ANNEX to the Minutes of 27-28 Mai 2013

List of petitions declared admissible since the last meeting of the Committee on Petitions (24-25 April 2013)


1427-12 by Francesco Iurato (Italian), on cuts to the Erasmus programme 1428-12 by Nevin Colin (Irish), proposing a return to separate national currencies 1430-12 by Nicolas Berger (unspecified), on behalf of Amnesty International, on the impact of Europe's border control policies on the human rights of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers 1431-12 by Oisin Jones Dillon (Irish), on alleged discrimination against non-Maltese nationals in relation to the attribution of the European Health Insurance Card. 1433-12 by Max Turiel Ibáñez (Spanish), on behalf of 3 Dutch citizens, on a violation of Directive 2010/64/EU on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings 1436-12 by Olga Baltag (Moldovan), on alleged infringement by Hungary of the Schengen Agreement 1437-12 by Olga Baltag (Moldovan), on alleged infringement by of the Schengen Agreement 1439-12 by Antonio Jesús Fernández Luque (Spanish), on behalf of the City Council of Colmenar (Málaga), on the new EU-Morocco Agreement on agricultural, processed agricultural and fisheries products 1440-12 by R.I. (British), on the cartoons and films depicting Prophet Muhammad 1441-12 by Didier Malé (French), on a landfill site in Bois du Roi () 1442-12 by Massimiliano Masala (Italian), on social discrimination in the municipality of Genova (Italy) 1444-12 by Antonio Casarini (Italian), on the establishment of a single European passport 1445-12 by Umberto Mazziotti (Italian), on the right to vote of Italian seafarers 1446-12 by M.M. (French), on Development aid and its transparency 1447-12 by Mr Hadrien Lagneau (French), on Call for a legislative initiative for the EP 1449-12 by A.R. (Romanian), on alleged discrimination against in France 1450-12 by Walter Serpagli (Italian), on the sale of petrol for motor vehicles 1453-12 by R. B. (Italian), on equal opportunities for disabled people in Italy 1454-12 by William Sanders (British), on alleged discrimination in the student fees paid by English students in Scotland 1455-12 by V.J-K (Bulgarian), on EU rights for Bulgarians threatened in the UK 1458-12 by Paul Duvauchelle (French), objecting to the mandatory installation of black boxes in vehicles 1459-12 by Judith Klein (Hungarian) on behalf of Open Society Foundations, with the support of 12 associations, concerning the investment of EU funds in residential centres for the disabled in certain Member States of Central and Eastern Europe 1460-12 by Collettivo Carmen, (French association), on the extraction of shale gas in the department of Aisne (France) 1461-12 by Massimo Tendi (Italian), on discrimination in against citizens of EU Member States 1462-12 by Danièle Auclin and Jacqueline Thevenot (French), on behalf of Decavipec en Nièvre and 'Loire Vivante', on the establishment of an industrial zone in Sardy les Epiry and compliance with EU environmental legislation 1463-12 by Jean Jacquot Michel (French), on direct aid to French farmers 1464-12 by George Dupont (French), on the integration of people with disabilities in the French civil service 1466-12 by Franco Landini (Italian), on behalf of the company 'La Distributrice', on an illegal expropriation in relation to a private investment in Croatia 1467-12 by Mr. O.O. (Danish), on Suggestion for a Sakharov Prize nomination 1468-12 by Christiane Henker (German), on the situation of the Guarani-Kaiowá tribe in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil 1469-12 by Viegas Peres (Belgian), on the health hazards of pangasius fish 1471-12 by M. M. (Polish) concerning implementation of rules regarding paid leave for Polish workers in Finland 1472-12 by Dirk Scherer (German) concerning electoral fraud in 1473-12 by F. B. (German), concerning compensation for victims of crime 1474-12 by Isam Eshibani (German), on behalf of Libyans resident in Germany concerning the situation in Bani Walid (Libya) 1475-12 by H. H. (German), on alleged discrimination against pensioners in Germany 1476-12 by Silke Hofmann (German), concerning the hunting of birds in Malta 1477-12 by Lasse Schuldt (German), and five co-signatories, concerning summertime arrangements throughout the year 1478-12 by Daniel Brückner (German), concerning conservation status for a wildlife area in Germany 1479-12 by Clas Hillebrand (German), concerning the German translation of terminology with regard to smoking 1480-12 by O. K. H. K. (German), concerning compulsory reduction in the value of Greek Government loan stock held by small investors 1481-12 by Susanne Anzengruber (German), concerning dog fighting in Europe 1482-12 by Timo Müller (German), concerning excessive noise from air heat pumps 1485-12 by Vera Artz (German), concerning the refusal of a French university to recognise her qualifications 1486-12 by A.F. (Austrian), on the free movement of persons in Europe 1489-12 by M.R. (Dutch), on translation of her degree into a language other than German for recognition thereof 1490-12 by Gerrie Kok (Dutch), on recognition of his right to provide professional traffic guard services in Europe 1491-12 by I.I. (Bulgarian), on state aid to insurance companies 1496-12 by Z.K. (Greek), on Data protection 1497-12 by Juan Adolfo López Montes (Spanish), on behalf of Plataforma 'Salvemos la Rambla el Cañuelo', on the authorisation of quarrying activities in the 'rambla El Cañuelo' (Almería), allegedly infringing the Habitats Directive 1498-12 by Xesus Dominguez Dominguez (Spanish), on behalf of Coordenadora de Plataformas de Afectados pelas Participaçoes Preferentes e Obrigaçoes Subordinadas, bearing 43,000 signatures, on the fraudulent sale of risky financial instruments by banks in Spain 1499-12 by Georgeta Ionescu and Gabriel Sava (Romanian), on behalf of the Bârlad Citizens Action Group, bearing 21 700 signatures, on shale gas prospection and extraction activities in Bârlad () 1500-12 by Monika Kavecka, Jozefina Sukenikova, Peter Blasko (Slovak), on behalf of Zakladna odborova organizacia sestier a porodnych asistentiek pri FNsP Zilina, Zakladna Odborova organizacia FNsP Zilina a Slovenske lekarske odbory pri FNsP Zilina, bearing 3 signatures, on Working time and internal organisation of work in the FNsP Zilina 1501-12 by Paula Pereira (Portuguese), on Denied boarding by a Portuguese airline company TAP 1502-12 by Teresa Jakubowska (Polish), on shale gas prospecting and extraction in Poland 1503-12 by Santiago Carcas Cuartero (Spanish), on behalf of Asociación por la Recuperación de los Desaparecidos en el Franquismo, bearing 2 signatures, on the investigation of forced disappearances in Spain 1504-12 by Chantal Maynard (French), on dual taxation of her German pension entitlement 1505-12 by Ruth Wodak (unspecified), bearing 45 signatures, on combating racism, anti- Semitism, and xenophobia in Europe 1507-12 by Rosella Lucente (Italian), on the non-recognition of professional qualifications in Spain 1509-12 by Chimica Italiana, an Italian company, on the implementation of the 'Reach' regulation 1510-12 by Susan Fox (British), on behalf of The Isles Communities Turbine Action Campaign, on the imbalanced implementation of renewable energy policies across the 1513-12 by Elise De Brouwher (French), on behalf of the Lush Association, bearing 3255 signatures, on the banning of <BR>non-biodegradable plastic bags 1514-12 by José Félix Del Río Rosendi (Spanish), bearing 2 signatures, on the right of children with disabilities to receive appropriate treatment 1516-12 by Carmine Pirozzi (Italian), bearing eight signatures, on the building of a biogas plant in Eboli, province of Salerno (Italy) 1517-12 by G.S. (Italian), on the exclusion of Italian state maritime concessions from Directive 2006/123/EC 1518-12 by V.M. (Greek), on Outlaw the Greek neo Nazi party Hrysi Avgi 1519-12 by Lorenzo Croce (Italian), on a ban on advertising fur and leather clothing in the EU 1520-12 by Erik Dale (Norwegian), on Nobel Peace Prize 1522-12 by Pierre Perri (French), on restrictions on the use of diesel fuel 1525-12 by Fariborz Arya (French), on sanctions against the regime in Iran 1528-12 by Graham Smith (British), on Data protection to exclude business data 1529-12 by Andrew Fitzgerald (British), on alleged infringement by the UK of EU legislation on the free movement of persons 1530-12 by Trudy Carroll (Irish), on the creation of a central European database for missing and unidentified persons 1531-12 by Alain Saiche (French), on European Central Bank's monetary policy 1533-12 by Monika Pape (German), on flooding in her home as a result of drainage problems 1534-12 by Francisco Moreno Gayá (Spanish), on behalf of the City Council of Torrella (Valencia) and the Plataforma "No al Macrovertedero de Llanera de Ranes", bearing 2,457 signatures, on multiple irregularities related to a projected landfill in Llanera de Ranes, Valencia 1535-12 by Carlos Arribas Ugarte (Spanish), on behalf of Ecologistes en Acció - País Valencià, bearing 1,421 signatures, on the operation of the Urban Solid Waste Treatment Plant in Alicante, Spain 1536-12 by Maria Ángeles Helena Maldonado Granados (Spanish), on behalf of Plataforma por la Comarca de Antequera "NO AL ANILLO", on a projected railway test circuit in Antequera, Málaga 1537-12 by Graziella Zavalloni (Italian), on behalf of the Lega Abolizione della Caccia (Hunting Abolition League), against the use of live decoys in hunting 1538-12 by Ms Jeanne Zanella (French),on the budgetary stability pact and the extent to which it will undermine the fundamental rights of citizens 1539-12 by Chumber Ravinder Singh, (nationality unknown), on opportunities offered by Western Europe for integration of immigrants from Eastern Europe 1540-12 by Liz Gaffer (British), concerning changes to the common fisheries policy 1541-12 by Nicholas Crossin, (Irish and British) on alleged infringement by the French authorities of Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of freedom of movement and establishment in the Member States for EU citizens and their families 1542-12 by Denis Gallo (living in CR), on EU Identification card request 1543-12 by Mr Dorcas Makgato-Malesu (Botswana), on market access for ACP states under the European Union Trade Régime. 1544-12 by Mr Savvas Mikropoulos (Greek), on the role of the European Commission in relation to the financial assistance accorded to Greece. 1545-12 by Rafael Domínguez Romero (Spanish), on behalf of the Works Council of Mercasevilla, on the privatisation of Mercasevilla 1550-12 by Mr Hammann (German), on behalf of Euro Media Trade GmbH, on the refusal of the German authorities to recognise PayPal accounts 1551-12 by Frank Wegner (German), on the planned construction of an industrial estate in a nature corridor 1553-12 by Georg Kühn (German), on Form E 121 and his health insurance in Hungary 1554-12 by Eike Riemann (German), on a review of his punishment and transfer from a Spanish to a German prison 1555-12 by Helmut Wolfram (German), supported by 1 co-signatory, on behalf of the residents of the Kleedorf district in Bad Brambach, on the erection of wind turbines near a German residential area on the border with the Czech Republic 1556-12 by E. K. G-R (German), on cutting-off of electricity supplies by electricity companies in Germany 1557-12 by Vasile Capra (Romanian), on a dispute over an inheritance in Romania 1558-12 by Ria Hermanns (German), on alleged discrimination in connection with an application for a transport season ticket for pensioners 1559-12 by H. H. (German), on the requirement for foreign vessels to report their arrival in, and departure from, Croatian waters 1561-12 by Dariusz Cuiotucha (Polish), on Warsaw's planning policy casues green-lands' disappearance 1565-12 by Zbigniew Barski and Richard M. Kowalczuk (Polish) and two other signatories, on the project to construct a surface mining facility in Lubuskie Province, Poland 1566-12 by Szwagrun Janusz (Polish), on behalf of Poly-Service S.A., on Restrictions on import of goods and excessive administrative procedures 1569-12 by Mr Giorgios Toussas MEP (Greek), on an alleged environmental disaster in Ermionida (Peloponnese) 1570-12 by Giorgios Toussas and Angourakis Charalampos (Greek), on the request for the designation of the Municipality of Chios as a recipient of a rehabilitation programme under the EU solidarity fund. 1571-12 by V.G. (Hungarian), on disability allowances 1572-12 by K.V. (Hungarian), on the financial situation in Hungary 1574-12 by Marlies van Hoef (Dutch), on inequality in the award of European subsidies 1575-12 by Michael Maier (German), on noise nuisance from motor vehicles 1576-12 by Rolf Juschkewitz (German), on recognition throughout the EU of training as a nurse for the elderly and carer for the elderly 1577-12 by J.C. (British), on teeth whitening by non-dental cosmetic businesses in the United Kingdom 1578-12 by M. Moreau (French), on pollution of the Mediterranean by plastic waste 1579-12 by Alberto Lago González (Spanish), on behalf of Ferbal Agrícola SL, on the projected high-speed rail route between Murcia and Cartagena (Spain), which would negatively impact on a Natura2000 site 1582-12 by W. van Deijl (Dutch), on the detrimental influence of financial lobbies in the European Union 1583-12 by Nordine Gheraissa (French), on the lack of response from the French High Authority against Discrimination and for Equality and, more generally, on France's infringement of Directive 2000/43/EC against racial discrimination 1584-12 by Jurgis Andriuška (Lithuanian), on behalf of the association “Pozityvus gyvenimas” (Positive Life) on HIV prevention measures in Lithuania 1585-12 by Bernard Delforge (Belgian), on the amendment of European regulations concerning the assessment of genetically modified pesticide plants 1586-12 by M.J. (Iranian), on the recurrent lack of response from the UK Border Agency, potentially amounting to public maladministration and possible discrimination. 1587-12 by Hal Wilson (British), on alleged failure to comply with EU environmental legislation by Staffordshire County Council Planning department in relation to an application for the extraction of natural gas from land at Horton (Staffordshire, United Kingdom) 1588-12 by Eusebio de Blas Rivero (Spanish), on the discriminatory criteria used to calculate pension allowances in Spain 1590-12 by Jones-Dillon Oisin (Irish), on Discrimination of EU non-Maltese citizens in Malta 1591-12 by Matilde Ducco (Italian), on a ban on the import and production of palm oil in the European Union 1593-12 by Siegfried Teske (German), on behalf of Antennengemeinschaft Arzberg II e.V., on the collection of copyright dues by the German organisation GEMA 1594-12 by Heiner Schwab (German), on the establishment of a European patent court 1595-12 by Fritz Schnachtner (German), on unitary European patent protection 1596-12 by Lucie Haardt (German), on behalf of Jugendliche ohne Grenzen, supported by approximately 25 organisations and hundreds of co-signatories, on the human rights of refugees in Europe 1597-12 by Joachim Schroeder (German), on formal evaluation of professional qualifications 1598-12 by S. M. (German), on food labelling 1599-12 by Gianna Gérbrandt (German), on continuation of the VIA project in Mülheim (D) 1602-12 by Margot Mär (German), on problems in obtaining documents from Estonia 1603-12 by Ralf Friedrich (German), on the life cycle of electronic equipment 1604-12 by C. W. (German), on his old age pension 1605-12 by Matthias Ferrari (German), on compensation for delays in transferring telephone numbers 1606-12 by Oliver Koch (German), on a basic income for every EU citizen 1608-12 by T. H. (German), on developments in road haulage in Europe 1610-12 by Michael Leßmann (German), on the crisis in Greece 1613-12 by T. H. (German), on a subsidy for pig-keeping 1614-12 by B. M. (German), on the proposal for a regulation on noise-related operating restrictions at EU airports 1615-12 by Cäcilia Braun-Müller and Martina Braun (German), on behalf of KLB Diözesanverband Freiburg, on the establishment of a European patent court 1616-12 by Martina Schachtner (German), on the establishment of a European patent court 1618-12 by Jan Douwe Kooistra (Dutch), on the right to protection of personal data 1619-12 by Evelien Leloux (Dutch), on her problems with the Polish and Dutch tax authorities 1620-12 by Wim Hamhuis (Dutch), on safety in all EU Member States 1621-12 by Konstantin Krastev (Bulgarian), concerning compulsory vaccination in Bulgaria 1622-12 by Renata Nowosadzka (Polish), on Car taxation 1623-12 by Hieronim Więcek (Polish), concerning shale gas prospecting and extraction activities in Poland 1624-12 by Janina Rutkowska (Polish), concerning shale gas prospecting and extraction in the province of Warmia-Masuria in northern Poland 1625-12 by Magdalena Michalczyk (Polish), on Pet fur trade in the EU 1626-12 by Daniela Kosinski (Polish), on defending natural medicine 1627-12 by Kale Gábor (Hungarian), concerning an EU roadmap for equality irrespective of sexual orientation and gender identity 1629-12 by Csaba Gal (Hungarian), on alleged infringement of EU legislation by Law LVIII of 2012 concerning public servants 1630-12 by Mr Marios Achilleos (Cypriot), on a call for a new referendum for the reunification of Cyprus 1631-12 by Maria del Carmen Gómez Heredia (Spanish), on the theft of a newborn at a hospital in Spain and the failure of authorities to properly investigate the case 1632-12 by Mr Alain Mustière (French), on behalf of ACIPRAN, on the transfer of the airport Nantes Atlantique to the site of Notre Dame des Landes, a project with which his association is in favour; 1633-12 by Mara Bizzotto, Gino Agerde and Rosario Boschieri on behalf of the Comitato Libera informazione Radio Televisiva (Italian), bearing 11 432 signatures, on the conflict of the RAI TV (Italy) licence fee with EU law 1635-12 by Michele Sierchio (Italian), on the issuing of foreigner cards to Union citizens in Spain 1636-12 by B. M. (British), on Body scanners at the UK airports 1637-12 by Maria Gomes (nationality unknown), on behalf of the Luxembourg ‘Lanta’ organisation for relations between the Portuguese community and Guinea-Bissau, regarding the situation in Guinea Bissau 1638-12 by Pere Parés i Rosés (Spanish), on behalf of the City Council of El Masnou, on a motion in support of the independence of Catalonia 1643-12 by Joan Lluís Pineda i Garcia (Spanish), on the status of Catalan people if Catalonia becomes independent 1644-12 by Alberto Puglia (Italian), on problems with his health insurance in Germany 1645-12 by Mr Bruno Genty (French), on behalf of six environmental associations including France, Nature Environnement, SOS Loire Vivante Ligue de la Protectuion des Oiseaux and Eaux et Rivières de Bretagne, on their opposition to the construction of an airport at Notre Dame des Landes. 1647-12 by Achim and Cornelia Schifferdecker (German), supported by 1113 co-signatories, on alleged incorrect implementation of Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 in Germany List of petitions to be reopened, closed or withdrawn under the Annex to Chair notes

Petitions to be re-opened, on the basis of new information:

Petition 0295/2005by James Lunney (Irish), on behalf of the Nevitt Lusk Action Group against a Superdump, on a proposed landfill facility, on the basis of new information from petitioner;

Petition 1468/2010 by 'R.B.W.' (French), on double taxation on the part of the French authorities, based on information from Permanent Representation of France.

Petitions to be closed:

Petition 1031/2012 by Krystian Poplawski (Polish), on his dissatisfaction with the outcome of his complaint to the European Ombudsman and his claim that it does not comply with the provisions of the European Code of Good Administrative Behaviour, on the basis of Ombudsman's decision;

Petition 1214/2012 by Mr Joe Walker (Irish citizen), on the use of bigoted and sectarian language used by Mr Nick Griffin MEP on his twitter account, on the basis of letter from the President of the European Parliament;

Petition 1240/2012 by Birgit Kunze and Elisabeth Mürl (German), bearing 3 signatures, on equal treatment for women in chambers of commerce where membership is compulsory, based on the reply of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (07.05.2013);

Petition 1314/2012 by Irina Vladimirovna Ziboreva (Russian), on discrimination on the basis of nationality in a custody battle - petitioner informed the secretariat that her case has been solved and that her petition can be closed.

Petitions to be withdrawn:
