The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands the Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands the Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 1

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The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands the Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands the Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 1 DOCKETED Docket 17-IEPR-10 Number: Project Title: Renewable Gas TN #: 219800 Document Title: Steve Jones Comments Example of a national scheme to link gas and electricity using renewable hydrogen Description: N/A Filer: System Organization: Steve Jones Submitter Role: Public Submission 6/19/2017 12:54:05 PM Date: Docketed Date: 6/19/2017 Comment Received From: Steve Jones Submitted On: 6/19/2017 Docket Number: 17-IEPR-10 Example of a national scheme to link gas and electricity using renewable hydrogen The document attached to this message shows a national plan from Holland to create a renewable hydrogen system that links the electricity and gas sectors seamlessly. This type of approach leverages existing gas assets and uses them strategically to avoid curtailment of renewable electricity and achieve zero carbon energy transitions for the gas, heat, transportation and chemical feedstock industries simultaneously. Hydrogen energy storage, Power to gas, is the ONLY way to impact all of these sectors at the same time. ITM Power urges California to include hydrogen as a renewable gas, include it int he workshop discussions and create a framework to allow projects to be built that show the benefits of this technology in California. Thank you, Stephen Jones - ITM Power Additional submitted attachment is included below. The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 1 In Short Green hydrogen will facilitate the energy transition in terms of chemistry, transportation and electricity. It is necessary for the realization of the Paris climate goals, as well as to make the economy stronger and greener. The Northern Netherlands is uniquely positions to develop a green hydrogen economy because of its large-scale green electricity production (especially offshore wind), its knowledge infrastructure, its large-scale chemical cluster, its importation of green electricity and its existing gas infrastructure, which can be retrofitted easily and cheaply to transport green hydrogen. Toyota Mirai, hydrogen fuel cell vehicle A high-level roadmap has been developed in conjunction with industry, researchers and various levels of government. This roadmap still needs to be worked out in detail in a masterplan, a process which will be led by an influential Green Hydrogen Ambassador. 2 Noordelijke Innovation Board The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 3 Executive Summary This fits into broader international endeavors as put forward in the Paris agreement to mitigate greenhouse gas-induced climate change. Such a radical change towards a carbon emission free economy by 2050 requires a mentality By 2050, shift toward embracing the need for radical transformations in the energy system because the Netherlands incremental changes alone will not be sufficient. The Northern Netherlands is facing not only the is aiming to urgent need to move towards a carbon emission free economy but also the urgent need to reduce gas production because of the gas extraction- achieve a carbon induced earthquakes. However, the Northern Netherlands is uniquely positioned to provide an excellent opportunity to contribute to a carbon emission free emission free economy while simultaneously reducing gas extraction-induced earthquakes. economy. Developing a green hydrogen economy could eventually replace the natural gas economy in the Northern Netherlands. It will take courage and perseverance to shift mentalities in order to realize such a drastic transformation. 4 Noordelijke Innovation Board The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 5 1 Green hydrogen (H2) will play an important future role in a sustainable energy system: A Green hydrogen By enabling large- scale, efficient renewable electricity B empowers integration Through worldwide G transportation By helping and distribution of a sustainable to decarbonize renewable energy building heating across sectors and energy system regions worldwide C F Through hydrogen By serving storage and buffering as a feedstock to increase system for industry resilience E D By decarbonization By decarbonizing of industrial transportation energy use 6 Noordelijke Innovation Board The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 7 2 The Northern Netherlands is uniquely positioned to develop a green hydrogen economy because: The Northern A B C The Paris Agreement has The Slochteren gas field has There is a large future supply Netherlands is made the realization of a fully contributed to a strong gas of electricity from Norwegian sustainable energy system industry being located in hydropower, Danish wind and inevitable. In the Northern the Northern Netherlands. Dutch and German offshore uniquely positioned Netherlands, the need for This industry could switch to wind, whereas the electricity this change is even more hydrogen with relative ease transport grid already has to develop a pronounced because of the as the required knowledge, limited inland capacity today. earthquakes due to natural gas infrastructure and industrial extraction operations. activities for both gasses are green hydrogen fairly comparable. economy D E Chemical and agricultural Rapid development of electric companies present in the transportation with batteries Northern Netherlands could and hydrogen fuel cells in profit from a green hydrogen Europe is creating extra supply in combination with a demand for green hydrogen, green syngas (synthesis gas) especially in neighboring and green carbon dioxide Germany. supply. 8 Noordelijke Innovation Board The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 9 A green hydrogen economy encompasses production, markets, infrastructure and Ameland solar farm societal aspects 10 Noordelijke Innovation Board The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 11 Hydrogen pipeline to Delfzijl and 4,000 MW offshore wind Rotterdam, Limburg, and Germany 1,000 MW electrolysis hydrogen production Hydrogen trading platform 1,000 MW biomass gasification Hydrogen harbor facilities in Eemshaven 100 solar-hydrogen smart areas 5 hydrogen distribution centers 3 Production Infrastructure A green hydrogen economy can only be realized when green hydrogen production, markets, infrastructure and societal aspects are developed interdependently. Green Hydrogen During an initial phase, the following projects, activities and Economy systems – described in the scheme on the next page – must be achieved in the Northern Netherlands by as early as 2025 or by 2030 at the latest. Although all of these projects are important, the projects that can most meaningfully accelerate the green hydrogen economy are large-scale green hydrogen production by electrolysis Markets Society and biomass gasification in combination with retrofitted gas pipelines to transport the hydrogen to be used as a feedstock in the (petro)chemical industry in Delfzijl and in Rotterdam, Limburg and/or Germany. Using the existing gas infrastructure to transport hydrogen has the advantage that it can be provided to existing 300,000 tons green methanol and Zero emission public transportation hydrogen feedstock markets at low costs. The transportation of 300,000 tons green ammonia in Delfzijl (busses, trucks, trains, ferries) hydrogen via retrofitted gas pipelines therefore offers a unique opportunity for a second life for the gas infrastructure. Ammonia-hydrogen Magnum power plant Hydrogen trade fair and exhibition 100 H2 fueling stations in the Hydrogen regulatory framework Northern Netherlands Green hydrogen certificates 5 hydrogen fuel cell balanced data centers 3 hydrogen innovation/startup centers 12 Noordelijke Innovation Board The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 13 4 Through these projects, activities and systems in the period between 2017 and 2030, about 270,000 tons of hydrogen (38 petajoules) will be Large-scale produced annually in the Northern Netherlands. green hydrogen This large-scale hydrogen production is necessary to realize low hydrogen production costs of 2 to 3 euros per kilogram, which is production is more or less competitive with present fossil-based hydrogen prices. However, the emerging markets for hydrogen in mobility (modes of transportation with hydrogen fuel cells) and grid balancing can necessary to realize a by no means absorb this hydrogen volume. The main markets for hydrogen are the feedstock markets in the chemical and the dedicated hydrogen petrochemical industries. In the Netherlands, the total hydrogen market is about 2,100,000 tons. In the Northern Netherlands, the existing chemical industry can produce green ammonia and green infrastructure methanol by using large quantities of green hydrogen. Hydrogen transportation facilities also need to be developed, including gas pipelines retrofitted into dedicated hydrogen pipelines to Rotterdam, Limburg and Germany which connect to the existing (petro)chemical hydrogen markets. Harbor facilities for hydrogen import and export worldwide by ship is a next step in hydrogen infrastructure development. These facilities can only be realized and run economically if a sufficiently large volume of hydrogen is being produced. However, such large hydrogen production volumes will only be achieved if there is a dedicated hydrogen infrastructure, trading opportunities and access to these markets. 14 Noordelijke Innovation Board The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands 15 Hydrogen production and consumption in tons 270,000 270,000 Total hydrogen Total
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