayy y~ 'ua~a~3-an~allag-allpas NOlMVl U uo!s!A!a uI3i!lodo~laWy M 'eluo3el SIM31 ltlOd eaJy le3!is!ieis ueiyodo~iayyy~ 'aueyods 3tldV P1!113J!ed eaJv le3!ls!lel~uel!lodo~pW VM 'aueyods 9dV PI!WJ!ed uo!s!A!a uei!lodo~iayyy~ 'ua~a~3-an~allag-alllsa~ 13 ssau!peatl iia~aq eaJy p!ls!ieis uI?l!lod0~3!yyVM '6Jnqsuall3 H13 DNtlV 6Jnqsuall3 eaJy le3!ls!leis uel!lodo~3!yy~A-HN 'uoueqal how~vJOSPU!M eaJv 1e3!is!iels uei!lodol3!~I/\ 'puelintl Puelintl DNtlVlA eaJy p3!is!iels UB~!~O~OJ~!WI/\ 'puelintl O~C#vswv tlvsn eaJv le3!is!iei~uel!lodol3!yy U\ 'puelintl 3HdV PuWntl MaN eaJv p!is!ieis u~&!~o~oJ~!wu\-HN 'uoueqai how~ypla!gGu!~ds N eaJy leqls!ie1~uel!lod0~3!fl ~A-HN 'uoueqal how~y~olpnl eaJy 1e3!ls!ieis uei!lodol3!yy U\ 'puelintl sJagloJg allam03 eaJy 1e3!ls!lels uel!lodol3!yy ~A-HN'uoueqal 3tlvsn ~~113 eaJv 1e3!is!ieis ue\!\odoJiaw 'uolSu!(~ngyinos-uoi6u!(lng s~)tldv~ uol6wna eaJy le3!is!ieis ~el!l0d0l3!~U\ 'amg 3tlvsn was 0 eaJv le3!ls!ie1~uei!lodo~3!yy JA-HN 'uoueqai 13r wtl ~INM3tldv Washington

1LT Richanl H. Walker US. Army Close (38) 0 0 0 (38) 0 Reserve Center Army National Guard Reserve Center Clo* (57) 0 0 0 (57) 0 Everett Navy-Maline Corps Reserve Center Close (20) 0 0 0 (20) 0 Tacoma US. Any Reserve Center Fort Lawton Close (53) (54) 0 0 (53) (54)

Vancover Barracks Close (29) (16) 0 0 (29) (16) 0

~ortLewis Gain (2) (1) 187 46 185 45 0 230 Human Resources Support Center Gain 0 0 0 23 0 23 0 23 Northwest Na~lAir Station Whidbey Island Gain (34) 0 0 173 (34) 173 0 139 Naval Station Bremerton Gain 0 0 0 1,401 0 1,401 0 1,401

Fairchild Air Force Base Realign (26) (172) 0 0 (26) (172) 0 (l98)

Submarine Base Bangor Realign 0 (1) 0 0 0 (I) 0 (1)

Washington Total (719) (387) 223 1,650 (496) 1,263 (7) 760

West Virginia Bias U.S. Army Reserve Center, Close (1) 0 0 0 (1) 0 Huntington Fairmont U.S. Any Reserve Center Close (88) 0 0 0 (88) 0

Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center Clo* (16) 0 0 0 (16) 0 0 (16) Moundsville Ewra Sheppard Air Guard Station Gain 0 0 7 3 7 3 0 10

Yeager Airport Air Guard Station Realign (27) (129) 0 0 (27) (129) 0 (156)

.-.. West Virginia Total (132) (129) 7 3 (125) (126) 0 (251)

This list does not include locations where there were no changes in military or civilian jobs. Military figures include student load changes. \YASrnGTON 1488 Mtdway Houwng Stte 1985 NdStation Puget Sound (Sand Pomt) 1958 Yomy WeHousmg Slte lY91 Naval Stakon hrget Sound (Stud hmt) 1331 Naval Undersea Warfare :En$qwampStahon Kqrpolt I993 Data Pmcesmg Center Kmd An Stahm tniidbey Island 1993 Data Pmessq Center Nml Snpply Center Puget Sound I993 Nayy Data Pmessmg Center Tndent Refit Faed~tyRangor 1993 PlmgEs~lmamg&- Repar and llltmt~ons Center (CV), Biemerton DLSESTA8 1995 Naval Undersea Warfare Center Ke~port REALE3 1995 Camp Bomenlle CmSE 1945 Naval Sea Systems Commd, Arhgtm FxDEm 1 9 5 Office d Naval Research REDIRECT 1995 Space nnd 3ava1 Warfarp System Comnand, Ar1m~tw REDlRECT

HSA JCSG Capacity Analysis '.' Installation Management 20 April 2005

-- Ft. Eustis 1.28 3.9 1.28 3 0 67% 3 -Ft. Story 0.18 2.2 0.18 2 0 92% 2 Ft. Monroe 0.42 5.4 0.42 5 0 92% 5 Langley AFB 1.43 6.5 1.43 5 0 78% 5 NAVSHIPYD Norfolk 0.96 5.8 0.96 5 0 0%

Mississippi Gulf Coast GC Keesler AFB * * * 2.87 2.87 2.87 0 o 0% 0 CBC Gulfport 0.23 40 0.23 40 0 99% 40

- - -~ 0.08- 0.93~ ~.. 0.08 1 n 91%* ," 1 NAVSTA Pasca~oula0- I I I I 1 - - 1 I- MGC ~otalsl 3.18 I 43.8 I 3.18 I 41 o 1 93% 1 4 I Oahu GC Schofield Barracks 2.37 4.2 2.37 2 o 44% 2 I I o %o 0 o 0 o o Voz~3s~dV.LS AVN (2s) %I I- 0 (29) 01s 8SP 8SP 4Jod3lnf) 383 (2811) %08- 0 (2811) 8S9Z 9LPI 9LPI Bdv -waa)l 33 pa03jln3 !dd!ss!ss!m 01 ES %Z9 0 0 LES 66ZC 6098 6S6S s~a)oLTabu 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 4103 alJW VLSNdM SIP %S9 9 1P 612 PE9 PE9 IsJVaVI VLS9NElXIVAVN 6 0 SEI %OP 0 9E 1 002 SEE SEE 86V aJF93W PZZ %IS 0 PZZ 912 OPP OPP q4nouIuoN .4tl ~ESP %~9 o SESP P99Z OOZL OSSP va w 33 ~s~nqayaq-x!a-aqn33]~1 SS89 %ZS 0 SS89 C8C9 8CZCI 8S08 SIaV"'w? (OLI) %LS- 0 (OL1) 89t 862 862 8dV PJOY33W SZOL %PS 0 9ZOL SI6S OP621 09LL s!Ma? .Id 33 PJOY 33K-s!Mal PZS1 %OZ 0 PZS L SOZ9 6ZLL 6LOL SlW0,L XH -~~--,-----I -- (LI) O/.P- 0 UP ~?tlOUISJIO~~$J3~z~AJ,AlvN (SP) %PI- 0 (SP) I SLE I O€€ OEE xawa~alCejeq - (ZEE) %EZI- 0 k€€) I09 692 69 2 UMOIYJOA VLSNdM (8E) %6- 0 (8E) 8t7b OIt OIP VJ3aW!? BSV8IHdAVN 992 %LS 0 992 POZ OLt OLP YlOJJON C1AdIHS AVN OPZ %9Z 0 OPZ S69 SE6 SE6 Euea30 SvN (1~1) %ZE- 0 (LS1) OS9 €69 E6P Y IOJJON VLS AVN ----(OPE) %9L- 0 (OPE) 06L OSP OSP 86V dal%u~'l 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 aomo~y-4d ~OIS'46- LP6 1 %OS I) LP6 1 ES61 006E OSZE spna 28 %SE 0 18 ES I SEZ 8P I (11) %L61- 0 (LL) 911 6E ZE J"d31n9 383 (891) %6S- 0 (89~) SLOZ LOCI 9111 8dV JalsaaX - 33 ~seo3jln=) !dd!ss!ss!~ 8L1 Oh8 0 8L 1 1C61 6012 66S1 SleJoL I,m z %EE o z P 9 P 4103 a1JEFI VLSNdM 611 %69 0 611 PS ELI 0 S 4sJVaYeT VL S9N92lIVAVN

(£12) %PE- 0 SP8 ZE9 29s FldV-- aJm93W. - -- I (6 1~) %OZ 0 66 SSI P6 1 SS I Vno~oI.4.4d

I IEZ %lZ 0 LEZ. -- EL8 POI1 828 XICl.- 2.4- I I 39 1s~n~layq-x!a-a~!ng3~ ZPL %9C IZCt C90Z 8211 slwo,L &+I7 0 I ZPL I I I I I (2s) 0 I (2s) I LLE I SZE I 912 I

siESoL O/.C- 0 ~ZL: BECP PEZP 6ZPE %O 0 0 0 0 0 WoUWJod NFI3aFIMAVN %09 0 16 IZ ZS 12 xa- agad~je? %18- 0 (09) PE 1 PL 09 UMo4YJoA VLSNdM %S1 0 L8 ZIS 66s 6LP YaaJ3 al44!? FISV81HdAVN %I 0 9 999 219 99s euEa90 SVN %9 I 0 S1Z 991 1 18EI 9P1 I Y IOJJON VLSAVN %9 1I; PPL S6L ZS9 YIoJJoN (IAdIHSAVN %ES- 0 (I;L 1) EOS 8ZE 292 8dV Aal8ue? %191- o (0s) 18 I E sz aomoM -1,~ how -4.4- I (122) ( %SL- I 0 I (LZZ) I 62s I ZOE I 022 I S!lSna '4d 1

SOOZ I!J& OZ s!s@W 4!3ede3 9S3r VSH 20 April 2005

Ft. Eustis 3 63 363 424 (61 ) 0 -17% (61) -Ft. Story Ft. Monroe 114 114 130 (1 6) 0 - 14% (16) Langley AFB 3 14 314 439 (125) 0 -40% (125) NAVSHIPYD Norfolk 58 58 133 (75) 0 -129% (75) NAVSTA Norfolk* o 0 o 0 o 0% o NAS Oceana 21 1 21 1 330 (119) o -56% (1 19) NAVPHIBASE Little Creek 202 202 346 (144) 0 -71% (144) WPNSTA Yorktown 109 109 114 (5) o -5% (5) Lafayette Annex 374 374 573 (199) 0 -53% (199) NAVMEDCEN Portsmouth 70 70 3 1 39 0 56% 39 HR Totals 1815 1815 2520 (705) 0 -100~-,," (705) Lewis-McChord GC Ft. Lewis 692 692 1217 (525) 0 -76% (525) McChord AFB 438 438 435 3 o 1% 3 LM Totals 1130 1130 1652 (522) 0 -46% (522) McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst GC Ft. Dix 330 330 28 1 49 0 15% 49 Ft. Monrnouth 196 196 275 (79) 0 -40% (79) McGuire AFB 32 1 321 373 (52) 0 -16% (52) NAVAIRENGSTA Lakehurst 130 130 98 32 o 25% 32 WPNSTA Earle Colt 1 04 104 97 7 0 7% 7 MDL Totals 1081 1081 1124 (43) 0 -4% (43) Rlississippi Gulf Coast GC Keesler AFB 2 64 264 42 1 (1 57) 0 -59% (157) CBC Gulfport 232 23 2 207 25 0 11% 25 NAVSTA Pascagoula 0 o o 0 o 0% o MGC Totals 496 496 628 (132) o -27% (132) Oahu GC Schofield Barracks 493 493 760 (267) o -54% (267) HSA JCSG Capacity Analysis L / Installation Management 20 April 2005

-Ft. Story Ft. Monroe 425 425 49 1 (66) 0 -16% (66) Langley AFB 675 67 5 263 412 0 61% 412 NAVSHIPYD Norfolk 125 125 44 8 1 0 65% 8 1 NAVSTA Norfolk 283 283 82 20 1 0 71% 20 1 NAS Oceana 93 1 93 1 361 570 0 61% 570 NAVPHIBASE Little Creek 650 650 380 270 0 42% 270 WPNSTA Yorktown 210 210 53 157 0 75% 157 Lafayette Annex 143 - 143 83 60 0 42% 60 NAVMEDCEN Portsmouth 250 250 131 119 0 48% 119 30AC HR T~ta!s, EO?Z , 5892 , 3247 ruv~ 1 O

Ft. ~ewis 2662 2662 4176 (1514) 0 -57% (1514) McChord AFB 400 400 416 (16) 0 -4% (16) LM Totals 3062 3062 4592 (1530) 0 -50% (1530) McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst GC Ft. Dix 650 650 470 180 0 28% 180 Ft. Monmouth 600 600 132 468 0 78% 468 McGuire AFB 620 620 695 (75) 0 -12% (75) NAVAIRENGSTA Lakehurs t 245 245 125 120 0 49% 120 WPNSTA Earle Colt 150 150 39 111 0 74% 111 I MDL Totals 2265 2265 1461 804 0 35% 804 Mississippi Gulf Coast GC Keesler AFB 760 760 347 41 3 0 54% 413 CBC Gulfport 250 250 188 62 0 25% 62 NAVSTA Pascagoula 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 - MGC Totals 1010 1010 535 475 o 47% 475 Oahu GC Schofield Barracks 1620 1620 1298 322 o 20% 322 HSA JCSG Capacity Analysis Installation Management 20 April 2005

l~chofieldBarracks I 874 I 874 I 41 1 I 463 I o 463 HSA JCSG Capacity Analysis ' \ Installation Management 20 April 2005

------Maximum Capacity Capacity Physical Fitness Centers Current Potential Current Usage Available to Required to Excess (Shortfall) Capacity (Patrons) Capacity Surge Surge Maximum Capacity Physical Fitness Centers Current Surge Capacitj Potential Current Usage Available to Excess (Shortfall) Capacity Requirement Capacity Surge


NAS Oceana NAVPHIBASE Little Creek WPNSTA Yorktown Lafayette Annex NAVMEDCEN Portsmouth HR Totals

IF^. Lewis McChord AFB* LM Total?

IF^. Dix IF^. Monmouth McGuire AFB NAVAIRENGSTA Lakehurst WPNSTA Earle Colt MDL Total! Mississippi Gulf Coast GC HSA JCSG Capacity Analysis Installation Management 20 April 2005

i Ft. Eustis 0.07 3.9 0.07 4 0 98% 4 -Ft. Story 0.01 2.2 0.0 1 2 0 100% 2 Ft. Monroe 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 Langley AFB o 0 0 0 0 0% 0 NAVSHIPYD Norfolk 0.19 0.78 0.19 1 0 76% 1 NAVSTA Norfolk 0.34 0.75 0.34 0 0 0% 0 NAS Oceana o o o 0 0 0% o o 0 0 0 0 NAVPHIBASE Little Creek I 0% I 0 WPNSTA Yorktown 1 0 1 o 0 1 0 1 0 0% I 0 - 1 Lafayette Annex o o o 0 o 0% o NAVMEDCEN Portsmouth o o 0 0 0 0% 0 HR Totals 0.61 . 7.63 . Oh1 , 7 Q , 92% 7


IF^. Lewis I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0% I 0 1 I~c~hordAFB I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0% I 0 1

Ft. Dix 0 0 o 0 0 0% Ft. Monrnouth 0 0 0 0 0 0% McGuire AFB o 0 0 0 0 0% NAVAIRENGSTA Lakehurst 0.04 0.43 0.04 0 o 91% MDL Totals 0.04 0.43 0.04 0 0 0%

Mississitmi1. Gulf Coast GC- - Keesler AFB o 0 0 0 o 0% o CBC Gulfport o o o 0 0 0% o NAVSTA Pascagoula o o o 0 o 0% o MGC Totals o o o 0 o 0% o

Schofield Barracks o o o 0 o 0% o -Ft. Shafter o o o 0 o 0% o 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 JaJJ"yS 'Jd 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 SY~VUV~plagoy3s 33 nwo 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 Sl'?V"'33MI 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 W03"3s"d VLS AVN o %o o 0 o o o l-'odJlnf> 393 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 8dV JaISaaX 33 ~s~o3jIn3 !dd!ss!ssg,q z %cs o z 9C'O 60'2 9C'O SIWL 7a~1 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 $103 3T-W VLSNdM Z %16 0 1 61'0 Z 61'0 $sTaFIVLS9NElXIVAVN o %o o 0 o o o 9JV aJ!n93N (0) %8L- 0 (0) 91'0 60'0 91'0 y)nomuom .q~ (0) %O o (0) 10.0 o 10.0 x!a M 39 )slnllayel-x!a-al!n9aw Z %6Z 0 Z SL'C C'S SL'C sw"? nn I %I8 0 1 SZ'O E.1 SZ'O 86V PJOY3W I %El 0 1 S'E P S'F s!Ma? Id 33 p.ii~q33m-s!~aq SZ %SS 0 SZ 9'0Z SL'SP YOZ sw"? XH 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 YlnOmSVOd NEi3aEI3VAVN 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 xa~affad~jq

I %OO 1 0 1 0 l7. I 0 UMOlYJOA VLSNdM 0 %LE 0 0 22.0 SE'O 22.0 YaaJ3 all)!? SSV8IHdAVN 0 I %96 0 0 1 8E'O 0 I 8E'O ~~~~30SVN (0) %o o (0) E'O o E'O YIoJJoN VLSAVN 21 %o o 2 1 ~'8I I E ~'81 TOJJON aAdIHSAVN 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 9JV 4al8~~7 0 %O 0 0 0 0 0 aomom *~d fiols 'Id- - 1 ~LJ~~-) , -) y.-, -q,, .,,I li/ 1 luawa6eueyy uo!lellelsul s!sAleuV Al!3ede3 9S3r VSH -, (A,L~!:, cl C ' j7ji~i[( d'-i.~..,;]1(.(CiJ"c~/ HSA JCSG Capacity Analysis Installation Management 20 April 2005 , ,+a, j- [{I ?i ?, 5 I \

-Ft. Story 0.2 7.6 0.2 7 0 97% 7 Ft. Monroe 0.4 6.1 0.4 6 0 93% 6 Langley AFB 1.9 9.5 1.9 8 0 80% 8 NAVSHIPYD Norfolk 2.3 33 2.3 31 0 93% 3 1 NAVSTA Norfolk 4.1 136 4.1 132 0 97% 132 NAS Oceana 1.3 10.5 1.3 9 0 88% 9 NAVPHIBASE Little Creek 2 136 2 134 0 99% 134 WPNSTA Yorktown 1.2 64 1.2 63 0 98% 63 Lafayette Annex 0.9 0.14 0.9 (1 0 -543% (1) NAVMEDCEN Portsmouth 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0 0% 0 HR Totals 16.5 407.24 16.5 391 0 96% 391 ILewis-McChord GC 1 1 I I 1 I I * - Ft. Lewis i0.8 i7.9 1u.8 7 U 40% 7 McChord AFB 3.4 8.5 3.4 5 0 60% 5 LM Totals 14.2 26.4 14.2 12 0 46% 12 McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst GC Ft. Dix 1.8 5 1.8 3 0 64% 3 Ft. Monmouth 0.6 115 0.6 114 o 0% 114 McGuire AFB 1.9 3.7 1.9 2 0 49% 2 NAVAIRENGSTA Lakehurst 0.4 1.8 0.4 1 0 78% 1 WPNSTA Earle Colt 0.4 3.5 0.4 3 0 89% 3 MDL Totals 5.1 129 5.1 124 0 692% 124 Mississippi Gulf Coast GC Keesler AFB 4.1 5.7 4.1 2 0 28% 2 CBC Gulfport 0.3 3.2 0.3 3 0 91% 3 NAVSTA Pascagoula 0.1 0.7 0.1 1 0 86% 1 MGC Totals 4.5 9.6 4.5 5 0 53 % 5 Oahu GC Schofield Barracks 7.9 11.5 7.9 4 0 31% 4 IF^. Shafter I 3.6 1 8 I 3.6 I 4 I 0 I 55% I 4 I 0 0 sy~ene8plagoy3~ 33 "VO LO8ZZ %98 0 L08ZZ 16SE OOP9Z E6SE s1Wo.L 33M 109E %06 0 109€ 66E OOOP 66E Wose3sed VLSAVN 968 I %6L 0 968 1 POS OOPZ PO s IJod31n9 383 OIELI %L8 0 0 L€L 1 0692 OOOOZ 0692 8dV WaaX 33 Jsao331113 !dd!ss!ss!~~ ZZ6OE %09 0 ZZ6OE 86802 OOSZ %IP 0 OOSZ 009s 9S6ZZ %S6 0 9S6ZZ OPI I 960PZ OPI I IsmyaT?? tJLS9NEINIVAVN 8SZ %9 0 8SZ ZPLE OOOP ZPLE 8dV aJ!n93N 80ZS %L9 0 80ZS 919Z

%8Z EISS EISS EISS ***?Ma? 'Id 33 P-'0433M-s!Ma? I rclssr I 040s I o I C~~ECI 859~1 PI I %I I 0 Pll 988 OLZ %ZZ 0 OLZ 096 8PS %LP 0 8PS 9 I9 P9II 919 UMOIYJOA VLSNdM PZZ %E6 0 PZZ 9 I OPZ 91 73313 aIW? 3SV8IHdAVN 9ZSE %8P 0 91% I68E LIPL I68E "UEa30 SVN %EE SLIE LIIZ YTo3JoN VLSAVN %EE OLOP %SS OLOP ZZEE %Z 06P MAH Capacity Analysis USAF Capacity Installations

Minot AFB 353199 363507 165600 197907 0 54% 197907 Mountain Home AFB 243097 306776 117600 189176 0 62% 189176

-Nellis AFB 481032 488387 27?400 2?6987 0 44% 2 16987 Offutt AFB ---- 1329773 499AI~~~687 1112200 -ii 2487 0 9% 112487 Peterson AFB 703305 930734 453200 477534 0 51 % 477534 Pope AFB 246577 292518 103800 188718 0 65% 18877 8 Randolph AFB 1213608 1383333 1082800 300533 2500 22% 298033 Robins AFB 2059452 2085575 147 1800 613775 0 29% 613775 Scott AFB 1473727 1583697 1630750 -47053 0 -3% -47053 Seymour Johnson AFB 331461 296646 200600 96046 0 32% 96046 Shaw AFB 406457 427755 322000 105755 0 25% 105755 Sheppard AFB 388188 414785 34 1200 73585 10900 15% 62685 Tinker AFB 12401 50 1470771 I596000 -125229 440 -9% -125669 Travis AFB 591421 691825 243200 448625 0 65% 448625 Tyndall AFB 478485 491 562 420000 71562 0 15% 71562 Vance AFB 135437 126898 38400 88498 0 70% 88498 Vandenberg AFB 852704 81 1776 461 000 350776 0 43% 350776 Whiteman AFB 357520 354819 262800 92019 0 26% 92019 Wright-Patterson AFB 3324 125 2859314 51 03200 -2243886 7000 -79% -2250886


MAH Capacity Analysis USA Capacity Installations

DRAFT DELIBERATIVE DOCUMENT-FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY-DO NOT RELEASE UNDER FOlA Economic Area Out In Net Gainl(Loss) Net Mission Total Indirect Total Economic Change Action Installation Mil Civ Mil Civ Mil Civ Contractor Direct Changes Job Area Percen Changes Employment

Tacoma, WA Metropolitan Division Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Close (20) 0 0 0 (20) 0 0 (20) (I5) (35) 339.431 0.0% Center Tacoma Fort Lewis Gain (2) (1) 187 46 185 45 0 230 187 417 339,431 0.1%

McChord Air Force Base Realign (460) (143) 36 7 (424) (136) (7) (567) (469) (1,036) 339,431 -0.3% ------Total (482) (144) 223 53 (259) (91) (7) (357) (297) (654) 339,431 -0.2%

Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area Navy Reserve Center ST Close (12) 0 0 0 (12) 0 0 (12) (10) (22) 1,485,074 0.0% Petersburg MacDill Air Force Base Gain (292) 0 162 231 I 231 0 ? O! 152 253 a1,400.~ .".- --14 .

.------Total (304) 0 162 231 (142) 231 0 89 142 231 1,485,074 0.0%

Terre Haute, IN Metropolitan Statistical Area Newport Chemical Depot Close (210) (81) 0 0 (210) (81) (280) (571 (267) (838) 89,765 -0.9%

Hulman Reg~onalA~rport Air Real~gn (12) (124) 0 0 (12) (124) 0 (136) (95) (231 89,765 -0 3% Guard Stabon -- -- - .- Total (222) (205) 0 0 (222) (205) (280) (707) (362) (1,069) 89,765 -1.2%

Texarkana, TX-Texarkana, AR Metropolitan Statistical Area Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant Close (2) (18) 0 0 (2) (18) (129) (149) (80) (229) 67,895 -0.3%

Red River Army Depot Close (9) (2,491) 0 0 (9) (2,491) 0 (2,500) (1,676) (4,176) 67.895 -6.2%

------A .- Total (11) (2,509) 0 0 (11) (2.509) (129) (2,649) (1.756) (4,405) 67,895 -6.5%

Toledo, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area Toledo Express Airport Air Guard Gain 0 0 14 112 14 112 0 126 90 216 403,161 0.1% Station Total 0 0 14 112 14 112 0 126 90 216 403.161 0.1%

Topeka, KS Metropolitan Statistical Area Forbes Field Air Guard Station Gain 0 0 53 194 53 194 0 247 169 416 144,675 0.3%

------Total 0 0 53 194 53 194 0 24 7 169 416 144,675 0.3%

------pp -- This list does not include locations where no changes in military or civillan jobs are affected. B-40 Military figures include student load changes. - - ~~p

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Navi~ationHelr, INSTALLATION

McChord AFB - Washington, United Time Zone Overview Nearbv Towns Welcome Letter States Nearby Installation Directions Trans~ortation check-in Procedures Location + Installation + Major Unit Listings Motor Veh~cles Base Trans~ortation Printer Friendlv Activities Vehicle Re~ulations Sho~~inaIFood Major Unit Listinqs In addition to the , McChord is home to a few tenant units and supports several geographically separated units. The 446th Airlift Wing Local Culture Personnel Locator (Reserve) is also located at McChord. Satellite Locations ------Activities


D111STOW LISIIYG Contact Information: Orderly Room COM: (253) 982-2045 DSN: 382-2038

Contact Information: Orderly Room,

Bldcl 1210 COM: (253). , 982-2574 DSN:

Contact Information: Orderly Room, Bldg 1211 COM: (253) 982-2049 DSN: 382-2049 --I-!------li446th ~aintenancelmI~~ntactInformation: Orderlv Room. 11 1 1 JJBI~~H-3 COM: (253) 982-i125 DSN: - 11 11382-2125 446th Medical l-kontact Information: Orderlv Room. Bldg 1202 COM: (253) 98213933 DSN: 382-3933 446th Mission Suppor Contact Information: Orderly Room, Bldg 1205 COM: (253) 982-2464 DSN: 382-2464 11446th Security Forces (IAFRES IIContact Information: Orderly Room 11 I COM: (253) 982-2221 DSN~382-2221 Contact Information: Orderly Room,

Bldg 1141 COM: (253). . 982-6495 DSN: 11 1 (253) 982-6495 15 ASOS, Fort ~ewis7JAMCI Contact Information: Orderly Room ' SITES Installation Content Page 2 of 3

162 Airlift Wing ~~AMC I Contact Information: COM: (253) 982- 2621 DSN: 382-2621

Contact Information: Orderly Room, Bldg 1197, Rm 40 COM: (253) 982- 6808 DSN: 382-6808

Contact Information: Hangar 4 COM: (253) 982-3231 DSN: 382-3231

Contact Information: Orderly Room, Bldg P-7 COM: (253) 982-3512 DSN: I -11 13853512 . , Contact Information: Orderly Room, Bldg 1305 COM: (253). . 982-3541 DSN:

Bldg 121 6 COM: (253) 982-381 1 DSN:

Command Chief Contact Information: COM: (253) 982- Master Sergeant 5092 DSN: 382-5092 IlIII , ' SITES Installation Content Page 3 of 3

11Det12 ~~AMC [Icontact Information: Orderly Room 11 I 11 I COM: (253) 982-2547 DSN! 382-2547 (public Affairs -1r)Contact Information: COM: (253). . 982- I - 11 115637 DSN: 382-5637 lwestern Area 1JANGkontact Information: Orderlv Room. Bldg 852 COM: (253)982-4715 DS'N: 382-471 5

Location I Housing I House~ioldGoods ( Education I Employment I Health & Wellness I Family Issues

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%PA*&. Naviqation Helw LOCAL COMMUN INSTALLATIONI Weather McChord AFB - Washington, United Time Zone Overview Nearbv Tow3 Welcome Letter States htt~:// Nearbv Installation: Directions.- -- Transportation Check-in Procedures Location * Installation 4 Satellite Locations Motor VeW Base Transwortation Printer Friendlv Activities Vehicle Reaulations Sho~winqIFood Maior Unit Listin~s The following is a li.sting of geographically separated or satellite locations served by this installation. These locations are not listed separately in Local Culture Personnel Locator SITES. Satellite Locations Geographically Separated UnitslSatellite Locations Activities I FASTFA"AETS

Ist Weather & Ist Air Support Cowy~ps/L!-~rtrr D~ngcTornL~srtue

USAF Water Port Log Office,

Iiome ] Sitemap I Feedback I Getting Started

Location I Housing I ~ouseholdGoods I Education I Employment I Health & Wellness I Family Issues

Need ~GsistanceWith the Web Site? Contact Webmaster Version: Welcome! Team Mcthord US. AIR FORCE

Team MeChord Overview

Combat Airlift For America , .'I '. sf:' '- ' . kr. . L-.

Current OperationsI p% Tam McOlord US. AIR FORCE

Home to 51 "go-anywhere, do-anything" C-17s

Combat Airlift For America C- 77 Capability US. AIR FORCE

Runway not a limiting factor

Combat Airlift For America

Convoy Relief 7 Ttmm&Chord US. AIR FORCE

- Doubled number of AOR 3 normal fields - -C-17s operatihgg - ble-and ~triple~hu.~les-'~~"", -Gign&antlywd redu&d vehicle \ A >

Combat Airlift For America

6W446 A W World Deployed s& Tsam Mechord- US. AIR FORCE

I : 66/ 2


Colombia: 2 I

Deployed 1 Aircrew Off Station 1 82 Total: 389 '62 Total: 145 446 Total: 54 I 446 Total: 65

Combat Airlift For America v.* v.* People U.S. AIR FORCE rn 4.324, Active DutvI 1 rn 2,300 Reserve and Guard

1rn 2,086 Civilians

I 6,016 Family Members

1 26,000 AF Retirees in Pacific NW = -

Combat Airlift For America


- 7 Family Support Center Escape Zone

w Cyber Cafe Child Development Center Dispersed Reserve Families Combat Airlift For America

\I -4 Team ... cChord-Team Lewis s- -Tea?rn McChord U.S. AIR FORCE

Combat Airlift For Americc; It;


Primary Care Preventive Health Bioenvironmental Engineering Family Practice Family Advocacy Flight Medicine Health and Wellness Center Dental Public Health Optometry Pediatrics Life Skills Support Center Ancillarv Services Immunizations Laboratory Pharmacy Radiology


, Building Square Feet Year Built Main Clinic 94,281 2000 Dental Clinic 12,881 195811997 Veterinary Clinic 3,972 2002 Manpower

I Officers I Einlisted Civilian 29 9 TOTAL


Covered Lives Active Duty AD Army AD Navy AD FM Retirees & FM Plus Family Members 40% RVUs


1 ~ctualBP Proj RVU % RVU Fin. ( I RVU RVU Delta Delta Im~act I ~ua~uAoldaa JOJ paledald pue passaao~dhllea!paM ale lauuoslad BUM aJnsu3 OJ yoddlns ap! uo:Daa Jua!ged aaeld-ul pue 6u!~aau!Bu3leJuaurruoj!nuao!a aPnl3ul sa!J!l!qledW QMM (31n) sap03 adhl wn 01 q~oddnso) (auuos.lad ap!AoJd Air Force Medicine is One of a Kind

0 Preventive Health Assessment

0 Occupational Health Program Fitness Program (AFI 10-248) Personnel Reliability Program Deployment Line Support

0 Aeromedical Dispositions /Waivers

0 Profiling / MEB (AFI 48-123)

0 Aerospace Physiology - Human Factors Aerospace Optometry Operational Support

Team Aerospace

Bioenvironmental Public Engineering Health

Optometry Flight Medicine Force Health Management

Health Aerospace Immunizations Promotions Physiology Flight Medicine Has a Unique Focus

Taking care of a population with normal physiology operating in an abnormal environment

SGP - Chief of Aerospace Medicine

Bridge to LAF - AFI 48-101 Aircrewloperational duty personnel health Human performance Disease and injury prevention Environmental quality Direct health promotion Coordinate contingency medical support Put preventive medicine activities into war mobilization plan Flight Surgeons

Ll'Health Program

Flight Medicine

Clinical Work - Flight Physicals Aeromedi~calDisposition Waivers ShopISquadron Visits Profile Officers PRP Program b,da-n- j 77~ J. f~l~/2 Flightline Response - Flight Safiety Onerational Sumort A erospace Physiology

Human Performance Human Factors Operational Risk Management Aircrew education

0 IRC NVG Consultant resource for flight surgeons Flight and Ground Safety

Force Health Management

Physical standards Accession Physicals Perform audiograms - occupatio~nalrisk Profile processing and tracking Deployment Clearance Deployment Line Support Public Health

Communicable Disease ((TB,STD) Food Safety Occupatiional Health Program tracking Medical llntelligence Travel Health Entomology Mosquito Trapping Rodent Control

Bioenvironmental Engineering

Occupational Industrial Hygiene Shop Inspections Radiation safety Exposure Data Environmental - AFOSH Base watelr supply Hazardous Waste As bestoslLead Operational Disaster Response Gas mask fit testing NBC Optometry

Aircrew vision requirements - new color vision testing Contact lens program Support Air Force PRK program for flyers

Health Promo tion

Fitness Program Manager Sports Physiology Coordiniate on profiles Nutritional Counseling Cardiovascular Health Counseling Smoking Cessation Program immunizations

Administer immunizations Flu vaccine Smallpox: Anthrax Vaccine Typhoid Vaccine Support deployment lines

62 MDG and MAMC

a All Specia1t.y Referrals Go to MAMC

All Inpatient Admissions are at MAMC a MAMC Ambulances Respond on McChord a All ER Responses on McChord Go to MAMC a Quarterly TRlCARE Exec Committee 62 MDG and MAMC

SGH Attends MAMC Weekly Staff Meetings

0 Composite Hlth Care System Server at MAMC

AF Materna,llFetalSpecialist Practices at MAMC

Pharmacies and Immunizations Clinics Work Closely To~gether

I Telederm & Teleradiolpgy Performance 3rdin A FMS


A EF Deployable Taskings

AEF 4 AEF 7 Bioequiprnent Repair Team Biological Augment Team PAM Team Decon Team Manpower Aug~menters Logistical Augmentation Manpower Augrnenters

AEF Enable? AEF 10

Global Reach Laydown (x2) CASF Specialty Function AF Engineer Capabilities

rn Two type units RED HORSE Military force responsible for heavy construction and repair C2 by seni~orAir Force operational commander (NAFIJTF) Base Civil Engineer (Prime BEEF) rn Military and civilian force responsible to rn Provi~de,operate, sustain installation and infrastructure rn Provide full spectrum threat response with readiness, explosive ordnance disposal, and fire protection rn Military personnel postured as mobile Prime BEEF teams rn C2 by in~t~allationcommand authority (Wing) rn McChord-unique: operating global mission @ home station

RED HORSE Capability

Enables air loo wer projection anywhere, anytime

Modular 8 Scalable Forces 16 people - 12 hours ADVON Airfield surveys, layout, 148 people - 48 hours Airfields (L Cantonments Rapid Balanced construction/repair Engineer 120 people - 72 hours Deployable Heavy horizontal I light vertical Airfield repair and expansion Heavy 120 people - 72 hours Operational Heavy vertical I light horizontal Repair Building construction / utilities Squadron Engineer Total AF: 7 Squadrons / 2,893 Airmen Prime BEEF Capability

Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force Modular 8 Scalable Expeditionary Forces Base Operating Support Force Beddown, Recover, Sustainment Fire Protection Fire suppression, rescue, prevention, hazardous materials Explosive Ordnance Disposal Clearance operations, recovery, VIP SUDDO~~ Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Sustain operations in NBC environments, major accident and disaster response Total AF: 26,300 Airmen

Join f Engineer Capabilities

1 USAF 1 USA 1 USN / USMC I Combat Enpineerinp I I I I I

Construction Enmineerinp I I 1 1 I Airhld Repair I P I P I P I P I Alrlield Electrical I P IN' I N' 1 N' I

Ainrrfl Armsting Systems Airtieid Power Production EXPEDITIONARY Airhid Safety AIRFIELD OPERATIONS Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning 71 AF Englneers trained and equipped for airfield mission Train dally on specialty alrfield equipment in peacetime roles p = Primary Task Learn how to problem-solve unique situations S = Secondary Task Other Servlce Engineers not technically trained for airfleid mission = a Task OIF Overview

rn Executed $32911111 in construction .-aStood up 12 new bases - rn Expanded mission at all 10 existing bases on the peninsula rn Deployed over 1,500 additional civil engineers (4,500 total) rn Set up 4@seta or commercial HK set equivalents

8 Purchased approximately 17 HK set equivalent commercial alternative billeting sets (AFCAP, local purchase, trailer leases) rn Supported over 64,000 AF personnel rn Supported beddown of over 1,000 coalition aircraft

62 CES in Post-9/1 IWorld

8 In garrison - 1 base, 1 bosal 8 Rebuilt airfleld ($12.911 pavements, Sl.7M almeld lighting) S46M MILCON. S1CM IUFES 8 WMD pilot programllJoint Program Guardian rn Fire department accnditatlon

8 In expeditionary environment 8 2002: 8 67 Operations personnel to Thumrait, Oman for 136 days 8 46 Operations personnel to PSAB, KSA for 90 days 8 16 Finand opera,tlons personnel to Camp Doha, Kuwait for 136 days 8 4 EOD penonnel to Ali A1 Salem, Kuwalt for 136 days 2003: D 2 Raadiness penonnel to King Faisal AB, KSA for 136 days 8 62 Operations, Flre 8 EOD personnel to Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan for 120 days 8 2004: 8 14 Fire penonnel to Kandahar, Afghanistan for 90 days 8 6 EOD penonnel to A1 Dhafra, UAE for 90 days 8 19 Operations penonnel to Abu Ghraib, lraq for 90 days 8 2005: 8 4 €OD penonnel to Bagram, Afghanistan w 67 Operationa and fire protection personnel to Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan w 3 Operations pemonnel to Kirkuk. Iraq 8 26 Operations pmonnel to Al Taji and Balad, lraq