4040 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SSouthouth BBeltelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, January 12, 2017 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 41, No. 49 Dobie parent meeting set Dobie High School will hold a parent night Thursday, Jan. 12, in the auditorium at 6:30 p.m. for incoming freshmen for the 2017-2018 Almeda Macy’s stays; Pasadena goes school year. School offi cials say they cannot ex- nate more than 10,000 jobs – 3,900 directly re- is pleased with the announcement. press enough the importance of this meeting, as By James Bolen tive or are no longer robust shopping destina- The Macy’s Almeda Mall location was spared tions due to changes in the local retail shopping lated to the closures and an additional 6,200 due “We are delighted the Macy’s list has been they will share important course registration in- to company restructuring. published, and as we expected, the Almeda formation with parents and students before they closure this past week when the retail giant an- landscape,” Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren said in nounced the sites of 68 stores it plans to close a statement. Opened in 1962, the 209,000-squre-foot Pasa- Macy’s is not part of the nationwide store clos- register for classes for the upcoming school dena Town Square Macy’s will account for 78 ings,” Felton said. “Macy’s has always shown year. There will be an update on the new fresh- this year in an effort to cut costs amid lower The announcement came fresh on the heels sales.