LGBTQIA+ Rights Justnow Timeline Cards Set
LGBTQIA+ Rights JustNow timeline cards set Created by: Annemarie Kelpe, Friederike Hobein, Sera Ria Gomes The “JustNow – A Toolbox for Teaching Human Rights” project is focused on the development of methodological-didactical materials relating to human rights education, combined with simulation games and diversity learning in non-formal and formal youth educational work. This timeline cards set focuses on teaching about the evolution of the LGBTQIA+ Rights (movement) through history up until today, covering some key milestones, leading figures, events, legislation and organizations. The cards can be used in history or civic education, or in other non-formal education settings. Where possible, it is advised that educators supplement the cards with local (history) examples. The cards were created using images and information researched online, with sources noted on the back of the cards. The cards are created for exclusively non-profit educational purpose and use, in classrooms or non-formal educational settings. Image source: Graphic created by Kayley Weinberg, 2014. Additional terms Cis-gender - people who identify with their birth sex and are aligned with gender constructs Transgender - people whose gender identity is different from their gender assigned at birth Queer - umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities and a sexual orientation, intentionally vague which allows different interpretations Intersex - People who are born with any of the several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones or genitals that do not fit the typical definitions of male or female bodies Asexual - People, who do not experience sexual attraction to anyone. Asexuality is more of a spectrum.
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