General Index
General Index abandonment 7, 53, 63, 75, 93, 108–110, 115, and his son-in-law Phrixus 84 145–149, 154–165, 171, 174–175, 182n21, as paterfamilias 62n2 193–197 in Apollonius 48n30, 52n47, 56n59, 61, see also relicta 64, 75, 249 Absyrtus 54, 61, 63–64, 69, 72n28, 76 in Ovid 52n47 Accius 72n28 in Pacuvius 56n60, 72n28 Achaeans 2, 197 Aeneas 5, 42n5, 79–81, 176, 235, 267n39 Acherras 220 and his father Anchises 3, 50 Achilles 128n22, 235 and his fiancée/wife Lavinia 4, 67, and his father Peleus 174–175, 177, 179, 139n66, 252n12, 270 185, 188, 192 and his guest/host/lover Anna 139, 269, and his father-in-law Lycomedes 174–175, 271 183n27, 186–187, 190–191 and his host/lover/wife Dido 43, 67– and his foster-father Chiron 7, 174–175, 70, 85, 98, 101, 107–108, 139, 145–146, 177–183, 185, 187, 190, 192, 199–200, 202, 154, 157–158, 160, 162n54, 167–168, 184, 204–205 269 and his lover Briseis 146–147, 174, 194– and his mother Venus 109 197 and his son Ascanius 3 and his lover Helen 174, 195 and his wife Creusa 67, 160 and his lover Medea 174, 195 Aeolus 33n83 and his mother Thetis 174–182, 184–193, Aeson 198–202 and his brother Pelias 49, 53, 57 and his son Neoptolemus 146, 163, 174, suicide of 242 192 Africa 213, 222 and his wife Deidamia 145–147, 162–164, Agamemnon 2, 197 174–175, 177, 184n31, 186, 193–197 Agave 51n42, 128n26 as would-be son of Jupiter 174 Ager Falernus 220 disguised as his ‘sister’ 174–175, 184–186, Aglauros 139 189, 200, 203 Agrippa 46 education of 7, 175, 178–183, 187–192, 200, Agrippina the Elder 202, 204–206 and her sister-in-law
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