Division of Organic Chemistry ________oc. toh. er. 1.99.s _ Office of the Secretary-Treasurer American Chemical Society Department of Chemistry, University of North Texas NT Station, Box 305070 Denton, TX 76203-5070 http://www.chem.unt.edu/acs Tel: (940) .565-3823 Website: Fax: (940) 369-7374 • (940) 565-4318 Email:
[email protected] Executive Committee Councilors Alternate Councilors Dale Poulter, Chair Anthony W. Czarnik Michael P. Doyle Victor Snieckus M. Ross Johnson, Chair-Elect Philip DeShong Joseph J. Gajewski Cynthia A. Maryanoff Cynthia A. Maryanoff, Past Chair Norman Jensen Thomas R. Hoye Craig S.Wilcox Alan P. Marchand, Secretary-Treasurer Ruth Wexler Kathy Parker Amy Trainor Stan S. Hall, National Program Chair Stephen F. Martin Steven D. Burke, 36th NOS Executive Officer Iwao Ojima ./ Members of the Division of Organic Chemistry • Daniel S. La, Boston College, Boehringer-Ingelheim Fellow; You are invited to attend the National meetings of the ACS and Professor Amir H. Hoveyda, Research Advisor. present contributed papers (oral or poster). Instructions for • Stephanie A. Lodise, University of Pennsylvania, Bristol submission of papers are at the end of this letter in the section Myers Squibb Fellow; Professor Amos B. Smith, Ill, Research entitled "Information for Authors of Papers." Please read them Advisor. carefully. Submissions should arrive by the indicated deadline for • Eric S. Meadows, Washington University, St. Louis, Procter & each meeting, which are published in the membership newsletter and Gamble Company Fellow; Professor George W. Gokel, Re C&E News (January and July) and posted on the ACS Website: search Advisor http://www.chemcenter.org.