Copyrighted Material
Index A Hungary, 132 India, 139–141 Access Business Group, 5, 161 Japan, 133–136 Airplane Game (pyramid scheme), 64 Korea, 136–137 Alticor Inc., 1, 5, 12, 161 Malaysia, 138–139 Amway Poland, 132, 141–142 Artistry (facial skin care and cos- Russia, 142–143 metics line), 5, 158 Thailand, 88 business model, 6–8 United Kingdom, 61 criminal indictments against, in Vietnam, 137–138 Canada, 82 factory fi re, 55–56 early years, 25–44 50th anniversary celebration, xi–xiv changing direction, 30 formation of partnership of DeVos failure, learning from, 27–30 and Van Andel, 15–24 fi rst attempts, 25–27 future of, 177–181 learning COPYRIGHTEDthe ropes, 36–37 MATERIAL lawsuits against, 11 Nutrilite, 31–43 BERR (England), 105, 163–166 expansion, 60–61, 88, 131–152 Canada, 80–84 Australia, 61 class action suit by former China, 145–152 Quixtar distributors, 175 eastern Europe, 141–142 FTC, 63–73 Germany, 131–132 Procter & Gamble, 109–117 215 bbindex.inddindex.indd 221515 66/15/11/15/11 111:54:451:54:45 AAMM 216 INDEX Amway (Continued) Avon Products Inc., and Avon brand, State of Wisconsin, 78–80 9, 62, 88–89, 150, 152 TEAM class-action suit, 173–175 national TV campaign and PR B blitz, 12–13, 170–171 Believe! (DeVos), 7 Nutrilite (dietary supplement line), BERR (England), case against 5, 31–43 Amway, 105, 163–166 debate over structure, 38–42 Beveridge, Frank Stanley, 59 “the Plan,” unveiling, 45–56 Biggart, Nicole Woolsey, 9, 136 humble beginnings, 46–47 Blakely, G. Robert, 113 opportunity meeting, 49–51 Bosscher, Jim, 26 the Plan, 47–49 Brady, Chris, 173–174 protecting the lines of Branson, Richard, 2 sponsorship, 51–54 Britt, Bill, 97, 128, 140, 159–160 political involvement, 119–130 class-action lawsuit against, 98–99 Amway’s infl uence, 127–129 Britt, Peggy, 97, 128, 140 contributions to conservative Buffett, Warren, 2 groups, 119 Bush, George H.
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